12:13 AM Okay loves, it has been a VERY active day with activations... and a bit ago we went through another huge burst. Now we shift again, lots of different frequencies and star particles being activated, yet now, a few transmissions begin, with more photonic solar wind thrown in. There is so very much going on and so many different frequencies, I do not even know where to start with translating all of them. Basically, hang on to those energetic britches... and let go of all that is not love... and get ready as we are a anchoring some galactic/higher realm energies in every way, shape and form. Yes, where there is density, in the physical, in the mind, old collective beliefs... all get unanchored and de-densified.... old programming can be wiped or ripped out... the amount of resistance will determine one's experience. Some notice expansion, others compression, depending on the realm you currently occupy. Absolutely EVERYTHING you experience IS THIS.... there are no exceptions loves. There is nothing "wrong"... absolutely all is being TUNED, upgraded and repaired. Every bit of you, your reality, all gets adjusted to bring all into alignment within.... then materialize out there. Inside of you EVERYTHING is occurring.... then your reality is created from that. Soooo, my 68 page book ended up being 357 pages, about 1 million edits (and I finally gave up and said it's perfect just as it is after the 101 million'th one), 2 cover re-designs (that was after the first 20 I designed/tested), and the "finished" book took 14 hours of "tiny fixes" to finally, finally, finally be FINISHED AND DONE! It's uploading now, 24 hours for approval and print books will be up online (Amazon, Barnes & Nobles and more, once I figure all that out). Then have to check the layout for Kindle/Nook, and it will be available there too! Will also have a PDF version via my website... and this Friday is LAUNCH DAY! I am not posting the new book cover until approval comes through, just because it is such an awesome surprise! So excited and ready to share... TOMORROW, weather permitting, I am taking ONE DAY OFF! Then back to online guidance sessions, in-person LightBody Energy Sessions here on the island and an so much more! Very excited, as there are already 3 local stores that have agreed to display it here on Kauai and one even is willing to set up a book signing! Off on the island to other places next week to get it up on display there as well! So very appreciative and beyond blessed. More soon.... as I know how many wait... thank YOU for your patience while I created a super comprehensive tool/guide book for all! Okay loves... I answered as many messages and posts as I could while uploading the book for approval. It's 3:33 am here and I neeeeeeed sleeeeeep. I love you and will post energy updates where I can tomorrow, for I am not sure if I will be online at all. Sometimes I can post while out & about but not really respond via phone. May you have a radiant day and integrate light with greater ease. Embrace and let go if there is any resistance. Honor you and how you feel to be. Magnificence comes after, yet you must expect the unexpected and ask for magic in every moment, for this IS you REMEMBERED... so look for what is tiny and simple and a different. At first, 5th Dimension is subtle and hidden in plain sight and you must be looking if you wish for it to be present at all times again. So very much love and light blessings to all. Okay guys... I'll return when I can. Been a super long day with walking Kapa'a, LightBody Energy Sessions, sharing beautiful conversations on consciousness, ascension and more. I answered a few messages online here and am back to book editing now. Only a few days left and trying to proof 100 pages each day so that all the corrections can be made and uploaded for print, kindle, PDF and more within the next few days. Still projected for 2/2.... and we have an awesome cover re-design too! Back later... half way between sleep and no sleep... and a book sitting here calling my name saying "please hurry up and be done with all this editing so that I can go out there an reach sooooooo many hearts in love!". So off I go to oblige. I'll be posting a bit tomorrow while I work and listing the available sessions & live events links again as well. I love you! ♥ Happy moment most awesome star family of light! I am supposed to be heading into town for the day, as this is a very busy week coming up. Final edits on the book (we got the new cover re-designed and it ROCKS!), so it can be available on 2/2, means lots of time offline again to finish up. It's also a full week of Online Guidance Sessions, Lightbody Energy Sessions on the island here, and more Live Course Events, so my posting time on FB this week may be all over the place during this. Many of us are coming together to create more to share with you all. How to participate in BEING a part of this will be announced in the upcoming weeks as well. Energies thus far today are quiet streams and many of us are still sleeping on & off alot. I made it to the couch on my way into town last night and ended up sleeping for a few hours again instead. I will post energy reports as I can, when I am around an internet connection. This weeks available sessions and upcoming live events are available on my website, for I post them by the week right now. Okay, we have a shift in energies occurring and these can be felt in the chest and head. Make yourself comfortable, assist them for easier integration, tune TO them instead of resist. Coming on pretty fast, so this should be interesting. Here are some links, for easy access. I love you and happy NEW EARTH and beyond Ascension loves! 2:24 PM High frequency activations, definitely targeting the head. I cannot tell what else, for that is all i can currently hear. I am allowing myself book editing on the beach. Assisted by my 3 magnificent crystals.....activations underway! P.S. This is the old cover design. New cover design is an activation and rocks soooo very much more! ♥ 333 Pages packed full of everything we could fit into the pages to assist one on their own journey of learning to navigate and shift UP to expand into the higher realms, bring all inside to embody and tune in frequency to BE your 5th Dimensional version again. Online PDF, Kindle, and Print versions first, then others to follow very soon as well! If you are on the island, pick up a copy at several local places, which will be posted on this site as well; or hit me up to book your personalized session/retreat and get a copy over or lunch or before your LightBody Energy Session! Launch date set for 2/1 now! Pre-launch will be announced if available sooner. ♥ Visit: Books Page I AM GOING "INCOGNITO" TO FINISH WRITING THIS NEXT BOOK. Focused intent for PUBLISHING is currently visualized for 12/12 and I must stay so utterly in that flow, that interacting again goes by the wayside. So, "if you see me" prior to publishing, I am not really here. (lol) Interacting requires a shift in frequency for me and these books actually transmit in frequency, so holding this for long periods, without disruption, is imperative in order to share from a space (and continual flow) inside. There are times where I may "post and go", especially if I notice huge energy shifts that will assist all by way of me sharing with all here on my page/walls. Times shift so quickly now, that many of us are constantly having to shift as well and refocus our energy in order to keep up with all that transpires "now". This book is a resource/tool/guide that can assist so very many in a one-on-one way as well. Finally sharing this will also open up further portals too, for when we "hold on to" information/energy & do not share, we actually get blocked inside. It is through sharing that we all open up to receive more/again. So, I NEED to share this book so that I can open more portals to continue to bring forth these abundant, magical, magnificent REMEMBERINGS here to share with more as well! Private sessions & Live Media Events: Unless you have an amazing opportUNITY that would cause me desire to stop writing this book (which is for everyone) in order to do a private session or live event, I love you dearly, but am currently not available for the next several weeks/month. Each request submitted via the website will be determined based upon exchange/how many it will reach in "teaching/sharing" and the energies of the times we are in. I always have payment options or sharing opportunities available, dependent on the space that you currently occupy within your own being/heart. There are abundant resources on my website(s). Feel free to utilize them, for I wrote/shared much "before this time" that addresses this "now" that we shift into here. Website links will be listed below this post. Okay loves, happy REMEMBERINGS and SEEING that which has been hidden inside awaiting for all to open up & finally BE again vibrationally. The frequencies out there now finally coming to support materialization of that which we knew & could see inside (and even much that we did not know, which is even more exquisite, mind-blowing and fun!). This is a long awaited, exciting, magical & magnificent time where we actually now exist again vibrationally; where "that" was only previously visible inside or in the "space in-between"). Stretch your minds to see beyond that which your human mind tries to keep you limited to seeing. Out there is now materializing as fast as you can open your heart. Unifying brings it all together "out there" for us all to exist AS again. I do so love you all from a space way far beyond the human heart. I love you universally from the space that connects us all as one in light. p.s. I may be posting directly to my site, instead of on FB during much of this time. I will post the links, for those who are interested in any updates that I write as well. Where there are opportunities coming, I will also post those too. Happy expanding & unifying loves! A special HUGE THANK YOU, to those who donate to assist me in being able to continue sharing & assisting others both on here & in the physical. Your contributions go to reach so many more than you can ever realize. Each receiving opens my heart even further in complete appreciation, which in turn opens me up to being able to share even morel! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! For you know who you are! Lisa Transcendence Brown www.AwakeningToRemembering.com www.TranscendingConsicousness.com www.LightBodyIntegration.com Websites still being updated as WE all so quickly shift. Check back often to see what magic is available to share! Starts at 3am EST (12:01 am PST) **** FREE DOWNLOAD DIGITAL VERSION ***24 HOURS ONLY Your spirit/soul awakens and all that you are here to REMEMBER has been veiled/forgotten. This book is an activation and is offered to assist you on your journey. It transmits in frequency, and will assist you in raising your own vibrational frequency when you read it. The actual words, while they deliver to you in a very simple way, what all of "this" is, are not important. What you receive is. This book is meant to be absorbed. You will activate further each time you read it and when you sleep. Wish to assist and help others? Share this so that others can download too. ♥ All instructions, reader apps & website links are in the details of the event post. Enjoy, thank you and many many blessings to all. Print books are available via the website. Bulk order available for healing/spiritual centers/groups. O:) www.awakeningtoremembering.com/books The purpose of this book is to reach as many as possible to assist in awakening, remembering, activating, and ascension. This book is channeled in a frequency that will activate one from within. It is to be absorbed, and one will have to read it several times to even remember the words. It carries a frequency that may put you to sleep in order to absorb it fully. It may take several readings to complete this very simple, yet speaks directly to your soul, book. We hope to share this book with all who wish to understand more and participate in their own awakening, ascension and remembering journey of consciousness. We are allowed only 5 free download days every 3 months, so we will space them out in order to assist more. It is not priced for profit, being kept as inexpensive as possible for this reason. If you have a group, organization or just wish to give the perfect gift to yourself or another, I actually purchase and ship at my cost in bulk. Details are on the following page. Book info, testimonials, purchase/download links and more: http://www.awakeningtoremembering.com/books.html For those who have asked and for those who may benefit, I post free stuff on each of my sites, along with the private session information, books & media events, workshops, video courses. You name it. It's probably there! Years of journals as I transcended through the frequencies and chaos of my own mind are on the Transcending Consciousness Website. Feel free to go back as far as you dare! :) One may also book private sessions via this website. www.transcendingconsciousness.com Awakening to Remembering is the one that will catapult one's REMEMBERING, answer those questions that you cannot find anywhere else and explain the upside down, inside out world of the illogical soul. This one will cross all previous boundaries of the logical mind and explain that which makes no sense. We go beyond the veils and journey into the land of the forgotten here. This site houses Energy Translations & writings, Recorded MP3's, Awakening to Remembering Book ordering information, YouTube/Media Video access, Workshops and more. www.awakeningtoremembering.com LightBody Integration (Crystalline Body/Energetic Body, Merkaba, Multi-Dimensional Body, Soul Body, etc.). Most have not been yet ready for this. For those who are, we have done some workshops and will be doing more in the upcoming months, as we travel to bring this to different areas. This brings through cosmic & galactic energies, uses Sacred Geometry and immediately raises one's vibrational frequency, causing one to integrate all bodies of consciousness, soul expansion is present (floating), higher dimensional access portals are activated, etheric crystals activated, energetic blocks removed, Dormant DNA Strand activations... you name it, it gets done. This one requires actual consciousness work along with it, as one cannot just receive the energy and walk away. This is offered in conjunction with the other workshops offered, as well as a private session wherever we are local at that time. www.lightbodyintegration.com Online Video Course: Walk With Me: A Journey Within 60 How-To Videos, teaching you about energy, consciousness, awakening & more. If you have questions, this course is for you! Go at your own pace. Currently $333, but will be offering different specials from time to time. If you respond to this message, you can receive unlimited access in exchange for a Light Energy Donation of $133. Just complete the MANUAL Registration form and using code: GOINGWITHIN133 and making your donation of $133 at the same time. Registration information will be emailed to the address submitted on the manual registration. www.transcendingconsciousness.com/courses.html Enjoy a multitude of FREE resources in each site. See something that will assist another? Feel free to post it anywhere appropriate (and allowed), with the link back to the original page/source. If you would like to bring a workshop to your area, complete the hosting form to bring more to yourself and others near you! It is a very "flowy" process, so complete the form and let's "allow" it to happen! (We work these out based upon accommodations and other things provided in exchange. The goal is for it to be available to as many as we can possibly reach! I am happy to work different locations for as long as necessary or desired. We have different locations (U.S. & other countries) being added based upon geographic location for the upcoming months. If you wish to be worked into the travel plans, let us know and we will come to you! http://www.awakeningtoremembering.com/events-workshops--retreats.html "WE" Community: A place where we all work together to reach others, share information and create awareness through love and strictly from the heart. Want to help others? Then join us and I throw in something to assist you too! http://www.awakeningtoremembering.com/we-community.html Upcoming: We have many interactive events being added, along with additional resources for all. Check back often and to keep up when new things (and live broadcasts) are being offered! More soon, as all shall transpire by the moment! I love you! ♥ |
Support Change and help me keep sharing to assist all in unity and bringing forth the "new" (Remembered) here. With the utmost appreciation and love. Mahalo. ♥
Thank you to Marinette Lepine with TransLight for sharing and translating in French! Wow, so very honored! Thank YOU!
Read here WAYSHOWER, AUTHOR, PHYSICAL ASCENSION & LIGHT EMBODIMENT GUIDE, CRYSTAL(LINE) GRIDKEEPER & GATEKEEPER, LIGHT ENERGY TRANSLATOR, COSMIC PORTAL, & MORE!Transcendence is my first"Remembered" name, Ithara is my Galactic identification and Lisa is my human name. Archives
January 2016
Lisa Transcendence Brown (Ithara) ☼
Ascended Master WayShower, Author, NEW Earth Existence Sharings, Transformational Speaker, Light Embodiment & Empowerment Physical Ascension Guide (all from within) www.AwakeningToRemembering.com Updates via the Public Page: https://www.facebook.com/LisaTranscendenceBrown Purchase Books: https://www.awakeningtoremembering.com/books.html |
Invest in yourself, each other, your Service as Light, hUmaNITY, Consciousness Expansion and all of our future nows... by contributing to and fully supporting (in every way) that which supports humanity with the immense transition phases with greater ease and through Pure Love.
NEW Earth has a whole new, entirely different value system, all new systems and ways that all must learn/remember and bring forth from deep within.
Energetic Cycles are increasing substantially at an unprecedented rate, accelerating "what comes back around" energetically... from all existences, as all is a cyclical/spiral/reciprocal energy that cycles faster as our beloved planet's vibrational frequency continues to rise to bring/usher all out of the "dark ages" and into "the Light" (Full Consciousness/a Quantum State of Remembrance/Pure Peace, Love, Unity and Sacred Oneness).
In deep sacred appreciation for your presence, dedication and service as Love too. ♥
Keep embracing, shining, building, integrating and sharing your BEAUTIFUL LIGHT as Love! It's BEyond important for all! ♥
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"WE" totally love, honor, respect and appreciate you and your presence, participation and contributions for all of HUmanity too!!! ♥