![]() Many know I have stopped doing the energy reports daily or "in the moment" as before. This is because they are all now NEW EARTH/GALACTIC/REALITY CHANGING Energies now. Every one carrying activations for NEW PROGRAMMING, NEW REALITIES to come forth. There is no way to keep up, as they are blasting daily now. I have switched to "reporting realities" and which realms are present at any given time. Some are "thinned quantum fields" where playing in parallels is most dominant. Others are seeing the lower realms and the higher realms separated, for I got used to them being one. So to even see them separate, is an awareness that things are different that day, or in that moment. Used to be it was OLD Earth & NEW Earth, and before that was human or ease as higher self. Yet we have gone so far beyond that, and I cannot see the lower realms anymore. For months now, there have been no "drops" and now movement is "side to side". WE hop as realities open up and we just jump into a parallel now. We do this in the physical, as the etheric realms and the earthly planes have now merged as one in the physical here. So where I do post, it will be in reference to what is available or present now. The energies are all "REALITY CHANGING ENERGIES", which sounds like an awesome to refer to them sometimes. All are continual activations to allow us to change & create realities now at will. They activate the soul, the higher self, the higher realms, our galactic heritage to emerge from within. And with every activation, reality starts to change. This continues to increase in every moment now. Shift, shift, shift is the old way. The "new" is staying in alignment at all times. No need to shift anymore here. Which is absolutely BEyond magnificent. The ability to be in alignment, in peace, at all times... no matter what realities are present out there. Soon this will go as well, as all does the longer we hold the "new" space/frequency here. The visual of seeing old realities present was weird this last week, and all I have to show me this is going on is the "markers" I have in place to show me what is available in every moment. This allows us to recognize and quantum shift when the separation of realities occurs, while maintaining our own reality/ream/parallel without any variance at all within. For the last week I was an "observer of realities" and here we learn so very much! When I tune in each time to the energy transmissions, while each frequency serves a specific activation purpose, the one constant is that realities shall continually change. For this is quantum mechanics, as density goes, the light particles move, reconfigure and communicate new transmissions while taking new physical form. The light that is activated causes an actual physical response where quantum, multi-dimensional, higher realm, galactic DNA is activated and all actually does move about inside. This movement fills the spaces of where old density once was. Each re-shaping, allows for new internal communication creating a new transmission of a new reality hologram to actually materialize in physical form. The more unified, the more one can activate this on their own and actually observe realities as they come forth in response to all that one has just been activated to occur. Now the cool part, is that as humans we see that we are programming our own DNA, yet in all actuality, we are only speaking and doing that which has already occurred. Even the words we use to program as a human are of our higher self that already knows what shall come forth. As HUman Star BEings here, we get to transmit as a CREATOR again, when we ARE our Higher Self and SOURCE again inside. Being able to maintain this alignment at all times allows for realities to come forth and materialize instantly now. One activates our higher self, our soul, our own Christ Consciousness, our Galactic Star BEing DNA, another activates the new reality transmissions. Another activates our sub-atomic molecular structure to move about inside, another our star particles that cause the twinkling, itching and more. One blows our belly's up, so that new info can come forth and we can birth the new (Remembered). One activates our pineal gland, another the pituitary, some release melatonin, others DMT, some other hormones, sometimes all get activated at one time. One activates our vision, another our senses to expand. Another causes cranial expansion, headaches. Some can be felt as energy runs through the physical body, tingling in the hands and feet and electricity/air opening the universal mind (neural pathways) and more. Now, we see these all separately, until WE unify as SOURCE again and all become simultaneous and there is no longer any separation at all. Lately, all are always occurring, as we have entered into a vibrational-space-time where they are no longer separate anymore. Some transmit information for easy REMEMBERING, others thin the quantum field for multiple realities to be present where space and time easily bend and re-form, for they were only fixed within our old human mind. Our Universal Mind is merged totally with our Universal Heart, fixed is an old programmed reality that we too have transcended here. We function in this space where "human" is only a description of an ancient memory of an existence that never even occurred. Memories gone, drama gone, details gone and the only thing left is our unified heart. WE exist AS this here, no need for anything else at all. This brings forth all that we need, for we are unified with all as one. WE work together, support each other and form GALACTIC commUNITIES here. This is what we've been waiting for, and NEW Earth was just the start. Our Galactic Family coming together now, in the physical, online and etherically as well. As we continue to integrate the higher realms here as ONE SPACE NOW, they are no longer separate, as they too were always ONE. We held that through separation inside as well. No longer a physical plane or an etheric plane anymore, these two have now merged as ONE; where realities are playing fields, spaces to quantum shift in every moment! It's funny how things work, and as we observe we get to see how all transpires as it should. For me, I received all of these encodement activations for STAR DNA. This allows me to see, experience and translate that which I understand from inside for sharing with others too. Understanding our STAR BEING DNA and how all works is huge! As my own activates, the book began, the physical transformation emerged and the STAR/GALACTIC PORTAL activations also began. These increased dramatically with the 12/12/13 Gateway here. Recently I have been working on every "plane" to create STAR FAMILY commUNITIES everywhere. Online, on this island and in my etheric state as well. Only today when I awoke, did I understand how all these moments became one. Two days ago I launched the first STAR BEING commUNITY here, and Rose and I started one online with the ASCENDED MASTERY (AM) COURSE as well. The other day I REMEMBERED the "last bit" of how we activate as STARGATES ourselves, how the coordinates are just automatically "dialed" and activated in frequency inside of us for this part of our at-will-travel to now begin. Yesterday I awoke to activating a whole new GALACTIC PORTAL within. A ship & tractor beam visible, it was the most beautiful experience. Here my "Ithara" name means something now. That and also as a Mermaid, for they are different versions of the same tying my Galactic/LeMUrian existences together. The activation of the mermaid scales and new geometric codes inside my arm last week, a huge part of this as well. There is so very much more, yet I do think this is enough for now! Happy Galactic Activations loves. WE have all been waiting for this! We have expanded BEYOND just NEW Earth now....which is soooo very cool. Fast is an understatement in these frequencies, so let go of separation and old beliefs to come to BE here again. I also have yet to share HOW to experience the merging of these realities and this walking between worlds. WE feel displaced and like we have one foot is in each world. Sometimes we feel like we are on the wrong planet, for we must "go back" while things totally shift out there to match our new frequency inside. If we participate in anything "old", we have to "stay there" until we have purged the energy and made a different choice. Our own actions in the physical necessary to create the energetic force for a NEW REALITY to be created out there. This will occur throughout the entire journey, as mega-blast-upgrades and huge dimensional shift continue to occur. We see the separation of realities, planes and worlds more dramatically while we integrate and merge inside these new frequencies. It is the "gap" that occurs while the outside reality re-shapes & re-forms in response to our new reality created and brought forth from within. For me it is no longer dimensions, as that seems old as well. I am not sure how I see things yet "here", and will wait to observe and share at some point as well. There is soooo very much and way too much to share. Highlights are all I can do, without being LIVE online in every moment... lol. I have been working in the "physical" bringing the integration of the realms forth now for us all. No longer hardly sleeping, "working" 20 human hour days, the etheric sleep state is only about 3-4 hours a night now. Today I took my first 2 hour nap in about a month. Apparently we are able to "go" more, for it is not exhausting when we flow and do as we receive in every moment. Yet I do find that I have very little "time" for much else at all. Every moment packed with assisting others and bringing all of this forward for integration here is a full-time job! I even "work" in my sleep, connecting with other souls and assisting as well. No moments not used consciously anymore... for all are "this" now. My "fun" is "this" every moment, and my leisure is when I actually get to attend an event on the island and just observe and BE in the beautiful energies of others who come from the heart as well. I still "work" there too, for work is "this" in every moment for me here. LightBody/Merkaba Energy Sessions to assist others, Personal Guidance Sessions (In-Person & Online), Mastery Courses, Writing Books, Sharing out in the commUNITY... and I maintain my own websites, newsletters, postings... all by myself, without any assistance at all. It takes 24/7 to keep it all going! That will change one day as well. (I only speak this for those who desire to chat & hang-out. For there is no "time" for that for me, it's not personal, it's just the way it is). We are all staring to come together more in commUNITY, as STAR BEINGS now, and we are bringing our resources together to assist all as one. It is an absolutely magnificently beautiful thing to finally experience NOW! My motto lately has been "THAT was OLD Earth and WE don't live there anymore!" Soon it will be a new one, for I am not sure how the STAR Travel shall yet occur. Share that when I do, for you know that's why WE are all here! I love you!!! ♥ P.S. I am sooooooooooooooooo very appreciative for all who have been donating to assist me in keeping working on every plane/realm. I am seeing the integration and how all of this comes forth as the realms merge as one. It has been a rough journey for us as WayShowers, learning to transcend human limits here. Yet your support allows us to share and assist others to do this here. I have been taking everything I receive and sharing at least half with others who are coming together as well. So know that when you donate, contribute, assist me, that you assist us all here as ONE. Your gifts have been so appreciated and as requested, I will be putting up a gifting page to utilize as well. Gift cards and actual items help so very much, as all can be used to assist everyone somehow. Some have used their airline miles or credits, and wow, Eveything has been utilized to feed those who don't have food and to assist others who don't have as much as well. I gift to others every time I receive and still live on minimal, for here we do not waste. This is by choice to continue to create the new. We are WayShowers, we do it FIRST if we desire our reality to bring this forth for us. WE do not wait anymore and we don't ask another to do anything we are not already doing. We CREATE the vibration FIRST instead of asking another to create it for us. This is what is CREATING the NEW. Actual DOING and not waiting. So by me sharing that which I have, I opened the portal for receiving without limits anymore. Now, I do not speak this to be asking anything at all. I speak this to show that if I get $100, I give $50 to someone else out sharing light. This unblocked my own flow, along with dedicating myself to this. And from walking my own talk, and sharing from love with all that I meet FIRST. The message is to start DOING and stop waiting for things to come. Open up the doors to receive, and allow all to come forth. DO it yourself first, then flow will start to come. This is how it works. No expectation of who, what, when or how. Just know and BE the vibration yourself! I do not ask anyone to give/share for me, I ask you to start sharing for you and YOU start CREATING by SUPPORTING and BEing the NEW. When you share, you unify, and raise your own vibrational frequency inside. I so totally love you all immensley and BEyond here. Star BEing to Star BEing and heart to heart, from my soul to yours. Gratitude BEyond. ♥ CREATING OUR GALACTIC COMMUNITIES ~ NOW THAT IS MUSIC TO MY HEART! ♥ ![]() 1:53 P.M. Magnificent super fine crystalline light particles....gazillions....as creation, NEW earth, materialization and sooooooooo very much more is activated and visible with these! Energy body lighting up with more expansion....ahhhhhh breathe it all in loves! Let go of any old beliefs and further being forth even more rememberings with these! Soooo much is going on with these! Wowwwwwww. Bliss beyond! Back to book editing — in the fair land o' Java Kai Old Kapaa Town. ![]() 3:56 PM I just listened to a woman complain of how her day was ruined by the weather today on her trip here to Kauai, while this is what I experience in utter and complete peace and appreciation.... While I respected her reality, listened and offered many options that she spoke of seeking, it was interesting to observe the multitudes of perspectives and realities present. Not long after, I was sitting on the beach in the rain, book editing and in the utmost gratitude for "this" (see photo). Others walked by, speaking of how magnificent the rain was to experience while many found it an inconvenience. It was a great REMINDER of how we perceive and create the realities we exist in. WE get the reality we perceive and believe.... What do you REMEMBER to exist AS loves? This is where I AM book editing right now....complete gratitude AS ALL from within.... Creation energy loves! Truly magnificent! ![]() 4:45 PM Divine gratitude seems to be the theme lately, as our hearts burst with love, unification and higher realm light activations of more christed consciousness/chrystalline energies; Totally obliterating the lower realm beliefs....oh my loves...open up and let gooooo.... Can you even imagine handling, holding, anchoring more? Ohhh WE are only getting started. I love you allllllllll! ♥ ☼ ♥ * This was a magnificent photo with orbs, portals, energies ... taken today on my walk ... NEW EARTH LOVES... WE ARE HERE! ![]() 9:38 P.M. Energy update, this last hour.... first I thought it was a solar flare, then the pyramid frequencies... now I am not sure which (sounds like both, and "ship" frequencies too), yet I do know what these target within. Core beliefs, core structures, totally being ripped out, de-gutted, dismantled.... to come up (flare) ... so there are a small bit of itchies with these, spine, lower abdominal, shoulders, back of neck, 3rd eye, throat, head... you name it, it is targeted to unanchor and dis-integrate anything held within .... it's getting done with these. Old financial, religious, any separation beliefs.... all coming down ... with each activation of this kind. Lower intestinal clean-out could be a part of these as well. So pay attention to your realities and what surfaces AFTER these.... and know that anything physical (these bring physical pain) is FOR you... frees you... from the old beliefs held deep deep deep within. Get ready loves.... we have another huge shift occurring with these. Time for more to be let go of and bigtime is an understatement with these frequencies. Eat light and drink clean.... food does not do well with these. Hydrate. ![]() The most magnificent rain storm "fell out" of the sky today. Perfect for book writing. 4th Day of Flood/Storm warnings here. Got caught out in it walking like 2-3 times. Magic got us home those days! Both times we were miles from the house... Wow, it has been so long since I just had a day to BE and WRITE and SHARE. hmmmm, gotta fix that! I will post the link later on here to the really lengthy piece I have been working on this week to share (a part of the book as well) for you to read/share, etc. I love you. ♥ ![]() I spent this morning packing and "overviewing" those who have really just gone so far beyond to assist me with that which has been such a huge help, without having to be asked, just because. In observing totally open hearts, it is the most beautiful experience. There are three that stand out as ones who have "just done" for no reason. We come to a place where we do not "need" to ask for anything, for we know we are never in "need". Yet when another just steps up, just does because their heart is kind, it is truly recognized. For me, these have become my family. On this journey, those who resonate at a certain frequency, as part of our soul group, do not get separated out as "clients, students or business associations, etc." That too is separation. There comes a mutual love, respect and appreciation and all just "share". We share what we have that will benefit another. This is not done from a place of lack or expectation of anything in return. That which comes from the heart holds a frequency that goes beyond words. For me, three beautiful souls have shown this frequency from within them. This frequency of love, integrity and kindness from that place that one knows is true. These I am honored to BE on this journey with, but more importantly, just desire to say a heart-felt THANK YOU and I am truly honored, appreciative and so grateful for your presence and that which we have shared together. I send out LOVE to you... and I bow to you in honor and hold a space deep within my own heart & soul of the utmost gratitude for our agreement to come together (regardless of physical distance) to BE in this "time" together as ONE. I so love you and am always always always here for you in return. Julie Seibert Coraccio for absolutely every thing you do, because no matter how logical you are, you believe, keep working to transcend and have a heart of all hearts of gold. For putting me up, for giving me all the odds & ends I need for the move, for just "offering", even when I don't need, for putting me on the plane and all the things I don't have space to write about. Tame Kelly, for that day our Universes sat us side by side and brought us together as student/teacher, to grow together, to part when it was necessary for expansion, to come back together to now "go separate places" yet never separated by space. For BEing there the last couple weeks to "just do" that which really helped me so very much (driving me around & helping me with luggage and just being stupid, giggling and playing with the different dimensions! How much fun!) Pat Cole, for shifting from one role to one of family, whom I totally appreciate and am here for, while you continue to expand & journey, yet so enjoy that we can laugh at all of the craziness that comes out of this. That we can be of assistance to each other, for the spaces that we occupy, even though physically located on opposite ends of "this earth" (for now). You ladies rock. For the times I may have not said Thank You, I say it now, with the utmost love, respect and appreciation. Lisa Transcendence Brown In this moment, I AM in the utmost gratitude for beautiful souls ![]() Okay loves... I shall return later tonight... for I am seeing how to get from 2 suitcases to one (when 2 was tight). My vehicle also goes today... Me and the kitty been snuggling when I am working, as he sooooo responds to these energies too. Still have donating to do and last minute details (and my pace is slow slow slow, as I move in unison with the entire cosmos!) I shall be writing and posting again for a few days prior to leaving. Then I may be offline till I find a place/early November. Events will be updated, as I have cancelled all except for the one in early December. So, finishing up before I go... as I was shown months ago, when I leave here, I do leave this entire realm behind. This includes the versions of all in it. Anything in my "new" reality will only come forth from the 5th Dimensional aspect of openness, sharing, love and light. I step there into being able to fully exist in the 5th Dimension that I have come to hold inside of me. I can already see the erasing of this realm occurring and with the next huge expansion, it so totally being wiped/gone. I do not hold on to anything at all. The REMEMBERED has no attachments, cords, anchors, memories or beliefs.. it "just is".. totally see-through... and for that to exist out there, it first must exist in me... long enough for out there to formulate/form in particle light form. I have been in this space for quite some time, so I am shown now is the physical manifestation of that which I hold/have held inside. This is how it is for all. Embrace from within and release all that is not true. That is not you. It never was. I love you. ![]() Everyone keeps asking me if I am excited about moving to Kauai in a few days. It is odd, as while I am sure I am, somewhere inside, I am only in the most peace within that I have ever felt. There are no feelings other than complete and utter peace within. No hurry, no worry, the most minimal preparations... just allowing to BE again as what already exists. This move has shown so much. Mostly of how others are when their openness and sharing is tested. I have seen many "keep" things for themselves, waiting for whatever (these are their limits inside) and then I have seen others who have stepped up, from the heart to try to assist, just because. Some I have known, some I do not. For it does not matter if "that" pans out to me, as I go on my own vibrational frequency inside. The act of another is their truth. What I do (and honor) is mine. ![]() Kauai Countdown! 15 days till I board the plane from here and arrive 17 hours later! I move out of here tomorrow, house/kitty-cat sit, teach a 3 day LIGHTBODY/REMEMBERING WORKSHOP, finalize tons of itty bitty details on all the days around & in-between........ connecting with all of the beautiful like-hearted BEings along the way and upon arrival. I shall be visiting & activating portals, along with all that I come to connect with in LIGHT (while being activated myself further too!). All workshops, retreats, online classes, sessions & media awareness events will be from Kauai & then we shall go from there. Still so very much to "do", yet all in slow-mo-flow AS/with the Universe from within. P.S. Thank you to those who are assisting me in connections there & giving me pointers too. Truly, deeply appreciated. Still not committed to anything and still flowing and allowing all to transpire, while honoring all that I am shown too. I shall come to BE where I am meant to BE, as it is all meant to BE! This I do SEE! ![]() One-Way Ticket to Kauai booked. Check. Check & CHECK! October 17th.. . I will find a place when I arrive. I shall come to be wherever I am meant to be. Stepping in utter and complete trust, faith & honor from within... in every moment there is. As a walking soul, we no longer walk... we float. ♫ From the most sacred space I can say it..... how humbly honored I AM. To come to BE in a space that allows for this, to come to REMEMBER inside that which has been forgotten, to expand beyond the physical into the space of creation and to be able to assist so many in the same way too. Every moment is an opportunity to remember. Every thought a creation. Honor and respect AS All-That-Is... here we all create the "New", by accessing from within that which has been forgotten. Let go of all separation within. All have access to absolutely everything inside. Finding it is the journey. Remembering it, is the key. I love you. Here's to connecting and sharing with love, all that shall cross paths, in light. 10:20 AM - Good morning dear soul family of ever expanding light!
Ahhh, where to start... so very much, and luckily I love to write! (And thank YOU if it resonates for you to read and interact too!) The last day or so (my days are sun up to sun up here), were "surprisingly" interesting. As they always are. The evening before last (a day & 1/2 in human time), energies "dropped" to human'ish... and intentional presence was required to observe, learn & choose a response while seeing what was clearing to leave. It is "rare" for me to experience these things anymore, yet when I do, I know it is "important", in order to "let go" & move out remnant, hidden human/physical world energies. Yesterday took more "work" to stay focused from my inside world within. I realized I cannot function without earplugs, as this keeps me "inside" and for some reason, and the magnification of frequencies assists in my own existence. Kinda of like cutting off my "feeding tube" when I take them out to do sessions & forget to put them back in. For me, this upcoming month & a half, represents letting go of the rest of my human/physical experience here and stepping even further in absolute trust in every moment. Not that I do not do this already, but I have done this with a "simple & quiet" roof over my head, understanding "why" I needed to be in that physical place, both from a human perspective and also energetically, as an amazing opportunity for me to do "my work/my mission/my own expansion" here. Yet, now, I step into the "bigger" unknown, totally just letting go, fitting basic necessities in 1-2 pieces of luggage and honoring the familiar loving words of my own higher (future self) in peaceful and guiding energetic words "Just get there. You are stepping into that which has already been created. All you have to do is arrive, connect, share & trust." Meanwhile my human'ish mind visualizes me getting off the airplane, with luggage and just wandering about, no car, no roof and heavy stuff to lug around until I "figure it all out"... lol...forgo the following... Now, my human'ish me, still looks for simple places to stay (a roof & quiet place to work/BE), communities to connect with, transportation options (having luggage and no car, lol), purchasing a backpack (& more), where to store my laptop that allows me to do "this work" that encompasses writings/sessions/connecting. It is how I write books, do media (awareness) events, connect with you all, maintain the websites that provide an abundance of information and more. My higher (future) self shows me "blips" to lead me down a trail of things to check out, triggering "memories" of what has already been set forth, rather than listening to a human mind trying to prepare from a place of safety (technically fear). I am able to observe which is which and release that which is "untrue" within. Because this is an "opposite reality", the "old way" of doing things don't work. So for me, to venture out into the unknown, without anything "visibly" in place for where I am going, has taken on a whole new meaning of trust & honor from within. Just packing my bags to go house/cat sit has "triggered" energy of how much I must really minimize the little bit that I do "own", and hidden "human fear" of the unknown. Now while in my heart, I soooo very much get it, and I soooo do trust, in every moment... apparently there is the "human aspect" of "safe" (fear), that purges in my sleep/shut-down state. I have awoken to "seeing it", gratitude for it leaving, to shift my physical body to go ahead and let it go and switch frequencies (this keeps us in it or moves us out of it). It is cool how the next month was "laid out" to move me from place to place several times, to continue to minimize "stuff" and in a kind way, assist me in moving over enough "time" that I can do it without suffering, releasing any human discomfort from my mind, as I let go physically too. There is also the aspect of my own LightBody as a portal. Each time I "move" physically (where I sleep/stay), I must then acclimate energetically to be able to write and share with you all here. The "time" that this takes is much less now, just a few hours or a day, rather than what used to take days or weeks. I can see the purposes in all that is occurring now, what I am being "taught" to remember, to both "do" and BE. I use every moment to observe, and there are sometimes that withdrawing to honor that which is received is more important than sharing. For it is through that which I receive that I then come to share with others. Yesterday's energies started out feeling like there was "unsettled" separation present coming forth to purge, then by afternoon, felt "void'ish", while it seemed much collectively was being shifted to allow us all to shift into higher frequencies within. Today, I awoke to "hugely" hearing the crickets outside again in my head, knowing that the energetic connection with Gaia & the Universe had increased a bit. I walked outside and the crickets were sooo loud and I could tell that "that out there" was the same from within. What a beautiful thing to hear & feel inside. Linear "time" barely present, yet huge expansion not really felt. I hear our connection strengthening, and peace AS this energy is beautiful to observe. The "pathways" of the LightBody/Universal mind continue to activate. One can hear the "electricity" zapping & firing off, as the waking brainwave state continues to deepen this last day or so, and continue to do so "now". I have not been tired at all, with the sleep/wake states further merging, becoming more "flipped" & integrated too. Much of the time, when I shut down, I observe the human realities leaving, while in a waking state, what used to be a dream, is now a walking visible state, when one is aware and observing and creating in every moment from within. Today I continue to observe and write as I feel. I know there are a ton of messages, and will attempt to respond around honoring the energy of present moment for how I am shown to be. I take today to just BE, just me and this exquisite cosmos that sings in beautiful harmonic frequencies. I will update here & there and maybe open up to impromptu private sessions over the next few days. We shall see what occurs energetically. For now, have a most exquisite day in love. Whatever you experience, do it from a space of observation, through your heart. When you do this, details do not matter. Things do not matter. Personal does not exist. And peace is all there is. I love you. ![]() Hiya sweet soul/star family of LIGHT! I have been in such a massive "receiving" mode of information these last many days, that I have had to withdraw even more to write it all down, then work to "stretch/expand" my human mind beyond that which I previously comprehended, to be able to come to share it with others in a human language "format" that can be understood. I translate that which I understand within. Lately, this encompasses so many vast "areas", It is like a huge jigsaw puzzle of LIGHT! Quantum Physics, Human Anatomy, Astronomy and how all works together in our own LightBody & Energetic Evolution here, in Creating NEW and how all are related as one. I see it all as one, so separating it out is the hardest part. I can see the visual of all creation, the energy in light, so while I work to continue to integrate massive information in frequency on my end, I shall pop in & write where I can with updates to share. Other than the pre-paid private sessions I have scheduled already, I am not doing any more sessions, unless I wake up that day and see that I can. I will announce those online, and keep working in creation mode in the background and around any sessions that emerge. I am closing registration to this weekend's workshop today, so that I can devote time to this, extremely limiting the October workshop here in NC, as this is my last U.S. mainland one for 2013, while also teaching another in LightBody Energy Work before I go. With the move to Kauai coming and all that I also have to do here in the physical to leave here for good, this is going to be a time of "maneuvering" for me. I move in flow with the Universe. I do not do anything "physically" fast, yet I accomplish more in a day than most! The slower we go, the more gets done in flow, as all is done in present moment as it comes through. This means that all gets done, exactly as it should! There is no "burning of energy" and tiring out in this flow. That is because when the human mind drives, one must drop to a lower frequency, and this is exhausting. When the heart/soul/higher self drives, all flows in frequency as energy AS all-that-is. There is no conflict, no disruption, no tiring at all. Every moment is magical here! I am committed for the next two weeks, which leaves me two weeks to finalize, finish packing & have all done by end of September. I board a plane with my suitcases, crystals & laptop and get on a plane for "home" (Kauai) on October 16th! I am saying "no" to a lot of people during this time who are "rushing" to fit a last minute session in, asking for "last minute help" (I do alot of in-person LightBody Energy Sessions). Other than extremely limited private sessions, I am now only working with those in who have stepped up to help create, provide opportunity/introductions/connections or donate (this includes pre-paid sessions) for me to have the $ to move and get settled somewhere SIMPLE in Kauai. Once I arrive in Kauai, this will include anyone who comes forth to also create the NEW together. As WE COMMUNITY grows, this shall be expanded to both in-person & online communities for all who share in the vision of contributing come together to create the "NEW". I will be updating on this soon, as the website must now again be expanded to accommodate this too! A new FB Community will also be added to allow for ALL who wish to contribute & co-create together AS ONE, from their hearts freely and in LIGHT, will be able to do so. When I leave, I leave this entire physical dimensional realm behind. MY new, is a soul/star connection with all resonate in Light frequency, who hold the same desire, and energy from within, to come to create this light vision too. I transmit radiant beams of love light out to all (especially if you took the time to read my long personal update!) I shall return to post in a bit. Have a magnificent day in peace and love. Honored for every connection in light! I love you! ![]() Okay, so my car is "sold" at the end of September, my energy table may have a new home, if not, that goes up too. My crystals, well, I awoke to visions of me "packing" all 20+ lbs of them in my suitcase! lol, Trying to decide how I "part" with them, other than some of them having a new home here. Beyond that, purchase my ticket this Wednesday, throw out tons of boxes of stuff, clean my room up, finish up workshops & house/kitty cat sitting jobs and board a plane on October 16th for Kauai! Will connect with all of those I am meant to connect with once I arrive, and any that arise between now and then. Ya'll may not see me for awhile, as I am not sure about having internet, or even my computer until my first online media event on November 4th. So, the month of September shall be a busy one. I shall do as many online sessions in-between. Have stopped doing in-person sessions .... so.... here WE go! Ready to further create the NEW with others in LOVE and LIGHT from beyond! ![]() Mid-October loves... I am already looking at places for workshops and if I can get one set up for November/December before I go, I hope to have some of you join us! Looking to just immerse myself in the energies and probably go "off-grid" for a few weeks while just connecting with every soul I meet there on such an intimate soul level. Any assistance once can offer prior, would so so so so so greatly be appreciated. If you know anyone there, I'd be ever so grateful to be connected with them too! I am going "home" ... to a place I have always, yet never been. ♥ 8/12/13 Post: So, I only have the last 2 weeks of September open for workshops in the mainland U.S. & then it will be Nov/December before any more can be booked. I am selling all & gathering every penny I can muster to get to Kauai. I am going to be hitting everyone up for "help", as all I know is I am to GO/BE & SHARE/CONNECT there. I shall really need help with any "travel tips" for the island, especially for a quaint/quiet place to stay. I am simple. Don't need much. And live on "no money", so the most affordable is preferred. I do have online & media events that I am committed to, so I shall have to investigate the internet there too. Either that or completely go off-grid for a month-three. I am not planning on coming back to the mainland, except for workshops/events. International events are being scheduled for 2014. Private sessions are easier, as I can do those around everything else! Get with me while I am "still around". I may just ascend once I arrive there! So, my Star Family of Light..... mid-October is when we are booking a ticket, unless I have more workshops to do first. Flowing with all-that-is! |
Support Change and help me keep sharing to assist all in unity and bringing forth the "new" (Remembered) here. With the utmost appreciation and love. Mahalo. ♥
Thank you to Marinette Lepine with TransLight for sharing and translating in French! Wow, so very honored! Thank YOU!
Read here WAYSHOWER, AUTHOR, PHYSICAL ASCENSION & LIGHT EMBODIMENT GUIDE, CRYSTAL(LINE) GRIDKEEPER & GATEKEEPER, LIGHT ENERGY TRANSLATOR, COSMIC PORTAL, & MORE!Transcendence is my first"Remembered" name, Ithara is my Galactic identification and Lisa is my human name. Archives
January 2016
Lisa Transcendence Brown (Ithara) ☼
Ascended Master WayShower, Author, NEW Earth Existence Sharings, Transformational Speaker, Light Embodiment & Empowerment Physical Ascension Guide (all from within) www.AwakeningToRemembering.com Updates via the Public Page: https://www.facebook.com/LisaTranscendenceBrown Purchase Books: https://www.awakeningtoremembering.com/books.html |
Invest in yourself, each other, your Service as Light, hUmaNITY, Consciousness Expansion and all of our future nows... by contributing to and fully supporting (in every way) that which supports humanity with the immense transition phases with greater ease and through Pure Love.
NEW Earth has a whole new, entirely different value system, all new systems and ways that all must learn/remember and bring forth from deep within.
Energetic Cycles are increasing substantially at an unprecedented rate, accelerating "what comes back around" energetically... from all existences, as all is a cyclical/spiral/reciprocal energy that cycles faster as our beloved planet's vibrational frequency continues to rise to bring/usher all out of the "dark ages" and into "the Light" (Full Consciousness/a Quantum State of Remembrance/Pure Peace, Love, Unity and Sacred Oneness).
In deep sacred appreciation for your presence, dedication and service as Love too. ♥
Keep embracing, shining, building, integrating and sharing your BEAUTIFUL LIGHT as Love! It's BEyond important for all! ♥
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