![]() Alright sweet loves, it is past 1am here and I am off to connect in the beautiful state of what others perceive as sleep! I listen to frequencies and actually work in my sleep, as do many others. I receive the most beautiful transmissions. One thing that helps is to put yourself of receiving before you close your eyes. Here is one I say to myself each time.... maybe it will help you too! I wish to hear I wish to see I wish to know I wish to be I wish to remember and be shown That which was hidden, shall now be known. I love you and sweet connections everyone! I shall see you tomorrow around packing, changing locations and Skype sessions. Enjoy the streaming energies as they continue to sing sing sing!
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![]() Lately, a lot of "victim" mentality of being wronged, hurt and treated poorly has surfaced for many. I keep responding to personal requests for assistance and this is the prevailing "topic" for those working to "clear" this from their own energy. Any time I have multiple requests, I know it is a "theme" for energies surfacing for many. I wish to write on this for this purpose. I write from the soul's perspective vs. the human one. The world that the human sees is one of "out there". "Out there" this occurred, so & so did this to me, or I lost "that". The world of the soul is always opposite and expanded in view. There is no "out there" from a standpoint of anything occurring "to it", rather than "that out there occurred because there is something in my own energy that needed that experience in order to see". The human mind can only see one perspective. "This is how it is period." The soul expands to see absolutely every perspective it can, as it knows that the human mind cannot expand, cannot truly see. The soul self chooses. All have two minds, two ways to see. All have choice. One must be conscious enough to utilize this if they wish to participate in change. Otherwise they will be stuck in the "frequency of that loop" until they do. Life happens to the human, the soul creates all that occurs. They are totally opposite in energy, flow and perceptions. The soul steps away and shifts it's view. It see's through "higher eyes" that view through the heart. It observes, without judgment, with kindness, compassion and love. It sees that all are agreements that each soul made in order to have a specific experience. It sees that if another soul was involved, that it goes beyond the physical person in a human body there before them. It sees that the trigger, the emotion, the experience was the purpose. And once it see's this, then all contracts/agreements made have then been fulfilled. Now, in that moment of choice, one can do two different things. One can choose to "step back in" as their human responding self or one can choose to say "thank you for honoring our contract together and I no longer need this experience to learn from." When one steps back in, then there is another lesson needed for that soul. If one chooses to be okay, in their heart, then they will speak directly to their mind of how this is no longer acceptable, and "I no longer wish this in my current reality"... and they will work to release, by way of tears, anger, whatever, as that too is only energy that must be released from one's field in order to transcend the previous vibrational frequency and shift into a higher vibration. Self validation is super important here, for it is the human mind that seeks validation. Where the soul assists is by giving that validation to the self, that it is okay to feel any way one needs to feel in order to let go. Now, after a release, there will be a void (much of the time). The physical reality that has manifested materially takes longer to catch up. In the interim, until one has established the strength within their own heart and soul's energy to no longer compromise, then additional "tests" may come back around. If one is conscious and aware, they can choose not to enter into another "lesson" and say "no, with love"... if one is not, then the "loop" ensues and one must experience again in order to repeat another day. The human exists in time. The soul exists in vibration. The human sees it occurring again in the future. The soul seeks to transcend a vibration so as not to see it occur ever again. I love you. High vibrational yum yums! Enough of the junk this week... We are doing this! Gluten free veggie burger...say ahhh REALLY open wide!
Kinnikinnick Gluten Free Multi-Grain Bread, Avocado, Tomato, Organic Greens, Mushrooms, Onions, Cilantro, Franklin Farms Gluten Free Veggie Burger, pepperonchini's & lotsa spicy seasonings! Cayennne pepper, black pepper, garlic, sage. Baby Carrots on the side! ![]() P.M.: Are ya'll ready to do the Electric Slide with the energies? Are ya'll ready to dance? Get your happy feet on and get ready to shift, raise, elevate, hop, skip, jump & do this! Do you have your "shift it to a higher vibrational frequency, stay in my heart" hats on? p.s. still pretty calm & steady streams coming through, as some of those that have been "high" downshift a bit and those who have been otherwise, upshift... and those oblivious and refusing to let go shall experience more falling apart in their physical realities. All are being pushed, shoved, or lightly lifted (according to how much one is still attached in their mind & anchored in the physical), as all raise into higher frequencies of continuing to ascend the physical realities of that which no longer serves a purpose! Remember to slide and dodge with LOVE! Here's to shifting into the NEW! I love you. ![]() A.M. Good morning most brilliant beings of love and light!!!! Check-in time to see how all are doing with the energies of late. We have streaming energies as of this morning, which is beautiful to hear & feel. I have felt quite "foreign" here this week, while waiting for masses to be moved into higher vibrational frequencies, so that we can get on with this next phase of ascension & moving further into NEW EARTH! Many have been being shifted "up" with further heart expansions & wholling within, which is soooo totally beautiful to observe! Others have been clearing old stuff, so that when these energies come through, a whole new vibrational frequency can be integrated within all who are doing the inner work! For those not, the experience will not be as "enjoyable" and the pressure of the physical can create much more distress for many, yet very necessary in this entire "process" as it is perceived to be. So, welcoming the streaming energies to allow for more of the dense physical realities that all have become attached to, to continue to fall away. I shall update as there are changes in the streams. Not been anything the last few days, which is why I have not been writing! I have been given much to share soon, as we prepare to get really really busy (again). For a translator of energies, makes for a very "boring" day when there are no energy streams to translate! All things logical take much more energy, so I had to remove from "doing" too much and it being too physically taxing. The physical body can move, but the mind has to stay clear & free from too much thinking... quiet a feat to maneuver in the lower realms! Human is a very sluggish place to be. It felt like being thrown "back" into "time" a million years! I love you! ![]() Good morning oh blissful and radiant beams of light!!! How are all doing today? Are things balancing out, clearing out, is there calm or chaos in your reality? Do you see through your heart and quiet mind to see beyond that appears in the physical? Can you expand on your own, when expansion is not readily present? Can you close your eyes, in any given moment and bring yourself back to your place of peace within? Energies thus far are super quiet, streaming "under" there. Smooth yet compressed. This can bring ease for some and triggering for others. Do you have tools in place to "switch, shift, and elevate" into a frequency that you wish to occupy? Being conscious allows one to choose where they wish to exist. In "stepping" dimensionally, one must learn these tools and how to shift by choice. Step with me if you will. I LOVE you! ![]() How much one "takes" is a direct correlation to how much one "lacks". The spin cycle of lack can be broken by one reversing their own lack energy and creating an outflow so huge from within, that lack is never an issue again. The vibrational soul can "sense" lack and switch it. One must "work" to shift from their physical human self to that of their vibrational soul self. The more one does this, the more one integrates to higher frequencies. Lack dissipates with each integration. As the soul self, the pure being of light that all are re-evolving to be, holds no lack within. ![]() Walk With ME: A Journey Within Consciousness, Awakening & the Ascending Soul Exercises & How to's! Online Video Course ~ Go at your own pace! Only $333 for Access to 60 "Go at your own pace" Videos with Exercises If you have questions, this is the course for YOU! Information on how to navigate with the fore-knowledge and tools to create ease, release resistance and recognize so that you can CHOOSE how you experience; Learn to CREATE your own reality and step into your own SOUL (spirit, higher self); Tools to use in your own process to allow for greater understanding, vibrational detection, explanations; Detect resistance so that you can switch to a place of ease and flow with the Universe. This course is meant to be "absorbed" & go at your own pace! Explanations, Exercises, How To's & Tools to tailor to your own journey! Beneficial to all working to master one's own energy This course is COMPLETELY GUIDED and from a Soul's Perspective So walk with me... As one. From my soul to yours, I am honored to share this journey together. For Weekly Course Topic Breakdown, visit the website: www.transcendingconsciousness.com Testimonials: http://www.lightbodyintegration.com/others-experiences.html (adding more soon as they continue to come in!) Thank you!!! ![]() A void is a space where all come to "sit", where energy does not move. The feeling is detached and "uuuuggghhhh", stuck without "something" being a reason. Dependent on one's vibrational frequency, this can be a really detached space, uncomfortable space or just plain boring. It feels like nothing is moving "outside". There are no feelings in a void. This is where the "detachment" gets uncomfortable, yet it is very necessary. These are more pronounced after a period of purging, clearing & release (can be months, weeks, days, hours, etc.) and it can be individual or collective purge that causes this. The higher one vibrates, the more they participate more on a collective level than individually. If you have participated with an emotional purge, some part of it was yours. Even if it was not evident at the time. Many now collectively wait. Purposes of a void: Energetically one will purge, but the physical takes more time to "catch up". Basically, the dense material world is "reforming in the physical" to match your new inner vibrational frequency. The matrix is being adjusted. Old things/people/etc. are being moved out, while new is being "created" to appear in the physical to match your new frequency! You are shifting dimensionally into a higher version of your energetic self. Shifting a void: You can do this by creating an OUT flow of energy from your own being. Move the energy yourself. Get up and do something, start creating, create opportunity to give freely or help another. As with all things, all are constantly being asked to shift and move. This too is one of those times, if you wish to step out of the void. Take care in where you shift: If you step back into a vibration you are attempting to transcend, then you get to re-experience that of the old. Be aware and consciously choose UP. Mass voids and shifts: Every time there is a huge purge on a mass/collective level, there will be a void that follows. When this will occur, will be individual as to where one vibrates. How long one will endure will also be affected by this. What one does during the void is beneficial. For that which you create in a void is important for the next version of you that you step into. And you know me, if all else fails, sleep! It won't speed it up, but it will help with some of the discomfort and assist in further merging your realities! The more you participate in shifting, the "quicker" it will move out. I love you. ![]() One must prove that they can work with what they've got, before they are given the Universal Helm. This journey is learning to work with what you've got, what you are presented with and being okay with that, no matter how lopsided and whacked it seems. There is a purpose. One, you are being tested to see if you trust and can create a relationship with your own soul, the universe. First you get "led", then you get to lead. This journey teaches one strength within. Not a strength of the physical, rather one of strength in love & honor in being one with all that is. There will come a day, when you have listened, trusted, cleared, let go, raised in vibrational frequency and proven that you hold all in your heart with every thought. Your own integrity and honor transmit OUT to assist all that you touch. There will come a moment that the Universe says "It is time, now you can drive this Universal Bus, soar among the angels and achieve beyond your dreams." There will be a time where you are unconditionally supported in everything you need. When that time comes, you shall know it, as honor then again steps up. For you now no longer exist for you, but all that you shall touch. ![]() These energies will "push" up and out anything that wishes to be seen. If this should occur with you, know it is the purpose and not a "fault". Know that your soul is wishing to emerge further, and something is "in the way". Know that if you allow it to go, then love, healing and kindness shall fill that space. Confusion, lack, loss are all part of this process. Nothing in the physical makes sense. This is for a purpose. For the answers do not exist within the human mind, yet in the heart of all that is. Be kind to yourself in every moment. That which is not you is wishing to leave. You will emerge brighter than ever before. The discomfort can be experienced with the ease of the heart or the pain of the mind. Every moment is choice. Stay conscious, stay aware, breathe and get present. You are raising in vibration and the old is falling away. ♥ ![]() Many do not yet understand that this journey is their own, but that shall soon be shown. First one sees the physical world as the small mind can only see, then one learns to go within to find their reality. Then one sees to go beyond, that which they can see. For then they come to understand that which they could not before see. For seeing is not of the eyes, it is of the expanded mind and heart. For the journey is one of moving through separation that kept one apart. And as one transcends all that resists within their heart and mind, that which has forgotten shall be shown. Seeing now exists beyond the mind that one has come to believe. Seeing now exists in a space where only energy can truly see. You are all evolving from the dense physical world that you once thought was you. You are becoming lighter into the crystalline being to become again your original you. ![]() We wish to speak of the outer realms for a moment, if you will. For it is these other spaces that you will find that which you seek. It is this space that allows you to see. You will meet much resistance within along the way. This will translate in your outward reality and where you have doubt, where you have judgment, you shall give in. Yet this too is a "test", to see if you have faith. As all shall be remembered when you exist within this space. At first it will be foreign. To let go of that which you think. But those thoughts actually are your veil of the land of the forgotten place. If you wish to remember, if you wish to see... you must choose which place to reside, within your mind, a physical or expanded reality. The human "works" in the physical, yet your mind has the ability to be free. For when you choose to expand beyond, you expand your reality. You must choose between the physical now and reach inside your heart. Your soul desires to teach you, and your mind is where you start. For every thought that keeps you grounded, is one that needs release, for if you wish to remember, your heart and mind must become still and exist in peace. <3 ![]() When your mind is quiet, you shall understand When your eyes are closed, you shall clearly see When your heart is open, nothing else exists When every moment is a dream, reality it shall be. For you are not that being One of thoughts and of a past You, you have forgotten And your high vibration brings it "fast" For that which you seek to know Is deep deep deep within A space covered by physical memories Allowed to surface when the veil is thin For you see the veil as outside of you Yet it is your own physicality As you transcend the physical world you know You change your reality. Remembering is not in your mind It exists within your heart It occurs as you let go And dense matter is allowed to part Remembering is in vibration Of you as an energy The more you embrace your essence The more that you shall see. ![]() All are being taught to no longer compromise; The lessons come each time they do; For each time one does compromise; They fall back into the forgotten view; For when they hold a vibration, And allow another to transcend, All shall be uplifted, For the NEW to continue to begin, For it is in the stepping down, That one can finally see, That all that they are seeking, Comes when they are true to thee. ![]() How to view through the holographic viewer and the physical eyes and utilize to see "both" worlds simultaneously. There is a vibrational frequency where a "holographic viewer" is activated in the pineal gland/3rd eye region. This will expand as all evolve further into their energetic self as pure light consciousness. For each, it will be a different experience. Thus far, all I can do is share mine, for those who resonate and translate the words that I receive. When this viewer is activated, everything changes that is seen. We "flip" from the "old" physical world to one of the "new" energetic world, and as this does, our carbon based, physical bodies continue to shift into crystalline structure of more light. One's VISION shall change to accommodate this. First, the physical world is not "real" anymore. It "feels" like one is walking in a dream, a lucid dream at times, and others it just seems so foreign, like just being "dropped off here" and visiting the "wrong planet". The Holographic Viewer are your ENERGETIC EYES that you shall eventually see through at all times, yet it order to fully acclimate to this, one gets switched back and forth for some time. An event will occur or a something will flash across the screen and the viewer will "kick in" and go all "projector screen" on you. It is as if you can see what no one else can see. As the energetic shift continues and vibrational frequencies continue to raise, this becomes more and more present. Events that others are reacting to will not have an affect on you, as you see them as part of the dis-illusionment that it is. "Truth" as you have felt it can now also be seen. All have been "switching" back and forth in frequency. There will come a time where switching no longer occurs. You are becoming more crystalline. And your new eyes offer much that you have yet to see. For now, reality as you knew it starts to become a dream, while the dream as you have known it, emerges to become your NEW reality. Awakening to Remembering..... <3 ![]() Cosmic Energies bring Light Codes for further Activation & Upgrades to one's Crystalline body/structure. These are absorbed & integrated, which serve multiple purposes, depending on one's vibrational frequency. Streaming Energies & Light Codes ACTIVATE ANYTHING & EVERYTHING within. If that is fear (anger, betrayal, blame, shame, guilt, judgment, etc.), then fear will surface in the DIMENSION/VIBRATIONAL FREQUENCY that you are overall existent in. If that is LOVE (light, peace, trust, faith, kindness, bliss, etc.), than that too shall activate. ALL are being FURTHER activated INTO the love, pure essence and Divine Light Being that they are. The higher the frequency, the "faster" this will appear to occur. Lower dimensions take longer to "see". So for one, it will appear to occur "immediately", whereas for another "days later". ALL exist in the same MOMENT in TIME, yet are separated by Vibrational Frequency/Dimensionally. Separation is one of the human thinking mind and indicative of separation within. Now, where one has fear & love, they will be "jostled" all around in-between and back & forth. This is the roller coaster for some & the wave for another. Consciousness, awareness and choice here are key. Solar Flares speed up & exacerbate this process. It is the "purpose", rather than the issue. The "times" we are in have "sped up this process". This is why many feel like they are losing control and can't hang on. That is the purpose. ALL are being "moved" into higher frequencies, how one endures/experiences, is totally individual, based upon resistance/allowing. The human rational mind resists. The open & Universal Heart allows. The more resistance, the more discomfort or perceived pain/suffering. The more one let's go, stops fighting and allows the Universe to drive (or whatever you associate with), the more flow there is. The human mind will wish to control this. One can create flow, by learning to let go. Light Codes fill up in the pineal gland to disburse in "sleep" or relaxed mind state, where logic can't interfere. New REMEMBERINGS will come through. Again, "speed" is determined by frequency. One may have a 3rd eye headache/pressue for a month, a week, or a day. The higher one's frequency, the shorter the headache/pressure appears to be. Lower dimensions, this is a migraine/headache, higher dimensions this is heavy pressure between the brow area over the eyes. When the eyes close and the mind is silent, these shall be released. They will present in a waking state as epiphanies, synchronicities, visual "blips", deja vu', images, thoughts of "oh I should do that!", and much much more. "Sleep" state will be seen as dreams/experiences/interactions. Wake & Sleep states are merging & "flipping". One wakes up in "Light" and starts walking in (and out) of a Lucid Dream. One works or goes to school in their sleep. The wake state is one of release to all that keeps them attached to a person, place, event, thing. Cut, cut, cut those cords... let it go. This is mega important and all attempt to hold on will create for EXTREME discomfort and loss, depending on one's frequency. One can have, while not holding on. There is a difference. An all that is utilized to assist humanity, help another, support your soul journey into expansion, SHALL BE SUPPORTED! There is a moment where all things physical must be released. Over time, this occurs in many many occurrences. This brings much separation alone. As many fight to hold on & ground, while others choose to fly and let go. REMEMBERING: One shall remember according to the memories stored in their cellular structure. Where there is old, past stuff, then this must be healed/released and the etheric CORD attaching the THOUGHT to that cut/released. All attempts to hold on to the past and material/physical world will be a BLOCK! Your physical is completely restructuring. NOTHING here will make sense. All is "leaving" that is dense, by way of release. Things must get imbalanced in order to purge and balance out. Old & chronic stuff will emerge until this has been allowed to completely release. Air, realignment and noises... alllll part of the process. You will feel like you are giving birth many times. You are. To the NEW. Energy attempts to integrate, activate and expand. Your head, lower chakra area & spine will undergo MUCH that makes no sense. You are expanding and your physical body denseness will indicate how uncomfortable this shall be. You can choose to assist by way of bringing in more light. (Light foods, sunshine, clean water, natural products, movement, etc.) Any suppression will cause all to return with a vengeance another day. Your REMEMBERING is being activated in every moment. You can participate if you are present, paying attention to signs, honoring yourself & love. The more you understand energy, the more this will make sense. As you are becoming a Crystalline/Light/Energetic Being. All not in alignment with that will fall away. You are becoming Crystalline and yes, dear loves, it is time to FLY! Each space of consciousness, change in vibrational frequency, has a different song that plays for me. It has become soooo coooool to be able to relate them to the actual frequency & message. They used to uplift me, tell me "before" something occurred and even give me messages. As we evolve, that also does. In the lower frequencies, they uplifted me each day when I awoke. It was always something about it being a sunshiney day... then when my heart chakra was opening, it was Celine Dion's "The Power of Love" ... then when I hit "higher realms" the list got more and more expansive in the Dream World: Aladdin's "A Whole New World"; Jiminy Cricket singing "When You Wish Upon A Star"....
So, pay attention to songs that play, as they not only deliver messages to you, they boost your vibrational frequency, in addition to telling you WHAT SPACE in CONSCIOUSNESS you are entering into or present in! I love you and enjoy! ♥ ![]() With LOVE beyond love and LIGHT beyond light, all are REMEMBERING through the tears and the fight. More will do so, as resistance falls away; for some this will come easy and for others a most uncomfortable way. For those who embrace, let go and allow, pain as one sees it, does not exist in the NOW. When one chooses their soul, and their heart and their light, peace emerges through the separation and night. For this is a space, that one shall see, one of beauty and bliss, one of receiving what's free. The amount of time, is as one perceives things to be, yet there is no time, when the heart is free. Transcendence ![]() Imagine if you will for a moment, that you awoke one day to no memories. That all as you once knew it was gone. What would you do? Would you chase the old or create the new? REMEMBERING is just that, yet it is over "time" as you perceive it to be. The higher the vibrational frequency, the more one remembers. Yet these are not new memories. The are the memories of your own soul that have been buried deep within the locked spaces of your dormant DNA. As you activate further, in your heart, cellular structure and your Universal Mind, that which has been forgotten surfaces for you to find. In every moment in the physical, that you release things of your human past, the memories of your consciousness as an energetic being shall surface for you to see. Now, as this occurs, things shall become blurry, fuzzy and sleep will act as a "reset or re-boot" button. The more you integrate and merge as energy, the less "present" the physical memories are. The logical mind seeks to hold onto these, as they represent a physical created identity. One can only "see" as far as their vibrational frequency allows. For the higher the frequency of all of your bodies (physical, mental, emotional & spirit/soul) the more expansive the view becomes. Create another visual for a moment. Imagine in your mind that you are a hot air balloon (or an angel) attempting to fly high up in the clouds. Now see the thick ropes attached, holding you down and tied to the earth (i.e. the physical). Now imagine for every cord that you cut (i.e. memories/attachments), you float higher, higher and free. With each cord you cut, you continue to rise. Look out over the Earth below you and through the entire Universe. This is the VIEW that we now see with every MEMORY of REMEMBERING that we BIRTH. You are no longer limited and are able to be FREE. The only limitation is that which you THINK yourself to be. ![]() I am so very honored to connect and share with each on this journey of remembering. The time of separation is gone and together we assist each other in raising vibrational frequencies together! As we raise, all raise, and as all raise, we raise! Truly beautiful to see, feel and experience. I "receive" and "translate" in different methods. Translations may come in the form of the streaming energies coming in from the Universe, Sun or Solar Rays. Sometimes these carry a feeling that gets translated into words. Other times it is huge messages streaming in for sharing. Other times it is Light Codes for further activation. I translate those frequencies that I have access to, and some days are "all over the place" if there is a wide array of spaces of consciousness available. So, use these to assist you in identifying within your own reality that which you see & feel. If the message resonates, then it is for you. If not, then that is perfect too! Some carry a frequency that activates your REMEMBERING as you read/absorb the energies. We share whatever we can in order to assist as many on their own journey. I love you and will be updating here very soon. I post on Facebook in real-time on the Awakening to Remembering Page, so join us and share along! ![]() There comes a moment that everything "flips" and you are walking in a dream. Everything is brighter, more vibrant, your heart is singing and things just flow with the wind. You are in awe of life, nature, colors, song.... and the memories of the old are fading away. It happens gradually, so subtly that you do not realize it, unless there is a specific event that caused it to occur. YOUR soul has awakened and you are REMEMBERING the land of the forgotten. There are moments, along the way, that the teeter-totter causes you to question your own sanity. You wonder why and you wish for that to return. That exists in vibrational frequency. That is what you are. That is what you are trying to remember, yet will not allow yourself to see. For that exists on the other side of SEPARATION. That exists when your soul is complete. That is what you become when you allow yourself to be happy. That is what you shall soon so entirely be. For that is what you have forgotten. The ENERGY of love, kindness, compassion and care. That is the energy of ONENESS and if you allow yourself, you shall soon permanently reside there. |
Support Change and help me keep sharing to assist all in unity and bringing forth the "new" (Remembered) here. With the utmost appreciation and love. Mahalo. ♥
Thank you to Marinette Lepine with TransLight for sharing and translating in French! Wow, so very honored! Thank YOU!
Read here WAYSHOWER, AUTHOR, PHYSICAL ASCENSION & LIGHT EMBODIMENT GUIDE, CRYSTAL(LINE) GRIDKEEPER & GATEKEEPER, LIGHT ENERGY TRANSLATOR, COSMIC PORTAL, & MORE!Transcendence is my first"Remembered" name, Ithara is my Galactic identification and Lisa is my human name. Archives
January 2016
Lisa Transcendence Brown (Ithara) ☼
Ascended Master WayShower, Author, NEW Earth Existence Sharings, Transformational Speaker, Light Embodiment & Empowerment Physical Ascension Guide (all from within) www.AwakeningToRemembering.com Updates via the Public Page: https://www.facebook.com/LisaTranscendenceBrown Purchase Books: https://www.awakeningtoremembering.com/books.html |
Invest in yourself, each other, your Service as Light, hUmaNITY, Consciousness Expansion and all of our future nows... by contributing to and fully supporting (in every way) that which supports humanity with the immense transition phases with greater ease and through Pure Love.
NEW Earth has a whole new, entirely different value system, all new systems and ways that all must learn/remember and bring forth from deep within.
Energetic Cycles are increasing substantially at an unprecedented rate, accelerating "what comes back around" energetically... from all existences, as all is a cyclical/spiral/reciprocal energy that cycles faster as our beloved planet's vibrational frequency continues to rise to bring/usher all out of the "dark ages" and into "the Light" (Full Consciousness/a Quantum State of Remembrance/Pure Peace, Love, Unity and Sacred Oneness).
In deep sacred appreciation for your presence, dedication and service as Love too. ♥
Keep embracing, shining, building, integrating and sharing your BEAUTIFUL LIGHT as Love! It's BEyond important for all! ♥
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