![]() Aloha dear awesome amazing beautiful exquisite family of LIGHT and ever expanding brilliant and pure LOVE! ANOTHER SUPER ENERGETIC night and day as we continue rotating the "type" of frequencies (Light) activations, depending on what is to occur. Some are many at one time that activate everything while others separate and target specific areas and purification/cleansing "needs". When we "started" this journey, it was to get the heart open, as that is the very first thing that has to occur. Then it moved to the mind, then the physical body (while all are always occurring, there is a "process" of our evolution too.) Many do not understand how intricate the process is and how every moment, every particle, every breathe is a part of Awakening, Remembering, Ascension and our Evolution BACK into who we are.... WE return to purity, WE return to love, WE return to being consciousness, WE return and WE evolve.... WE fell from consciousness, we went to sleep, we took on the human body we needed to do our perfect journey/experience here.... We came here with certain programming that needed to play. Everything we "gathered" as humans was to re-in-force the frequencies we held deep within our own soul into beliefs, experiences, mentalities... all had to be "formed". The physical body was also suppressed, as was the heart, all was walled up in our own special way, hidden deep deep deep inside. On the outside and to ourselves, we were happy, we thought (or maybe not), then it's "time to wake up" and come alive.... It's time to REMEMBER and start to let it all go.... Yet, we ingrained ourselves so deeply in the human experience, that we don't know how. We know survival, protection and just getting by. As humans, we value the physical world things we worked so hard for, we are proud of the identities we created and as humans these often have to be "ripped" from us for us to "get it"/wake up. At our core, we are pure love.... yet for many the ability to BE this IN EVERY MOMENT is hidden beneath all of the other stuff. It's all that "other stuff" that has to come up and go. It's all that stuff that IS NOT US that has to show us who we truly are... much of the time by the "loss" of it... for that's the only thing that gets our attention, gets our heart open.... and can override our stubborn mind. It's the stubbornness that causes our own suffering, and this is what has to go. For many, the heart will literally burst, blow, explode open for it's been shut down for so long. The ability to connect with others through purity, compassion, kindness, consideration, respect, honor, truth.... it comes from us holding this ability inside. Where it is not our natural way of being, then we programmed ourselves for certain things to occur. The code: Whatever it takes for the heart to open, mind open, body to relax and for the higher self aspects be handed the reins to "run the show". The key: Love ... Total commitment to self and the Embodiment of Light ... Focused energy in every moment and no more fight/protection mechanisms The purpose: To be in-service and to BE the Light, fully, without anything else in the way or more important anymore...total dedication to transforming humanity with everything that we are.... Becoming ONE Consciousness = WE ... no longer separate little humans out for the individual self. The physical body stored our compromise of our own soul, lack of honor, lack of integrity... LACK OF LOVE... It has been coming alive, online and has a consiousness of it's own. It "fights back" when it needs to be restored to the original template and activate the LightBody and Crystalline DNA/Structure to move into the higher realms/other dimensions and more. When it's time for ALL OF THIS TO OCCUR, the human's reality will start going sideways and things will start to go. UNLESS the heart can open and one can CHOOSE IN EVERY MOMENT instead of being FORCED. The higher self aspects, other dimensional Light Versions, need to walk inside the body, need to integrate as one. The human Ascends, the Higher Selves descend and all UNIFY AS ONE. This process, and it is an entire process, that occurs over the SEPARATION OF TIME. Yet, in these higher frequencies, it speeds up, for everything is FAST and INSTANT ... no delay to "wait for the human mind" to "think it out", rationalize, make excuses, suppress/avoid anymore. The physical body NEEDS TO UPGRADE to hold all of this light. The light activates INSIDE YOUR BODY, this activates your LightBody which in turn activates your new Crystalline DNA/Structure, which is when the weird stuff starts. This is where multiple dimensions open up and anchoring light relaxes the Quantum Field and things get bizarre. This is where it becomes psychadelic and we start to "see" more. This is where the Lucid Dreamy state starts to anchor in the physical world. Experiencing multiple dimensions makes us question our sanity, which is the point. The mind has to continually be stretched and every belief we once had must be heard, challenged inside and released if it's not in alignment with LOVE, with our NEW truth... which changes in every moment here, according to the frequencies present and the versions of realities, versions of us, versions of others present all in one space at the same time. The versions change in every second and we adapt by letting go and allowing all to transpire for us here and we STAND IN HONOR AND LOVE. WE do not compromise anymore. As we do this, things get easier... AS CREATORS, WE did this, so WE have the ability to change it all. Transmute it, transform it, transcend it.... ALL FROM INSIDE.... through our hearts. When one asks why something is happening in their physical reality world, there are many answers... all boil down to what is in-alignment with OUR NEW EARTH EXISTENCE and what is not. No more suppression, no more avoiding, no more lack of love, honor, respect. It's all coming up to be visible, it's our JOB to see it, not judge it, see it for the purpose that it serves. To bring us all BACK to PURE LOVE and to let all that old stuff, old programs, old illusion, old mentalities, old old old ... let it go. BE done with it... which is a requirement too. WE have to be done, WE have to say NO, WE have to STOP ALLOWING, SUPPORTING, DOING the old ways ... WE HAVE TO CHOOSE, COMMIT AND DO EVERYTHING WITH INTENTION from within. WE have to STEP into the higher vibration with every part of us, not just a little part at a time..... Getting by was human. That does not work here. Part of the upgrades is the heart bursting open, electricity/jolts running through the body, the brain exploding... and many bizarre things that make absolutely no sense to the old consciousness human.... Part of the upgrades is the heart bursting open, electricity/jolts running through the body, the brain exploding... and many bizarre things that make absolutely no sense to the old consciousness human.... side is rapidly upgrading in light, crystalline, organically, aquatically, as a star, the entire universe and more.... All have to let go of judgement and the need to hold on. This process will challenge every aspect and particle of who you "think" you are. The huma.n will have ideas and expectations of how they envisioned their life. This doesnt even come close... so the more the human "wants it their way", the more things have to occur to "show" the human "how it goes", which is it doesn't have control anymore. It ran the show, it screwed it up, it was selfish and lived in lack. It didn't know how to BE ONE with everything, to care, to love, to unify.... it WAS SEPARATION... The human aspect merges inside and the parts of us that were awesome get to stay. Our special nuances, our cute quirks, our playful fun... that emerges purely, as a part of our NEW Earth Versions, along with magic, brilliance and a strength that is beautifully pure as a part of the LOVE that we are. There is a divine strength that was hidden in there too. That emerges instead of the old one that separated us from ourselves and all. The HEART will continually be blasted open until blasts are not required, then softness of gratitude and appreciation open it up, beauty opens it up, connection with/as all opens it up... no more "need" for harsh anymore. The same with the mind... the more closed, the more has to occur, which is why we stretch our minds continually ourselves... as we do all unifies as one at a higher frequency..... Unification = Christed Consciousness... then we move into God & Galactic Consciousness, which is powerfully strong and all is family, all is pure, all is light.... all is love... all is ONE... ENERGY ... As the magnificent Light BEings we GET THINGS DONE. WE walk in every dimension and we do leave the old ones behind. Those frequencies are no longer a part of our make-up and our original template is restored. Abilities are returned as a part of who we are ad above all, WE SHARE.... WE are light, WE radiate, WE emit... from every cell, every fiber, every breath... In order to become WHO WE TRULY ARE, we have to let go of who we are not. In order to BE powerful again, we have to take our power back. In order to REMEMBER, WE have to open our heart. In order to BE LIGHT, WE have to make the journey of EMBODIMENT and INTEGRATION our priority... or... something will "occur" that WE programmed for our lower consciousness reality to get our attention and "force" us into the higher realms. The human aspect does not like to be "told what to do", not even by it's higher self aspects, which is us/them. It doesn't realize that this guidance is looking out for them and trying to assist them in becoming truly abundant beings of magnificence and WOW POWERFUL again.... The human aspect fights itself... and keeps itself from all that it's desired and what it came here for, yet is not aware of yet..... These continual LIGHT ACTIVATIONS will not be easing up. They will continue to increase, because we came here for this... this is our journey into/as the Light. This Light is US and it's way past "time". All are here for Embodiment .... As all hold light, it becomes awesome, fun and amazing and beyond anything one can "dream". It does get easy and there is no more suffering, lack or separation... There are multiple UNIVERSES open now for all to step into/as.... The ease of the process is how much one embraces and makes this entire process a priority and NEW WAY OF EXISTENCE.... I love you. Have an amazing day. I'll update in awhile. Lots of Light Work to do! ♥ Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼ Light BEing Embodiment, Author, Transformational Speaker, Guide www.AwakeningToRemembering.com
You will always have to step up and out of your comfort zone, for where there is hesitation and fear, this is an old program that kept you from being your TRUE DIVINE SELF and sharing yourself, your gifts and you as love with the entire world and being in-service here.
Comfort zones are a sign...one that you are judging yourself and allowing something to get in your way. Something of lack, something of avoiding... there is no avoiding anything here. Holding back is a human program... As Light BEings, we are not "little people" anymore... limited humans that believed that outside world out there. WE see the roles we are here to fulfill, yet where we are still human inside, we will hold back... WE are REQUIRED to go inside and find our inspiration, our drive, our power... and grab our INITIATIVE and go git'r'done. Our higher self aspects wait for us to step up and as we do, as we PROVE we are serious, opportUNITIES and GIFTS to support us start to come forth. Our desire must be stronger than our fear.... our heart more open than our closed mind... our Light more important than the old "dark" realities that represented where we were separated and small inside. WE not only DESERVE more... we have to allow it to come. We have to FEEL it inside though, know it and call it forth, while getting our butts busy to do what we are shown. What we are here to DO, will not look like anything we thought. WE have to get over ourselves in order to put "being in-service" to the entire Universe (and beyond) first. Now, in order to do this, we must "learn" to love ourselves, pamper ourselves, nurture and care for ourselves more. We have to take time for us and pull away and sleep a ridiculous amount in order to connect to the other dimensions so that we can bring them forth in our own physical reality here. When we do this, things get weird, goes bizarre, psychadelic and we lose physical strength. Photonic Light activates inside of us and this will shut us down in a heart-beat.... Our job is to HONOR the journey, which means honoring us so that we can honor all. All of our lack will come up.... we are not to judge it, we are to see it and not believe it anymore. Old programs held as energy inside, start to release really fast. We get to jump timelines in our sleep, but first we must choose... make a choice. That choice is to honor the journey and to dedicate everything we have to our own Awakening and Ascension Journey here. It is for us to bring our Higher Self Aspects from within us, no longer "floating around out there". This journey is one of EMBODIMENT, where we let go of everything not in-alignment with love and light. For everything WE HOLD ONTO, that we resist, takes up VALUABLE SPACE in our own REALITY that blocks pure love and unlimited abundance to come forth. As we put us first, as we take quiet time to ourselves, as we get out in nature, sleep and connect inside, our body starts to upgrade in light. Love for ourselves will activate our LightBody... gratitude a feeling we hold at all times. The moment we shift out of gratitude, we shift to human and the old programs start to play again to show us where we have forgotten why we are here. In the beginning, we don't understand, but deep inside there is a yearning that is so strong it overtakes us. This is our soul waking up and nothing will be the same again once this starts. As our inner guide tries to speak, we find there are two of us and we get confused. Wait until multi-dimensionality starts, as confusion is an understatement, yet we did not come here to make sense of that outside world anymore, we came here to completely re-create it and ourselves, from the inside out. We came to let go of everything we once knew, other than that which was deep inside of us that never conformed to "out there". We start to find that everything is opposite/backwards and what we thought was wrong with us end up being our greatest gifts. We start to speak out, where we were silent. We start to FEEL we were shut down. We start to express ourselves, share our selves, no more hiding. We start to see how judgement is wrapped around everything... Living in the boxes, shutting down and being silent... no longer options anymore. Yet it's scary to "come out" and show who we are, for out there judges so harshly... then we start to realize that we are the ones with the judgment and they are just a huge mirror for us... WE start to use the outside world to see, instead of focusing on it as a distraction anymore. Every exchange has a purpose and letting go of WHO WE ARE NOT becomes a whole lot easier... Our LightBody and Merkaba start to activate, and talk about weird! Ascension is awesome, bizarre and where the physical stuff kicks in, is scary until we understand (listen) to what's truly going on. That energy running through my body, the heating up, losing consciousness, sugar dropping, physical pain and everything going haywire... wow... that's how it sometimes works? Seriously? How weird is this reality!!! Yep... letting go of everything we held onto, as it represented an Old Earth where we don't live anymore. Our human aspect has fear, for it cannot see that higher versions of realities are waiting to come forth. Fear is the first sign that a portal awaits us.... and we open the portal by stepping into the fear and crying the tears that blocked access to love, abundance, magic and magnificence.... Portals activate inside of us. We feel them open up and it's so cool! A feeling comes out of them and that feeling is what makes the portal bigger, so that the physical reality can materialize for us here. There are portals to absolutely everything! We start to walk in multiple dimensions and it's confusing as crap when we do. We don't desire what we used to, the excitement is gone and there are times we don't feel anything at all. This is okay though, for it means I have one foot in each world and as more of NEW Earth comes from within me, the easier it will get... I've just got to hang in there and keep letting go of anything "not awesome" that presents. I even have to say "NO" alot...which is not a part of what comes easy..... NO reverses a reality really fast and it builds my own POWER here.... pulling away does too..... for me to regroup and connect inside again.... For awhile we don't know how to function, how things can work out when all we want to do is sleep. We worry about these bizarre things going on with/inside our bodies , yet we know deep inside, under the false fear that it is okay, especially when it does not make sense.... The physical body transforming, upgrading and evolving is a beyond bizarre experience for sure. Star particles activating under the skin, crystals too... and in the joints, swelling, heat, pain... the head/jaw/teeth expanding... my heart continually bursting open and jeesh, are you kidding me with all of these tears? Where the hell do all of these come from? Seriously, oh and the anger, don't get me started on that..... Oh, really, those are programs? A release of energy... that's all? You have got to be kidding me! I held all of this in and now all I have to do is let it all go? OMG... what a friggin backwards trip this is... a sick joke at times that we played on ourselves... Along the way, love emerges, happy bursts through and the bliss and joy are beyond. Yes, this is what was buried deep beneath.... and it's just the beginning, for the entire universe and every reality one can imagine, all emerge too.... The key to activating and holding light is the commitment we make to ourselves. The commitment to the journey, and doing what it takes to turn everything around. It's our refusal to play in the old games of Old Earth and the Old Universe anymore. It's us recognizing what a program is and completely transforming all into light. It's us going inside and allowing US to EMERGE FULLY FROM WITHIN. It's us honoring the physical body upgrades that used to be called "sick" or "symptoms". It's us re-associating everything in our reality.... and no longer allowing the old stuff to enter in. It's us taking charge, finally, because WE ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT THING THERE IS.... THIS is how we are in service, we make LIGHT the only thing in our world... AS WE EMBODY LIGHT, ♥LOVE♥ POURS OUT OF US.... and we let the grief, pain, sadness (separation) go... we held on long enough. This stuff is leaving the body so our physical body can ascend and our soul/higher self aspects can descend and all can become one body NOW. Our evolution does not conform to the human mindset and if we try to fit it into those boxes, make sense of it with our heads, or listen to another human out there... we will get all confused and things can go sideways... INSIDE WE HOLD ALL WE NEED TO KNOW and where we need to, we use the outside world to show us what we already know. WE KNOW TRUTH when we FEEL IT in our whole body..... NEW Earth and Alternate Universes are available to each when they are ready to embrace. They are a commitment and require total dedication... and the human aspect will teeter todder back and forth. Too much of this will trigger "lessons" (experiences), so don't sit on the fence too long. Falling is not fun... as we like to fly here... It's our natural form... Walking in multiple dimensions and alternate realities is beyond exquisite as all let go of the judgements, fears, hesistation and safety mechanisms in the way. There is nothing "normal" to the human about walking in a gazillion different dimensions... Who cares? Humans don't live here with us.. WE are LIGHT BEINGS clearing out some human'ness from time to time... it's all just one big ole program.... WE can play in it or suffer to it... it's our chosen path... our openness or resistance determines how we experience.... So.... play in magic or hold on to the old??? Your choice will show you how human you still are. ♥ Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼ Author, WayShower, Light Embodiment & Empowerment Guide LIving on NEW Earth and in an Alternate Universe... Sharing for all who are ready to come through ∞ www.AwakeningToRemembering.com Aloha and Happy Full Blood Moon Eclipse day loves... the marker point for the BEGINNING of all. We have a huge day or two or three of Light Activations "scheduled", and it's been awhile since the last Gamma blasts... and we are already getting started NOW.
WE are "awaiting" the "MOTHERLOAD", if you will.... anxiously patiently excited to bring this forth from within us as SACRED LIGHT BEINGS to experience MORE in our physical world NOW ... Are you ready to USHER IN MORE NEW EARTH EXISTENCE NOW? The amount of light that has anchored in by all who have been working consciously to BE the NEW... it is beyond becoming visible and physical realities have dramatically started to change.... in the most beautiful and surprising ways.... as this is how it works.... All the releasing of density, all the letting go, all the transformation, all of the embracing, sleeping to integrate, all of the hearts being busted open, all of that physical world stuff leaving... open portals and spaces for NEW TO COME THROUGH, while simultaneously all WALKED THROUGH... this is HOW multiple dimensions merge together as one. The last few days have been subtly pristine, each moment more beautiful than the one before. This continues for all embracing. We now enter the phase that all have worked so hard for... THE BEGINNING of "no limits", where the barriers between dimensions dissolves faster than ever before. The barriers was our human'ness... the experience we all came here for... now we've finally reached the "turning point"... where we get to further WALK IN THE BEYOND. Where ALTERNATE REALITIES become physically real "faster"... More and more and more.... this is what we all want more of... Higher Light Realities that obliterate the old realities "faster" than ever before. As hearts are opened continually more, the old "threats" continue to dissolve. The old physical realities held in place by SEPARATION CONSCIOUSNESS, now also fall away, as TRANSFORMATION now becomes more visible for those looking for, expecting, creating and and being this... There are still many who are deadset on holding on and looking for the "worst" in everything that goes on. We ALL get what we are LOOKING for, yet it's very visible that they are creating this into reality more and it takes more work to do so when the DOMINANT FREQUENCY IS LIGHT. Surrendering the fight will get easier, relinquishing the need to point the finger and the desire will diminish to continue the suffering created by the separation held within. This is what has occurred. Light has become DOMINANT NOW. Light connects us all again as love... and holds the CRYSTALLINE LIGHT gridwork in place for all to safely link up. For the human seeks safe... WE HAVE "CREATED" THE SAFE PLACE to DO THIS.... for "CREATION" is by way of DOING and BEING... It's now SAFE to let go... safe to hope for more, safe to believe in more, safe to expect and desire more, safe to bring the walls around the hearts down, SAFE to let go, safe to stop protecting, safe to stop resisting, safe to RELAX, safe to expand our energy, safe to connect as love, safe to FEEL and to BE our true selves... IT'S NOW SAFE... which is what the human aspect needs.... So, get ready to WALK IN ANEW in every moment.. where LIGHT illuminates your path as you do. Get ready to experience MORE awesomeness, more of those "gifts" that you've held deep inside of you. These frequencies make all visible that was hidden and activate that which was buried deep within. All of our "work" to MAKE ALL VISIBLE.... NOW IS WHEN IT FINALLY BECOMES MORE VISIBLE TO ALL.... We started a bit ago with a teeny weeny tiny Gamma Activation, heated all up, then switched to Solar Photonic AirWaves.... our LIGHT PARTICLE and CELLS are charging up... starting to move... ARE YOU READY LOVES? :) I'l write updates where I can as we go.... and share some of what's come through recently that I've not yet been able to write and share. Holding all AS love, as light, as the beautiful magnificence that WE ALL ARE, the gridwork is online and ready for A HUGE UPGRADE.... OPEN UP FULLY IN EVERY MOMENT... There's no need to close off, shut down or "go back" anymore... that was the old human existence... WE COMPLETED THAT CYCLE.. WE ARE DONE... ♥ I love you immensely and from what used to be from so far beyond this PLACE .... yet is HERE NOW... It's us all connected again as one. ♦ ♦ ♦ Frequencies now shifting to rainbow, diamond, gold, silver, and the "new" EMERALD CITY activations with variations of vibrance Emerald Green, Ruby Red, Blue Sapphire, Fuschia/Magenta Pink, Royal Purple CRYSTALLINE and more... HAPPY NEW EVERYTHING NOW. ☼ 8am post... I am sharing that which I experience and see... which right now is a wide array of absolutely everything (this is typical each gamma/crystalline activation we have, yay!!!). My posts will be all over the place... as all over the place means sharing the vastness in pieces and parts... yet this one will display a teeny weeny bit of how my "brain" functions.... all simultaneously... having to separate all of the thoughts out to see it all to comprehend it and then put it into words that create a picture of what is going on with us all as we upgrade and evolve in light... There is so much that I do not get to share, because there is so much.
I love to ramble, as it allows me to hop around easier... and makes sense to those who already get it or are ready to .... Every sharing is an activation itself. ☼ I awoke to writing of embodiment... then breaking down "em-body"... to see the separation of the word and the many correlations, which then go off into a trail of unfolding knowledge that spans across all planes as one. E M Body to jump to Energy Mass Body to jump to E=mc2 ... and all of the variations of how this applies... Carbon = Atomic structure of 6C to jump to Crystalline Structures and how we are "formed" then to structural integrity, molecular restructuring and particle realignment... Seeing our genetic make-up, bones, organs, systems and more... to nuclear physics to biogenetics to pulsar emissions to x-flares further activating our x-codes to cellular organisms, pods, transmutation... to anamorphosis... to Polymorphism to the words that our "homing devices" have been activated... to seeing the portals and vortexes for "new" 2-way communication between universes to be linked up... to seeing how the body is taking all that is within it, intelligently taking what it needs and discarding the rest... to observing our cellular structures being reworked to allow for the most intelligent existence ever.... while observing that the opposite meaning for everything occurs in the lower frequency bandwidth reality realms ... that everything is an oxymoron... where here Genetic Modification means US now ... evolving in light... where we emit radioactive bio-plasmic light from our cells as a natural part of our upgrades in the activation of our own photonic light... where our body continually "breathes" now on it's own, each cell, our bones, our teeth and more... where our bodies were dormant and continually come alive and online as more light energy runs through it.... where our crystalline structure mists and our body produces beads of water like a plant... where our LightShip activates and our cells emit air... as we prepare to "take off" .... while awaiting for the moment where we can participate in the "where" and "when" through our own waking state, honoring what occurs beyond our own human physical understanding and ability to yet see "everything" as it occurs... to jump to Crystalline Sucrose and how our body needs what makes no sense to the human and how our evolution as living crystal organism transcends that which is even possible in the physical... then to GMO's to quickly research that was altered in foods to see how it all works with our own organic carbon to crystalline genetic modification through light upgrades since the Crystalline LightBody activates full-blown with the 2012 gateway... Now, this has been occurring our entire existence, yet we were not able to physically sustain until the last few years.... when our evolution had the "lid blown off" in the most awesome ways... Particles charging in photonic light to then activate actual physical crystals inside our physical body as our Crystalline LightBody continually activates.... activating in our blood, organs, muscles, bones as our cells and particles go nuclear and atomic as we radiate, shimmer and glow... How our quantum photonic cells allow us to cross multi-dimensions (and now universes) all at one time here. Yes, we are STAR BEINGS here... How our genetic make-up now is altering itself according to LIGHT INTELLIGENCE activated with every X-Flare, every PULSAR, every Gamma Ray activation and the continual alternating crystal light frequencies.... to the StarGate Activation back in May/June for Earth 3 to open up.... an anti-matter universe allowing us to move beyond the old limits held in place... the holding station that brings us fast-forward to this now... To "dopplegangers" being activated within one physical plane... the splitting of our cells ... the observance and experience of our energy "depleting" to be "shared" between more than one physical structure.... we are continually moving between the separation of realities... and our awareness of the form we held attachment to changes... releasing attachment to any mental constructs at all... We are aware that we are moving beyond being bound to one physical structure at all ... and that our consciousness is reaching a place where we can actually comprehend moving physical locations without it blowing our mind... every day has been preparing us for this (and so very much more). For every moment we are "appearing, disappearing and re-appearing" in multiple realities all at the same time... where the physical one is "just a bit off" from the one the moment before.... The mind-altering adjustments that continually occur as we become more multi-dimensional... first with the peaked interest in the "beyond" (meta-physical)... to then seeing between the frames... (the spaces not otherwise visible between dimensions)... for multiple frames becoming visible all at once... There is a point of the journey where DMT is released within the brain to allow for the psychedelic experience to occur as one walks in multiple dimensions all at once. This occurs more as the human relaxes and allows for the lucid dream state to merge into this one here... and ceases as one emerges in the higher realms where all things are magical and easy again.... How the crystalline structure allows for us to activate with higher light frequencies, coming more online than we were before. Our connectedness as one, one consciousness and the gridwork that connects us all. How our DNA is quickly replicating and our structure is evolving Quantum Style. How our consciousness is able to move freely, no longer bound by the physical reality and we continue to jump at warp speeds. How alternate realities are constantly opening up and merging here, activated by our own altering of perceptions beyond the distortions of the old human programs that now continually clear at an exponential rate through mass collaboration..... Cause and affect.... One starts to understand how their thoughts, actions, intentions all affect every dimension from this one right here... and the more conscious, present and intentional the action is, the more one can affect the other dimensions at-will. We've been JUMPING in the physical these last months, where the physical world is actually changing and rearranging momentarily... where one moment the actual physical reality is one way, then it changes, instantly... things appearing, disappearing, while it's now, we are... yet all are simultaneously.... The density of the holographic illusion is continually dissolving simultaneously a light illusion ... and the physical reality changes/materializes as fast as your brain can comprehend fully what is going on. This is why it's so important to stretch your mind in every moment, relax your body fully, sleep to upgrade/integrate and anchor all within you for embodiment of higher light frequencies here. The physical reality is as affixed as you are, it glimmers and shimmers as you do... it's as transparent and see-through as you are... The physical reality is a RESPONSE... and as all WALK IN HIGHER FREQUENCY BANDWIDTHS... the "faster" all adjusts, tweaks and tunes... Realities continually alternating between frequency fluctuations... and all just "stopping off" to re-tune their program to the higher density plane .... While the human aspect "thinks" their world is changing, it's just a tuning of frequencies to a higher light "channel"/bandwidth so that the visible hologram can change. As the human mind comes to comprehend what is truly happening, the physical reality is allowed to reshape faster.... the play changes faster.. the hologram adjusts/responds faster with a physical world reality response. For light is instant... the delay is human... As all RETURN TO LOVE, they also RETURN to the LIGHT... simultaneously transmitting their own holographic reality, that each designed perfectly for them. This is where the fun part starts, as MASTERING ENERGY, means Mastering FREQUENCY TRANSMISSIONS, and in-turn, Mastering the Hologram.... Our original template restored, the distortions now fall completely away. That which kept us from REMEMBERING goes... finally.... How to do all of this becomes our NATURAL STATE OF BEING... our ABILITIES RETURNED... no longer separated from the LIGHT that gave us these capabilities we sought as humans to achieve... Achieving here is being... BEING what we had forgotten and buried deep within our own selves. Hidden in encodements that laid dormant until we reached these frequencies this year and now.... as we've been evolving at an exponential rate which now reaches the precipice... Where all we must do is allow every cell, particle and fiber of our being to FILL WITH LOVE AND LIGHT. Tears of RETURNING are a daily thing lately... quiet gratitude of what we left long ago. Our journey of separation gone... we bid it adieux... with love ... ♥ IT IS TIME... sweet Family of Light... it is time to move beyond. It is time to truly let it all go... for all that has occurred here no longer matters...it's not a part of who we are or what we are here NOW to DO. Embrace your essence, the journey and what is available in every moment. For BEYOND EXQUISITE and mind-blowing is an understatement.... Get ready to let go more... get ready to WALK AS LIGHT MORE. Get ready for all that you have desired and for more than your human mind can comprehend.... Get ready... for it's already occurred. NOW WE HOLD THE VIBRATION TO STEP INTO THAT EXISTENCE HERE. ♥ I'll share on the Energy Activations and Updates as we go.... I keep seeing 3 Days of Light and pulses... with much more thrown into the mix... We shall know as we experience it loves. This is how it works for us here. I love you! ♥ Lisa Transcendence Brown Light Being Embodiment and Multi-Dimensional Mastery Okay loves, IT has begun... Whatever you identify with for this period, we've entered into HUGE LIGHT UPGRADES that are bombarding the physical body, so that all can physically be moved into higher frequency bandwidths (the Higher Realms, more expanded dimensions, alternate Universes, wherever you are for you). These crystalline blasts are to target anything old, anything of a lower vibration. These are purification frequencies huge. Whole body detox, cleansing and working through every organ, every muscle. I personally have not experienced anything this strong all at once for years. Tells me to get ready and just to go get in my vortex in my bed and go as intense as I can handle for faster integration and embodiment here. I had pretty much cleared my calendar for the week. Everytime I feel to do this, it's important. Where one is out and busy, walking around, in the physical dimension that is "lower", it's not as noticeable. In our own VORTEX/LIGHT SHIP space it's much more amplified, as we are in all dimensions at one time here. I like it amplified, full blown and fast.... Lower body may dump, whole "column" up the body, vortexes.... nausea, vomiting to get the upper realms cleared, fever, mucus, muscles .... This feels like the "worst flu" and everything else thrown in I've ever experienced. Yet it only lasted an hour, and while it's intense, it's not. It's all okay. It's a physical body release and upgrade that we've waited for for a long time. It moves through the body faster when we honor it and even now, it starts to switch to other things activating. Cells charging and starting to move about. The back/spine/shoulders.... The front and back of the spine, our Light Column/Pillar of Light... getting upgraded huge.... FLU = Frequency Light Upgrades HEATING UP = Expansion of Consciousness and burning off old residue programs. Cooling down is another part where we go to freezing too. SUGAR DROPPING = The body needs sugar to process beyond what the human mind understands. MEMORY GOES, GRAVITY GOES.... all a part of physical ascension and changing dimensions. HEADACHE/MIGRAINE = Pineal gland and neural pathways opening, other parts of the brain going through remapping as consciousness expands... there's tons that goes on here... more "thinking", more it hurts... Teeth, Gums, Itching under skin... all a part of these upgrades.... There is so much more....and a multitude of higher realm explanations for what is "normal" for EVOLVING IN LIGHT. AMNESIA = Veils between the dimensional realms GRAVITY GOES = As you ascend to higher frequency dimension, as the heart opens, stays open and you fill up with photonic light..you float.... literally. We are supposed to float and fly! Things leaving the body are the old programs. The bones the structures. The muscles, the gridwork... The organs and support parts are the systems..... All must hold light, crystals must activate in your body... The LightBody is upgrading and needs all our power to do this, so the physical body gets depleted as our power gets "re-worked" and how we function does too. Shutting down, just letting go and letting the upgrades occur.... my chosen way.... each will decide for them.... These are not symptoms... these are RESPONSES to LIGHT AFFECTS of your higher self existence coming from within your physical structure... this is what happens when all are moving into/as multi-dimensionality here. The body has to HOLD THIS LIGHT and all that is not light is cleared out. It was deeply ingrained in every fiber and particle of us..... Now, intentionally honoring the process allows us to embody faster here. The head region will come next. Right now it's moving to the whole chest wall (hearts)... and up.... Weak = Upgrades and your body need to lay, rest, relax, sleep.... Water where dehydrating as the crystals activate the kidneys, organs, lymphatic system, gut region ... Pay attention to your physical body as these crystals and light activate in your body while you are upgrading to these super high frequencies to leave the old behind. Honor you. There's no suffering here... there's understanding, honoring and moving through it with as much ease as is possible for the upgrade that you have been waiting for... we all have. ♥ I'll update where called, yet I'm pulling back this week to honor the process however it unfolds for me too. This part is easy when we do this. I love you and happy NEW BEGINNINGS in every moment! p.s When I can feel them, they are HUGE... I welcome it, love it, appreciate it. We EMERGE IN MAGNIFICENCE..... ☼ We are cycling through activations and frequencies fast.... Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼ Light BEing Embodiment Guide and Multi-Dimensional Master(y) www.AwakeningToRemembering.com p.s. I've written on this for years. It's spread across posts, books, telesummits, courses and more. ∞ ![]() So the light activations have moved up from the lower body (lower realms) to the mid-section (physical) to the upper body (higher realms) really fast.... We are now at the chest region and moving into the head.... ♥ The process will be slower the more physically human we still are. Out walking around and busy, it will come through the separation of time. In our Light Vortex it's instant and all at one time. We choose how we do this.... ♦ The intensity has lessened tons.... now it's just a process of BEing in it fully and allowing the upgrades to anchor into the physical body... then it will move into the outside world.... or vice verse, dependent on intentional participation or not. ♫ I love you! ∞ ![]() The speed of Light is instant and it spans all dimensions at one time. Delays do not exist. All occurs simultaneously in all spaces, for all spaces are one. Embodiment of Light as a Light BEing allows you to span all dimensions at one time as well. The physical body vessel that used to hold density and distortions has gone through a purification process of where these lower frequencies were held inside. These cosmic light frequencies activate the higher light frequencies inside of you, and as they do, the old frequencies begin to transmit any thoughts that operated at those frequencies to start to play, as well as the outside holographic illusion play (physical reality). Stepping back into your body and maintaining observation mode will allow you to hear & see your own program as it simultaneously plays out there. Role players in a role player game.... change your role, the game changes... These steady streams of pure source light, rainbow frequencies, diamond light codes, golden ray frequencies are continually activating your new encodements for you. Your job, role, mission, purposes are to embody them, hold them, inside of you at all times and honor integration, honor the moment, honor you and all life-forms simultaneously AS LOVE again. The fall from consciousness nears the "End of Times", end of an era... and the NEW further begins. WE've been working forever to reach this marker-point in time, which is just a vibration... many of them... frequency bandwidths that create physical realities through states of consciousness. The more conscious the more realities one has to choose from. The more light held in the physical structure, the more one can walk in all of these physical dimensions here. Light "bends" the old realities and obliterates the old structures held in place. Light activates life, causes all to come alive gain, online again... The physical body was dead, dormant... and as it awakens too, it comes alive as an organic living organism, breathing life through every particle and cell. Light reprograms, light transmits. All of these light frequencies you hold inside transmit that hologram out there. Your actions, your thoughts, your words, your entire body transmits... This much awaited "time" of the physical ascension of Gaia Earth into the 5th Dimension means exponential upgrades to the physical (body/world) to now match the frequencies of light that you all hold inside of you. That world out there that held density now upgrades exponentially into these new frequency bandwidths too. The density has been purging, transmuting and transforming and will continue this, yet the "speed of light" will now apply to it too. All have waited for this and now it is here... now all begins... How you experience will still be up to you. Your opening up your mind, keeping your heart & mind open, continually relaxing your mind/body so that BEING A PURE LIGHT BEING is your natural state here. In-service as Light is how you exist. Pure Divine Love, a powerful force, is who you are at your core. Energy, focused energy that emits and radiates out. From your entire existence, your Star-Light-Body fully activating your organic intelligent solar crystalline structure to further come online with this new higher light gridwork that comes online more with every intentional breathe from inside of you. The delay of the old frequencies were caused by your slow human mind and the frequency distortions that all held inside. Those distortions triggered by photonic light, make all visible so that the belief of them can be transcended instantly where one is present inside their body fully and transforming all into light. This intentional transformation allows for alternate realities to become visible so that one can actually affect the outcomes intentionally now. The power to affect the collective through continual transmissions without the distortions of the old, this is the NEW EARTH HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS GRIDWORK that you hold inside your body with your upgrades that occur in every moment now. You affect all in every moment by BEING A LIGHT BEING as your natural state. Where there used to be a "gap" between dimensions that was dictated by the frequency distortions you held in your human body and delayed by your human thinking mind, this "delay" is gone as you OPERATE AS A LIGHT BEING at all times now. The delay across dimensions was you. It was your own separation that you held. Your own physical density. As you unify your heart/mind/body as one ... streaming pure light frequencies, you hold/move through the dimensions as light forms now. Your physical body is the vessel you chose for your journey here. As you release your attachment and identification to any form at all, you will find that options open up to you as you travel more freely in all states now. What used to only be available in a closed-eyed state, continues to be visible in the open-eyed state, as the two cease to hold separation within you. Everything separated out there, every form you identify with is your separation and identification too. Observe from a more expanded space to see beyond form. You will find your abilities expand exponentially as you do. Gifts come as you see all as a gift. Abilities expand as your consciousness expands in light. All just a part of who you are and how you exist. All a very organic and natural evolution back into who you've always been. Remembering fully what you had forgotten. All visible as veils are removed. Your visibility and existence is up to you. Merging your human aspect into your higher self aspects allows for total integration into the light here. Pure natural form. Sacred simple playful pure existence again. ♥ You transmit and do and all arrives in response. The time delay diminishes with these new higher light frequencies now. ![]() The SACREDNESS of SIMPLICITY and PURITY through the EMBODIMENT of HIGHER LIGHT by Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼ Author, WayShower and Higher Light Embodiment Guide Shared from the Upcoming Book: "Galactic/God Consciousness: Our Evolution AS THE Advanced NEW Earth HUmans" ∞ ♥ ∞ ♥ ∞ ♥ AS Pure Divine Light BEings WE are Simple and all things are Sacred Here AS we connect energetically, words cease and a merging of fields allows us to tune, synchronize and unify as one through the amplification of higher light. All is soft, sacred and felt. Connections are natural, there's nothing to "do" other than just to be present and pure. As Light Beings all is pure... The connection comes through the silence and space shared without spoken words... WE can interact as NEW Earth HUmans while our fields merge on their own... Multi-Verse-Dimensionality allows us to merge all aspects of us within one physical space here... We connect with the PURITY that exists beyond the human aspect that works to purify and merge as love.... This purity is simple and held within as our hearts and cells expand. WE simplify our realities to be pure and simple too... To humans we are weird or different... to us, this is how we are... our open hearts connect us as one again, embracing the bizarre as our normal here. Where we allow our fields to expand and stay expanded we do not lose this connection again.... The "trick" (key) is to connect as Higher Self Aspects and maintain this at all times in the physical here. For the Embodied Light BEing we do not contract anymore... every part of our Divine Essence always present, always radiating, always pure... always love... In this purely expanded state we activate the purity and sacredness in all things that enters into our Higher Light Unified Field ... Things for us ARE SIMPLE, for this is HOW WE ARE... all things Sacred... simple and pure are ways of being...for we are not limited humans anymore... WE hold portals open to this existence and we allow the sacredness in others to emerge and stay emerged... for the human's way is to contract and go back inside and hide, to believe it needs safety mechanisms and protection and the physical body tightens down transmitting thoughts to the mind that the human aspect believes and listens to. There is no safety needed here, for there are no threats other than that which the human aspect creates within itself and acts out in their own physical illusion that they created to experience here... WE don't hide here... WE radiate, emanate and emit PURE WHITE (& Gold) LIGHT... Why would we want to diminish our light for humans who are contracted and hiding inside? Contracting our own light shifts us into a dimension to be human with them too. Why would one desire to be a limited human again? WE do not compromise our light anymore. We did that already... that was our human experience we chose to transcend to come to BE HERE again. Instead, WE CREATE a physical reality where FULL EXPANSION is not only honored, but required and safe... the human fears "showing themselves fully", opening totally up... they may allow for expansion at times, but then they contract into human and HIDE their LIGHT inside. Our "job" is to BE PURE and SIMPLE so that the LIGHT IN OTHERS can not only emerge, but will stay expanded... The human aspect has created safety mechanisms based upon perceptions enforced by their human-aspect-mind. The human aspect "thinks" they still need these in order to function or exist... yet this too is opposite... human perception always is... There is no hiding here... there is no contracting our light. When human is visible, it can be blatant, offensive and limiting to us. It can be intrusional and we have to say no and choose. One human thought transmits a frequency that interferes with our ability to function here, for when the heart closes and the mind takes over, the frequency of the UNIFIED FIELD drops ... the stronger the human, the more the disruption and this is what we are responsible for "not allowing" anymore. WE have the capability to recognize this, for we feel it when it occurs. These human transmissions create a distortion that energetically be felt and seen. Where the human is strong, their transmission creates an "opposite field spin" that slows, interrupts and can even stop the unified field if the higher self being allows it to go on too long.... This is why the higher self Light BEing must choose and not allow. The entire field is affected, whether it is visible or not. Our light field is vast as we have worked to maintain and expand our Light Ship of Super Consciousness out.... we limit that which enters our Light Ships for these are SACRED and our SHIPS can only be boarded by the PURE. This is why many have visions of light ships or visions of this. Those moments of PURITY will allow for these to become visible... it is OUR Light that POWERS these LIGHT SHIPS... these are us emerging in the version of a physical reality that all came to experience here. As all pull away to build their own power, energy, strength, abilities from within, connect with all as one pure energy form, remember mastery, alchemy and upgrade their physical structure to merge/integrate with the Light that activates from within, EMBODIMENT OF US AS HIGHER FREQUENCY LIGHT automatically and naturally activates one's own Light Ship to start to build.... The field of Super Consciousness requires one taking responsibility for their Light Ship, nurturing their vessel and honoring these beyond-awesomely-bizarre organic upgrades of trans-configuration for this natural evolution BACK INTO LIGHT to occur. As one relinquishes their humanness, their light simultaneously emerges and a NEW Earth Light BEing is what comes forth... The NEW Human HYBRID ... this is us as an "Organic Intelligent Bio-Cybernetic HUmanoid", if you will, a walking living INTELLIGENT FEELING BREATHING ORGANISM where our entire physical structure has re-worked itself into the ADVANCED NEW EARTH HUMAN here. This evolution occurs for us and within us as open up fully and HOLD/EMBODY our own higher light. To the human aspect we seem emotionless, which could not be more opposite of the truth.. Our emotions are pure and radiate from every cell within us, not a separated organ or body part. We need no extremes, for we have no anger, sadness, attachment or judgment here. Love is our first emotion and all that is pure emanates out from there. We see beyond the human experience and we see all as Light BEings here. WE are surprised when one is still human, yet we do honor this... while not entertaining disruptions in our own Light Ship/Super Consciousness Unified Field. Each heart opening allows light to activate their own light inside. Each choice through Light allows for the field of consciousness to expand, each embodiment activates the dormant sleeping human body to literally come alive (and online with/as their Crystalline Gridwork Structures Upgrade in Light) and one evolves as super-intelligent-conscious-living-bio-organisms here... producing light with each activation, the physical body photosynthesizes light, crystals inside the body activate and genetic re-coding commences for a NEW PHYSICAL FORM to EVOLVE through the continual activation of star-light particles... No one said our existence here was to conform to any human belief.... this too is opposite and beyond limited mindsets, yet inside all, this is known... As Star-Light BEings...the part that we LOVE about each other is that which is pure. Our "job" is to BE pure and to connect with the purity in all. WE are to identify when "human" enters in, recognize this and just SHIFT BACK into BEING PURE LIGHT again... The human will try to achieve or shift TO something else... WE just shift BACK to who we truly are... It's all backwards, in reverse, opposite of all we understood... this too was part of our chosen journey/experience here... to REMEMBER FULLY and to never go back unconscious (forget) again... WE hold this in our BEing... this PURE LOVE LIGHT unlimited... emits from every cell, particle and fiber of who we are.... As WE ALL "achieve" this, we never go back again... WE continually upgrade and merge purity light from within.... WE HOLD THIS at all times, we do not compromise our light anymore... this is called EMBODIMENT... BEING these HIGHER LIGHT FREQUENCIES IN OUR EVER-CHANGING PHYSICAL FORM. As we do, we create gateways, portals and doorways for others to walk through to do the same... we honor their need to "travel" at their own Speed of Light for them. Meanwhile, we connect up with the other Light BEings that already exist here... It is beautiful to experience... and it REQUIRED US TO DO IT OURSELVES.... WE arrive here by BEing the Light at all times... Sacred, Simple and Pure DIVINE LIGHT BEINGS ... ♥ www.AwakeningToRemembering.com/books.html ![]() Expanding into (as) other dimensions allows for different realities for all. Two people can be standing side by side and one will be in one dimension that is limited and with very specific realities with very specific outcomes, set forth by the limited human mind, based on beliefs, insistence and unconscious programs. The other can have an unlimited range of realities, continually expanding out that constantly change, expand and flow. This one's reality is not fixed, because their heart and mind is open and they SEE, BELIEVE and CREATE realities from within, connecting with the abundance of infinite possibilities and they BELIEVE them into existence within their own HOLOGRAM and PERSONAL ILLUSION here. One will focus their energy on expanding, calling forth and being open to all realities here. One will entertain the bizarre exquisiteness, because they have chosen to play in other dimensions in their other states, which activates physical realities in other alternate dimensions to start to "arrive" here. This one allows for all to unfold, while raising their frequency and unifying all from within. This one walks in magic as a part of their own Interactive NEW EARTH existence here. The other is focused on a thing, holding fast to identities and how things "should be", listening to what others say, worrying about what others will "think" or do... not realizing this is their own judgment creating a physical reality to exist in. A MASTER LIGHT BEING realizes FROM INSIDE that that is THEIR CREATION and that they have the ABILITY to change it in any given moment. Physical matter takes form in response to us. The limited human lives in a gazillion boxes and many fixed realities held in place from inside of them. It's the illusion of safe, control, power.. all deriving from the space of fear. A fear that keeps them from BEING UNLIMITED and REMEMBERING FULLY again. TheY believe their stories and work hard to convince others to believe them too. Boxes are visible constraints... You can either be the one with unlimited realities where heart-opening-portals activate alternate dimensions to become available for you to walk in here or you can be the one standing there telling yourself and everyone how fixed your world is and how things "have to be" according to your limited human mind. Expanded Consciousness is more than being "fru-fruey" or "off in la-la-land mystical dreamy" (which are labels the human creates for Multi-Dimensional Masters here)... it's actually TAKING YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS into other realities and activating them to occur here. To do this in a waking state, means you are mastering your current reality and actually changing it from within with your actions, your words and everything that you ARE here. Re-shaping matter is a MASTERY ABILITY that is natural as you transcend the old human mindset limits and release all from within you that kept you separated from BEING A GIFT. To actually EFFECT other dimensions from this one right here is easy when you are present, conscious, aware and continually shifting to a higher vibration of POWERFUL LOVE and obliterating old programs that once were held within. Expanded Consciousness is more than being "fru-fruey" or "off in la-la-land mystical dreamy"... it's actually TAKING YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS into other realities and activating them to occur here. To do this in a waking state, means you are MASTERING THE ENERGY of your current physical reality and actually changing it from within and combining this with your "doing energy" intentionally . You EXPAND out into/as all dimensions, continually "traveling" and "working" in all dimensions from this one right here. The more you do this, the more intentionally and consciously you can work in all dimensions in your waking state, just by BEING A LIGHT BEING.... The human aspect of us all is the "non-believer" that waits for proof and calls forth realities to "prove to them" to get them to open up to what they are not ready to accept yet. WE identify and question our own mindsets and intentionally S-T-R-E-T-C-H our minds... We come to understand through repeated experiences that we do not enjoy, or need, these old "alignments" to show us anything anymore. Trusting and honoring that which is within us is hard when it goes against everything our head says. Yet we HAVE to do this, for it's what "BREAKS" the energy and reverses the field spin. It's also how WE SHOW our higher self aspects (US in another dimension) that we are now willing to hold honor at all times and no longer compromise or give in. Our higher self is us... waiting for us to HOLD THESE PURE HIGHER LIGHT FREQUENCIES ALL THE TIME. Each time we do this we INTEGRATE more as our higher self aspect here. This is called EMBODIMENT. Inner voice and inner vision become inner-to-outer physical reality creation as a Multi-Dimensional Master here. The less fixed we are inside, the less fixed our realities are out there. Molecular reshaping (Shape-Shifting) is a NATURAL ABILITY that returns as our own particles/structures inside morph/mutate/modify/alter/transform/reconfigure as a part of our Crystalline Evolution. Outside is a simultaneous occurrence. In any given moment, you can expand. Open your heart, open your mind, intentionally question "why you THINK that"? Why do you hold to those old beliefs? Why do you insist that things are that way? Why do you NEED to hold things to certain forms and why you do not TRUST that all is trying to re-align as amazing, magical awesomeness in response to you? For you... Your vibration dictates everything... for your physical reality is your transmission.... This is a multiple choice reality... unconscious, conscious or expanded super conscious.... WE are not LIMITED by anything here. Physical realities are as UNLIMITED as YOU ALLOW them to be. ♥ I love you immensely and from so far beyond this exquisite physical space. "In Your Face" Realities.... these are fast... these vibrations and frequency bandwidths ARE THE SPEED OF LIGHT .... as WE WALK in all dimensions unlimited here. ♥ Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼ www.AwakeningToRemembering.com ![]() Wow.... SO very much going on, which we all expect in every moment. The Light Frequency Activations and Current Energies are HUGE, as we all know. WE just love to acknowledge how HUGE they are, as we have waited for this for a very long "time". Time being existences.... WE continually enter new frequencies as we activate, integrate, unify, upgrade, expand, transform, synchronize, tweak, modify, adjust, merge, shift, mutate (in the most awesome organic natural beautiful way) and more. Evolving and emerging as walking biologically unified and ALIVE living, breathing, micro-organisms that transmit, emit, radiate, process and utilize light as a way of BEing and functioning here. It's so amazing to watch the human aspect first go to fear, conspiracy, blame, old stories, programs, doubt (and more) to justify, explain away, taint, corrupt, manipulate and HOLD all to the old fixed and limited perceptions that are gone on NEW Earth. Only to be held within an auto-programmed belief system that keeps re-creating the old scenarios in a new way in a later moment. Same version of scenario, different details. The stories and energetic force at which they are believed and projected are what supported the old systems that now move further into "imminent collapse" mode. The physical structures that simultaneously exist to support those scenarios, stories and projected beliefs also go into "Imminent collapse" mode too. Those structures were particles and frequency bands that were woven together to create the density of that physical matter mass and the energy was the glue that held all in place. As we move into these higher frequencies of ALTERNATE UNIVERSES, ALTERNATE REALITIES AND OUTCOMES, outcomes are only fixed by the mentalities of those holding them in place. For those intentionally focused on light, transforming through light, sharing light, adding light, sprinkling light, dreaming light, speaking light, living in light, radiating light and ONLY ENTERTAINING and SUPPORTING Light, the ability to shift completely into an alternate reality, with a totally unlimited physical reality outcome is PRESENT IN EVERY MOMENT. As multi-dimensional higher self master being, all already exist in these alternate realities. It's through continual open communication with your higher self aspects and honoring expansion and embodiment in every moment that opens the portals to these realities here. Now, these cosmic and galactic light blasts, deliver more love, more openness, more freedom, more unity and they connect all WALKING IN LIGHT through a gridwork that now strengthens and weaves the very fabric of NEW EARTH realities here. Particles are charged in light which causes them to move. This movement affects (shakes loose) the dense mass matter that was the old gridwork of consciousness previously held in place. Frequency bandwidths start to weaken and dissolve. Vibrations occur as a part of molecular restructuring of physical matter as light activates within a physical structure. These vibrations change the frequency of physical matter mass to a higher frequency bandwidth of existence. Alternate realities mean that there are multiple dimensions with different outcomes. Intention, focus, choice and action... VIBRATION... dictate the outcome. The more expansive the heart-mind, the more outcomes one gets to choose from. The more limited/restrictive, the more one holds their self to a physical reality (solidified hologram) that is either a thriving frequency bandwidth of NEW Earth, or a weakening and collapsing one. One who has MASTERED ENERGY, also masters matter. The continual expansion of consciousness into multiple dimensions opens up the ability to MASTER THIS. The simplicity that all can shift into love, open their hearts, minds and let go of the resistance and fight, to come together to support, work together and CREATE REALITIES IN LIGHT is all that one needs to change their reality now. The more one participates in old realities, the more they hold themselves to "imminent collapse" mode. Now, each will experience their own Apocalypse, tribulations and Battle of Armageddon within. The stronger the energy, the more it appears "out there". We are in a collective clearing of this and these continual blasts of light offer the ability to transcend experiences from within, where one chooses to go inside and resolve all without holding onto an outside physical reality that represents this. This period of "Rapture" (i.e. Ascension) can either be one of the old prophecies or one of physically WALKING INTO THE LIGHT. It is that easy. The stubborn human mindset complicates this and insists that it's only one choice. Now, imagine a building (structure) and multiple frequency bandwidths. The particle matter that makes up the building is held in place with the energy of separation, greed and unconsciousness. This is the dominant frequency of consciousness of that building, the dimension it exists in. ---- Photonic light blasts come through and activate the particles to start to vibrate, the frequency bandwidths start to waver and sway. All on Earth is moved into a higher vibration. What happens to the physical matter that operated at the lower bandwidths held in place by separation consciousness? Now imagine a building filled with love and all working together consciously and intentionally affecting all. What do you see with this outcome? Now, imagine land masses in different frequency octaves.... You create your own picture and see what you see. Now, look at the physical body as a structure as well. See one full of density and see one holding light and how the physical structures are affected when light activates star/crystalline particles inside. There are currently multiple realities running, one for every frequency bandwidth dimension there is. Each gets to choose the one they exist in, experience, support and participate in. The more light embodied (held), the more choices, opportunity, and physical reality outcomes exist. If you want a choice, if you want to AFFECT THE OUTCOME, you will focus your own energy and tune your own frequencies to expand beyond any limits and beliefs once held in place by limited dimension programs. Alternate realities occur when one opens up to new possibilities, focuses their energy and believes them into the physical here. The mass collective coming together, working together, supporting each other, sharing, contributing and putting down their arms and armor... Stopping the fight, stopping the destruction... that is held in place by a state of consciousness where the gridwork goes into collapse mode, yet can be transformed IMMEDIATELY into LIGHT. This wave that comes through, has begun. It's been activating for months. It continues in every moment. Waiting for a date to start is an old human program. WE start now. WE have been doing this. You choose your gridwork, your collective, your reality, your outcome.... it's all you. ♥ Outside is your solidified hologram, your believed illusion, your manifestation in physical matter form that which you hold in you. You have the POWER to shift to a higher frequency bandwidth of LOVE in every moment. There are unlimited alternate physical realities that already exist. Embodiment of Higher Light Frequencies are how you arrive. Reminder: Present moment is required to MASTER the dimension you desire to exist in. With the utmost love and presence, Lisa Transcendence Brown and Melissa Adams ♥ |
Support Change and help me keep sharing to assist all in unity and bringing forth the "new" (Remembered) here. With the utmost appreciation and love. Mahalo. ♥
Thank you to Marinette Lepine with TransLight for sharing and translating in French! Wow, so very honored! Thank YOU!
Read here WAYSHOWER, AUTHOR, PHYSICAL ASCENSION & LIGHT EMBODIMENT GUIDE, CRYSTAL(LINE) GRIDKEEPER & GATEKEEPER, LIGHT ENERGY TRANSLATOR, COSMIC PORTAL, & MORE!Transcendence is my first"Remembered" name, Ithara is my Galactic identification and Lisa is my human name. Archives
January 2016
Lisa Transcendence Brown (Ithara) ☼
Ascended Master WayShower, Author, NEW Earth Existence Sharings, Transformational Speaker, Light Embodiment & Empowerment Physical Ascension Guide (all from within) www.AwakeningToRemembering.com Updates via the Public Page: https://www.facebook.com/LisaTranscendenceBrown Purchase Books: https://www.awakeningtoremembering.com/books.html |
Invest in yourself, each other, your Service as Light, hUmaNITY, Consciousness Expansion and all of our future nows... by contributing to and fully supporting (in every way) that which supports humanity with the immense transition phases with greater ease and through Pure Love.
NEW Earth has a whole new, entirely different value system, all new systems and ways that all must learn/remember and bring forth from deep within.
Energetic Cycles are increasing substantially at an unprecedented rate, accelerating "what comes back around" energetically... from all existences, as all is a cyclical/spiral/reciprocal energy that cycles faster as our beloved planet's vibrational frequency continues to rise to bring/usher all out of the "dark ages" and into "the Light" (Full Consciousness/a Quantum State of Remembrance/Pure Peace, Love, Unity and Sacred Oneness).
In deep sacred appreciation for your presence, dedication and service as Love too. ♥
Keep embracing, shining, building, integrating and sharing your BEAUTIFUL LIGHT as Love! It's BEyond important for all! ♥
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"WE" totally love, honor, respect and appreciate you and your presence, participation and contributions for all of HUmanity too!!! ♥