![]() Every Moon Phase is awesome, amazing and brings forth much power, deep inner reflection and shaking up the external reality so that all can see what needs to be seen. We've entered the energies of "clean up your own yard"... We can't move into the next phase of awesomeness, of more expansion, until we've done so. Every one of us have to do this and yes, it's a continual thing. There's always something within us that has to be seen. Always something in our physical reality that has to be aligned, tweaked, adjusted, tuned to a higher vibration.... Often, we will be shown what we don't want, so that we can see what we do. The human aspect cannot see, so it needs a reference point. It's not that what we saw has to be our reality (it is if we accept it, believe it and allow it to come forth here), it's that we are shown what can/will occur, if we don't do what it takes to clear our own vibrational energy field/physical body vessel. We are given choice to DO whatever it takes to open our hearts/mind/energy to shift in order to activate a higher vibrational realty than the one we are shown/is present in the moment. For me, I'll be shown what can occur if I don't get my butt in gear. I'll be shown what has already occurred and which timeline I am currently in. I see what my own actions/non-action are creating/triggering/transmitting to occur, which then gives me choice to TUNE TO A DIFFERENT VIBRATION, do something to shift to a different timeline. It's through MASTERING FREQUENCIES AND ENERGY transmissions that we are able to re-program and trigger different physical realities to play out. The sleep state is another dimension, many of them. We get messages, we clear/collapse timelines, we interact with other souls, we work, we teach/share, we see what we otherwise could not see. Creative ideas, what we are to do, other dimensional realities can present here. WE do alot of work in our sleep state and we wake exhausted much of the time. This is where we integrate light and the veils are further removed. This is where we "reset" and our body is able to upgrade/repair faster, as we are in our LightShip/Energy Vortex, access to many other dimensions here. Our sacred resting/high vibrational space is this, wherever we go to to BE in a high energy spin. Our energy spin is created from inside of us. Our energy spins faster as we clear our own stuff up. As we reverse the old ways from human to higher self. As we open our hearts, our minds, our energy opens up too. As our body holds more light, this spin increases and can be heard/seen/felt (depending on your way of seeing). When this spin slows/comes to a halt, we are the one that has to clear whatever it is up that is interfering in our field energy/spin ratio... this is our abundance too, so the more expanded we are able to stay, the more dimensions we span, the more abundance we receive here. This is because we are grabbing every opportUNITY to utilize everything that comes to us to fulfill our purposes/missions here. We are responsible for doing this ourselves. Every time we hit one of these phases, we have to look at ourselves, our realities and we have to bring all into alignment inside and out. We are preparing for the 12/12 StarGate/Gateway that usually activates a few days early. This moon cycle now starts the phase of clean-up for all of us. This is a never-ending process of upgrading in light, letting go of old vibrational existences, setting things straight in our own Universe. There is a lot of looking at things straight-in-the-face now and this continues as we go. As humans, play-time is over. It's done. Collapse of the lower gridwork of consciousness is full-blown. All that was supported before is no longer, and this means everything in OUR physical body, our physical world. WE can look outside and see it occurring everywhere collectively. Meanwhile awesome, magical and amazing awaits, floats around in our energy field, sits behind an invisible veil that diminishes when we step into the discomfort/fear or share us/our gifts/what we have available to us to move us into our next phase. As we expand, continually, our field starts to amplify and spin. The energy from inside us, our heart open, is what generates this. Heart closed/mind closed, spin stops and so does abundance and amazingness. Heart & mind open, fully on-board, spin starts back up and increases when we move through whatever was inside of us keeping us from stepping into that new magical physical reality. As energetic beings, all we have to do is pay attention to the energy of all things and shift the energy, open our hearts, recognize that which is not being productive from within us, that which inspires, distracts, is not in tune with our hearts, our being'ness. WE don't have to know the "future", as the future is always created from this moment right here. The "future" is a response to how open, focused, productive and expanded we are in every way. Unconscious gets an unconscious reality. Conscious, with intention, in command of frequencies being transmitted... this is the difference. One is the lower dimension that collapses, the other is NEW Earth that flourishes, where we all exist as family, working & playing together in light and as love again. Everyone of us have something of an old consciousness within us, that is clearing cellular memory so that we can maintain a physical vessel that is totally awake, alive, online and and exists through cellular consciousness. The body is evolving with each activation of light. The crystals inside activate and transmit a different hologram. As these crystals form, the stargate inside links up. It dials frequencies to move us into different dimensions. Once the structure is fully online, it will cycle through and each time we get ready to go through a different StarGate our physical body will "turn off" so that our human body can clear that which was held within it and held one to moving physically into another dimension. This is part of how NEW EARTH BANDWIDTH EXISTENCE works. When all crystals are being activated fully, the body is operating at optimum performance and physical realities are much different than they once were. Every StarGate requires we cycle through old realities and clean everything up so that we can move through the StarGate with our physical vessel, our Solar Crystalline Star-LightBody. A holographic transmitter that is automatic just by BEing Light. Our LightShip. our Geometric Sphere that is a huge space of vibrating and continually changing frequencies/light. We have to pay attention to the energy we are transmitting out of us. We have to feel what we are generating or not (holding back). This is what determines HOW WE EXIST here. When we hold back, when we stop contributing, when we are not willing to step-up, our UNIVERSE does it for us. No one or thing is doing anything to us. This is our holographic chamber. It's accessible inside, expands into our field and our field expands into that physical realty/dome out there and blends/merges into the entire physical plane. Holographic feed-back loops that are continual based upon us. Our ENERGY dictates everything. It's all up to us. Becoming Masters again means total awareness, total presence, total responsibility for all from within. Not from a place of human blame, shame, guilt, lack. From a space of love, light, honor, integrity and power as all again. WE are all here to bring forth our humanity from within. To get in touch with our true essence and bring our pure selves out from within, to purify our physical vessels, to purify our reality so that we can all exist together in purity again. Without the old distortions of the old programs anymore. We have to be willing to see and deal with our own distortions and move through these "faster" each time from within. We have to tune ourselves and allow our physical body to tune up so that our physical reality can simultaneously tune too. The INSTANTANEOUS response of these higher vibrational bandwidths respond quicker to us. A reality can shift/change in a moment now. The physical delay is less, for the density of the old is gone. The moment we open up, shift all ourself, the moment everything aligns and a new timeline is triggered to play out for us here. These powerful SOURCE ENERGIES are pushing everyone further than ever before. This does not slow down or stop, it gets stronger, faster. Resistance creates a friction with the spin of energy that is trying to carry us into these higher realms. Your human mind creates this resistance and your body holds it, which affects your own energy field spin. It actually causes it to shut down or spin in the opposite direction. This is where the human experiences the perception of "loss" or the physical reality being adjusted in response to what it does not want. This is where everything goes sideways, so pay attention to your own energy, any resistance to your heart energy being open fully and you stepping into your own power from within. I love you. We are in a "holding bay" as we get ready to "JUMP" huge again. Let's do this loves. Move it out. We all have to do this. The most amazing realities are waiting for all of us. In every moment. They are already here. We expand/vibrate into them. ♥
11/25/2015 12:02:27 pm
So timely and inspiring. Thanks Transcendence!
11/25/2015 09:42:20 pm
Much gratitude to you Lisa for sharing on a moment to moment reporting.I have been experiencing a lot of turbulence the last few days, and now I have perspective, and am on track again. love you
11/26/2015 08:43:39 am
I AM SO WITH YOU - feeling the "holding bay" and SO READY TO JUMP.
11/26/2015 09:45:16 am
Awesome, was to read post 😄
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Support Change and help me keep sharing to assist all in unity and bringing forth the "new" (Remembered) here. With the utmost appreciation and love. Mahalo. ♥
Thank you to Marinette Lepine with TransLight for sharing and translating in French! Wow, so very honored! Thank YOU!
Read here WAYSHOWER, AUTHOR, PHYSICAL ASCENSION & LIGHT EMBODIMENT GUIDE, CRYSTAL(LINE) GRIDKEEPER & GATEKEEPER, LIGHT ENERGY TRANSLATOR, COSMIC PORTAL, & MORE!Transcendence is my first"Remembered" name, Ithara is my Galactic identification and Lisa is my human name. Archives
January 2016
Lisa Transcendence Brown (Ithara) ☼
Ascended Master WayShower, Author, NEW Earth Existence Sharings, Transformational Speaker, Light Embodiment & Empowerment Physical Ascension Guide (all from within) www.AwakeningToRemembering.com Updates via the Public Page: https://www.facebook.com/LisaTranscendenceBrown Purchase Books: https://www.awakeningtoremembering.com/books.html |
Invest in yourself, each other, your Service as Light, hUmaNITY, Consciousness Expansion and all of our future nows... by contributing to and fully supporting (in every way) that which supports humanity with the immense transition phases with greater ease and through Pure Love.
NEW Earth has a whole new, entirely different value system, all new systems and ways that all must learn/remember and bring forth from deep within.
Energetic Cycles are increasing substantially at an unprecedented rate, accelerating "what comes back around" energetically... from all existences, as all is a cyclical/spiral/reciprocal energy that cycles faster as our beloved planet's vibrational frequency continues to rise to bring/usher all out of the "dark ages" and into "the Light" (Full Consciousness/a Quantum State of Remembrance/Pure Peace, Love, Unity and Sacred Oneness).
In deep sacred appreciation for your presence, dedication and service as Love too. ♥
Keep embracing, shining, building, integrating and sharing your BEAUTIFUL LIGHT as Love! It's BEyond important for all! ♥
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