When you sit still, energy is not moving, unless you are sleeping to upgrade your LightBody & Integrate your light, awaken new knowledge, clear timelines, and intentionally open your heart. In the "space in-between dimensions", when you are anchoring the lucid dream in, you must allow groggy/foggy, so your linear aspect can soften, relax and your body can hold more light while your physical world upgrades for you. In your lucid waking state, you have to move energy in ways that are productive, contribute, create change, transform, uplift.... all from your heart. This is what creates your abundance, when you do what you do for others and you don't shrink down to "little human" and listen to the old programs that kept you in a space of lack. Abundance is BEING those higher self aspect, using your gifts, your experiences, your inner knowledge/knowing to make a difference. We all discount ourselves along the way, as that was our human aspect. Here, our human aspect is a program what we recognize and we MOVE BEYOND IT, transcending all and merging all into light from within. We separate everything so that we can see it, then we put it all back together as one again, as we unify it as one from within. We start out as "little humans", we awaken all of our other aspects to merge here. We must dedicate ourselves to US to move into our purposes/roles/missions, for when we do this, we give ourselves what we need, we become the investment, we become what is important, no longer "not enough", because we have chosen to put ourselves first, to bring our Divine Essence Love out from within. Yet, our Divine Masculine is our power and this has to be activated and cultivated too. This comes "after" we've mastered the other aspects (technically simultaneously, yet to our human it's after). Activating aspects, merging aspects, becoming higher self aspects (Embodiment) is a huge challenge and full-time balancing act. There is soooooooooo very much to be aware of and pay attention to in order to do this. We have to be conscious in every moment, of everything. There is not one thing that occurs that we do not hear/see/feel. Our awareness is 360 degrees and it's with our entire BEing. We function AS the entire Universe, not just a thing we live in. That out there is an expanded holographic chamber, with a program that transmits from inside of us. When we are totally present, aware, in command and intentionally transmitting with every fiber of our being, at our highest frequencies of love and light, we have the capability to affect the hologram ourselves. We activate our own higher frequency realities to start to play, just by holding that frequency from inside. Our bodies, full of crystals (crystalline), are transmitters of this hologram, and it's what gives us the ability to be seen different based upon the dimension we are visible in. This is why when you see us, we look so different depending on in every "frame". One we can glow, be soft, the next the lines of our face are more linear (clear cut), energy may be seen around us, geometric shapes visible in our field, colors visible or a hazy mist... these are all part of transmissions from our Crystalline Structure. The higher we are able to maintain, the higher we all go into these other "Light'r" Bandwidths, the more visible everything becomes. Look around you, observe, pay attention to what you used to take for-granted as "just a physical world". You'll see more as you interact with your reality, play with it, stretch your mind, for as your heart opens, and your child-like wonder emerges, your mind expands and your vision is immediately affected to change, as you see differently and from other dimensions from inside of you. The other external dimensions become visible as you do. Your head is just a transmitter of frequencies. You have human ears that hears the outside, you have tuners inside that take all of those frequencies that are in your body and it translates it into sound, sound that you can hear, words that you can understand. When you hear a thought, this is transmission of what is anchored in your body. When you are tuned to your light/higher self aspects, you hear inspiration, ideas, guidance, epiphanies, new awareness you did not have before. When you are tuned to your old programs, you hear the old words, the lack, the judgment, the beliefs that created emotions of anger, sadness, not enough, comparison, need. One raises you up and inspires you, and where you have to move through a fear, it will trigger discomfort in your body. One talks you out of things, gives you every reason why you cannot, that you do not have enough. One is light and the other is limited human. Now, the human aspect does not have the ability to separate out thoughts from their emotions. They are one and the same. They believe both, because they appear to be tangibly real. The multi-dimensional being walks AS A HIGHER SELF and observes their programs and separates the feeling from the thought and sees them both, separately. That emotion is a response to that thought, that belief or that thought created that feeling. We work with these SEPARATELY, releasing the energy from the body, working with the thought from within. We dissipate both with our navigational tools we have gathered so that NEITHER HOLD POWER anymore. WE hold the power to transmute, transform and merge all back into love and appreciation inside. Our physical reality world starts to change as we change it, from the inside out. The perception that there is something "higher out there" is just a perception of what your energy field/Universe is. Your body will tingle and open up, energy will start to move, through you, in and out of you, as your Merkaba/Torroidal Field/Electromagnetic Field/LightShip is activated. This huge vortex of energy that you walk in is your Universe/Your Ship/You as all of your higher selves here. Yet, as humans, it starts as a spark inside, as our heart opens, and it runs through our body, activating us in light. Our cells, our organs, our bones, our brain, our muscles, our spine, fingers, toes, knees, skin.... every particle of us is woken up, starts tingling, moving, charging, shrinking/contracting, expanding, breathing. All is becoming ALIVE again. As humans we were dead. Some refer to this a zombies. It's really true. We operated on unconscious programs, auto pilot and unknown/acquired beliefs. It was backwards. Everything is. We don't die to go to HEAVEN ON EARTH, NEW Earth. We come alive and online with higher consciousness gridwork. WE WAKE UP! Old programs present as out-of-tune-frequencies and energy blocks in the physical body vessel. As we tune to higher frequencies, this energy starts to move. This energy turns into photonic light and powerful energy inside. It's how we become QUANTUM BEINGS here. WE tune all to Light, intentionally. WE HOLD LIGHT, we do not step out of our bodies anymore to go off somewhere else. WE do all from inside our body. WE work with all from within. This is a whole new existence. How we function completely changes here. The neural pathways open up, our head expands & contracts, bioplasmic & photomagnetic runs through our brains and emit from our spines, cells and physical body, our body blows up with solar winds, star particles activate, crystalline activates as we hold Christed Consciousness as a way of being here. Gravity goes as we have more space inside, as our cells charge, as our hearts stay open, we float inside and anchor that light into our physical vessel, literally becoming light. Our physical form starts to change alot, dense matter being changed into liquid, gas & plasma energy. With each release of old discordant energy and this dense matter being carried out of the body, our light has more room to move and do it's work. Our bodies blow up as our cells charge in photonic light and solar winds (frequency waves) move it all around inside. Your body sounds like it is talking and moving. It is. It's doing alot of work upgrading from Carbon Based to Solar Crystalline Star-LightBEing Form! When certain frequencies are present, we become heavier (dense mass), then they shift, we fill up in photonic light/gas/air, start to float or feel weighted, as we go from Dense Matter Mass to Light Matter Mass, our particle mass changes inside. These continually shifting frequencies are upgrading your physical vessel, whether you are consciously aware of what-is-what or not. WE alternate between human & higher self, through being a star being, light being, galactic, aquatic, elementals and more, as we integrate all of these aspects within us as one. We move between aspects while they merge and there is no separation anymore. Our physical bodies are now going through huge genetic upgrades where that which we merge inside activates our physical make-up to alter so that our holographic transmitters can emit the frequencies of that which we hold inside. The more our physical upgrades, the higher these frequencies are on NEW Earth, the more visible our aspects come, continually shape-shifting to be visible. The physical vessel is continually morphing into all of our essences here. Our physical vessel is adapting to our frequencies we hold within. Before, we were purifying our physical vessel to hold light. Now we hold light and our LightBody adapts to these. Every frequency bandwidth upgrade, our physical vessel adapts a little bit more. All becomes visible in these higher frequency bandwidth planes/dimensions/realms now. It used to be just an energetic thing. That is changing. WE are becoming visible in the physical now. ♥ First we morphed/shapeshifted into human, to have a human experience. We tried to fit in, adapt, and our physical form took on the characteristics of our human families, genetic make-up and surroundings, as in animals/elementals and more. Now, we've cleared the cellular programs of that. Now we morph back into who we truly are. All of our aspects here in new, pure, upgraded Crystalline Physical Form. Energy changes in every moment, as do these frequencies now. We are continually alternating in & out of different dimensions. As we transcend the lower bandwidths of consciousness within us, we transcend our human aspect that held us physically there. We expand into all dimensions and our physical body starts to contort and re-work itself, new genetic codes are activated with sacred geometric symbols that float around in our energy field and activate within our body as we hold this higher light inside. Our own continual consciousness activates these higher DNA strands. We do this through our open hearts, open minds, open energy, as a powerful being full of love that does not allow or participate in the old gridwork of consciousness anymore. WE are NEW Earth and the Crystal Grid Keepers and the Light Pillars. The Gridwork is inside of us and we connect up to NEW Earth Gridwork to walk on NEW Earth "out there" from here. ♦ When (y)our energy changes, our physical vessel now changes. It will start taking new shape according to the frequencies you are transmitting. Molecules no longer held by your physical density, all can now move about to create a new physical transmission/visible form. When your heart is open, you look different. This is just the beginning for all, dependent on vibrational frequencies and intentional transmissions through the embodiment of higher light. The ability to shapeshift is a natural one, based upon the space that we occupy at in given time. It's all a frequency and energy kinda thang! Photo credits unknown, except for cirkeln-vfx-breakdown-by-ixor (bottom right photo)
11/27/2015 09:00:28 pm
Beautifully shared-- and an absolutely glorious experience to share with ALL! Celebrating WE!! LOVE TO ALL! Mahalo sweet siSTAR for your continued work-- you are so very LOVED! 💕
11/28/2015 03:50:39 am
Infinite Love & Gratitude to You Beloved Lisa for all that You Are and for all that You share <3 <3 <3
Charles Close
2/5/2022 07:36:51 am
Brilliant Summation. Light, Love and Gratitude
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Support Change and help me keep sharing to assist all in unity and bringing forth the "new" (Remembered) here. With the utmost appreciation and love. Mahalo. ♥
Thank you to Marinette Lepine with TransLight for sharing and translating in French! Wow, so very honored! Thank YOU!
Read here WAYSHOWER, AUTHOR, PHYSICAL ASCENSION & LIGHT EMBODIMENT GUIDE, CRYSTAL(LINE) GRIDKEEPER & GATEKEEPER, LIGHT ENERGY TRANSLATOR, COSMIC PORTAL, & MORE!Transcendence is my first"Remembered" name, Ithara is my Galactic identification and Lisa is my human name. Archives
January 2016
Lisa Transcendence Brown (Ithara) ☼
Ascended Master WayShower, Author, NEW Earth Existence Sharings, Transformational Speaker, Light Embodiment & Empowerment Physical Ascension Guide (all from within) www.AwakeningToRemembering.com Updates via the Public Page: https://www.facebook.com/LisaTranscendenceBrown Purchase Books: https://www.awakeningtoremembering.com/books.html |
Invest in yourself, each other, your Service as Light, hUmaNITY, Consciousness Expansion and all of our future nows... by contributing to and fully supporting (in every way) that which supports humanity with the immense transition phases with greater ease and through Pure Love.
NEW Earth has a whole new, entirely different value system, all new systems and ways that all must learn/remember and bring forth from deep within.
Energetic Cycles are increasing substantially at an unprecedented rate, accelerating "what comes back around" energetically... from all existences, as all is a cyclical/spiral/reciprocal energy that cycles faster as our beloved planet's vibrational frequency continues to rise to bring/usher all out of the "dark ages" and into "the Light" (Full Consciousness/a Quantum State of Remembrance/Pure Peace, Love, Unity and Sacred Oneness).
In deep sacred appreciation for your presence, dedication and service as Love too. ♥
Keep embracing, shining, building, integrating and sharing your BEAUTIFUL LIGHT as Love! It's BEyond important for all! ♥
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