![]() I cannot speak of another's journey, I can only speak of (and share) mine. I have found there are "themes" of how things occur, so I share those as well, for sharing assists others on their own journey in light. As WayShowers, we share for the collective who shall also be experiencing in their perception of human time. And for this writing, I do use human time only as a reference point, for those who care. WE do not. Now, when I came to Transcend Ascension and embody the entire process within, I was "shocked" at how simple it all seemed and honestly, seemingly uneventful as well. You would "think" that when you Ascend, that there is some huge something to indicate this. Yet that is a human perception, for in alignment with how the soul works, all things are very subtle here. Transcending Ascension was the epitamy of this. Subtle, oddly different and silent. Very silent and exquisitely serene, peaceful and blissful to experiences within, while observing all as it is currently presented "out there". Now I did write on FB and my blog as I experienced and observed much of this, for it occurred over "time" beginning with the 12/12 Gateway Opening Portal Day, where I was shown to get up, spend the day in silence, let go off all cares and go to connect, sit and write on the beach. I could go further back throughout the whole year, to include other silently pivotal integration experiences as well, yet for this, I will start with 12/12, being the most prominent here. ![]() Short version, was that I activated the portal of ancient memories and began their integration as they came forth from inside of me. I share a photo of this portal that I actually captured in a photo, not putting 2+2 together until much later here. I had no idea that as the ancient portal opened, the old human ascension portal minimized to a mini-portal that we hold in our hands and then just integrate within our entire being and embody as well. As a human, I was just sitting on the beach, REMEMBERING in the sun and connected in silence, honor and complete peace. This integration process would take less than 2 weeks, for on 12/20 I awoke to silence in my head, no frequencies and the words "you have ascended", yet I could not believe it, for my physical reality still looked like "OLD Earth" to me. For the next 3 days I went through a "wipe", a silence and an unprecedented connection with Gaia, hearing her speak, being called by the elementals, the trees, the animals, and honoring these callings when they spoke. I was experiencing a MERGE WITH GAIA, and all things, during this time. On 12/21 I awoke to the words "just wait, just wait, it is huge".... On 12/23, I awoke to the words "you have ascended, you are done". No if, ands or buts... just total clarity within, yet confusion to my human me, for everything STILL looked the same externally. I showered and went about sitting in silence and observation for how "odd" all seemed to feel and sound inside. Nothing. There was nothing. I was was just "here" in suspended animation again. On 12/24 I did another "mini-closure" by speaking to all in my reality that mattered to me. I also had spent the last couple weeks in appreciation and reflection (a review) of the entire last year of my overall ascension process of what I had "accomplished" within and in-service, and even posted it to share with others as well. I "knew" something was going on, yet all things are so very subtle here. WE see the "entire picture" when in observation and AFTER while looking "down" from the higher realms at the entire process overall. We see the connectivity of all things spanned out and converging into one moment to complete the "whole". On 12/25 I awoke again in complete silence, yet hearing the entire universe actually speak. The energy was silent, serene, playful, exciting and magical indeed. Feeling a new ONENESS with Kauai, Gaia (Mother Earth), the Elemental Kingdom and more. This day pivotal, for I formed a new connection and MERGED with Gaia as ONE. Yet this too, I did not understand until over-viewing "later" as well. That night, I had the opportunity to attend a gathering and it was my first experience in a group where all were present as their 5th Dimensional aspect, in one room... where the NEW EARTH mist was present everywhere and all existed totally AS open hearts, in love, and it was magnificent and beautiful beyond. WE spoke the words of NEW EARTH and others responded with excitement as well. My understanding "then" was "WE are ON NEW EARTH". No doubt, no questioning, this was IT. WE took photos and shared to show others "WE ARE HERE", sharing and bringing others forth in this understanding they already held deep inside as well. I also heard "you are an ascended master", yet my human me could not accept this. I refused to speak the words, yet found myself continuing to hear this, while over the upcoming days, coming to embody this frequency and KNOW this again. To claim it now is okay, yet this took a bit of getting used to. I had to get past my human perception of "ego" about this. There came a point recently that "not to speak this" felt odd, as I had come to BE this again. Embracing this was part of the process of acceptance as well. Embodying it was instant, as I came to REMEMBER myself AS a MASTER from within. On January 4th, we attended another gathering, magical and with a huge group of beings here all as 5th dimensional aspects again. I met some amazing souls, and was enveloped in the most magnificent song as all sang and swayed, eyes closed and open hearts. That tune alone, all of those voices, in unison, in love... wow is an understatement. Shortly after the shifts between earths have been obvious and noticing this takes presence and awareness in every moment. I also experienced observing my particles "breaking down" and reorganizing before going through a vortex (other's would call this a black hole). I heard "you are not in the same place you were before. Pay attention and notice the differences here". This would continue to occur, frequently, and I shared many of these online for others to become aware as this occurred as well. Soon I would be switching earths while sitting in a coffee shop with a multitude of others having no idea of anything at all going on. On 1/11 it was my day of birth here, and I was blessed with an entire day of portal activations here on the island. 111 being an activation number, my name Transcendence and "birth day" meaning NEW is about to be birthed, I KNEW amazing was coming, yet still no idea of what. I embrace every opportunity to activate portals, and this day was beyond spectacular! Crystals, Caves, Gaia (part of the Kalalau Trail and the Crystalline Na Pali Coast.. wow is again an understatement!) ~ See photos here. I was shown to look for the odd things that were out of place, to know which earth I was on. I started doing this at all times, and what I found was also subtle and profound. As a human I would have discounted such things, yet "here" I so totally understood. It was this ability to believe anything that allowed me to experience so much. The differences since have been both paramount and insignificant, all at the same time, for this is how it works here. As with every gateway, portal & dimensional realm opening, there is a "space" of integration that occurs as we anchoring of these light frequencies here. As we do this, we EMBODY all things, which allows for all to actually come to physically materialize here. For materialization if our human perception of what is just us arriving in frequency where "that" has always existed or been. The only barrier is our human perception, broken by the quantum ability of transcendence of the "separation of time" in the human mind. The spiral "up" is ever expanding "out" to actually walk AS these dimensions, all just simply now held within. Here they are but a semblance of an old separation that no longer exists anymore; instead now just a space tucked inside and merged into ONENESS within. Unification. I was not prepared for what would occur next. The human expectation would "think" magic and bliss. Yet, as with all previous realms transcended, there is a purification process where the old mindset must also be allowed to fall away. For me, every remnant of lack left had to surface, and with a vengeance it did. The difference here, was I understood it, so I "suffered" through it with total awareness and refusal to believe it at all. No matter what presented, it was an untruth and I held fast to that which I truly knew inside. I was taken as near as possible to a "breaking point", while knowing exactly this was what it was. I was taken to the moment, where one could break or transcend. Knowing this was a part of the old matrix, I knew better, with nothing in place in the physical to show me any differently. I could not ask for help, I had to tough it out and allow the old matrix version to play out until I'd had enough. In a split moment, when it was it's strongest, I knew it was about to completely dissipate and leave. And it did, and all shifted, immediately and I transcended those long days of anything old human that was left. Gone, done... to never return again. (This was the entire first half of January, just a month ago, yet seeming years since passed. wow....) Frankly, excuse the language, but I took the entire human existence by it's balls and said "I have had enough of this"... and I refused to allow it anymore. I found new strength within and from within me NEW EARTH was birthed. After that things started moving, like a whirl-wind things did speed up. All expedited and magnificence came forth and I was back "home" on my NEW EARTH. ![]() On 2/9 I awoke to the words "you are on OLD EARTH again"... and the energies were yucky and I said "nope, I can intentionally SHIFT this". So I did. It took me one hour to move those energies out and shift back into NEW EARTH frequencies within. The cool thing was to observe "out there" matching the frequency change just as quickly. This is what we call "tuning" when we do it intentionally and at will. I walked into town and I felt the "split" of the energies present. It felt that I could go either way, dependent on how conscious or unconscious I was. It felt that with any moment I could move from Earth to Earth... At 12:33 I heard to go take a photo and share on a FB post. This was the photo and the words I received later was this was a visible split of the two worlds. Over the next few days I would notice the same thing, and just observing I took photos, slept to integrate, flowing with the weather and all that presented. ![]() Since then, I have been easily walking between worlds. The difference was KNOWING that "OLD EARTH" was gone. It would peek it's head out every so often "out there", yet inside no falter, as I now held this frequency within. On 2/1 there was a "collision of realities" and a telepathic visit by a BEing saying "WE are coming". "Out there" realities were all over the place, while I just stayed in peace and observed. Silence is where we REMEMBER. This photo was on 2/12, and I asked the universe to clear the weather and bring forth a few hours of sun for me. I awoke, it was not raining, but there was no sunshine "yet". I decided there would be, so I dressed and went out the door. I started shifting dimensionally, intentionally and speaking that which I wished to come forth. The sun peeked out and accompanied me on my walk into town, growing brighter with every step. When I arrived on the beach, the worlds were "split" and I could exist in either one, depending on where I stepped. I played with the frequencies of each, to see what difference there was. I sat in the middle of both, OLD EARTH to the left and NEW EARTH to the right, depicted by the photos that I took. This but one of many shared then. I spent a couple of hours in silence, connection and honoring the space that I now occupied here. When I was done, I stood up and the clouds began to move in. I asked for no rain until I arrived home, for I still had at least an hour walk. The moment I walked through the door, the rain came down, and continued for another day. 2/13 I was shown to go inward, go to silence and remove myself from all. I could feel physical imbalance and my internal doing a weird shift as well. I posted that I was going offline and nestled inside my room. The storms came and lasted for days, and I heard "OLD EARTH is going" and to just sleep. So I did, for 4-5 days. Long sleeps allow for entire realities to clear and new ones to totally emerge. I know this, from actual experiences, so I welcome and honor this "sacredly". It rained and stormed and I listened to the photonic activations, observing old unknown realities going, allowing new ones to emerge. The most intense pineal gland activations have occurred this last month. This brings forth our ability to actually have a tangible experience based upon what we already know and hold in our heart and embody within. This transmits our new hologram based upon that which we hold within. It is no longer a place to just "see", it is now a REALITY that we tangibly exist in HERE NOW. On 2/17 I awoke to stay awake for 2 solid days. On 2/18, the "Amighty Elohim" came forth, and I have not "channeled" a frequency "outside of me" for a very long time. I obliged this "important message" and I watched the visuals (much grander) as I typed the words that I shared with you all. Within one hour of human time I had embodied this frequency within as well. Integration here is very fast now when we honor "this" journey first. The physical body's transformation is exquisite and quite phenomenal to observe. While I still see a human form sometimes, to actually observe the sub-atomic molecular restructuring and nano-bodies working while light particles activate is beyond human words. To be able to re-program at will and just communicate in this way.... is so far beyond human.... for we are no longer human here. WE are evolving HUman Star BEings... and our evolution is apparently yet just another part of what I am to experience and share. Oh, and the ancient memories flooding forth since 12/12 have been beyond my human comprehension and still come forth in bits and pieces here and there. Eventually they will make up a "whole something" to share as well. That will be another post on Quantum Physics, Quantum Mechanics, Nano=Bodies, Anti-Matter, Atoms, Sub-Atomic Molecular Re-Structuring, and so very much more that I totally see and understand, yet do not have the entire remembering or words. I have been "going non-stop" for over a month of what the human perceives as 18-22 hour days. Because my entire existence is "only this", every moment is nothing but "this". So whether I am sleeping or awake, they are the same... activation, anchoring, integration and clearing anything human, yet this too is almost non-existent, as is sleep on most days here. Sleep is a re-boot, fast clearing or connection state now. Connections with each others increases in the shut-down state as well. A week ago, I knew something was up when I had to switch phones and old photos transferred from "long ago" that I had "forgotten". In deleting them, photos of an old relationship and of my old human life and all my material things that I loved. For an instant, I reviewed how much I had "lost" and a tear seeped from my eye. The release of another remnant, for those who know me, know, that I have no memories here. This told me something huge was about to come forth. Utilizing my delete button ... in a moment, again it was all gone, for that was of a reality inside the matrix that dissolved a long time ago. ![]() Yesterday, I again spoke that I wished for the rain to clear so I could walk to town for food, nature, connection and more. Again, this occurred and I was able to take hundreds of magnificent photos and even a video of the energies materializing here for us all. The entire "out there" filled with crystalline NEW EARTH mist... totally exquisite and the feeling is that "the old is gone". I observed mixed realities "out there" and was surprised to even see Old Earth present at all. Yet it felt like it was going, going.... and yes.... now... apparently it is gone. Today I awoke with the words "The gateway is closed" and you are fully on NEW EARTH NOW. I was shown to pull together this compilation of my experiences, photos and to share with you all. Every moment a magnificent surprise, where we bring forth ancient memories and share with all. While the wonder of the NEW transpires, and yes loves.... magic does exist here. And the feeling it is just the beginning is paramount here as well. Now, I thought I was finished writing, yet found myself drawn to stop and go outside to walk and connect from within. As I walked, more came forth, apparently writing the previous allowed for the activation of the "next phase". As I walked, I activated a whole new frequency within. Another portal opened and my name "Transcendence" came forth. Not as a word, but a vibrational frequency, emanating out from within. It enveloped me and I became this frequency and the words "Today I AM Transcendence ~ Embodied ~ No longer just a name." I was totally aware that I had just "achieved" Transcendence and now embody this here as well. I found it so ironic that I was walking, in silence, with all of this going on yet all around me totally oblivious to anything at all. The streets were less filled, the market bare, the cars on the street 1/10th of what is normally there. The coffee shop that's normally packed, was quieter and it felt like I was the only one there. The irony is that I am the same physical form to my human eyes that I was the day before. I live meagerly, sleep on a mattress on a floor, live out of 2 suitcases, walk to get everywhere and have much less in the physical than anyone around me and, yet peace within is beyond human comprehension, and knowing even more profound. Here, I have "transcended" and I was reminded of the words from December "just wait, just wait, it is huge"; no pivotal external anything occurring, and in this moment, I knew THIS is what was meant. In this moment, I possess absolutely everything and the ability to create anything from this point on. And all I desire is UNITY and for humanity to emerge in love, light, peace and unity here. All I desire is for all separation still remaining out there to fall away and to exist as I KNOW is possible NOW. For all human lack to cease, for all to come to exist outside the matrix and to unify as one again. I wish to awake tomorrow in a world where all are awake and exist completely AS love. Out there unfolds AFTER WE make the shift and hold it while the "new" is formed. This is not about out there changing and coming to exist where we are. This is about us shifting, integrating and existing in a higher vibration where all already is. For me, I AM. ♥ This existence is a subtle and silent one at times, with magic, laughter and bliss in others. The variety of wonder ever present and the only constant is our inner expansion. To stretch our minds in every moment, to believe that which is not supported by anything out there. To completely reverse our reality; to spend every moment in-service, and to appreciate and share absolutely everything we have access to. This reality ever changing and shifting, for WE create here just by REMEMBERING again. The "future" no longer the future... just a memory to pull forth NOW here. ♥ Aloha Nui Loa ♥ Today I AM Transcendence... tomorrow is again unknown. ☼ Update: While walking and integrating further into the higher realms, I was writing the words that came through, in order to also share. Several very specific phrases kept repeating. One was "Today I AM Transcendence, Embodied, no longer just a name." Over and over again, almost so that I could not forget again. :) Another was "Rites of Passage", and showing that the entire process (forever), and also the last two months were in fact this. My "Rites of Passage" for Transcendence. Then "after" this passage "finished", I kept receiving the words "Breaking the Barriers". I know what I see. I will just leave all with the words for now. ♥
The following I wrote to also share with you. While in silent observation and REMEMBERING: TODAY I AM TRANSCENDENCE, EMBODIED. NO LONGER JUST A NAME All that you come to embody, will bey by way of a portal, activated by way of feeling the expansion of this frequency from within. Until then, all things are but a perception, an attempt to understand that which must be REMEMBERED by achieving this frequency and integrating it to envelope you to expand out from within. For me, it has been this way for every frequency activation of portals to realms like magic, the angelic realm, alchemy, paradise, ancient memories, galactic energies and more. This too was true for Transcendence, a name REMEMBERED years ago, yet until now, never fully or even remotely understood. We do not truly understand until we EMBODY, for understanding comes by way of achieving this through integration of light from within. The memory is present in the frequency as it radiates out from within us and expands to envelope every fiber of our BEing here NOW. Today I awoke to share writings and once shared the words "Rite of Passage" came forth. My schedule cleared, I felt to withdraw and stay within; silent observance and sacred connection the only thing here. To others, nothing special, yet inside the merging of all times, all selves, all moments and humble commanding presence of this space. To another, it may just be another day. To me, a most profound inner experience and so subtle, silence is required to experience and REMEMBER this. A multitude of feelings, yet no expression, those too just integrate to experience all at once. Externally, nothing visibly changing, yet internally nothing will ever be the same. Out there will come forth in response to this new vibrational space that I now occupy unified. Beyond this, there are no words to describe this. This can only be experienced through feeling and expanding from within. For now, I just hold this vibration, for even writing is a distraction. Time, moments, thoughts ... all gone. Nothing and everything simultaneously exist here now. ♥
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Support Change and help me keep sharing to assist all in unity and bringing forth the "new" (Remembered) here. With the utmost appreciation and love. Mahalo. ♥
Thank you to Marinette Lepine with TransLight for sharing and translating in French! Wow, so very honored! Thank YOU!
Read here WAYSHOWER, AUTHOR, PHYSICAL ASCENSION & LIGHT EMBODIMENT GUIDE, CRYSTAL(LINE) GRIDKEEPER & GATEKEEPER, LIGHT ENERGY TRANSLATOR, COSMIC PORTAL, & MORE!Transcendence is my first"Remembered" name, Ithara is my Galactic identification and Lisa is my human name. Archives
January 2016
Lisa Transcendence Brown (Ithara) ☼
Ascended Master WayShower, Author, NEW Earth Existence Sharings, Transformational Speaker, Light Embodiment & Empowerment Physical Ascension Guide (all from within) www.AwakeningToRemembering.com Updates via the Public Page: https://www.facebook.com/LisaTranscendenceBrown Purchase Books: https://www.awakeningtoremembering.com/books.html |
Invest in yourself, each other, your Service as Light, hUmaNITY, Consciousness Expansion and all of our future nows... by contributing to and fully supporting (in every way) that which supports humanity with the immense transition phases with greater ease and through Pure Love.
NEW Earth has a whole new, entirely different value system, all new systems and ways that all must learn/remember and bring forth from deep within.
Energetic Cycles are increasing substantially at an unprecedented rate, accelerating "what comes back around" energetically... from all existences, as all is a cyclical/spiral/reciprocal energy that cycles faster as our beloved planet's vibrational frequency continues to rise to bring/usher all out of the "dark ages" and into "the Light" (Full Consciousness/a Quantum State of Remembrance/Pure Peace, Love, Unity and Sacred Oneness).
In deep sacred appreciation for your presence, dedication and service as Love too. ♥
Keep embracing, shining, building, integrating and sharing your BEAUTIFUL LIGHT as Love! It's BEyond important for all! ♥
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