A very busy night last night energetically, while observing "clearings" occur in my sleep ... LOVE it when this happens, as I am conscious enough in that state to actually participate, clear and get an energetic re-boot! Awoke to the magnificent sun, yet the coolest is the clouds. They are flying by at warp speed. I have never seen this. Usually they just drift by... hmmmmmm interesting! Happy Day loves. I shall write where I can, while hauling stuff to donate throughout the day. Energies continue, activations continue, higher realm streams continue. Enjoy!!!
Alright loves, it appears we are getting busy (busier) energetically. Frequencies rise, Merkaba activates further... internal vibration escalate and so does the frequency of the spin(s).... Buckle up (or rather, unbuckle!) and if all goes well, here we gooooooooo! We are on the run-way, with engines a running, ready for lift-off!!! PARALLEL REALITIES, VERSIONS, ASPECTS AND THE HOLOGRAM: NO LONGER FIXED I am having a bit of a hard time writing most days now, for there just are not enough words in the human vocabulary to encompass the vastness of what is transpiring over the last week or two. Each day, something new. Each moment shifting and no longer the same as the moment before. People & experiences have become "versions", for we now interact with a version of "that". One just a different aspect of the other. Realities, no longer fixed, are almost "switchable", like the changing of a television channel. Just focus, shift the transmission and the view-able reality also changes. The Hologram, no longer "fixed" or veiled, too is thin enough to "go BEyond" now. Earths have separated off into versions and seeing that one's Merkaba "carries" them from Earth to Earth, from space to space, for even Galactic barriers are now lifted, with the entire Universe being an open playing field. Earths, now visible ships, to Teleport to and from. One reality has holographic animals being moved onto an earth ship, while another allows for moving between Earthly existences at will. Entire versions of old realities completely being "wiped" out, dissolved as if every trace of existence just dissipates and vanishes; while a new version is created to just shift and move to, again at will. All just by remembering that one can. Yet, the ability to do so, exists outside the limits held inside the human mind. The parallel realities sitting side by side, watching them just fade in and out, as if just thinking them, makes them so. Desire a different one? Just allow it to dissolve and just "shift" into another one that sits to the right. The past and the future, no longer existent, replaced with parallels to move between with as must expansion as one's mind will allow. Going beyond the old human mind to one that is universal... This is a space that must be ALLOWED to come to BE, by embracing light and the release of the belief that anything must be any certain way at all. This is a space that exists so far BEyond Human. This is a space one REMEMBERS from within. This is a space that one already occupies and comes to vibrate in once again. This is a space that exists inside of all. Remembering this allows one to again exist AS this space again. There is so so much more. Yet for "now", this seems to be enough. ~ Transcendence Today, I am a seer and a shifter and am having a blast! For this too seems to change, dependent on the moment now. Happy moment sweet family of light, I will return where I am drawn to, but for now, I have had no desire to be online at all lately. After this week's "blurb" of getting spoken words out, I went into "silent observation mode within" and shifted into creation/peace space & playing in parallel realities/5th Dimensional shifting & more. I have much much much to share, and even tried to record a video by the lake yesterday, but the it was too dark to see. So, I will do it again soon, when the moment presents. I have piles & piles & piles of rememberings that I have brought forth, yet it is just too time consuming right now, so that too waits... Hopefully the next newsletter will be soon and I will share there! I spent last night writing, no desire for a computer. I went out and "played" with parallel realities, 5th Dimensional versions, and this week, have been doing so in every moment. These have been the most amazing experiences. Today, I sat staring at a tree, looking beyond the matrix and creating the new hologram. Every moment is something new and exquisite. Now, I know that many have had a rough & even intense week. Allow yourself to expand beyond that which makes sense. If you try to understand, you will get stuck in it and suffer. You will be shown & know, as you listen, observe and honor. I have been doing private sessions to assist those who have experienced this to shift to a space of allowance and ease with release. I am also focused on my own moving, creating and expanding. Gatekeeper/Way Shower "duties" along with 5th Dimensional Realm "work" is always priority, but have been shown to just step away. I am shown that each shall need to experience this however they are to do, and that I am not "needed" for this part "right now". For one who has done the work already exists in a space to be able to shift on their own or "needs" the experience they get right now. Where I receive higher guidance instructions, I listen and honor and all else falls to the wayside. Priorities a must, and my physical re-location right now is imperative for what has always been "laid out" and I now "step" into that which has been waiting for me to finally "arrive". For all of those who are trying to catch up before I go, sorry, but just not important in the realm of all things. I love you and wish you well on your own journey and am blessed to have crossed paths, but I leave this entire realm behind over the next few weeks and have already released all 4th Dimensional aspects of all for this. Right now, if it is not 5th Dimension/Ascension related, my own Merkaba/journey or private sessions that give me the funds to move.... it doesn't exist in my own reality. I post here when shown to do so to share & assist others who might care to follow along/share/interact, etc. There are a couple really important sharings that I have to type up for those who do read. I know I am weeks behind on my private message box on here, for I have been inundated with many who do not understand that I work publicly here on my page to benefit all or in private sessions booked through my website. I have had to just let my inbox go by the wayside, for this reason. I have worked incessantly in-service as a WayShower/Gatekeeper/Light Bringer/Guide for many years now, giving, sharing, assisting and right now is MY time to "do" that which I am shown to do "next". I "feel" that HOW I continue is about to change quite substantially. We shall see, as there still is way too much occurring to "go there" right now. Who knows, I may awake tomorrow and be writing and sharing, just as I have been.... all is exactly as it should be. I do so love you and am honored to have shared the journey to the 5th Dimension with you all. This next phase that now becomes visible shall additionally be BEyond human perception and the only way to step into it is to allow for remembering in every moment. These upcoming "times" shall be interesting for sure! Only getting busier, energetically, for many, while "time" slows down to a halt for many of us "here". Magnificent REMEMBERINGS, Bliss, love and expansion into the BEyond to all! Get ready as we all shift & expand more than ever before (here in the physical) !!! Happy moment sweet family of light! Sending out radiant beams to all while these light code activations continue with strength for many. So much "work" is occurring within, whole the old is further erased, activated, integrated... while one's LightBody continues to expand, the Merkaba building with each activation to become a simultaneous moment where all becomes one for each who is actively participating in their own journey of expanding as conscious energy and assisting with each expansion by way of contributing to the light quotient held here as a whole. Whereas I used to be indoors all day, in my sacred space, taking on energies and sharing... I am finding that I too am being shifted "out of that" and have a "need within" to get out of this "box" in order to fully expand. It seems now, that in order for me to expand, I "must" leave that which used to be sacred... for now, IT seems so very limited and so extremely "small". Yesterday I went out and drove around the city, and the city seemed "too small".... so as my own realities flip, merge & expand inside, therefore do my outter realities in the physical too. This "body" seems limiting at times and like it no longer fits.... and I cannot quite see where that is going... it's like my LightBody has expanded beyond my physical body so much... that now I must move about for new integration to occur. Seems I am blabbing, yet this is what came out, so I shall share. There is much to write, yet to sit and writing lately seems limiting. I desire to do more videos, so that is in the works now too. Verbal speaking: Seems that the "communication" chakra (just one part of ALL that is being immensely upgraded) and that many of us are "saying many spoken words" to finalize "situations" so that we can move forward and continue to shift up and out of the old realms. When we do this, we expel "too much energy" and we lose our voice/sore throat, etc. Yet, the spoken word energy must go, so that we no longer need to speak... for as we further move into energetic communication, words are no longer necessary. I usually spend majority of my days in silence, even when around others, but lately, seems like more spoken words are being exchanged in order to further dissolve this too, as we all continue to shift up. Just an observation and sharing. I shall return later, but for now I too desire to get "out" of here and just BE in a state that is not physically/energetically limiting. IMMENSE amount of light activations occurring within.... while the old realms further go and the "new" becomes more visible and palpable, as for what we perceive it to be. For as we shift, we integrate to the frequency within that allows us to further see. So much love, nurture, peace and bliss to all! Energies this morning have been peaceful streams of 5th Dimensional/higher realm energies.... they create a sedative meditative state for many, assist in further lowering the brainwave frequency state, so that one can merge and further access universal consciousness from within. They allow for quiet clarity, silent connection and easy flow, where dense has been cleared. There has been much work on the head region since last night. It was focused there for awhile, yet this morning continue to silently dissolve and dissipate the "old". Sounds like simultaneous waves of "stuff" being washed away, while "new" streams in, silently, quietly, peacefully. 3rd eye and crown area can feel these activations. Can hear the computer tuning with these. Thus far, not so high that I cannot work. So off to get stuff done. Today is a continued moving day, scheduled sessions and preparation for upcoming events! Update in between and have a magnificent day loves! p.s. there is a bit of "chiseling" starting, crystalline being activated and the inner vibrations now begin, while very very subtle. Seems we have a day of much "flowing"................... Update where I can, when shifts are noticed. Consciousness is the end to all suffering. It is a choice, when one chooses to choose. It will be choice until one's "time" is up. Then choice is removed and suffering begins. What is the choice? Suffer in order to become conscious. Or choose to become conscious and no longer suffer. Not choosing is still a choice. An unconscious one, but still a choice. The 3rd Dimensional Realm dis-Integrates, dissolves, dissipates, falls "apart".... while 4th Dimensional Realm Integrates, continues to fluctuate, sleep to merge while 5th Dimensional Light Realm continues to materialize & come into "existence" in the physical here...and all are wide awake and transmitting light light light .... I awoke to seeing from within an "slowly" activating Merkaba field, which is quite the amazing experience within itself. There are no words, yet I found myself trying to write, to make sense of it, to share. It is like all this "info" floating all around me... I can see it... I get it... but then I have to pull it all together to write in descriptive words that create a visual, a picture, so that one can connect from the heart space... which exists so far beyond the human thinking mind. (I will fix this later, as I write as I sit in an activated Merkaba bubble where all time, space, weightlessness has gone and I do not worry about the proper-ness of the words I try to write and share). Now, time starts to come to a halt again, for "in the field", the separation of time & space, do not exist. All continues to "move out there", while no time exists "in here". It is a huge huge huge energetic "bubble" of "nothingness" that is BEyond exquisite. Each experience is different, dependent on how fast it activates (sometimes it builds over "time"). The "points" of the field dissipates as the spin increases to all being non-existent and just this huge energetic bubble is all that is present here. The slower the spin, the more active I can be, moving my body, working and doing other things. While still yet, for the frequency I have activated within me, when it "peaks" out and feels fully activated, absolutely everything goes.... my inner magnetic poles no longer separated?, now become a field, like the sun, radiating out from within. There is this view of a "magnetic field" from the inside looking out. One can see the light frequencies transmitting out and "things" being pulled "to it". (View a huge bubble, like 30-40 feet all around and standing in the middle of somewhere.) Even now, as I type, all "out there" is silent and still. All that exists is inside this huge energetic bubble. Out there still "moves" as if I don't even exist. So very cool. I will type the words I have right now and had upon awaking "in this" then. I write to visually describe "my view" from inside. I will update later as more comes to me. Your Merkaba activates each time you lay (or sit) in connection to/with/as source. It is the transmission of light from within, which continues to expand as all is released/let go. Denseness being released allows for more light to be present and this light "binds together" to create a spin. The dense is a disruption in this unified spin. Your Merkaba is your bubble. Everything you hold on to, or keep, impacts your bubble's speed. The Light'er you are, the faster it spins. This is created from the inside out. Your thoughts must be from the inside to radiate out. For each time you step outside your bubble to "think" of that out there, you create a disconnect from inside your own bubble. Your Merkaba is your vibrational vehicle that allows you "physical" access fully to the 5th Dimensional Realm (and higher). It is where the 5th Dimensional Realm is activated from within you and radiates out so far that as you "step" you step AS/IN the 5th Dimensional Realm in your physical. As more activate their bubbles, the joining of these bubbles actually "creates" your 5th Dimensional Realm to come to exist in the physical, for these do not reach far and wide by the eyes of the human mind... they reach far and wide vibrationally, which connects all. When all Merkaba's are activated simultaneously, your 5th Dimensional Reality, as you perceive it, shall vibrationally materialize to form. You do not "go anywhere", for your Merkaba creates as you go. All materializes out there as a result of your own LIGHT BUBBLE spin. This is your vehicle to move freely realm to realm. With each activation of Light, your ability to move will further expand. The only "thing" standing in you way of free flowing movement is your need to hold separation within you, your need to think any certain way and your belief that things "are" any way at all. For in an activated bubble, no thoughts, no beliefs, no attachments, no identities, no anything exists. The longer you can hold a space of "nothingness" inside, the more activated your Merkaba/Energy Field shall become. You shall feel the vibrations all over, inside of you. You can hear them, in frequency, inside your head. The visual is a "space shuttle" ready for lift-off. When the Merkaba is activating, one feels like they are about to "take off" in flight. This will continue to build, over your "separation of time" as you build your light quotient within. As the spin increases, so shall the magnitude of the vibrations, the intensity of the frequencies you hear... and then vibrates and spins so fast that all slows down to a complete halt. This would be the equivalent of you floating in space, without the "suit". Yet your "suit" is your human body. This is why your breathing gets shallow, for the "air" is non-existent here, yet you can breathe. You breathe from the inside out, instead of from the "old human way" of from the outside in. You have been being adapted "over time" to this. When the Merkaba is fully activated, you "float" in a suspended animation state.... visualize your astronauts in space... it is the same. You can imagine it in a closed-eyed state, yet you now experience it in a waking state, when your brain-wave state lowers to "stop". When your magnetic poles inside "merge".... no longer separated inside. Gravity is at zero point inside. Time comes to a halt and absolutely nothing exists here. The longer you hold this within you, the more you shall come to "move about" in/as your fully activated bubble.... This will take you some time to integrate to. So honor each experience as it comes and allow yourself to BE "IN" it, of it, as it. And as I type, all comes to a halt. My ears have closed off energetically and sound out there does not exist. Time slows to a halt and weightlessness now returns. I am shown to move my hands away from the computer. So I shall return later, if "time" permits. Somehow I am to do a media/awareness event later. This shall be an experience! I love you. You need others to teach you what you already know inside. When you speak to teach, that which you hold within you will surface to be heard. It is through sharing of this, that you will start to actually hear the spoken words. For the words you speak are there for you to see. If it is untrue, you will feel it within you. It will be harder to speak untruths in this way. For one does not quite understand that which is held inside that is untrue, until they try to teach another. One's language shall change, as they seek the words to describe what they feel and know inside. This will expand one's new vocabulary. It will also allow for any Light Codes dormant within to activate, along with presenting you with others as activators too. The "old" human is set in a certain way. It takes another to "challenge that" to show you that may not be the "only way to see". Your perspectives shall shift as you do this, and expand with every challenge presented. Fear is able to surface here, and that is the biggest untruth of all. Fear of saying the wrong thing, looking like an idiot, not knowing the right answer, and even, according to the human mind, failing. For one to come to see that none of these are true, one must first bring them forth to "do". What is no longer, will be allowed to surface and fall away. Any energy held in of lack will also surface to leave. Any "fixed" ways will be challenged to expand. And any untruths that need to shift shall be able to do this too. And the "new" truth inside you shall be allowed to emerge. Besides, you have a gazillion souls out there waiting to fulfill their contracts, to bring up everything hidden inside for you to see! Step it up and hold up your end of the contract by allowing it to BE! The Lightworkers, Way Showers, Gate Keepers, Galactic Light Emissaries and Ascension Guides of the 5th Dimensional Realm (and higher): The days of assisting those without honor is of the past, old human driven reality world. That was of the 3rd & 4th Dimensional aspect and you no longer exist here. With these activations, those days are passed, gone; no longer existent in your "present" reality, unless you allow yourself to fall back and forget that you no longer exist there. You have always existed here, in the higher realms. You just have to REMEMBER this. As Lightworkers, Way Showers, Gatekeepers and Guides, you had to first endure lack, in order to come to transcend that entire realm where it existed. It was part of your own journey, so that you could show others that it does not truly exist anywhere other than in the human-belief-system mind (and that was of a lower density realm). Lack is an energy, abundance is an energy and YOU are ENERGY. Now, you come to exist again of a vibration that is pure, unlimited light. You ARE SOURCE in your own essence here. Others shall come to desire that which you possess within you, and it is in their seeking that they shall find you. They too shall struggle with their own human aspect and they too, now must come to make a choice. Just as you did, yet now, your understanding is much different. If you hold a space in light, where compromise of your own unlimited self is no longer an option, then you will require that they now choose. Choice is between their tangible human physical world and their desire to achieve & embody that which you now again ARE. You no longer struggle, for struggle was of your own human aspect mind and for those of you who have come to transcend this belief system, struggle is no more. For you no longer need to hold this energy within you. That was just an out-of-tune discordant vibrational frequency of the old dense dualistic realm. The realm you exist in now is one of your choice, one of REMEMBERING this. You hold within you, the KEYS of CHANGE for all of mankind. You ARE that KEY. You are that LIGHT and you are that which you all have been waiting for. So are they, yet for this, you still show the way. This "time" is NOW. For time has never changed. You have just now arrived. If you hold this within you, you already know this inside. The Galactic understanding of suffering is that not only is it understood, yet it is (was) necessary and must be honored to allow to occur. For one cannot transcend the lower dense dimensional realms (thus far) without it. It IS the human way. Suffering is only "the release of the human aspect when one refuses to choose". Choice is of the Higher Self Aspect over the physical human self reality that one chose to come here to experience. The "time" for this to end has now come. If one is suffering, they are human and it is time for this to go. When one lets go and steps into honor within, one shall stop suffering and come to know peace inside (and out) again. One does not get it both ways. This entire journey is one of choice and remembering inside. A Lightworker/Way Shower/Gatekeeper is now one that has already transcended suffering and holds the keys to ending suffering here as it once was known. They are no longer here for one individual, but the masses and the individuals who's paths they shall come to cross. Their words, their touch, their presence brings REMEMBERING, love, light & peace forth for all to come to embody and exist in here. And where they exist, suffering shall not. You will find them, as they will transmit light and a frequency that you resonate with inside. They will be connected to each other and ALL in LIGHT. They ARE the bridges, the portals, the gateways into the 5th Dimensional Realm. So are you. The only difference is that they have already accessed this deep inside. Now, it is your time to also do this. For this too, is why you are here. ♥ SUSPENDED ANIMATION: (These are the words I receive/d)... 12:22am I sit here completely weightless, in a spinning Merkaba Field and receive the words "In a space of no identities". I am shown that all the releasing of all along the way, all of our attachments, all of our beliefs, all of our human "safe", all of our everything is of the "old" way. And in this moment, I sit in a "suspended state". It is so very awesomely odd, for I "see" me floating in a state of suspension, nothing holding me, no cords, no attachments, no identities to anything at all. In THIS MOMENT I am absolutely nothing, which "feels" like complete surrender, complete freedom, complete abyss, yet I also know that what comes next is even more magnificent, phenomenal and beyond, and that is hard to imagine at all. "Here" is a space of nothingness and everything all at one time. I shall update later, for that is all I have... for one of my "abilities" at times, is to be able to write and translate in the moment as I experience it. Here, there is no time, there is absolutely nothing. No thought, no memory, no past, no future, not even this moment seems to exist. Truly beyond words..... (And now I am shown to go.... to float.... as gravity seems to go to zero point inside.) ~ Transcendence Higher Realms Light Energy Translations from Within www.AwakeningToRemembering.com *** Updated with that which I could not "stay" and add at the time: This was a state of utter and complete BEing inside. Not from a place of observing with my mind. My entire BEING floated in a suspended state, zero gravity, zero anything. All dissolved and when I laid down to close my eyes to go "see", this is what I received, observed and saw: First, about an hour prior to this, my body temp on the inside started to drop. The outside temp remained "normal", it seemed. My "suit" held a different temp for awhile, and continues to do so today. Inside I was freezing and I saw my temp go to "zero" too. This took lots of blankets and all night to balance out, with an entirely "new" experience today. Today I went outside. I could tell it was "cold out there", yet inside I was warm & my physical was cold. I was not cold. I was balanced. This has been occurring much lately, yet I did not know what it was. My body is regulating from the inside out, to no matter what temp I am in. It is "as if" out there no longer dictates my temperature. Will update this as I observe and receive more along the way. Eyes were "glitching" after, as if the "matrix" had glitches in it. I could see "blips" of it "going"... as if I was in the movie the Matrix and I was kinda sorta in a space like that green hallway where all was just energy and one could "see" beyond the physical reality "here". When I closed my eyes, all went dark. I "knew" there were stars out there, yet could not "see" them. It was as if I was in a sphere, a cylinder, and overhead was a "Dome of Darkness" that was not really dark. It was like being in an observatory and looking up & out from within. I weighed nothing inside. I was floating in suspended animation. I saw my Merkaba all around me, huge, primarily gold... no longer spinning left to right & right to left, as in the "old" triangles that spun to create this, yet "now" an entire huge "globe" of gold light that I was encased in, and the reason for "zero gravity" was my Merkaba had completed to be also over my head & under my feet.... I was "encased" in this huge gold Merkaba spinning & elevating me to not touch anything in any direction anymore. Later I laid down, as I usually do when I connect, hands one on top of the other, placed over my "thymus" region (for this is how I lay when I connect in). I observed myself connected and laying in an Egyptian Tomb-like Sarcophagus, which I have seen before when I do LightBody Energy Sessions on others, yet not usually on myself. Now, I am shown that this experience was the magnetic poles within me going to "zero point", that which many/all/some (don't know who yet), shall experience with the "pole shift" that is human calendar this December (I awoke in June being shown I had gone through a pole shift "overnight"). Yet those of us who embrace this and hold/embody this within, do not "wait" as others do. We activate within when WE are ready. All have this ability, yet one must choose and release all that is "human" that stands in the way. All shall integrate within, to bring one to EMBODY this here. I do not (yet) seek to go anywhere, for we need not do so any longer. ALL is available "here" from within. There are other things recently activated within me, that occurred previously, the night before. One, a portal within me burst open from the inside out, flowing with the most magnificent crystal clear blue waters of Lemurian/Atlantean Energy being activated within me. I start to remember the language I spoke with the Dolphins, yet I was also a Mermaid... so will have to see where this goes from here. LOVE the new portal access, along with this most magnificent state, that while, all are connected, is totally separate too. I did not understand the "vision/experience" I observed and a connection with a siStar of Light gave me the "missing" piece to come to understand this. When I went to look it up, all made sense and activated further! LOVE it! So the energies thus far today have been interesting. They appear to be "washing out the old" of the last couple of days, while some linear "time" remains present still. There is work being done in the head region to "erase" the memories/frequencies of that which has surfaced to see. Linear time now being dissolved, yet slowly thus far... Higher realms are a bit present... some could feel like they are in a void space while this occurs. It feels as if we shall shift up, as the frequencies build in the 3rd eye region and anything left is resolved and allowed to go. Great morning for observation and "seeing" that which was not previously visible inside. At least for me it was! I love you and post later. Work & replies today. Hello loves! Been offline for majority of a week and shall return tomorrow after some rest. I have so so missed posting, sharing and connecting with you all! I have no idea what has been going on "out there".... The energy shifts have definitely been miraculous & interesting! I spent a day today in "human", which never happens to me... apparently this move to Kauai and "cleaning house" was literal, as I said good riddens to all of old "me". It was so very interesting yesterday to shred 20 years of writings, that I truly poured my heart and soul into, and regarded as "the book I'd one day write". Yet as I read briefly glanced at a few pages, there was no feeling of attachment at all. I was surprised at how much I "knew" then, yet was not conscious & had no idea. It was interesting to see how much I sought "out there" to try to fill wholes/voids within. While very enlightening, it was as if I were sitting and watching someone else on a filmstrip writing all of that... as if it were not my existence here... I observed it for the "play" that it was.... and a completion/ending to that entire chapter (realm) closing... Today, human emotions surfaced... first "something" building in my chest, but no release.... then "boom" here it came. Anger! I have been seeing this coming over the last many months, with my continued growing intolerance to those who lack respect for this journey (and all things, in general). Now, it is not my business, until they come to me and repeatedly ask for assistance, which requires that I stop doing my own inner/connection work or assisting others to dedicate "time" to them, that they do not appreciate or place value on enough to use the tools provided, because it is not the answer/convenience they seek. This, I allowed, yet that too ends. When I am done, I am done.... There were a few people probably not very comfortable with my "honesty" today. This journey is sacred and all that it holds. I have been getting more "irritated" with those around me who have "everything" in the physical, yet nothing is ever enough. There are still many who see "their soul/higher self" evolving as an inconvenience, unless it benefits them "in that moment". And where inner work is "too much work/time" and a "quick fix" is all they ever seek. I exist in a space where all is sacred, appreciated and an absolute blessing. Now the emotion must always be observed inward. My irritation was that I was allowing those to continue in my reality, instead of cutting them loose, instead of saying "no, this is no longer acceptable". By me allowing this, it meant that I was not valuing this journey as well, by allowing another in my energy field who did not do so. So, for me to allow anyone to exist in my reality that holds anything less, is no longer acceptable to me. I had continued to allow this from a "lingering" few and old cords, yet today I cut those cords and shall continue to do so until I leave. Nuff is enuff! I have SO come to appreciate those who do take this journey seriously, who do invest the time doing their inner work and who do value it above their human physical world. I do soooo honor you in return. You have been an amazing blessing and I am so very honored to continue this journey with each one of you! Now, knowing that I was just purging an old frequency, so that I too can shift up & further into the new, I welcome every opportunity to do so. I only share this for those who are also going through surfaced emotions to purge & release. It is a rarity for me to be "human", yet after was liberating & soooo freeing! We have to honor ourselves in every moment. And saying "no more" is one such of those things that is required along the way. I love you and shall update, share, connect and more starting tomorrow; getting back into the swing again! (around packing & moving in 2 weeks!) Happy Moment sweet loves!!! One-Way Ticket to Kauai booked. Check. Check & CHECK! October 17th.. . I will find a place when I arrive. I shall come to be wherever I am meant to be. Stepping in utter and complete trust, faith & honor from within... in every moment there is. As a walking soul, we no longer walk... we float. ♫ From the most sacred space I can say it..... how humbly honored I AM. To come to BE in a space that allows for this, to come to REMEMBER inside that which has been forgotten, to expand beyond the physical into the space of creation and to be able to assist so many in the same way too. Every moment is an opportunity to remember. Every thought a creation. Honor and respect AS All-That-Is... here we all create the "New", by accessing from within that which has been forgotten. Let go of all separation within. All have access to absolutely everything inside. Finding it is the journey. Remembering it, is the key. I love you. Here's to connecting and sharing with love, all that shall cross paths, in light. Began at 8:33 AM EST The Universal Merkaba is activated. One can feel, hear & see this as it activates, from within. I do not know how long it will last. I have been observing this for awhile, as all must come together to be simultaneously, for one to "know" this. The body "shaking" from the inside out, feeling like it is about to "take off" or launch. All of the sounds that were separate frequencies, all merge to become one sound, that when tuned into, one can hear the spin, and one feels & it sounds like they are in a "flying saucer". The "crickets" no longer separate, the Energetic Light Grid of Communication, no longer separate, the higher realm streams, no longer separate, the lower (gamma) brainwave states, no longer separate, yet all a "part" this "creation" that we now exist in and expand out to be so huge an energy. It has been going now for an hour, in linear time, yet time does not exist here. I awoke to me "teaching" thousands again and the words I was speaking were "all must LIGHTen up". Each time this has occurred previously, tons came forth in the waking state to new realizations of remembering in their waking state too. It sounds like being in a "tunnel" of spinning lights (a capsule is the word I am given). All "tingles", vibrates.... I am shown how since my first activation to feeling this, over a year ago, and every activation since then, that all came to "work together" now to create this. How every attachment I released, allowed me to further activate and spin. And how, this shall only continue to increase, as more focus their intention on allowing this to occur, from within. Enjoy activation loves, as we vibrate higher into the "new". ~ Transcendence Higher Realms Light Energy Translations from Within Follow original post thread, comments & updates: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10201684207084853&set=a.1336255844362.49457.1170074116&&theater¬if_t=like **** UPDATED 9/18 & 9/22/13: Since my awareness of this, my own activation to these higher frequencies from within, further activating my own Universal Merkaba, I am updating to share "more" of that which I now see. I hope this helps. I can look "back" over much time "years" and see each moment where this activated within me, yet I did not know what "it" was. Each activation was something different, bases upon the frequencies I was activating within. For with each release of the old inside (especially huge ones), we activate further inside. One's LightBody/Merkaba, "builds" in frequency each "time". Each event/episode/activation seems separate, for a "time span" is indicative of how much separation we hold within us. Now with each activation, we vibrate higher, we further unify inside. This unification removes a bit more "separation" of our inner selves, therefore removing the "distance of time" that we hold within. The higher we vibrate, the less we exist bound by time. The human travels through the separation of time. The Light Being travels through vibrational frequency. All is a polar opposite in those realities, yet even that merges and disintegrates within too. First, it's just vibrations felt inside, then it is the loss of "time", loss of physical denseness/weight, etc. As these things UNIFY within, so do these things. The vibrations become "spins", the old frequencies one used to hear becomes all Universal Sounds (stars, solar flares, crickets, gamma rays & more). Then when one's UNIVERSAL MERKABA activates, all sounds merge into one, all experiences merge (timelessness, weightlessness & more). For me, I keep receiving the words "Grand Merkaba", yet have never heard these together before. Last week, I experienced the "next" unification of my own Merkaba, while out & walking around "doing" public things. Now, when my Merkaba activates, I can hear it build over "time". It takes many hours, kind of like a "notification" to "get ready". The spin is slow and I can actually listen to it build/increase/speed up. I hear & feel like I am about ready to "lift off". It becomes so energetically powerful (and loud), that it dominates all. This last week, I came to a space where all time stood still, all weightlessness went, all thoughts, memories, everything "gone" and I was in a walking/open-eyed/participating state. I even typed "that" up to share, while in the middle of it. My Merkaba activates daily now, sometimes several times a day. Each experience building as my own unified frequency increases. Some periods last for majority of the day, others just an hour or so. I see that this shall also integrate as I do, to be "all the time" as time is all one. I am awoken each day to hearing/feeling this and "new" spaces of occupying here. I can "see" that which is to come, which I will share soon, as this will assist all too. For what started a separate "episodes" of vibrations or memory loss or time disappearing, are ALL PART OF A WHOLE experience that shall occur for all. One can participate by allowing, tuning IN to it, going WITHIN and releasing all that surfaces to go. This includes everyone & everything (I will also explain this later, for it is not the "purpose" that we believe at the "time"). There will be "portals" opening up out there for all to "walk through". These activate as one holds the frequencies to do so. First we do it in our "sleep state", yet eventually we do this in a waking state. Yet, if one has not activated within, this shall not be visible or accessible. This is where the inner work is necessary. And I am shown that this is why the LightBody Energy will be so important. For this gives one instant access to this, and where I shall physically be located, holds active portals for one to actually pass through, in the physical here. Eventually, we WILL all BE a portal. Yet until this time, we utilize that which we have access to here. Brainwave state: The overall frequencies of all on "Earth" have been dropped in brainwave state. When you hear/feel the heartbeat in your head/body, this is time to connect in. First in a closed-eyed state. The gamma brainwave state that is activated "over time", comes to BE in a waking open-eyed state. It gives one the ability to function "this way" in their "New/Remembered" reality. This too is only accessible vibrationally. All of these things are this way. The ENERGETIC COMMUNICATION LIGHT GRID is more actively "heard" during these times, yet is always present if one chooses to shut down & connect. This is just you, as an energy form, connecting to all as energy, communicating AS we all are, together, utilizing your own energy field to do so. Now, I have individual posts for all of these things, for they occurred separately, over time, as I too experienced them. Yet, in a fully activated Merkaba, all of these posts are one. Every post I have ever written on the LightBody, every post on energetic communication, every post on the affects of the energy streams & the physical body, every post is a part of the whole. And every post is on my websites, for I have been writing and sharing for years. If you feel it, hear it, see it, know it, it is a part of "this". The "next" of which is to come, shall also be a part of "this". I received the words "last year", :you are not of this time, you are from the future". Then I was shown the old TV Series "Quantum Leap" (along with a few other things). I awoke yesterday to seeing us all already fully in the 5th Dimension and how the only way we are not, is if we forget that we are. The veils that are in place still for many, do not allow them to yet see this, yet this is one's own doing prior to even coming here. Each has the ability to lift their own veils by doing the inner work. Part of my "MANY functions here" is to bring through this REMEMBERING to share and assist others who make their journey their priority and to expose those not yet aware to that which they have yet to REMEMBER here (writing/videos/tools/connecting, etc.), and also DO/TEACH the LightBody Energy to assist one in the overall vibrational frequency "jump" instantly to shift them higher dimensionally. This is not "for me". This is for us all. Access to the portals are within you. THEN they appear out there, when it is "time". For time is a human creation. The Light Being exists in vibration. And "here", there is no separation or limits of time. All exists in one "space" and as we come to exist in this same space, we exist as all. Embrace, Activate, Integrate and Expand BEYOND that which you have yet to comprehend. I love you. 3:43 pm Energy Update: So the streams of earlier, subsided over the last couple hours... to now shift to the "shrilling" ones that create headaches & nausea. 3rd eye building, as much much much light has been activated today. Lower back, maybe even the spine, back of neck, are "normal" with these. These can create physical discomfort, if they last long enough, so make yourself comfortable and don't resist. Be grateful, as these all assist every one of us. I can't remember what these do.... erase time, wipe the etheric blueprint possibly. I am only popping in for updates today with traveling. May not be online much these next several days. Oh, and the teeth... I forgot the "work" on the teeth (metal tasting mouth). ∞ 10:38 AM Wow, is the feeling and hearing of the new pathways being opened in the "head" for connection. The waking brainwave state is magnificent. I awoke with the words streaming for a visual to write and share for, so I shall do so in a bit. Currently, the head region feels and sounds like the top of one of those tall tall tall radio towers (or a super tall tree), where waves would be received and transmitted all at same time. The "air" passing by, the the occasional quiet "zoom" to activate a new pathway opening (last night was wow with this!), the current transmissions sounding like a super quiet stream flowing so so so smoothly, continually, without any interruption or interference. One could sit in silence and just BE totally connected here, to access, with eyes open, with that which was not available before. One could go out in nature and connect and be connected beyond "before"... and one could go out around others and just move about, no words necessary to speak (which is how my reality already is, unless the occasion in love arises). Peace and silence are the current streams. One could sleep and connect in further (I plan on doing this as soon as I feel to shut-down). 3rd eye and back of head (hmmmm) is tingly, building with light activations and expanding. Feels like there is more head expansion/tuning to occur. I do think I could physically float soon if this keeps up! OH yes!!!! Enjoy your day in new connections love!!!! As the streams increase in "strength" a tiny bit now, I shall return to update and share along the day! 2:56 AMEnergies shift to sedative with a bit of the heartbeat (gamma) brainwave state beginning. Perfect shut-down & connect time to further activate the pineal gland & universal corridor to open further. I shall see you guys later. Suh-weet duh-reemz!
(See the other posts this day, as they speak to the energies also) 1:02 PM Quietly expansive energy streams present.... wow.... new "sounds" are amazing. Peaceful, meditative, waking and walking fuzzy feeling bliss! Tinglies are magnificent (think that is my "new" word for the day, as everything is!)... The Energetic Communication Light Grid has "changed" much.... hmmmm ... very present, strengthened, yet quiet and we have been so finely tuned, it feels (and sounds)..... back and forth today as I connect in, where I feel to do so too.... so much "overnight", just on the "tip" there to recall.... enjoy your moments in sharing, love, and peace! 3:06 PM Expansion energies (fuzzy tinglies), a tiny yet noticeable increase thus far, mixed with the streams of exquisite peace and "new" connection frequencies that have been activated & strengthened in light. Today is a day of connecting... do it in love. Off to just get lost in "this", as it isssssss bliss! Activate the Universal Information Corridor, those pathways that unlock when one shuts down and intentionally goes inside their mind to trigger light energetically from within. 6:23 PM Energy streams are the same as they have been all day (give or take a bit of expansion, a mini-gamma burst, here & there).... magnificent, walking meditative brainwave state, which means SOOOO very much is available here! NEW (Remembered) CREATION is abound. Peace, bliss, connection with all... ohhhh, could this be, our "new" state.... make it so, dear loves!!!!! The best part is WE know that it only gets "better" from here! BE the ENERGY that you are! 8:14 PM Vibrational streams barely barely audible. That which could be heard is "muted" now for the last little bit. Silent waves of energy can be heard just present enough to know they are there. Present moment is easy, no linear seen. I do not know if my translations shall again be adjusted with these changes overnight. No detection of anything specific as far as "feeling".... it's like just "existing" is enough... no thought, other than the ones I create, no feelings, other than the ones I create.... no writing, other than what I create.... oddly cool space to "be".... I guess we shall see. Update if/when I notice a change. See how this goes... lol.... sure it will be amazing too! I love you. It's almost like sitting in the silence of stillness.... of all time..... 8:59 PM So, higher realm streams going, yet while "silent" almost, the computer can be heard "waving" up and down with them... used to be they were loud when this happened... heartbeat in head moving back in to allow for easy connection. Either I ate too much today (which I did) or I have a huge "air baby" going on (which I do).... 0 to 9 months in the last hour! Yayyyy to birthing the NEW!!!! Integrates in sleep.... yet, I shall be working for quite awhile moving posts for the last several weeks over to the website. Usually when there are crickets outside, they are loud in my head... yet tonight I can only hear them outside, so something is definitely "different"....hmmmm. BE in love!!! 11:05 PM So "time" has definitely been "wiped" from our energetic templates ... not sure what it will be like "later", but I soooo totally got lost in the moment for a bit, moving posts.... could not tell if I had been sitting here for an entire day, doing this, or an hour or a few moments.... all just "stopped"... no concept what-so-ever... event when I tried to look at the calendar/clock on the computer, that "confused" me.... how cool!!!! ♥ 12:41 AM These last few days have been "clearing out old identities" that were not visible, were hidden away, many deep core ones that threw many for an energetic/emotional loop. Yet this old (compilations from all existences/times) is necessary for one to move into "birthing the new" and leaving the old programs/paradigm behind. That is "no longer"... never was. The old stories, the old shackles, and more... those keys to portals within have been activated. These portals open to allow access to that which has been forgotten. The next energy shift shall raise all into a higher vibration, allowing for further expansion, more light, more truth to emerge. More love... more bliss. There has been much human suffering to the old this week. This is necessary for release. Embrace the new and nurture you. Sleep, hydration and self-care are priority when this occurs. It shall pass. It already is. It sounds like everyone went to sleep, energetically, for internal healing/wholling to occur. The energy streams are silently supportive and activating more remembering in a shut-down, closed-eyed state. Much love and light sweet family. This is what I awoke to... A visual to share of an overall view of this journey... by way of letting go of fear to fly high and be free....
"The Hot Air Balloon Ride to Freedom Inside" At first there is fear, oh no, I can't fly I need my feet on the ground to hang on, ohhh I'll try I step into the basket, so full of fear Look up at the balloon and ask "What happens if I let go of here? It shakes a bit and starts to rise Fear fills my stomach, tears fill my eyes Up up up we now go I don't feel so well, I'm losing control Nothing to hang on to, nothing to hold Closing the eyes tight, It'll be okay, I am told Oooooh, my tummy, my entire BEing feels sick Like I'm about to lose it, help me, quick My mind tells me to be in overwhelming fear My heart beating fast, words of panic and escape is all I hear Get me a bucket, so I can toss all inside My entire inner world, about to violently collide Oh, wow, thanks... now I feel fine The fears unbelievable, and they weren't even mine They were that of learned beliefs or energy of another time I'm unable to focus, my head like a cloud Yet new clarity and peace now present, Oops, did I say that out loud? The view is tremendous and now there's no fear Breathtaking realizations come forth, just by observing from here This feeling consumes me, and the desire to fly Higher and higher into the sky I want to now see what I could not see before Wow, the details, do not matter anymore Nothing does, in the presence of bliss How could I have feared the exquisiteness of this? Ohhhhh, I believed, something that was not true That kept me from remembering what I already knew Now looking down there, from this view from above I have nothing but appreciation and expanding love For I now see, that which I could not previously see Perspectives upon perspectives, a whole new reality For here, in my heart, and BEing, I am truly free No desire to return to the ways of the old No longer to attach or things to keep hold I can just let go, in every moment there is And know that up here, is where I now I live In the higher vibrations, where dreams do come true For the dream was inside, and I had forgotten I knew That all was within me, the love and the fear And now I have choice, to release and be here This new view allows me to see from above And choose only light, peace within and blissful love Here I can share with others with ease For here has always been, the only block was inside me My own resistance kept me stuck down there Now I let go and fly everywhere No more restraints, for now I can see That what I receive is what inside I believe And I believe that which I feel inside my soul No longer separate, yet again now whole For all is inside of me and creates that out there So I choose love and this new view and to fly everywhere Only when I hang on am I bound to resist And in being free, hanging on cannot exist For I must choose to step in every moment in trust My tangible is my heart and listen to that I must For my heart is my map, and my soul is my guide In tune in every moment, flow with all is my new stride Ahhhh this feeling, I remember this And this IS my proof, that THIS does exists If I need to recall this anytime, I close my eyes, tune to my heart and breathe from deep inside I quiet my mind and open my heart up to receive For my thoughts from my future self is what I believe Ones of inspiration that expand from within A heart so full, where to begin? Open up and just let it all flow For as I do, higher and higher we all go. A realm of love and light that waits For me to remember to walk through the gates For the doors are now open, they always were I had just forgotten, yet no longer For this inside of me, allows me to BE That which I desire, creating my own reality With all, as one, for I am them and they are me No longer separate, again now WE. Fly loves... it is time! ♥ ~ Transcendence Higher Realms Light Energy Translations from Within www.awakeningtoremembering.com The other day, "this" came through me while in observing the overall "shift" from human to a walking soul. I was able to remember, reflect and see from a different view while in my "human'ish" reflection of old-energy-leaving day. Thought I'd share, for those who may resonate. In love. REMEMBERING: I worked my entire human life To acquire things and build a home My mind full of expectation For this way, is all I have known I worked so hard to separate And tie my identity around others, memories, and things To accomplish, gain, prove and succeed To gather & gather things that I called "need" Yet, now there is this desire To just be free & to let go But if I do, what will happen to me? For "this" is all that I know The heaviness that I sometimes feel Deep inside my heart Just does not feel like I am me It feels like two "me's" being pulled apart Ahhhhh, NOW I get it As "those" are thoughts and they're not true For that which I know is really me Is in my heart, it's my soul breaking through "That" is freedom and holds my dream Which in reality, IS my truth For my world's been backwards & in reverse I became human and forgot what I knew And now to REMEMBER, I must be present In every moment that there is For in order to remember Present moment is all that exists And when I am present, I am ONE No piece of me tied to anything "out there" For I have reclaimed all of me Becoming a light that I now share For I understand, I chose this journey To acquire all, to then let go And those things have nothing to do with me For the "me" that I had forgotten, I again now know. And this me, is one with all Full of love and peace within Which allows me to be absolutely nothing Yet all that is, as I once was, now again. 10:04 AMGood morning (evening & night) dear souls of expanding & radiant light! Energies were really quiet for a bit, yet now increase to start "building" the LightBody up from within. Once I tune in to see what's up, I shall be back to share. So, many posts for me to catch up on & reply to, and I shall "work" to do that today, while I translate the massive amounts I have already received and work on this ever-lingering Master's Degree in Metaphysics that has been on hold for the last year & 1/2 while I worked on my own LightBody & being "taught" by the higher realm energies. So, check-in time, to share some love and see how all are doing.... share here and we shall see what transpires today! I love you. P.S. You create your reality. REMEMBER, you are an unlimited being. Go ALL-OUT! Dream as big as you can and then KNOW and TRUST that all is already waiting there for you. All you have to do is open your heart and create create create. P.S. WE don't wait, WE CREATE! 11:25 AMIt appears that "linear" is available "here". Linear is anytime one steps out of present moment to "pull" another "time" to them. We don't pull time to us, we exist in present moment and create, allowing for that "time" to transpire from our creation. Then we "arrive" in frequency to exist in that "time" that we have already created. We arrive vibrationally. This is how we exist in non-linear. No burned energy, and every moment present and in-flow AS all that is. Now for linear, those who have "thought energy" that needs to be observed , for transforming into love... this may be something you see. Peace within is still available for those who have come to know this, so shifting is what is necessary. To shift dimensionally, one must first understand how and then choose in love. Step up in vibration in every moment. I love you. Energies are shifting again. Will update soon. Metal in the mouth means crystalline/Light Body activations begin again. These build in the physical and require sleep at some point for integration/release. Seems linear may be moving out. Update soon! Blessings! 10:59 AM Quiet streams of the higher realms energies and meditative/sedative energies are present. If you can BE in a silent place to connect, observe & listen, this is perfect! If you are out & about, then observation and beautiful connections in love and peace. There is an underlying energy "working", yet I can barely hear it. The heartbeat in the head means lower brainwave state is present in the waking state. Whatever you "do", do it in love from within. 11:29AM There is a bit of compression to expansion occurring with these energies. Expansion allows the heart to open, there is tingling there and also fingers, toes, a bit 3rd eye.... you see what you see.... 11:47 AM Okay, here we go loves... let's see how long it lasts... expansion, head "work", a "shrill" that seems to "drill" through the pineal gland. I have not heard this one before. Yet more frequencies activate too. Tingling is a definite side-affect and we have a bit of "flight"! Ya'll ready to do this? Come on! 12:02 PM Welp, lift-off is appropriate, as the body is feeling overall mini- vibrations like a "rocket" about to lift-off.......... Embrace the energies loves.... they ARE YOU! 2:28 PM We are "back & forth" "up & down" energetically today, yet not really "down" like the "old ways", just being shifted up then lowered, and then do it again. All to keep going "higher" loves! They are quick... in & out of linear time... quite comical to hear/see/feel in frequency... might not be so comical for one to experience, if one is unconscious/not present. Flow with it .. it's a WAVE DAY!!! 3:00 PM 3rd eye filling, sedative energies activate. Nap time if you feel this. Let the light intel release & integration begin! 5:05 PM Okay, so there was this "weird void" energy that came through for a bit, while "stuff that many have been purging" worked to clear.... Now we have more strange energies starting again.... transmuted frequencies... dunno yet, be back when I figure it out... head can feel these (center of my head inside where pineal gland actually is)... feels & sounds like a LIGHT LASER chiseling OUT from within... that be super cool. Just open it all on up! Guess we shall see! I love you and honor however you feel to BE! 6:05PM All went silent for awhile, such weird energies today! Been awhile since I heard/felt a solar flare. These bring itchies from within. Linear is about in the "middle", depending on how one "is". Can easily BE either way. Head may feel these too, depending. Update in a bit. Working on the "side". 11:48PM The last bit (hours in linear) the streams have shifted to a super quiet suppressed stream of info. I awoke to "speaking" new info in my in-between state on "teaching the LightBody", yet "lost it" when I had to fully awake. Knowing it comes forth as soon as the vibrations increase for me to write and share... these streams still continuing. Can hear all the info being delivered. Quiet calm is available "here" for those who may have had a rough day. Sleep to see and integrate. Much love to all! I have shifted my cosmic portal Light Body to house/kitty cat sit for the next several days, and then I move/travel again. Moving about many times, before I leave here to go home to MU energies and share in community, expand even more and write/teach from there... I am being adjusted inside and out, in a beautiful way too! I will write in a bit. Sending out love to you all! ♥ 11:03 AMMany may find themselves sleepy or in a super duper sedative state, which is increasing these last few hours.... honor this. Much much much being opened & activated in light from within. This is so very important to honor. Trust what you feel. 11:21 AM Higher realm energies just kicking in. Sounds like "stuff is being washes/swooshed away", while taking all into higher frequency realms. LOVE this. The feeling for those who have been doing the inner work, to shift dimensionally, is even more peace, bliss and perfection. The air here is actually is cooler in temp, smells clean and allows for thinner veils to be able to see energetically. The longer these go, the higher we go together! Dense does not do well in these. Discomfort will present and it will be "harder" to be in these for those who have "clearing to do". Those who have been struggling, may notice "ease".... Wherever you are, honor that which you feel. Observe and allow. Let go of any resistance present, for this is a block you created to see and then release from within. 11:36 AM Any linear time that was present (human thoughts of another time) further moves out. Light energy activations cause the 3rd eye to build, some could experience neck and spine pressure as these areas activate/build too. Some could feel disoriented or dizzy in the head (fuzzy head is what I call it), memories have no, or little recall here. Tingling in the 3rd eye, nose, fingers toes, etc... The heart may expand for some here. Frequencies sing beautifully... 12:25 PM Okay, here we go loves... massive amount of higher frequency light being activated. The physical shall feel these in absolutely every way. As the Universal Body/Light Body comes to integrate to these frequencies, so that one's "vibrational spin" (Merkaba) can increase, all dense must go! So embrace and take it all in. If you find discomfort, do what you can to get through it, as for some this can get super intense. Ask for ease if you must, you have the ability to communicate energetically now. REMEMBER what you are. You ARE energy. And that is what is being "upgraded" in Light. 1:39 PM So the higher realm frequencies have been activated enough to interfere with electronics (my computer), which is my "sign" to take a break and go connect on a deeper level to tune-in, to see what other awesomeness there is to see. The "closed-eyed, quiet mind" state, currently still offers that which is not yet visible to see in the "open-eye" state. Choosing to do this on a regular basis, allows one to "bring" that forth in our vibrational awareness to then manifest in a physical reality. This is a journey of choice & honor in every moment. Back in a bit. 7:28 PM We have increase in higher realm streams... posts from today pretty much cover it for what is coming through now. Enjoy and take advantage of the lower brainwave connection state. Computer barely works, so back later. Light Body takes on much again. Up Up WE go in frequency! |
Support Change and help me keep sharing to assist all in unity and bringing forth the "new" (Remembered) here. With the utmost appreciation and love. Mahalo. ♥
Thank you to Marinette Lepine with TransLight for sharing and translating in French! Wow, so very honored! Thank YOU!
Read here WAYSHOWER, AUTHOR, PHYSICAL ASCENSION & LIGHT EMBODIMENT GUIDE, CRYSTAL(LINE) GRIDKEEPER & GATEKEEPER, LIGHT ENERGY TRANSLATOR, COSMIC PORTAL, & MORE!Transcendence is my first"Remembered" name, Ithara is my Galactic identification and Lisa is my human name. Archives
January 2016
Lisa Transcendence Brown (Ithara) ☼
Ascended Master WayShower, Author, NEW Earth Existence Sharings, Transformational Speaker, Light Embodiment & Empowerment Physical Ascension Guide (all from within) www.AwakeningToRemembering.com Updates via the Public Page: https://www.facebook.com/LisaTranscendenceBrown Purchase Books: https://www.awakeningtoremembering.com/books.html |
Invest in yourself, each other, your Service as Light, hUmaNITY, Consciousness Expansion and all of our future nows... by contributing to and fully supporting (in every way) that which supports humanity with the immense transition phases with greater ease and through Pure Love.
NEW Earth has a whole new, entirely different value system, all new systems and ways that all must learn/remember and bring forth from deep within.
Energetic Cycles are increasing substantially at an unprecedented rate, accelerating "what comes back around" energetically... from all existences, as all is a cyclical/spiral/reciprocal energy that cycles faster as our beloved planet's vibrational frequency continues to rise to bring/usher all out of the "dark ages" and into "the Light" (Full Consciousness/a Quantum State of Remembrance/Pure Peace, Love, Unity and Sacred Oneness).
In deep sacred appreciation for your presence, dedication and service as Love too. ♥
Keep embracing, shining, building, integrating and sharing your BEAUTIFUL LIGHT as Love! It's BEyond important for all! ♥
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"WE" totally love, honor, respect and appreciate you and your presence, participation and contributions for all of HUmanity too!!! ♥