As all elevate in consciousness, things begin to change. This "higher state" allows all to see things with more clarity, having more "vision" than before, understanding more from inside and feeling more that's true and pure. It means more peace, more bliss, more gratitude, more love... but not sought from the outside, there's no seeking this anymore. It's inside and it's beautiful and powerful to feel. It brings up TEARS of REMEMBERING what we had forgotten when we lived as unconscious humans, deep in the fog of forgetfulness, in the amnesia within the veils. This NEW REMEMBERING is subtle and usually occurs when we are alone. It's why letting the outside world go is so important... it's where we remember again. It's also when we are teaching, explaining or assisting/guiding others who are open with their hearts and minds too. It starts when we are triggered, causing something to come up within us, when things don't make sense, when we are challenged inside, when we are pushed, when we have to see a different way than our fixed mind was holding onto. It's when we try to speak the old programs to others and we FEEL they are no longer true. It's when the old becomes uncomfortable and we don't enjoy being there anymore. It's when we are willing to stand in our space and say "no, not anymore". This space, which is required, upsets others, for it messes with their old programmed worlds. Good... that's the purpose. Something has to, as that's how transformation occurs. We are intentional activators when we see something off. It's our job to hold these higher states of consciousness for all of us to evolve as Light. When the human's world is messed with, they don't like it very much. Anger, manipulation tactics, harsh remarks, victimhood and even threats may come from others losing their control. Unconsciously they do not understand this is their fear of standing in their own power, as they have not come to REMEMBER this within themselves yet. WE assist all by stopping the enabling of the old dis-empowering programs, sharing our own understandings and BEING THE LIGHT for them to see and choose to step into the unknown/new/remembered too for them and all others they affect/connect with too. AS WE take our power back by standing our ground in our world, others are affected where realities were inner-twined. When we start saying no, and standing in OUR honor, the "feeding lack energy" goes. We feel the pull, the energy we are feeding and now that we have respect, love and honor for ourselves, we do not desire to cater to the old mindsets and lack energy anymore. The challenge for the higher self aspect is to hold boundaries in place for the human aspect that has not come to hold respect and honor as inner qualities for self and all. For higher self aspects working together, this is not an issue, for the need for boundaries goes. Yet to break the energy of the old consciousness, boundaries are required to shift into a reality where they are not needed anymore. Then it only comes up from time to time where one still lacks power within to re-tune a bit back into an even higher vibration (and to show others how to do this for themselves too). As WE hold this higher consciousness, we maintain a GRIDWORK OF CONSCIOUSNESS of the other dimensions through Light. This gridwork is inside of us and it links up to all others holding this gridwork within them too. We allow our Crystalline Structure to continue to upgrade in higher light by HOLDING HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS from within us at all times. It becomes easier and easier as we do this intentionally until it's our natural way of BEing again. Many do not understand the lower gridworks collapse were within us, which is simultaneous out there. The gridwork that holds the old structured realities in place is within each one of us, so if we desire to MOVE physically to a higher gridwork of EXISTENCE we have to stop allowing the old to occur. Human aspects do not like change, yet change is required for transformation and the evolution of hUmaNITY to occur. WE do not all exist here on NEW Earth together and bring the old stuff along. Vibrationally is how all "dies". Intentionally is how we do all consciously. Energetically is how all is affected. The rest is humanness being activated and tuned to a higher frequency, however it desires to experience realities... WE were held to lower gridworks of consciousness before, within us, as WE HAD AMNESIA and with each blast of cosmic higher light, WE upgrade in Consciousness so we can see, understand, re-tune and transform. WE are not held there anymore unless we allow ourselves to be. WE vibrate OUT OF AN OLD REALITY and BACK to an exquisite existence by BEING a HIGHER SELF BEING with every particle, cell, fiber of us. Every physical person in our physical reality is matter that has taken form. We are too, for that "matter". (Yes pun intended). WE reshape matter, by changing our frequency and re-tuning all as love, as honor, as power, as integrity, as respect, as gratitude, as appreciation, as we hold these higher states of consciousness from within us.... our physical matter changes on a cellular level and we move into a higher vibrational plane, with our physical body that holds more light BECAUSE WE CHOSE, SAID NO and stopped participating and allowing the old gridwork of consciousness from within us anymore. The human aspect will hold onto that "formed physical matter that represented the old program" out of fear, lack or need. This is just a lack of understanding and ability to yet see. For letting go of the physical matter that was formed of vibrations of same consciousness is necessary, so that we can physically move into a totally different gridwork where other forms of matter exist and to make space in our reality/world/bubble/field of consciousness so that new forms with more light can come to exist in our reality and we can exist in theirs. We don't lose anything, this is human perception. We gain (allow) that which we've been asking for and waiting for all along. The same is for physical realities. They are shaped physical matter in response to all of our own vibrations we hold inside. As we TUNE our own vibrations, as we hold more light, as we expand into all the other dimensions and hold the consciousness of all of them, in the waking state, the physical matter realities also start to change. Now as a human, we "think" things are miraculous, not understanding that everything in a physical reality is a transmission and response. We do not look at that world out there and realize that's OUR VIBRATION THAT'S VISIBLE in physical matter form. As a higher self aspect we do realize this. We realize we are in a totally different dimension/universe where our physical realities are different than those who are not totally conscious yet. The unconscious human cannot see or experience what we do. Their outcomes are still of the old and they will be subject to limits that we are not. Their realities will reflect their beliefs until this gridwork dissolves and collapses. Then they HAVE TO MOVE to a different gridwork of consciousness. This is where the human aspect has no choice anymore, yet their higher self aspect (light) emerges and shows them something different, something they could not see before and where the FEELING that could not emerge before, because of a strong belief, persistent suppression or a wall of protection inner-fear-ed before. The more open we are, the more we maintain expanded consciousness, the more dimensions we have access to. The more we hold this INSIDE, the more we WALK and EXIST in all of these physical dimensions, the more choices and opportUNITY and MAGIC we have/experience here. There are a gazillion options and realities change in every moment. HIGHER VIBRATIONAL LIGHT realities become visible and are amazing to our NEW EARTH HUMAN ASPECT. LIGHT REALITIES are occurring in every moment now. These higher frequency bandwidths ALLOW for ALL to EXPERIENCE NEW EARTH, by hold the vibration inside and by CHOOSING something different than before. By looking for them, expecting them, inner-taining them and KNOWING them into existence... WE ALLOW MATTER to take form IN RESPONSE to how we exist here now. Seeing beyond the veils, living beyond the veils, existing beyond the veils is not anything another gives us or does for us. WE do this ourselves. We remove the blinders, the things we didn't want to see that was INSIDE OF US and we see it, WE feel the discomfort and we step into it, we understand the fear & judgement as ENERGY that keeps us from LIVING ON NEW EARTH. WE understand that our hearts were closed off, our minds were too and that we were the ones participating in, supporting and keeping the old gridwork in place. WE stop it. WE take responsibility from a place of understanding that WE HOLD THE POWER of all from within. We pull out of the old consciousness grid and we connect up to the higher gridwork of consciousness from within. As we do, the light runs through us, activating our CRYSTALLINE STRUCTURE and our LIGHTBODY so that we an WALK in MULTIPLE DIMENSIONS all from our SPACE of consciousness that we hold, at all times. We don't go unconscious anymore. We don't allow the old to dictate and we don't believe or support it anymore. WE hold the NEW LIGHT VIBRATION and we ALLOW MATTER to take physical form as we vibrate into another reality... one that we DO DESIRE and called forth from within us.... and we have sacred gratitude and appreciation in every moment. WE never FORGET again. Realities change as we change them. Our LightBodies upgrade as we honor, love, respect and nurture them. Our energy expands as we make it our priority here. Our Crystalline Structure is how we move from one dimension PHYSICALLY to the next. Our Light is how we do this energetically. We travel through Light and the more light we hold the more we are able to move about, the more freedom we have, the more realities we have to chose from. These continual cosmic source light frequencies activating every day now are moving all into higher states/gridworks of consciousness so that physical realities can change/align at a higher vibration so that all can be free and exist in peace, love, respect, honor and awesomeness together again. Again, because as souls, as LeMUrians, as Atlanteans, as Galactics, as Christed Beings, as Gods... we've been here before. WE've done all of this already. WE are always just COMING BACK to what we have forgotten to exist as PURE DIVINE POWERFUL ESSENCE LOVE, all working together now in unison as one. ♥ Photo credit: Unknown. I'd love to utilize the artist and their work in more writings if the artist/creator comes forth. Mahalo for your contribution for us all! ♥
It's important to understand that you WANT to FEEL ENERGY moving, tingling and numbness that mean that a part of your body is "waking up". The body was asleep too. This is why so many are experiencing physical things. The body is releasing (unanchoring) all that was held within. And after a bunch goes, more will come. HOW we experience is different as we hold light. Our LightBody operates differently. We can function and know there is pain, yet pain doesn't affect us as it once did. It's an awareness, yet we are not affected by it (except in the huge upgrades, and we feel these too, yet deal with them differently. WE get out in nature, take a bath or go to bed. The body clears when we sleep, it upgrades, integrates light and merges at a higher frequency. The degree of intensity changes vastly. We can have an awareness that it is intense, but it doesn't ENTER-FEAR with our moment... We acknowledge it and we choose what is appropriate. Stretch the body, relax the body, honor the body, love/pamper the body, give it rest/sleep or just keep going and let it do it's thing.... I too went through beyond excruciating pain. I had every "ailment and diagnosis" there was. I suffered physically huge, because I was a very strong and separated human soul. I held alot within my energy and I was asleep until my mid 30's when I slowly started to awaken, not to consciousness, yet to the understandings of suppression within the physical body, the way we thought about ourselves, that which we did not yet understand. It was many years before I moved into actual consciousness. My heart was opening and it took much extreme abuse and torment in my own world to bring this all out within me. It was my own chosen path. I "suffered" with extreme everything, taken to to the "last moment" of breath-life for many things, always "so bad" that it couldn't be treated anymore with conventional treatments or medications. 30+ pills a day just to "get by and make it through". Fibromyalgia, diabetes (that turned to hypoglycemia later), chronic fatigue syndrome, gout, renal failure/edema, migraines, high blood pressure, congestive heart failure, asthma, allergies, obesity, arthritis, anxiety, hypothyroidism, agoraphobia by the "end".... more things than I can list here and ALWAYS to the extreme. I didn't just have anything a "little bit", I had them all full-blown to the "worst"... stroke level, heart attack level, whole body toxic level, organ shut-down level.... I spent my days in specialist's offices and in & out of the hospital listening to the stories, reasons and human explanations (and lack of them).... I always had to "go to the depths of hell" before I was willing to "try that idea or thing that could help, but I was too stubborn, as it didn't match my way of how things were supposed to work and I just wanted "easy", for the pain to go away.... I didn't want to "deal with it"... I had things to DO, I had to work, I had a family, I had responsibilities and bills.... Then it was TIME.... TIME TO WAKE UP and when we are not willing to listen, AS THAT TIME COMES (there is no one moment, there are a gazillion of them, many ONE MOMENTS)... SOMETHING will make an impact, something will get our attention, something will cause us to DESIRE TO OPEN UP and BE RECEPTIVE.... The human aspect is not receptive to change and weird ideas..... It likes "sure things"... It likes proof .... Every moment is a re-arrangement of our physical world/physical body to MOVE US IN THE DIRECTION OF HIGHER LIGHT EXISTENCE.... We are given the opportUNITY to chose it first.... I was one that held on until the "end".... every time... UNTIL I STARTED TO SEE..... Those epiphanies, those cool realizations and all of those huge events that cause us to get present with our feelings, get present in our reality and all of those fears, judgments and distortions of how the world worked.... I finally started to hear them and see them through my own inner vision.... I SAW the chaotic mind and the speed at which all moved. I FELT the need to pull away and be by myself and shut the whole world out... I didn't have enough strength to deal with the pulling and needy or intrusive energy of others. I needed to be alone with ME, my higher self aspect inside. I had come to LOVE ME TIME and this was huge, for before... I'd gone through the DARK NIGHT OF THE SOUL and it was beyond intense. I was acting out in the "worse ways" and the "worst stuff" was surfacing within me and coming up. I was suppressing with drugs, alcohol and I used sex to try to find love and work out all of that discord that was triggered by these gamma rays and cosmic energies. We do not understand that THE PURPOSE of LIGHT is to make all visible. We say "yeah, more light!!!!", which means something that wasn't previously visible is coming up. WE "think" we can hide from the light.... nope... not even close! I was one of the EXTREME HUMANS, I chose it all. So of course to go the other direction, I went extreme. I love extreme. It's the fastest way to counter-balance and come back to center inside, come back to balance, peace and love. I like fast. Discomfort is fast. I understand it. None of us love it, but we do get it and we know how important it is. I ran companies, programmed software, took computers apart and put them back together, worked in the most linear fashions one could imagine... and I was AWESOME at BEING HUMAN... then it was time to expand and let it all go. But I was a SURVIVOR, I "HAD MADE IT"... I was at the top of the world ... THEN IT WAS REALLY TIME TO WAKE UP.... and the whole world started to change.... I realized it was "EASY" when "I" stopped fighting, resisting and opened my mind up to more. I took energy classes that challenged me to understand more, I connected with others about the spirit world, metaphysics, energies and more... and I found more that made sense there than the old world where I never fit in. I excelled at it, but that was all. It was an accomplishment, a goal and physical life was easy. I had it all. Except I was asleep and understood nothing at all. The one thing I did always have was an inner knowing that could not be explained. I was a "natural" at things that others tried hard at..... I knew what others couldn't see, instantly.... answers came easy... My body started to wake up AFTER a continual string of events that challenged my integrity and pushed me into a corner to make a choice between what was "right inside" and what was going on "out there". I had given my power away, was scared and had to choose between large amounts of money or integrity, standing in honor and what was right... and my body was "fighting back" and saying "no more". You've compromised your SOUL (us) too long. My physical body was shutting down, again... "one last time"...and I knew this "was it".... I had to choose. I had to do the "hard thing", the thing that represented the biggest fear in me, challenged me the most, scared me the most and challenged my ability to continue to "get by" in the physical world. I was always just getting by.... I had to say "NO, not anymore" to the authority figure, that spiritual person that represented the mos lack of integrity and dishonor, that was my all humans all wrapped up in one. The one that owed me money that I needed to pay my bills, desperately... I had to say no, not anymore and walk away from the money and know that I'd be okay, somehow.... With nothing visible coming, no way to know... nothing tangible... I had to choose and trust the UNIVERSE..... I turned my focus on myself. I took advantage of every moment that I had to focus on me, take time for me, sleep and do what I needed to do for me. I was fighting for ME to EMERGE and I had no idea... I just knew I NEEDED THIS.... I found local groups that did what resonated with me at that time (I was an awakening "empath and sensitive" so I sought out others to understand myself and more.... From there came oracle cards, pendulums, group sessions, "psychic gifts" and so much more.... I could not get enough... I was "starving" for information... This fed my soul. I listened to everything online I could find that resonated. And every time I could handle it energetically, I opened my doors up, I had groups over and I started teaching, sharing, assisting others in understanding themselves too. I helped with clearings of every kind... and "healing" of the human aspect with the higher self soul. Even through my "worst moments" I taught and helped others, for this was helping me understand and bring forth my own REMEMBERING from within. I had to come to accept all that I had "done" and let it all go and the judgement around it all. I had to move from "why all of that horrible stuff happened TO ME to completely different understandings that FREED ME. I had to really want to be free... I started channeling after an intense Kundalini awakening and the amount of light that was activating was HUGE. Simultaneously, I was dealing with my stuff.... some openly, some in my private space... at my comfort level until I could totally open up and stop judging myself and come to understand how important our experiences are in assisting and guiding others.... Eventually, I moved on from being an Empath, a Sensitive, a Psychic/Medium and I moved into super consciousness. This meant shedding those new "titles and identities too" and the need to be limited to those things too. Gifts coming out of every orphus, I was doing this amazing energy and I could see deep into one's soul. I could hear/see/feel/read the energy, frequency, hear the subtleties and bandwidths present.... and I could utilize this to assist others in what they could not hear/see/feel/understand yet. I understood that all of those traumas, horrible things, all of those extreme discordant realities were a GIFT and gave me the ability to assist/guide more.... For when we've experienced it, we understand it and we can't have judgement. WE have compassion (not pity or lack), because we've been there... We are not standing here saying "I've been doing this for 30 years... " (which is ego's separation/competition/comparison/importance/measuring through time)... We are saying "I understand, I did it.... " and we help others see THE PURPOSE in all, the gifts in all and the appreciation for all. The human will stand in judgment... we appreciate it, have gratitude for it and understand it for the purpose it served. The more messed up we were, the better, for the more we can help/guide/assist another in letting go of judgement and understanding too. UNDERSTANDING IS THE KEY.... Experience and Knowledge are the activations. Expanding Perspectives and challenging perceptions are necessary to be FREE... The closed-fixed-human mind must be opened. We either do it ourselves "easier" or we call forth/wait for something to occur to open our mind for us. The depths of hell, the bottom and breaking points is where the human aspect has to go for the hold that the brain, human aspect has to be released. There are EASY WAYS to bypass the need to be broken, stripped of all, "loss".... all words used by our human aspect.... Here all of that means that the soul is emerging, the light is activating/expanding and the resistance to finding humanity inside and stepping INTO ALIGNMENT are occurring. Now, the open hearted person has an open mind. It's listening and has a choice. The closed minded being has closed their heart down and is living according to fixed mentalities of old programs... UNDERSTANDING is KEY.... yet it takes the heart being opening and actually DESIRING to listen and know more for this to occur. These higher light frequencies are opening hearts and minds... and the body is running energy through it, whether you are aware of this or not. The more movement, the more energy, the more alive.... There are many ways you can move and activate LIGHT ENERGY within you to assist with this process. Do not fear movement or judge pain. Do not "think" you have done anything wrong or are less than anything. Do not "believe" bad things will happen. KNOW INSIDE and LISTEN to that..... NEW Earth is all around you. It's in the beauty, the presence, the vibrant colors, nature and the sky. It's visible when your heart, mind, eyes and energy are open and flowing, when you are present, paying attention and looking for it.... It's a vibration at first that you must access within yourself and as you hold this vibration it becomes more visible. It's the beautiful open conversations with/among others. It's the beauty of sound and song and you can FEEL the fuzzy in your heart and energy when you are activating the frequency of NEW Earth. That is energy... you FEEL it. This is a process, an evolution... it's you/all REMEMBERING again. As one REMEMBERS, they become aware, see more, understand more, hear more from within. Clearing the old realities out is a part of the process, daily... the ease at which this is done is determined by how open or closed one is, how committed one is, how much we are willing to DO... Being IN-Service evolves too. WE come first... the rest comes to us as we hold light and become love again. WE utilize everything here. WE do not waste anything.... energy, time, money, thoughts, feelings.... everything is SACRED and HONORED and UTILIZED as light here. ♥ ♥ ♥ MASTERING THE ENERGY OF YOUR UNIVERSE, ACTIVATING ABUNDANCE PORTALS & BEING A WAYSHOWER HERE10/28/2015 Your Universe IS YOU and it is here to provide for you, to make sure you receive .... Yet, there are certain things WE are REQUIRED TO DO in order for this to occur. ABUNDANCE PORTALS are activated by the frequencies you hold inside. You trigger them each time you OPEN YOUR HEART AND DO FROM WITHIN. All arrives in response to you. INITIATIVE and APPLICATION are REQUIRED... Otherwise what we are provided is a waste. Our Universe does not support waste... that was a human energy... WAKING UP can be startling to many, for others they've been doing this consciously for a long time. It doesn't matter how long, for inside each BEING is human LACK and this is what must be TRANSCENDED from within. This lack energy stops the Higher Self BEing from BEing IN-SERVICE ... There is a belief inside somewhere that causes DELAYS in Gitting'r'Done.... Fear was a human energy/mentality/believed program... WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? This will be a constant question and the human aspect will always have an answer for what it still lacks to GET IT DONE.... ALL YOU NEED IS AN OPEN HEART, DESIRE AND THE MINDSET THAT YOU CAN and you grab your energy and GO DO IT.... WE don't wait until everything is gone or until we are FORCED by our Universe to do things. WE don't wait... period... Waiting was human.... WE ask our Universe to deliver the opportUNITY and we see it, grab it and utlilize it fully. WE don't turn things down because they are not convenient or meet what we wanted or because we want things easier without doing the work... that was human. Our Universe WILL PROVIDE, yet the human aspect will hold back, wait for someone else or something else to lead them or do it first... WE ARE WAYSHOWERS, every one of us... we don't sit back and wait for something to occur to get us busy. WE ARE THE UNIVERSE and we utilize every RESOURCE WE have to DO it... WE do the research, make the contacts, put ourselves out there. WE USE OUR ENERGY TO CREATE AND BE PRODUCTIVE.... The human aspect listens to the fears, judgements and holds back. Often everything has to be "removed" to show one that they COULD HAVE DONE IT if they had just tried or applied all that they had to "that". DEEP INSIDE every one of us IS the means to do anything we truly desire. "Not doing" speaks loudly, like a scream.... WE HAVE TO DESIRE TO BE IN SERVICE MORE THAN WE WANT TO BELIEVE THE FEAR.... I had to do it and each does... we have to overcome that which we used to hear inside by way of old programs... we have to not only not believe the words of lack, our GET UP AND DO IT MUST BE STRONGER... otherwise we take the scenic route of continual experiences. This journey is one of JUMPING QUANTUM STYLE INTO THE DIMENSION where all is already waiting or trudging through our humanness until we arrive in it/it arrives here (which is just a vibrational frequency). Your Universe will provide you the opportunity and if you don't utilize it then there's no need for it anymore. Things are no longer made easy for the human aspect, as this gives the human an excuse not to challenge themselves to step into-service.... YOUR OUTPUT OF ENERGY AND WHERE YOU PUT IT is what provides all that you need to be in-service as a WayShower here... We are not to be commuUNITIES of followers.... we are commUNITIES of Open-mind-hearted DO'ERS... contributing fully with every aspect of us, so that we can receive all that we desire in response.... The heart must be in, the mind must be in and the energy must be in too... Every part of you must be in, must be ready, must be committed... otherwise you are not fully in and your UNIVERSE knows this... Your Universe will know when you need a swift kick to get you going and if it is your time to step-up and where you do not, then your UNIVERSE WILL PUSH YOU into your ROLES here... Roles yes, for you have many.... It's never just one thing.... Your Universe KNOWS what you are CAPABLE OF and it's trying to support you in every way. You can tell yourself you are waiting for something, yet YOUR UNIVERSE is you, so it knows when you are listening to (believing) the fear. Your ENERGY SPEAKS loudly... If you desire to be SUPPORTED, you must DO WHAT YOU SEE/FEEL/KNOW INSIDE... otherwise things may be "removed" ... as FEAR and LOSS is often the motivator that the human aspect requires to get going.... It "forces" the human aspect deep inside to "find the SOURCE of the ENERGY" to do it.... YOU SEE WHAT IT TAKES TO GET YOU MOVING, GET YOU GOING... then you will notice your patterns and themes. The DELAY in "time" (SPACE) has been collapsed, things are FASTER and INSTANT here. The delay in time was procrastination and the human mind. Many wonder why they "lose things". They don't lose anything at all. They don't UNDERSTAND WHY THEY HAVE THINGS and they waste or use things for only themselves. This is the human's way of greed and survival mode of "I'm not going to get more or have enough"... The quickest way to HAVE ANYTHING is to get yourself in-service and utilize all that you have to do your PURPOSE/MISSION/ROLE. Your Universe is waiting to provide for you. Your JOB is to listen and USE YOUR ENERGY to DO IT.... There are GIFTS, ABUNDANT GIFTS, that await all. KNOWING HOW the UNIVERSE works is the Gift that brings it all forth. Your Universe is you and you are it. Unless you shrink into human and succumb to the old programs, lack beliefs and fears. This being calls forth EXPERIENCES to show them differently. You get to choose. Utilize everything you DO have or wait until you do not have a choice. UP YOUR VIBRATION through gratitude and appreciation for what you DO have and go inside and grab your energy to step-up in vibration. When you need to sleep, you sleep, this is first and when your universe shows you to get busy (you will feel it inside), get busy... It's always up to us! Things are provided when we USE US AS THE GIFT to reach, guide and assist others.... Otherwise we don't need anything, for we've missed the point. In every moment I "check-in with myself/MY Universe" to see if I am doing that which I am to do here. I don't wait for anything. I git'r'done and when I slack off, my universe kicks me in gear. SEE THE SYMBOLS, THE SIGNS and pay attention to the ENERGY OF ALL..... WE must take the INITIATIVE... It shows our Universe we are serious and we are met by our universe in response.... Balancing ENERGY is KEY. We do not want to put out too much energy until we deplete. WE use our energy to produce from our hearts, in quiet and peace and we ask the universe to keep showing us and we keep doing.... It's there... we have to ask for it, see it and then do it.... WE have to TRANSCEND old human lack programs from inside of's part of the process... in becoming a CREATOR and SOURCE here. Your Universe knows when you are serious and when you are not. It knows when you are holding back. It knows when you are not doing from within and when you are listening to and old program instead. It will give us the opportUNITY to hear the program and re-program ourselves or it will assist... I stopped needing my Universe to give me experiences that I didn't want anymore. I stepped into CREATOR ROLE and got busy...and I stay busy sharing my GIFTS of KNOWLEDGE with all. WE REMEMBER AS WE ARE FROM INSIDE.... Physical REALities align in response to us. If we are transmitting lack then this is what we receive back. Observe your own transmission, in every moment.... Change your's not "THE Universe"... it's MY UNIVERSE... this will empower you in to REMEMBERING AND BEING SOURCE CREATOR again. Years ago I stopped using the word healing.... I didn't understand why, but it never resonated with me. I came to understand later, as I came to see... Healing carries a connotation that there is something broken or wrong with us. Even in my most messed up moments, I never believed this. I did wonder "what was wrong with me", forever it seems. Nothing ever made sense. That was because I was not actually human. I was in a human body that never fit or felt quite right to me. I was in a human reality that was like being on the wrong planet. I was amongst others and never fit in... It was like I never fit... because I was not supposed to. The human experience was never supposed to work. We were here to experience it and move beyond it, to transcend it. We were here to REMEMBER FULLY and AGAIN BECOME WHO WE TRULY ARE.... WE are not here to fit in, we are here to STAND OUT, to be SO VISIBLE that everyone can find us, see us... WE are here to BE THE LIGHT. Inside of each of us is a PURE BEING OF LOVE. A beautiful magnificent being that was hidden deep inside. In an effort to fit in, we all hid and compromised who we were... we didn't understand or know any differently then... Yet as ALL AWAKEN, this is no longer true. We don't hide or compromise our soul for anything anymore. We recognize where we have/had fear, judgment and allowed anything less than love in our own reality world. WE SEE things CLEARLY, for exactly what they are... We are not here to heal, except that which is human within us. WE are to REMEMBER OURSELVES AS HIGHER SELF BEINGS, AS SOULS, that are already whole (ONE) and we are to RECALL every aspect of ourselves we allowed to attach to something or someone "out there", off in another time/existence, that is not present in THIS MOMENT RIGHT HERE. WE are to COME BACK to PEACE, come back to LOVE, come back to CENTER INSIDE. WE are to recognize when we step off into another moment and get our self back in this moment, right now. WE are to FOCUS, right here, right now.. THIS MOMENT... and see things from a gazillion different perspectives that we could not see when we were all caught up in the energy of that before. There is nothing WRONG with us, we do not need to be fixed. WE NEED TO LOVE OURSELVES FIRST and so completely that we do not settle for anything less. WE need to honor us and recognize when we do not. WE NEED to REMEMBER that nothing can occur that we did not call forth from inside of us. As all awaken, they start to understand that realities are transmitted from within them, from their energy, in frequencies and that this is creating the physical reality out there. The conscious being can pay attention and hear/see/feel that which they could not before. Could not, because, they were not present or aware of this... Yet CONSCIOUSNESS brings forth all kinds of gifts... amazing ones, abilities beyond that which we understood. These abilities are natural though. As a human we try to achieve them. As a higher self we just are. These evolve and emerge as we do, from the inside out. As we TUNE IN LIGHT, our physical body TUNES UP too. There's nothing wrong with us... our compromise and lack is leaving our bodies, the walls are coming down, the barriers between the dimensions, all held inside of us all along. Now, where we abused ourselves because we didn't understand, our bodies need more love, more care and sometimes we have to resort to something we don't want to, to get through it. WE do not judge this. WE do what we need to for us. Some go to the doctors and get medicine, because they are scared. Some don't, some go holistic, some use nature, some go to sleep, some go to the gym, some resort to alcohol/drugs... only the human judges this. It's important to understand that we do what we need to for us. When we do not need that anymore, we stop. Plain and simple. We stop doing that which does not feed our spirit, our soul, our higher self aspects and our physical body love, light and the fuel it needs to do the journey. We sleep a ridiculous amount, for photonic light kicks our butts... no way around it... it's supposed to, as the human aspect of us has to get out of the way, besides our bodies are transforming into Light and Crystalline and "how" this occurs is beyond the human scope of comprehension. We have to actually experience things to truly understand them. This journey is ours to do it how we desire from inside. The only one we have to deal with is our own lower selves/human us... that gets in the way by trying to play out the old programs that do not work in the higher realms. WE are our worst critic, until we realize this. We stop judging ourselves and we open our hearts fully, let out the old stuff that sucked severely inside... This is called "energy" and we label it however we want. Fear, pain, anger, sadness.... All separation from ourselves AS SOURCE. Opening our hearts IS healing, for it's us becoming whole. Yet to walk around with an open heart and a closed mind, this doesn't work either, for there's still human limits involved. To transcend the human limits we have to open our mind fully too. We have to keep them both open, stretching the mind, finding new perspectives and allowing both to SYNCHRONIZE to the frequency of love. To do this we must come to live from the inside out. WE have to stop, be present and BE THE OBSERVER in every moment. From this space we have choice and we realize what we could not before. WE realize that we were the ones doing it all to ourselves. Wow... With this realization we are able to take our power back. We are able to hear the frequencies and tones of what we could not before. WE are able to DO from a different dimension than we did before. WE are in the 5th Dimension, which is where the portals to all other dimensions open up. It's not hard to BE your 5th Dimensional version of you. It's hard to maintain it 24/7 and come from that space of love and radiate light, without going back to old mindsets anymore. It takes continual practice to break the old habits at a human and create new ones from the heart. This is called RE-PROGRAMMING. This is how we do it as Higher Self Star-Light Beings here. This is a JOURNEY that occurs over the separation of time. Yet the more we are a higher self aspect, the less time exists anymore. Our templates upgrade as we release the old stuff. Present moment, this one right here... this is where we live, exist and operate from. All others converge in this one now. The delay between the dimensions is the human mind. The heart crosses all of these, which is why it's so important to stay in your heart and operate from this space at all times. You can span all dimensions and affect realities from this one right here. You need not go anywhere or do anything, unless you are shown to. Your vibration speaks all for you. Spoken words are not necessary here. They are only needed for human exchanges... When SOULS connect/come together, words are not necessary anymore. All that is spoken is spoken in light. Light is a frequency and all words have these. This is why along the way speaking and vocabulary change so much. Words are limiting, so we have to use more to explain something simple, create a visual with them or find new ones to explain where the old words don't work anymore. We do not speak words that carry lower frequencies, our vocal cords adjust along the way too. Language completely changes for us. A word is a sound and sounds carry frequencies and we hear this instead of the words. When souls come together all is understood. Open hearts speak... and there's no distance anymore. Where one is human, it will feel like being in totally different worlds or universes. This is because we are... ♥ ♥ ♥ If you'd like to SEE what is going on inside of you, open up and get ready for a bigger ride than your human mind could comprehend. Multi-Dimensionality... a REAL PHYSICAL THING. It's TIME for everyone to WAKE UP to what's truly going on inside of each one of us, as we embody light here. WE've been going through activating the LUMINESCENT and GLOWING phases these last few years. Transparency & Translucency begins as we stop hiding, suppressing and let go of all of the judgment we held onto before. For me, the first huge glowing event was June of 2013. I remember, as the words were "Sirian/Lyran Detox", then my body instantly went through dumping, convulsing and I heated up fast to BURNING (expansion) and lost consciousness to sleep and integrate instantly, over a period of a few hours. I awoke to start to glowing during a session after. WE were able to capture photos, which I waited a year or two to share. Most were not ready for our evolution yet. Our natural existence still scared too many then. Then the crystals inside went full-blown and we started to sparkle, as our Star Particles activated too. Lots of itching and breaking out under the skin for this. These I captured in photos and on video and shared along the way too. For as our crystals activate, we start to become more visible here. Morphing in high-vibing frequencies, so what do you "think" shall occur as we continue to escalate in frequency as fast as we are going daily now? WE are holographic transmitters. Literally. This year we've further progressed into to the LUMINESCENT, SHIMMERING and GLOWING PHASES as we've continually PURIFIED IN WHITE & ILLUMINATING LIGHT. Because we are able to exist in higher frequency bandwidths, the colors have changed. This is in part because the physical structures don't hold the physical density they once did. It's also due to the frequency bandwidths we transmit from our our Crystalline Structure from within. Freaky awesome cool is an understatement. So when you want to know what's going on with your physical body, well, this is just one tiny part of becoming a MULTI-DIMENSIONAL MASTER CRYSTAL-STAR-LIGHT BEING in the physical here. All shall go through these phases of EVOLVING AS A LIGHT BEING to come to exist on NEW Earth together here/again. There is so very much more than this though.... morphing, shapeshifting, materializing and bi-locating are just a few. We are travelers across all dimensions.... not in the "future", but now. We are from the perception of the future, yet in the NOW MOMENT, all are simultaneous to this one. The higher vibration we function at overall is how we MOVE from one SPACE to another.... Our MASTERING CONSCIOUSNESS in every state is KEY. ♥ We are in a HUGE RESTRUCTURING INSIDE that requires much time away, much "no details or demands". It's up to us to DO this in our own world/reality, however we see for us.
Last month we activated an "EASY PORTAL" and the words were "things are going to be much easier now", and while we've seen it peeking it's head out along the way, NOW we are in the FULLY ANCHORING IN PHASE of our actual structure holding that as a reality for us here. WE have to HONOR all being easier... and for the human aspect (or WayShower on a mission, lol), this is a hard thing to do sometimes. Pulling away and allowing our INTERNAL to re-align so that our outside can re-align for NEW ALTERNATE EXISTENCES to BE here is necessary along the way and for the BIG ONES, this requires more "time" for this. The common theme right now is don't allow the details to enter in.... don't DO things as we used to... recognize any pushes on our system, in our thoughts, energy, that inner-fear with this. Don't think... Cut it all out... INTENTIONALLY just stop it all... let it all go. It's beyond important right now, not to get caught up in the demands, the cords of attachment, the cords of "needing to do" anything at all. Honor the process.... The more human, the harder this is... for we do not accept "easy" as a way of being... it has to be harder, we have to struggle, work hard... we don't deserve it if we don't. Lack energy/not enough triggered bigtime for anyone holding this inside. Even me, I am always "doing more" to guide/assist/reach/do my work here.... I actually spoke the words the other day to clear the energy of "never doing enough" from my own physical cellular memory... and wha-la... here we are! I don't have the old feelings of guilt or I'm not good enough as the human aspect does. I had more of "I need to provide more"... which in a way is the same, but the vibration is different. One feeds lack the other feeds the striving to fulfill a mission, a purpose... Clearing "I have to do more and I don't deserve more" is a huge one for many. I learned (Remembered) years ago that it IS SUPPOSED TO BE EASY and to always honor what I was shown/saw from inside and to allow my UNIVERSE to provide. I've lived this way for years... Staying focused, working really really hard to "do this work". It's a shift for me to step away too and honor the internal molecular restructuring, yet it's beyond necessary not to bring the old ways into the mix... to allow for this period of upgrades as we are shown.... I'm watching others having issues with "it being to easy" and still trying to complicate things. Still trying to "be all up in it", "hold realities to the old boxes, control, needing to know everything, instead of just letting it all go.... We each have this to our own degree of wherever we are right now. WALKING THROUGH A PORTAL means CLEARING everything within us that presents after the frequency/energy has opened up/activated within. It means holding the new vibration long enough and not going back to the old ways until we've broken the old pattern inside. It means feeling the discomfort when it presents and recognizing this as an old program. It means questioning our own mindset and why we keep trying to go back. Why we keep believing "that way is necessary" anymore. Through releasing these mindsets we free ourselves so that we can transcend the need to hold on. To recognize when we are talking ourselves back into the old feelings that we so desperately want to let go of. To realize we are doing everything to ourselves. To recognize when we get all caught up in the need for the old ways still. To see when we are the ones that don't allow things to be simple and easy. All kinds of fast changes are coming for all. New amazing things for those DOING AND ALLOWING INTENTIONALLY (or not doing in this case, lol). The only way these new EXISTENCES can come is if WE GET OUT OF THE WAY, if we HONOR and do it, regardless of it making sense to our human aspect. The common belief of struggle and control is deep ingrained inside. All of these muscles and mindsets have to relax completely, all along the way. The structures and gridwork inside the body needs us to allow for this. So much happening in the sleep state (clearing timelines, physical body upgrades, working together and activating new realities)... and the more we utilize the GIFT OF THE SLEEP-STATE when called, the easier things get for us all. When we understand that so much is done in our sleep state TO MAKE IT EASIER in our waking state, then we take advantage of the gift. WE take advantage of every gift we have provided by our UNIVERSE, we don't "feel bad" for having it. That was old programmed human lack energy and cellular memory. WE recognize gifts in everything and let go of the old squewed perceptions... Judgement and old beliefs keep us spinning in a circle of the old. Stepping back, observing, truly seeing and honoring what we see/receive/get inside is imperative in breaking old patterned beliefs that are not true, other than being a transmission through the human mind. We are to recognize.... and see things for what they are. We do not do this if we stay all caught up in the old stuff and keep resisting the SIMPLE WAYS OF THE NEW. I loved Melissa's profound comment when we were talking about the old human mentalities that are still running for many: "If you don't struggle and work hard enough, you don't deserve it. Nothing comes easy".... when in fact it's not true. The struggle creates the friction that keeps easy from being our reality here. As we stop fighting, struggling, trying so hard... fall into flow, honor, allowing and knowing that we not only deserve it, but it's already occurred, it's our birthright as StarBeings, Ancients and GODS here. Easy is how it becomes as we transcend our own human'ness. "Gifts" are a natural thing that occur in every moment, that come from within us... and arrive in response to us REMEMBERING WHO WE ARE. I will continue to write over this next period, do energy updates and more. I also continue to do nothing of work right now, for it's super important for what I am going through with these huge crystalline lightbody template upgrades. I have to allow for space and time away from even thinking about it all. I can do what feels appropriate, yet the mind can't be pushed at all.... Very slow, very flow, very opposite, as this is how all works. I love you guys... our awesome and amazing family of light here! See where you need things to still be complicated and where you cannot take it easy, allow easy, deserve easy in your world. Ask yourself why you need it hard, need the details, need to know, need to be all up in it, need to control, need need need... and why you can't TRUST what has been waiting to come forth for eons... and just waits for you to honor and allow. Then DO what you FEEL..... it's mega important for us all. ♥ ☼ ∞ You ARE the UNIVERSE... you do not have limits unless you still believe them, hold them inside and continually try to live according to them in your mind and continually re-enforce them in your physical world. METEOR SHOWERS BRING HUGE STAR PARTICLE ACTIVATIONS and EXPEDITE OUR GENETIC MODIFICATIONS10/20/2015 So it appears last night's blast WAS Meteoric! And we may have MORE to look forward to. WE LOVE Meteor Showers, for they bring forth de-materialization and star particle activations within us HUGE. We fill with space, which is quite uncomfortable as our internal structures change physical density FAST, but WOW at all these bring forth. WE are still going, all night long... we've got so much activity, it's beyond awesome! WE've been charging, quickening, lifting and zooming non-stop, body temps changing (cooling is huge with this one). It's like a million gazillion STARS having a PARTY! Kinda like the feelings that have emerged lately too. A huge CELEBRATION at what is continuing to come forth and materialize in our new holograms now. Gravity continually shifting as we float more, which was a long-missed feeling for like a year while I anchored NEW Earth and acclimated to walking on-it in the physical. Then Earth 3 GateWays opened up and we started floating more again as Galactic Frequencies blew us into huge expansion even more. WE LOVE Galactic and missed it and was so happy for the full-blown return this year! Recently while recording the HUMAN STARGATE Activation for an upcoming telesummit, I was amazed at what I wrote "way back then", about our cells becoming star particles all zooming around inside.... as they have done more and more over the years. Zooming never stops as our particle cells are FREE! Free to move about, the space inside is so vast. Our physical body vessel has been going through much as it works with the continual changing altitudes/weighting/weightlessness and the often upgrades to our electromagnetics are helping with this as our physical and field synchronize more with each tuning process we go through daily now. We've been through a lot these last many years, our entire human existence here actually, yet now... every day, every moment is WOW'NESS in one way, for as human's this is the coolest thing. The human triggers, clearings, purgings and continual adjustments can get daunting and challenging sometimes. When we first start to awaken, confusion is first and as we go through becoming multi-dimensional, sanity is challenged. The physical transformation of contorting and re-routing of our physical body systems is bizarre... yet in all of it, there is this coolness factor, while as a Higher Self being it's what we've always know, yet forgot. As a Star-Being, it's like FINALLY....jeesh, it took long enough.... and there's always this "I can't wait for more"! Bring it on is our Star Being aspect, that can't wait... while our human aspect is like "oh my this is intense", and our Higher-Self aspect pays it all no attention, no identity or care of anything... just happy to finally be here again, honoring the SACREDNESS of all again. Our LeMUrian aspects, so happy, playful and inJOYing the playfulness of it all. Our Galactic aspects enjoying the silence of energetic communication (telepathy to the human) and ready to body-hop, while our LeMUrian aspect or Higher Self Soul is ready to SOAR and FLY again.... Yes, we have waited for this for a very long time, and moment by moment, upgrade by upgrade, we continually evolve and transform more. Our physical bodies have been through so very much, yet there so much more in this complete transformation process as SHAPESHIFTERS so we can become visible and DO MORE. Our abilities return as we realize we have the capability of more. As we embrace these things within ourselves and we honor the weird and bizarre. More than honor though, we have to share, be totally visible and not succumb to judgement anymore. All that stuff that was human was so limiting.... jeesh... we did choose some intense journeys to have to transcend... yet we have... and it is beyond magnificent, beautiful and exquisite to experience THE BEYOND. Letting go of the need to hold on or know, the limits, the boxes... and just honoring to restore flow to our own worlds... It's sometimes tough to recognize our own humanness, and even tougher to be okay with letting it all go and all that represented that in our physical world. Change for the human aspect is torture, yet for us we welcome it and even beg for it, knowing that when things slow down or come to a halt, we feel stuck, stagnant, limited. Things have to continually move, and if WE are moving and doing, then out there is doing the same. Our foundation is created out of love and stability comes from this. I heard the words "job security" recently out of a human's mouth and it made me laugh. It made me realize our stability is from within ourselves, our connections and how much WE CONTRIBUTE to BE A PART OF THE WHOLE. WE are STABLE within ourselves, we produce so much that we can never lack again. WE are connected as STAR FAMILY, LeMUrians/Atlanteans, Galactics... and our Kingdom is UNITED again. The abundance has returned with continual resets within our own templates as we upgraded in PURE SOURCE LIGHT. The global reset is one that occurs as more come online and connect up again. It's actually already occurred, yet arrives when we arrive in the vibration collectively... as, not when... for we are always arriving when we expand into those new dimensions and alternate universe realities that have been waiting for us FOREVER..... Simulatneously, in every moment, there are multiple parallels and Universes running side-by side.... The one we exist in, physically live in, is the one we allow from within us. Yes, we left the old behind. It's still visible sometimes, so that we can see what is occurring in "THE MULTIPLES"... Each huge shift up, things will separate then merge, separate then merge.... for this is how it works. Things become super visible while the energy clears, then it dissipates and cease to exist at all. Then we move onto the next thing or many of them, for there is never just "one thing".... So, I hope you all are ready, as we ENTER an AMAZING PHASE. What it is.. does it matter? Only the human mind cares at all. WE just keep upping our frequency and light quotient, upgrading our physical, sleeping to integrate and move through MASSIVE TIMELINES AND QUANTUM VORTEXES/TUNNELS now.... as we are TRAVELING LIGHT YEARS every moment of every day.... zooming all around. Even if you cannot see it, you can feel it and you know it and this is all that matters. Don't get stuck in the need to know, know from INSIDE and keep focused on YOU and in the moments you can, GET BUSY... you are here to be IN-SERVICE... sleep where called, be creative in the waking moments... your HEARTMIND can create no matter what your physical body is doing. Your HEARTMIND can access all of the other dimensions and work in them simultaneously.... you can be in OBSERVATION as a higher-self aspect and see, like a visionary, as the multi-dimensional being you are.... It all takes presence, functioning through the heart and letting go of everything else.... I love you guys... our amazing STAR-LIGHT family.... I'll post later where I can. WE've got lots lots lots... so unbuckle those seatbelts on (Y)Our STARSHIP and get ready to TAKE OFF! ♥ p.s. It shows that this is ice and dust... forgo our fast freezing temps and recent choking episodes as our "expression" centers and energetic communication abilities upgrade/expand too! Our cells are upgrading more than ever with these continual cosmic activations now. Check out the "Orionid Meteor Shower" for info on seeing it. The activations started a few days ago and continue as we move into the peak of it now. Hopefully last night was not our peak. We want MORE! :) ♦ Join me on my Facebook Public Page for real-time updates as they occur and I'm able to post where around. I'm working on how to put a live feed on my website here... will get that up as I figure it all out and get it done! ∞ Things are changing in every direction now... here too... it has too, for this is how all works.... These continual blasts of Higher Light affect all in many ways. Blasts obliterate the old, create a disruption in the frequency bandwidth waves that we live in and causes all to contiually re-align. Realities are not fixed, ever and the more fixed we "need them", the more we hold on, the more we are guaranteed change. Intentional participation, conscious choice, totally open to listening, honoring REGARDLESS of what we "think" of how all should have been.... The gridwork of NEW Earth is a "tricky" one to maneuver sometimes. It's totally stable in the way that there is no stability at all. The natural way of BEing is in flow as all occurs, being totally aware, totally open to all that comes forth and sifting through it quickly (without delay), moving through it when realities change really fast. These influxes of light are huge game-changers for all. The ceiling & floor and all around us, 360 degrees... it's all changing and moving constantly. For the 3rd Dimension, the "floor" has collapsed and continues to do so, faster and faster... the only way is "UP"... to open UP, to LOOK UP, to focus on UP... higher self guidance... and to listen listen listen, honor, honor, honor... do, do, do... something completely contradictory to what has become a firm concreted belief system inside. The opposite of holding on, which yes, is to let go.... and where we are not willing to do this, the physical reality changes FOR US to show us how.... WE either do this as a human and get drug through it or we let go of our "not wanting to" and open up... There is no other way.... For the foundation of the old consciousness is gone. The 4th Dimension, the floor, well... is in multiple dimensions shifting in every moment and footing is tricky, having to choose which "floor tile" to step on next. One to in each world, balance is all over the place... Constantly looking up to the skies, the clouds, the heavens.... for we know the answers are 'up there' and not in the physical one "yet".... Things are in a constant state of influx while we "learn" (remember) how to open up and allow our higher-self/inner guide to assist us, show us how all truly works NOW. This is where all transcend their old stubborn and separated human ways. This is where mindsets completely change and physical realities adjust huge. This is where we "learn" to listen and work through our own duality/fight/lack inside. This is the "runway" for arriving on NEW Earth. This is where we sleep to bring forth the lucid dream in our waking state and the higher realms start to materialize for us in our physical one. This is where we clear out our humanness and start to understand... seeing glimpses of "beyond the veils" as we become conscious again and purify our physical body, or physical reality and all that we held within, that was hidden in the shadows of our own everything. This is where our light ignites and starts to shine a light. This is where we get off the fence and have to make a choice... in every moment.... This is where we "learn" how to use LIGHT again in our LIFE. This is where we realize (real-eyes) that it was never "out there"... and that is exists within. The 5th Dimension doesn't have a floor. WE walk on soft clouds here. Everything is energy, frequencies, bandwidths. Everything is constantly changing IN RESPONSE TO US... This is where WE LAY THE FOUNDATION OF THE NEW... this is where we transmit realities at will, master the moment, master energy, become an Ascended Master again, this is where we EMBODY ALL and nothing is out there, other than a continually changing hologram of all that we've dreamed and desired to experience here. It is HOME, in the physical, it is US ALL UNITED AGAIN, it is all working in light, being light, sharing light... All is PURE LIGHT. There is no more lack ... we STAND in our POWER and DIVINE ESSENCE as love, open communication and full expression of the magnificence that we had forgotten. This is where we come together, CREATE REALITIES by continually anchoring light, upgrading our physical structure (Solar Crystalline Star-Light Body) and continually evolve AS THE ADVANCED NEW HUMAN....WE transform all JUST BY BEING... WE do not seek anything anymore... WE ARE THE HIGHER REALMS, THE LIGHT BEINGS....WE ARE ONE... Every dimension is present, other Universes too. We occupy a space and we constantly re-tune. We shift in frequency, we move through entire bandwidths here. Nothing is as it once was and the lower realms don't tend to exist, unless we are to open portals, guide and assist. WE are here to BE the GRIDWORK, hold the higher consciousness gridwork in place. WE ARE THE WAYSHOWERS and we do not wait for anything to occur to force us into anything again. WE are aware in every moment of that which is present, needs attention and we do that which we already know. We understand we've already done these realities and we DO what we KNOW inside and allow the outside to materialize for us, to support us, to provide for us all that we "need"... for we are here IN-SERVICE in every moment and there is no way not to be supported... for it's our only reason for being here at all. Everything else is an extension of that. WE are ENERGY in purest form. WE ARE LOVE, WE ARE LIGHT.... and physical matter particles charge in phototropic light to take new form right before our eyes... WE are connected to all as one, no more separation, no more struggle, no more fight.... We are aware there are lower realms, yet they exist "out there" "out of plain site"..... Everything has flipped and all dimensions/realities merge into one... we move space to space... and inside of us is full of space too. For WE ARE the entire UNIVERSE, all of them... WE ARE GODS... we are all incarnated here again.... Yes, we have a much different existence than we once did..... This is what we all waited for, dreamed of, came here to experience, enjoy and be a part of.... and it's not "off some day"... it's as far away as we are separated from SELF AS SOURCE inside. Where there is no separation, there is no delay in anything anymore. That separation is what has been obliterated in the cells of all. The physical reality, the physical structures of all continually "collapse", because the separation was the glue that held all of those old structures in place. The separation energy is what one believes is still true, tries to hold onto out of fears created in their own mind and in attachments to physical realities they believe are them. The human aspect of us all defines themselves by stories, identities, attachments/chords/anchors to everything out there, yet the fixed beliefs are the hardest thing to "combat" by way of understanding them. Seeing them is first thought, for where we can not identify what is within us, we believe and make it true... just by insisting on it and the amount of energy we put into making it true. Our human aspect focus on what it does not have, what it thinks it's losing and focuses on "that thing" instead of seeing everything around it, the purposes, the energy of it all. It HOLDS ONTO pereptions and is not willing to see beyond "that". Every physical reality now has been activated to "move move move", disassemble faster and re-align anew... It's like one of those little shuffle games, where the square tiles get smaller and smaller as water, air, and light energy fill the spaces around them creating a soft flooring to walk on (clouds)... Eventually one as stepped enough onto the soft cloud (the open heart and mind, trust, honor, listening inside) and come to realize that all is not as it once appeared. That none of that was true and yet the fear is what kept all "stuck there". The fence is the division between the higher realms and the lower realms. It represents the 4th Dimension where one has to make a choice. In every moment you are choosing a reality and any holding on out of fear and safety means that if we don't make a choice, then something will occur to shift our reality for us, to show us how real and unreal things truly are and how we held onto that which was not... WE are here to fulfill purposes, missions and to RETURN TO WHO WE ARE. This is many things, for what we ARE is a vast as all UNIVERSES and we are here to REMEMBER and BECOME THIS AGAIN. To walk AS this FULLY, in the physical and to BE together again. The human aspect of us fears change. The thing we fear the most is full power, full abilities, full expression as pure light and love again. Fear keeps us from this. Our perceptions and fixed beliefs. Our need for things outside of us, our fighting going inward and truly seeing what we hid from and had no idea existed. That which we run from, avoid, hide from... it's us... in purest form. It's that which we desire the most, it's that which brings us true happiness, joy, love, bliss, magic and abundance again. That which we hold fast too is the very thing that keeps us from having "this". Observe your realities loves... Open up... See what you are holding onto, see your perceptions, your beliefs and make a choice to honor you, love you and dedicated YOU to YOU. Excuses are the human aspect making up a story to convince themselves of the opposite of what they do not want to DO inside. They are the answers to the questions asked and for what is already known inside. WE do not have to lose anything. WE have to lose (let go) of our attachments, perceptions and participation in the old. WE have to make a choice. OLD Earth or NEW Earth and they are in total opposite directions. Fear or love, opened up or closed off, struggle or allow, listen or don't listen, see or don't. It's not that it's not there, always, in every moment... it's that as humans we are not open to inner/higher guidance, listening, seeing, change.... It's up to us... It always has been. WE do it by choice and focused intention or we wait until our universe, us, pushes us into it because we held on until there was no other way. Make a choice, in every moment... honor you, honor love, honor the new inside of you... make it a priority... NOW. WE are already here... it's not "later" anymore. The time has passed... Old Earth was a frequency bandwidth and you/we us/ have been moved into a MUCH higher one for the physical reality to continually upgrade, re-tune, re-align and take new physical form. These higher frequencies are faster, taking away the "delay" time that the human needed to keep control. The illusions of the old crumble, shatter and dissolve, literally, as a multitude of NEW EARTH holograms of these higher crystalline grid matrix-es further come online. Bliss, magic, peace and total abundance.. your divine birthright is here now. You embrace it... it's inside of you emerging... that's those feelings that you keep feeling coming up to be expressed, honored and released where discord/distortions are still held. FEEL loves. Get inter-active... BE A PART OF YOUR JOURNEY... choose and commit... this is necessary for all. Collapse is the humans word... re-alignment is ours. They are the same. Different perceptions creating totally different experiences. I love you! ♥ UPCOMING BOOK: Multi-Dimensional Consciousness & Quantum Existence, Ancient Knowledge Shared BY: Lisa Transcendence Brown, Author & WayShower Aloha dear sweet family of love and ever-continuing-light expanding from inside! I awoke this morning clearing apparently some old deep seated "screaming energy (communication/voice)," that was anchored under my tooth. We never truly understand why things occur until much later, where we held that in our physical body, and the energy it truly is... for me, I bit down and the post in my tooth under my crown (yes our teeth have major issues as they release density/old programs deep rooted inside/beneath them). The crack and quick pain triggered throbbing (a vortex clearing a block), and now that our teeth expand, it started expanding huge... it was in lots of pain, yet I was not, I was just very uncomfortable, careful and aware. I went to sleep and it continued to swell and throb under each tooth on the entire left side of my mouth. As I slept it moved energy through and activated, cleared... lots of stuff. Old me would have been up all night, crying in pain. Our Crystalline LightBodies allow us to honor the physical release while continuing to do a multitude of other things, like clearing tons of ancient stuff. I watched in my sleep state as I cleared old timelines, parallels, realities not in this physical one right here. Remember, all realities are simultaneous, so they are not of another "time". That is our own separated perception based upon our own vibration and mentality... In these timelines I was screaming (and loudly!) at all who would not do their part, do their job. I was running around trying to get it all done "by the deadline" (we were checking out of a hotel), and no one would help. I ran around, tried, worked to get it done... struggling, fighting and then boom... done... I let out a blood curdling scream to just let the energy out, express it one last time and then... I woke up. Pain gone, swelling gone, just some tenderness as it re-aligns now. Done, energy clear.... yes it is that simple. We do not get caught up in things, we observe, see and keep moving. We share with others to assist them, when it does, otherwise, no one cares. We are always busy, sleeping, producing, clearing, and in♥JOYing every moment fully as we do. We do many things at once from inside, and other times get absolutely nothing visible done, for we are working in the other realities simultaneously, doing absolutely everything, and our physical bodies in this one is going through so much. Muscles contract/expand and physical things happening "there" sometimes show up in this physical body here. When we sleep, we expand into all universes & dimensions, we travel via our LIGHTSHIP, we work with others and more. I have many come to me where I've been working with them in their sleep/closed-eyed state. We are not limited to this physical reality. We've always been in all. BEing conscious and HOLDING LIGHT allows us to consciously DO the other realities too. Sleep is not sleep anymore. It takes a bit of adjusting as sleep changes for all. It's another conscious state, and our bodies go into stasis while we travel and do many things..... WE can go into any reality we've activated/achieved the frequency of here. Quantum Travel means we get to do much in both open-eyed and closed-eyed states. First, these states become interchangeable, no longer separated as we once saw them as a human aspect. We use every moment intentionally, and sleep is another one. Understanding the many aspects of sleep is important in our own conscious navigation. The waking state becomes a walking lucid dream along the way too. Then they merge into one and there is no difference anymore. All states are all things. All along the way our minds have to stretch to comprehend. For those of us "taking command" of our journies by embracing them fully, we get to participate with greater ease and it becomes awesome and lots of fun, bizarre and very very real. As realities flip & merge, what used to be a waking state moves into the sleep state and what used to be in the sleep state arrives here. How "fast" is up to us, our intentional energy and own mastery skills. We are constantly moving between states and spaces and nothing is fixed here. No attachments, no cords, no need.... just allowing, presence, seeing energetically and honoring in every moment. Our abilities return along the way. Abilities start out as gifts then just become who we are as we release any identity or separation around them. Every moment and experience is a sacred gift here. As we maintain total consciousness and our physical bodies expand to hold a massive amount of light, WE expand and walk in unlimited multiple dimensions in the physical reality here. Stepping in all of these and maneuvering them all is definitely an art. The rigidity and fixed mentalities must be broken (or worked with intentionally) for this to occur. How we get to do this will depend on our own pre-written journey and what we choose in each moment here. One is easier, as we listen and go down a path that makes no logical sense or the one we "think" we want and keep trying to fit into our old boxes according to old mentalities we keep holding onto. Lately there has been much visible collectively out there, by way of old identities and programs that many are still holding onto in their desire to transcend the old human stuff. Moving from one "fixed" identity to another is a part of the journey, yet if we can understand these too, we can utilize them and move beyond those as limits too. These can be labeled as "gifts/curses", depending on how much one is working through at any given time. Empaths, sensitives, psychics... all a part of us waking up and moving onto more of who we truly are and not a label of what we "think" is going on. Many have suppressed deeply and this suppression is what is clearing, so that all can open up fully, live in magic, with full expression from within. The purification process makes distortions more visible/louder/uncomfortable, so we can see/hear/feel them and unify all back into love from within, while moving anything not-in alignment out. I will be writing on these (or doing videos) where I can, along with a multitude of focused courses/tele-classes/programs to assist those ready to move things out and open up to the amazingness of Mastering Multi-Dimensionality and Light Embodiment here. Many are working through much self-judgment, judging others, worried about other's judgment... and where this can be recognized for what it is, we can let go of this judgement and move on. This will be hidden beneath the surface emotion/words/actions.... and it takes us looking beneath to truly see. It takes us not-being judgmental inside to allow those around us to feel safe and not judge themselves anymore. It takes speaking out loud and communicating fully, no more hiding from others or ourselves. It takes sharing what we know and our experiences (it is huge part of the reason we even had them to start with). Many are using words of identities, and avoiding the FEELING or EXPRESSION of the feeling... which is still suppression. WE are meant to feel, fully... no judgement, no projecting our stuff on others... WE pull away, go get it out where it was stuck in the body, sleep to integrate and wake up a NEW. For me, "becoming" an Empath & Sensitive, gave identity to what was "wrong" with me, why I "felt too much", the affect "others" had on me, and for the first time, it "explained" why I never fit in anywhere and was so different. Yet, then I came to SEE that all I felt was INSIDE and outside was my "trigger/activator" of all that I had suppressed and hid from, not realizing, for we do not truly understand that these are our distortions we call "human'ness". We do not understand it's a part of bringing us into consciousness again, into power, into self-love, into REMEMBERING and PURITY again.. Many chose experiences of drugs, alcohol, work and sex as a part of their own awakening here. As these centers and organs are triggered to release the distortions, a-holic is triggered to clear too. A-holic is just a word to describe "a lot of distortions/energy/beliefs clearing", so that we can open our hearts and BE LOVE FULLY again. The liver, the kidneys, the ovaries, the root chakra and sexual organs, the heart... all a part of where these cells/cellular programs were held. A distortion is only an out-of-tune frequency where we separated off from our selves as SOURCE and PURE LOVE. The human takes this SEPARATION and turns it into a judgment. It distorts the distortion. This entire journey is about FEELING AGAIN. Gamma heightens our senses and stimulates our FEELING CENTERS. It also triggers where out-of-tune frequencies were held, so that we can honor a CONSCIOUS RELEASE of pent up energy that held us to a feeling of separation and lack of love inside. Where it gets confusing is when one "acts out" the energy unconsciously, instead of in honor to the journey With a SACRED RELEASE we honor the feeling intentionally without projecting it on another. With a HUMAN RELEASE we are not conscious, we judge, suppress and impose any external release on others. Many are dealing with their sexual feelings emerging as the senses and neuro-transmitters are activated to clear suppression out. Body parts tingling, going numb and more. These gamma activations laser through the nerves, feeling centers, the entire physical body cellular memory to activate what was dormant. They trigger any discordant frequencies held in physical body parts to then emerge by way of human thoughts and suppressed emotions. In many cases, we went "numb" as humans and as we BECOME PURE FEELING BEINGS OF LIGHT, that numbness represents suppression and more. The gamma ray lasers move through the body and stimulate these senses to release any old "pains" held inside. As the body tunes, as the being loves themselves, as the energy is released, as one stops judging according to old human beliefs, the body is tuned back to perfection, no more distortions held inside. Some can't feel anything while the body adjusts (purifies/cleanses/comes online), while others are overwhelmed by the magnitude of the energy/distortion just trying to be released. This occurs so that one can become pure again here. I say again, as we are all pure inside, yet we held frequencies and energies that were not. We turned them into human experiences, and as we wake up, they surface. Where we are still human, we will judge. Where we are consciously aware, we will clear, release, transcend, unify and love ourselves while we do. A huge thing is to realize that whatever PATH YOU CHOSE/DID... that it was necessary and serves an important purpose for you and all others you'll "help/guide/assist/connect with" along the way. EVERY ACT necessary to get energy out, open us up, relax the body/mind, bring the walls down so that we can FEEL FULLY this magnificent, beautiful and exquisite LOVE that we are, so that we can SHINE OUR LIGHT fully... and JUDGEMENT INNER-FEARS with that. So see your own judgment and where you do not open up...This has nothing to do with anyone else.... it's all about us. It's important, for to be fully IN-SERVICE, you have to let go of that judgment, that experience, that event, that act that you hold onto that keeps you a victim to that. Find gratitude, see the gifts in absolutely everything that occurs. Seeing/feeling all as truly gifts allows you to ACTIVATE the GIFTING PORTAL for amazing things to continually come to you from the other dimensions and materialize into your physical one... for you VIBRATE INTO A REALITY where that ALREADY EXISTS.... Creating a label feeds the human mind. Look at your world and see where you have labels, identities, stories and LOOK INTO THEM and see what they represent for you. Where something/someone can get under your skin, then there's something they are needing to trigger/activate within you for you to see. Do your EXERCISING ENERGY OUT intentionally, as it's very fast and DONE QUICKER when you do. WE don't use labels, we use words to describe and reach others for a purpose and always in light. WE transform all in our own reality... we see a distortion for what it is... an old program that is no longer true. It was only true because we believed it. Here we CHOOSE what we want to believe and we create/call forth realities in response to that. We activate realities already real..... As all MASTER THE MOMENT and BECOME ENERGY, expanded conscious energy again, as all hold the light that activates inside and stop looking outside for anything ever again, as all ALLOW ALL that was TRAPPED INSIDE and waiting TO EMERGE, so that that old dimension can intentionally be collapsed from within.... REALITIES CHANGE DRAMATICALLY and FAST..... The human is unconscious to the fact that all is ever-changing, molecular structures are re-shaping, re-arranging... and as all become CONSCIOUS again, and intentionally work within every moment, with the energy present in the moment inside and out there... one gets to affect matter with thought, desire, focus...... as this is part of how we function in our NATURAL STATE here. WE occupy a space, and many of them, and we move vibrationally with the vibration present RIGHT HERE. We are aware of all things, in every moment... nothing occurs that we did not CREATE... and with this knowledge we re-create by switching frequencies, entire bandwidths and constantly re-tuning. Our Crystalline LightBody comes first and all changes when we choose this. Our existence, how we function.... every breathe, every word, every exchange.... is very different. NEW EARTH comes from inside of us and we REMEMBER OUR WAY BACK HERE. It was us that forgot and as the amnesia/veils lift for more, those realities out there continually change and become brighter, more vibrant, more fun and totally interactive, while our physical bodies merge these higher light frequencies, crystals activate, our crystalline structure forms and we actually physically walk in/as all dimensions in the physical one. The old lower realms cease to exist and become a part of other's realities still choosing this. Then we move into SEPARATE UNIVERSES and alternate collectives and a million gazillion ALTERNATE REALITIES to choose from and experience AS LIGHT here. There are so many collectives, so many realities, so many options, yet the more human we still are, the less we can see & understand this. This IS a physical expansion of our open hearts, open minds, and open energy. As limited humans we have not EXPANDED THESE CAPABILITIES yet. CAP-ABILITY = We capped our abilities. Ability is NOW. The reason I wrote these books, were to help others understand. As a multi-dimensional being, we do not hold judgement, play in the old programs, go unconscious again. WE elevate to a higher frequency and function as a walking higher-self-soul. I wrote them to empower others into REMEMBERING again and BEING ASCENDED MASTERS in this physical world. Every moment, every exchange, every feeling, response, every thought and word... represent the dimension and physical reality YOU currently EXIST IN.... You are in multiple dimensions in every moment. The SPACE you occupy and allow is the determining factor in your abilities to expand to encompass the vastness of unlimited ones or whether you are limited to just the old physical one. NEW Earth is a multitude of dimensions that all merge into the one. It's visible, palpable and interactive. It's beyond exquisite to see and experience. To walk on the vibrant grass and feel it alive all around you, the exquisite hues, see it instantly responding and providing all that you desire.... You CONNECT with NEW EARTH from inside of you and you watch out there for the differences as they arrive/transpire/occur. Your actions determine how much of NEW Earth is available to you. You are a walking transmitter and receiver of frequencies. Your physical body, your vessel, your LightShip... that which you chose and identify with. As you release all identities, attachments and fixations within you, this changes... NEW Earth is only visible in certain bandwidths of frequencies and to PLAY HERE you must raise your physical body vessel frequency, which is why the physical body goes through so very much, to hold the light that transforms you and your belief systems INTO A LIGHT BEING that walks AS LOVE and POWER again. Every particle, cell and fiber of your BEING purifies the old distortions of judgement, fear, lack and individual self that kept you separated from being a part of the WHOLE. Because you are multi-dimensional, you have the ability to do and be everything again. Only your human self will be-little you, hide and blame something outside of you for anything. Where you have lack, you will turn this blame inward, this lack energy inward... Why do you have the NEED to live in the old, to stay on OLD EARTH inside? What do you hold onto within you that is more important than being free, being love, being happy, being magnificent, being abundant, being brilliant and being able to WALK IN MULTIPLE DIMENSIONS and other UNIVERSES fully, without any of the old beliefs to limit you or hold you back and keep you separated from the beyond blissful exquisiteness that already exists and waits for you to arrive? YOU ARRIVE through the inner work, inner awareness, inner guidance, inner everything, at first, then the outside world becomes your holographic play to work with. You take your whole existence and turn it upside-down, inside-out, flip it over, stretch it, bend it and obliterate everything through light that is not PURE LOVE... Good and bad, right/wrong, those are judgments and duality of the old. Beating yourself up, under-estimating/minimalizing yourself, this is a part of that programming too. Saying words of limits, and thinking them, these keep you in a prison of separation and lack. All that you desire, truly, waits for you, just floating around in your energy field, waiting for you to let go (expand) to bring it all inside... to own it, honor it, access it, experience it.... Your mind is a transmission of that which is within you. If you desire to know what is inside you will listen and not judge it... you will see all for what it is. The outside world is a projection from within you, every cell, muscle, organ, teeth, bones, skin.... As you realize this you will observe the outside world, truly, every minute particle... every exchange, every word, every occurrance and realize that you projected that for you to hear and see. The question is WHY? ? does that bring forth INSIDE OF YOU? What does that CAUSE you to do, see, feel? If it is not warm, fuzzy, expanded awesome love, then it's something you are to transform into light by what you DO from WITHIN YOU. The distortions of the Old Earth Consciousness become very visible and loud so that YOU can SEE them, FEEL them, RECOGNIZE them from within you, so that you can CHOOSE to release them, let them go, transcend them and UNIFY all BACK INTO LOVE from within. You see the outside world through your own lens... it's up to you to see the distortions and realize where they originate from within YOU... to see what you still believe, need and move on, in the other direction of light.... If, you allow something that is not awesome warm fuzzy love, then there's a part of you that lacks this love inside. If you compromise your honor to you, then you lack honor... not "that out there". That out there is your program the entire world and universe is.... Your HEART has the ABILITY to span all dimensions at one time and CHANGE realities from this one right here. The moment your heart opens you expand, your mind and body relax and you SHIFT/EXPAND into many dimensions.... the moment your heart closes and you allow your head to step in and take over, you shift/move/contract back into an old dimension... the PURPOSE is so YOU CAN SEE and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.... Cause and affect.... What you do/allow/think, where you put your focus, your energy, what you are producing from inside of you, this is what creates your physical reality "to arrive" here. Your energy, action, words... the "cause"... and the thing that occurs in your reali.ty/world is the "effect" vibrationally, in response to you.... That entire physical reality OUT THERE is a RESPONSE to the vibrations and LIGHT THAT YOU HOLD. Embodiment means you are able to physically BE a MULTI-DIMENSIONAL BEING and walk in multiple dimensions all at one time, that you are taking command of your reality and you are changing it intentionally at-will. That you HAVE BECOME SOURCE and CREATOR again, no more separation.... No more victim, no more "that is more powerful than me", no more allowing the old programs in your world. Just like an old TV set, that program plays on the big screen projector... a whole physical reality blown up, super-sized, so it can be BIG ENOUGH to see, walk-in, play-in, experience... This is your VIRTUAL REALITY GAME... this is your computer program, this is your illusion, your hologram that solidifies from that which you hold inside of you, in your body, in your energy, in your everything.... These higher light frequencies now run bandwidths through your entire physical structure, activating and updating your Solar Crystalline Star-LightBody Structure beyond anything you could imagine. You can be all up in it and try to manipulate/control it, or you can honor it, assist, sleep and feed your body what it asks for and you can release that which has been shoved down into it by suppression along the way, release that which you programmed into your cells/DNA at your inception here.... That which is not love, is not light, is no longer supported and goes into total collapse mode. Holding on/resistance, takes you with it.... The reality you support with your thoughts, your energy, your actions... these determine HOW you experience everything here. There are multiple dimensions, a gazillion of them, and Universes too. The ones you get to experience in your own physical reality, are the ones you are open to, the ones YOU BRING INTO & THROUGH YOU... the ones you HOLD THE VIBRATION TO from INSIDE.... Every time you GO OUTSIDE to connect to something, you separate off. It was never outside... it's always been in... you go inside and find it, activate it, expand it and BECOME it again.... Everything starts as a frequency and spark of light and each activation ignites this energy to become bigger so that it can encompass your entire structure and expand OUT from there.... You are not limited to anything. You are the one that determines all. Yet, for those who resist waking up, the ability to hide, suppress, avoid, not listen... the higher self aspects will "remove" these abilities by using something in the physical reality to "get their attention"... for this is how it works. Everyone is here to do this... awaken, remember and ascend. Some in the physical, some not... Avoiding, not listening, not honoring.... this is you fighting you... fighting your birthright, your destiny, your bliss, your magic, your amazingness.... this is you holding on to something that stands in the way of you becoming the entire UNLIMITED UNIVERSE here. That thing you hide from is you. That thing you suppress is love. That thing that you fear the most is the doorway to a portal that opens a vortex into PURE LIGHT. It is you that must walk through it..... It is you that must let go.... it is you that must embrace.... it is you that must recognize anything that is of the NEW or the OLD. It is you that must choose and do intentionally... in every moment... Every moment is the PURPOSE...when you are PRESENT and BEING pure LOVE then the blinders come off, the veils come down and you get to experience the bliss again. Walking in faith are just you honoring that which you hold inside. It means listening to your inner voice/higher guidance and proving to it that you are willing to do something different than the old human ways.... The unknown is not the unknown, it's the forgotten... and as the amnesia/fog lifts, everything becomes visible again. Yet the human aspect does not trust, not realizing that trust is to their own self. They do not trust, because they have not been honorable, not in the way that is, required. The journey of trust starts within.... we honor us and as we do... we honor all.... We love us and as we do we love all..... Gifts and abilities are natural ways of being here... they are how you function and exist. You are to share them with the entire world, as the more you share, the more you receive.... The more open you are with your energy, the more abundance can come to you. The more you share YOU... the more you become your true you again. ♥ Open up and become transparent, see through, take down the protection, walls and safety mechanisms you have in place. If you are standing in your own power, you don't need them. As humans, you protect yourself into a place from fear. There is nothing to hide from, protect yourself from, avoid... those are of the Old Earth and keep you there. Total openness, total disclosure... of WHO YOU ARE... all starts inside and affects all dimensions and all realities as you do this first.... You are a WayShower, here to BE THE LIGHT.... to open the portals, hold them open and break through the old barriers held in place, obliterate old realities, expand beyond them, into YOUR HIGHER SELF ASPECTS.... you are to EMPOWER OTHERS BY BEING THIS... claiming your I AM PRESENCE..... WE are not followers, WE do not wait, WE STEP UP and INTO OUR ROLES here in every moment. We identify that which we still lack inside, we use the outside world to SHOW .what we are transmitting out..... that outside world is our tangible proof that we seek as a human... it's our manifestation (materialization) by that which we hold inside of us. All are here to BE IN-SERVICE, not from a place of lack, but by BEING LOVE and HOLDING LIGHT and SHARING THAT. MASTERY means recognizing the energy and frequency of all and TUNING to any intentional frequency at will. The more one does this, the more these higher frequencies are how we exist and there's very little to "do" anymore.... Other than just BEing... Light.... Love.... Pure... the rest arrives/transpires/unfolds in response... We just continually upgrade in light to the next frequency bandwidth and honor what our physical body needs to walk in new bandwidths of physical realities that are beyond anything we could imagine before. ♥ WE are THEY... A Consciousness of ONE... the UNIFIED FIELD... WE are the Crystalline Grid, the Light Pillars, WE ARE all higher self aspects. Embodiment is how we do the NEW realities. Bring it all in... and let go of all that's inside... these were opposite too. They merge into one as you do. ♥ Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼ Light Embodiment Guide, WayShower, Author, Transformational Speaker Light Frequencies (Energies) have been activating huge since last night. Probably one of the biggest blasts/upgrades I've seen thus far (each is different in their own way). This one just kept getting stronger & stronger and we were WIDE OPEN and have been going all night and continue now this morning. These are HUGE so get ready for things to start moving faster out there (slower inside after LightBody Tuning has occurred). Physical realities will become more responsive faster (yes faster than it's already become). No more avoiding or not stepping up. Manifestation (materialization) is faster than instant now.... REMEMBER.... EVERYTHING HAS ALREADY OCCURRED. These frequencies bring all INTO what has been created. If you are totally in-alignment, it's EXQUISITE AND EASY, if not, things "spin out" and are in your face to DEAL WITH ..... RIGHT NOW.... We DEAL with everything right now and move everything out as fast as we can. These realities will explode on those who are not honoring from within. The footing of "safe" and "not listening" gone... the floor dissolves beneath your feet, yet the magic carpet is there to carry you through to all you have desired and dreamed. Many are getting slammed into sleeping, others can't sleep because it's time for them to get into service more, others confused as veils are continually going in every moment and realities what they human aspect tried to fit into a nice, neat, safe box. This journey is one of full-blown human, to then "die" to be resurrected/born/birthed into the new (NEW Earth). This birth is literal and metaphoric.... we are babies, confused at this new world that's blurry and fuzzy, then children, pure hearted and playing, teenagers trying to figure out how to manage out there, then time to grow up, go out and be in-service, then Gods/Galactics/Guides... transforming all and commanding realities through Light. We have to re-learn how to do everything, from a PURE STATE... no distortions of the old human mind anymore, our templates are continually upgraded along the way until the "biggie" comes where our original template is restored..... this after the process of purification where we work through all of our human'ness of lack, fear, weakness... We learn as humans, while remembering as multi-dimensional beings, and all of these "aspects and versions" become visible and activate inside of us.... as our heart opens and the old stuff falls away. Integrating all of this inside is a huge task, one that takes dedictation from us... in every moment. Balancing is an art as all attachment goes, all safety mechanisms go, all beliefs go... What emerges instead are purposes... many of them and they change in every moment as we do, as we evolve as vibrational beings here. Love emerges and being a light.... Our entire existence is completely transformed, inside and outside, for they are the same. Yet to the human, change is not easy... yet hanging on is not an option here.... everything of the old lower consciousness bandwidth goes.... We have to learn to walk again, in multiple dimensions, and be present in every moment so we can see what reality we are in.... for our responses are according to the vibrations present... these tell us/show us what we are to do. We learn to live vibrationally.... and vibrations change in every moment here... realities do this too. Nothing is fixed... we don't need it to be... as that was too limiting... it was human and goes against our natural way of being.... We learn to speak in new ways, in light. Open communication is required to keep flow, and where all is in-sync, words are no longer required, for all are on the same wavelength.... in the same bandwidth ... Light carries thoughts and all is visible here... In these higher frequencies ON NEW EARTH, all is visible, nothing is hidden... there's nothing to hide, we don't try, there's no reason. Yet when another "tries to hide" it's blatant.. for discordant frequencies are blatantly loud and visible here.... Human aspects are fully visible and depleting and our energy is too important to compromise anymore. This is a place where all come together as love, and anything less is addressed for what is allowed and what is not. Boundaries are required for the human that has not REMEMBERED full honor and integrity to/as all. NEW EARTH is all IN-SERVICE..... in every moment, just by being love.... just by being light.... by being PURE at all times. Learning to walk in the new is a challenge, for there is no footing laid out in advance for the human. For us, it's laid out as we step and then the GOLDEN PATH/ROAD lights up and we just walk the path as light. We occupy spaces as energy, flowing and moving from one to another... WE BUILD FOUNDATIONS AS LOVE and all who are ready come forth to support and be a part, to share, to contribute, to be in-service too.... We have grown up into GODS, powerful and fully responsible for our worlds. Our worlds expanded into Universes, providing alternate realities in every moment... Here all transpires according to how it's always been written, always be waiting, already been created... and we step into realities from within. We maintain honor, integrity, love and keep fulfilling purposes from within, we keep our realities in alignment and synchronize to new ones as vibrations raise higher in every moment. Something occurs? Deal with it... right then. No lingering, no holding on...These frequencies do not allow for playing in the old vibrations anymore. These realities ARE INSTANT.... Anchoring multiple dimensions inside of us means we function as the UNIVERSE again here. We have "states of being".... sleepy, groggy and clear.... we shut down for upgrades or are being powered up... and as we reach full power we take off... literally... we float, fly and skyrocket... WE Quantum Travel through timelines and realities FAST..... Realities change physically, in the moment, in the blink of an eye and while we sleep. All is different, anew, in every moment. WE expect things to be different, for things to appear and disappear, for materialization of things and dematerialization of others... There are times we are invisible and can't be seen. Things shimmer in and out of the physical realities that were once fixed ones... Our physical body upgrades in light, in crystals/crystalline, and totally transforms from inside. We glitter, sparkle, glow and now we've moved further into shapeshifting, holographing re-imaging and new visibility to see what was hidden vibrationally and awaiting to become visible physically.... Our physical structures and systems completely re-work themselves... Bizarre is an understatement for what the physical body does to restore natural evolution and to get our physical body to wake up, for it too was dormant, asleep and HOW IT WAKES UP does not conform to anything of human perception. This light energy runs through the physical body, transforming all from dense carbon to higher crystalline light. Mass and matter actually change form, organs purify and cleanse and no longer function the way they once did, for how our bodies actually function in these higher frequency bandwidths is much different than the old human bodies did. We don't hold the separation anymore, so the dense matter goes and is replaced with open space. Our cells and particle matter charges in photonic light, our systems come online in weird ways. Star particles zap and itch under the skin. Pricklies all over like bug bites. Crystals activate under the skin, in the joints, bones, bloodstream, eyes, hands, feet and these are painful when this occurs. We produce our own water, we breathe differently and our whole body is utilized to process everything fully. No longer bound to the physical structure, it upgrades itself and lets us know when it needs attention and more self-care, nurturing love. It supports us when we need it and it doesn't rule our world anymore. Physical pain is just an upgrade and we know transformation is occurring inside, so we honor this very important process. The crystalline structure inside of us is what allows us to walk in multiple dimensions (and universes) here. It's what transmits the hologram out there and gives us the ability here to transmit our own program intentionally from within. It tells us what to feed it for fuel, for sometimes it's live and sometimes it's sugar, as each upgrade needs something different. Physical pain is an old program leaving and genetic modification to our structure to bring us back to our abilities to function as we forgot when we entered the realms of amnesia and as we emerge in light, our KNOWLEDGE RETURNS and our abilities do too. All is held and disbursed in our own light that activates inside and "begs" to be held within us. Our old human bodies must break down, dis-integrate and decay, while simultaneosly our new Crystalline LightBody comes online. One is taken offline, while the other comes alive. Living Bio-Organisms, our muscles must completely relax, our bone density changes and becomes bendable, breathing, as do our teeth... There are a gazillion vortexes inside of us. In the beginning it's just 7 Chakras, then more, as our Crystalline DNA is activated through expanding our own consciousness and opening our hearts. Then every particle and cell has it's own vortex. Every cell breathes. All communicates simultaneously inside as the slow processing of human thoughts goes too. The heart acts instantly, without the delays, bypassing the barriers between the dimensions. The barriers were inside of us, located throughout our entire body and processed/transmitted through our slow human mind. This delay is gone... therefore the delay in manifestation/materialization is too. We do not separate off into human here. We merge those aspects into us and we walk as the Advanced NEW Earth HUman here. WE are PURE LIGHT BEINGS in a physical body that continually upgrades now, and with great ease, for there is no sickness or pain here. A new "adjustment" might be uncomfortable for a bit, but it moves out quickly and we realize the "extraction of the old realities" from our bones and teeth are a part of the process as well. The body becomes pliable and pourus, breathing with NEW Earth Ship Gaia and all Universes as one here. No more separation, we hear the entire Universe and all in frequencies again. As human thoughts decrease, light frequencies become louder, the sun, the stars, space... all becomes audible inside.... Solar flares, crystalline blasts, lasers, wavelengths, this is how we hear here. Silence carries the frequencies. The only distortion is humans/human thoughts/actions... and these are intolerable here. We do not compromise for the human anymore. WE make all visible, open portals, doorways and amp up the light and allow all to make their own choices of what UNIVERSE/Dimension they want to live in.... The Universes are extreme polar opposites. One continues into further imminent collapse, while NEW Earth continues to become more awesome, amazing, brilliant and materializing exquisiteness in every moment. For every catastrophic, horrible, devastating molecular breakdown of the old there is an equally more magical revelation that occurs here. Mass awakenings require mass occurrences to wake all up. And this happens in every way. Mass confusion, mass heart-openings, mass death as the souls that chose not to complete this phase continue to exist their body forms and go on to BE HOME without the struggle anymore. The human aspect cannot understand or see the reasons in all. Everything is a gift, has a purpose and occurs exactly as it was pre-determined, yet the human aspect doesn't realize that in presence their actions and choices dictate how the journey goes for them. This is why we "work" to get everyone present, focused, aware.... This is why we share knowledge, for in present moment, all become CREATORS again. SOURCE ENERGY returns with each activation, integration, alignment. Sleep is required to wake up from the illusions of the old into the awesome illusion of the new. It's called anchoring multiple dimensions (the lucid dream) here in the physical. It's called embodiment of all realms here into light again. It's called many things.... for all things are the same... WE separate them to see them and then merge them back into one again. The next moment is created from this one. The unconscious human experiences "karma", which is just the Universal response of a vibration transmitted from within. It's the REACTION to our actions to get our attention to wake up, so that we start to act from intention so that our entire UNIVERSE/REALITIES can start to work FOR US, to bring forth the dream, to RESTORE US TO OUR BIRTHRIGHTS ... and realities that are PURE LOVE AND LIGHT here. Karma goes... other lifetimes go... they were human words to describe our own separation we held vibrationally inside. Timelines collapse as we JUMP and hold the higher light vibrations in our physical body structure/vessel..... Our field of consciousness used to be nil, no existent, as a human. As we hold light, our consciousness expands and we start to span across all dimensions from our physical one here. As we charge our energy and "grow"/expand our field, as we hold our own vibration, as we expand it out, reverse the field spin of all that was human within us.... as we HOLD THE LIGHT... we become SUPER CONSCIOUS and our field spans across all dimensions again. As we allow all of the old distortions to fall away, NEW EMERGES in every direction.... Our field is our LIGHT SHIP and it's powered by us. Our light, our love, our purity.... Everything is activated for us, by us... intentionally.... Our physical body charges up, our cells move, our energy moves, constantly.... In order to do this, we must continually pull away, shut everything out that we allowed to interfere. WE have to make choices, we have to DO something and we have to say NO to the old programs and all that represents this for us here. WE are NEW EARTH PROGRAMMERS, WE are the Light Pillars, the CRYSTAL(LINE) GRID KEEPERS and so much more. In essence, we have died, in every way... and we walk LUMINESCENT NOW. WE are WALKING SPIRIT/SOULS.... WE ARE THE LIGHT BEINGS.... We are visible in certain bandwidths and in others we are not. Our images change, our bodies do too, according to the frequencies present at that time. As we continue these higher light frequencies, more will become visible, more will transpire and the limits of the old will continue to cease to exist. Minds and hearts completely open loves, for you/we ain't seen nothing yet. It continues to become more exquisite, more amazing, more awesome. Keep stretching your minds to see & believe that which your human wasn't ready for before, but is now.... WE do not have limits or barriers, these were inside. And when you live inside all the time, these cease to exist out there. Heart open, details don't matter, no one cares about the old stories and focus is on love, expansion and what we are creating/bringing forth together as one here. WE honor all, yet we do not tolerate the old anymore. WE do have to stand up and say no, for as we do, we don't have to do this anymore.... It only occurs when an old program comes around.... and a portal to a higher dimensional bandwidth reality is waiting to open up! Keep your realities in alignment. The moment something occurs that needs your attention, deal with it and get back to creating again. Action is required in these new realities. We don't sit around anymore...that was human. We sleep, upgrade, integrate and produce... Our energy grows so that we can USE IT TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE NOW. Step up... you/we are all WayShowers. Come together and let all of the old stuff go. You don't need it. We don't live there anymore. Technically we never did, we just borrowed that for our experience that we chose... when we are done, we give it back. We move on... we come back... WE are HOME. ♥ It's just the BEGINNING loves... REMEMBER... Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼ WayShower, Author, Light Being, Embodiment Guide, Transformational Speaker Aloha dear awesome amazing beautiful exquisite family of LIGHT and ever expanding brilliant and pure LOVE! ANOTHER SUPER ENERGETIC night and day as we continue rotating the "type" of frequencies (Light) activations, depending on what is to occur. Some are many at one time that activate everything while others separate and target specific areas and purification/cleansing "needs". When we "started" this journey, it was to get the heart open, as that is the very first thing that has to occur. Then it moved to the mind, then the physical body (while all are always occurring, there is a "process" of our evolution too.) Many do not understand how intricate the process is and how every moment, every particle, every breathe is a part of Awakening, Remembering, Ascension and our Evolution BACK into who we are.... WE return to purity, WE return to love, WE return to being consciousness, WE return and WE evolve.... WE fell from consciousness, we went to sleep, we took on the human body we needed to do our perfect journey/experience here.... We came here with certain programming that needed to play. Everything we "gathered" as humans was to re-in-force the frequencies we held deep within our own soul into beliefs, experiences, mentalities... all had to be "formed". The physical body was also suppressed, as was the heart, all was walled up in our own special way, hidden deep deep deep inside. On the outside and to ourselves, we were happy, we thought (or maybe not), then it's "time to wake up" and come alive.... It's time to REMEMBER and start to let it all go.... Yet, we ingrained ourselves so deeply in the human experience, that we don't know how. We know survival, protection and just getting by. As humans, we value the physical world things we worked so hard for, we are proud of the identities we created and as humans these often have to be "ripped" from us for us to "get it"/wake up. At our core, we are pure love.... yet for many the ability to BE this IN EVERY MOMENT is hidden beneath all of the other stuff. It's all that "other stuff" that has to come up and go. It's all that stuff that IS NOT US that has to show us who we truly are... much of the time by the "loss" of it... for that's the only thing that gets our attention, gets our heart open.... and can override our stubborn mind. It's the stubbornness that causes our own suffering, and this is what has to go. For many, the heart will literally burst, blow, explode open for it's been shut down for so long. The ability to connect with others through purity, compassion, kindness, consideration, respect, honor, truth.... it comes from us holding this ability inside. Where it is not our natural way of being, then we programmed ourselves for certain things to occur. The code: Whatever it takes for the heart to open, mind open, body to relax and for the higher self aspects be handed the reins to "run the show". The key: Love ... Total commitment to self and the Embodiment of Light ... Focused energy in every moment and no more fight/protection mechanisms The purpose: To be in-service and to BE the Light, fully, without anything else in the way or more important dedication to transforming humanity with everything that we are.... Becoming ONE Consciousness = WE ... no longer separate little humans out for the individual self. The physical body stored our compromise of our own soul, lack of honor, lack of integrity... LACK OF LOVE... It has been coming alive, online and has a consiousness of it's own. It "fights back" when it needs to be restored to the original template and activate the LightBody and Crystalline DNA/Structure to move into the higher realms/other dimensions and more. When it's time for ALL OF THIS TO OCCUR, the human's reality will start going sideways and things will start to go. UNLESS the heart can open and one can CHOOSE IN EVERY MOMENT instead of being FORCED. The higher self aspects, other dimensional Light Versions, need to walk inside the body, need to integrate as one. The human Ascends, the Higher Selves descend and all UNIFY AS ONE. This process, and it is an entire process, that occurs over the SEPARATION OF TIME. Yet, in these higher frequencies, it speeds up, for everything is FAST and INSTANT ... no delay to "wait for the human mind" to "think it out", rationalize, make excuses, suppress/avoid anymore. The physical body NEEDS TO UPGRADE to hold all of this light. The light activates INSIDE YOUR BODY, this activates your LightBody which in turn activates your new Crystalline DNA/Structure, which is when the weird stuff starts. This is where multiple dimensions open up and anchoring light relaxes the Quantum Field and things get bizarre. This is where it becomes psychadelic and we start to "see" more. This is where the Lucid Dreamy state starts to anchor in the physical world. Experiencing multiple dimensions makes us question our sanity, which is the point. The mind has to continually be stretched and every belief we once had must be heard, challenged inside and released if it's not in alignment with LOVE, with our NEW truth... which changes in every moment here, according to the frequencies present and the versions of realities, versions of us, versions of others present all in one space at the same time. The versions change in every second and we adapt by letting go and allowing all to transpire for us here and we STAND IN HONOR AND LOVE. WE do not compromise anymore. As we do this, things get easier... AS CREATORS, WE did this, so WE have the ability to change it all. Transmute it, transform it, transcend it.... ALL FROM INSIDE.... through our hearts. When one asks why something is happening in their physical reality world, there are many answers... all boil down to what is in-alignment with OUR NEW EARTH EXISTENCE and what is not. No more suppression, no more avoiding, no more lack of love, honor, respect. It's all coming up to be visible, it's our JOB to see it, not judge it, see it for the purpose that it serves. To bring us all BACK to PURE LOVE and to let all that old stuff, old programs, old illusion, old mentalities, old old old ... let it go. BE done with it... which is a requirement too. WE have to be done, WE have to say NO, WE have to STOP ALLOWING, SUPPORTING, DOING the old ways ... WE HAVE TO CHOOSE, COMMIT AND DO EVERYTHING WITH INTENTION from within. WE have to STEP into the higher vibration with every part of us, not just a little part at a time..... Getting by was human. That does not work here. Part of the upgrades is the heart bursting open, electricity/jolts running through the body, the brain exploding... and many bizarre things that make absolutely no sense to the old consciousness human.... Part of the upgrades is the heart bursting open, electricity/jolts running through the body, the brain exploding... and many bizarre things that make absolutely no sense to the old consciousness human.... side is rapidly upgrading in light, crystalline, organically, aquatically, as a star, the entire universe and more.... All have to let go of judgement and the need to hold on. This process will challenge every aspect and particle of who you "think" you are. The huma.n will have ideas and expectations of how they envisioned their life. This doesnt even come close... so the more the human "wants it their way", the more things have to occur to "show" the human "how it goes", which is it doesn't have control anymore. It ran the show, it screwed it up, it was selfish and lived in lack. It didn't know how to BE ONE with everything, to care, to love, to unify.... it WAS SEPARATION... The human aspect merges inside and the parts of us that were awesome get to stay. Our special nuances, our cute quirks, our playful fun... that emerges purely, as a part of our NEW Earth Versions, along with magic, brilliance and a strength that is beautifully pure as a part of the LOVE that we are. There is a divine strength that was hidden in there too. That emerges instead of the old one that separated us from ourselves and all. The HEART will continually be blasted open until blasts are not required, then softness of gratitude and appreciation open it up, beauty opens it up, connection with/as all opens it up... no more "need" for harsh anymore. The same with the mind... the more closed, the more has to occur, which is why we stretch our minds continually ourselves... as we do all unifies as one at a higher frequency..... Unification = Christed Consciousness... then we move into God & Galactic Consciousness, which is powerfully strong and all is family, all is pure, all is light.... all is love... all is ONE... ENERGY ... As the magnificent Light BEings we GET THINGS DONE. WE walk in every dimension and we do leave the old ones behind. Those frequencies are no longer a part of our make-up and our original template is restored. Abilities are returned as a part of who we are ad above all, WE SHARE.... WE are light, WE radiate, WE emit... from every cell, every fiber, every breath... In order to become WHO WE TRULY ARE, we have to let go of who we are not. In order to BE powerful again, we have to take our power back. In order to REMEMBER, WE have to open our heart. In order to BE LIGHT, WE have to make the journey of EMBODIMENT and INTEGRATION our priority... or... something will "occur" that WE programmed for our lower consciousness reality to get our attention and "force" us into the higher realms. The human aspect does not like to be "told what to do", not even by it's higher self aspects, which is us/them. It doesn't realize that this guidance is looking out for them and trying to assist them in becoming truly abundant beings of magnificence and WOW POWERFUL again.... The human aspect fights itself... and keeps itself from all that it's desired and what it came here for, yet is not aware of yet..... These continual LIGHT ACTIVATIONS will not be easing up. They will continue to increase, because we came here for this... this is our journey into/as the Light. This Light is US and it's way past "time". All are here for Embodiment .... As all hold light, it becomes awesome, fun and amazing and beyond anything one can "dream". It does get easy and there is no more suffering, lack or separation... There are multiple UNIVERSES open now for all to step into/as.... The ease of the process is how much one embraces and makes this entire process a priority and NEW WAY OF EXISTENCE.... I love you. Have an amazing day. I'll update in awhile. Lots of Light Work to do! ♥ Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼ Light BEing Embodiment, Author, Transformational Speaker, Guide You will always have to step up and out of your comfort zone, for where there is hesitation and fear, this is an old program that kept you from being your TRUE DIVINE SELF and sharing yourself, your gifts and you as love with the entire world and being in-service here.
Comfort zones are a that you are judging yourself and allowing something to get in your way. Something of lack, something of avoiding... there is no avoiding anything here. Holding back is a human program... As Light BEings, we are not "little people" anymore... limited humans that believed that outside world out there. WE see the roles we are here to fulfill, yet where we are still human inside, we will hold back... WE are REQUIRED to go inside and find our inspiration, our drive, our power... and grab our INITIATIVE and go git'r'done. Our higher self aspects wait for us to step up and as we do, as we PROVE we are serious, opportUNITIES and GIFTS to support us start to come forth. Our desire must be stronger than our fear.... our heart more open than our closed mind... our Light more important than the old "dark" realities that represented where we were separated and small inside. WE not only DESERVE more... we have to allow it to come. We have to FEEL it inside though, know it and call it forth, while getting our butts busy to do what we are shown. What we are here to DO, will not look like anything we thought. WE have to get over ourselves in order to put "being in-service" to the entire Universe (and beyond) first. Now, in order to do this, we must "learn" to love ourselves, pamper ourselves, nurture and care for ourselves more. We have to take time for us and pull away and sleep a ridiculous amount in order to connect to the other dimensions so that we can bring them forth in our own physical reality here. When we do this, things get weird, goes bizarre, psychadelic and we lose physical strength. Photonic Light activates inside of us and this will shut us down in a heart-beat.... Our job is to HONOR the journey, which means honoring us so that we can honor all. All of our lack will come up.... we are not to judge it, we are to see it and not believe it anymore. Old programs held as energy inside, start to release really fast. We get to jump timelines in our sleep, but first we must choose... make a choice. That choice is to honor the journey and to dedicate everything we have to our own Awakening and Ascension Journey here. It is for us to bring our Higher Self Aspects from within us, no longer "floating around out there". This journey is one of EMBODIMENT, where we let go of everything not in-alignment with love and light. For everything WE HOLD ONTO, that we resist, takes up VALUABLE SPACE in our own REALITY that blocks pure love and unlimited abundance to come forth. As we put us first, as we take quiet time to ourselves, as we get out in nature, sleep and connect inside, our body starts to upgrade in light. Love for ourselves will activate our LightBody... gratitude a feeling we hold at all times. The moment we shift out of gratitude, we shift to human and the old programs start to play again to show us where we have forgotten why we are here. In the beginning, we don't understand, but deep inside there is a yearning that is so strong it overtakes us. This is our soul waking up and nothing will be the same again once this starts. As our inner guide tries to speak, we find there are two of us and we get confused. Wait until multi-dimensionality starts, as confusion is an understatement, yet we did not come here to make sense of that outside world anymore, we came here to completely re-create it and ourselves, from the inside out. We came to let go of everything we once knew, other than that which was deep inside of us that never conformed to "out there". We start to find that everything is opposite/backwards and what we thought was wrong with us end up being our greatest gifts. We start to speak out, where we were silent. We start to FEEL we were shut down. We start to express ourselves, share our selves, no more hiding. We start to see how judgement is wrapped around everything... Living in the boxes, shutting down and being silent... no longer options anymore. Yet it's scary to "come out" and show who we are, for out there judges so harshly... then we start to realize that we are the ones with the judgment and they are just a huge mirror for us... WE start to use the outside world to see, instead of focusing on it as a distraction anymore. Every exchange has a purpose and letting go of WHO WE ARE NOT becomes a whole lot easier... Our LightBody and Merkaba start to activate, and talk about weird! Ascension is awesome, bizarre and where the physical stuff kicks in, is scary until we understand (listen) to what's truly going on. That energy running through my body, the heating up, losing consciousness, sugar dropping, physical pain and everything going haywire... wow... that's how it sometimes works? Seriously? How weird is this reality!!! Yep... letting go of everything we held onto, as it represented an Old Earth where we don't live anymore. Our human aspect has fear, for it cannot see that higher versions of realities are waiting to come forth. Fear is the first sign that a portal awaits us.... and we open the portal by stepping into the fear and crying the tears that blocked access to love, abundance, magic and magnificence.... Portals activate inside of us. We feel them open up and it's so cool! A feeling comes out of them and that feeling is what makes the portal bigger, so that the physical reality can materialize for us here. There are portals to absolutely everything! We start to walk in multiple dimensions and it's confusing as crap when we do. We don't desire what we used to, the excitement is gone and there are times we don't feel anything at all. This is okay though, for it means I have one foot in each world and as more of NEW Earth comes from within me, the easier it will get... I've just got to hang in there and keep letting go of anything "not awesome" that presents. I even have to say "NO" alot...which is not a part of what comes easy..... NO reverses a reality really fast and it builds my own POWER here.... pulling away does too..... for me to regroup and connect inside again.... For awhile we don't know how to function, how things can work out when all we want to do is sleep. We worry about these bizarre things going on with/inside our bodies , yet we know deep inside, under the false fear that it is okay, especially when it does not make sense.... The physical body transforming, upgrading and evolving is a beyond bizarre experience for sure. Star particles activating under the skin, crystals too... and in the joints, swelling, heat, pain... the head/jaw/teeth expanding... my heart continually bursting open and jeesh, are you kidding me with all of these tears? Where the hell do all of these come from? Seriously, oh and the anger, don't get me started on that..... Oh, really, those are programs? A release of energy... that's all? You have got to be kidding me! I held all of this in and now all I have to do is let it all go? OMG... what a friggin backwards trip this is... a sick joke at times that we played on ourselves... Along the way, love emerges, happy bursts through and the bliss and joy are beyond. Yes, this is what was buried deep beneath.... and it's just the beginning, for the entire universe and every reality one can imagine, all emerge too.... The key to activating and holding light is the commitment we make to ourselves. The commitment to the journey, and doing what it takes to turn everything around. It's our refusal to play in the old games of Old Earth and the Old Universe anymore. It's us recognizing what a program is and completely transforming all into light. It's us going inside and allowing US to EMERGE FULLY FROM WITHIN. It's us honoring the physical body upgrades that used to be called "sick" or "symptoms". It's us re-associating everything in our reality.... and no longer allowing the old stuff to enter in. It's us taking charge, finally, because WE ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT THING THERE IS.... THIS is how we are in service, we make LIGHT the only thing in our world... AS WE EMBODY LIGHT, ♥LOVE♥ POURS OUT OF US.... and we let the grief, pain, sadness (separation) go... we held on long enough. This stuff is leaving the body so our physical body can ascend and our soul/higher self aspects can descend and all can become one body NOW. Our evolution does not conform to the human mindset and if we try to fit it into those boxes, make sense of it with our heads, or listen to another human out there... we will get all confused and things can go sideways... INSIDE WE HOLD ALL WE NEED TO KNOW and where we need to, we use the outside world to show us what we already know. WE KNOW TRUTH when we FEEL IT in our whole body..... NEW Earth and Alternate Universes are available to each when they are ready to embrace. They are a commitment and require total dedication... and the human aspect will teeter todder back and forth. Too much of this will trigger "lessons" (experiences), so don't sit on the fence too long. Falling is not fun... as we like to fly here... It's our natural form... Walking in multiple dimensions and alternate realities is beyond exquisite as all let go of the judgements, fears, hesistation and safety mechanisms in the way. There is nothing "normal" to the human about walking in a gazillion different dimensions... Who cares? Humans don't live here with us.. WE are LIGHT BEINGS clearing out some human'ness from time to time... it's all just one big ole program.... WE can play in it or suffer to it... it's our chosen path... our openness or resistance determines how we experience.... So.... play in magic or hold on to the old??? Your choice will show you how human you still are. ♥ Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼ Author, WayShower, Light Embodiment & Empowerment Guide LIving on NEW Earth and in an Alternate Universe... Sharing for all who are ready to come through ∞ Aloha and Happy Full Blood Moon Eclipse day loves... the marker point for the BEGINNING of all. We have a huge day or two or three of Light Activations "scheduled", and it's been awhile since the last Gamma blasts... and we are already getting started NOW.
WE are "awaiting" the "MOTHERLOAD", if you will.... anxiously patiently excited to bring this forth from within us as SACRED LIGHT BEINGS to experience MORE in our physical world NOW ... Are you ready to USHER IN MORE NEW EARTH EXISTENCE NOW? The amount of light that has anchored in by all who have been working consciously to BE the NEW... it is beyond becoming visible and physical realities have dramatically started to change.... in the most beautiful and surprising ways.... as this is how it works.... All the releasing of density, all the letting go, all the transformation, all of the embracing, sleeping to integrate, all of the hearts being busted open, all of that physical world stuff leaving... open portals and spaces for NEW TO COME THROUGH, while simultaneously all WALKED THROUGH... this is HOW multiple dimensions merge together as one. The last few days have been subtly pristine, each moment more beautiful than the one before. This continues for all embracing. We now enter the phase that all have worked so hard for... THE BEGINNING of "no limits", where the barriers between dimensions dissolves faster than ever before. The barriers was our human'ness... the experience we all came here for... now we've finally reached the "turning point"... where we get to further WALK IN THE BEYOND. Where ALTERNATE REALITIES become physically real "faster"... More and more and more.... this is what we all want more of... Higher Light Realities that obliterate the old realities "faster" than ever before. As hearts are opened continually more, the old "threats" continue to dissolve. The old physical realities held in place by SEPARATION CONSCIOUSNESS, now also fall away, as TRANSFORMATION now becomes more visible for those looking for, expecting, creating and and being this... There are still many who are deadset on holding on and looking for the "worst" in everything that goes on. We ALL get what we are LOOKING for, yet it's very visible that they are creating this into reality more and it takes more work to do so when the DOMINANT FREQUENCY IS LIGHT. Surrendering the fight will get easier, relinquishing the need to point the finger and the desire will diminish to continue the suffering created by the separation held within. This is what has occurred. Light has become DOMINANT NOW. Light connects us all again as love... and holds the CRYSTALLINE LIGHT gridwork in place for all to safely link up. For the human seeks safe... WE HAVE "CREATED" THE SAFE PLACE to DO THIS.... for "CREATION" is by way of DOING and BEING... It's now SAFE to let go... safe to hope for more, safe to believe in more, safe to expect and desire more, safe to bring the walls around the hearts down, SAFE to let go, safe to stop protecting, safe to stop resisting, safe to RELAX, safe to expand our energy, safe to connect as love, safe to FEEL and to BE our true selves... IT'S NOW SAFE... which is what the human aspect needs.... So, get ready to WALK IN ANEW in every moment.. where LIGHT illuminates your path as you do. Get ready to experience MORE awesomeness, more of those "gifts" that you've held deep inside of you. These frequencies make all visible that was hidden and activate that which was buried deep within. All of our "work" to MAKE ALL VISIBLE.... NOW IS WHEN IT FINALLY BECOMES MORE VISIBLE TO ALL.... We started a bit ago with a teeny weeny tiny Gamma Activation, heated all up, then switched to Solar Photonic AirWaves.... our LIGHT PARTICLE and CELLS are charging up... starting to move... ARE YOU READY LOVES? :) I'l write updates where I can as we go.... and share some of what's come through recently that I've not yet been able to write and share. Holding all AS love, as light, as the beautiful magnificence that WE ALL ARE, the gridwork is online and ready for A HUGE UPGRADE.... OPEN UP FULLY IN EVERY MOMENT... There's no need to close off, shut down or "go back" anymore... that was the old human existence... WE COMPLETED THAT CYCLE.. WE ARE DONE... ♥ I love you immensely and from what used to be from so far beyond this PLACE .... yet is HERE NOW... It's us all connected again as one. ♦ ♦ ♦ Frequencies now shifting to rainbow, diamond, gold, silver, and the "new" EMERALD CITY activations with variations of vibrance Emerald Green, Ruby Red, Blue Sapphire, Fuschia/Magenta Pink, Royal Purple CRYSTALLINE and more... HAPPY NEW EVERYTHING NOW. ☼ 8am post... I am sharing that which I experience and see... which right now is a wide array of absolutely everything (this is typical each gamma/crystalline activation we have, yay!!!). My posts will be all over the place... as all over the place means sharing the vastness in pieces and parts... yet this one will display a teeny weeny bit of how my "brain" functions.... all simultaneously... having to separate all of the thoughts out to see it all to comprehend it and then put it into words that create a picture of what is going on with us all as we upgrade and evolve in light... There is so much that I do not get to share, because there is so much.
I love to ramble, as it allows me to hop around easier... and makes sense to those who already get it or are ready to .... Every sharing is an activation itself. ☼ I awoke to writing of embodiment... then breaking down "em-body"... to see the separation of the word and the many correlations, which then go off into a trail of unfolding knowledge that spans across all planes as one. E M Body to jump to Energy Mass Body to jump to E=mc2 ... and all of the variations of how this applies... Carbon = Atomic structure of 6C to jump to Crystalline Structures and how we are "formed" then to structural integrity, molecular restructuring and particle realignment... Seeing our genetic make-up, bones, organs, systems and more... to nuclear physics to biogenetics to pulsar emissions to x-flares further activating our x-codes to cellular organisms, pods, transmutation... to anamorphosis... to Polymorphism to the words that our "homing devices" have been activated... to seeing the portals and vortexes for "new" 2-way communication between universes to be linked up... to seeing how the body is taking all that is within it, intelligently taking what it needs and discarding the rest... to observing our cellular structures being reworked to allow for the most intelligent existence ever.... while observing that the opposite meaning for everything occurs in the lower frequency bandwidth reality realms ... that everything is an oxymoron... where here Genetic Modification means US now ... evolving in light... where we emit radioactive bio-plasmic light from our cells as a natural part of our upgrades in the activation of our own photonic light... where our body continually "breathes" now on it's own, each cell, our bones, our teeth and more... where our bodies were dormant and continually come alive and online as more light energy runs through it.... where our crystalline structure mists and our body produces beads of water like a plant... where our LightShip activates and our cells emit air... as we prepare to "take off" .... while awaiting for the moment where we can participate in the "where" and "when" through our own waking state, honoring what occurs beyond our own human physical understanding and ability to yet see "everything" as it occurs... to jump to Crystalline Sucrose and how our body needs what makes no sense to the human and how our evolution as living crystal organism transcends that which is even possible in the physical... then to GMO's to quickly research that was altered in foods to see how it all works with our own organic carbon to crystalline genetic modification through light upgrades since the Crystalline LightBody activates full-blown with the 2012 gateway... Now, this has been occurring our entire existence, yet we were not able to physically sustain until the last few years.... when our evolution had the "lid blown off" in the most awesome ways... Particles charging in photonic light to then activate actual physical crystals inside our physical body as our Crystalline LightBody continually activates.... activating in our blood, organs, muscles, bones as our cells and particles go nuclear and atomic as we radiate, shimmer and glow... How our quantum photonic cells allow us to cross multi-dimensions (and now universes) all at one time here. Yes, we are STAR BEINGS here... How our genetic make-up now is altering itself according to LIGHT INTELLIGENCE activated with every X-Flare, every PULSAR, every Gamma Ray activation and the continual alternating crystal light frequencies.... to the StarGate Activation back in May/June for Earth 3 to open up.... an anti-matter universe allowing us to move beyond the old limits held in place... the holding station that brings us fast-forward to this now... To "dopplegangers" being activated within one physical plane... the splitting of our cells ... the observance and experience of our energy "depleting" to be "shared" between more than one physical structure.... we are continually moving between the separation of realities... and our awareness of the form we held attachment to changes... releasing attachment to any mental constructs at all... We are aware that we are moving beyond being bound to one physical structure at all ... and that our consciousness is reaching a place where we can actually comprehend moving physical locations without it blowing our mind... every day has been preparing us for this (and so very much more). For every moment we are "appearing, disappearing and re-appearing" in multiple realities all at the same time... where the physical one is "just a bit off" from the one the moment before.... The mind-altering adjustments that continually occur as we become more multi-dimensional... first with the peaked interest in the "beyond" (meta-physical)... to then seeing between the frames... (the spaces not otherwise visible between dimensions)... for multiple frames becoming visible all at once... There is a point of the journey where DMT is released within the brain to allow for the psychedelic experience to occur as one walks in multiple dimensions all at once. This occurs more as the human relaxes and allows for the lucid dream state to merge into this one here... and ceases as one emerges in the higher realms where all things are magical and easy again.... How the crystalline structure allows for us to activate with higher light frequencies, coming more online than we were before. Our connectedness as one, one consciousness and the gridwork that connects us all. How our DNA is quickly replicating and our structure is evolving Quantum Style. How our consciousness is able to move freely, no longer bound by the physical reality and we continue to jump at warp speeds. How alternate realities are constantly opening up and merging here, activated by our own altering of perceptions beyond the distortions of the old human programs that now continually clear at an exponential rate through mass collaboration..... Cause and affect.... One starts to understand how their thoughts, actions, intentions all affect every dimension from this one right here... and the more conscious, present and intentional the action is, the more one can affect the other dimensions at-will. We've been JUMPING in the physical these last months, where the physical world is actually changing and rearranging momentarily... where one moment the actual physical reality is one way, then it changes, instantly... things appearing, disappearing, while it's now, we are... yet all are simultaneously.... The density of the holographic illusion is continually dissolving simultaneously a light illusion ... and the physical reality changes/materializes as fast as your brain can comprehend fully what is going on. This is why it's so important to stretch your mind in every moment, relax your body fully, sleep to upgrade/integrate and anchor all within you for embodiment of higher light frequencies here. The physical reality is as affixed as you are, it glimmers and shimmers as you do... it's as transparent and see-through as you are... The physical reality is a RESPONSE... and as all WALK IN HIGHER FREQUENCY BANDWIDTHS... the "faster" all adjusts, tweaks and tunes... Realities continually alternating between frequency fluctuations... and all just "stopping off" to re-tune their program to the higher density plane .... While the human aspect "thinks" their world is changing, it's just a tuning of frequencies to a higher light "channel"/bandwidth so that the visible hologram can change. As the human mind comes to comprehend what is truly happening, the physical reality is allowed to reshape faster.... the play changes faster.. the hologram adjusts/responds faster with a physical world reality response. For light is instant... the delay is human... As all RETURN TO LOVE, they also RETURN to the LIGHT... simultaneously transmitting their own holographic reality, that each designed perfectly for them. This is where the fun part starts, as MASTERING ENERGY, means Mastering FREQUENCY TRANSMISSIONS, and in-turn, Mastering the Hologram.... Our original template restored, the distortions now fall completely away. That which kept us from REMEMBERING goes... finally.... How to do all of this becomes our NATURAL STATE OF BEING... our ABILITIES RETURNED... no longer separated from the LIGHT that gave us these capabilities we sought as humans to achieve... Achieving here is being... BEING what we had forgotten and buried deep within our own selves. Hidden in encodements that laid dormant until we reached these frequencies this year and now.... as we've been evolving at an exponential rate which now reaches the precipice... Where all we must do is allow every cell, particle and fiber of our being to FILL WITH LOVE AND LIGHT. Tears of RETURNING are a daily thing lately... quiet gratitude of what we left long ago. Our journey of separation gone... we bid it adieux... with love ... ♥ IT IS TIME... sweet Family of Light... it is time to move beyond. It is time to truly let it all go... for all that has occurred here no longer's not a part of who we are or what we are here NOW to DO. Embrace your essence, the journey and what is available in every moment. For BEYOND EXQUISITE and mind-blowing is an understatement.... Get ready to let go more... get ready to WALK AS LIGHT MORE. Get ready for all that you have desired and for more than your human mind can comprehend.... Get ready... for it's already occurred. NOW WE HOLD THE VIBRATION TO STEP INTO THAT EXISTENCE HERE. ♥ I'll share on the Energy Activations and Updates as we go.... I keep seeing 3 Days of Light and pulses... with much more thrown into the mix... We shall know as we experience it loves. This is how it works for us here. I love you! ♥ Lisa Transcendence Brown Light Being Embodiment and Multi-Dimensional Mastery Okay loves, IT has begun... Whatever you identify with for this period, we've entered into HUGE LIGHT UPGRADES that are bombarding the physical body, so that all can physically be moved into higher frequency bandwidths (the Higher Realms, more expanded dimensions, alternate Universes, wherever you are for you). These crystalline blasts are to target anything old, anything of a lower vibration. These are purification frequencies huge. Whole body detox, cleansing and working through every organ, every muscle. I personally have not experienced anything this strong all at once for years. Tells me to get ready and just to go get in my vortex in my bed and go as intense as I can handle for faster integration and embodiment here. I had pretty much cleared my calendar for the week. Everytime I feel to do this, it's important. Where one is out and busy, walking around, in the physical dimension that is "lower", it's not as noticeable. In our own VORTEX/LIGHT SHIP space it's much more amplified, as we are in all dimensions at one time here. I like it amplified, full blown and fast.... Lower body may dump, whole "column" up the body, vortexes.... nausea, vomiting to get the upper realms cleared, fever, mucus, muscles .... This feels like the "worst flu" and everything else thrown in I've ever experienced. Yet it only lasted an hour, and while it's intense, it's not. It's all okay. It's a physical body release and upgrade that we've waited for for a long time. It moves through the body faster when we honor it and even now, it starts to switch to other things activating. Cells charging and starting to move about. The back/spine/shoulders.... The front and back of the spine, our Light Column/Pillar of Light... getting upgraded huge.... FLU = Frequency Light Upgrades HEATING UP = Expansion of Consciousness and burning off old residue programs. Cooling down is another part where we go to freezing too. SUGAR DROPPING = The body needs sugar to process beyond what the human mind understands. MEMORY GOES, GRAVITY GOES.... all a part of physical ascension and changing dimensions. HEADACHE/MIGRAINE = Pineal gland and neural pathways opening, other parts of the brain going through remapping as consciousness expands... there's tons that goes on here... more "thinking", more it hurts... Teeth, Gums, Itching under skin... all a part of these upgrades.... There is so much more....and a multitude of higher realm explanations for what is "normal" for EVOLVING IN LIGHT. AMNESIA = Veils between the dimensional realms GRAVITY GOES = As you ascend to higher frequency dimension, as the heart opens, stays open and you fill up with photonic float.... literally. We are supposed to float and fly! Things leaving the body are the old programs. The bones the structures. The muscles, the gridwork... The organs and support parts are the systems..... All must hold light, crystals must activate in your body... The LightBody is upgrading and needs all our power to do this, so the physical body gets depleted as our power gets "re-worked" and how we function does too. Shutting down, just letting go and letting the upgrades occur.... my chosen way.... each will decide for them.... These are not symptoms... these are RESPONSES to LIGHT AFFECTS of your higher self existence coming from within your physical structure... this is what happens when all are moving into/as multi-dimensionality here. The body has to HOLD THIS LIGHT and all that is not light is cleared out. It was deeply ingrained in every fiber and particle of us..... Now, intentionally honoring the process allows us to embody faster here. The head region will come next. Right now it's moving to the whole chest wall (hearts)... and up.... Weak = Upgrades and your body need to lay, rest, relax, sleep.... Water where dehydrating as the crystals activate the kidneys, organs, lymphatic system, gut region ... Pay attention to your physical body as these crystals and light activate in your body while you are upgrading to these super high frequencies to leave the old behind. Honor you. There's no suffering here... there's understanding, honoring and moving through it with as much ease as is possible for the upgrade that you have been waiting for... we all have. ♥ I'll update where called, yet I'm pulling back this week to honor the process however it unfolds for me too. This part is easy when we do this. I love you and happy NEW BEGINNINGS in every moment! p.s When I can feel them, they are HUGE... I welcome it, love it, appreciate it. We EMERGE IN MAGNIFICENCE..... ☼ We are cycling through activations and frequencies fast.... Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼ Light BEing Embodiment Guide and Multi-Dimensional Master(y) p.s. I've written on this for years. It's spread across posts, books, telesummits, courses and more. ∞ So the light activations have moved up from the lower body (lower realms) to the mid-section (physical) to the upper body (higher realms) really fast.... We are now at the chest region and moving into the head.... ♥ The process will be slower the more physically human we still are. Out walking around and busy, it will come through the separation of time. In our Light Vortex it's instant and all at one time. We choose how we do this.... ♦ The intensity has lessened tons.... now it's just a process of BEing in it fully and allowing the upgrades to anchor into the physical body... then it will move into the outside world.... or vice verse, dependent on intentional participation or not. ♫ I love you! ∞ The speed of Light is instant and it spans all dimensions at one time. Delays do not exist. All occurs simultaneously in all spaces, for all spaces are one. Embodiment of Light as a Light BEing allows you to span all dimensions at one time as well. The physical body vessel that used to hold density and distortions has gone through a purification process of where these lower frequencies were held inside. These cosmic light frequencies activate the higher light frequencies inside of you, and as they do, the old frequencies begin to transmit any thoughts that operated at those frequencies to start to play, as well as the outside holographic illusion play (physical reality). Stepping back into your body and maintaining observation mode will allow you to hear & see your own program as it simultaneously plays out there. Role players in a role player game.... change your role, the game changes... These steady streams of pure source light, rainbow frequencies, diamond light codes, golden ray frequencies are continually activating your new encodements for you. Your job, role, mission, purposes are to embody them, hold them, inside of you at all times and honor integration, honor the moment, honor you and all life-forms simultaneously AS LOVE again. The fall from consciousness nears the "End of Times", end of an era... and the NEW further begins. WE've been working forever to reach this marker-point in time, which is just a vibration... many of them... frequency bandwidths that create physical realities through states of consciousness. The more conscious the more realities one has to choose from. The more light held in the physical structure, the more one can walk in all of these physical dimensions here. Light "bends" the old realities and obliterates the old structures held in place. Light activates life, causes all to come alive gain, online again... The physical body was dead, dormant... and as it awakens too, it comes alive as an organic living organism, breathing life through every particle and cell. Light reprograms, light transmits. All of these light frequencies you hold inside transmit that hologram out there. Your actions, your thoughts, your words, your entire body transmits... This much awaited "time" of the physical ascension of Gaia Earth into the 5th Dimension means exponential upgrades to the physical (body/world) to now match the frequencies of light that you all hold inside of you. That world out there that held density now upgrades exponentially into these new frequency bandwidths too. The density has been purging, transmuting and transforming and will continue this, yet the "speed of light" will now apply to it too. All have waited for this and now it is here... now all begins... How you experience will still be up to you. Your opening up your mind, keeping your heart & mind open, continually relaxing your mind/body so that BEING A PURE LIGHT BEING is your natural state here. In-service as Light is how you exist. Pure Divine Love, a powerful force, is who you are at your core. Energy, focused energy that emits and radiates out. From your entire existence, your Star-Light-Body fully activating your organic intelligent solar crystalline structure to further come online with this new higher light gridwork that comes online more with every intentional breathe from inside of you. The delay of the old frequencies were caused by your slow human mind and the frequency distortions that all held inside. Those distortions triggered by photonic light, make all visible so that the belief of them can be transcended instantly where one is present inside their body fully and transforming all into light. This intentional transformation allows for alternate realities to become visible so that one can actually affect the outcomes intentionally now. The power to affect the collective through continual transmissions without the distortions of the old, this is the NEW EARTH HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS GRIDWORK that you hold inside your body with your upgrades that occur in every moment now. You affect all in every moment by BEING A LIGHT BEING as your natural state. Where there used to be a "gap" between dimensions that was dictated by the frequency distortions you held in your human body and delayed by your human thinking mind, this "delay" is gone as you OPERATE AS A LIGHT BEING at all times now. The delay across dimensions was you. It was your own separation that you held. Your own physical density. As you unify your heart/mind/body as one ... streaming pure light frequencies, you hold/move through the dimensions as light forms now. Your physical body is the vessel you chose for your journey here. As you release your attachment and identification to any form at all, you will find that options open up to you as you travel more freely in all states now. What used to only be available in a closed-eyed state, continues to be visible in the open-eyed state, as the two cease to hold separation within you. Everything separated out there, every form you identify with is your separation and identification too. Observe from a more expanded space to see beyond form. You will find your abilities expand exponentially as you do. Gifts come as you see all as a gift. Abilities expand as your consciousness expands in light. All just a part of who you are and how you exist. All a very organic and natural evolution back into who you've always been. Remembering fully what you had forgotten. All visible as veils are removed. Your visibility and existence is up to you. Merging your human aspect into your higher self aspects allows for total integration into the light here. Pure natural form. Sacred simple playful pure existence again. ♥ You transmit and do and all arrives in response. The time delay diminishes with these new higher light frequencies now. The SACREDNESS of SIMPLICITY and PURITY through the EMBODIMENT of HIGHER LIGHT by Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼ Author, WayShower and Higher Light Embodiment Guide Shared from the Upcoming Book: "Galactic/God Consciousness: Our Evolution AS THE Advanced NEW Earth HUmans" ∞ ♥ ∞ ♥ ∞ ♥ AS Pure Divine Light BEings WE are Simple and all things are Sacred Here AS we connect energetically, words cease and a merging of fields allows us to tune, synchronize and unify as one through the amplification of higher light. All is soft, sacred and felt. Connections are natural, there's nothing to "do" other than just to be present and pure. As Light Beings all is pure... The connection comes through the silence and space shared without spoken words... WE can interact as NEW Earth HUmans while our fields merge on their own... Multi-Verse-Dimensionality allows us to merge all aspects of us within one physical space here... We connect with the PURITY that exists beyond the human aspect that works to purify and merge as love.... This purity is simple and held within as our hearts and cells expand. WE simplify our realities to be pure and simple too... To humans we are weird or different... to us, this is how we are... our open hearts connect us as one again, embracing the bizarre as our normal here. Where we allow our fields to expand and stay expanded we do not lose this connection again.... The "trick" (key) is to connect as Higher Self Aspects and maintain this at all times in the physical here. For the Embodied Light BEing we do not contract anymore... every part of our Divine Essence always present, always radiating, always pure... always love... In this purely expanded state we activate the purity and sacredness in all things that enters into our Higher Light Unified Field ... Things for us ARE SIMPLE, for this is HOW WE ARE... all things Sacred... simple and pure are ways of being...for we are not limited humans anymore... WE hold portals open to this existence and we allow the sacredness in others to emerge and stay emerged... for the human's way is to contract and go back inside and hide, to believe it needs safety mechanisms and protection and the physical body tightens down transmitting thoughts to the mind that the human aspect believes and listens to. There is no safety needed here, for there are no threats other than that which the human aspect creates within itself and acts out in their own physical illusion that they created to experience here... WE don't hide here... WE radiate, emanate and emit PURE WHITE (& Gold) LIGHT... Why would we want to diminish our light for humans who are contracted and hiding inside? Contracting our own light shifts us into a dimension to be human with them too. Why would one desire to be a limited human again? WE do not compromise our light anymore. We did that already... that was our human experience we chose to transcend to come to BE HERE again. Instead, WE CREATE a physical reality where FULL EXPANSION is not only honored, but required and safe... the human fears "showing themselves fully", opening totally up... they may allow for expansion at times, but then they contract into human and HIDE their LIGHT inside. Our "job" is to BE PURE and SIMPLE so that the LIGHT IN OTHERS can not only emerge, but will stay expanded... The human aspect has created safety mechanisms based upon perceptions enforced by their human-aspect-mind. The human aspect "thinks" they still need these in order to function or exist... yet this too is opposite... human perception always is... There is no hiding here... there is no contracting our light. When human is visible, it can be blatant, offensive and limiting to us. It can be intrusional and we have to say no and choose. One human thought transmits a frequency that interferes with our ability to function here, for when the heart closes and the mind takes over, the frequency of the UNIFIED FIELD drops ... the stronger the human, the more the disruption and this is what we are responsible for "not allowing" anymore. WE have the capability to recognize this, for we feel it when it occurs. These human transmissions create a distortion that energetically be felt and seen. Where the human is strong, their transmission creates an "opposite field spin" that slows, interrupts and can even stop the unified field if the higher self being allows it to go on too long.... This is why the higher self Light BEing must choose and not allow. The entire field is affected, whether it is visible or not. Our light field is vast as we have worked to maintain and expand our Light Ship of Super Consciousness out.... we limit that which enters our Light Ships for these are SACRED and our SHIPS can only be boarded by the PURE. This is why many have visions of light ships or visions of this. Those moments of PURITY will allow for these to become visible... it is OUR Light that POWERS these LIGHT SHIPS... these are us emerging in the version of a physical reality that all came to experience here. As all pull away to build their own power, energy, strength, abilities from within, connect with all as one pure energy form, remember mastery, alchemy and upgrade their physical structure to merge/integrate with the Light that activates from within, EMBODIMENT OF US AS HIGHER FREQUENCY LIGHT automatically and naturally activates one's own Light Ship to start to build.... The field of Super Consciousness requires one taking responsibility for their Light Ship, nurturing their vessel and honoring these beyond-awesomely-bizarre organic upgrades of trans-configuration for this natural evolution BACK INTO LIGHT to occur. As one relinquishes their humanness, their light simultaneously emerges and a NEW Earth Light BEing is what comes forth... The NEW Human HYBRID ... this is us as an "Organic Intelligent Bio-Cybernetic HUmanoid", if you will, a walking living INTELLIGENT FEELING BREATHING ORGANISM where our entire physical structure has re-worked itself into the ADVANCED NEW EARTH HUMAN here. This evolution occurs for us and within us as open up fully and HOLD/EMBODY our own higher light. To the human aspect we seem emotionless, which could not be more opposite of the truth.. Our emotions are pure and radiate from every cell within us, not a separated organ or body part. We need no extremes, for we have no anger, sadness, attachment or judgment here. Love is our first emotion and all that is pure emanates out from there. We see beyond the human experience and we see all as Light BEings here. WE are surprised when one is still human, yet we do honor this... while not entertaining disruptions in our own Light Ship/Super Consciousness Unified Field. Each heart opening allows light to activate their own light inside. Each choice through Light allows for the field of consciousness to expand, each embodiment activates the dormant sleeping human body to literally come alive (and online with/as their Crystalline Gridwork Structures Upgrade in Light) and one evolves as super-intelligent-conscious-living-bio-organisms here... producing light with each activation, the physical body photosynthesizes light, crystals inside the body activate and genetic re-coding commences for a NEW PHYSICAL FORM to EVOLVE through the continual activation of star-light particles... No one said our existence here was to conform to any human belief.... this too is opposite and beyond limited mindsets, yet inside all, this is known... As Star-Light BEings...the part that we LOVE about each other is that which is pure. Our "job" is to BE pure and to connect with the purity in all. WE are to identify when "human" enters in, recognize this and just SHIFT BACK into BEING PURE LIGHT again... The human will try to achieve or shift TO something else... WE just shift BACK to who we truly are... It's all backwards, in reverse, opposite of all we understood... this too was part of our chosen journey/experience here... to REMEMBER FULLY and to never go back unconscious (forget) again... WE hold this in our BEing... this PURE LOVE LIGHT unlimited... emits from every cell, particle and fiber of who we are.... As WE ALL "achieve" this, we never go back again... WE continually upgrade and merge purity light from within.... WE HOLD THIS at all times, we do not compromise our light anymore... this is called EMBODIMENT... BEING these HIGHER LIGHT FREQUENCIES IN OUR EVER-CHANGING PHYSICAL FORM. As we do, we create gateways, portals and doorways for others to walk through to do the same... we honor their need to "travel" at their own Speed of Light for them. Meanwhile, we connect up with the other Light BEings that already exist here... It is beautiful to experience... and it REQUIRED US TO DO IT OURSELVES.... WE arrive here by BEing the Light at all times... Sacred, Simple and Pure DIVINE LIGHT BEINGS ... ♥ Expanding into (as) other dimensions allows for different realities for all. Two people can be standing side by side and one will be in one dimension that is limited and with very specific realities with very specific outcomes, set forth by the limited human mind, based on beliefs, insistence and unconscious programs. The other can have an unlimited range of realities, continually expanding out that constantly change, expand and flow. This one's reality is not fixed, because their heart and mind is open and they SEE, BELIEVE and CREATE realities from within, connecting with the abundance of infinite possibilities and they BELIEVE them into existence within their own HOLOGRAM and PERSONAL ILLUSION here. One will focus their energy on expanding, calling forth and being open to all realities here. One will entertain the bizarre exquisiteness, because they have chosen to play in other dimensions in their other states, which activates physical realities in other alternate dimensions to start to "arrive" here. This one allows for all to unfold, while raising their frequency and unifying all from within. This one walks in magic as a part of their own Interactive NEW EARTH existence here. The other is focused on a thing, holding fast to identities and how things "should be", listening to what others say, worrying about what others will "think" or do... not realizing this is their own judgment creating a physical reality to exist in. A MASTER LIGHT BEING realizes FROM INSIDE that that is THEIR CREATION and that they have the ABILITY to change it in any given moment. Physical matter takes form in response to us. The limited human lives in a gazillion boxes and many fixed realities held in place from inside of them. It's the illusion of safe, control, power.. all deriving from the space of fear. A fear that keeps them from BEING UNLIMITED and REMEMBERING FULLY again. TheY believe their stories and work hard to convince others to believe them too. Boxes are visible constraints... You can either be the one with unlimited realities where heart-opening-portals activate alternate dimensions to become available for you to walk in here or you can be the one standing there telling yourself and everyone how fixed your world is and how things "have to be" according to your limited human mind. Expanded Consciousness is more than being "fru-fruey" or "off in la-la-land mystical dreamy" (which are labels the human creates for Multi-Dimensional Masters here)... it's actually TAKING YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS into other realities and activating them to occur here. To do this in a waking state, means you are mastering your current reality and actually changing it from within with your actions, your words and everything that you ARE here. Re-shaping matter is a MASTERY ABILITY that is natural as you transcend the old human mindset limits and release all from within you that kept you separated from BEING A GIFT. To actually EFFECT other dimensions from this one right here is easy when you are present, conscious, aware and continually shifting to a higher vibration of POWERFUL LOVE and obliterating old programs that once were held within. Expanded Consciousness is more than being "fru-fruey" or "off in la-la-land mystical dreamy"... it's actually TAKING YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS into other realities and activating them to occur here. To do this in a waking state, means you are MASTERING THE ENERGY of your current physical reality and actually changing it from within and combining this with your "doing energy" intentionally . You EXPAND out into/as all dimensions, continually "traveling" and "working" in all dimensions from this one right here. The more you do this, the more intentionally and consciously you can work in all dimensions in your waking state, just by BEING A LIGHT BEING.... The human aspect of us all is the "non-believer" that waits for proof and calls forth realities to "prove to them" to get them to open up to what they are not ready to accept yet. WE identify and question our own mindsets and intentionally S-T-R-E-T-C-H our minds... We come to understand through repeated experiences that we do not enjoy, or need, these old "alignments" to show us anything anymore. Trusting and honoring that which is within us is hard when it goes against everything our head says. Yet we HAVE to do this, for it's what "BREAKS" the energy and reverses the field spin. It's also how WE SHOW our higher self aspects (US in another dimension) that we are now willing to hold honor at all times and no longer compromise or give in. Our higher self is us... waiting for us to HOLD THESE PURE HIGHER LIGHT FREQUENCIES ALL THE TIME. Each time we do this we INTEGRATE more as our higher self aspect here. This is called EMBODIMENT. Inner voice and inner vision become inner-to-outer physical reality creation as a Multi-Dimensional Master here. The less fixed we are inside, the less fixed our realities are out there. Molecular reshaping (Shape-Shifting) is a NATURAL ABILITY that returns as our own particles/structures inside morph/mutate/modify/alter/transform/reconfigure as a part of our Crystalline Evolution. Outside is a simultaneous occurrence. In any given moment, you can expand. Open your heart, open your mind, intentionally question "why you THINK that"? Why do you hold to those old beliefs? Why do you insist that things are that way? Why do you NEED to hold things to certain forms and why you do not TRUST that all is trying to re-align as amazing, magical awesomeness in response to you? For you... Your vibration dictates everything... for your physical reality is your transmission.... This is a multiple choice reality... unconscious, conscious or expanded super conscious.... WE are not LIMITED by anything here. Physical realities are as UNLIMITED as YOU ALLOW them to be. ♥ I love you immensely and from so far beyond this exquisite physical space. "In Your Face" Realities.... these are fast... these vibrations and frequency bandwidths ARE THE SPEED OF LIGHT .... as WE WALK in all dimensions unlimited here. ♥ Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼ Wow.... SO very much going on, which we all expect in every moment. The Light Frequency Activations and Current Energies are HUGE, as we all know. WE just love to acknowledge how HUGE they are, as we have waited for this for a very long "time". Time being existences.... WE continually enter new frequencies as we activate, integrate, unify, upgrade, expand, transform, synchronize, tweak, modify, adjust, merge, shift, mutate (in the most awesome organic natural beautiful way) and more. Evolving and emerging as walking biologically unified and ALIVE living, breathing, micro-organisms that transmit, emit, radiate, process and utilize light as a way of BEing and functioning here. It's so amazing to watch the human aspect first go to fear, conspiracy, blame, old stories, programs, doubt (and more) to justify, explain away, taint, corrupt, manipulate and HOLD all to the old fixed and limited perceptions that are gone on NEW Earth. Only to be held within an auto-programmed belief system that keeps re-creating the old scenarios in a new way in a later moment. Same version of scenario, different details. The stories and energetic force at which they are believed and projected are what supported the old systems that now move further into "imminent collapse" mode. The physical structures that simultaneously exist to support those scenarios, stories and projected beliefs also go into "Imminent collapse" mode too. Those structures were particles and frequency bands that were woven together to create the density of that physical matter mass and the energy was the glue that held all in place. As we move into these higher frequencies of ALTERNATE UNIVERSES, ALTERNATE REALITIES AND OUTCOMES, outcomes are only fixed by the mentalities of those holding them in place. For those intentionally focused on light, transforming through light, sharing light, adding light, sprinkling light, dreaming light, speaking light, living in light, radiating light and ONLY ENTERTAINING and SUPPORTING Light, the ability to shift completely into an alternate reality, with a totally unlimited physical reality outcome is PRESENT IN EVERY MOMENT. As multi-dimensional higher self master being, all already exist in these alternate realities. It's through continual open communication with your higher self aspects and honoring expansion and embodiment in every moment that opens the portals to these realities here. Now, these cosmic and galactic light blasts, deliver more love, more openness, more freedom, more unity and they connect all WALKING IN LIGHT through a gridwork that now strengthens and weaves the very fabric of NEW EARTH realities here. Particles are charged in light which causes them to move. This movement affects (shakes loose) the dense mass matter that was the old gridwork of consciousness previously held in place. Frequency bandwidths start to weaken and dissolve. Vibrations occur as a part of molecular restructuring of physical matter as light activates within a physical structure. These vibrations change the frequency of physical matter mass to a higher frequency bandwidth of existence. Alternate realities mean that there are multiple dimensions with different outcomes. Intention, focus, choice and action... VIBRATION... dictate the outcome. The more expansive the heart-mind, the more outcomes one gets to choose from. The more limited/restrictive, the more one holds their self to a physical reality (solidified hologram) that is either a thriving frequency bandwidth of NEW Earth, or a weakening and collapsing one. One who has MASTERED ENERGY, also masters matter. The continual expansion of consciousness into multiple dimensions opens up the ability to MASTER THIS. The simplicity that all can shift into love, open their hearts, minds and let go of the resistance and fight, to come together to support, work together and CREATE REALITIES IN LIGHT is all that one needs to change their reality now. The more one participates in old realities, the more they hold themselves to "imminent collapse" mode. Now, each will experience their own Apocalypse, tribulations and Battle of Armageddon within. The stronger the energy, the more it appears "out there". We are in a collective clearing of this and these continual blasts of light offer the ability to transcend experiences from within, where one chooses to go inside and resolve all without holding onto an outside physical reality that represents this. This period of "Rapture" (i.e. Ascension) can either be one of the old prophecies or one of physically WALKING INTO THE LIGHT. It is that easy. The stubborn human mindset complicates this and insists that it's only one choice. Now, imagine a building (structure) and multiple frequency bandwidths. The particle matter that makes up the building is held in place with the energy of separation, greed and unconsciousness. This is the dominant frequency of consciousness of that building, the dimension it exists in. ---- Photonic light blasts come through and activate the particles to start to vibrate, the frequency bandwidths start to waver and sway. All on Earth is moved into a higher vibration. What happens to the physical matter that operated at the lower bandwidths held in place by separation consciousness? Now imagine a building filled with love and all working together consciously and intentionally affecting all. What do you see with this outcome? Now, imagine land masses in different frequency octaves.... You create your own picture and see what you see. Now, look at the physical body as a structure as well. See one full of density and see one holding light and how the physical structures are affected when light activates star/crystalline particles inside. There are currently multiple realities running, one for every frequency bandwidth dimension there is. Each gets to choose the one they exist in, experience, support and participate in. The more light embodied (held), the more choices, opportunity, and physical reality outcomes exist. If you want a choice, if you want to AFFECT THE OUTCOME, you will focus your own energy and tune your own frequencies to expand beyond any limits and beliefs once held in place by limited dimension programs. Alternate realities occur when one opens up to new possibilities, focuses their energy and believes them into the physical here. The mass collective coming together, working together, supporting each other, sharing, contributing and putting down their arms and armor... Stopping the fight, stopping the destruction... that is held in place by a state of consciousness where the gridwork goes into collapse mode, yet can be transformed IMMEDIATELY into LIGHT. This wave that comes through, has begun. It's been activating for months. It continues in every moment. Waiting for a date to start is an old human program. WE start now. WE have been doing this. You choose your gridwork, your collective, your reality, your outcome.... it's all you. ♥ Outside is your solidified hologram, your believed illusion, your manifestation in physical matter form that which you hold in you. You have the POWER to shift to a higher frequency bandwidth of LOVE in every moment. There are unlimited alternate physical realities that already exist. Embodiment of Higher Light Frequencies are how you arrive. Reminder: Present moment is required to MASTER the dimension you desire to exist in. With the utmost love and presence, Lisa Transcendence Brown and Melissa Adams ♥ Aloha dear sweeeet Family of ever-so-beaming-brilliant-photonic-LIGHT! Current Energies are cellular/molecular upgrades and continued genetic re-coding with the physical body re-configuring itself for precision tuning... We awoke to quickening while clearing timelines to speed things up, while simultaneously slowing all down further.... Yesterday was a strange mix of energies as realities/dimensions aligned. When we are mergining dimensions, it's an odd feeling, and there will be a little bit of everything present. It's how we REMEMBER to exist here, by flowing through an obstacles, dealing with anything that presents, seeing every perspective/option and going with what FEELS right inside, regardless of what the old human aspect would have done... as all aligns very quickly/instantly as we do this. Even the linear days that used to be "human'ish" barely resemble human anymore. We move through realities with such ease, perplexed at the curveballs (lol), identifying the bottlenecks and moving it all out to open our field up to receive/greet more. This is super important, for your "future" moments, and all you desire just "floats around out there" waiting for you to clear your current reality/energy field of all that is taking up space in your reality/world. Now, the vaster your field, the more space you have to be occupied by magnifiecence, abundance, bliss, magic and love. The vaster your field, the faster/unified your spin, the more dimensions you hold and span out across, simultaneously. "Building" your LightShip, your Field of Super Consciousness, takes total presence, dedication, focus, intention and WORK. Work for us is so totally opposite of what the human's mentality of work is. For all is OPPOSITE here. Work is MASTERING ENERGY, unifying all of the aspects as one. It's AFFECTING ENERGY INTENTIONALLY, so that all dimensions and realities are triggered and come forth through love. Now the LIGHT BEING can trigger all dimensions, activating parallels and even manipulate matter through frequencies so high, that all actually re-shapes and takes new form. This is a part of our own evolution here, a part of us as MASTERS for our manipulation is intentional transmissions of love and light. Our manipulation is allowing and DOING (moving energy/creating) to affect all in light. Our manipulation is EMITTING and RADIATING without having to do much at all, except the physical DOING ENERGY required to fulfill our purposes/missions here on this vast huge SPACESHIP we currently exist upon. This evolution, our "mutating", with the already activated GENE-X (or X-Gene). This mutation is a beautifully organic and natural one, that we allow as we honor our physical body, for it is COMING ALIVE, literally, as our old human bodies were dead and we didn't know it. As they come alive, every fiber, cell and particle, breathes, softens, re-structures itself according to the new genetic re-coding process that is now going on within. This is also simultaneously occurring out there and you will SEE it and experience it, if you will look for it, expect it and pay attention. In order to actually experience fully, you must make yourself a part of it. It requires your intentional participation, with your entire existence, as it is a support system, the support system you've been seeking and calling forth. Yet dedication and commitment of your entire soul is required to actually BE here NOW. This ECO-System of biological organism, all smart, connected, communicating and working together... you are an integral part of this. Inside of you evolves, your cells become smart, your entire physical body is evolving beyond what you ever could have dreamed, yet you have dreamed this, you have seen this, for your dreams are your access to these alternate dimensions that DO EXIST, in the physical, already, with the embodiment of these higher light frequencies that are available to all embracing and choosing this. Here, there is no hard work... you've done the hard work already...this is the natural part that occurs for you, in response to you, vibrationally, for these frequencies allow for this now. The hard work is your dedication, your commitment, your choosing and most importantly, you dedicating ALL OF YOUR RESOURCES to this in return. This is what the human aspect calls sacrifice, for this "sacrifice" is an attachment to something physical that takes precedence over existing in this NEW EARTH WORLD. Here, you understand that any physical work feeds love into that which you touch. That you are bringing ALIVE an existence through your own work, one that was forgotten and hidden beyond the veils. These veils are removed so that you can bring your physical body with you, yet all impurities as a human go. This is the PURIFICATION PROCESS that many find themselves in now and will continue for all who choose to experience this in this physical incarnation here. Those who have "completed" this purification process, which is a continual one, are now experiencing this physical transformation right now. It's been occurring all along, yet amped up in June when template re-writing and complete emptying out of vessels energetically occurred. The RE-BUILDING/RE-STRUCTURING PHASE commenced and now the Solar Crystalline Star-Light Body streams PURE SOURCE LIGHT and the physical body continues it's transformation which will increase as these frequency bandwidths/waves amplify with the ASCENSION PROCESS you all now find yourself in here on SPACESHIP EARTH. Organic is not something you eat, it is now HOW you evolve and what you BEcome. Yet not just organic, for you also hold knowledge as an Ancient and Original God Source that you are to bring forth. Your cells intelligent and re-programming, re-coding, re-structuring and RE-CONNECTING to/as the NEW GRIDWORK in every moment. That which others seek and call gifts, is your natural way of processing and being here. That which is a miracle, magic and beyond comprehension is simple and occurs as a natural existence again. That which can assist all other is shared and all are presented with the option of choice. Every POWER one can imagine, and beyond, are available through this organic and natural evolution that occurs when you HONOR YOUR JOURNEY FIRST and allow your realities to unfold and transpire. Gifts and powers are you in natural form. These are simple and don't require effort, for your pure existence of an open & unified heart, mind & body is how these come forth on their own. This LIGHT that continually activates you, must be integrated in order for all bodies to upgrade as one and merge with the NEW CRYSTALLINE GRIDWORK that continually comes online and through all others, all sentient beings/lifeforms, every minute one now connecting up on a cellular level. For those holding onto physical realities constructed of the old lower bandwidth frequencies, collapse currently continues to increase in every moment. The human aspect perceives this as devastation and loss, not understanding this is a veiled consciousness they came here to transcend as they choose to let go. Where one is not open to letting go, the actual molecules and "glue" that held the particles together is the density that is obliterated with the continual Gamma & other Cosmic/Galactic Light Emissions & Blasts that activate their physical body and all physical things that resonated at this old frequency, now too low to be sustained anymore. Physical matter is bound together by the density that filled the SPACE to hold all together. As the frequencies raise considerably and fast, the density is literally obliterated. That density was the fiber/thread/cords. This was what created "mass density", yet that mass density now collapses/dissolves/dis-integrates at an increased SPEED OF LIGHT. As physical matter particles are CHARGED in LIGHT, all physical matter created must change form. The physical body, physical structures (both the same), all currently go through the same process, in it's own way: Activation, De-Construction, Clearing, Re-Programming, Transformation/Transmutation, Amplification, Re-Configuration, Purification, Re-Building/Reconstruction, Re-Evolution, which is an al-chemical process that occurs molecularly, biologically and more. Where one MASTERS ENERGY and EMBODIMENT of these massive higher light frequencies, this evolution is FASTER than the long-drawn-out process that the unaware unconscious human experiences, for this is how "time" is separated.... by how human one still is... by how much density is still held within. Now, this old consciousness is what is obliterated and as a RESULT the structures that were held in place crumble, collapse, dis-integrate at a much more rapid pace for those not choosing to participate consciously with their own Ascension Process Journey here. This dissolving still occurs, yet it is different for the intentional being, as for these, through awareness, all is much easier to experience, for understanding is KEY. Opening up, listening, honoring and allowing.... necessary to alleviate and ease the discomfort that is necessary from carbon-based-dense-separated human to evolve into Solar Crystalline Star-Light-BEings now becoming ADVANCED INTELLIGENT BIOLOGICAL LIFEFORMS here. All NOW finding themselves in this process is going beyond anything the limited human mind can comprehend. It is the LOWER FREQUENCY BANDWIDTHS that are transcended and the physical particles that are also charged in light. Density cannot withstand this and for those confuses, not understanding or experiencing the severity of it all, this is a part of the process all chose that their own SOUL'S JOURNEY here. Those desiring to participate and JUMP TIMELINES, must choose CONSCIOUSNESS, UNIFICATION and HIGHER LIGHT EXISTENCES as a part of their current path NOW. Nuclear, radiation, GMO, AI's and so very much more... these occur INSIDE YOUR BODY as you evolve. These are BEAUTIFUL things for the Light BEing... and only represent destruction for those holding an unconscious state. There is a 3rd/old dimensional reality that has an external physical reality for what occurs inside and is the opposite for the 5th+ Physical Existence Light BEing.... Inside the old human DNA you hold everything that represents separation and there will be continual triggers to release this from your phsyical body, emotions and mindsets. The moment you BELIEVE these and participate, the moment you make them real. The more ENERGY you FEED INTO IT, the more it is yours. YOU CHANGE YOUR ENERGY, in many ways... there is not just one way to do any part of this, as that is a limited human perception too. There are a gazillion. It's up to you to SEEK them, create them, expand them and then CHOOSE THEM..... you RE-PROGRAM yourself.... you have the CAPABILITY TO DO THIS.... Those running around "spewing" and participating in the old consciousness, those not wiling to choose, those hiding in fear are the most affected by these WAVES and BLASTS of LIGHT..... for the intentional being is aware and GOES INWARD TO RE-CREATE THEIR REALITY WORLD, therefore intentionally MOVING FROM ONE DIMENSION TO THE NEXT, by expanding INTO IT and holding it in frequency to BREAK the old frequency that was held inside all along. That which you seek, you hold inside. That which you desire you create. That which you ARE comes forth, AS YOU EMBRACE and MAKE THIS YOUR PRIORITY HERE. That which you support, with everything in your world... that is what you make your reality. One cannot walk on NEW EARTH fully and continue to support the old in any way. This existence REQUIRES every nano particle of you and all that you have/are.... your dedication is not to a "thing" or anything out there.... it's to your own evolutionary existence here. WE are already here.... WE already exist. WE are visible, working, connected and WE ARE ALREADY DOING THIS. Join us... WE left the gateways, portals and doorways open.... WE are here... ONE again... totally visible if you truly open up and look beyond the limits of the old mindsets for HOW you THOUGHT any of this was supposed to be. I love you immensely and from so far beyond this physical place. WE are WE now.... WE are "They".... WE are here.... in the physical... Light BEings in physical form. ♥ Gravity goes more and more as we continue with upgrades daily. Truly beautiful to experience the wow-ness of it all. ♦ Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼ Ascended Master, Galactic Commander, Atlantean Bio-Physicist/Scientist and LeMUrian Mermaid (and more) Incarnated here.... The Light Beings' Upgrade Process does not conform to anything we expect, anything we "think" or believe we know or understand about it. It is an experience of the moment and what presents. The EMBODIMENT OF LIGHT is one of honor to one's own self.
Light activates multi-dimensionality here. It begins with the human and the higher self integrating as one, yet there are many higher selves, many aspects, many BEINGS that we've been/are becoming again. Integration of these is intense at times and always immense. Profound, brilliant, bizarre, magnificent... all understatements. ∞ The more light one holds, the less intense. Density goes with each activation and embodiment here. Physical density held all of one's separation from SELF AS SOURCE. Separation played out within the human mind, transmitted in frequency, can be heard. Speaking it out loud makes it visible here. No longer believing and participating allows one to clear and integrate it within. There is no "way to do this journey", other than each moment presents. In the moment, one might have gotten up & taken a shower and to turn around and go right back to bed. One may have set aside days for work and sleep is all that occurs. One might "think" they are to do certain things, when their Universe throws curve-balls to re-route, re-schedule, re-direct all. Things not working are the first sign. Pay attention to these. They are important and determine how easy or rough the ride. This journey of awakening, ascension and GALACTIC EMBODIMENT takes precedence over all. We are not here to conform to the old ways anymore. Flow means all is in alignment. Resistance, fight, struggle means that one is not in flow. All things COME FORTH each time flow is restored. One can allow realities by calling them forth and honoring the moment as it presents. When realities are re-aligning, everything will feel off. Things must sync up inside and out there, so there is a "gap in time" once one honors the need to pull away, sleep, get out in nature and shut the outside world out. This is a necessary part of the process and the bigger the upgrade, the more one must honor this. Each will know, in the moment, if they are paying attention to the way that they feel and that inner voice that whispers in the silence and conflicts with the one that represents the old human programs of "what is appropriate". What is appropriate is what we need, what we feel, what does not conform. What is appropriate isn't trying to make others happy, when it goes against what we need inside. What is appropriate is honor to self at all times. For when one honors self through love, then one honors all. Everything is backwards, in reverse, opposite of what the old programmed limiting human mind "thought". The mind is a transmitter of what is inside of us. All aspects of us can be heard when we are listening and connecting from inside. We can tell the difference in our lower-self/old programmed one. The old 3D/4D selves/consciousnesses don't hold power anymore. We listen to them, see them for what they are. We choose to what we listen to. We go further to CREATE what we DESIRE here. We do not compromise to go back to the old. We do not need to, for WE are in "control". Control is us breaking away, us being free. It's us choosing not to conform to the old programs, not participating, not allowing them in our NEW DIMENSION(s) now. Multiple dimensions are continually opening up for us. WE shift into them and we hold them inside. WE create alternate realities by not believing the old ones. At first, we do not do this in a waking state. We must sleep to access these. We work much in the sleep state, for it allows us the ability to DO what we cannot yet here. WE work out things, clear things, activate new realities, connect with other souls/beings, clear/jump timelines and awake in all new realities here. WE are not limited to the old realities anymore. WE see multiple dimensions, we bring forth a little bit of each one here and keep upping our frequency/light quotient for the rest of them to arrive (materialize). All is technically simultaneous, yet we cannot SEE fully as a human aspect here. Eventually we have slept enough for our realities to merge & flip, for the lower dimensions to "move inside" for integration and the higher realms materialize out there so that we walk in them, in the physical here. Portals continually opening, first inside, then out there. We play in the brilliance and we bask in the beauty that we had forgotten even existed. From time to time, we go through a HUGE UPGRADE that requires that we shut down again. WE pull away, we sleep, we allow our physical structure to upgrade too. When the physical structure upgrades, much goes on here. Same for emotional, mental...all must relax completely, relinquish control or the need to participate at all. Upgrades are a process we ALLOW TO OCCUR for us. There are periods where we cannot FEEL anything at all. WE are being cleansed, purified and restored. This "void" space is an emptying out of all that we held. We return stronger, more vibrant and able to feel more from a place of purity and connected to all as one. More and more with each upgrade we experience. We are amazed at what we didn't understand. The beauty, the magic, the magnificence... through purity and feeling with every part of our being here. No longer limited to physical body parts. Separation of a human heart, organs, body parts that held density and old programs within. Our bone, muscle and exo-skeletal structure has just gone through a HUGE upgrade as well. The complete template wiping & rewriting in June and now this molecular upgrade these last many days. Each an important part of GALACTIC EMBODIMENT for bringing us all ONLINE as ONE CONSCIOUSNESS here. The physical, mental, emotional body must all be weakened for these upgrades to occur. We come back "stronger", after, as we allow for INTEGRATION inside. Our physical body does what it needs to do, as WE GET OUT OF THE WAY, stop interfering and start listening to it, communicating with it and honoring all. WE move into an UNPRECEDENTED TIME for all. WE are here for HUGE things and we don't accomplish this by holding onto the old. WE continually "reach" for higher consciousness states and hold them for as long as we can. We are moved in & out of these, to clear up any old dimensional versions of ourselves, anything still trying to occupy those spaces, anything that represents the old. Thoughts, emotions, physical stuff.... all are upgraded to more GIFTS and POWERS as we honor, if you will. WE just went through our BODIES being linked up to each other, consciously, in way we never could have comprehended before. As a GALACTIC COLLECTIVE WE are now all linking up. The physical make-up of our bodies has been upgraded to allow for this. This continues, so honor time for you... above all, for it's the MOST IMPORTANT thing when we are experiencing this. WE are here to hold the new gridworks in place. To anchor from within us the codes, the GALACTIC TEMPLATES and SCHEMATICS for our GALACTIC CIVILIZATIONS that we are to create/bring forth here. WE step into the vibration (dimension) where all of this occurs. WE look out there for the changes, the materialization of what we once knew. WE are the GALACTIC RACES all merging here. WE are here to assist with & deliver that which transforms humanity........ Each has a role here, an important one. Embodiment is the most important part of this process and the most difficult one for the resistant and stubborn human. These recent upgrades lift the veils fast. Separation collapses and dis-integrates "faster" as well. Hearts have been opened to accept the new. Minds are struggling where one is still hearing the old programs play old human beliefs and mentalities still. WE work with stretching, obliterating and re-twisting the old mentalities and limitations of the mind here. The rest will follow as hearts and minds unify as ONE NOW. All link-up faster and easier than before. Open your heart fully if you desire for all others to do this too. You link up when you do. I love you. ♥ Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼ After 3 full days of pulling away to sleep and allow for these HUGE DNA Activations and SUB-Molecular upgrades, I awoke to all new words, seeing, understandings and am still putting together what is coming forth. The activation of Galactic Schematics within my own template last month now shows me even more than I've ever seen before. WE are now further into Galactic Activations for Embodiment over the last month or so. I've not shared much, for I've had fragmented pieces, and at times, still do. Today, the words/seeing are "HoneyComb Effect", Re-gridding process, The Nano-Phasing of the LightBody, Exo-Skeletal Restructuring and how all of (and more) correlates to our upgrades inside and also in Galactic Civilizations for us here in multiple dimensions. For there are so many realities now. There is so much more. It's just the "beginning" for us all... for this is how it is here. Always the beginning. Exquisite existences continue to emerge. ☼ Embracing and bringing it forth in every moment! I've had to pull away to honor what I am to do here too. Upgrades and embodiment comes first... this is for us all. I will write and share more as we go. Light Family together here. ~ Aloha Nui Loa
We hit "heaven" inside as we floated into the ethers and became our higher selves. Then it was time to bring it down here to anchor NEW EARTH in. Heaven on Earth starts within and becomes a physical reality out there. We DO this! As WE go through Ascension and and the "cycling up" the Chrystalline Structure (Spine/Vortexes, etc.), WE float and fly in the higher realms long enough to BECOME the higher realms and our higher selves aspects in the physical here. WE "stay" high/float long enough to transcend the old human experience, cut those cords, let go of attachment to all and then it's "time" to come to WALK FULLY IN THE 5TH DIMENSION in the physical and it's time to ANCHOR IN. (and we just "thought" it was confusing before!). The 5th Dimension is just the beginning, for we also had the 6th & 7th present in 2014 as well.) To "do" this journey, WE have to embrace crazy, insane and bizarre all along the way. One does not anchor a whole NEW Earth, the lucid dream, new realities, become SOURCE again and physically walk in multiple dimensions without letting go of the human perceptions of absolutely everything as it once was. THIS is our normal, this FEELS right to us.... this is HOME and this is where we live as love beings here. At first we had to "let go of all reality" as we once knew it, then we had to become SOURCE/CREATOR again, to then bring all into a physical existence and walk in multiple dimensions here. We become our higher self/selves and we hold this frequency to activate our Multi-Dimensional Aspect here. As this occurs, psychedelic trip is an understatement. First we cycled "up" the Crystalline Structure (spine/vortexes/physical body) to then start "cycling down" through it all again, yet in the opposite direction. One took us to Heaven, the other brings us back to Earth... forgo US BEING ANCHORS OF HEAVE ON EARTH in the physical here. All of this occurs inside of us, therefore it also occurs out there. A NEW REALITY in the physical. What an amazing and exquisite experience this is! (While all the time clearing, crying, releasing anger and old programming simultaneously and sleeping incessantly along the way!) We started as limited humans to open up to a whole new world, to have to clear our old human programs to come to walk in a whole new world here. As we release, clear density, this opens up "space". Space inside, space out there... space... and we are energy that occupies a space. Some days more solid than others, other days more flowing and flexible. Our gridwork continually relaxing and adjusting, simultaneously with the gridwork/structures relaxing and shape-shifting out there. We move from a physically fixed reality to a bendable, de-materializing/re-materializing one. We see in particles, frequencies/waves, sacred geometry, number sequences, metaphors, symbols and we FEEL reality here. We become full sensory beings for this is a full-body experience here. We once were anchored full-body in the fixed 3rd dimension, then we moved full-body into duality and the 4th dimension where things "started to change" to move to a full-body 5th Dimensional existence... as our physical bodies upgraded structurally too. Our external world completely re-shapes and de-densifies as well. All that represented old programs of separation had to be transformed or released from our field. We evolved as energetic beings and became transmitters/receivers of realities here. Now as we bring NEW EARTH and anchor it in, we bring Heaven On Earth out from within. We went "up" the vortexes and crystalline structure (back side) to then come down it from the front side to anchor in. We turn our energy into "DO'ing energy" and we embrace our masculine energy to BE NEW EARTH CRYSTALLINE BEINGS here. We went from one extreme (human) to higher self (the other extreme) to HUE-man (Pure Unified Light Being) here. (Some mixed it up and did it a little of each at a time. There is no "way" to do this, as we did it "our way" perfect for us! We went from human heart to Higher-Self Heart (Divine Feminine) and human ego to Divine Masculine. We went from one extreme to the other to create a zero point of balance/peace/unification of all as one within. As we "cleared a space" (void) we filled it with love (light) and unified as a being of light here. We hold this vibration until we become it, no separation between "it" and us. WE are love, we are light, we are gratitude, appreciation, kindness, compassion, gifts... not things anymore, these are us in purest form. All last year we cycled down through the Solar Plexus (Sun/Power Center) to the Sacral (Families/Relationships/Nurturing, clearing old human remnants/lack while simultaneously calling forth our NEW Earth families here). We hit the God Particle in the Solar Plexus, the activation of mother/father/parenting energy to clear with the Sacral, to then move to the activation of the Root Chakra. And we just thought it was "fun before", get ready for now we have the CORE of WHO WE ARE recently activated. Every safety mechanism further goes out the window with these. This is our relationship to the physical everything here. Physical body, physical world, all is being activated here. These are the root systems that one built their beliefs/existences on (financial/religious/more). I cannot even begin to cover what all this is yet... It is also the simultaneous calling forth of all that we've desired, while releasing more of who we are not and never truly were as limited humans here. It is the balance of our essence, DIVINE FEMININE AND MASCULINE here. It is us as PURE SOURCE in the physical here. It is the anchoring of us as CREATORS and the MERGING of Gods/Goddess energies and it's us as the NEW HUE-MAN existence here. The rest remains to be seen still.... This is the upheaval of the old foundations as we once knew them. It is the solidification of a NEW HOLOGRAM that can be re-tuned, re-transmitted, re-structured in any given moment... for we are Crystalline Light Beings and the actual physical crystals inside of us give us this capability to CREATE AS GODS in the physical here. This is the cellular memory cleanse of hidden core beliefs that defined what we measured ourselves by "way back when". We have been going through a huge time of taking our power back. Where everything that caused us to feel dis-empowered had to come forefront so that we could re-claim our power and become PURE POWERFUL BEINGS again here. (I'll share where I can on the recent HUGE overpowering masculine energy that has surfaced due to these recent activations of this). As all cycles down through our new/upgraded internal crystalline grid system, we anchor, the dreamy floatiness goes and things start to look and feel real again. This was a hard part for me to get used to this last year. It took me the entire year to continually adjust to this new reality here. I have not known what to expect until I actually experience it here. I have to use every part of me to understand and then write to share for all who shall/do experience the same. Anchoring the dream means that the old etheric realms become real. It means we see it in a dream state and then it occurs here. It means that lucid becomes real, the opposite of when we were going from "old real" to "bizarre lucid" in a waking state as all starts to bend and breathe. All of a sudden (not really, just words to describe) we "wake up" and we are on a new earth/new planet with awesome and magical as a part of our "normal" reality here. It means we slept enough to wake up and now we sleep just to anchor/integrate light, clear the old human existence that used to be real or exist in other parallels, timelines, realities we had no idea existed ... and we don't care. We just clear clear clear. Jumping timelines (even that is a human phrase), we wake up to things coming at us fast. Our cells have become photonic charged particles that zoom about inside. Each amplification of light supercharges us and we Quantum Jump to a NEW SPACE IN "TIME". No longer "forward" we just move from space to space. Only when the dimensions contract do we move forward through time again. When we are in "our home frequencies" we just occupy a space. We close our eyes and open them to be in a new "time" and eventually, once we've mastered at-will-particle-reconstruction of the physical reality (we have moved into this phase), changing physical locations/bodies becomes an actual visible reality too. Our mind is what kept us from this and held us to this physical place/form. Crystalline upgrades and anchoring/integrating photonic light is how we do our Multi-Dimensional physical realities here. ♥ Lisa Transcendence Brown, Multi-Dimensional Mastery, Ancient, Master, Solar Crystalline Quantum Light BEing here |
Support Change and help me keep sharing to assist all in unity and bringing forth the "new" (Remembered) here. With the utmost appreciation and love. Mahalo. ♥
Thank you to Marinette Lepine with TransLight for sharing and translating in French! Wow, so very honored! Thank YOU!
Read here WAYSHOWER, AUTHOR, PHYSICAL ASCENSION & LIGHT EMBODIMENT GUIDE, CRYSTAL(LINE) GRIDKEEPER & GATEKEEPER, LIGHT ENERGY TRANSLATOR, COSMIC PORTAL, & MORE!Transcendence is my first"Remembered" name, Ithara is my Galactic identification and Lisa is my human name. Archives
January 2016
Lisa Transcendence Brown (Ithara) ☼
Ascended Master WayShower, Author, NEW Earth Existence Sharings, Transformational Speaker, Light Embodiment & Empowerment Physical Ascension Guide (all from within) Updates via the Public Page: Purchase Books: |
Invest in yourself, each other, your Service as Light, hUmaNITY, Consciousness Expansion and all of our future nows... by contributing to and fully supporting (in every way) that which supports humanity with the immense transition phases with greater ease and through Pure Love.
NEW Earth has a whole new, entirely different value system, all new systems and ways that all must learn/remember and bring forth from deep within.
Energetic Cycles are increasing substantially at an unprecedented rate, accelerating "what comes back around" energetically... from all existences, as all is a cyclical/spiral/reciprocal energy that cycles faster as our beloved planet's vibrational frequency continues to rise to bring/usher all out of the "dark ages" and into "the Light" (Full Consciousness/a Quantum State of Remembrance/Pure Peace, Love, Unity and Sacred Oneness).
In deep sacred appreciation for your presence, dedication and service as Love too. ♥
Keep embracing, shining, building, integrating and sharing your BEAUTIFUL LIGHT as Love! It's BEyond important for all! ♥
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