I have pulled way back during this time to do intense Galactic Work for us all. Once we moved into the Galactic Core, the depths of where we go now is beyond profound and very deep to clear the debris of lower vibrational everything there. The energies there are beyond intense and quite overwhelming to take myself into to do these transmutations and restorations. They take my entire physical structure, for through our Crystalline Gridwork we have the capability to go through the light into anywhere we desire (or are taken) and the ability to clear wherever we go. There is deep trauma there, much sadness, pain, anger and heavy discord. While I can consciously maintain my space here, the strength of those energies when I take my consciousness there to work to clear these pockets, railways and spaces are beyond intense. I've repeatedly gone through the "I'm done" and "I don't want to be a Wayshower or do this anymore" and just want to go have fun like others, but that is not what I signed up for/agreed to as a Galactic Soul here. These "abilities" to do this for all of us are a huge gift. Here we do not waste anything. We understand the importance of all. To work in these other dimensions/realities intentionally benefits us all here. It removes/clears/transforms all that affects every dimension/timeline. It's just one part of my/our contribution to humanity, amongst everything else we do that others don't see. The ability to work intentionally in every dimension in the waking one (sleep too) and still produce work is a balancing act for sure! This intense Galactic Consciousness work dominates right now, yet I must keep up with dedicated physical reality work as well. This has been a huge struggle to maintain until we emerge in the next few days/week or so. We anchor through mid-January, yet this time is much different than ever before. The magnitude is astounding. Just observe the other physical dimensions out there to see the increasing collapse since the structures for the old dimensions of consciousness were removed. All of us working intentionally affect each timeline/collective/parallel by that which we hold and do. There is much unraveling at an exponential rate while all new amazing realities continually unfold. This is the continual re-aligning and merging of multiple dimensions now. Sleeping is beyond important right now. It allows the collapsing timelines to clear and for you to connect/work in the other dimensions and anchor more of these cosmic light realities here. The physical body needs so very much love, nurturing and care. Quiet time, silence is beyond sacred as we expand beyond this physical existence here to do in a multitude of timelines/realities/dimensions through our consciousness now. Things are all over the place with continually shifting energies and mega blasts of gamma/crystalline/solar light. We are upgrading at an exponential rate and keeping up right now is taking total focus and letting go of that which is not supporting what we are doing right now. When it shifts, I get busy and work in the physical, while other times I must push through too. So, I love you guys immensely and look forward to connecting for upcoming events. I am honored every time I can speak to assist through sharing ancient knowledge brought forth to assist us all. Re-Educating according to the higher realms and dis-spelling old limited human beliefs by providing that which is true through higher light evolution is important to us all. Remember, your reality is the one you participate in, entertain and believe. More than ever, it's important to look at external realities and choose your belief. Where you put your thoughts, were you put your energy, where you keep something going... this is yours. Where you take your energy and all that you have access to and use it to create/be the change, transform all into the light, support others doing the same, get in there where you can and do something that feeds your own heart... this is what makes a difference. This and pulling away to honor you first... you "do" when you have the energy and have raised your vibration from the inside out, utilized nature and slept to clear/activate new timelines to arrive in your physical here. The rest is up to you. What you do with your energy matters. I love love love you! Thank YOU to everyone for all that you do too! This is all of us. ONE again. Keep supporting each other and coming together in light. Open hearts, open minds and focused intentional creation energy. We do all of this to anchor more of our amazing NEW EARTH REALITIES here! ♥ Now, for those who may be experiencing this too, yet didn't understand what was up... if this resonates, then know you are doing a HUGE amount of work while you sleep. The word were that we have now been granted access/permission to be able to do this, because we've achieved the level of purity, strength and honor from within and through our Crystalline Structures that we've upgraded and the amount of Light WE hold at all times now. These energies are beyond challenging still, so honor you and what feels appropriate for you. Anything that emerges is yours and the collectives you belong to. I will intentionally clear for both the moment I experience anything here. This is different. This is moving through multiple planes through consciousness and not being limited to this one right here. It is restoring love and balance to areas that were at war and held much discontent. It takes total consciousness to be able to do all and stay balanced in this physical one. p.s. For all of the emails and requests asking for things.... I can't do for everyone while I do this. I focus my energy on extremely limited physical commitments and the rest to the work I do in all other dimensions takes all my energy right now. It's been this way for years. I share freely and abundantly for all through various outlets to assist. Thank you for understanding and I will get caught up where I can! Hoping to get new videos out this next week or so too! In one moment, I have a huge burst of energy and can produce. The next moment wiped and have to pull away. This increases in magnitude as we work energetically here. These energy fluxuations shall continue to increase, then stabalization, then start again. Navigating and maneuvering is how we flow here. We have to acclimate to handle it within our own physical structure, which takes total dedication and commitment on our part. Sometimes are easy, others take everything we've got. Flowing with it all!!!!!! This is how we do it. As Energy!!! I love you!!!
There was much separation, much pain created from the point of creation through the fall of consciousness to all of our existences and selves... Galactic, God, Christed, Angelic, LeMUrian, Atlantean, Human... all. Your choice to incarnate on Unconscious Earth to clear for all existences, Ancient and Human, is truly honored, respected and appreciated from the depths of the Galactic Core, for your dedicated service for all. You've "earned" your "badge of honor" for your selfless dedication, commitment and human sacrifice to bring all through. To the Other Side To NEW Earth Into the Heavens and Other Galaxies too Your dedication as Love and to BEING the Purity of Light With little or no reward Your hard work now pays off For you have transcended the human experience Never to have to return To the frequencies of the old Your commitment to go within and to assist others ready too Created the limitless abundance that now comes to you You've proven through continual initiations Your honor, integrity and love You put your mission first Which is required by all You did not falter You did not give in You kept going no matter what Your selfless service drove you Which is what brings all of humanity through Most will never realize How much you've dedicated and truly done To you, this doesn't matter For to BE on NEW Earth Means you've finally accomplished what you came here for You transcended the separation and battle of the "dark" and "light" You've cleansed your cells, your soul, your heart back into purity again You've done what has never been completed before For all of existences and times What comes now is your "reward" All you've worked so hard for All you've waited for and desire Is NOW possible With your Embodiment of Light Let the tears of accomplishment flow Let the last bit of any struggle go Let unification of all of your aspects now occur Let all come to you now To support you as an Ancient Here to bring HUmanity through Continue to share your knowledge and your heart For the gifts now begin That which you came here to do Becomes visible to all NOW The separation of all existences, blood/ley lines are now done All that you held within your cellular memory Is now cleansed and gone Now you exist fully in purity and span all dimensions as ONE Your return to your ancient and royal lineages as a Galactic, Christed BEing God, as LeMUrian, Atlantean, Human Now integrated into one Wear this "Badge of Honor" Humbly, proudly and in appreciation for what now comes Now you emerge in a world that you deserve and have waited for Now there is always peace, always unity, always support, always love Now, WE as an Ancient Family/Civilization come together again Now, in these Ascended Vibrations You need never return You've done it You've become fully conscious, returned to Mastery as your Higher Selves Now you hold the status of "The Known" Now it shall be much easier to fulfill your missions, purposes and roles For that which you hold inside of you Are the KEYS to Humanity's Ascension and passage HOME WE thank you now and bring forth your support you've earned Your Divine Royal Bloodlines are NOW returned To me, through me, for me, as me for all In utter and complete appreciation and love, The Ancestors From the Galactic Core Mother Father God The Angelic Realm Lisa Transcendence Brown Author, WayShower, Light Embodiment & NEW Earth Physical Ascension Guide www.AwakeningToRemembering.com p.s. This message came from within me to me as I went through my own unification today. The message was this is also to be shared with all. So I honor and do so here. I will write on the clearings of the last few days that led up to this unification within myself individually and collectively as one here. It is long, yet important, because of the programs and energies that presented at the time. I'll post it separately with a link below here when I complete it. Aloha Nui Loa! ♥ Advanced New Earth Humans: We are the crystal grid keepers of our New Earth realities now.12/23/2015 Within our Crystalline LightBody Structures we hold the ancient knowledge and holographic light keycodes for all of HUmanity here. It is through our EMBODIMENT of LIGHT that we activate this knowledge to share with all. It is through our continual dedication to fulfill our soul purposes and galactic missions that we are able to activate this within ourselves to share to assist, guide and connect up AS THE UNIFIED FIELD as ONE CONSCIOUSNESS to hold the CRYSTALLINE MATRIX GRIDWORK in place for all. WE ARE the Gridwork of NEW Earth. We link up to all ancient power centers here and receive/transmit simultaneously as these frequencies are transmitted from every CRYSTAL and CRYSTAL CITY hidden beneath the earth and above. Our bodies, a framework of crystals that activate these holographic keycodes and evolve with the Sacred Chrysted Cosmic Light that activates every moment of each day, take these frequencies and WE, AS ANCHOR POINTS, hold the NEW EARTH HOLOGRAM in place. As we move about, the external hologram is changed. It is US that transmits the hologram NOW. WE are RESPONSIBLE for all of HUmanity from inside of us. Every one of us. WE ARE NEW EARTH NOW. The RESPONSIBILITY of NEW Earth rests upon and within each one of us. What we DO, what we SAY, what we THINK, what we ALLOW... This is great responsibility and to step into your roles, you must take this seriously and make it your priority NOW. This is not upon another, this is upon you. What you support, where you put your energy, how you use your resources, what your priority is in your own world/universe. YOU. The physical reality you experience is a materialized frequency bandwidth all based upon what you believe and participate in. The cyclical feedback is between your physical body and that huge 'big screen projector' that you call reality out there. That projector changes the program/play as you change your frequencies yourself. Your honoring and assisting these Crystalline LightBody upgrades will speed up your ability to walk further on NEW Earth. If you wake up and look out there and expect the same Old Earth, this is what you will see and experience, for your projection of expectation is what you experience in your physical reality world. As you open your heart, stay present and aware, as you open your mind to more than you would have before, as you release the limits of needing things your way, AS you contribute to transformational change, as you focus your energy on KNOWING from your heart and recognizing an old program when it starts to play inside your body, you can change the frequency through your own MASTERY and watch the outcome change in response. Your DESIRE from inside is how you do this. Your KNOWING without needing proof before you DO. Your doing what your higher-self-heart knows is what makes the difference here. What you DO, and what you are here to DO, are most important here. In these higher realms, these higher frequency bandwidths, there are physical realities where PERFECTION already exists. It's up to you to come to exist in this place again. You do this by honoring from within you. In every moment. You must open your heart to BE here, you must stand in your POWER too. Both are required as you merge your Divine Feminine and Masculine aspects within you. WE are the KEEPERS of ancient knowledge NOW. WE come forth more with every Cosmic Christed (Crystalline) upgrade embodied within every one of our cells. This knowledge streams through our Crystalline LightBodies with the PURITY OF SOURCE LIGHT. This is not "one day" anymore. This is NOW. We've been upgrading for years in preparation for this. Many more are upgrading and going through their intensity now to clear the physical human density illusory programs that they once believed too. Transcending an entire human experience is a bigger experience than many comprehended before. As Light BEings all join and work together as ONE. Separation gone, now all is just an obsolete program that clears cellular memory as you work in-service. You've achieved the ability to change illusions intentionally, understanding that the hologram is yours and that through the Embodiment of Light, your hologram now delivers that to you according to what you produce, share and transmit out. You've released the limits of the old by holding onto "yours". You've come to honor above all and let all go that is not in alignment with higher light existence in your own physical reality world. You finally realized that allowing the old held you to an old frequency bandwidth reality and you transcended the separation in your world by loving all for their purposes they served and you moved on. You let go. You did not need the experience to understand anymore. This is beyond beautiful to do with an open heart. You were able to leave the old without putting the walls up or holding onto old holographic imprints you called memories before. Your ability to work with holographic realities from within you, intentionally projecting new holograms and dissolving old ones is one of your MASTERY SKILLS. You have many with your ability to hold light. Dissolving old illusions and intentionally projecting into the perception of the future is another ability you COMMAND. As you are no longer the Old Earth human. You are an integrated Light Hybrid called the ADVANCED NEW EARTH HUman. Your genetic coding has been restored to your original template that is pure. Your human body reconstructs itself by releasing the old imprints now. You've fulfilled your purpose of the Old Earth human and you've moved onto fulfilling your NEW EARTH purposes NOW. The Old Earth mentality consciousness may still try to project fear of what is to come. These evolving light Being are working to transcend old program bandwidths of consciousness to clear their own lineage timelines and that which they held within as well. Anytime you see or hear from a place of protection, this is an old timeline. It's up to you to identify and switch timelines by not participating in the old fear based illusions anymore. Those realities run in a loop of auto-programmed fear-based imprints that are no longer true for those now moving beyond. The need to protect or blame feeds lack-of-power consciousness and is the response of one that has given their power away and is still working to reclaim this from within. When you believe the old fear-based-scenarios, these become your physical realities again. Standing in INNER POWER is a MASTERY SKILL as well, rather than giving in to old human programs. Once this occurs, peace and freedom become one's new way of being on NEW EARTH here. Here, there is nothing to protect ourselves from. Those were our created realities for our own human experiences here. As you work with this new framework, you see all of the alternate realities available now. You are the anchor of the new realities for all now. Each light being now has the ability within them to see the NEW CIVILIZATIONS already formed. You can see what has already occurred, which gives you the capability to assist in what needs to be done. Just by being, you transmit these codes to all. When you speak, connect, share, you assist all. In your sleep state you are working in every dimensional reality that is not in your visible physical one. You are DOING in all others what needs to be done for all to converge in your physical one. Sleep is the gift that allows you to do what you cannot do in a waking state. Your consciousness dictates how much you can do this with awareness and participate with intention. The rest will clear timelines you held within your old earth body structure energetically and physically. You need not focus on this part, as you will be shown what you need to see. The rest is no longer important. Your body upgrades in light and new programming is activated when you sleep as well. You connect with other Souls/LightBeings here. Sleep is a gift. Utilize it. The more you embrace, the more you allow, the more you open totally up and let go, rest/relax, the more you listen, the more you choose, the more you focus on your Embodiment of Higher Light and honor your process, the easier all becomes, the more you come online to BE ON NEW EARTH at all times NOW. Your human aspect is your limit, so identify this within you. Love it for fulfilling it's purpose and release it from it's need to be in charge anymore. Recognize when it goes into old programmed illusions and beliefs. You have the POWER to OVERRIDE it with your HEART-KNOWLEDGE BELIEFS. All of this is inside of you. Where you hold back you allow yourself to become a small human and forget again. REMEMBER YOUR POWER and the Pure Divine Essence LOVE that you are. Anything less is an old program that has been rendered obsolete the moment you become conscious of it. You have more power than you ever knew. It comes from inside of you as you commit and invest in you and realize that every conscious choice moment you are in-service here. HOLD THE LIGHT and the rest will upgrade/arrive for you. Change your perceptions. Expand your heart and mind yourself. You need not wait for anything anymore. Everything is HERE NOW. Your beliefs and conscious actions are what cause instant materialization in your physical reality for you. Challenge your own beliefs and mentalities in every moment. You are in total command. You always have been. The only difference in old earth and NEW Earth is your own consciousness. ♥ You are a Crystal, a transmitter and as you determine what you are willing to receive, you tune your own self as a crystal. As you focus on receiving light and integrating it into your crystalline structure you in turn transmit your new. Every bit of this is you. ♥ I love you! ♥ (Excerpt from upcoming book) Lisa Transcendence Brown (Ithara) ☼ Ascended Master WayShower, Author, NEW Earth Existence Sharings, Transformational Speaker, Light Embodiment & Empowerment Physical Ascension Guide (all from within) www.AwakeningToRemembering.com Updates via the Public Page: https://www.facebook.com/LisaTranscendenceBrown Purchase Books: https://www.awakeningtoremembering.com/books.html Re-Calibration of all of our aspects/bodies to a much higher existence here... We been going through a HUGE Crystalline LightBody/Human body re-calibration for the last two days where our crystal structures have been taken offline in cycles, which is quite bizarre to feel and experience what it was like to be human again, before my Crystalline LightBody structure was brought online for my first Multi-Dimensional merge in 2011. It takes awhile for our body to go from human to LightBody to Crystalline LightBody to Living Organism Crystalline LightBody Ancient/Galactic Merge. Embodiment is awesomely bizarre as we move the intensity of the physical upgrades out. Then all is just an energetic existence here. Back then I could not have understood any of this within my limited-expanding awakening awareness. Experiencing is how we truly understand all here. All I knew was I had been working on myself intentionally and intensely for a solid 2 years, going through my whole reality being re-routed in an opposite direction of what I thought we were here for and when I was "only human", before I was intentionally conscious and became a seeker of knowledge/understanding in 2009. I only mention this for a reference point in how we evolve as we go through the Light Embodiment process and our physical body structures go through this tremendous upgrade/evolves over "time". It IS a process, as it takes time for the inside of the body to completely rework how it functions and for all of the crystals inside to activate, program, form. Every particle of our physical body has to be upgraded, every system, every structure. The amount of crystals inside our physical body structure and what looks like a fiber optic cabling system as they twinkle and transmit, and all of this information runs through our body at the speed of light, literally.... unbelievable and mind-blowing is an understatement. Yesterday, physically outside and inside of me both felt very "old" human, yet I was fully conscious and aware and walking around in this strangeness. The fact that there was no expansion into the gazillion dimensions I live in (and out there) from inside, in the waking state, was "old"... and I had forgotten what it felt like to live/exist as "just a human". It's was pleasant outside, yet we often feel like we are on the wrong planet when we have to go outside, then other days it's watching all these amazing dimensions converge in the physical one. We never know what we are going to get! We are always surprised! As the day went on, we had to go into town. The morning, no fun, inside and outside were "just there".... no fun, nothing, just very zombie-like, as we were long ago as humans. Everything seemed mundane for a bit. No joy. Then this shifted and we were having a blast while this weird re-calibration continued inside and outside... Cycling frequencies, much is going on inside our physical body and in our physical reality simultaneously out there too. These are being re-calibrated too, both at a "faster speed" for simultaneousness to be available for our higher frequency NEW Earth Existence upgrades right now. Yesterday, all came to a halt energetically/time-wise. All drags when we come to a halt to shift into a higher frequency and the spin rate speeds back up, higher/faster than all was before. I didn't realize until my Crystalline Lightbody structure got shut down/went offline, how much these two bodies had integrated here with/as my physical one. I didn't realize how much of my body was Crystalline Light until all of my crystals de-activated.... and I was left with just a human body and human reality outside. It takes experiencing to understand how all truly works. It's takes things being completely gone sometimes for us to see all as it truly now is. I was walking around human again, with a human body, no crystals active, and in the human reality dimension again, just like "before", yet I was fully conscious, aware, present... just no "super powers". I'm used to my body being lit up in light, every cell moving, communicating and lots of activity, frequencies and activity inside. This being normal, it's weird when it stops. It has only ever "stopped" for a brief period over the last many years. Usually one day max, while we re-align. This one was more profound because of how dominant crystalline I am. How much the outside world is different when all of the visibility of the other dimensions is gone too. These all weave together normally, and our NEW Earth Existence does not resemble the old one at all. To even see the old one for a few hours is bizarre. It's colorless, lifeless and "dead" are the feelings and words. It's a zombified reality that resembled life as we thought all was before we merged all of these other dimensions into our physical one here. Two nights ago, we started at the Earth Star Chakra and started cycling up the body. The root, sacral and mid-abdominal got hit hard and we continued up the physical body for huge recalibration upgrades to each chakra/vortex/body section as we cycled through. The bones in our feet expand so huge that we can hardly walk as this has continually occurred this year, and certain days is more prominent as our lower vortexes upgrade. Teeth, bones, muscles, glands and organs have been going through massive upgrades every day this year, increasing as our bodies move further into higher dimensional frequency bandwidth realms. Yesterday felt "old" upon waking. The day was strange as we returned to walking in what used to be "beneath the veils". The whole day we were taken offline, with the total disconnect last night. Pineal gland shut down, our crystals completely deactivated. No vision. I could not see all the gazillion dimensions, realities, nothing. My body not transmitting, all my "powers gone". Bizarre is an understatement when you've lived the last many years with all of these abilities, to "be just human again" and to be conscious of it, just observing all. I've gone through this a couple times before when we have to be "taken back" to see/understand, clear anything out, to then expand from a kind-of zero point place physical-dimension-wise. It's a re-set point to start from into much more amazing, magical awesomeness! We later got blasted inside with a massive radioactive isotope upgrade blast. This is the second one over the last few months, with the last huge one around September Equinox. This brings severe nausea as it runs through our system. These kill off our malfunctioning (human) cell, bring us further into organic bio-living intelligent organisms functioning at a much higher rate here. It reduces the delay of all by half and rebirth is faster by that much too. It's part of our birthing process. Our bodies fill with mass amounts of radioactive energy and as this works through our body, it adjusts our body-mass ratios, we get denser, heavier, like lead (yet last night was like liquid-air-lead mixed, instead of the old heavy heavy heavy lead). gravity returns to weight us, while our physical body mass is adjusted as well. It also activates more glowing! Now, ratio-wise, this equates that I am operating on a fraction of my own energy in this physical body each time this process occurs. I'm now going back through years of archives to see how my own embodiment process has unfolded with "partitioning" (decreasing my energy here), so that I can re-merge with more aspects after the current merging sequence completes. It seems that every Solstice/EQuinox I've done this and didn't realize it consciously. The cool bizarre part is that because our bodies are pure now and full of operating high-frequency-crystals, they can be programmed with our soul-imprint-consciousness. I see that each time I've "split off" that a part of my consciousness has "gone" to other physical crystalline body structures to program it so that my soul can move back and forth between, without degradation that occurs with a less than pure human physical body structure that still holds human programs. I will have to write more on this, as it's a HUGE topic on how all of this works for us here now. I've been preparing for this for over a year. Most recently, I've bee continually being prepared to be okay with "waking up" in a different physical location or body, without being shocked. I've been doing this in my closed-eyed state and working through that which blocks this ability we all hold within. The words were that we are now re-calibrating, that all had been shut down/taken offline. I found myself feeling a bit displaced/lost, like I didn't know what to do with myself. I know all is just a short process to honor, so I flow with all in every moment and observe so that I can share for others on their journey too. This morning I awoke to "nothing", no inspiration, no desire to do anything awesome, not really able to produce work. Just BE is all I saw. So I AM. And I am sharing from this space as I go through it, as I always do. Here are this morning's experiences and observations: Taking our Crystalline LightBody systems offline shows us much. It's our Crystalline LightBody merged with our physical body as one that allows us to walk in the actual physical dimensions here. It's our activated crystals that give us the ability to function at these high frequencies here. The physical body goes through a complete metamorphosis with these massive upgrades. Our physical bodies are turned-on, come alive, become organic intelligent living breathing sentient beings as all four bodies, all of our aspects, all of our existences, all of our encodements are held within the physical body vessel, while our super consciousness is not bound to the physical structure anymore. This is our house, or lightship, our vessel, our suit. It's a place to call "home" inside, yet we do not have to stay in this physical body fully anymore. This is what the docking station comment meant and what the transfer station did too. Our physical body system can operate without as much of us having to be fully in this body now. We are being freed up to move from structure to structure, as conscious energy forms now. WOW. It's kind of like the body on life support, yet in this case, it needs less of us present for the body to function. We can now bi-locate and occupy different physical spaces simultaneously, after these upgrades complete. The Crystalline LightBody Human Hybrid Vessel can operate on it's own basically and we can keep it running and go play! OMG... holy canoli! Yay! Now, how to explain all of what is going on right now. It's immense. Walk with me as we try here... Since December 1st we've been cycling through different dimensions, aspects, realities to clear anything out. Our physical body structures have been cycling through too, for optimum upgrade/performance for further embodiment/abilities for NEW EARTH EXISTENCE here. WE've been going through different Star Gates/Frequencies and arriving in experiencing different realities for this to occur. WE've also been in a holding pattern in one aspect, while much of this is "being done". All of other dimensions are just floating around outside, ready to converge inside and outside as one now. (Yes ships are a part of this too! They are everywhere, as are all things). As I type this, my Crystals have re-activated and my own structure comes back online. Bizarre existences in the most awesome way that we live here! When I awoke, my physical body felt like "the old one". I felt "sick" like the old days (pre-2012), where I felt the flu, (F)requency (L)ight (U)pgrades, run through my entire body in about 10 minutes. I felt the crystals turning on and shutting off, moving everything through me. Quite weird cool. Then it was gone and another crystal sequence began, then that one shut down, and another one turned on, did it's thing then shut down, then another and this went on for about an hour, then my entire body lit up and all my crystals are activated as I come back online right now. Love that I can type for you guys as I experience this amazingness! Okay, here's what I activated/received to share about this now. Yesterday we were disconnected and we were taken offline by the deactivation of our crystals, for the purpose of re-calibrating our physical vessel and crystals at a MUCH HIGHER FREQUENCY than ever before. This upgrade process allows for many things. This is the merging of our Advanced NEW Earth HUMan Forms: Organic HUMan, Crystals, Light, Galactic/Planetary Systems Bodies and all of our aspects into one form. This is the re-calibration of our aspects/bodies to a much higher frequency than has ever been possible/experienced thus far. WE were taken offline for this process to occur. Re-calibration is an intricate process and very much has to occur to bring us into this next phase we are already fully in now. Yesterday/now activated the release of the last of our old human template programs. This radioactive blast & shut-down rendered these obsolete within our physical structure. The words "WE ARE DONE". (This brought tears of soul and cellular release for all that we have worked so hard for here). It's the completion of a human reality cycle that has ended. Now AS ANCIENTS with the glory of all of our multi-dimensional aspects... WE become that which we really came here to do. Sacred honor are the only words I have right now. Now, this will occur for each within their own evolution Light Embodiment process for them. This is a marker we have now physically achieved as possible. This is why I share my own experience and my own evolution here. To assist with understanding for all who go through this when it is their time. Now or years from now. We are each in our perfect space of this process for us. Fulfilling Galactic/God/Global Consciousness roles here, and all other planes of existence simultaneously takes total commitment, dedication and focused energy on our part. WE have to chose our priorities in every moment. WE have to contribute everything we've got to our roles, purposes, missions here. Every one of us that now step into this next phase have huge amounts of responsibility and those of us in-service understand what is required of us. WE do not take this lightly. It's why we don't tolerate the old stuff anymore. Everyone will have to come to this place at some point in "time". AS ANCIENTS, WE are here to re-build all from the inside out. WE also move beyond the rebuilding phase now. WE are now activating the NEW EARTH COLONIZATION for the vast many Galactic Races that have waited for us to reach this vibrational phase. Yes, we did it. Yes it is time. Get ready loves. It's always just the beginning. This one promises the most magnificence we've seen thus far. These new crystal calibrations activate our Galactic beacons for all to transmit these higher frequencies from within the crystalline structure so that we can all connect up now. This higher gridwork now begins to come online as we are now in the 12/21 & 12/22 Solstice Gateway that just opened up! Now, I've written much on the ability to inhabit more than one physical location at one time, yet have not shared it, as I didn't have enough understanding through my own experience to explain adequately how this occurs for us. Those who know me, know I share as I experience here. My body has been continually operating at "less energy" than it's used to, kind of like it's upgrading so that "less of me" has to be in it for it to fully function properly. It's as if I barely need to energetically occupy this body myself. Kinda like it will run itself with just enough of my life force to keep it running. I am weaker physically when these upgrades occur. I've been letting my Crystalline LightBoby upgrade for it to run itself. I just occupy this space, this physical form. Much different than the old days when I was my body. I had to become all of my higher self aspects, embody all of these as one, allow my physical vessel to upgrade to these frequencies, allow for my original template to be restored, honor the process of observing the cellular programs clearing on their own and pulling completely away from all that I could to honor the silence, the process, without outside disruptions, other than what I can minimally do and what I write for/share with all. Luckily, I've been able to continue minimal sessions and the NEW Earth Program with ease. These upgrades have to come first. It's for us all. We are the anchor points, foundation, for NEW Earth Gridwork held in the physical here. There are many anchor points. Some in the physical Earth, these are being re-located and re-distributed differently, continually to inside all of us now. Hmmmm, didn't know that. Guess I have more to share as I see/observe/experience/receive on that too! As I close, I see our consciousness being activated in the Crystalline Structures everywhere that hold the ability to house/harness/handle this. It's not that we have to "go anywhere". It's as if we are able to be in all of them at once from whatever space/physical location we occupy at any given moment. Moving around will be so much easier, simultaneous existence shall too. "Working in Unison" takes on a whole new meaning now. I see many of us encapsulated within one Crystalline Structure working as conscious energy signatures as one. I'm so excited for us to work together in this "new" way! Wow again! I see us all chattering inside crystals having a blast! Re-uniting, having fun and hugging as long-lost-family finally back together again! I will update as we go! I am continuing to pull away to honor this huge upgrade, embodiment, unprecedented phase we are in NOW. Since I started writing this a couple hours ago, we've come back online and our Physical Crystalline LightBody Structures are fully activated again and running Pure Liquid Source Light easily. Now just to BE and allow this process right now. Happy re-integration, re-calibration, remembering & upgrading! I love you! ♥ Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼ WayShower, Author, Embodied Ascended Master, Galactic Light BEing, NEW Earth Existence Guide ∞ Facebook Public Page: https://www.LisaTranscendenceBrown Many think I channel... no, I live this. This is my vibration and our actual existence now. I only say this because of the perception that many still have. Embodiment is not a game. This is not a place we tap into anymore. It also doesn't play in the old realities. It nips lack in the bud. Here WE HOLD HONOR, here we ARE LOVE, here we are a powerful amount of LIGHT. Here we obliterate the old from within. We do not accept less or allow the old ways in our physical realities here. Why, because the human will take, deplete and manipulate for their own benefit. I spend much time observing humans and limiting my access to them in my world. Why? Because we do not hold the gridwork of NEW EARTH in place and allow the old crap that use to occur. It does not happen here, because we do not allow it. I've spent all of my existence here studying humans and what makes everything as it is. I see lack of honor, lack of integrity, lack of respect, lack of willingness to share, lack of stepping up, lack of support.... I had to go through all of this lack to transcend it within myself to come to not "need" another to do anything... not from a place of independence, but from a space of understanding our necessity to stand in our own power and responsibility for ourselves, all of our actions and all that we are creating by what we do. I've listened lately to those who refuse to share until they get theirs first. These require much suffering and lessons that we no longer need here. I've observed lack of respect, because one has not come to connect with all things sacred and find this for self and from within. I've watched others take take take when it's "all about unity" and then separate off when they "get ahead" and only worry about themselves until they need something again. I had to go through all of that, the fear, survival mode, the lack... I had to transcend it within me so that I could assist others who were truly open and ready to do this it their own reality for them. I stopped working with dominant human aspects a long time ago. Why? Because I can work heart to heart with open and ready souls embracing their journey or I can work with resistant and lack beings that take up alot of energy. I choose where to put my energy, so that I can continually work to reach and assist more. When I lose focus or invest my energy in not-open humans, I focus on one, when I can be assistings thousands and I realized and was shown years ago, not to lose focus on one closed off heartmind anymore. I always open doors, I always assist. I just don't invest my energy in something/someone more than they are invested their self. That's the old way we used to do things. When the heart is open, we don't have the old junk present. WE do, but it's different. For the open heart, it's just energy clearing. For the human aspect, it creates chaos energetically. One is in flow and the other is disruptive. We know that if we just step back and allow, the separated human's universe will open them up perfectly for them. This can be new awareness through small things or huge. It's up to each by that which they do and choose. Either we confront and deal with it or sometimes we get a big ole whammy experience right upside our head. I AM SOURCE, I am the whammy when one is in my world and human lack emerges. I am as soft as one allows and as strong as is required by their energy that comes from within them. Most don't get that in the beginning, yet it doesn't take long to figure it out. WE are all SOURCE here working together without the distortions of the old projections anymore. We are family re-united together again as love, as power, as light for a higher purpose and goals. Humans are our family too, the dysfunctional part. Here, as sacred family, we grow into GOD & GALACTIC CONSCIOUSNESS. We grow up through birthing ourselves, go through all the trials and tribulations to understand and come together AS LIGHT fully REMEMBERED and Pure Divine Essence Love. ♥ I'm not here to make friends. WE are here to bring/assist/guide an ass-load of humans through a huge friggin stargate while it's open. This is not me being dis-respectful. Quite the opposite. It's to stress the importance of the vibrations we are in. Everyone is responsible for their own reality here. Everyone has to drop the old stuff and step-up NOW. ♥ Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼ WayShower, Author and Crystal Grid Keeper of NEW Earth www.AwakeningToRemembering.com Technically it only existed for us to act our our separation experience on a physically materialized plane of existence according to each of our programs we held within us. Individually, and all of the collectives we created/held to belong to too. All housed within our Distorted Human DNA within our physical body structure. The physical plane, our current timelines, (y)our pre-programmed experience that we finally transcend and move on from, to NEW Earth, a completely different dimensional physical plane. As we purity, we change dimensional planes. There comes a point for all to realize that Old Earth no longer exists. It does, in an old vibration of unconsciousness, yet we are no longer unconscious here and we don't live there anymore. Only our old perceptions keep us in the belief that we do and that it still exists as a physical reality world. Now, here is where it gets confusing to the human aspect mind. To the Embodied Light BEing, it's physically gone. This is for many reasons. The gridwork that held those physical realities in place, collapses inside the physical body through the activation of photonic light. Simultaneously, the the outside dimensional reality starts to realign. The human aspect just waking up does not understand how light activating inside of them completely changes their physical world. They cannot see until enough light has activated their physical structure through the continual opening of their heart and activation of the pineal gland to bring inner vision and higher wisdom understanding together as one. The ability to remain unconscious goes, and with that the complete dissolution of the old. This dis-ILLUSION creates confusion which is necessary for clarity and new understandings to come forth. Leaving a whole existence for a new one is not easy to comprehend or experience. Replacing it is NEW EARTH, the place where we exist now. This is a merging of multiple dimensions in one. The common thread that weaves all together, holds all in place is LOVE. This weaving is the infusion of Light into everything within your existence here. No more days of fight, struggle and separation as it once was. That was unconsiousness. Now, the human mind transmits the frequencies you hold inside of you. Your physical body actually LIGHT'ened to walk in a different frequency bandwidth, your physical density releases as you do the inner work. Pulling away necessary to bring NEW Earth from within, as one can not live all caught up in the external program and totally change grids. Anchoring the lucid dream, the dream state, means honoring sleep above all. Learning how to sleep a whole new way, for sleep is not as it once was. It's your access to all other dimensions, the place where you actually get to see your other realities/timelines, work through things, activate, clear, connect, everything you forgot existed when you entered amnesia and went veiled. It's a closed eyed state that allows you to transcend the limits of what you do in a waking state here. These states become interchangeable along the way. No difference between them. WE "work" around the virtual clock in every state, the more conscious we become here. Now, eventually the lower realms move inside your body and you just work to clear cellular memory and programs that present. You are conscious in every moment and not one thing occurs that you did not create to experience here. You start choosing what you do desire to experience and what you do not. BEing in-service number one, upgrading the Crystalline LightBody Physical Form is number one too, as you cannot fully be in service if you are not honoring this process for you. You will find that along the way, as you've pulled away, to "work on yourself", hold that super high vibration with every part of you from inside, that the outside world starts to look different, feel different, yet your mind is the last to catch up to what has truly occurred. The more you look out there with your crystal particle activated new eyes, the more you see the vibrant colors, observe everyone happier, people are different, the air is Light'r, everything's alive and connected again. Sacred is a way of existence here. You will start to be able to tell the difference between your Old Earth Reality and your NEW Earth Reality and which frequency bandwidth you currently exist in. The KEY is holding your highest vibration AT ALL TIMES so that you can exist in this new bandwidth of light from now on and not have to go back again. This means identifying all within you and out there that presents. This means stepping into YOUR MASTER SELF VERSIONS in the physical so that your physical reality is always in total alignment with your long awaited, much worked for NEW EARTH EXISTENCE here. Soon you start to realize that you are not on Old Earth anymore. That the only time "out there" appears to be old is when you have a vibration to work through within yourself and align in your exterior realty world. Things shift back to the highest gridwork quickly here the moment you do. You can watch at you stand in one space and move between the different frequency bandwidths and dimensional planes with your entire body here. Now, the tricky part is to REAL-EYES all from within. To understand that your Old Earth version was a frequency bandwidth that you occupied physically because of what you held within your own physical body structure, and that as you worked to expand your consciousness, activated your light, shared yourself as love, let go of the old programs, yes... you did leave the Old Earth behind. Vibrationally you ARE NOT on the same physical plane you once were. Your mind might not get it yet, so your beliefs transmit the frequencies that your mind can interpret and the physical world you see still looks like your old one. It's up to you to use conscious awareness and actually look to see what your mind does not comprehend yet. Your inner knowing can override this. You have to use your inner knowing to see all again here. Your physical body will go through MASSIVE UPGRADES in Light. Your physical vessel completely being re-worked beyond what your human self can comprehend. These UPGRADES are FOR you, BY YOU and were held within your "dormant DNA". You picked your physical body and programmed it according to your own DIVINE SOUL BLUEPRINT and for your higher-consciousness experience here. This part gets tricky too, as it was the opposite of all you once knew. As you activate in light, by your heart opening to the PURITY OF LOVE again, your Crystalline Program/DNA activates, and things get weird and bizarre in every way when this occurs. For the awakened LightBeing, this is awesome! For the one carrying human programs (density), it is painful as the physical wakes up/comes alive/comes online as the UNIFIED FIELD OF CONSCIOUSNESS here. Every program was embedded and imprinted in your physical structure. You do not leave an entire Earth Existence and not feel it. Your physical body transmits frequency signals by way of images, thoughts and feelings. Your brain interprets these according to your lens/filter/ perceptions by way of distortions or purity to see. Your eyes see vibrationally that which you hold, perceive and believe. This is why inner vision is necessary to truly see. It overrides your old human eyes that were limited to the human experience only. As your heart opens, new understandings are activated, yet these don't fit into your old ways, old beliefs, old mindsets and contradict everything you once knew and felt. They will trigger every fear/judgment/lack/separation you have, so that you can transcend all from within. You are here to evolve beyond your old human existence and your physical body is a huge part of this. The human aspect has no idea what their energy field and human body holds as Ancients, Galactics, and higher-self-multi-dimensional-beings here. Understanding individual/collective illusions, holographic realities and being able to see through light frequency bandwidths from within as they are transmitting you see the images that are created from this. As you start to see this way, you understand that what is on TV or the radio, the internet AND your physical big screen projector that you walk physically in (your holographic chamber/deck), everyone of those are materialized frequencies and represent a dimensional plane existence. That which is viewed through electronics represent a physical plane somewhere. You get to look into that plane and choose to bring it into your physical reality for you. Where you do not, you will observe it as another physical plane, yet it will have no impact or power in yours. You can assist others by sharing light, love, and sacred truths, that they as souls seek too. You can move in and out of physical realities, because you do not believe/participate anymore. This is because old dimensional transmissions no longer hold a truth for you. You CAN exist in a reality with a different outcome, an alternate universe running completely different timelines than the ones you see out there or that others still believe. You can do this in your physical reality too by honoring their realities and yours, but not needing them to occupy the same physical/energetic space anymore. Moving from one gridwork to another means moving the physical body around. For some this is small moves, in the moment, for others this is entire physical re-location so that new gridwork can upgrade and come online. Electronic technology gives us the ability to see mass collective realities, other dimensions and alternate timelines for all. We can look across the dimensional planes and see them. Yet, in our physical reality, the one we actually experience is the one we hold in our physical body/mind. You can observe other dimensional planes without having to experience them as your physical reality here. Your Utopia is not affected, your physical reality is no longer in that dimensional gridwork. You can leave gridworks in the physical as you transcend all from within and allow your existence to evolve as higher light and expanded consciousness. You can take your body into these other dimensional planes and physical timelines that others cannot access yet. You can walk/live the dream and allow those other dimensional timelines to work themselves back into the light. You know "all of that" has already collapsed and those in it are trying to hold on according to their old program/limiting perceptions and that the holes within their soul will be filled with light as they let go of the fight, need to control, manipulate and open up to the purity of love from within again. Now, running multiple timelines and existences with awareness is definitely a MASTERY TOOL. Stepping in and out of desired timelines gets easier though transcending & merging every lower-frequency-existence once held within. These collapse gazillion-fold with the Embodiment of Light. When you sit and close your eyes (we can do this eyes open here), see the frequency bandwidths running through the air, running through your body, see the physical dimension you are living in, see that which is in your physical reality and realize that you have the POWER to change timelines and physical dimensional planes WITH YOUR BODY NOW. Your mind is what you work with. How you SEE is too. Where you are coming from dictates this. You must live from SACRED LIGHT for this to get easier and for all of your abilities and gifts to return to you. Sharing your gifts is how you activate the gifts of your universe to come to you. Everytime you SHARE without limits or need for something first, you activate those same realities to arrive for you. They will arrive as you arrive/change frequency bandwidths with your entire physical being. Everything converges in the space you occupy and is dependent on your own UNIFIED FIELD OF SUPER CONSCIOUSNESS. When you look "out there" do you see that entire physical hologram as your creation from within? WE DO, as we step into our purposes, roles and missions as PURE DIVINE ESSENCE POWERFUL LOVE LIGHT SOURCE BEINGS here. NEW Earth or Old Earth... it's your perception of what all is. It's how you decipher the frequencies you hold, how you look at the outside world and believe it is created. It's what you DO as an energetic being living in the physical form. It depends on whether you are standing in power as CREATOR SOURCE or whether you believe the distorted transmissions of a consciousness of the old. Where you believe the distortions, this will transmit into your world. To see the distortions gives you the power to instantly change physical dimensions you actually live in and when you do, you activate a completely different timeline to experience NOW. Work with your mind and ask why you believe old earth still exists? Is it because you SEE it? Where do those transmissions that you see come from? Are you ready to live on NEW Earth fully NOW? ♥ Aloha sweet Light Family! May you experience blissful magic in every moment! I love you! ♥ Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼ www.AwakeningToRemembering.com Multi-Dimensional WayShower, Author, Transformational Speaker & Light Embodiment Guide Sharing our magnificent photos along the way. Original Post: https://www.awakeningtoremembering.com/translation-log/do-you-know-that-old-earth-is-gone LIGHT = SACRED = LOVE = ENERGY = SOURCE = PURITY = PEACE = HAPPY JOY = WHIMSICAL BLISS = ABUNDANCE = INNER CONNECTION = HOME STREAMING PURE SOURCE LOVE/PURE SOURCE LIGHT The continual wide-open streams now are beyond anything we could have handled before. The ease at which the Crystalline Structure flows this Pure Source Liquid Light is wow'ness to the gazillion-fold. The human body/human realities are being upgraded super fast now. The LOVE that is emerging all around is beyond beautiful to experience and observe. So many have been working from their inner world for years are now experiencing their NEW Earth realities as they transpire/arrive vibrationally in a materialized hologram that is beyond magical, exquisite, peaceful and vibrant, thriving and totally interactive through Light Life now. Many are working with their current realities to adjust and align continually now. Fixed realities no longer fixed, it takes a bit of understanding how to flow easier with dematerializing realities and shifting into the ones already/simultaneously materializing, yet may not quite be visible in the physical. Luckily holograms can be accessed, activated, cutivated and "grown" from inside, so that they can transpire faster/easier out there. Learning to intentionally work with holographic realities is definitely as MASTERY TOOL/GIFT! VIBRATIONALLY ALIGNING PHYSICAL BODIES AND PHYSICAL REALITIES As more continue to come into their own Mastery, old consciousness physical realities no longer align with their new dreams, desires and purposes here. It's important not to judge the old realities, and those in it, and to remember that it was YOU that created/needed that experience for your own growth/expansion/evolution back into higher consciousness again. Moving on and from an old reality just means that you are ready for a new/higher vibrational one for you. See it as leaving an entire plane of existence, yet all of those aspects still exist in that plane are doing their realities perfectly for them. Our job is to honor this. WORKING WITH DIFFERENT VIBRATIONAL PLANES There are many ways to see different vibrational planes. The longer you are gone (further you are from it in light), the less it is visible and eventually ceases to exist. "Later", on your new current plane, when you interact with other beings, you will have a different version, one that matches your new vibrational existence. If you do not, it's because you don't allow it or hold that frequency consciousness inside yet. We hold others to physical realities based upon our mindsets. We get the physical realities we holgraphicly project through our own vibrational transmissions from our physical body structures/vessels/consciousness and the programs/illusions we hold within. RESPECTING OTHER'S REALITIES & LIVING IN UNITY Part of the process is to stop judging everyone's different beliefs. WE choose what we desire in our reality, while respecting theirs for them. The human aspect has a hard time with this one. For they believe their way is "right". This is not about "either or" anymore. It's all that serve the purpose of love, peace, kindness, appreciation, gratitude and light. Who cares how all arrive as long as they do. Only the human stands in judgment. We move on and let go of the separation as we do. We unite in love and work together to bring more awesomeness into the physical reality world so that all can experience it like we do here. DIMENSIONAL RIFTS: These will occur every time you are shifting to another plane of existence and you will notice that realities are no longer aligned. Flow with it and honor you and all others. As physical particles align for you, your new reality will take form/arrive and this will diminish. It can occur with every timeline jump and blast of higher consciousness light that activates within you so that you can expand into/as more of your Multi-Dimensional aspects here. MERGING ASPECTS: This one is interesting for sure. First you must separate them so that you can see/understand them. Then you merge them within you as one. Polarities go, distortions go, battle goes. What is left is beyond peaceful, magnificent and more HOME FREQUENCIES that activate your STAR GATE for you. This is a natural process that occurs as you embrace all of you back into love inside. THE HUMAN JUDGES You are not human, so why do you care? Why would you not fulfill your purposes and missions here, step into your roles NOW? Judgement is Fear. Here we are not human. Here there is no fear. That was all illusion and when you succumb to it, you are the one believing your own distortions/illusion. You can dissipate the energy of the illusion by stepping into it. It's as big as you believe it is. It vanishes when you don't give it more power than you love and respect yourself. See all for what it is. Human beliefs and human creation. AS SOURCE CREATOR you have the POWER to transform/change your belief system. You have to truly desire this and actually do it. When you fear stepping into a role, you have to focus on the purpose of why you are here. INTERACTING WITH DIFFERENT VIBRATIONAL ASPECTS: All will shift when it is their "time" vibrationally. Yet do they? Or have you shifted and you are interacting with a different/higher version of them NOW? The human's perception is that others have shifted, while not realizing that they are interacting with a completely different version than was available before. Different vibrational planes have different physical beings/versions on them. The one you get is the one you hold the vibrational for, project, expect and allow. Sometimes there is an old aspect left. This is because that version is still being transmitted from somewhere within you/your consciousness. Work with your consciousness and physical realities change in response. OLD 3D/4D EARTH GRIDWORK OF CONSCIOUSNESS These can only exist where you/one still holds this within. When it's gone from within, it will cease to exist. Each/You are the one that determines this. You hold on to that which has collapsed (this creates suffering) or you choose to embrace higher gridworks of consciousness from within you and allow your realities to come forth. These wait for you. All of this is you. It's all inside of you. Only you can do this. Out there is your BIG HOLOGRAPHIC PROJECTION SCREEN. TUNING TO HIGHER FREQUENCIES INTENTIONALLY IS HOW YOU CHANGE THE CHANNEL OF AN ENTIRE DIMENSIONAL PLANE If you don't like the channel, the play, the stories, the illusion, the hologram, the physical reality you have, you are the one that has to change it, if you want to participate in the process of THE CONTINUALLY CHANGING HOLOGRAM, YOU are the one that must STEP INTO YOUR MASTERY and intentionally tune to a higher frequency gridwork of consciousness. GRIDWORKS OF CONSCIOUSNESS CHANGE THE HOLOGRAPHIC REALITY What do you hold inside of you? Look out there. That is your answer. Mastering your own vibrational frequencies and all that is around you is how you do this journey AS NEW EARTH LIGHT BEINGS NOW. SHARE YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS: THIS IS ONE OF YOUR GIFTS AND HOW ALL BECOME ONE AGAIN When you don't share your heart, your knowledge, your higher/inner wisdom, your experiences to assist another, you are the one shrunk down into human. You are the block, the one holding judgement and being selfish by only thinking of you. You are the one not being in-service to yourself and others seeking that which you hold according to your very important journey and experiences here. When you truly hold "being in-service" higher/stronger than "judgement about self & not-good enough", then you will open your heart to share/guide/assist as LOVELIGHT. They are your creation, so judgment can only occur if you still hold this vibration within you. TIME = LIGHT The human sees time as a fixed thing (as does it with all things). Yet here, we move through time by the amount of light we hold and now stream through our physical body vessels (Crystalline LightBody Structures). The more light we hold/stream, the more we move through time/timelines, the more dimensions/multi-dimensional aspects and versions we have access to here. We don't need to move. We occupy a space and time moves in every direction. It's a completely different existence here. ABUNDANCE = LIGHT Here we do not focus on abundance. Abundance is a result of what we hold inside. It's a response and it comes forth for us according to what we "DO" energetically, as conscious energy in form. We can work in all dimensions at once, constantly activating abundant realities to transpire and come forth. WE focus on the EMBODIMENT OF LIGHT, our purposes/missions and holding the higher gridworks of consciousness in place from within us and with our Solar Crystalline Star-Light-Body Structure. Physical realities align simultaneously. Collapsing timelines, jumping timelines, anchoring GALACTIC NEW EARTH TIMELINES are normal words for us. Here there is no lack. That was human perception. We merged human into light within us a long time ago. Here WE ARE NEW EARTH. It thrives, sings and becomes visible in the most magnificent ways all around us. Yes, we had to leave the old realities behind. Every one of us. LOVE = LIGHT When your entire Body is full of Light and operating at the very highest frequency at all times, you are full of love, every particle and fiber of your being. You ARE LOVE. We don't separate off into aspects and leave love here. WE are love at our CORE. It emanates, radiates and pours out of us. We express it with everything that we are. Pure Divine Essence Love and Light. This is WHO WE ARE. All of us. PEACE comes through LIGHT Peace is your barometer. Bliss, utter and complete gratitude and appreciation. Home is INSIDE and as all return to SACRED CONNECTION, PEACE AND LOVE ARE RESTORED. WAYSHOWERS = LIGHT BEINGS = WE ALL SHOW THE WAY As WayShowers, we DO it, we show how all is done. We don't sit around waiting. That was old human, old programs, old limiting beliefs/illusions we held within. WE've overridden the old programming. We have the cap-ability to do this because we don't give our power away anymore to our old distorted thoughts that we once believed as truths. WE stand in POWER and TRUTH AS LOVE and our PURE VESSELS allow us to obliterate quickly, move through timelines with great ease, jumping from reality to reality. We don't need safety mechanisms, protection and we open portals faster than one can "think". We see what needs to be done and we do it. WE activate Light by just BEing and sharing for those ready, embracing and desiring to live in unity, love, peace and magical bliss too. I love you sweet Star-Light-Family! Aloha Nui Loa ♥ Lisa Transcendence Brown (Ithara) ☼ Ascended Master WayShower, Author, NEW Earth Existence Sharings, Transformational Speaker, Light Embodiment & Empowerment Physical Ascension Guide (all from within) www.AwakeningToRemembering.com Updates via the Public Page: https://www.facebook.com/LisaTranscendenceBrown Purchase Books: https://www.awakeningtoremembering.com/books.html Photo of my magical amazing little purple Andara! These have been such huge activations and mergings of higher light consciousness and truly a gift for us all to utilize now! Happy activating too! ♦ CRYSTALLINE LIGHTBODY: WE'VE ACTIVATED AS CRYSTAL SKULLS TO BRING FORTH MORE ANCIENT WISDOM NOW12/12/2015 Our physical Crystalline Structures have been going through continual high frequency activations and upgrades for years. Everyone is evolving according to their own time-template within these consciousness grid structures and open or limiting human constraints. Consciousness Gridworks continually simultaneously collapse and instantly come online with higher gridworks as fast as one can handle. For those making their Crystalline LightBody upgrades a priority, this is much easier. For those not ready to listen and open up to new ways, it gets beyond intense and the physical world reality/dimension changes whether they are ready or not. WE are observing NEW EARTH REALITIES emerging at the SPEED OF LIGHT. It's beyond magnificent. Everyone has an important role now playing out perfectly for them and the collectives they still subscribe to/participate in/hold within. Collectively, we've moved into global consciousness upgrades, where it used to be a smaller scale individually. The collectives now continually "blow up" (nuclear phase of the global LightBody), collapse and up-shift to new gridwork on the "Big-Screen Version" of each's inner hologram that plays out there. For the Crystalline Grid Keepers, our bodies can transmute without missing a beat. As SOURCE LIGHT ENERGY STREAMS THROUGH US, we can also stream transmuting collective energies with as much ease. It's unbelievable what our Crystalline Physical LightBody structures can do as Angelics and Galactics here. Last month's huge GODHEAD light upgrades to the physical body structure were strange for sure. Our bodies more crystalline, our spine and head region are the primary focus of physical upgrades right now, while the lower half upgrades itself on it's own too. Every part of our body continually evolving on a cellular/molecular level, there is not one iota of us that is not alive, sparking, moving, charging, communicating and emitting continually now. Bizarre existences is an understatement, in the coolest and most awesome ways. Yet, over the years, it was painful and challenging, as we don't evolve to this magnitude without discomfort as our bodies rework themselves in light. I've shared openly for years as we've gone through all of this, offering an abundance of resources for the awakening and embracing soul. These are our gifts that we bring forth for us all. The last few days we've gone through massive cranium work while crystals activated more than ever in the skull, jaw, teeth, root of the teeth and brain. Yesterday was clearing some weird old program that wasn't how I believed, yet was dormant old imprinted memory cleansing. While I was totally fine and observing, they emerged and cleared on their own. Sleep state has been increasingly physical work as we work in a multitude of dimensions physically, so that our waking state is predominantly beyond peaceful, calm and very productive for being in-service in every moment of the waking state too. This morning when I awoke, it was like "uggg" and almost resembled the old days of depression, yet I was aware that I was still clearing the sleep state, so I stayed in the bed, put my head under the covers until it cleared, and then it was time to get up and shower. The shower is huge for me. It's sacred space where I've always connected openly and received clarity before starting my day or a new project. Seeing is easy here when there's been heavy or old energy clearing. Our old human programs are like running a simulation. It's strange how easy it is to process all through us now. In the shower, I kept reviewing an exchange with an old twin energy where he came to me in the night. Not speaking, I was able to separate his human and his higher self aspect, yet this time was different. His higher self aspect came as an activation of ancient knowledge, pre-historic if you will, part of our agreement ad purposes in connecting in the physical in 2014, to activate both of us differently to higher states of light consciousness and to work together on different consciousness planes. Honoring our different physical reality paths, we still work together in other dimensional realms for our important purposes and roles now. This morning as I observed my huge skull/brain upgrades lately and the crystalline activations that have been occurring, the words were "You've/WE've been activated AS the Crystal Skulls now through our Crystalline Structures to bring forth this ancient wisdom as now". I was able to observe light running through my skull/brain and the crystals activating as it did. Absolutely amazing! As Crystal Grid Keepers we do much. Part of our purpose is to share the ancient secrets and knowledge and to assist all others in a multitude of ways and to connect up together as one. Now, in all honesty, I have almost no idea what this means and I have to go look up the Crystal Skulls and educate myself to what we've now activated to do here. This is how I've done my entire experience. I only understand as I do it, activate it within me and the knowledge comes forth from within. I don't even have a crystal skull. Guess I need one now! What a magnificent 12/12/15 Gateway Activation for us all! We've got so much transpiring in every moment now as we all hold the NEW Earth Gridwork in place. Observing how all must let go of separated beliefs to exist together and work together for the enlightenment, unity and evolution of humanity as one again. Keep honoring you and your own journey. Focus on you first and you'll fulfill your purposes/roles/missions as you do! Remember why you are here. I love you. ♥ I remain pulled away, working in sacred silence and sharing/posting where I can. I love you! (Section to be included in upcoming book 5: Ancient Wisdom and Secrets of the Crystal Grid Keepers: Star-Light-BEings: WE Are Here) Lisa Transcendence Brown (Ithara) ☼ Ascended Master WayShower, Author, NEW Earth Existence Sharings, Transformational Speaker, Light Embodiment & Empowerment Physical Ascension Guide (all from within) www.AwakeningToRemembering.com Updates via the Public Page:https://www.facebook.com/LisaTranscendenceBrown Purchase Books: https://www.awakeningtoremembering.com/books.html Sacred passage has begun for the initiates who have been awaiting this unprecedented and magnificent phase. Honor your process. ♥ I'll be writing and sharing along the way. I love you. ♥ Lisa Transcendence Brown (Ithara) ☼ Ascended Master WayShower, Author, NEW Earth Existence Sharings, Transformational Speaker, Light Embodiment & Empowerment Physical Ascension Guide (all from within) www.AwakeningToRemembering.com Updates via the Public Page:https://www.facebook.com/LisaTranscendenceBrown Purchase Books: https://www.awakeningtoremembering.com/books.html Aloha dear sweet Awakening, Expanding & WayShowing Light Family! The "it's time to pull away" message a couple of days ago..... I am now limiting my energy & interactions during this huge passage that began back at the 11/11 Gateway and continues in every moment now. I will be writing and sharing where I can, as there is so very much transpiring for all. Everything one cannot yet imagine, which is awesome, yet it takes our own dedication and commitment to what is shown to us from inside to do the journey the way we came to do it, without struggle and embracing the most exquisite gifts and amazingness than we could have ever seen. Anchoring light and these unlimited other/alternate dimensions and realities is a full-time job for us. Balance, learning to maneuver and function when so much is coming through, so much is available and so much is waiting for us is a challenge, an art as a whole new entire existence that doesn't operate the way it did before and REMEMBERING HOW to do this is what each of us must do. Energetic existence, as HIGHER SELF BEING MASTERS and AVATARS, as PURIFIED SOURCE LIGHT BEINGS means a lot of letting go, unwavering trust and faith in what is not visible, yet we KNOW deep inside. WE FEEL it with every fiber of our being, yet in the beginning it started as our intuition, a tug at us, that thing that didn't make logical sense and contradicted everything we thought we knew. WE were the ones that had to come to stand in honor, as love and let all of the old stuff go... all along the way. "Out there" showed us what we needed to see. The "big screen" of our inner hologram playing for us. Decoding, deciphering, intentional interaction (inner action) and continual tuning to a higher frequency is how we do this easily. Our NEW EARTH EXISTENCE doesn't conform to our old human perceptions and everytime we try to go back to those, we are the ones that suffer, we are the ones that create struggle and we are the ones that have to endure the experience of not listening or honoring from inside. As Higher-Self-Aspects we don't do that anymore. We move at the QUANTUM SPEED OF PHOTONIC LIGHT, through realities, through understandings, through the things that humans see as fearful or blocks. We once were human, we once had fear, we had to go through the intensity of the physical body upgrades to hold light here. The transformation (evolution) from carbon-based to crystalline does not make sense or conform. What we are here to do, does't fit into our human "ways we want things". How we exist couldn't be more opposite of our old human one. Here there is no lack, here there is no fight, there is no lack of honor or chaos, for we clear timelines in our sleep and we do in the waking state that which is necessary to fulfill our purposes and missions here. Here we just hold a space and we work through the energy as it presents. Here is what we all came here for. Here is beyond exquisitely magnificent. Here did require that we step up, that we chose and that we let go of our old fixed ways. Here required things we did not like as humans, but were necessary for us to get the point, for us to choose, for us to understand, for us to do our human experience perfectly for us. Many still are struggling because they don't understand, don't want to, don't want to make a choice. They hold on due to fear, lack of trust/faith/honor to their higher-self-aspects (them). All ARE EVOLVING, ALL ARE MOVING INTO THESE HIGHER FREQUENCY BANDWIDTHS (in the physical or etheric form). It doesn't matter how you do it. Easy, intense, struggle, chaotic or peacefully calm. It will occur. How is each of our choices. For me, I love easy, I love peaceful and I love being in-service to assist with the transformation/evolution of HUmanity back into love, back into peace, back into the magnificence and abundance of the higher realms. It's beyond exquisite and I had to choose, commit, dedicate and do. And in my early days, I had to suffer, profusely, because I didn't understand and was strong stubborn masculine energy that didn't want to listen. I had to be broken before I was willing to open my heart and walk into and AS THE LIGHT, to love myself and all completely as ONE again, and to step into my role here as a WayShower, I had to grab my Divine Masculine and do it all myself and allow others ready to do the same when they were ready, when they chose, when they had had enough suffering, struggle and were tired of the fight... We are not alone, we never have been. Yet we have to do the inner journey ourself. That is the toughest part. Yet it doesn't have to strip us of everything. We are the ones who determine if we have to experience that. I got done with that a long time ago. Now I assist/guide those who are ready and have let go of the fight, struggle, judgments and are ready to step into their next phase of fulfilling their own purposes/roles/missions here. These cosmic/galactic/source light upgrades are not letting up. They shall continue to intensify until the old 3D/4D realities have been obliterated, collapsed and disintegrated. The gridwork of consciousness that held them in place is gone. Now it's just how long one keeps trying to participate in it and hold on. The experiences there will become more chaotic, more dramatic, more extreme and bizarre. This is the point and how all works. WE as the KEEPERS OF NEW EARTH GRIDWORKS OF CONSCIOUSNESS are responsible for continually holding the very highest amount of light in every moment. WE do not get caught up in the old stuff, we nip it in the bud, we say no and we guide and assist all ready to come join us in these magnificent frequency bandwidths that we all came here to utilize and enjoy. What comes forth now is beyond our old human's wildest dreams. Intentionally anchoring all of these other amazing dimensions here within our own framework (Crystalline Structure) is how we all IN♥JOY these magical, amazing, abundant and exquisitely brilliant realities now. We are going through massive initiations (Rights of Passage) through this entire time now. I'll be sharing those writings as soon as I can too. I'll continue to write and share as way too much transpires to capture in daily writings now. Honor you, your journey, your purpose/roles here. Focus on you, your light, your open heart and DO as you see is appropriate for you. Get out there and share, or pull away and connect. Do both... only you can know what is for you. Just listen and honor. The rest will align as a response. It's very fast now, instant. Everything is. Focus your energy as love. I love you!!!! I'll be working on projects and sending out notices, newsletters, posting updates in silence and pulling away from everything as I honor too. WE have many amazing events coming (and currently going on). Join us! Every one of these are to assist you in all you have dreamed and desired, by understanding how all works, so that you can easier maneuver and navigate your own journey for you! ♦ p.s. If I go off Facebook, I may only be writing on my website and sharing posts from there, so check the "Translation Log" and "Upcoming Events" if you want to see what's up in many ways! Lisa Transcendence Brown (Ithara) ☼ www.AwakeningToRemembering.com Follow Updates, Posts & Events on FB Public Page: https://www.facebook.com/LisaTranscendenceBrown I am writing this for those who resonate or find themselves experiencing this. I'm also going back offline, until this consciousness upgrading process completes. We are going through an "energy exchange/upgrade" which is rather substantial/huge. It's much smaller than what I experienced last June with my entire vessel being drained of all of my energy and being "replaced"/upgraded with "new energy" while my ORIGINAL template was being restored... this is like 1/2 of that.... When this occurs we can't feel anything, we get really depleted energetically while our cells and soul energy goes. Think of the Crystalline LightBody as a "transfer station", which are the words I received months ago as well. "You are now a transfer station". Yes, this is normal in my world here. I took the evening off/away from it all to just "BE" as it felt appropriate to pull away. We have to do this more and more as we approach gateways and move through vortexes to come out on "the other side". We are continually doing this, yet certain ones are "Huge-r" than others, more profound. As a Crystal GridKeeper/GateKeeper, I have to honor my duties above everything else, while still maintaining physical world realities where I physically work every day and in every dimension consciously in both waking/sleep state. I traveled through all of the realms, Angelic, Archangel and higher to see the purposes in all, how each "serves" here on physical plane NEW Earth, how we fulfill our purposes together, the supporting roles, WayShower roles, embodiment of all and more. Meanwhile my physical vessel being depleted for like 12 hours, unable to do anything or be around anyone, as it's too draining/depleting when we are going through whole body vessel cellular cleansings/upgrades. Soul Swaps is the word that came through and the visual was what was "left" of "I don't have enough energy to give anyone anything right now, I'm fed up, I don't have anything left, I just want to give up"... I've not felt these energies for a very very long time. They used to be dominant when I was going through heavy duty stuff years back, but only surface when we are going through a huge cleansing/upgrade now, which is like once a year. This is the 2nd time now since my template restoration process. While I lay there, I observed the draining of my energy for a 12 hour period, reaching "peak" when it was time to awaken, so I laid there for 2 hours and just observed. Watched the programs being wiped of "I don't have anything left in me, it's too overwhelming, depleting" and while I don't really feel that, I literally had no other energy within me for anything else, so as my cells and body were drained of this old energy, new energy came in and started filling my cells. It was as if that was the "end" of those programs that were hidden and still left, the last drop of it going, going gone.... I awoke, chose to stay in my sacred space and observe the process as it continued. I tried to get onto the computer, nope, too draining.... One thing I read just drained me more, yet the next thing activated my cells to fill instantly with beautiful exquisite energy and the understanding came to pull completely away and let the process of CELLULAR ENERGY EXCHANGE continue until it is done. Even now it continues and I am going back offline until it is complete, I am fully charged and I'll get up and shower and get started/back to work...if I can, if not... then that's just the way it is, as our purpose here is more important and these upgrades come first. It's how we fullfill our purposes/missions here and affect the collective gridwork for all who desire to exist on NEW Earth with us. We do everything we KNOW is important, even when it doesn't make sense to others, or conform to their way of "how this all goes". We will honor physical world stuff when it's appropriate. It's always okay and it's after that all becomes more awesome than it was before. This is a continual process. I felt to write to share, as that's part of how I do this for you all. I share so you can identify with anything you are experiencing, whether now or months/years later. WE all have our own timelines dictated by the Crystalline Light we hold. Everyone working through LightBody Upgrades, honor your process for you. I've spoken to/heard from/observed many experiencing the intensity as we experiencing more powerful energies every day now. Honoring the process is how we do this easier, even if it does not seem like it when it's occurring. Hang in there and just allow the light to upgrade you as it needs to do. Interference/trying to control makes it harder on you. Integration is instant when you just go with it fully. Now, as I go to conclude, I see that this was an upgrade of the Divine Masculine. We merge twin energies within us and this is why it was only 1/2 of my energy. It makes sense, as I've been working with Divine Masculine Power energy with everyone lately and as we get ready to step into our next phase as WayShowers, this is what is upgraded so that we can handle/do more. This is a POWER UPGRADE and a merging of twin energy at a higher frequency than before. This is why I had no "strength" for anything. It gets wiped as we upgrade to be extremely powerful beings here. Wow, and I was a powerhouse before.... this should be interesting. It also moves us into a higher frequency faster so that we can connect & work with other beings of that higher frequency too. When you move into a new bandwidth, those in your exterior world upgrade too. This is why it's so important to let go of all that is not supporting your current new reality/frequency existence, so that you can move into a new frequency and exist with others who occupy that new frequency too. Get ready loves..... NEW REALITIES AWAIT and come forth faster with each upgrade! This is a biggie right now, so honor you. Our bounce-back time is faster now. And right now we are filling with crystalline light, our cells are charging and we are almost BACK! Still taking me time to allow for the integration process to anchor fully in the physical now. Full day of sessions tomorrow and I need to be up and running! With the amount of energy that we are getting jacked up with right now, that will be easy! Wow at how fast it all is. Just a couple of hours after a night of "energy replacement". Who'da thunk it? P.S. 3 Grasshoppers right before I went to sleep said HUGE JUMP TIME ... and we do love jumping timelines and entire frequency bandwidths here! I also was shown the activation of ANCIENT WISDOM back to pre-historic/before time is coming through with these. And the ability to be in two places at once. Gotta love our cap-ABILITIES here. I'll update as I know/experience. Portal open... full blown... right now! We also had a merging of the angelic and archangel realms. Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine merge. Absolutely beyond magnificent to experience all of these at once! I love you guys. Offline for me right now around commitments and sessions. I'll return where appropriate. I'll pull away these upcoming weeks as necessary, writing & sharing what is important "in the moment" This is the first of the 12/12 Gateway activations and they are strong and powerful. We've shifted to a huge Crysalline Light blast right now. Gravity is going. We are BACK!!!!! Yayyyyyyy! ♥ Lisa Transcendence Brown (Ithara) ☼ ∞ Ancient, WayShower, Author, Crystalline LightBody, Physical Ascension & Light Embodiment Guide www.AwakeningToRemembering.com Updates on Public Profile Page:https://www.facebook.com/LisaTranscendenceBrown Original Posts can be found on the "Translation Log" of the website No matter what happens, can you maintain and hold the higher frequencies of consciousness from within you without shifting out of this space? Can you see beneath the surface, see the other perspectives, see through expanded awareness... IN THAT INSTANT? Do you pull away and go inside and observe to see? Each time you do this, this "natural way" becomes more instant... Can you interact with others while maintaining this space? Can you do a multitude of processes all at one time, inside, without ever shifting your energy or stepping out of this space? Can you hold the highest frequency of love at all times, transmit pure light, total HONOR above all and not participate in the old energies/programs, all simultaneously, while still creating and working it the other dimensions, seeing them all, observing them all, every parallel, every outcome visible.... in a waking state? This is HOW WE EXIST in the higher frequency bandwidth realms, as we move through that which held us back, limited us, kept us held to the old gridwork of consciousness, by that which we chose/held inside. We CAN DO ALL things at once, but first we have to go through "not being able to hardly function" as we embody higher light. We have to let go of the need to control all things and allow our higher self aspects to emerge fully and be present AS ONE at all times. We have to learn to do everything all over again. We function completely different here. It looks nothing like before. We have total awareness, total command, total power again AS HIGHER SELF BEINGS MERGED WITH OUR HUMAN ASPECT and we walk as the NEW EARTH HUE-MANS here to assist HUmanity with doing the same. Merging all of our aspects is a FULL-TIME JOB. With this comes those physical realities that match in frequencies and that bring forth all that we truly desire from within our heart. All supports our missions/purposes/roles to be in higher-light-service at all times as we all work together as love, as light, as one. There are many physical realities that already exist that you cannot yet physically see. Each more magnificent than the ones you've already experienced, each which appears to be more of the lucid dream. As you anchor light (which feels like you've been drugged and distorts your perceptions which brings clarity as it does), you do start to see and realize that it's always been there, all around you, yet you didn't hold the vibration before. As you do, all becomes more colorful, vibrant, alive, interactive and lighter. All around you seems to be becoming more conscious too. Others are awake or waking up, understanding and experiencing more. You FEEL everything around you, the magnificence, the beauty and gratitude, love and brilliance fill your every cell. You REMEMBER THIS SACRED CONNECTION and the subtle and silent tears of utter and complete appreciation and peace run through you. Your NEW Earth Existence comes forth through your commitment and dedication to your own journey and you, to honoring your Physical LightBody upgrades and integration process, all around you NEW EARTH EMERGES as you do. This is an entire transformational process that take every bit of you to do. Stepping back and getting out of the way, as a human, is the hardest thing that we all do. Letting our higher self aspects guide us and run the show is necessary and where we do not understand/honor this, this is where "suffering" comes from. The physical body upgrades to hold light is often an intense one. This eases and even gets easier as we fall into the FLOW of how all works here. Everything just becomes energy and outside reflects the same. We work through all the scenarios that used to create realities, release the belief, power and energy that were held inside and as they go, the outside world just re-aligns. Simple existence.. It is easy here. Yet all have to let go/transcend all that kept them from this easy existence. Everyone has this (cap)ABILITY... conscious awareness/choice/action dictate how/when this occurs in the physical for all. The words this morning, after a HUGE GALACTIC CONSCIOUSNESS UPGRADE for the last day & night were "HUmanity will now emerge from within all". ♥ I love you sweet family of Light! ♥ ∞ ♦ Lisa Transcendence Brown (Ithara) ☼ Daily Updates on the Public Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/LisaTranscendenceBrown Can you walk in multiple dimensions and balance them all from inside. Can you see them all and choose the ones you desire to walk in, the ones you want to experience and bring forth here? Can you see the ones you do not desire any longer and just let them go? Do you hold on and "suffer" or do you see that as you release your attachments, perceived needs, lack energy and fears of safety and survival that there is so much more waiting to come forth that doesn't work within those same limiting constraints anymore? The old realities were safe, because as humans that's all we knew. It's what we believed, because we could see it, feel it, touch it and because we had "tangible physical proof". NEW Earth Existence is the opposite, which is why it's harder to understand or even believe already exists. NEW Earth comes from inside of us and as we go inside, sift through the untruths, cleanse and purify our own distortions, our actual physical body upgrades in Light and as it does, our vision continually is adjusted to see our NEW PHYSICAL REALITY, which is another dimensional plane where multiple dimensions exist, becomes visible all around us. It is beautiful, magnificent, more colorful, vibrant and interactive. It's free, peaceful and there is no fear here. There's no external fight, struggle or devastation anymore. Yet to come to exist ON NEW EARTH, each must choose where they truly want to live. Each must commit their entire existence to their journey. There is no other way to arrive here. Purification, focused energy, total presence and an open heart-mind. Not believing keeps all held to the lower dimensions where everything collapses faster now. We BECOME holographic programmers and intentional projectors of that hologram out there. We MASTER ENERGY AS ENERGY. WE intentionally activate programs and parallels to play. We bring forth our holographic realities that we hold inside and we activate portals/vortexes and we continually walk through them. WE hold so much light that it's easy here. We've done the work, and we continue to, in every moment. We affect every dimension intentionally from this one right here. Our field of consciousness is so huge, we exist in all timelines at once here. This is a natural way of existing that we all EVOLVE BACK INTO. I have many ask how to hear, how to see, how to understand. It takes opening totally up. Every particle of you. Every fiber of you. And continually being ready for everything to change, instantly, and the human aspect does not do well with this. It's fear of losing control keeps it held to the old timelines. It's fear of loss does too. It's fear of the unknown, which is more amazing, brilliant, exquisite and magnificent than the human aspect can see. It's the embracing the unknown, that which makes no logical sense, creating a relationship with your own higher selves and allowing them/your universe to show you, tell you, guide you and run your show for you. Literally, this program, this show... the hologram out there. It will transpire FOR YOU when you let go and allow it. It takes your total dedication, commitment and you investing in you. It means taking a vested interest and participating, desiring to participate in the journey, letting go of any victim mentality that anything was ever done "to" you. It's taking responsibility for every moment, every breath, every thought, every action and intentionally doing every one of these until BEING A POWERFUL DIVINE ESSENCE LIGHT BEING is your natural way of existence here. As you do, your body upgrades and crystals start to form. Star particles activate and weird & bizarre (awesome) becomes the new norm. We did not come here to exist within the old matrix forever. We came here to transcend it and completely obliterate it and leave it behind. We came to BECOME THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE and all aspects of all of our existences and WALK AS THESE in the physical, to share KNOWLEDGE and to assist/empower others to do the same for them. TOGETHER as PURE BEINGS we are FAMILY again here. As Galactic Families we have HUGE purposes, missions and roles here. Every one of you see this and you DO KNOW it inside. Part of my role here is to assist with empowering you to becoming the WAYSHOWER that you already are and to provide the knowledge and understanding for you to step into your own roles, purposes and missions here. So, get ready, we all have LOTS of WORK to do! Transforming HUmanity is a full-time job! First you have to focus on you, remember how to sleep, work within all dimensions from the waking and sleep (closed-eyed) state. You have to bring forth your power, your knowing, your knowledge and REMEMBER HOW TO SHARE, REMEMBER yourself AS A CREATOR, AS SOURCE and as an ALCHEMIST here. Becoming this POWERFUL FORCE of ENERGY is how we do realities here. Our physical realities arrive as we arrive in them. They are continually emerging, changing shape and re-aligning, as are everyone of us, inside. We take command of our own UNIVERSE and we walk as ONE AS ALL here. The LOVE you ARE, the LOVE you hold, the LOVE you have the capacity to bring forth and share is BEYOND anything you IMAGINED and it's PURE. It is this that transforms all back into LIGHT again. You weave light, infuse light, share light and activate all in LIGHT.... just by being you. A magnificent and brilliant LIGHT BEING. Yes, WE are here. WE always have been. Keep looking. You shall SEE what was not visible before in the old vibrations and gridworks of consciousness. Get ready loves. WE LOVE surprises here! ♥ p.s. IF you find yourself in the "Sleeping to wake-up, anchor light and build your power from the inside-out" phase. This is MOST important! Honor this! You are upgrading in Crystalline/your Crystalline Structure/Gridwork and doing your In-Service work as you clear, cleanse, purify and emerge from within. Gratitude for your dedication. It's challenging to do this, but necessary for us all. I love love love you! ♥ Lisa Transcendence Brown (Ithara) ∞ Pure Sacred Divine Essence Powerful Light Energy Living as ALL Aspects Merged as ONE again here Website: https://www.AwakeningToRemembering.com Daily Updates on the Facebook Public Page: https://www.facebook.com/LisaTranscendenceBrown Aloha Sweet Family of Light, We've started clearing other other dimensional aspects, which we cycle through dimensional versions and aspects for the these days leading up to the 12/12 Gateway and 12/21 & Solstice too. This is a powerful time. I'll do a December Energy Report Video soon. Last night was huge weird, very physical work, in other dimensional realities. Often these are extremely bizarre and make no sense, unless you can "see" the metaphors and energy of them. When we re-enter old aspects of ourselves, old timelines, the energy will feel much denser/heavier in our bodies, like we are weighted here. The lighter we become energetically, the less we notice this, yet it still does occur. There is more floating every time a lot of light is activated (gravity goes with dimensional shifts), as we are constantly balancing magnetics, clearing our veils of amnesia, constantly merging/integrating and clearing any cellular memory/programs still held within. We don't actually need a physical experience to trigger or do this here. All is just an energetic feeling as cells move, energy shifts and leaves the body. We can feel the shift in weight or feel the energy release as all of this occurs, while we continue to work and do other things in-service. We've been going through a cleansing, clearing and working out any energy left within each aspect that held us to specific timelines. As we work this energy out, we clear that frequency where that was held within us here. We can do this in our sleep (closed-eyed conscious states), without having to do anything here. This is where many will clear old karmic timelines easier, by doing the opposite of what they used to do as their old human aspect did. This is a gift we exercise, to move beyond the karmic wheel, and into these higher frequency dimensions where karma no longer exists. Anywhere you have a version of you that still holds karma frequencies, anywhere you still have this in frequency within, you can do this through conscious actions/thoughts in the waking state and simultaneously in your sleep state too. There are alot of people clearing/working through karmic timelines lately and this will continue as all of those lower frequency bandwidths of consciousness collapse. Now, there are certain periods where we cycle through dimensions (12 of them) and clear out each version of our aspects here. Every December is one of those times, and we've just entered this phase now. There are days you may feel more human/linear/less creative, you may feel more heaviness in your body, yet nothing is really going on for you. This is because you are in a frequency where you are clearing cellular programs/timelines/realities/energies that was held in your physical body, yet you are off in other dimensions working through these, and these may not be visible to you when this occurs. Know that you are doing this in a waking state, clearing your other timelines/dimensions/versions/aspects of you. You just need to honor the process as it presents for you right here. Where you have a physical reality challenge or something is out-of-alignment, you may want to re-align your reality so that things can clear easier and "reset" and start to align in your physical realities here. Remember, you haven't gone backwards or done the process wrong. This is an important part of the process to clear these timelines & hidden cellular programs that most had not idea were there. It's just "more" energy going so that all can physically move into these higher frequency bandwidths now. When you are clearing "human" frequencies/timelines in your sleep, it can be heavy too. When you awaken, it takes several hours for this energy to move out before you can shift. Honor this energy clearing "time". Don't judge it or the feeling of it. It's easier when you are in-tune and understand what your universe is trying to do for you. The more intense, busy, physical and bizarre the sleep state (other dimensions) are, the more we are able to clear. This assists us in moving this energy out faster so that the waking dimension is easier and we can be more productive once the energy clears. WE don't get caught up in the energy of things here. We sleep if we feel to, we observe, yet don't need to know, we see the metaphors, share to assist others, pull away if we need or manage multiple dimensions inside and keep going/working/doing. This doesn't have to incapacitate us anymore. We do all consciously as to what works best for us. Just the awareness of what is going on in every moment, gives us the capability to choose how we desire to experience these processes now. Sometimes you want to put your head under a pillow or get out in nature or take a break and laugh a bit. Honor whatever is right for you. This is one of the most important parts of the process. When you find yourself going through this, you are clearing your connection to an entire gridwork of consciousness that was in your physical body so that you can hold more light. As you do, you ARE in-service and this gives all the ability to move through easier in order to fulfill purposes & missions by holding the NEW Earth Gridwork in place intentionally from within. Now some won't notice anything at all. That's okay. Honor where they are in their process for them. As all wake up, they become more aware of what is going on when the body wakes up and energy starts to move and trigger old programs held within. New awarenesses that there is nothing wrong, that something suppressed is emerging for cleansing/purification so that it can be merged back into/as love within, that their hearts are opening and their human realities are going be challenged as fixed beliefs go, each of us does this in our own way, perfect for us. Sharing your awarenesses from a space of respectful love, without imposing, allows them to hear it and go off and let it light weave through their consciousnesses so that when they are ready to see/understand, they will have been exposed to what awakening and physical ascension is. Our jobs are to share, what we understand, so that they can understand as they are ready too. Knowledge is a gift we share. This assist everyone in navigating easier and gives them the ability to actually choose. Relax your physical body & mind to allow for flow to occur. We have to be in-tune, energetically, with everything, in every moment. Presence, openness, awareness of every muscle in our body, every thought, every twitch and twang... we are aware of all when we are IN our LightBody and existing with a unified mind and heart. These must operate at the SAME frequency, in unison, communicating with our entire physical vessel as ONE UNIFIED BODY OF LIGHT. Sacred heart space is where we function from. ♥ p.s. We are right in the middle of a vortex right now as we get ready to move through it and "come out on the other side". Lisa Transcendence Brown Public Page: https://www.facebook.com/LisaTranscendenceBrown This entire phase is "The Event". Once we enter it, it continues. Every moment is this. Used to be there were separate activations, separate events, separate moments/periods that were an activation of higher consciousness and moving all into higher frequency bandwidths. That has changed. Now, every moment is a continual upgrade in consciousness. This writing is going to encompass as much as I can put into one writing regarding this. Read it in pieces if you need. It will make sense to whatever aspects of you are present and ready to receive it. As more come to work consciously with their own holographic access in the sleep state, inner world and waking state as one, there is no separation between these states. We work intentionally, consciously and with awareness in each one of these. The lucid dreamy energy of the sleep state carries over into the waking one. Walking in a dream is a bit bizarre as one anchors the other dimensional planes/realms in their physical reality here. Much of our old human stuff just moves into the "sleep" (closed-eyed state), so that we can collapse timelines faster, move through realities faster and work consciously in the "waking" (open-eyed or physical form) one. To the Light Being, there is no difference in these anymore. We are no longer bound to the linear separation of a physical form reality, a close eyed/open eyed state. These all become one. Total awareness, continually stretching/relaxing the physical body/mind are necessary for this to occur. We have to put upgrading our consciousness first. The rest aligns in response and "arrives" in the physical in response to this. By working intentionally with the holographic realities as they present, we utilize our abilities to move through realities easier here. As one can see a multitude all at one time, existence changes, gets much easier. We just deal with the energy of all things at all times. Sometimes that energy presents in physical form. We recognize it and we deal with it. Right then. For the human, this new way of existence does not conform. It's too easy and it does not make sense. There's no struggle, no fight, no devastation, no fear, no sick or anything of the old here. We've all gone through our own journey of human'ness and we've chosen to move beyond it and merge all of our aspects into this physical one here. We've chosen to let go of our stories, our attachments, our lack, our needs, our identities and all that went with this. We don't need safe anymore and there's nothing to survive here. We evolve back into light and we hold love, gratitude, appreciation, purity and all as family here. We've returned to our Galactic/God Consciousness as SOURCE and CREATOR existences here. We continually step into new missions/roles/purposes for HUmanity, yet it's more than that. NOW, we enter the phase of GALACTIC MERGING OF PLANES. We've been doing this for years within, yet now we actually have the ability to hold the vibration with all of our bodies (mental/physical/emotional/energy) merged as one here. All of the clearings/purgings, transcending all from within, unifying continually, sleeping to wake up and integrating the higher frequencies within us brought us to this here. Our sleep state is beyond important, all along the way. Pulling away to be by our self, shutting everything else out, necessary for all to come to connect to SELF AS SOURCE and all of our other multi-dimensional aspects again. Delving into the depths of our souls and consciously working through separation intentionally. We have to purify and cleanse every aspect of us, all of our own distortions, and we can't do do this easily with interruptions/disruptions from outside "things". Nature provides a respite place to connect and merge with the entire UNIVERSE from within. Sleep gives us the ability to access that which we could not in a waking state before. WE emerge all along the way as we pull away, honor us, come to love ourselves fully and all things as one again. As we do this, we then have to REMEMBER how work with the outside world to maintain and achieve the abilities to MASTER ALL AS ENERGY in any state, in every exchange, under all circumstances. WE come to understand which state serves the most benefit in how to maneuver through holographic physical planes. We activate and anchor the ones in the physical that match our new frequency we've achieved over all thus far. Where every moment is dedicated to anchoring higher consciousness and upgrading our evolving Crystalline Physical Form here, we are continually moving through realities at the QUANTUM SPEED OF LIGHT. As light, we are all able to do this NOW. We achieved this ability when the 2012 Gateways opened and we started merging our other aspects here. This is a continual process of merging & maintaining. All of our internal/external collapses coupled with intentional inner work moved us all into PHYSICAL ASCENSION with the anchoring of the 2012 Gateway here. We've continued this since, with NEW Earth becoming more accessible, visible and tangible in every moment. WE gained the ability to transcend the limited human experience here and maintain NEW Earth Existence NOW. Every moment is MORE NEW EARTH. It's beyond exquisite to experience. Here, we just observe human'ness and we move it out. Activating our Galactic Templates, restoring to the original one, our physical body has been "reversing" all since, clearing distortions that were still held in cellular memory and the body releasing any physical density still held. The more crystalline we are, the less we release. The body expels all along what it does not need. It's all done inside, the electromagnetic/bio-plasmic energy/gasses emit and do the work inside for us. Our bodies are changing form from the inside out. Our glands/organs being re-worked to basic functions, we do not urinate or defecate as we once did. Our DNA/RNA, nano-bodies, star-particles, crystals continually working, energy moving... Our cells become intelligent and our entire body communicates through the "transfer of light". Molecular restructuring and particle realignment become normal things. Our entire physical form becomes the entire universe (the other day I became the whole galaxy, and all the stars/plasma energy were inside of me and I was holding all of these inside). Before it was becoming a star, the sun, Gaia... yet these all merge into one inside too. These frequencies activate our Crystalline LightBody in every moment now. The waking human will start to feel energy as they start this LightBody/Crystalline (Christed Consciousness) process, the more they pay attention to what is going on inside their body and match things up. They must desire to see more, know more, understand more and want to be a part of this process though. Otherwise they go through this unconsciously and what is "higher evolution" of their entire being/existence is seen as "something wrong" while they continually are trying to diagnose or fix it and fit it back into the boxes/beliefs of their human mind. They want to control this. There is no controlling one's evolution as an ADVANCED NEW HUE-MAN STAR-LIGHT BEING here. There is opening up to a process that is going to occur at an exponential rate now. This wreaks havoc on the human's fixed reality. It's only through opening up to higher-self-inner guidance and new awarenesses that this changes. Then commitment is required to actually do the experience easier. Struggle and suffering are the human's way. Embracing and easier is the conscious being's way. Holding light within our physical structure is how we do NEW Earth here, while re-aligning in every moment anything that presents that is not in alignment with our "new" (returned) higher existence here. Our genetic make-up changing continually, upgrading continually, morphing and contorting in weird and bizarre ways. Our bones, cells, teeth, muscles continually breathing, expanding, contracting as light obliterates the density that was held within. Separation is density in physical form. Gravity shifts are continual as we hold more light here. The actual physical body mass changes with each particle re-alignment as each frequency activation triggers the insides of our bodies to change from dense matter (carbon-based) to liquid, gas, plasma and crystalline form. As WE expand in light, solar winds (super high light frequency waves) weave light through us to "work" on upgrading our solar crystalline physical body structures. Our organs, bones, teeth, brain, spine, muscles, endocrine/glandular/adrenal/lymphatic/blood and nervous systems, senses... Every cell within our molecular structure is take offline from the old gridwork and brought back online with the new. How dramatic/extreme this is, will be determined by how much separation we held/suppressed and how closed off our hearts & minds were. These are our veils. Our Multi-Dimensional LightBodies continually expand and contract. The human aspect cannot see that this is creating a new physical form/reality. It's starts with the activation of us as energy, our 7 chakras, then moves to 13 then many many more, then to every meridian to then move to every cell. Each becoming a vortex, black hole, and individual star. The entire solar system wakes up inside. Everyone is becoming the entire universe again here now. While all of this is going on inside the physical body, there is a feedback loop that exists between the inner world and outer world. This is your co-existence. Every light activation triggers particles and waves for a new holographic reality to take physical form. What you hold in your physical body dictates that physical reality out there. Some frequencies load/activate new programs, while others move out old ones by triggering the cellular memory and cells where the energy/beliefs of these were held. Some activate genetic re-coding to remove the "additional genomes and human genetic markers" that we held as humans here. Everything is the opposite as we "thought" it was. We don't get "new" stuff. We purify and return to purity, pure consciousness, pure light energy, pure love again. WE cleanse and purify our physical structures with the obliteration of the human markers that were "extra" in our physical make up. These are what created the distortions we came here to experience and transcend. Anything of the physical reality that was produced out of that distortion will go, unless it can be transformed into Light Service for all. The entire gridwork of consciousness that held all in place was within each one of us and as we move into entirely new gridworks of consciousness (integrate) and become the CRYSTALLINE GRID, we move into realities that are configured of the higher coordinates that were held within our Human StarGates and activate in frequency for us come to exist here. All we do is tune, upgrade, hold, expand, evolve, unify and become what we forgot when we chose to enter into the veils of amnesia for our own individual and collective experiences here. As souls, we programmed our own templates and DNA here. NOW, we have anchored enough light to initiate this next phase, which has "started" continually for each of us as we dedicate our existence to our own Ascension/Descension/Embodiment/RE-Evolution here. Activating AS the Galaxy, we've opened a gateway to another/other Galaxies for all to merge a multitude of planetary planes into one. These are done first through whatever inner planes we have access to thus far. For some it will be holographically, some it will be by seeing LightBeings/LightShips from time to time, and as all achieve the overall frequency, having upgraded their physical structure to be able to handle the energetics required to walk in/through these merging physical planes, interaction will become an option, yet the mind must be open and clear from distortions, fears and separation to BE A PART OF THE GALACTIC FAMILY UNIT that is here to transform all and assist HUmanity with coming INTO THESE HIGHER EXISTENCES NOW. As Galactics, these GodHead upgrades activate holographic imaging that can be seen by those who have achieved the physical upgrades through their inner eyes/physical eyes to see. We morph through transmission, the crystals transmitting imagery around us from within. We glow, are fuzzy and sometimes, depending on the frequencies, our galactic signatures show through. This will now continually evolve as we do. More becoming visible, visibility for others to see will be dependent on their own abilities, openness and dedication to existing here with us. Now, these Galactic Gateways that have opened allow us to merge with the other planes, for the veils between them dissipate daily. We have achieved the physical status to be here, yet are continually upgrading so that we can all co-exist together, work together, support each other and bring forth the NEW Earth that all have been seeing and waiting for. It's all of us working together. It's our light, our transmissions, our galactic/multi-dimensional/higher self names and energetic signatures that allow us to find each other now. Three days ago, we started a continual merging process, and it's not that we won't be blasted from time to time, yet the blasts in these higher frequencies have turned into just continual consciousness upgrades, mergings and expedited genetic re-coding frequencies. We've achieved the ability to handle the "running of source light and all of these other liquid light frequencies" through our entire physical crystalline structure form, without being incapacitated, with very little disruption at all. We do have to dedicate to these upgrades of our physical and cut out any disruptions as they become visible for us. Each on their own journey, this will be determined by what presents in every moment and where we currently are. Here we don't get shut down anymore. We do need more physical light to enhance the upgrade/evolution process, as we are adapting to new bandwidths where our bodies exist on more light. Food changes all along the way. The more light we integrate, the more food becomes fuel. After the original template is returned, food dramatically changes again. Our bodies moving from physical matter, liquid, gas, plasma continually now is taking what it needs from food, transforming all into light, discarding the rest, after it takes live proteins, carbs, fat, salt, sugars and utilizes them for our new genetic make-up, which looks nothing like we thought. Our bodies do all of the work, for they are conscious living beings now, bio-organisms that are smarter than us as humans are. We just get out of the way, assist and honor the process however our own evolution presents. This will be different for each one of us, as we all are many aspects and we never know which aspect is being merged in that moment. Now, for the Galactic Planes in the physical, the human will have awareness that this now exists. The Galactics here will have the ability to see each other, find each other, work with each other, based upon Galactic Signatures that transmit frequencies that only Galactic Citizens can receive/translate/understand. Communication is energetic and this communication system is now online. Yay, congrats everyone. WE DID IT! The words are "Are you ready? Get prepared". HOME FREQUENCIES HAVE BEEN ACTIVATED. Every moment now is more important than ever before. We've entered the Gateway of December 2015 which culminates and anchors through the first half of January 2016. This entire period has begun. We are in it right now and we continue to move further through it, anchoring all other existences and planes here. WE all do this as Crystal Grid Keepers/Gatekeepers here. Only those who wait for another time will hold themselves to a timeline where these things have not occurred yet. We jump timelines intentionally by the amount of light and holographic realities we can work with in all of our states here. We exist in all timelines while anchoring the highest ones in the physical reality here, clearing all of the ones we intentionally collapse in our sleep state and by that which we do in our conscious waking state here. I'll share more as I can. There is so very much occurring in every moment now. Open up and always be ready, always embrace, always expect the unexpected, awesome, amazing, magical, blissful and BEYOND. Keep moving out that which no longer resonates with you. Remove the blinders. These were your veils. We all did this. This is our chosen experience here. WE are all stepping into new roles with these higher vibrations now. I love you! ♥ Lisa Transcendence Brown (Ithara) www.AwakeningToRemembering.com Public Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/LisaTranscendenceBrown/ Expanded Consciousness is Required to Exist on NEW Earth & To Intentionally Shift Timelines11/28/2015 Aloha dear sweet Light Family! Depending on the dimension you occupy, the amount of inner work you have done, your ability to maintain EXPANDED CONSCIOUSNESS is how all move through these higher frequencies now. Just being conscious, as in having an open heart, that won't fly anymore. It takes unification of all aspects back into love. The higher heart/higher mind working to unify at the same frequency, the physical body upgrading in light FAST, realities speeding up for the human, slowing down for the higher self aspects/merging multi-dimensional being here.... this is what determines your actual physical reality now. Many "got by" for a long time, just holding a space of love, many are moving into this space, where they had not been before, many "thought" things were resolved inside, only to find there is always more, many having to sleep to anchor the lucid dream/wake up, others stepping into their power/into service and confused at how to do this, many waking up and watching that outside world and where they still hold that inside of them, getting all caught up in it/dealing with it where cellular programming needs to have energy burnt off. For those who still hold karma, we are going through mass karmic clearings. This includes the land, the animals, children, physical structures too. Everything has to hold light, be cleansed, cleared, purified. So many different timelines in every moment. Anchoring all these different realities here is often confusing. Weeding through the old ones, moving them (and all that represents) out, where transformation is not an option, as many are not open yet, while things are happening to move everyone into a new place/space. More love, more light, more awesomeness, more abundance, while the opposite occurring for many on the other end of the polarity spectrum working to awaken, transcend, ascend in physical or non-physical form. Mass awakening, mass confusion, mass triggering, mass activations, mass everything for the transformation of HUmanity into the higher realms. Yet, your physical reality adapts as fast as you open up & tune. Resistance & fight within yourself creates chaotic physical realities. More coming to stand in their power and be done with the old, we are continually moving out and shifting into what has been awaiting to come forth. Examine your own inner resistance to what is "right" with your heart, right for you, true for you and see what your driving force is with anything you do. This will give you awareness and cause you to see easier. Unity means everyone working together to hold the NEW Earth Gridwork in place, all of the time. This means standing in your power, being love, being light and not wavering when something is in your face to test you to see what you will do. Walking on NEW Earth is a completely different existence than before. It requires all of your attention and dedication and becoming/Mastering the ENERGY of all from within. This is taking that sacred connection and not disconnecting anymore. This means gratitude in every moment, love in every breath and our actions reflecting a higher vibration in everything we do, say, transmit. The intensity will continue to build, for the purpose is to push out all separation that was held within each one of us so that all can live on NEW Earth. We have powerful cosmic/galactic light upgrades all day every day now. Very few breaks/windows to catch your breath, then it activation time again. The only way to navigate this journey with great ease, is to embrace dealing with yourself, dealing with that out there, dealing with all as energy, seeing through NEW EYES without judgment, the old programmed beliefs and being open to that which is uncomfortable, unknown and tests your faith that when you do everything from within that everything is going to be okay. Now though, it ends up being more than okay. We were the ones standing in our own way. Coming through the intensity, it can be beyond extremely emotionally/mentally/physically painful. Basically, it sucks. Yet, this is important, for we have to move through the energy and move that energy out of us. The moment we come through it, that's when the shift occurs. That's when we truly understand what everything was. How we held on, how we created all, how we believed, how separated from self-as-Source we were. A new birth of self occurs. Beauty, freedom, happiness, peace, joy, bliss was all hidden deep beneath everything we held onto, that fear, that judgment, that "not enough", that need to hold on. It was our block to magnificent abundance. Whatever you dominantly hold within, will continue to become visible in your physical reality so that you can see it, experience it, play with it. The way we maneuver is by working in a multitude of dimensions, in the waking state. We intentionally collapse timelines and move into new ones, affecting physical realities by the vibrations we hold here. ♥ Remember, while everything is collapsing in one dimension, it's coming together in another. What you expect, look for, believe, participate in will determine which reality (Universe) you exist in and physically experience here. That physical reality out there is a physical timeline playing out for you to see. To intentionally switch/change timelines, you have to intentionally change your vibration and hold it until the physical reality re-aligns in response. ♥ When you sit still, energy is not moving, unless you are sleeping to upgrade your LightBody & Integrate your light, awaken new knowledge, clear timelines, and intentionally open your heart. In the "space in-between dimensions", when you are anchoring the lucid dream in, you must allow groggy/foggy, so your linear aspect can soften, relax and your body can hold more light while your physical world upgrades for you. In your lucid waking state, you have to move energy in ways that are productive, contribute, create change, transform, uplift.... all from your heart. This is what creates your abundance, when you do what you do for others and you don't shrink down to "little human" and listen to the old programs that kept you in a space of lack. Abundance is BEING those higher self aspect, using your gifts, your experiences, your inner knowledge/knowing to make a difference. We all discount ourselves along the way, as that was our human aspect. Here, our human aspect is a program what we recognize and we MOVE BEYOND IT, transcending all and merging all into light from within. We separate everything so that we can see it, then we put it all back together as one again, as we unify it as one from within. We start out as "little humans", we awaken all of our other aspects to merge here. We must dedicate ourselves to US to move into our purposes/roles/missions, for when we do this, we give ourselves what we need, we become the investment, we become what is important, no longer "not enough", because we have chosen to put ourselves first, to bring our Divine Essence Love out from within. Yet, our Divine Masculine is our power and this has to be activated and cultivated too. This comes "after" we've mastered the other aspects (technically simultaneously, yet to our human it's after). Activating aspects, merging aspects, becoming higher self aspects (Embodiment) is a huge challenge and full-time balancing act. There is soooooooooo very much to be aware of and pay attention to in order to do this. We have to be conscious in every moment, of everything. There is not one thing that occurs that we do not hear/see/feel. Our awareness is 360 degrees and it's with our entire BEing. We function AS the entire Universe, not just a thing we live in. That out there is an expanded holographic chamber, with a program that transmits from inside of us. When we are totally present, aware, in command and intentionally transmitting with every fiber of our being, at our highest frequencies of love and light, we have the capability to affect the hologram ourselves. We activate our own higher frequency realities to start to play, just by holding that frequency from inside. Our bodies, full of crystals (crystalline), are transmitters of this hologram, and it's what gives us the ability to be seen different based upon the dimension we are visible in. This is why when you see us, we look so different depending on in every "frame". One we can glow, be soft, the next the lines of our face are more linear (clear cut), energy may be seen around us, geometric shapes visible in our field, colors visible or a hazy mist... these are all part of transmissions from our Crystalline Structure. The higher we are able to maintain, the higher we all go into these other "Light'r" Bandwidths, the more visible everything becomes. Look around you, observe, pay attention to what you used to take for-granted as "just a physical world". You'll see more as you interact with your reality, play with it, stretch your mind, for as your heart opens, and your child-like wonder emerges, your mind expands and your vision is immediately affected to change, as you see differently and from other dimensions from inside of you. The other external dimensions become visible as you do. Your head is just a transmitter of frequencies. You have human ears that hears the outside, you have tuners inside that take all of those frequencies that are in your body and it translates it into sound, sound that you can hear, words that you can understand. When you hear a thought, this is transmission of what is anchored in your body. When you are tuned to your light/higher self aspects, you hear inspiration, ideas, guidance, epiphanies, new awareness you did not have before. When you are tuned to your old programs, you hear the old words, the lack, the judgment, the beliefs that created emotions of anger, sadness, not enough, comparison, need. One raises you up and inspires you, and where you have to move through a fear, it will trigger discomfort in your body. One talks you out of things, gives you every reason why you cannot, that you do not have enough. One is light and the other is limited human. Now, the human aspect does not have the ability to separate out thoughts from their emotions. They are one and the same. They believe both, because they appear to be tangibly real. The multi-dimensional being walks AS A HIGHER SELF and observes their programs and separates the feeling from the thought and sees them both, separately. That emotion is a response to that thought, that belief or that thought created that feeling. We work with these SEPARATELY, releasing the energy from the body, working with the thought from within. We dissipate both with our navigational tools we have gathered so that NEITHER HOLD POWER anymore. WE hold the power to transmute, transform and merge all back into love and appreciation inside. Our physical reality world starts to change as we change it, from the inside out. The perception that there is something "higher out there" is just a perception of what your energy field/Universe is. Your body will tingle and open up, energy will start to move, through you, in and out of you, as your Merkaba/Torroidal Field/Electromagnetic Field/LightShip is activated. This huge vortex of energy that you walk in is your Universe/Your Ship/You as all of your higher selves here. Yet, as humans, it starts as a spark inside, as our heart opens, and it runs through our body, activating us in light. Our cells, our organs, our bones, our brain, our muscles, our spine, fingers, toes, knees, skin.... every particle of us is woken up, starts tingling, moving, charging, shrinking/contracting, expanding, breathing. All is becoming ALIVE again. As humans we were dead. Some refer to this a zombies. It's really true. We operated on unconscious programs, auto pilot and unknown/acquired beliefs. It was backwards. Everything is. We don't die to go to HEAVEN ON EARTH, NEW Earth. We come alive and online with higher consciousness gridwork. WE WAKE UP! Old programs present as out-of-tune-frequencies and energy blocks in the physical body vessel. As we tune to higher frequencies, this energy starts to move. This energy turns into photonic light and powerful energy inside. It's how we become QUANTUM BEINGS here. WE tune all to Light, intentionally. WE HOLD LIGHT, we do not step out of our bodies anymore to go off somewhere else. WE do all from inside our body. WE work with all from within. This is a whole new existence. How we function completely changes here. The neural pathways open up, our head expands & contracts, bioplasmic & photomagnetic runs through our brains and emit from our spines, cells and physical body, our body blows up with solar winds, star particles activate, crystalline activates as we hold Christed Consciousness as a way of being here. Gravity goes as we have more space inside, as our cells charge, as our hearts stay open, we float inside and anchor that light into our physical vessel, literally becoming light. Our physical form starts to change alot, dense matter being changed into liquid, gas & plasma energy. With each release of old discordant energy and this dense matter being carried out of the body, our light has more room to move and do it's work. Our bodies blow up as our cells charge in photonic light and solar winds (frequency waves) move it all around inside. Your body sounds like it is talking and moving. It is. It's doing alot of work upgrading from Carbon Based to Solar Crystalline Star-LightBEing Form! When certain frequencies are present, we become heavier (dense mass), then they shift, we fill up in photonic light/gas/air, start to float or feel weighted, as we go from Dense Matter Mass to Light Matter Mass, our particle mass changes inside. These continually shifting frequencies are upgrading your physical vessel, whether you are consciously aware of what-is-what or not. WE alternate between human & higher self, through being a star being, light being, galactic, aquatic, elementals and more, as we integrate all of these aspects within us as one. We move between aspects while they merge and there is no separation anymore. Our physical bodies are now going through huge genetic upgrades where that which we merge inside activates our physical make-up to alter so that our holographic transmitters can emit the frequencies of that which we hold inside. The more our physical upgrades, the higher these frequencies are on NEW Earth, the more visible our aspects come, continually shape-shifting to be visible. The physical vessel is continually morphing into all of our essences here. Our physical vessel is adapting to our frequencies we hold within. Before, we were purifying our physical vessel to hold light. Now we hold light and our LightBody adapts to these. Every frequency bandwidth upgrade, our physical vessel adapts a little bit more. All becomes visible in these higher frequency bandwidth planes/dimensions/realms now. It used to be just an energetic thing. That is changing. WE are becoming visible in the physical now. ♥ First we morphed/shapeshifted into human, to have a human experience. We tried to fit in, adapt, and our physical form took on the characteristics of our human families, genetic make-up and surroundings, as in animals/elementals and more. Now, we've cleared the cellular programs of that. Now we morph back into who we truly are. All of our aspects here in new, pure, upgraded Crystalline Physical Form. Energy changes in every moment, as do these frequencies now. We are continually alternating in & out of different dimensions. As we transcend the lower bandwidths of consciousness within us, we transcend our human aspect that held us physically there. We expand into all dimensions and our physical body starts to contort and re-work itself, new genetic codes are activated with sacred geometric symbols that float around in our energy field and activate within our body as we hold this higher light inside. Our own continual consciousness activates these higher DNA strands. We do this through our open hearts, open minds, open energy, as a powerful being full of love that does not allow or participate in the old gridwork of consciousness anymore. WE are NEW Earth and the Crystal Grid Keepers and the Light Pillars. The Gridwork is inside of us and we connect up to NEW Earth Gridwork to walk on NEW Earth "out there" from here. ♦ When (y)our energy changes, our physical vessel now changes. It will start taking new shape according to the frequencies you are transmitting. Molecules no longer held by your physical density, all can now move about to create a new physical transmission/visible form. When your heart is open, you look different. This is just the beginning for all, dependent on vibrational frequencies and intentional transmissions through the embodiment of higher light. The ability to shapeshift is a natural one, based upon the space that we occupy at in given time. It's all a frequency and energy kinda thang! Photo credits unknown, except for cirkeln-vfx-breakdown-by-ixor (bottom right photo)
Every Moon Phase is awesome, amazing and brings forth much power, deep inner reflection and shaking up the external reality so that all can see what needs to be seen. We've entered the energies of "clean up your own yard"... We can't move into the next phase of awesomeness, of more expansion, until we've done so. Every one of us have to do this and yes, it's a continual thing. There's always something within us that has to be seen. Always something in our physical reality that has to be aligned, tweaked, adjusted, tuned to a higher vibration.... Often, we will be shown what we don't want, so that we can see what we do. The human aspect cannot see, so it needs a reference point. It's not that what we saw has to be our reality (it is if we accept it, believe it and allow it to come forth here), it's that we are shown what can/will occur, if we don't do what it takes to clear our own vibrational energy field/physical body vessel. We are given choice to DO whatever it takes to open our hearts/mind/energy to shift in order to activate a higher vibrational realty than the one we are shown/is present in the moment. For me, I'll be shown what can occur if I don't get my butt in gear. I'll be shown what has already occurred and which timeline I am currently in. I see what my own actions/non-action are creating/triggering/transmitting to occur, which then gives me choice to TUNE TO A DIFFERENT VIBRATION, do something to shift to a different timeline. It's through MASTERING FREQUENCIES AND ENERGY transmissions that we are able to re-program and trigger different physical realities to play out. The sleep state is another dimension, many of them. We get messages, we clear/collapse timelines, we interact with other souls, we work, we teach/share, we see what we otherwise could not see. Creative ideas, what we are to do, other dimensional realities can present here. WE do alot of work in our sleep state and we wake exhausted much of the time. This is where we integrate light and the veils are further removed. This is where we "reset" and our body is able to upgrade/repair faster, as we are in our LightShip/Energy Vortex, access to many other dimensions here. Our sacred resting/high vibrational space is this, wherever we go to to BE in a high energy spin. Our energy spin is created from inside of us. Our energy spins faster as we clear our own stuff up. As we reverse the old ways from human to higher self. As we open our hearts, our minds, our energy opens up too. As our body holds more light, this spin increases and can be heard/seen/felt (depending on your way of seeing). When this spin slows/comes to a halt, we are the one that has to clear whatever it is up that is interfering in our field energy/spin ratio... this is our abundance too, so the more expanded we are able to stay, the more dimensions we span, the more abundance we receive here. This is because we are grabbing every opportUNITY to utilize everything that comes to us to fulfill our purposes/missions here. We are responsible for doing this ourselves. Every time we hit one of these phases, we have to look at ourselves, our realities and we have to bring all into alignment inside and out. We are preparing for the 12/12 StarGate/Gateway that usually activates a few days early. This moon cycle now starts the phase of clean-up for all of us. This is a never-ending process of upgrading in light, letting go of old vibrational existences, setting things straight in our own Universe. There is a lot of looking at things straight-in-the-face now and this continues as we go. As humans, play-time is over. It's done. Collapse of the lower gridwork of consciousness is full-blown. All that was supported before is no longer, and this means everything in OUR physical body, our physical world. WE can look outside and see it occurring everywhere collectively. Meanwhile awesome, magical and amazing awaits, floats around in our energy field, sits behind an invisible veil that diminishes when we step into the discomfort/fear or share us/our gifts/what we have available to us to move us into our next phase. As we expand, continually, our field starts to amplify and spin. The energy from inside us, our heart open, is what generates this. Heart closed/mind closed, spin stops and so does abundance and amazingness. Heart & mind open, fully on-board, spin starts back up and increases when we move through whatever was inside of us keeping us from stepping into that new magical physical reality. As energetic beings, all we have to do is pay attention to the energy of all things and shift the energy, open our hearts, recognize that which is not being productive from within us, that which inspires, distracts, is not in tune with our hearts, our being'ness. WE don't have to know the "future", as the future is always created from this moment right here. The "future" is a response to how open, focused, productive and expanded we are in every way. Unconscious gets an unconscious reality. Conscious, with intention, in command of frequencies being transmitted... this is the difference. One is the lower dimension that collapses, the other is NEW Earth that flourishes, where we all exist as family, working & playing together in light and as love again. Everyone of us have something of an old consciousness within us, that is clearing cellular memory so that we can maintain a physical vessel that is totally awake, alive, online and and exists through cellular consciousness. The body is evolving with each activation of light. The crystals inside activate and transmit a different hologram. As these crystals form, the stargate inside links up. It dials frequencies to move us into different dimensions. Once the structure is fully online, it will cycle through and each time we get ready to go through a different StarGate our physical body will "turn off" so that our human body can clear that which was held within it and held one to moving physically into another dimension. This is part of how NEW EARTH BANDWIDTH EXISTENCE works. When all crystals are being activated fully, the body is operating at optimum performance and physical realities are much different than they once were. Every StarGate requires we cycle through old realities and clean everything up so that we can move through the StarGate with our physical vessel, our Solar Crystalline Star-LightBody. A holographic transmitter that is automatic just by BEing Light. Our LightShip. our Geometric Sphere that is a huge space of vibrating and continually changing frequencies/light. We have to pay attention to the energy we are transmitting out of us. We have to feel what we are generating or not (holding back). This is what determines HOW WE EXIST here. When we hold back, when we stop contributing, when we are not willing to step-up, our UNIVERSE does it for us. No one or thing is doing anything to us. This is our holographic chamber. It's accessible inside, expands into our field and our field expands into that physical realty/dome out there and blends/merges into the entire physical plane. Holographic feed-back loops that are continual based upon us. Our ENERGY dictates everything. It's all up to us. Becoming Masters again means total awareness, total presence, total responsibility for all from within. Not from a place of human blame, shame, guilt, lack. From a space of love, light, honor, integrity and power as all again. WE are all here to bring forth our humanity from within. To get in touch with our true essence and bring our pure selves out from within, to purify our physical vessels, to purify our reality so that we can all exist together in purity again. Without the old distortions of the old programs anymore. We have to be willing to see and deal with our own distortions and move through these "faster" each time from within. We have to tune ourselves and allow our physical body to tune up so that our physical reality can simultaneously tune too. The INSTANTANEOUS response of these higher vibrational bandwidths respond quicker to us. A reality can shift/change in a moment now. The physical delay is less, for the density of the old is gone. The moment we open up, shift all ourself, the moment everything aligns and a new timeline is triggered to play out for us here. These powerful SOURCE ENERGIES are pushing everyone further than ever before. This does not slow down or stop, it gets stronger, faster. Resistance creates a friction with the spin of energy that is trying to carry us into these higher realms. Your human mind creates this resistance and your body holds it, which affects your own energy field spin. It actually causes it to shut down or spin in the opposite direction. This is where the human experiences the perception of "loss" or the physical reality being adjusted in response to what it does not want. This is where everything goes sideways, so pay attention to your own energy, any resistance to your heart energy being open fully and you stepping into your own power from within. I love you. We are in a "holding bay" as we get ready to "JUMP" huge again. Let's do this loves. Move it out. We all have to do this. The most amazing realities are waiting for all of us. In every moment. They are already here. We expand/vibrate into them. ♥ Fear creates a reality, inability to do, believing the fear and then waiting for proof. Proof for fear is the actual physical reality that occurs to support that, so if one has a fear, they focus their energy on that and actually create that into existence. Physical world proof for a believed fear. Inabiity to act, choose, do is what one does when they listen to and allow themselves to get caught all up in the fear. Stepping into the fear breaks the energy, breaks the hold. If one cannot go inside and DECIDE to move through the fear, move through the energy of that reality.... We have to go inside and decide what we are willing to do. We have to see all scenarios that could occur and then decide whether we want them in our physical reality world. Do we want the fear based reality of lack? Because if we do not DO something that changes it, if we do not find the power inside, if we do not break the energy of the belief within us, then WE, as the entire Universe, activate that reality to occur. WE do this, with our beliefs and our thoughts. AS MASTERS WE OBSERVE OUR BELIEFS AND WE OBLITERATE THEM. We don't believe them or the strong feeling inside that makes us feel that we do not have anything to offer or that we can't. We don't listen to that energy that gets so big it cripples us and calls forth an experience stronger to break us. WE break the energy ourself. WE have many tools for doing this, it's not just one. It's everything we can see, every tool we can find.... most of all it's OUR POWER to overcome the belief through inner vision, inner understanding, inner choice, inner awareness, inner power.... The thing about the fear going on out there is that it's a representation of what is going on inside many right now. The fear can cripple/paralyze you and you can wait. Waiting is what creates the realities you do not want. Not stepping up, not stepping into the fear, not getting in service, not putting yourself out there, not DOING what it takes to PROVE to yourself/your UNIVERSE/you that you are serious and will do what it takes, actually creates the reality of lack that you fear the most. FEAR creates the reality to have to occur, unless you realize this is what you are doing and do something different. How much does it take to get you to DO? How much do you have to lose to find your inner power to get moving? How much do you let the fear have control? Do you want that reality you fear to become real? WE are always on the front-lines when it comes to dealing with our human mind, dealing with the lack feelings. WE are the ones that have to make a decision, get off the fence. We have to get so fed up with doing without, being without, living in fear, that we actually DO something. WE do not sit around here. Action is required, or our realities play out and become real from an unconscious state. Consciousness means we are aware of the ENERGY INSIDE OF US and we MASTER IT..... WE take command from the inside, not with our heads. With our entire being.... The reason we do this is to assist others who are going through what we've already experienced and transcended from within. Losing things, doing without, living in lack, suffering...these are all self-created realities, belief systems, energy that we have yet to understand when it runs our world. WE do not have to live this way, this is why all of this is happening now. Lack of power, lack of love, lack of HUmanity, lack of committing to higher existences and DOing something about it. I had to go inside and find the strength everytime, to overcome my own challenges that presented to me, usually after I lost everything and had nothing left. Then I started to understand the energy of how all of this works. I didn't have to lose anything, I didn't have to suffer, I didn't have to believe the fear, but I did have to do what it took to change my own reality out there from within. Every one of us have to do this.... it's required to transcend the lower realms/dimensions of consciousness and come to live/exist on NEW Earth working/living/playing/supporting/existing as love here. ♥ Ascension shows us what we are truly made of and it's very powerful as we understand. It's not the lack, the fear, the separated-source-self anymore that's scared to be visible or to put ourselves out there anymore. It's not the one that wants to live in fear. WE have to find our power inside and bring it out, from within. It's a process. We can do it ourself or wait for our physical world to collapse/push us. This is called "waiting for proof" and it's also our vibration (belief) that created that. This entire journey of embodiment doesn't allow for any less. It's the point. One of them. Close your eyes and go inside to get out of your head. Listen, see, observe. You are here to DO this. You are a magnificent, powerful being that has so much to offer, so much to share, so many to guide and assist. They are waiting for you and what you put out there. They can't find you until you do. You are the one that does this. All of it. They have to see/feel your heart, your Divine pure essence. It's how we all connect as family here again. I love you! ♥ Living on NEW Earth is totally different than the life we one had as small, needy, mis-guided, humans that forgot and lived in an existence of amnesia. These cosmic-higher-light frequencies activate and stimulate everything within us. Understanding of what is going on with all of our bodies and within us is KEY. ♥ As humans, our bodies were very solid, very dense and held all of our programs that were recorded and imprinted in our DNA and cellular memory for our entire experience here. We descended, shrunk down, into little humans (energetically). Expansion of our energy field was nil for many of us, we had little breath of life, little happiness, where we chose a rough overall experience here (completely veiled). Those not completely veiled, lived more from their hearts, had less walls, yet we all have to go through the same expansion BACK into our multi-dimensional existence here. Our journeys are our own. We chose them, wrote, them, programmed them... they were embedded in our soul blueprint. As Earth has ascended, each's soul has been activated to awaken. A spirit(ual) awakening, yet as this occurs, it looks different to each, for the entire process was separated into different wordings, according to what resonated with that being and how they needed to identify for their own journey here. As humans, we ascend. As souls/higher self aspects we descend. As multi-dimensional beings we expand & contract. All the same thing. The only difference is where we exist vibrationally in any given moment and how much light we have integrated into our being/physical vessel here. There are more terms. They don't matter. The understanding is what matters here. We bring all of the words together. We unify separation within them for understanding through the heart what is truly important. As we awaken, our bodies wake up, this cosmic galactic star being and soul light ignites within us and all that was dormant comes alive. Suppressed pain triggered to be felt, emerge, purify, clear, cleanse, dissipate with every activation of light... the density, old programs/beliefs, lack and separation goes. We use "higher and lower" only as descriptions of frequency bandwiths and vibrational sequences. The human takes these as a judgment, when it's just a way to speak of expanding into/as multiple dimensions through the embodiment of pure light here and evolving into a new species as Love here to transform all, uplift all, unify all and bring forth an existence that is beyond exquisite, magical, amazing and that's which all came here to experience, be and thrive. We move from a masculine-head-thinking-driven reality to one feeds the heart, feeds the soul, for this feeding is "energy", life force and each time we do this, we become more alive, yet with this new "totally alive" existence, totally pure existence, all that was discordant within our soul's frequencies, all that was not pure, all that fed our masculine energy needs... this comes up too. The only way to evolve back into light is for the activation of all that was suppressed (trigger), so that we could work through it, release it energetically, love that part of ourselves so completely that we an merge into onenesss/wholeness inside and move into a higher frequency bandwidth of existence... one that is Pure, love, magical, amazing, supporting and as a galactic-soul-family together again. In order to have this new existence, here on NEW Earth, all old has to surface, be seen, let go.... understanding is through the heart. This frees us instead of keeping us prisioner to our own old programmed beliefs, judgments and self-inflicted need to suffer because it is "safe" and "all that we know". WE get to step out of the "safe place" of fear, doubt, lack, aloneness, emptyness, selfishness, separtism that we once held inside. WE get to exist again AS LOVE and yes, AS PURE DIVINE ESSENCE POWERFUL LIGHT. Relationships here are different, totally. They are of respect, love, kindness, compassion, caring, sharing, unity, fun, happy, consideration, contribution, support and equality where all are as one, working together in light and making a difference in every moment, from the inside out. WE ARE the difference. WE do not seek it in others anymore. WE REQUIRE it to exist in our realities, for we HOLD IT and allow others to exist in this magnificent space, if they are ready and committed with every fiber of their being too. Relationships inspire, ignite the fire, playful, fun and each takes responsibility for all from within. These are energy exchanges that EM-POWER all. There's no dysfunction, no depletion, no hidden agenda or motives. Those are the old human games and we don't play those here. We honor each other, respect each other and we share, support, assist and contribute everything we have to the whole. We receive abundantly as we do. We work in unison, stepping away for time/space for ourselves, coming together ready to contribute more after we do. Everyone is our family here. Friends are the old human words for attachment, need and cords. We cut all of the cords and we stand in our own power. WE are all Light Towers emitting, we are all angels assisting/guiding, we are all beacons, light anchors continually upgrading our own Crystalline Gridwork within our own physical structures. We come together to be creative, productive and create change, empowering each other when we stand in our own power here. We honor our truths, share them and honor all other's truths for them... for truths are whatever is within us, and we all have different truths. What is true for us will be determined by the moment, that which is present and what is going on "right then". Our truth will always support NEW EARTH EXISTENCE, what is truly within our hearts and it won't feed the dysfunction/distortions of the old. We see these when they emerge, we honor them as old programs and we allow them to go. We choose what works in the moment. We transmute, transform or just completely obliterate it as powerful love and we unify all within us. There's no running or hiding here. There's no reason. All of that was ours. We see it, own it, and expand beyond it. It's not a part of our reality anymore. We see those around us still holding onto those needs and beliefs and we honor their need for this for them. We move in and out of realities, free flowing, in and out... from vibration to vibration, transcending the lower frequency bandwidths from within. If it does not inspire us, feed our hearts, support the new... it has no place in our world. Everyone has to make a choice. This journey is us constantly seeing, expanding our awarenesses, listening to our own thoughts, recognizing what is what and creating an entirely new belief system and existence from within. The outside physical world is constantly re-aligning with this. Inside our physical structures is continually moving, upgrading and transforming as well. This part makes no logical sense. One must embrace the evolution as a Solar-Crystalline-Star-Light-Being to even start to grasp even just a tiny bit of what all of this is and what is truly going on with the physical body as it evolves from carbon-based to crystalline form. Becoming a Light BEing, reconfiguring, mutating, transforming and holding light is beyond bizarre. The entire whole move from one is existence is. We must open up to actually wanting to know and believe it... and we do this through our hearts. ♥ Open up loves... we are always "just getting started". There is so very much more. Are you ready? Let's do this!!! ♥ Lisa Brown (Lisa Transcendence Brown) ♦ Public Profile/Updates: https://www.facebook.com/LisaTranscendenceBrown Website: https://www.AwakeningToRemembering.com Author, WayShower, Master, Guide "Things are about to dramatically change" were the words last night. I went to write these to share with you, yet was tired and didn't feel it appropriate to do so, without a supporting writing. This will apply individually and to all collectives too. Multiple awarenesses and perspectives assist all who are ready to embrace the huge transition/phase we now (and continually) move into. We are always moving into the next phase of higher light, embodiment, merging of aspects, expansion into other dimensions, collapse/dismantling/deconstruction of the old and simultaneous reconstruction of the "new". The "new" being the other dimensions as they open up and anchor/merge in the physical one here. As humans, we are always moving into the new. As higher-self/multi-dimensional aspects and Light Beings, we are observing all arrive in our physical that we have worked hard for, that we came here for, waited for and are beyond ready for... As humans, we don't like adjustments to our world or dramatic changes, for these do not fit into our reality as we "thought" all was supposed to be. Much of the time it means the opposite of what we perceived we wanted ... As Light Being,s we are here to fulfill purposes and missions and to contribute to the transformation and evolution of humanity to HUmanity, from one of separation consciousness to one of Unity/Christed Consciousness (Crystalline). The spectrum of realities is vast and the polarity of realities could not be further apart, yet with each collapse, unification occurs to balance out polarity/duality for all who are here to move into higher bandwidth existences. Many opt-out, which was part of their own individual pre-determined soul's choice here. They have completed their own missions and roles. The ones remaining can hold gratitude for the gift for their roles here and respect & honor their choice to be free, happy and at peace again. They will act as guides in their new roles beyond here in many capacities and can merge energetically through consciousness and as energy forms in any state they desire. It's beyond beautiful. For the unconscious or waking human, they have a different experience than the awakened being that has come back into power from inside. Mass awakenings means mass confusion and many trying to understand what is truly going on. As veils are lifted everything changes for all. The human aspect doesn't do well with change and tried to hold on. It is this "hold" that has been removed with the collapse of the 3D/4D constructs/gridwork of consciousness. Massive change is an understatement for the amount of light that has been activated, and we are always "just getting started" and there is always "so much more" to come. This is how it all works. Deconstruction of the old so that reconstruction can occur. And the journey in-between the two is HUGE and requires an abundance of navigational tools and understandings that go beyond the old human mentalities of "what all of this is". Navigating multiple dimensions in the waking state is a balancing act, continual process of anchoring higher light and holding this light in the physical body vessel, staying present, expanding consciousness, identifying and releasing that which is no longer in alignment with the new frequency reality, embracing the unknown, standing in love, honor and power from within and creating a world AS LOVE and through the intentional transmission of light in order to affect all other dimensions from the physical one here. Abilities (gifts) come, abundance is returned. Living as Light Beings means hearing/seeing/feeling all vibrationally, transmuting, transforming, transcending and unifying all from within. It means an entire NEW EXISTENCE that does not even resemble the one we "thought" we were here for. It means allowing all to transpire, holding a space and working from there. Total awareness, presence and command from a space, as love and as light again. WE are all RESPONSIBLE for all from within. WE created all of this and WE are the ones that CHANGE it by what we do through open hearted/minded communication together, by what we contribute, by what we DO with our energy, by how much we dedicate to our own journey and how much we step-up to BE NEW EARTH and our Galactic Divine Essences here. Intense is an understatement for what this higher cosmic light brings (activates). Intense can be awesome or not awesome. This depends on us. Knowledge and understanding give us tools to navigate with greater ease. The physical body and physical reality is undergoing an overhaul, transformation and evolution RIGHT NOW. All are moving into the higher realms/alternate dimensions, whether they are ready for it (or conscious of it) or not. HOW one experiences the journey will be determined by how much they commit, embrace and are open to the understandings of Awakening, Remembering, and Ascension. Descension is the word for the higher selves as they "move in" and merge. The "time between" the activation of a consciousness (energy/frequency) and the embodiment can be years or moments, depending on one's own ability to "do/handle" this. Light wreaks havoc on the human's physical body & world. It shines a light on all to make visible that one did not want to see or have any awareness of before. It exposes our own holographic illusion/program. That is "our" play out there. We were not meant to stay separated. We came here to experience it and then move beyond it, transcend it and unify back into love again. As we all hold more light, physical realities slow down for us, while speeding up for the human aspect, for the "space between dimensions" (time) has collapsed. All just becomes one never-ending-moment where we occupy a space here. We just move from space to space and we work from within our space and we observe the outside hologram change in response. We actually become the entire Universe again. The unconscious, separated and resistant human lives in a completely different Universe, literally, and their physical realities are completely different timelines playing out too. Each dimension has a different physical reality. Where one "lives" fully dictates the physical reality one experiences "out there". We've been under days of Liquid Light and Crystalline activations, with some gamma activations thrown into the mix. Super high frequencies, these upgrades are fast and continual now. The amount of plasma energy that emanates from our cells, the movement inside as we charge, the communication going on inside the body and with all as one.... totally wow. As all continues to come online, come alive, many are feeling huge physical movement (photonic light energy) inside as their heart opens and their body wakes up. The LightBody is startling to many, for it is "weird" and continual movement inside the body is "not normal" until we understand what is truly going on. Outside becomes bizarre too as multiple dimensions become visible as the veils diminish inside. The formation of crystals, activation of star particles, cells moving, bones & teeth expanding/contracting/breathing... as the body wakes up and becomes a conscious being too. All of the suppression, it's all being triggered to come up and out. Holding it in is no longer an option. Atomic is an understatement with pent up emotions when these nerve endings and pain centers are stimulated. Discordant frequencies triggered and distortions becoming visible, the judgmental human aspect has a harder time. The conscious and aware being observes, shifts, aligns, tunes and brings all back into love inside. We've had 3 days straight of fog (heavens/crystalline mist), which means huge veils are being lifted as we move further into the higher realms/other dimensions. Our ability to exist the old way has been replaced with an entirely new existence. It's called NEW Earth. Welcome home. ♥ Typical humans will not understand, or believe, our current evolution that we are living and existing as now. The awakened being, continually becoming aware that there are changes going on inside, on a bio-molecular and sub-atomic level, begins to understand, seeing first in the sleep/close-eyed state or through what is perceived as other dimensions. This is your knowledge emerging and presenting so that you can stretch your mind to comprehend through your heart. Grasping "concepts" is what the human mind does. We are here to BE the proof and to be visible now. WE are hybrids, evolving genetically beyond human. Our physical bodies merging and integrating photonic light at warp speed and as this occurs, our physical bodies coming alive, online, and our physical structures going beyond that which ever seemed possible. WE are genetic hybrids. Our human organs, tissue and bones trans-configuring, transforming through the embodiment of cosmic light. This light activates that which was dormant within our encoded bodies, the dormant DNA that held our ADVANCED CODING that is activated continually now, taking short "breaks" to cycle through old dimensions/timelines/frequency bandwidths to clear out any old programs still held within. Light courses through our bodies and our cells mutate, our atomic structure changed with every gamma blast, every infusion of light. Our muscles and tissue have to break down and completely rebuild themselves in a whole new way, density obliterated from our bones and teeth, for this is where our separation and human'ness was held. Our bodies, cells and structures breathe, expand, contract and communicate in ways the human mind cannot comprehend. Every molecule of us broken down over the separation of time to rebuild itself, now faster in every moment. These dormant encodments continually activating, restructuring, reshaping. Nothing is fixed here. All changes shape in every moment here. Our physical structure ever-changing from solid, liquid, gas, plasma... different bio-chemical combinations of these now. So very much is going on. We are evolving in a multitude of ways. Organically, we are coming alive. Our bodies were asleep, dead... it was backwards. The "after-life" here is a physical experience and our bodies no longer programmed zombies, release the old programs and activate new ones. The physical body waking up is an intense one. Everything of the old human existence within us "dies" and the density is released/purged/cleansed/chiseled/cored from our physical structure as our crystals activate inside of us and our shape takes new transitional shape-form. Our physical matter bodies are not as they were before. Our existence is very different here. Holographic transmitters, our crystalline structure transmits the hologram based upon the geometric codes and sequences. Our body template continually upgraded in light and at the perfect "time" for us, when the light quotient has been met, is restored to our original COSMIC TEMPLATE and the physical upgrades go "full-blown". The physical human body, continually adapting and upgrading, this is a very physical experience here. Becoming living bio-organisms, with super conscious/expanded energy fields that are bioplasmically charged from inside our bodies, from each living & breathing cell. Everything is constantly moving, charging, emitting, transforming, mutating... Our brains challenged here, for we cannot exist as we once did. We exchange human intellect for ancient knowledge as we become the UNIFIED FIELD. Processes are different here, as we have to go offline to upgrade, then we come back online with more knowledge, more energy, more power. We are anomalies and our form is continually changing. Solid, liquid, gas... our temps change as we change form, first inside and eventually "out there". Physical matter bodies very different than they once were. No longer as much of a solid form. More energy, more organic, more space.... We float inside our bodies, as gravity goes and our cells charge in light. Zooming at the speed of light. Literally. Embodying multiple dimensions is confusing and takes continually merging, integrating, anchoring and walking in multiple realities/worlds all at one time. Bizarre is an understatement when this starts to occur. Over "time" it gets much easier and is our new "normal" and the old human realities are bizarre and foreign to us. In an expanded state, we span all dimensions at once. Being able to maintain super high frequencies within our physical structure allows us to walk in multiple dimensions/Universes within our being. We carry all within us as Cosmic Light BEings here. The lower dimensions (frequency bandwidth existences) still have fear. They do not understand that we are already here. All of us, we have been. And that which they fear is what they already are. That which is out there is inside. The human has many stories, many preconceived beliefs. Mentalities are skewed by stories... The human distorts according to their own lens, according to their boxes and that which they "think". In order to understand fully, the human must shift to their higher self aspect and out of the limited mindset. HUMANITY is evolving in one aspect, yet the old planes of existence still exist for those playing in those physical realities where their bodes, minds and hearts are still closed and shut down. Evolution is the body holding light and changing frequency bandwidths to finally experience a different transmitted holographic reality in physical form. Planes of existences.... all of these run simultaneously and not "higher or lower" as the human mind perceives. It's like "tick-tack-toe" boards.... frequencies weave in both/all directions.... The human body ascends, the higher selves/spirit descends, the soul emerges/expands and when there is a human program to clear, all shrink back down to human, expel the energy and expand again. All occurs in every direction. Gravity comes and goes, weight/weighlessness comes and goes, the physical body blows up (expands) in light, shuts down to sleep to upgrade for embodiment, while the waking human embodies by what they do intentionally. Each state necessary for all to occur over the separation of time, as separation within diminishes, time-space collapses into one. Meanwhile, inside, the physical body is not just a physical body anymore. It's a Solar Crystalline Star-Light Body that continually changes form. Inside the entire COSMOS exists. And as the GALACTIC BEING wakes up, the entire body starts to transform. Energy (Light) moves through the body, activating all that was dormant, hidden and ancient existences encoded in the Crystalline/StarBeing's DNA, not only activate energetically for the memories to come forth, but the energy as it is held within the physical body structure triggers the cells to start to take that beings form. Because we have been all things, everything is occurring inside at all times. Living breathing cells, bones and teeth that stretch and breathe, organs work differently, as the whole body operates as one system, no longer separated anymore. As density clears from within the bones, muscles, organs, blood, systems re-work themselves. Our bodies do not function as they once did. Self-sustaining much of the time, we are organic-light-aquatic-hybrids. Light intelligence runs through us and our entire body links up to this expanded consciousness gridwork from inside. Our cells communicate and send messages throughout our system on how to function. Nervous system upgrades mean we can handle so much more light running through our body structures. Pure SOURCE LIGHT ENERGY brings us further online. Being online is us all unified and connected as one. The separation is gone. WE operate at the frequency of light. There is a "hive consciousness" that activates along the way as well. All connected, we are all working, fulfilling missions and purposes to assist hUmaNITY in accomplishing this within themselves too. In letting go of the struggle and the fight and transforming all into light. Peace is how we exist. Love is who we are. Pure is our existence. Light is how we function. Together as Light BEings we operate at a physical frequency much higher than we could before. Our bodies were to dense. They held all of our human pain, which was part of our program to come here and transcend. Emotional, mental, physical bodies... these purify and cleanse. These merge as light infuses and weaves through us. Until all our perceived darkness is gone. Dark was our perception, our creation, for our polarized and dualistic experiences we needed, programmed and held within ourselves. As we become light, this ceases to exist. It changes as our perceptions do, as our awareness does. We become aware that the hologram is a response. Individually and collectively and that it's a combination of frequencies that create a bandwidth to walk in. We see that matter takes physical form in response to the frequencies we hold inside. As we INTENTIONALLY TUNE to higher frequencies, that hologram starts to change. The veils were inside of us and they go as we dissolve all within us as it presents. Those realities we dream of have already occurred. They are a physical reality that we step into as we operate at a higher frequency bandwidth overall. There are realities NOW where the Earth is vibrant, where all species exist together as one. No fighting, no destroying, no battle or war. Cohesive existence, working and playing together as one. Love rules our realities. WE don't hold the capacity for anything less here anymore. It is gone. We let it go. We didn't need it anymore. It served it's purpose at that time. As NEW Earth HUmans, we come together to create the new. We share, support, assist and we open the door/GateWays for all others who wish to join us to do so, yet they must be willing to embrace the light, to walk into and AS LIGHT and let go of the old separation, struggle and fight. The collapse of the old gridwork of 3D & 4D, leaves only 5D and higher to exist in the physical. It starts as an individual consciousness collapse and turns into a collective one. These mass waves affect everything collectively now. The molecular structure of all changes, for the physical matter is formed (held in place) through beliefs, thoughts and actions. Consciousness. Everything 5D and above is alive, connected and one, working together simultaneously. There is a materialized physical dimensional plane for each frequency bandwidth, each perceived consciousness, each mentality, each belief. The physical body of the human held pre-programmed realities according to that souls chosen experience prior to incarnating here. Playing out this program, the conscious being starts to see their own programs and through this new awareness and understandings, REMEMBERS how to RE-PROGRAM and activate their own CRYSTALLINE STRUCTURE and STAR BEING DNA. It's through this continual intentional re-programming and activation of KEYCODES through light that entire existences are transformed. Opening the heart is where all start. Bringing down the walls and letting go of the protection mechanisms once held in place, challenging mindsets and going beyond the previous limits and not accepting the old ways in their own physical reality anymore. Focusing all of their energy on NEW EARTH EXISTENCE together is how we all evolve. Committing everything we have and all of who we are to this, sharing and supporting ONLY that which brings light and love into our world. Everything starts within and radiates out from there. Everything changes as we do. And inside our bodies are upgrading to support our new existence as light beings so that we can exist in multiple bandwidths without the old distortions anymore. This is an intricate process that is so simple, the human mind cannot comprehend. We have to step beyond our limited mind and embrace concepts and mentalities that challenge us to expand to believe what we do already know inside, yet as humans are not willing to accept. WE are all becoming more visible, for these frequencies make everything visible here. There's no reason to hide. That was human and of the old 3D/4D need. Open your eyes and look around, see what you were not willing to see. Expect the unexpected, as the other dimensions open up, as these higher frequency bandwidths anchor in, all shall become more visible by the moment. Disclosure at an all-time high, as the ability to suppress goes, as each discloses from within themselves, all that was hidden, that which they sought outside to become visible does. I AM The Higher Light Council and all bodies of Light merged into ONE ☼ Note: As we embrace our galactic, angelic and god aspects of selves, this activates our DNA to start our evolution back into Light Forms. Our physical bodies hold this programming encoded within and these higher light frequencies running through our Light Bodies trigger new genetic sequences that communicate intelligently and work in every moment to evolve. Our job is to assist the body, love the body and ourselves and as we do, we love, respect, honor and affect all. Our job is to hold the light, be the light, while bringing our power from within. Our job is to allow for rejuvenation to occur, to sleep to upgrade/integrate and clear old human and other timelines where we one existed through separation within our own soul. This merging process is continual and the more light we hold, the more we exist as energy creating/taking/shaping physical matter form. Our forms are changing, evolving back into who we truly are at our core. Shifting shape internally, our Crystalline Structure Body and cells mutating is how it's supposed to be. We have immense cap-abilities to share. This is not a process to fear, yet to embrace. It's what we came here for. These are the words as a HUGE portal opens and energy continues to clear. It's been one whole day since "clearing/cleansing" amped up within the cells from the cosmic upgrades that started moving through our cells for a CELLULAR CONSCIOUSNESS upgrade started. Intense, energetically, in an understatement... yet we do understand and are consciously moving through realities during it all, moving it all out, sleeping to clear timelines and integrate Light at a "faster pace" and allowing "time away" to ourselves for the unification and POWER UP phase to occur. These cellular cleansings are huge and they go deep within every fiber, cell, particle of each of us to see what was not visible before, to shine a light on it, so we can see it and where there is stubborn energy, we have to "go through it" in our physical reality world. Our cells never stop anymore. They move, they charge, they purify, they cleanse, they contract/expand, radiate and emit (literally, photonic emissions, air/gas & liquid comes out of each particle cell now) gravity comes and goes, our heart opens more and more and more... and any little speck that was left... it's going to be purified one way or another. For me, I will get the energy out, however it has to happen. I will break my own mind, my own fight, go "raw and wide-open" and pull away from all. I will allow the portals inside to open up and for more awesomeness to come forth. I take command of my physical reality, as a higher self aspect. I don't allow the old junk in my world. I maintain the highest states of consciousness. I will also break myself intentionally, so that the outside word doesn't have to. WE can do this energetically, clear the energy, unify inside and expand quickly again. WE OPEN THE GATEWAYS and I hold them open for all ready to walk through when they are ready. WE don't wait for anyone to do anything for us here... WE are WAYSHOWERS... all of us... WE do it all ourselves.... WE come together with others who hold this inside too. Where we are of the same soul group, we synchronize and work together, where it feels appropriate in-service. Where another need to do their journey their way, we respect this and their need to go do their journey.... WE HOLD OUR SPACE.... that is our responsibility here. One of them, we have many.... Being Love, Being Light, Being Powerful and Being honest, pure and true... not compromising for anything... We do not compromise our soul. We've activated a DELIVERANCE PORTAL that brings more LIBERATING and FREEDOM for all. We've been clearing "struggle energy" again for since the 11/1 Portal opened and this Initiation Phase started. We've been clearing anything that surfaces to be seen. First it starts in our sleep state and anything in our physical reality that is a physical representation will emerge to deal with then we sleep to resolve and move it out. It's a process of moving through timelines and recognizing them all in present moment and the purposed they serve. Walking in multiple dimensions in every state is an art. We REMEMBER how, as we activate our own KEYCODES through the activation of LIGHT and we embrace it all as our earthly physical aspect for merging all aspects into one space, in whatever form that may be, in the moment. Remember, when we clear our own cellular memory programs, when we step up, when we hold the NEW EARTH GRIDWORK in place, we do it for an entire collective... ALL OF US get to EXPERIENCE the magical awesomeness here. ♥ I love you. Mahalo for your presence and for all that you do, are and share in light. ♦ NEW Moons & Star Gate Initiations: Working Separation Energies Out Consciously and With Intention11/10/2015 The amplification of the 11/11 Initiation phase has thrown everything of separation in our face to feel, hear, see, experience... to WORK IT OUT.... to move beyond it from within... NEW Moon energies and Gateways always bring up anywhere you/we are separated from SOURCE self inside, anywhere you don't trust, aren't yet connected, anywhere there is any lack of honor and power. They make you scratch your head, they bring everything human in another around, everything human within you to come up and make you look DEEP inside AT YOURSELF and require brutal honesty about what you see/find/hear within. This is energy... These can present the battle between the heart & head where there is anything not OF the Higher-Selves-SOURCE still left. Struggle and the battle inside can ensue and the big ones make us want to go bury our head under a pillow and crawl back into our sacred cave... Do it.... it helps! Then emerge with new clarity, after the brain and body have released anything needing to be felt and after sleep has allowed a re-set into a different dimensional frequency by clearing timelines and assisting you with your shift. These can show you where you are still holding onto something and not wanting to let go, they "disconnect" your higher self knowings, so if you don't already hold something AS YOU inside, you are going to battle inside until you find that aspect of you and bring it out. Any lack of power, honor, integrity, respect, ability to DO, any confusion energy... it all gets worked through. They cause us to get creative to get through things...they push us beyond our limits so we will go beyond them. The human mind and inner fight are limits.... For AFTER the NEW Moon and as you walk through the GateWay, expansion will come, you will have let go of whatever that was, you will have resolved that struggle inside, dealt with that thing outside, found your power, stepped up out of whatever "hole" you felt yourself to be in, grabbed your bootstraps (and for me, moved into "Obliterate Mode"). You will expand without all of those old limits anymore. You would have DONE whatever it took to move beyond that which presented itself, dropped any resistance, opened up to NEW, gone into the creative aspect within to figure it out in a different way.... Being "forced into an illusory corner" causes us to dig deep inside to FIND A WAY to STEP UP, MAKE IT WORK, Do what you were not willing to before because there was some resistance or belief/lack/barrier within you that told you that you could not.... Without the push (challenge) we would not have "seen that way" before. The Conscious Being, battles consciously inside, works through the discordant energy and observing all. It sees what is going on in order to expand beyond it and it knows why when it needs to, when it's stopped trying so hard and started DOING from the inside.... The fight/resistance/struggle energy must be released for expansion to occur. We let the old reality go, move on and go focus our energy, start producing, start communicating, start working together, start barreling through the perceived barriers, obstacles and blocks that WE HELD INSIDE.... WE are to maintain consciousness while we struggle, while we resolve, while we move it all out.. WE are to maintain the very highest gridwork of consciousness, for this is all of our responsibility here. Anything that presents, I work through it. Quickly. The "biggies" suck... plain and simple. But we get it. We might not understand in the moment "why", but we know, we trust, we stay/get ourselves back into alignment intentionally. We know that the outside re-aligns in response to us. We know that these huge mega-blasts of cosmic-light are going to push us into the higher realms and we can't take the old stuff with us.... While maintaining consciousness, awareness, observation.... I stomp my feet to get it out, cry if I need to & throw my hands up, give up, stop fighting, let it all go.... step away.... look at myself and see what's going on... I see what I have not been doing that I was shown to do before, that I knew to do but didn't... and I go get it done. I ask for clarity, to be shown, I work through the bizarre timelines in my sleep. I give it all up to my higher selves/my universe.... and I wait, ask, honor and DO that which I KNOW inside.... regardless of what my head says.... When you do it all consciously and with intention from within, without subjecting others to it, we move through it all very fast. We can do some of this together where we've agreed to this, yet there are parts that we always have to to ourselves... inside...This is the part no one else can do for us or tell us... we have to experience the unification with our own soul and higher self aspects. All occurs inside... For the first time in a very long time, this one took me into struggle within myself. It's a foreign feeling when you don't live there anymore. Anytime I can experience this, I KNOW IT IS HUGE and I know to WORK IT OUT... get through it, deal with it and get my butt in gear.... OVERRIDE it.... GO BEYOND IT... OBLITERATE IT.... To obliterate old programs/physical realities, we open our heart space... we sit in that until it expands to our entire body and out into our field of consciousness, expanding that to all of Earth, Humanity, the Cosmos and beyond... WE bring our mind to that same frequency and relax all. Our body totally relaxed and in this vibration, we KNOW what to do and we get up and go DO it... and we stay open in every moment for all to come forth. (Sleep is often the multi-dimensional beings greatest gift!) This 11:11 GATEWAY is huge and the StarGate already activated and each day we move through whatever is still human within us to transcend separation inside. We've been moving through different StarGates since these initiated on 11/1. WHEN WE STAND IN HONOR, when we hold our light, when we do not succumb to the old lack mentalities, the old programs, the old anything, when we can STEP INTO THAT HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS and DO it from within.... EMBODIMENT is much easier and comes through as soon as expansion energies move back in.... For me I know the FEELING of SEPARATION and can recognize it in my world. I work to resolve it from within me, so that my physical reality can again align and all of that which has been waiting to materialize in the physical can... I STEP INTO THE VIBRATION with every part of my being, every cell of my body, every thought, every feeling, everything that I am. I allow all to come forth, for I AM READY and I AM IN THE VIBRATION with every particle of me..... No more separation, no more struggle, no more back and forth... I MOVE IT OUT.... I come back to peace inside... I unify.... I am ready..... This is the space that I work from, exist from... This is the space where we expand into all other dimensions and physically get to experience them here. Fully re-empowered, fully present, fully embodied AS A HIGHER SELF ASPECT (all of them) again.... I use my sleep state to clear energies, timelines, get clarity and I awaken to take the first few hours to myself. This allows the dimensions to merge at a higher frequency and me to start my waking state completely ready, aligned and full of power to DO whatever is shown to me. Whatever obstacles present, we roll with them, observe them, see them from a gazillion perspectives and we DO from inside. No one is here to do anything for us... this journey requires that we DO IT OUR SELF. Our contribution IS US... The outside re-aligns, brings for the support, brings forth the others we are to "do our purposes/missions" with. Some will come and go, some will stay. Things will come and go.... All will always be UPGRADED with the next awesome reality WHEN WE are IN-ALIGNMENT and have cleared any separation within us that kept us held to that old physical reality that didn't represent the most awesome, amazing magical bliss! So, if you are finding yourself challenged, use your TOOLS you've acquired to get through. Honor you, look at it all and be ready to release whatever belief, attachment and old mindset AND THE ENERGY of it all. Things NEED to SHIFT in the physical reality anytime this occurs. It shifts out there when you've shifted inside. Challenges are important, they cause us to expand. When we understand this, they are not challenges for long. We can move through them quicker, yet the brain has to be challenged to expand too. So stretch your brain until it "breaks", go to sleep and the barriers will have gone. Same with the physical body, the resistance is struggle and this creates friction and the energy has to be "worked through" or released. The body will release as well. Honor the importance of how all of this works.... You can lengthen or shorten any experience with what you do energetically and physically from inside. This is called the "collapsing, separation, unification" of timelines.... WE can do these intentionally and move through all "faster" when we do not exist within the constraints of time. Use your POWERS LOVES.... Separation is our own. WE transcend it all from inside... The recent Godhead activations pushed us all higher than we knew we were going and all that is not in-alignment with these higher frequency bandwidth realities surfaces for TRANSCENDENCE and more EMBODIMENT than ever before. REALity gets much easier as we see HOW we exist in forms of particle matter, vibrations and energy ... Exercise: Look at something or someone and say "that's formed matter". Then observe the consciousness of that matter. Observe the awareness, the presence, the frequencies transmitted from it. Observe the energy coming out, observe the energy being pulled by it. Observe the frequencies of transmissions, the highs, the lows, the tones and sounds, hear the love, the fear, the judgment, the limits... Now do this on yourself. Observe all at once. Hear, see, feel all... Close your eyes to hear and see from within, what you could not see before. Use your INNER DIMENSIONS to see the OUTER PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS in your present moment. SEE how all works together to truly understand. As you FEEL frequencies and energies, AS you hear, AS you listen, as you OPEN UP to a NEW WAY OF EXISTENCE, HOW you exist changes. Things are never the same again. Now say to yourself: I have the power to affect matter with my own thoughts, desires, beliefs, energy, transmissions and the love I hold and light I transmit from within. What I allow is how my reality is created... (and REMEMBER this). Mastery means presence and changing the FORM of all from within. It means recognizing all from a SPACE INSIDE and consciously affecting matter ... It means taking what used to be fixed and removing the limits and perceptions and stretching, bending and re-shaping them. Re-molding (shapeshifting).... This is one of your gifts as a LIGHT BEING here. WE EXIST BEYOND the old physical dimensional limits once held in place. The exterior is as flexible, bendable, shape-able and unlimited as we are inside and with our entire being... Fixed realities are matter in physical form. Matter is a response to you, your energy, your vibrations, your frequencies and that which you hold, believe, allow... from inside and with your entire physical structure. As you upgrade in Crystalline, your cap-abilities become unlimited as to what you can do. You can hold yourself to an old reality or you can embrace the "new". The new is your REMEMBERED STATE where you REMEMBER all again. BEING PURE SOURCE LIGHT ENERGY gives you unlimited POWER to change matter AS an energy form. ♥ |
Support Change and help me keep sharing to assist all in unity and bringing forth the "new" (Remembered) here. With the utmost appreciation and love. Mahalo. ♥
Thank you to Marinette Lepine with TransLight for sharing and translating in French! Wow, so very honored! Thank YOU!
Read here WAYSHOWER, AUTHOR, PHYSICAL ASCENSION & LIGHT EMBODIMENT GUIDE, CRYSTAL(LINE) GRIDKEEPER & GATEKEEPER, LIGHT ENERGY TRANSLATOR, COSMIC PORTAL, & MORE!Transcendence is my first"Remembered" name, Ithara is my Galactic identification and Lisa is my human name. Archives
January 2016
Lisa Transcendence Brown (Ithara) ☼
Ascended Master WayShower, Author, NEW Earth Existence Sharings, Transformational Speaker, Light Embodiment & Empowerment Physical Ascension Guide (all from within) www.AwakeningToRemembering.com Updates via the Public Page: https://www.facebook.com/LisaTranscendenceBrown Purchase Books: https://www.awakeningtoremembering.com/books.html |
Invest in yourself, each other, your Service as Light, hUmaNITY, Consciousness Expansion and all of our future nows... by contributing to and fully supporting (in every way) that which supports humanity with the immense transition phases with greater ease and through Pure Love.
NEW Earth has a whole new, entirely different value system, all new systems and ways that all must learn/remember and bring forth from deep within.
Energetic Cycles are increasing substantially at an unprecedented rate, accelerating "what comes back around" energetically... from all existences, as all is a cyclical/spiral/reciprocal energy that cycles faster as our beloved planet's vibrational frequency continues to rise to bring/usher all out of the "dark ages" and into "the Light" (Full Consciousness/a Quantum State of Remembrance/Pure Peace, Love, Unity and Sacred Oneness).
In deep sacred appreciation for your presence, dedication and service as Love too. ♥
Keep embracing, shining, building, integrating and sharing your BEAUTIFUL LIGHT as Love! It's BEyond important for all! ♥
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