We hit "heaven" inside as we floated into the ethers and became our higher selves. Then it was time to bring it down here to anchor NEW EARTH in. Heaven on Earth starts within and becomes a physical reality out there. We DO this! As WE go through Ascension and and the "cycling up" the Chrystalline Structure (Spine/Vortexes, etc.), WE float and fly in the higher realms long enough to BECOME the higher realms and our higher selves aspects in the physical here. WE "stay" high/float long enough to transcend the old human experience, cut those cords, let go of attachment to all and then it's "time" to come to WALK FULLY IN THE 5TH DIMENSION in the physical and it's time to ANCHOR IN. (and we just "thought" it was confusing before!). The 5th Dimension is just the beginning, for we also had the 6th & 7th present in 2014 as well.) To "do" this journey, WE have to embrace crazy, insane and bizarre all along the way. One does not anchor a whole NEW Earth, the lucid dream, new realities, become SOURCE again and physically walk in multiple dimensions without letting go of the human perceptions of absolutely everything as it once was. THIS is our normal, this FEELS right to us.... this is HOME and this is where we live as love beings here. At first we had to "let go of all reality" as we once knew it, then we had to become SOURCE/CREATOR again, to then bring all into a physical existence and walk in multiple dimensions here. We become our higher self/selves and we hold this frequency to activate our Multi-Dimensional Aspect here. As this occurs, psychedelic trip is an understatement. First we cycled "up" the Crystalline Structure (spine/vortexes/physical body) to then start "cycling down" through it all again, yet in the opposite direction. One took us to Heaven, the other brings us back to Earth... forgo US BEING ANCHORS OF HEAVE ON EARTH in the physical here. All of this occurs inside of us, therefore it also occurs out there. A NEW REALITY in the physical. What an amazing and exquisite experience this is! (While all the time clearing, crying, releasing anger and old programming simultaneously and sleeping incessantly along the way!) We started as limited humans to open up to a whole new world, to have to clear our old human programs to come to walk in a whole new world here. As we release, clear density, this opens up "space". Space inside, space out there... space... and we are energy that occupies a space. Some days more solid than others, other days more flowing and flexible. Our gridwork continually relaxing and adjusting, simultaneously with the gridwork/structures relaxing and shape-shifting out there. We move from a physically fixed reality to a bendable, de-materializing/re-materializing one. We see in particles, frequencies/waves, sacred geometry, number sequences, metaphors, symbols and we FEEL reality here. We become full sensory beings for this is a full-body experience here. We once were anchored full-body in the fixed 3rd dimension, then we moved full-body into duality and the 4th dimension where things "started to change" to move to a full-body 5th Dimensional existence... as our physical bodies upgraded structurally too. Our external world completely re-shapes and de-densifies as well. All that represented old programs of separation had to be transformed or released from our field. We evolved as energetic beings and became transmitters/receivers of realities here. Now as we bring NEW EARTH and anchor it in, we bring Heaven On Earth out from within. We went "up" the vortexes and crystalline structure (back side) to then come down it from the front side to anchor in. We turn our energy into "DO'ing energy" and we embrace our masculine energy to BE NEW EARTH CRYSTALLINE BEINGS here. We went from one extreme (human) to higher self (the other extreme) to HUE-man (Pure Unified Light Being) here. (Some mixed it up and did it a little of each at a time. There is no "way" to do this, as we did it "our way" perfect for us! We went from human heart to Higher-Self Heart (Divine Feminine) and human ego to Divine Masculine. We went from one extreme to the other to create a zero point of balance/peace/unification of all as one within. As we "cleared a space" (void) we filled it with love (light) and unified as a being of light here. We hold this vibration until we become it, no separation between "it" and us. WE are love, we are light, we are gratitude, appreciation, kindness, compassion, gifts... not things anymore, these are us in purest form. All last year we cycled down through the Solar Plexus (Sun/Power Center) to the Sacral (Families/Relationships/Nurturing, clearing old human remnants/lack while simultaneously calling forth our NEW Earth families here). We hit the God Particle in the Solar Plexus, the activation of mother/father/parenting energy to clear with the Sacral, to then move to the activation of the Root Chakra. And we just thought it was "fun before", get ready for now we have the CORE of WHO WE ARE recently activated. Every safety mechanism further goes out the window with these. This is our relationship to the physical everything here. Physical body, physical world, all is being activated here. These are the root systems that one built their beliefs/existences on (financial/religious/more). I cannot even begin to cover what all this is yet... It is also the simultaneous calling forth of all that we've desired, while releasing more of who we are not and never truly were as limited humans here. It is the balance of our essence, DIVINE FEMININE AND MASCULINE here. It is us as PURE SOURCE in the physical here. It is the anchoring of us as CREATORS and the MERGING of Gods/Goddess energies and it's us as the NEW HUE-MAN existence here. The rest remains to be seen still.... This is the upheaval of the old foundations as we once knew them. It is the solidification of a NEW HOLOGRAM that can be re-tuned, re-transmitted, re-structured in any given moment... for we are Crystalline Light Beings and the actual physical crystals inside of us give us this capability to CREATE AS GODS in the physical here. This is the cellular memory cleanse of hidden core beliefs that defined what we measured ourselves by "way back when". We have been going through a huge time of taking our power back. Where everything that caused us to feel dis-empowered had to come forefront so that we could re-claim our power and become PURE POWERFUL BEINGS again here. (I'll share where I can on the recent HUGE overpowering masculine energy that has surfaced due to these recent activations of this). As all cycles down through our new/upgraded internal crystalline grid system, we anchor, the dreamy floatiness goes and things start to look and feel real again. This was a hard part for me to get used to this last year. It took me the entire year to continually adjust to this new reality here. I have not known what to expect until I actually experience it here. I have to use every part of me to understand and then write to share for all who shall/do experience the same. Anchoring the dream means that the old etheric realms become real. It means we see it in a dream state and then it occurs here. It means that lucid becomes real, the opposite of when we were going from "old real" to "bizarre lucid" in a waking state as all starts to bend and breathe. All of a sudden (not really, just words to describe) we "wake up" and we are on a new earth/new planet with awesome and magical as a part of our "normal" reality here. It means we slept enough to wake up and now we sleep just to anchor/integrate light, clear the old human existence that used to be real or exist in other parallels, timelines, realities we had no idea existed ... and we don't care. We just clear clear clear. Jumping timelines (even that is a human phrase), we wake up to things coming at us fast. Our cells have become photonic charged particles that zoom about inside. Each amplification of light supercharges us and we Quantum Jump to a NEW SPACE IN "TIME". No longer "forward" we just move from space to space. Only when the dimensions contract do we move forward through time again. When we are in "our home frequencies" we just occupy a space. We close our eyes and open them to be in a new "time" and eventually, once we've mastered at-will-particle-reconstruction of the physical reality (we have moved into this phase), changing physical locations/bodies becomes an actual visible reality too. Our mind is what kept us from this and held us to this physical place/form. Crystalline upgrades and anchoring/integrating photonic light is how we do our Multi-Dimensional physical realities here. ♥ Lisa Transcendence Brown, Multi-Dimensional Mastery, Ancient, Master, Solar Crystalline Quantum Light BEing here
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Thank you to Marinette Lepine with TransLight for sharing and translating in French! Wow, so very honored! Thank YOU!
Read here WAYSHOWER, AUTHOR, PHYSICAL ASCENSION & LIGHT EMBODIMENT GUIDE, CRYSTAL(LINE) GRIDKEEPER & GATEKEEPER, LIGHT ENERGY TRANSLATOR, COSMIC PORTAL, & MORE!Transcendence is my first"Remembered" name, Ithara is my Galactic identification and Lisa is my human name. Archives
January 2016
Lisa Transcendence Brown (Ithara) ☼
Ascended Master WayShower, Author, NEW Earth Existence Sharings, Transformational Speaker, Light Embodiment & Empowerment Physical Ascension Guide (all from within) Updates via the Public Page: Purchase Books: |
Invest in yourself, each other, your Service as Light, hUmaNITY, Consciousness Expansion and all of our future nows... by contributing to and fully supporting (in every way) that which supports humanity with the immense transition phases with greater ease and through Pure Love.
NEW Earth has a whole new, entirely different value system, all new systems and ways that all must learn/remember and bring forth from deep within.
Energetic Cycles are increasing substantially at an unprecedented rate, accelerating "what comes back around" energetically... from all existences, as all is a cyclical/spiral/reciprocal energy that cycles faster as our beloved planet's vibrational frequency continues to rise to bring/usher all out of the "dark ages" and into "the Light" (Full Consciousness/a Quantum State of Remembrance/Pure Peace, Love, Unity and Sacred Oneness).
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Keep embracing, shining, building, integrating and sharing your BEAUTIFUL LIGHT as Love! It's BEyond important for all! ♥
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