Re-Calibration of all of our aspects/bodies to a much higher existence here... We been going through a HUGE Crystalline LightBody/Human body re-calibration for the last two days where our crystal structures have been taken offline in cycles, which is quite bizarre to feel and experience what it was like to be human again, before my Crystalline LightBody structure was brought online for my first Multi-Dimensional merge in 2011. It takes awhile for our body to go from human to LightBody to Crystalline LightBody to Living Organism Crystalline LightBody Ancient/Galactic Merge. Embodiment is awesomely bizarre as we move the intensity of the physical upgrades out. Then all is just an energetic existence here. Back then I could not have understood any of this within my limited-expanding awakening awareness. Experiencing is how we truly understand all here. All I knew was I had been working on myself intentionally and intensely for a solid 2 years, going through my whole reality being re-routed in an opposite direction of what I thought we were here for and when I was "only human", before I was intentionally conscious and became a seeker of knowledge/understanding in 2009. I only mention this for a reference point in how we evolve as we go through the Light Embodiment process and our physical body structures go through this tremendous upgrade/evolves over "time". It IS a process, as it takes time for the inside of the body to completely rework how it functions and for all of the crystals inside to activate, program, form. Every particle of our physical body has to be upgraded, every system, every structure. The amount of crystals inside our physical body structure and what looks like a fiber optic cabling system as they twinkle and transmit, and all of this information runs through our body at the speed of light, literally.... unbelievable and mind-blowing is an understatement. Yesterday, physically outside and inside of me both felt very "old" human, yet I was fully conscious and aware and walking around in this strangeness. The fact that there was no expansion into the gazillion dimensions I live in (and out there) from inside, in the waking state, was "old"... and I had forgotten what it felt like to live/exist as "just a human". It's was pleasant outside, yet we often feel like we are on the wrong planet when we have to go outside, then other days it's watching all these amazing dimensions converge in the physical one. We never know what we are going to get! We are always surprised! As the day went on, we had to go into town. The morning, no fun, inside and outside were "just there".... no fun, nothing, just very zombie-like, as we were long ago as humans. Everything seemed mundane for a bit. No joy. Then this shifted and we were having a blast while this weird re-calibration continued inside and outside... Cycling frequencies, much is going on inside our physical body and in our physical reality simultaneously out there too. These are being re-calibrated too, both at a "faster speed" for simultaneousness to be available for our higher frequency NEW Earth Existence upgrades right now. Yesterday, all came to a halt energetically/time-wise. All drags when we come to a halt to shift into a higher frequency and the spin rate speeds back up, higher/faster than all was before. I didn't realize until my Crystalline Lightbody structure got shut down/went offline, how much these two bodies had integrated here with/as my physical one. I didn't realize how much of my body was Crystalline Light until all of my crystals de-activated.... and I was left with just a human body and human reality outside. It takes experiencing to understand how all truly works. It's takes things being completely gone sometimes for us to see all as it truly now is. I was walking around human again, with a human body, no crystals active, and in the human reality dimension again, just like "before", yet I was fully conscious, aware, present... just no "super powers". I'm used to my body being lit up in light, every cell moving, communicating and lots of activity, frequencies and activity inside. This being normal, it's weird when it stops. It has only ever "stopped" for a brief period over the last many years. Usually one day max, while we re-align. This one was more profound because of how dominant crystalline I am. How much the outside world is different when all of the visibility of the other dimensions is gone too. These all weave together normally, and our NEW Earth Existence does not resemble the old one at all. To even see the old one for a few hours is bizarre. It's colorless, lifeless and "dead" are the feelings and words. It's a zombified reality that resembled life as we thought all was before we merged all of these other dimensions into our physical one here. Two nights ago, we started at the Earth Star Chakra and started cycling up the body. The root, sacral and mid-abdominal got hit hard and we continued up the physical body for huge recalibration upgrades to each chakra/vortex/body section as we cycled through. The bones in our feet expand so huge that we can hardly walk as this has continually occurred this year, and certain days is more prominent as our lower vortexes upgrade. Teeth, bones, muscles, glands and organs have been going through massive upgrades every day this year, increasing as our bodies move further into higher dimensional frequency bandwidth realms. Yesterday felt "old" upon waking. The day was strange as we returned to walking in what used to be "beneath the veils". The whole day we were taken offline, with the total disconnect last night. Pineal gland shut down, our crystals completely deactivated. No vision. I could not see all the gazillion dimensions, realities, nothing. My body not transmitting, all my "powers gone". Bizarre is an understatement when you've lived the last many years with all of these abilities, to "be just human again" and to be conscious of it, just observing all. I've gone through this a couple times before when we have to be "taken back" to see/understand, clear anything out, to then expand from a kind-of zero point place physical-dimension-wise. It's a re-set point to start from into much more amazing, magical awesomeness! We later got blasted inside with a massive radioactive isotope upgrade blast. This is the second one over the last few months, with the last huge one around September Equinox. This brings severe nausea as it runs through our system. These kill off our malfunctioning (human) cell, bring us further into organic bio-living intelligent organisms functioning at a much higher rate here. It reduces the delay of all by half and rebirth is faster by that much too. It's part of our birthing process. Our bodies fill with mass amounts of radioactive energy and as this works through our body, it adjusts our body-mass ratios, we get denser, heavier, like lead (yet last night was like liquid-air-lead mixed, instead of the old heavy heavy heavy lead). gravity returns to weight us, while our physical body mass is adjusted as well. It also activates more glowing! Now, ratio-wise, this equates that I am operating on a fraction of my own energy in this physical body each time this process occurs. I'm now going back through years of archives to see how my own embodiment process has unfolded with "partitioning" (decreasing my energy here), so that I can re-merge with more aspects after the current merging sequence completes. It seems that every Solstice/EQuinox I've done this and didn't realize it consciously. The cool bizarre part is that because our bodies are pure now and full of operating high-frequency-crystals, they can be programmed with our soul-imprint-consciousness. I see that each time I've "split off" that a part of my consciousness has "gone" to other physical crystalline body structures to program it so that my soul can move back and forth between, without degradation that occurs with a less than pure human physical body structure that still holds human programs. I will have to write more on this, as it's a HUGE topic on how all of this works for us here now. I've been preparing for this for over a year. Most recently, I've bee continually being prepared to be okay with "waking up" in a different physical location or body, without being shocked. I've been doing this in my closed-eyed state and working through that which blocks this ability we all hold within. The words were that we are now re-calibrating, that all had been shut down/taken offline. I found myself feeling a bit displaced/lost, like I didn't know what to do with myself. I know all is just a short process to honor, so I flow with all in every moment and observe so that I can share for others on their journey too. This morning I awoke to "nothing", no inspiration, no desire to do anything awesome, not really able to produce work. Just BE is all I saw. So I AM. And I am sharing from this space as I go through it, as I always do. Here are this morning's experiences and observations: Taking our Crystalline LightBody systems offline shows us much. It's our Crystalline LightBody merged with our physical body as one that allows us to walk in the actual physical dimensions here. It's our activated crystals that give us the ability to function at these high frequencies here. The physical body goes through a complete metamorphosis with these massive upgrades. Our physical bodies are turned-on, come alive, become organic intelligent living breathing sentient beings as all four bodies, all of our aspects, all of our existences, all of our encodements are held within the physical body vessel, while our super consciousness is not bound to the physical structure anymore. This is our house, or lightship, our vessel, our suit. It's a place to call "home" inside, yet we do not have to stay in this physical body fully anymore. This is what the docking station comment meant and what the transfer station did too. Our physical body system can operate without as much of us having to be fully in this body now. We are being freed up to move from structure to structure, as conscious energy forms now. WOW. It's kind of like the body on life support, yet in this case, it needs less of us present for the body to function. We can now bi-locate and occupy different physical spaces simultaneously, after these upgrades complete. The Crystalline LightBody Human Hybrid Vessel can operate on it's own basically and we can keep it running and go play! OMG... holy canoli! Yay! Now, how to explain all of what is going on right now. It's immense. Walk with me as we try here... Since December 1st we've been cycling through different dimensions, aspects, realities to clear anything out. Our physical body structures have been cycling through too, for optimum upgrade/performance for further embodiment/abilities for NEW EARTH EXISTENCE here. WE've been going through different Star Gates/Frequencies and arriving in experiencing different realities for this to occur. WE've also been in a holding pattern in one aspect, while much of this is "being done". All of other dimensions are just floating around outside, ready to converge inside and outside as one now. (Yes ships are a part of this too! They are everywhere, as are all things). As I type this, my Crystals have re-activated and my own structure comes back online. Bizarre existences in the most awesome way that we live here! When I awoke, my physical body felt like "the old one". I felt "sick" like the old days (pre-2012), where I felt the flu, (F)requency (L)ight (U)pgrades, run through my entire body in about 10 minutes. I felt the crystals turning on and shutting off, moving everything through me. Quite weird cool. Then it was gone and another crystal sequence began, then that one shut down, and another one turned on, did it's thing then shut down, then another and this went on for about an hour, then my entire body lit up and all my crystals are activated as I come back online right now. Love that I can type for you guys as I experience this amazingness! Okay, here's what I activated/received to share about this now. Yesterday we were disconnected and we were taken offline by the deactivation of our crystals, for the purpose of re-calibrating our physical vessel and crystals at a MUCH HIGHER FREQUENCY than ever before. This upgrade process allows for many things. This is the merging of our Advanced NEW Earth HUMan Forms: Organic HUMan, Crystals, Light, Galactic/Planetary Systems Bodies and all of our aspects into one form. This is the re-calibration of our aspects/bodies to a much higher frequency than has ever been possible/experienced thus far. WE were taken offline for this process to occur. Re-calibration is an intricate process and very much has to occur to bring us into this next phase we are already fully in now. Yesterday/now activated the release of the last of our old human template programs. This radioactive blast & shut-down rendered these obsolete within our physical structure. The words "WE ARE DONE". (This brought tears of soul and cellular release for all that we have worked so hard for here). It's the completion of a human reality cycle that has ended. Now AS ANCIENTS with the glory of all of our multi-dimensional aspects... WE become that which we really came here to do. Sacred honor are the only words I have right now. Now, this will occur for each within their own evolution Light Embodiment process for them. This is a marker we have now physically achieved as possible. This is why I share my own experience and my own evolution here. To assist with understanding for all who go through this when it is their time. Now or years from now. We are each in our perfect space of this process for us. Fulfilling Galactic/God/Global Consciousness roles here, and all other planes of existence simultaneously takes total commitment, dedication and focused energy on our part. WE have to chose our priorities in every moment. WE have to contribute everything we've got to our roles, purposes, missions here. Every one of us that now step into this next phase have huge amounts of responsibility and those of us in-service understand what is required of us. WE do not take this lightly. It's why we don't tolerate the old stuff anymore. Everyone will have to come to this place at some point in "time". AS ANCIENTS, WE are here to re-build all from the inside out. WE also move beyond the rebuilding phase now. WE are now activating the NEW EARTH COLONIZATION for the vast many Galactic Races that have waited for us to reach this vibrational phase. Yes, we did it. Yes it is time. Get ready loves. It's always just the beginning. This one promises the most magnificence we've seen thus far. These new crystal calibrations activate our Galactic beacons for all to transmit these higher frequencies from within the crystalline structure so that we can all connect up now. This higher gridwork now begins to come online as we are now in the 12/21 & 12/22 Solstice Gateway that just opened up! Now, I've written much on the ability to inhabit more than one physical location at one time, yet have not shared it, as I didn't have enough understanding through my own experience to explain adequately how this occurs for us. Those who know me, know I share as I experience here. My body has been continually operating at "less energy" than it's used to, kind of like it's upgrading so that "less of me" has to be in it for it to fully function properly. It's as if I barely need to energetically occupy this body myself. Kinda like it will run itself with just enough of my life force to keep it running. I am weaker physically when these upgrades occur. I've been letting my Crystalline LightBoby upgrade for it to run itself. I just occupy this space, this physical form. Much different than the old days when I was my body. I had to become all of my higher self aspects, embody all of these as one, allow my physical vessel to upgrade to these frequencies, allow for my original template to be restored, honor the process of observing the cellular programs clearing on their own and pulling completely away from all that I could to honor the silence, the process, without outside disruptions, other than what I can minimally do and what I write for/share with all. Luckily, I've been able to continue minimal sessions and the NEW Earth Program with ease. These upgrades have to come first. It's for us all. We are the anchor points, foundation, for NEW Earth Gridwork held in the physical here. There are many anchor points. Some in the physical Earth, these are being re-located and re-distributed differently, continually to inside all of us now. Hmmmm, didn't know that. Guess I have more to share as I see/observe/experience/receive on that too! As I close, I see our consciousness being activated in the Crystalline Structures everywhere that hold the ability to house/harness/handle this. It's not that we have to "go anywhere". It's as if we are able to be in all of them at once from whatever space/physical location we occupy at any given moment. Moving around will be so much easier, simultaneous existence shall too. "Working in Unison" takes on a whole new meaning now. I see many of us encapsulated within one Crystalline Structure working as conscious energy signatures as one. I'm so excited for us to work together in this "new" way! Wow again! I see us all chattering inside crystals having a blast! Re-uniting, having fun and hugging as long-lost-family finally back together again! I will update as we go! I am continuing to pull away to honor this huge upgrade, embodiment, unprecedented phase we are in NOW. Since I started writing this a couple hours ago, we've come back online and our Physical Crystalline LightBody Structures are fully activated again and running Pure Liquid Source Light easily. Now just to BE and allow this process right now. Happy re-integration, re-calibration, remembering & upgrading! I love you! ♥ Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼ WayShower, Author, Embodied Ascended Master, Galactic Light BEing, NEW Earth Existence Guide ∞ Facebook Public Page: https://www.LisaTranscendenceBrown
12/19/2015 06:48:40 pm
Hi! I love this so much. I have started seeing the numbers 1221 and 1222 for a coupless weeks now, it went from 222, 22, combos of that, and 444. I still see those numbers but started noticing the 1221 and 1222 so when I read that those are gateway numbers I was absolutely floored. But I don't understand what I'm supposed to do when I see them?? Would love to hear back from you if possible. Thank you so much for sharing this
2/25/2017 01:40:48 pm
Can you actually tell me how to stop the lightbody thing. I want to feel human again. Im so tired. Please i really need your help
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Thank you to Marinette Lepine with TransLight for sharing and translating in French! Wow, so very honored! Thank YOU!
Read here WAYSHOWER, AUTHOR, PHYSICAL ASCENSION & LIGHT EMBODIMENT GUIDE, CRYSTAL(LINE) GRIDKEEPER & GATEKEEPER, LIGHT ENERGY TRANSLATOR, COSMIC PORTAL, & MORE!Transcendence is my first"Remembered" name, Ithara is my Galactic identification and Lisa is my human name. Archives
January 2016
Lisa Transcendence Brown (Ithara) ☼
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