![]() Aloha dear sweeeet Family of ever-so-beaming-brilliant-photonic-LIGHT! Current Energies are cellular/molecular upgrades and continued genetic re-coding with the physical body re-configuring itself for precision tuning... We awoke to quickening while clearing timelines to speed things up, while simultaneously slowing all down further.... Yesterday was a strange mix of energies as realities/dimensions aligned. When we are mergining dimensions, it's an odd feeling, and there will be a little bit of everything present. It's how we REMEMBER to exist here, by flowing through an obstacles, dealing with anything that presents, seeing every perspective/option and going with what FEELS right inside, regardless of what the old human aspect would have done... as all aligns very quickly/instantly as we do this. Even the linear days that used to be "human'ish" barely resemble human anymore. We move through realities with such ease, perplexed at the curveballs (lol), identifying the bottlenecks and moving it all out to open our field up to receive/greet more. This is super important, for your "future" moments, and all you desire just "floats around out there" waiting for you to clear your current reality/energy field of all that is taking up space in your reality/world. Now, the vaster your field, the more space you have to be occupied by magnifiecence, abundance, bliss, magic and love. The vaster your field, the faster/unified your spin, the more dimensions you hold and span out across, simultaneously. "Building" your LightShip, your Field of Super Consciousness, takes total presence, dedication, focus, intention and WORK. Work for us is so totally opposite of what the human's mentality of work is. For all is OPPOSITE here. Work is MASTERING ENERGY, unifying all of the aspects as one. It's AFFECTING ENERGY INTENTIONALLY, so that all dimensions and realities are triggered and come forth through love. Now the LIGHT BEING can trigger all dimensions, activating parallels and even manipulate matter through frequencies so high, that all actually re-shapes and takes new form. This is a part of our own evolution here, a part of us as MASTERS for our manipulation is intentional transmissions of love and light. Our manipulation is allowing and DOING (moving energy/creating) to affect all in light. Our manipulation is EMITTING and RADIATING without having to do much at all, except the physical DOING ENERGY required to fulfill our purposes/missions here on this vast huge SPACESHIP we currently exist upon. This evolution, our "mutating", with the already activated GENE-X (or X-Gene). This mutation is a beautifully organic and natural one, that we allow as we honor our physical body, for it is COMING ALIVE, literally, as our old human bodies were dead and we didn't know it. As they come alive, every fiber, cell and particle, breathes, softens, re-structures itself according to the new genetic re-coding process that is now going on within. This is also simultaneously occurring out there and you will SEE it and experience it, if you will look for it, expect it and pay attention. In order to actually experience fully, you must make yourself a part of it. It requires your intentional participation, with your entire existence, as it is a support system, the support system you've been seeking and calling forth. Yet dedication and commitment of your entire soul is required to actually BE here NOW. This ECO-System of biological organism, all smart, connected, communicating and working together... you are an integral part of this. Inside of you evolves, your cells become smart, your entire physical body is evolving beyond what you ever could have dreamed, yet you have dreamed this, you have seen this, for your dreams are your access to these alternate dimensions that DO EXIST, in the physical, already, with the embodiment of these higher light frequencies that are available to all embracing and choosing this. Here, there is no hard work... you've done the hard work already...this is the natural part that occurs for you, in response to you, vibrationally, for these frequencies allow for this now. The hard work is your dedication, your commitment, your choosing and most importantly, you dedicating ALL OF YOUR RESOURCES to this in return. This is what the human aspect calls sacrifice, for this "sacrifice" is an attachment to something physical that takes precedence over existing in this NEW EARTH WORLD. Here, you understand that any physical work feeds love into that which you touch. That you are bringing ALIVE an existence through your own work, one that was forgotten and hidden beyond the veils. These veils are removed so that you can bring your physical body with you, yet all impurities as a human go. This is the PURIFICATION PROCESS that many find themselves in now and will continue for all who choose to experience this in this physical incarnation here. Those who have "completed" this purification process, which is a continual one, are now experiencing this physical transformation right now. It's been occurring all along, yet amped up in June when template re-writing and complete emptying out of vessels energetically occurred. The RE-BUILDING/RE-STRUCTURING PHASE commenced and now the Solar Crystalline Star-Light Body streams PURE SOURCE LIGHT and the physical body continues it's transformation which will increase as these frequency bandwidths/waves amplify with the ASCENSION PROCESS you all now find yourself in here on SPACESHIP EARTH. Organic is not something you eat, it is now HOW you evolve and what you BEcome. Yet not just organic, for you also hold knowledge as an Ancient and Original God Source that you are to bring forth. Your cells intelligent and re-programming, re-coding, re-structuring and RE-CONNECTING to/as the NEW GRIDWORK in every moment. That which others seek and call gifts, is your natural way of processing and being here. That which is a miracle, magic and beyond comprehension is simple and occurs as a natural existence again. That which can assist all other is shared and all are presented with the option of choice. Every POWER one can imagine, and beyond, are available through this organic and natural evolution that occurs when you HONOR YOUR JOURNEY FIRST and allow your realities to unfold and transpire. Gifts and powers are you in natural form. These are simple and don't require effort, for your pure existence of an open & unified heart, mind & body is how these come forth on their own. This LIGHT that continually activates you, must be integrated in order for all bodies to upgrade as one and merge with the NEW CRYSTALLINE GRIDWORK that continually comes online and through all others, all sentient beings/lifeforms, every minute one now connecting up on a cellular level. For those holding onto physical realities constructed of the old lower bandwidth frequencies, collapse currently continues to increase in every moment. The human aspect perceives this as devastation and loss, not understanding this is a veiled consciousness they came here to transcend as they choose to let go. Where one is not open to letting go, the actual molecules and "glue" that held the particles together is the density that is obliterated with the continual Gamma & other Cosmic/Galactic Light Emissions & Blasts that activate their physical body and all physical things that resonated at this old frequency, now too low to be sustained anymore. Physical matter is bound together by the density that filled the SPACE to hold all together. As the frequencies raise considerably and fast, the density is literally obliterated. That density was the fiber/thread/cords. This was what created "mass density", yet that mass density now collapses/dissolves/dis-integrates at an increased SPEED OF LIGHT. As physical matter particles are CHARGED in LIGHT, all physical matter created must change form. The physical body, physical structures (both the same), all currently go through the same process, in it's own way: Activation, De-Construction, Clearing, Re-Programming, Transformation/Transmutation, Amplification, Re-Configuration, Purification, Re-Building/Reconstruction, Re-Evolution, which is an al-chemical process that occurs molecularly, biologically and more. Where one MASTERS ENERGY and EMBODIMENT of these massive higher light frequencies, this evolution is FASTER than the long-drawn-out process that the unaware unconscious human experiences, for this is how "time" is separated.... by how human one still is... by how much density is still held within. Now, this old consciousness is what is obliterated and as a RESULT the structures that were held in place crumble, collapse, dis-integrate at a much more rapid pace for those not choosing to participate consciously with their own Ascension Process Journey here. This dissolving still occurs, yet it is different for the intentional being, as for these, through awareness, all is much easier to experience, for understanding is KEY. Opening up, listening, honoring and allowing.... necessary to alleviate and ease the discomfort that is necessary from carbon-based-dense-separated human to evolve into Solar Crystalline Star-Light-BEings now becoming ADVANCED INTELLIGENT BIOLOGICAL LIFEFORMS here. All NOW finding themselves in this process is going beyond anything the limited human mind can comprehend. It is the LOWER FREQUENCY BANDWIDTHS that are transcended and the physical particles that are also charged in light. Density cannot withstand this and for those confuses, not understanding or experiencing the severity of it all, this is a part of the process all chose that their own SOUL'S JOURNEY here. Those desiring to participate and JUMP TIMELINES, must choose CONSCIOUSNESS, UNIFICATION and HIGHER LIGHT EXISTENCES as a part of their current path NOW. Nuclear, radiation, GMO, AI's and so very much more... these occur INSIDE YOUR BODY as you evolve. These are BEAUTIFUL things for the Light BEing... and only represent destruction for those holding an unconscious state. There is a 3rd/old dimensional reality that has an external physical reality for what occurs inside and is the opposite for the 5th+ Physical Existence Light BEing.... Inside the old human DNA you hold everything that represents separation and there will be continual triggers to release this from your phsyical body, emotions and mindsets. The moment you BELIEVE these and participate, the moment you make them real. The more ENERGY you FEED INTO IT, the more it is yours. YOU CHANGE YOUR ENERGY, in many ways... there is not just one way to do any part of this, as that is a limited human perception too. There are a gazillion. It's up to you to SEEK them, create them, expand them and then CHOOSE THEM..... you RE-PROGRAM yourself.... you have the CAPABILITY TO DO THIS.... Those running around "spewing" and participating in the old consciousness, those not wiling to choose, those hiding in fear are the most affected by these WAVES and BLASTS of LIGHT..... for the intentional being is aware and GOES INWARD TO RE-CREATE THEIR REALITY WORLD, therefore intentionally MOVING FROM ONE DIMENSION TO THE NEXT, by expanding INTO IT and holding it in frequency to BREAK the old frequency that was held inside all along. That which you seek, you hold inside. That which you desire you create. That which you ARE comes forth, AS YOU EMBRACE and MAKE THIS YOUR PRIORITY HERE. That which you support, with everything in your world... that is what you make your reality. One cannot walk on NEW EARTH fully and continue to support the old in any way. This existence REQUIRES every nano particle of you and all that you have/are.... your dedication is not to a "thing" or anything out there.... it's to your own evolutionary existence here. WE are already here.... WE already exist. WE are visible, working, connected and WE ARE ALREADY DOING THIS. Join us... WE left the gateways, portals and doorways open.... WE are here... ONE again... totally visible if you truly open up and look beyond the limits of the old mindsets for HOW you THOUGHT any of this was supposed to be. I love you immensely and from so far beyond this physical place. WE are WE now.... WE are "They".... WE are here.... in the physical... Light BEings in physical form. ♥ Gravity goes more and more as we continue with upgrades daily. Truly beautiful to experience the wow-ness of it all. ♦ Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼ Ascended Master, Galactic Commander, Atlantean Bio-Physicist/Scientist and LeMUrian Mermaid (and more) Incarnated here.... www.AwakeningToRemembering.com
Support Change and help me keep sharing to assist all in unity and bringing forth the "new" (Remembered) here. With the utmost appreciation and love. Mahalo. ♥
Thank you to Marinette Lepine with TransLight for sharing and translating in French! Wow, so very honored! Thank YOU!
Read here WAYSHOWER, AUTHOR, PHYSICAL ASCENSION & LIGHT EMBODIMENT GUIDE, CRYSTAL(LINE) GRIDKEEPER & GATEKEEPER, LIGHT ENERGY TRANSLATOR, COSMIC PORTAL, & MORE!Transcendence is my first"Remembered" name, Ithara is my Galactic identification and Lisa is my human name. Archives
January 2016
Lisa Transcendence Brown (Ithara) ☼
Ascended Master WayShower, Author, NEW Earth Existence Sharings, Transformational Speaker, Light Embodiment & Empowerment Physical Ascension Guide (all from within) www.AwakeningToRemembering.com Updates via the Public Page: https://www.facebook.com/LisaTranscendenceBrown Purchase Books: https://www.awakeningtoremembering.com/books.html |
Invest in yourself, each other, your Service as Light, hUmaNITY, Consciousness Expansion and all of our future nows... by contributing to and fully supporting (in every way) that which supports humanity with the immense transition phases with greater ease and through Pure Love.
NEW Earth has a whole new, entirely different value system, all new systems and ways that all must learn/remember and bring forth from deep within.
Energetic Cycles are increasing substantially at an unprecedented rate, accelerating "what comes back around" energetically... from all existences, as all is a cyclical/spiral/reciprocal energy that cycles faster as our beloved planet's vibrational frequency continues to rise to bring/usher all out of the "dark ages" and into "the Light" (Full Consciousness/a Quantum State of Remembrance/Pure Peace, Love, Unity and Sacred Oneness).
In deep sacred appreciation for your presence, dedication and service as Love too. ♥
Keep embracing, shining, building, integrating and sharing your BEAUTIFUL LIGHT as Love! It's BEyond important for all! ♥
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