![]() This Twin Flame/Divine Soul Reunion experience, these last couple of months, has taught me so much about "things". It has allowed me to see the human aspect, the higher self aspect, attachment and existing in a space for both that's truly free. It's allowed me to clear ancient LeMUrian energies of deep love/longing that I did not know existed within. It's allowed us both to expand, in many different directions, to support each other and even exist in different places and to work through whatever presented in our own physical reality triggered by our initial coming-together experience. It allowed me to observe and utilize the many LeMUrian Portal Openings to bring up this energy within myself, clear anything ancient and integrate further to ONENESS within. For me, it has allowed me to maintain my higher self aspect, while seeing what was left of my old one, while REMEMBERING as ancient energies emerged too. I had to observe multiple dimensions and realities to truly see, honoring me, honoring him, without succumbing to human lack or need. Initially the pull was so strong, that it took me a bit to get a grip. I had to clear the lower-realm ties first, to be left with our higher-self and LeMUrian connection here. Every time the LeMUrian Energies Portal would open, our energetic connection would re-establish and I'd have to deal with it being in my face (emerging from within). I had to recognize and bring up the strength of this energy, allowing myself to BE in it, and then clear anything that presented that was "out of alignment" within me. I had to recognize any attachment and clear this on my own. I had to learn to support him, without feeding his own human lack/realities, while watching and allowing him to be unconscious where he chose. I had to still be there, much of the time with physical distance, to allow for honoring us both. Doing so, allowed us both to see, what was truly there and what was not. How much he has seen, I don't quite know, for this is not my concern. Where he is open to sharing, I am open to as well, and where not, then I keep focus on the overall experience for us both, from where I have power, and that is what radiates out from my world. I have many times gone to write and share, and each time something would shift/change. So I stayed in a space of continual release of anything human, while allowing all to continue to transpire as it was meant to be. I continually asked for him to be removed from my reality, if "this" was not meant to be. I also asked that we only interact as higher self aspects, open-hearted beings, and this is what I got, yet it is rarely how we "expect" it will be. Okay with anything that transpires, I honor all as it presents to me. Our paths are still currently inner-twined, as two that support each other from time to time here. WE have been connecting and working together in the other dimensions beyond here, and I am able to observe/experience these as well. The physical reality must be held to a space that is appropriate for where are both meant to be. Maintaining this space, imperative, if we are to be connected at all, in my reality. Now, unless I timeline jump so huge, that the only "him" that exists is his higher self aspect, a physical union "this" is not meant to be. Still able to see that possibility, I remain open, yet without attachment or expectation now. This was another continual challenge along the way. Again today, I awoke okay to a higher love for him without needing him to physically be in my reality here. Even more-so, I continue to be able to support him as light, without anything being about me (healthy boundaries of course!). I have been working through the release of his human aspect, while maintaining a connection with his soul that strengthens more as I associate "this" less with the individual human him. Each day/moment shows more than the day/moment before... step by step... I have been opening to other exchanges, which was my challenge too, as I didn't SEE that "something like this" was even a part of my NEW Earth reality here. I had come to the belief/perception that once we ascended, we were not to be with partner/mate. (Yep, limited beliefs, I know... ). That got blown out the window earlier this year, when my higher self aspect told me I had created a block/wall to this and that I had to let that go. Seeing my resistance, I went inside and I instantly removed the block and mentality of this, opened up to the possibility, yet "asked" that this not be a part of my reality here. (lol!) I awoke one day to being shown to "pay attention" and to NEW Earth being wide open in the physical here. Low and behold, there he was, right in my face, and no where to go (literally, on a hiking trail at a magical portal place!). I allowed myself to open up and see his open heart as well. I felt the energy that was present when I was with him. Huge is an understatement... amplified beyond anything I had experienced thus far. Later I was shown two previous human experiences where this same soul energy was present yet I/WE were too human to expand beyond the human experience here. I was also shown my own fears, obsessions and how out-of-alignment all was, and how this transpires in our physical reality here. When he had fear of trusting "this world", I was also shown how I did this same thing "long ago", needing to hold on to the safe human world, that is the opposite of safe, yet we do not understand then. It allowed me to honor his need to hang on to his fear-based reality, and allow him to seek the proof necessary to cause him to have to expand. It allowed me to step away and deal with what this entire experience was showing me about me. The most awesome part was that my own field and his merged to spin beyond anything I can explain through written words. I saw and expressed my gratitude, for him honoring my request to come forth and open my heart beyond anything I could do myself. I also told him he was not supposed to happen, and that he was "messing with my world". We both realized this, for he spoke the same words to me. Neither of us expected this connection that instantly materialized for us to experience according to our own realities here. He had never been exposed to consciousness/light in this way, so needless to say, his own reality was greatly affected in a huge way too. He needed space to adjust and "do his world" how he needed to for him. I honored this, and while it was hard to be apart, I knew it was necessary for both of us to expand however we needed to. Living in different dimensions, while in the same physical location, is the epitamy of a long-distance relationship here. The corridor between our worlds being our telepathic connection and the energy created when we came/come together. Words not necessary for either one of us to exist and be connected in multiple dimensions here. To separate once we are together is hard too, for we are even more ONE when we are together here. We actually do better without spoken words, allowing for BEing energetically together ... Our first connection allowed me to see directly into his soul and I saw our LeMUrian existence as well, yet that could not dictate what we were to experience here. Mine has been continual observation and a space of honoring boundaries for us both, so that we can both exist separately and come together to unify if/when it is appropriate. WE are all here to support each other AS LOVE, without enabling the other's human-ness. WE are here to exist independently and come together to amplify that LIGHT. NEW Earth relationships are without the attachment, need or lack. They are of respect, integrity, support, honor, love, unity and all things that assist with the expansion of each of our higher self aspects. WE are here to assist each other in transcending the separated human aspect, and this has nothing to do with us individually as a human here. WE are here to recognize which aspect is which and utilize each other to see which we are in any given moment. WE are here to HOLD a UNIFIED FREQUENCY, regardless of who the person in front of us is. In this aspect, we are all each other's twin flames, for we are here to trigger and show what we could not see before. WE "assign" these words to others that we feel a closer draw to, but technically that is the human part of us. For me to be able to step away and see the energy of his soul alone, it allowed me to transcend the need for it to be "him" in my reality and open to whoever it is, if anyone ever... and to activate NEW realities by releasing the old ones of a limited dimensional version of us/me. I had to get okay with saying "I love you" as my higher self aspect, not the human one. I can say this now and let go of the human aspect of him. I was whole when we came together, and when we separated, felt even more amplified and whole than before. I maintained my wholeness all along, while observing any human aspect of me that came forth... to release, transcend, unify within... making me even more unified than I was before... a hard concept, but I get it... and that is all that matters. ♥ I realized I had expanded, when I stopped missing him and had nothing but utter and complete gratitude for the exchange and gift that he brought forth from within me. It's funny how each time I have released the need for him in my reality, we call forth a new exchange, expanding a little more "separately together" than we did before. I can choose to be here for him without attachment and keep going with my own physical reality. I also had to be okay with watching him choose a reality of human suffering, knowing it was necessary for where he needed to be. With boundaries, I can be there, when his heart is open and he needs someone without judgment or attachment to just BE. Different things bring us together here and there, to then part to "do" our realities however we need. The only moment that exists is this one, and if "he" is meant to be in it, then he will. If not, that's okay too, for energetically we have a connection that transcends this space/place. My feelings were deeper, for I have the added awareness of us beyond here. I can love him without needing it to be in this physical reality, for we all transcend this place/space and as humans we limit things to "this one". I can feel what he feels and that is all that matters, for that is pure and needs no identification or words. I do not worry about what he realizes or expresses here anymore. I did, and that too was human. :) Being okay with our individual journeys was pivotal for me to be able to keep moving forth in my own reality here. Each time I see something surface, I go inside and bring it up, burn off any old energy, and get back to my higher self aspect here. I only write this and share with those who may resonate in some way for their own reality too. Not knowing what the next moment brings is part of it all. Allowing moments to transpire, we REMEMBER that WE programmed the ultimate and most awesome reality for us. This is what allows me to be open to absolutely anything here. I do not dictate my reality anymore, or how my limited human wants anything at all. I transmit that which I feel I'd love to experience, and I open up to the next awesome thing to come forth. I intentionally activate light and collapse timelines, jumping as fast as I can. I pull forth realities that are already materialized somewhere, I and focus on recognizing the ones that I desire to experience here. So, each moment anew, I look forward to whatever is meant to be. I can love him, soul to soul, without it being a physical reality thing. This was an important space for me to come to... for him and for me. Now we can evolve however all is meant to be. :) To transcending the old ancient LeMUrian energies and unifying all in light here. To love without the boundaries of this physical existence and to be able to expand all as multi-dimensional beings here. ♥
Support Change and help me keep sharing to assist all in unity and bringing forth the "new" (Remembered) here. With the utmost appreciation and love. Mahalo. ♥
Thank you to Marinette Lepine with TransLight for sharing and translating in French! Wow, so very honored! Thank YOU!
Read here WAYSHOWER, AUTHOR, PHYSICAL ASCENSION & LIGHT EMBODIMENT GUIDE, CRYSTAL(LINE) GRIDKEEPER & GATEKEEPER, LIGHT ENERGY TRANSLATOR, COSMIC PORTAL, & MORE!Transcendence is my first"Remembered" name, Ithara is my Galactic identification and Lisa is my human name. Archives
January 2016
Lisa Transcendence Brown (Ithara) ☼
Ascended Master WayShower, Author, NEW Earth Existence Sharings, Transformational Speaker, Light Embodiment & Empowerment Physical Ascension Guide (all from within) www.AwakeningToRemembering.com Updates via the Public Page: https://www.facebook.com/LisaTranscendenceBrown Purchase Books: https://www.awakeningtoremembering.com/books.html |
Invest in yourself, each other, your Service as Light, hUmaNITY, Consciousness Expansion and all of our future nows... by contributing to and fully supporting (in every way) that which supports humanity with the immense transition phases with greater ease and through Pure Love.
NEW Earth has a whole new, entirely different value system, all new systems and ways that all must learn/remember and bring forth from deep within.
Energetic Cycles are increasing substantially at an unprecedented rate, accelerating "what comes back around" energetically... from all existences, as all is a cyclical/spiral/reciprocal energy that cycles faster as our beloved planet's vibrational frequency continues to rise to bring/usher all out of the "dark ages" and into "the Light" (Full Consciousness/a Quantum State of Remembrance/Pure Peace, Love, Unity and Sacred Oneness).
In deep sacred appreciation for your presence, dedication and service as Love too. ♥
Keep embracing, shining, building, integrating and sharing your BEAUTIFUL LIGHT as Love! It's BEyond important for all! ♥
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