![]() I share what appears to be a "transmission" and it has been a very long time since I have "received" such of this. I normally share that which comes from within me, that which I embody, yet these are words in frequency that come forth to share. I have no basis for these, other than what I see & what keeps repeating for me to write and share. Therefore I do so, and leave it up to the receiver as to any resonance at all. I "asked" for translation in simple words, as what I see is like a computer, as a computer, with "mechanical" upgrades, which is far beyond that which I have seen thus far. ~ Lisa Transcendence Brown ~ Transmission: "You are being upgraded, beyond that which your human mind can comprehend. Your physical has activated dormant coding that will totally transform your being as you once knew it. All that you saw out there in your human reality, has always existed within. Your human machines but a fraction of that which you possess inside. These upgrades move many of you beyond human and your human treatments only interfere and deplete your system for what is now being done. These encodements were programmed within your Adam Kadmon Etheric Template, now activated to create the super human race. Your abilities prior just a semblance of what is to come as you activate and integrate. Your human perception is interfering and your attempts to "fix" that which is repairing and restructuring only creates a reverse affect while you repair. Your human "fixes" overload and deplete, and to upgrade you must shut down to allow purification to occur. You perceive that something is different, that something is occurring, yet you may not know exactly what. Trust that you hold within you, the ability for all to be cured. Your job, if you will, is to assist and allow, rather than to continually inter-fear. Yes, fear is the underlying human's need to control, to fix that which was diminished for your human experience here. Yet you have come into a time, where repair is as instant as you allow your star particles to restructure at the sub-atomic level inside. As your inside repairs and restructures, your "outside" shall restructure as well. Your physical world but a holographic transmission from within, then materializing in particle light at the same frequency that your unified being holds. These upgrades are part of your original design, one that is expedited with every energy upgrade after what you called Ascension. Many of you have expanded beyond this "stage" now, and receive and integrate new "parts" that will evolve as you do. Your minds will connect like a computer, and you do not sleep as you once knew. Now you clear old human and timelines and you shut down to receive, remember and re-boot. Your human will try to hang on to old schedules, and this will continue to go as your frequencies increase, moreso than you have ever seen thus far. This is your original programming. Nothing out there is a threat to you now. The only threat you endure, is the lack that still exists in your human minds. Those who have come to realize that lack was a human condition, have transcended this mentality and now master that which seemed beyond reach before. You also bring forth the ancient rememberings and knowledge to share with others to create that which many perceive as "new". You do understand this is not "new", yet your human words limited you to this use. Sharing your knowledge with each other is how you shall bring forth that which will "save" your humanity there. In the upcoming days you will connect "in" and we shall also become visible as well. First telepathically, as many of you have experienced, then holographically to ease you into this transition. Your vibrational frequency is how you see us, for we have always been here. The more you focus on integration, the "sooner" visibility shall come forth. That which materializes does so from a transmission within you, so you will see that which you activate to appear in your hologram there. You have always held this access, yet you just now come into a "time" where you can actually do this at will. For now we end this transmission, to resume more and very soon. WE prepare you for seeing that which you have the ability to activate, transmit from within. As you "link-up" with others, this transmission shall grow stronger and create the new hologram that you all seek. From your human's perspective this materializes, yet from our perspective you now evolve and have finally arrive here. We have used your human words, so that you can relate and understand. These are but terms in your human language and WE ask that you keep loose interpretation when you read and absorb this. Do not get stuck on specifics, for the understanding is all that WE wish to translate here. WE offer this as guidance to assist you in your expanded evolution now. WE too are within all of you, encoded in that which now activates as well. End of Transmission ~ WE are you. ~ WE are The Elohim ♥ Important Update: For me, once I "activate" to a frequency of an energy (The Galactic High Council, the Angelic Realm, The Elohim, Syrian, Lyran, and more... because of my own unification, I then embody this frequency (integrate) at a really "fast" rate. This specific one took about an hour, in human time, so that now when I speak, I speak as WE and this is a part of my own ancient knowledge that I bring forth here. I do not separate energies, for they become the part of the whole. "WE" is ALL energies previously activated, now embodied inside of me. WE are all things, REMEMBERED again. We are only "channels" when the information/frequency "floats" around out there. I integrate the frequency as fast a it comes forth. It has been this way for over a year now. ~ Lisa ~ I AM WE.
2/17/2014 09:21:17 pm
Thank You Lisa...Great Validation for Me :)
Sine Hvass
2/17/2014 11:04:49 pm
It resonates with me ❤️ Thank you Lisa ✨
2/17/2014 11:52:08 pm
This is wonderful, Thank you. I asked for validation this morning of what I am going through and I was lead to this post.
The last four weeks have been intense in this way and I keep thinking I'm sick but guides keep saying it's reprogramming. Everything seems up for grabs. I get you are saying to just sleep and stop wondering whats going on and trying to do daily stuff. Timing is very reinforcing. Thank you for that!
10/26/2016 01:42:57 pm
I dreamed I was laying on a shiny metal table and heard several people in the room say my DNA was being "changed". I dont know what this means. In the dream I knew my DNA was being changed. The process took a long time and was quite uncomfortable . I woke often during the night tossing and turning and felt feverish and very achy. Each time I fell back asleep into the same DNA changing dream.
2/19/2014 03:31:46 am
thanking you kindly, wow, with love
2/19/2014 03:54:16 am
Thank you with lots of love,light and respect,
Shariel Walters
2/19/2014 12:03:01 pm
2/19/2014 11:25:40 pm
Feeling more and more one with Source, and less connected with thoughts. An inner freedom and strength, a fearlessness and flow emerging. Thank you!!
2/19/2014 11:28:08 pm
I have been "sick" for 7 months now....and my guides continually tell me I am healed! That I am not sick! Every organ and system in my body has crashed, one by one....only to come back strong and healthy. The emotional toll this has taken on me and my family has been tremendous! All I can say is Thank You for sharing this -- and to those of you who, like me, seem to be bent on doing this the hard way -- we're doing good work. Hang in there!
2/24/2014 04:27:26 am
This has really helped me to understand the changes in my body and how deal with them. Thank you thank yo thank you with love and Gratitude
5/16/2014 09:31:42 pm
Hello. I'm the same Gail going through it and just say in my mind thinking it's nothing really also find out it's the dna upgrade that's happening. I'm preparing my self for what's coming got a first aid kit in draw plasters and paracetomols just in case. I could do with a change away from my health problems asthma and tracheotomy that's why I'm going for it not bothered about anyone else what they go through with it to whatever end apart from my mum and other family members. It might also solve my financial problems. I see it's the only way if I was rich enough and if had more than £120, 000 and back where I'm originally from then I wouldn't bother with this and them aliens.
7/1/2014 03:20:34 am
Thank you Lisa. I have little problem to get all the meaning of your words in English but what I understand is what units us:
8/22/2014 05:41:02 am
I keep hearing something in my mind that says it's we.
8/24/2014 06:25:44 am
Thankyou Lisa ..this so reasonates with me, we are one
2/26/2015 02:00:48 am
thank you dear heart it helps toknow how these energy upgrades,downloads,intergrations, mental-masterbations are all part of the Journey Love Always ,David
Patrick Carson
1/30/2016 12:12:45 am
I have something called ptsd. Ive had it for over 5 years if not more. Im only 20 and im really confused on this. My minds been going a million miles per hour. Im not scared of death. When i fit people i dont feel anything but my anger rising and my strength impeading. I feel no remorse. I feel no pain and i feel nothing but heat running through my body. But the thought of im not hitting em hard enough flys through my head so i get even more angry. I call it the hulk effect. Can you explain to me how my dna is upgrading? Can you explain to me how i can sleep 15 hours straight and still be tired. Can you explain to me how i can punch through jail base glass? And not break my hands. Please explain cause everyday i feel like im going mentally insane like how can someone have this much anger. Is ptsd an upgrade ? Cause i dont think its a something i can be thankful for.
phillip zane
4/23/2016 09:37:48 pm
hello there .I have been getting a binary code dna ugrade for 10 years now every single day I see binary code.it has now changed..from 1001 to 111 ,please help with some suggestion as I am highly informed on all of these sorts of phenomena.ancient civilisations etc human history which is the true history .not the white man story,i have much knowledge to share if anyone of you will listen and guide my path to enlightenment and spiritual upgrade to help the "humans" as I am a light worker.i also hate humans .they disgust me.
9/12/2016 03:54:14 pm
Thank you so much :) xxx
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Thank you to Marinette Lepine with TransLight for sharing and translating in French! Wow, so very honored! Thank YOU!
Read here WAYSHOWER, AUTHOR, PHYSICAL ASCENSION & LIGHT EMBODIMENT GUIDE, CRYSTAL(LINE) GRIDKEEPER & GATEKEEPER, LIGHT ENERGY TRANSLATOR, COSMIC PORTAL, & MORE!Transcendence is my first"Remembered" name, Ithara is my Galactic identification and Lisa is my human name. Archives
January 2016
Lisa Transcendence Brown (Ithara) ☼
Ascended Master WayShower, Author, NEW Earth Existence Sharings, Transformational Speaker, Light Embodiment & Empowerment Physical Ascension Guide (all from within) www.AwakeningToRemembering.com Updates via the Public Page: https://www.facebook.com/LisaTranscendenceBrown Purchase Books: https://www.awakeningtoremembering.com/books.html |
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NEW Earth has a whole new, entirely different value system, all new systems and ways that all must learn/remember and bring forth from deep within.
Energetic Cycles are increasing substantially at an unprecedented rate, accelerating "what comes back around" energetically... from all existences, as all is a cyclical/spiral/reciprocal energy that cycles faster as our beloved planet's vibrational frequency continues to rise to bring/usher all out of the "dark ages" and into "the Light" (Full Consciousness/a Quantum State of Remembrance/Pure Peace, Love, Unity and Sacred Oneness).
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