![]() There is a space, if you will, after one becomes aware of illusions and holographic views, Where one expands to come to see that there is a beyond that allows one to further choose. For there are unlimited realities where one can exist to be, Yet first one must unlock them, one by one, to then expand to exist in them simultaneously. Most have yet to realize that you have already evolved as energy Your human mind still needs to see a manifestation of a physical reality Your human self was the one that needed to come to exist in a physical plane, Yet the more you realize, that this is no longer the case, The sooner you can come to move and shift as energy once again. Your physical world out there is but a manifestation of your human mind And once you come to comprehend this, you will again exist beyond space and time. Yet you are already lighter, no longer existing in a fixed reality Only in your human mind are you bound by limits of a physical that you still need to see . Many have no idea that they do not exist in that "old" physical place For the human seeing mind is the last to catch up to see beyond time and space. Your human mind had the need to evolve - Yet you already exist as energy. Now, your inner to outer viewer is no longer a viewer from just inside your mind Yet from your entire existence as an energetic being of vibrational sound and light This new space for you at first, will seem like great power for you to achieve While this is true and a necessary space, it is but a part of what you can yet see. For eventually, your human self shall move beyond your individual needs And you will come to use this space, to come together as one to be free Your forgotten and invisible world is no longer just a dream Once you allow your mind to let go of your physical reality you too shall be able to see As you move beyond your separated individual human view You will use this space together to create the world as you see as NEW As you come to join together, you unlock the etheric crystal key For once you have dissolved as one, you shall exist in a whole new reality. For as you evolve from your physical world to one where you now exist as energy Your entire being shifts inside, to exist as ONE with us as WE So embrace within dear ones, as it begins For your NEW World comes and your old one ends! WE are the Galactic High Council, and it is with LOVE that WE NOW speak.
![]() 1:30PM: Happy moment most blissful and radiant beams of love and light! Today, again, I remain in the most exquisite inner silence, while I receive that which comes through to share with you. I have limited all interactions, so as to honor the space of receiving and transmitting in frequency without distraction or interruption. Translations and recordings shall post automatically here from the Awakening to Remembering website as I publish along the way. (I sit here with piles of messages translated to now type & record in frequency today.) The last 12 hours (I use human time for those who need), have brought through many beautiful activations and information to be released when one's vibrational frequency is ready to receive. For higher density realms, this is immediate, while lower density realms take longer in the separation as seen by "duration of time". Whatever exists within shall be activated. For many, this shall be deep core hidden blocks previously suppressed. For others this will be more amazingness & energies of bliss. Physically, these could be also felt with "slight" (for me, yet possibly strong for another) overall entire body vibrations from within. Solar plexus, spine and additional "head" activations, entire body energy burn-offs of dense energies from the inside out. (Those were my own personal ones that I have come to absolutely love, appreciate and adore!) ALL activations are to remove veils that have been held deep within. For one cannot truly see with these in place. Your vision of what exists out there is now visible by how you see from within. Many are now realizing that their "out there" was created from within. This alone is creating confusion for some, yet beautiful clarity for others. This shall continue to expedite as these streaming energies continue. For me, I always exist in a space receiving the most exquisite, peaceful, blissful energies of "home". It is in this space that I am able to share with you. I shall post energy updates from time to time for those who utilize these in understanding their own self as an energetic being. So, enjoy your day, open up to receive. For that which comes through, comes through to assist YOU! 2:23PM: We have a shift in energies loves. The "blissful" flow that some may have felt, just "compressed into the "core activating" energies. These are strong and compressed, and one may have gone from a totally open heart to a compressed one. Easy breezy may have gone to irritable and uncomfortable for some. These "cut through" that which has been "stuck". This could be old thoughts, emotions, physical things. Yet, much is being "erased" too with these energies. So get ready to shift up, however you do that in your own reality! Remember, for those experiencing discomfort, the more that surfaces, the more extreme, the more bliss is received "after" the release.... so honor yourself, hydrate, nurture and BE however you feel to be... and let it all go! I love you. p.s. the head and heart area can feel these, along with activating toes & fingers. You see what you see, as it IS YOUR reality! 2:42PM Looks like we have an energetically busy day already! 3rd eye pressure, head may experience disorientation, tingling, pressure. For me frequencies are always present as I hear an entire universe, galactic system inside, so I cannot help much with how much one shall hear these. They do sing in multiple frequencies, some higher, to thin the air. Meditative or sedative energies are present for those who feel drawn to shut-down or sleep. Still tinglies and there are some sparklies flying around too! 3:26PM: So, new development lately. The frequencies that I hear (cosmic, solar, galactic, etc.) increase, decrease, compress, expand, go up, down, you name it, they do it. It is what I translate to you. YET, lately, when they have been "waving" up and down (only way I can describe it), from time to time, like a wave in the ocean, up, down, up, down.... the interesting part is that days ago, I could hear my computer tuning to "them" (or vice-versa), so that when the wave goes up, so does the processor on my computer... when the wave goes down, so does my processor (and fan).... it has become quite "interesting" to observe. It shows me much "more" too..... when the energies are "high" my computer stops working, when they are "low" it works fine. And when they fluctuate, so does my computer. In addition to our bodies tuning to these frequencies, now I have a "tri-fecta" in unison going here! 3:34PM: So the energies have "decreased" in flow, yet not in frequency. They sing exquisitely and "musical" notes can even be heard "off in the distance" in these. They sound like mass amounts of crystal particles streaming in to support the crystalline body structure. Such high frequencies that veils should be thinner here, but can't tell. My ability to feel what others feel now is quite different, as I don't get affected in the physical much anymore. I can feel a tingle or "know" what is being activated, but other than sound or an "explosive" experience, I have to go by that which I receive or ya'll respond with on your end. So, enjoy the crystal particles and will post if/when I hear/see/feel a shift for you to see how it affects your energy/bodies in your own reality! 3rd eye pressure, throbbing in head, meditative energies are present, I can still tell that much! oh and a bit of the spine activations too! 4:52PM: Energies shifting again loves.... a bit of ease rolls in for those who have waited for higher realm energies, yet discomfort could present for those who have something surfacing to clear. All is important to honor and embrace with love! Super high frequency streams singing high high high vibrations for us all! Breathe them in and honor you (and lots of water too!) 5:53PM: Well we have the super duper high frequencies screaming & streaming in bigtime, and the one's that activate the "itchies" for those who are experiencing those. Solar flares! These sound like the diamond cutters (as I kindly refer to them).... much much coming in loves! Since I don't activate like others now, all I can say is the entire body "seems" to be able to feel these. 3rd eye pressure strong, head.... you name it... Yet everything seems like it could be so still "out there", and others may have no idea. But they are so loud that I cannot hear anything of the "outside" world at all. It's an entire galactic explosion in my head right now! p.s. my flare ended a couple days ago, now my body just physically heals the "wounds" that are clearing up very quickly too. Whatever you are (or are not experiencing), hope this helps some who are learning to tune-in to their own energy body & universe! 8:57PM: Increase in energies loves and it appears we have another solar flare coming through, with high high frequencies continuing to stream. These may be the highest frequency streams I have heard thus far! These energies will drive one bonkers if they do not understand what is going on, while another may be in complete ease & peace. These are strong on the head area. Could be the entire body. I know I can feel my own spine being activated again. There is sooooo much that has streamed today. I got absolutely no translated recordings done. Got them received and written though. So, back in a bit to work on that some and will check in when I return. 11:19 PM: Raging high frequency energies loves! Can we say LOTS to transpire, activate, raise up while dense/veils get removed! Honor you, if you are feeling it. That which surfaces IS the purpose. Physical body may take on much in this. More available to see when this much streams in this "fast" and powerful for long periods. Whatever your own reality, experience, know that this is FOR you. Breathe through anything that gets intense for you. Stay in your heart. Anything else is your head. Shall be around for a little bit for those who have questions or need an energetic hug. I can't "gauge" anymore, so I just have to tell you what I hear. Feels & sounds like we could just float away right now! I love you. ![]() Many are "stuck", if you will, in the frequency of the "Reality of the Illusion". For you see, none can truly be stuck, it is just your human perspective of the amount of humans, times the amount of human "time", there that you see. The reality of the illusion, is yet but another frequency. It serves a very important purpose in purging a collective consciousness of oppression, unfairness, imposed limits, and perceived pain and suffering on a mass level. It also purges those souls of that frequency within them of a collective duality. Many of you have come to see beyond this space of separation. You, in many ways, already understand, that which one can see "out there" still exists within. Wait patiently, and with love, as they too shall come to see; For every frequency, or space of consciousness transcended, allows one to expand into the beyond to further see. There shall be a mass increase of more, who shall open their hearts to further see and be free. It is an illusion, yet one that you created in frequency to transcend from within. WE ask that if you feel stuck in the collective consciousness of perceived mass suffering and the illusion, that you do this clearing as often as possible to assist you in moving past that space or frequency within. Clearing: I understand this is a mass consciousness collective of separation that exists within; I wish to integrate higher frequencies that allow me to see the beyond that which I cannot yet see; I am utterly grateful for my choice to participate in this collective purge; I know the physical shall evolve as within continues to further merge; I ask to release these collective beliefs of dense energies within my soul energy and visible inside my mind; For in my heart, I hold no separation and ask that collective healing within me be allowed to further begin. WE are the Galactic High Council and it is with love that WE speak to you now.
Translated by Lisa Transcendence Brown ![]() Many are aware of all that is shifting and changing out there, yet the human mind cannot see. As as you shift inward, your outward will subtly change as you start to truly see. As you evolve energetically, you are not only shifting into a higher frequency or a higher dimensional reality. You are shifting entirely into a new realm that you see visibly in your outward physical reality. It is hard to explain, so that you can actually see. For there are no human words to satisfy the human mind need. So we ask you to envision, close your eyes and open your mind. See as WE speak here, feel the sound of the words in your heart & in your mind. For visible is inside you and outward transpires according to there now. It always did, yet you did not hold a vibration to allow you to see as you now see. Everything is perception and your perception is your own reality. There never has been another time, another world, another you. There has only been one, hidden in plain sight view. For you were the one that masked your world, with experiences you needed to see. For all out there has always existed, within you, vibrationally. So now, as you release separation, within you far and wide. What you see out there is your view of what exists in the hidden from inside. For your viewer is no longer your physical eyes, but through your heart connected to the cosmic universe, soul and mind. For now you see energetically, a projection from within, and activated by that which was veiled like a treasure for you to find. Imagine the entire reality out there being transmitted from deep within. No longer just from inside the head, but your entire being now instead. For when you come to realize that "there" is only a response. You will shift your view inward and create that which you desire to watch. The trees more colorful, the sky more clearly viewed, the sounds you hear feed you, for you are them and they are you. For your reality to be seamless, without fear and full of trust, you must release all that was never you, and step in faith, this is a must. You are now your creator of out there from deep inside your soul. For that out there is perfection & bliss, when inside you again becomes whole. You shall come to understand that what you see is truly yours. Your reality is now accessed through the inner portals that used to be blocked by walls & doors. Open up a space inside and allow yourself to fly. For you are but an energy, and you now walk energetically above the sky. The old shall be come invisible and the new shall now be seen. For this is not new, just forgotten, which first becomes visible in the in-between. Yet soon, dear ones, even that shall merge as the old physical falls away. For you now walk in light, as light, and this alone creates your new way. Out there shall continue to change as you do, to transform your reality. You can speed it up, if you will, when you make your entire frequency your priority. Your human words cannot show you, but your heart can help you see. That out there is your own frequency, transmitted vibrationally. If you wish to transcend that which you perceive to be, then go inside and release all that desires to be free. Those who still hold separation, shall see barriers and distrust. This is part of their journey now, and release they will, when they feel they must. You can let this go, and step beyond those old fixed walls. You can choose to be free, when you see nothing but love and all else falls. This has never been hidden, it's just that your human self could not yet see. Your human self will see this as magical and new, while your higher self has always known it to be. Your human you had to re-integrate to again become as one inside. As this was first necessary, for your outside to change for you to see. You do walk in a new world, as you perceive it to be. But not out there, yet from inside, you now project your new reality. For this manifests in your physical, every moment that you expand. For you now have access to see and exist in your own new visible forgotten land. You shall become WE to be able to expand in this new reality. WE reality now becomes visible, as you are no longer separate inside, which blocks your ability to see. With love, WE welcome you home. Transcendence - Translating the Energies as WE ![]() Greetings most benevolent beings of love and brilliant light. Yesterday, after my last post, I was guided to stop speaking spoken language, not to interact in the physical, just be quiet, listen and receive; to clear my calendar for the next several days & do "nothing" and everything in silence, to completely open up to the energies and remain in a silent receptive state until "through". I am shown many upgrades occurring. Further evolution of the physical back to the light energy body & "new communication" being integrated. There is more, and when I am given the words to share, I shall. I have reverted to writing with pen & paper again for this reason, or not at all, as there is a part that knows it doesn't matter, while the "old" me still wishes to share with others that this may help. So until I am guided to stop, I shall continue to do so. If the moments present, I will post accordingly and respond when I return to interacting again. For now, I share this with you. There may be others who feel drawn to do this, or similar, and may have been guided to do the same. The solar flares continue, the gamma activations continue, the pyramid frequencies have activated and so very much more. Each stream is now an array of the most magnificent incoming nutrients of sound & light frequencies, and every kind of activation beyond the human mind capacity. Embrace the higher realm frequencies and honor that which you feel drawn to do. How one experiences this shall be unique for each. If you have chosen to embark on this journey within, then you shall understand this. Whatever your reality, if you truly embrace, then your reality too shall infinitely change. All shall, just how one participates is the difference. Thus far, much of the time, the changes are subtle, and not until looking at the expansive "overview" can one actually see what has truly transpired. WE no longer exist in those lower density realms. We haven't for awhile. For those aware of this, while we work, we have been waiting for the physical to catch up. We are now entering a time for that to truly start to further occur. So let go of any ties that bind you in your mind to the old; those cords of thought and attachments that keep you anchored and unable to fly. Release all thoughts of how things used to be. Those no longer apply. Embrace your energy body, release your physical & emotional body if there is any healing to do and honor a connection to beyond from within. For that which you have forgotten awaits to further embrace you. There are no appropriate human words for this peace and the calm that these present. When one is present in this moment, this NOW, all that is ever desired shall always be here. Embrace the streaming energies of home. I love you. ~ Transcendence ~ 1:00AM:
... and really really high frequencies just started streaming in. Just in time for me to sleep/connect in outer realms & everywhere! You all enjoy the energies. 2:22PM: I have no words for what is occurring since I was last on, so I figure they shall come as they are meant to. Between the energies of the Pyramids and the solar flares.... there is a gambit of everything being activated, transmitted, received... I love you. 3:23PM: So, an upswing in energies coming in this last little bit. There were many "compressed" silent intense activations that came through from solar flares "for hours" prior to that. Then a whole different transmission about 12 hours ago. So, if it can get activated, expanded, purged, it appears it shall be. Much energy being "taken in". There shall be a delay for many who took on the subtle energies. It "felt" like they shall surface "later"..... just observe your own reality, as out there will show you what is yours within, what has already left and what has left to go. And onto higher vibrational frequencies all shall continue to go! I love you! Expand a way loves! 12:43PM:
Energies thus far today have been streaming and shifting by the hour (if we use "time" here). First, just peace & beautiful connections with tons of info streaming in, then the solar flares came through up until about a half hour ago (this is where the hives flare for me & itch), then shifted to a compression of the "diamond laser", core cutting energies this last half hour. SO much is going on with these energies to assist one in raising in vibrational frequencies, while all the "old human physical world" stuff continues to be cut & swept away. So, I will update as I hear them change and you can see what occurs in your own reality. As we are energetic beings being further activated & "fed" by these energy streams. So many see this as "new", yet it is not new. It is what you have always been that you further remember to now come to exist as here. For every human thing released, your non-human self is allowed to further expand! Get ready loves to continue to embrace the forgotten YOU! I love you. 1:49PM: Shift in energy streams loves. 3rd eye building, a bit of activations under the skin, tingly fingers & toes. Some may have crown/head activation. Meditative energies. Smooth, peaceful and calm, yet a bit of heart activation it seems. You see what you see in your own reality. 2:41PM: Okay, so "paying attention", as the solar energies have changed to "weird" and I have only heard this a couple times before. Feels like "right before a big bang"... and songs always "show me" things, spaces of consciousness that are about to "open up". First time to ever hear "Living La Vida Loca" as a space.... you observe your upcoming reality! Back when I hear a shift. 3:08PM: And we have a small upstream in energies loves! Singing beautifully! 7:09PM: Okay sweet loves... we had a quiet hour and now a little shift to start the energy streams again. Nothing "huge" yet, just high frequencies streaming in. Air is thin in these "spaces", should be ease for those who exist in higher realm energies. Rest & nurture, as that is going to be the theme daily from this point forward it seems. We enter into a time where all is "new" here, yet it shall assist all in remembering more and elevating beyond that which one could ever imagine possible "here". Much love & so honored for all here as family. I love you. 10:02PM: Energies have been quiet the last several hours, with increases every half hour or so, then back down to quiet. Seems the theme. This usually occurs while we wait for any recently purged energies to move out while all shift up in frequency. These may bring ease to those who have been "thrown around" a bit in the higher frequencies. A void for others. One must see what they see in their own reality. One thing we have learned, is it shall shift again for sure! 10:14PM: So now we have a bit of an increase in the streams. Don't know how long will last. Will post if there is any significant change. Otherwise may be quietly "up & down" ... till I pass out! 10:23PM: The crystal rays (sound like lasers of diamond cutters, is only way I can describe) have just started. These affect the head region again. Shall see how long they last. So, interesting "evolution of the lightbody" note.... I have never had hives ever before in my physical existence, yet "all of a sudden", with these new increased streams, just within the last hour or so, my entire body is breaking out all over "instantly" with huge welts... the need to claw myself to death is present... along with the "out of nowhere hickey" that appeared on my neck this week... this has been quite interesting to observe. There has also been a bit of skin burning, like heating up from the solar activity. Only sharing in case "others" have this experience, as I have learned it helps to share the weird things, and this is definitely one for me! Off to saltz bath and hopefully find a natural remedy for itching. Late at night and all is closed soon... bound to be a fun one. Luckily we embrace all here. Itching and all! Energetic Body density purging rocks! Giggling in amazement as I run a bath!
![]() 12:45 PM Post: Happy Moment most awesome and amazing souls of love! Energy streams of high high frequencies, bringing in what looks and sounds like lasers of particles of diamonds, carrying sound that cuts to the core, dissipates the perception of time (timelines/lifetimes, etc), dissolves memories, attachments/cords/anchors and brings up every kind of separation within (fear, anger, agitation, sadness, blame, guilt & more), to be visible by what one sees "out there". These carry activations for the lower density energies, emotions, thoughts & physical. They also carry nutrients, forgotten knowledge, memories, peace for those occupying the higher density realms. They bring an array from disorientation, dizziness, loss of memory, sleepiness, 3rd eye/head activation/expansion (tingling, sinus, head hurting, crawling, compressing/expanding). They bring compression/expansion of the heart chakra, tingling fingers/toes. You name it, it can be felt from the inside out. The human will seek to "fix" or suppress this, not realizing it is assistance for something to release in order to expand. The soul/energetic being will honor it, release judgment, allow & even assist by being as they need to be. The streams have been going for hours and continue to increase. While new streams in the "old dense physical" shall be washed away, vibrationally. The higher the frequencies, the longer they stream, the thinner the veils & air is "here", and the more one can feel, hear & see! So honor you, in whatever space you occupy with love, kindness, compassion and extreme self nurturing during these times. You see what you see in your own reality! I love you! 1:45PM: Increasing streams loves of the same as posted earlier. Either hang on to your hats or take them off and allow yourself to expand vibrationally!
2:00PM: Increased solar activity .... the "head" and entire body takes on much during these times. May show up "later" for some, or now for those "tuned in". Nurture, hydrate, rest... and hang onto a handrail for balance! Up up up we go!!!! 5:45PM: Solar activity still streaming & because of the steady strong streams, one therefore builds or activates over "time" rather than the intense jolting ones. Will be back to post if I hear/feel a huge shift. These are definitely activating the mental, physical & emotional bodies, while increasing one's frequency dramatically. They DO activate the entire energetic body as we ARE energetic beings!!!!! Food for the soul, while not so much for the human self. If you are experiencing agitation (or other stuff), that is your human self being activated & adjusted vibrationally. When one comes to understand the difference, then one can choose how to participate. Conscious or unconsciously. I love you. 6:38PM: We've had a bit of an increase in solar energy streams loves. Meditative/sedative energies for all who'd like to take a nap! Sleep while all merges, integrates and raises for you vibrationally! I love you. 7:12PM: <<<< Blissing out in the solar energies of home. 9:04PM: When your entire head hears every solar flare inside, cosmic rays & galactic transmissions, regular work (like computer stuff and thinking) takes a back seat. So I shall post the video course specials and next Free Download Day for the book hopefully tomorrow! Tonight I listen to the entire Universe & beyond from within! I shall update stream changes until I pass out to connect into the beyond there! That's about all I can manage for the rest of the night. I love you all! 9:50PM: So, interesting "evolution of the lightbody" note.... I have never had hives ever before in my physical existence, yet "all of a sudden", with these new increased streams, just within the last hour or so, my entire body is breaking out all over "instantly" with huge welts... the need to claw myself to death is present... along with the "out of nowhere hickey" that appeared on my neck this week... this has been quite interesting to observe. There has also been a bit of skin burning, like heating up from the solar activity. Only sharing in case "others" have this experience, as I have learned it helps to share the weird things, and this is definitely one for me! Off to saltz bath and hopefully find a natural remedy for itching. Late at night and all is closed soon... bound to be a fun one. Luckily we embrace all here. Itching and all! Energetic Body density purging rocks! Giggling in amazement as I run a bath! 11:18PM: Well, since I am still (obviously) up... energy update: Last couple hours the streams have peaked, decreased for a moment and now again intensify for the last half hour. Seems we are in for some serious upgrades & purgings (this includes the mass ones you see "out there") ... which is all for all of us. Remember, everything surfacing is the purpose. Don't get stuck in it or hold on. Only the humanmind cares, and this has absolutely nothing with being "human" anymore. For those who think I am whacked, thank you. Biggest compliment one can receive, for it takes expanding the mind beyond that which is reasonable "here". You shall be experiencing all of this too "one day" and this shall help you then. For those who understand and share of your own heart, with your own words, you share in assisting others each time you do. You give another the ability to speak up, where many have "hidden" previously. Awareness is key, acceptance is pivotal. All exist within, yet some need permission to let go. Once they do, what is available is limitless. So, thank you, each of you for participating in love and light here. For WE do this together and for each other as one. I love you. 11:25 PM: Solar flares increasing by the moment.... nighty night (again) loves. Be well and in love. See you in the in-between state and then on here tomorrow! ![]() Being offline for long periods, I have missed much. I shall be translating energies & delivering messages on my wall a large portion of each day now, as long as the energies support this. I do not routinely reply to messages during this time, unless something comes through to share. I shall be replying to days worth of posts and messages as all allows. Private sessions, both in-person & online, shall be responded to first, as I still have to maintain a space to park my physical body while we exist "this way" in a dense physical reality. Thank you to all who so honorably donate (by way of funds, services or your own time) to assist in reaching others globally. Abundance, in every way, comes by that which we give. WE have learned to give with every fiber of our being, and that brings true unlimited abundance from within. Wall posts get responded to first, before private in-box. Those repeatedly in my inbox seeking personal assistance will be asked to book a private session, or consider the online video course, as I work to assist many at one time, which is why we post on my wall here. All learn as all share. I also prioritize my own time to allow for all that I do to help others here and nurture my own increasing vibrational frequency so that I can!!! (p.s. tons of projects in the works, to be able to offer even more! So stay tuned!) I do not chat, hang or socialize, as this is all there is for me. As mass awakenings continue to occur, those of us who do this as a way of being, we are much much busier too. "Me time" is spent honoring my own nurturing & vibrational frequency from within. I only align with those who wish to help others. WE do this as a community. There is no "I or me" in WE. Those who wish to participate, do so on their own, for there is no need to ask of something that truly exists within. I love you and shall be responding to wall posts & translating that which comes through as much as I can today. Be kind to yourself and observe in every moment. That which continues to become visible to see shall continually surprise all! ![]() Many who have gotten used to being a light to others may find that during this super increase in energy activations that they are unable to "take on" or "do" as much as they are used to. These activations are moving all into higher frequencies at a rate that one must attend to themselves much more than is "usual". Lighter food, more clean water, more sleep & within time is necessary here. Energetic burn-out is more prevalent during these times. More down-time is necessary and being away from others that operate at lower frequencies is a must, as all things dense are additionally draining now. Multiple dimensions exist in one space now, and as more "work" to shift up vibrationally, that around them is "felt" more than before. In continually choosing the higher densities, this shall continue to fall away. But until the physical has been allowed to manifest to match that which you know inside, one must work to "step dimensionally" by being aware and present and using choice. Your energy now comes from within to sustain you, fed by that which streams in. Yet if you do not nurture your own energy, you are depleted much easier. Nature is healing and too can assist in this. The use of logic is extremely draining, as this operates at a lower frequency than one's heart. The heart just is and that is "easy" and one may find that the more they have to "try" to do anything, the more they are drained. This is for a reason. For BE'ing does not take trying. BEing just is. |
Support Change and help me keep sharing to assist all in unity and bringing forth the "new" (Remembered) here. With the utmost appreciation and love. Mahalo. ♥
Thank you to Marinette Lepine with TransLight for sharing and translating in French! Wow, so very honored! Thank YOU!
Read here WAYSHOWER, AUTHOR, PHYSICAL ASCENSION & LIGHT EMBODIMENT GUIDE, CRYSTAL(LINE) GRIDKEEPER & GATEKEEPER, LIGHT ENERGY TRANSLATOR, COSMIC PORTAL, & MORE!Transcendence is my first"Remembered" name, Ithara is my Galactic identification and Lisa is my human name. Archives
January 2016
Lisa Transcendence Brown (Ithara) ☼
Ascended Master WayShower, Author, NEW Earth Existence Sharings, Transformational Speaker, Light Embodiment & Empowerment Physical Ascension Guide (all from within) www.AwakeningToRemembering.com Updates via the Public Page: https://www.facebook.com/LisaTranscendenceBrown Purchase Books: https://www.awakeningtoremembering.com/books.html |
Invest in yourself, each other, your Service as Light, hUmaNITY, Consciousness Expansion and all of our future nows... by contributing to and fully supporting (in every way) that which supports humanity with the immense transition phases with greater ease and through Pure Love.
NEW Earth has a whole new, entirely different value system, all new systems and ways that all must learn/remember and bring forth from deep within.
Energetic Cycles are increasing substantially at an unprecedented rate, accelerating "what comes back around" energetically... from all existences, as all is a cyclical/spiral/reciprocal energy that cycles faster as our beloved planet's vibrational frequency continues to rise to bring/usher all out of the "dark ages" and into "the Light" (Full Consciousness/a Quantum State of Remembrance/Pure Peace, Love, Unity and Sacred Oneness).
In deep sacred appreciation for your presence, dedication and service as Love too. ♥
Keep embracing, shining, building, integrating and sharing your BEAUTIFUL LIGHT as Love! It's BEyond important for all! ♥
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We will update this section again with more information in order to assist you soon.
"WE" totally love, honor, respect and appreciate you and your presence, participation and contributions for all of HUmanity too!!! ♥