Good morning most exquisite beings of love!!! Hoping to translate energies before my appointment arrives soon, I have not had time to tune-in properly, so here is a "quickie" for what has been available thus far in the last hour or so.... Awoke to compression energy streams, which means "pressure" felt on the heart... which usually mean tears, anger or happy, whatever is waiting to be "pushed out" is what one will experience with these energies. In the last hour they have increased, which at the moment gives compression on the heart, while feeling expansion of the rest of the body's energy. (Fingers & toes tingling).... this translates to those that "let go" and allow that within their "energy field and heart", have a huge opportunity to expand. Now, they continue to increase as I write, and whereas linear was present an hour ago, non-linear begins to become present. There is more "ease" in these energies and more expansion is available. More "head disorientation" in these energies. So basically, we have hit 3 states in an hour and all are still present. This is where "multi-dimensional" becomes present for one to "move between states" when paying attention to every moment, every "thing" that occurs and shifting "in & out" of one's desired space. Can we say fun? The ability to move between the super expanded is not present, so these are the "lower" of the "upper" dimensions present. Feels like we are "moving into" huge expansion energies, but too soon to tell. Don't know if this helps anyone, since all over the place, but then again... I write for those who do resonate and use these to understand their own realities and energy "as they ARE it".... I love you.
1pm: Happy moment oh blissful and radiant beams of love and light!!! How are all faring today? How do your heart, mind & physical body feel with these streams of energies streaming through? Do you see that you can "easily" shift into your heart and expand, just by being conscious enough to do so, in any moment? These energies offer higher streams to support you in raising your vibrational frequency within. They allow for your mind to slow for further connecting and observation. They allow you to see your thoughts with greater ease, so as to weed through them, with energetic support. These energies are perfect for actually "slowing down" time. If you can stop and breathe and connect, by choice, you can choose to expand your heart, your 3rd eye and your own space of consciousness. But, as with all, there is still choice. If you find yourself attempting to engage in chaotic energies, you will feel more sluggish. More need to sleep. For in these moments, the "slower" you go, the higher you are able to vibrate. You can actually take yourself to read something that touches your heart, and feel yourself expand within. You can choose to stop, breathe and re-set with greater ease. For each moment in these energies allows for this. Where there is chaos in the mind, these energies will create confusion, disorientation, sleepies. For these energies are meant to support your heart, and soul, and you as an energetic being. Your physical body will attempt to lighten, therefore purging, detoxing, clearing all things dense lately. All denseness will attempt to "leave" by way of every way known imaginable. You can assist by doing things that enhance physically in the higher vibrational streams. Where there is unresolved, this too can be seen with greater ease. Those things avoided can be observed, and if non-judgement is in place, one can "fall into them" and allow them to go, with much less "struggle" than in the lower energy times. So, choose your day with ease. Choose to observe. Choose to expand. Choose to connect to your heart and move through your day listening. Listen to all that is within you, and pay attention to all that transpires around you too. Find the metaphor in all that you see. Start to see the messages that you usually miss. For every moment is a sign, a symbol and a message to bring to you that which you have forgotten. <3 Evening: One cannot hide from themselves in these energies. This is beautiful reflection time to see that which is otherwise covered up, missed, looked over. If you have judgement, your mind will cause you to suffer. If you view all through your heart, from a space of non-judgement and know that it just wishes to leave, you will know that THAT is not you. YOU exist beneath it and are awaiting to further emerge. Do you have enough trust to allow yourself to let go of that which no longer serves? Allow yourself the freedom you desire within. For with each allowance, you shall further expand into that which you have forgotten yourself to be. Happy moments most awesome and amazing and exquisite beings of love!!!! Well, today's energy report is going to be a weeeeee bit different. That's because I don't quite have an explanation yet of what has been experienced. Yet, I do share here, so that others can use that to learn and assist them on their own journey. So here goes... Yesterday, I awoke to "new info" and went on a search online to "find" what it was I was "seeing" .... I started out with the words coming through when I awoke "gamma rays" and "delta". So I got online, "stumbled" on a Greek alphabet with both "gamma & delta" in it. The delta state I was relating to the brainwaves state that the energies were bringing through. It was interesting that the "symbol" for Delta was a pyramid..... but gamma got stuck in my head. I giggled at the remembrance of the Incredible Hulk and went on with the day. :) Last night I got all up in holodecks & transporting.... this morning I awoke, went back into that "in-between state" and wow.... I felt like I was being lasered with a million volts of electricity. I could hear it pulsing through my head, and this I have come to "interact with" on multiple occasions. With each huge burst, my physical body was receiving, yet I was experiencing a multitude of "visions" and experiences (they are to "real" to be visions in this state.) I actually "spoke" in my mind to cause the bursts to return and bring more in.... THAT was amazing... to "cause" them to increase and continue! With each burst, new remembrances & showings came through. The most pivotal was "the other side" being "activated" to be visible "here" in the physical. I could reach my hand into things that others could not visibly see, and "bring back" for them to see. I could watch the wind move, in a place there was no wind & see a leaf float by (in a room with other people present) and grab the leaf and "pull it through" for others to see it was "real". This occurred repeatedly with natural things, such as water. Others could not see the waterfall or pond, yet I could scoop up a handful of water & bring it through. It was then visible to the others who were present. Then a HUGE burst came through (and my entire physical body was then literally being blasted), yellow fireworks went off for a long time and a continual stream from a view from "above", different countries & landscapes rotated & faded in & out.... And somewhere before all of this started, was someone from my past telling me I needed to get rid of all of my spiritual books and handed me one specifically to see on "Egypt"..... I awoke to better vision in my physical eyes, and when I put my glasses on, I could not see (it became blurry). Not quite perfect vision without them, so they are all the way to the end of my nose, so that I can work. lol :) My physical body is still vibrating from the bursts of energies that came through.... but subsiding. Now, wayyyy back when, I would have been "frightened" by the jolts of energies and woken up to "stop" them from being received. The point is, that I understood it in a state of not being "awake" and without my logical mind kicking in, allowed myself to participate. That is the most important part. I share for those who might experience these energies. That you can choose to participate, observe and learn in this in-between state, if you allow your mind to stay "in that space"..... (I have been doing this for some time with the active participation, as that too takes practice.) When I close my eyes, it is as light as it is with my eyes open and the sun shining outside. There is no longer a different in the two states. This occurs as one brings in more light, increases their vibrational frequency and allows all physical realities and attachments to the "old ways" to fall away. There is so much here, that this post cannot cover it... but.... trust in that which you feel and honor that which makes no sense that you see.... for your remembering exists in those things that you too have veiled with logic. As all that is separated continues to whole and merge, as all that is beyond logic is entertained and as your physical body is nurtured to allow to maintain the higher vibrations..... you too shall continue to integrate to higher frequencies and BECOME light, again..... as you once were.... as we all are. <3 I love you.... <3 Ahhhh, to awake to the energies already streaming through. Now this I'm talking about! These so completely expand the heart, bring a tear of joy to the eyes, lower the brainwave state to one of expansion into the outter realms. As the inner work is done, the interfering frequency of self-thought is "weeded out", the more "space is made for one to achieve a frequency that allows for expansion of the Universal Mind. For many of you, your sleep state allows for your brains to "slow" to a "Delta" (?) state, yet as many learn to expand more, go in more, tone to frequencies more, and merge realities more, this becomes available in a "waking state" too. These energies to support this have "missing" for the last couple of weeks, which is why transmissions and translations have not been as available from many. These energies are returning, and with the return, further expansion, the ability to actually see & "walk in" the outter realities becomes more present. So with the return, comes "new" (remembered) information to share with all! So, until enough portals and gateways have been activated here to support more light frequency anchoring, while more physical plane anchors are released, this too shall continue to fluctuate as the "balance" of all further continues to tilt into light. In these energies, things become more fluid. Realities "blurr" more for many. The denser realms have more trouble focusing, sleep more, the less physical world memories are accessible... as the purpose IS to remove the logical barriers that have veiled your entire existence. In these realms, that which makes no logical sense, makes total and complete sense to those who have come to see beyond the veils. All shall continue to integrate into their higher being selves as they allow for continued to release. Here, your memories are not necessary to support your being, for all that you need is ever present in your current moment of your new reality. ♥ Stay tuned, as with these streams, much shall transpire very "fast" with no perception of time! Non-linear expansion from within .... are you ready to tune-in to outter realms and higher frequencies? Let's go.... ♥ The Clown Chakra The Clown Scientists have found that all our problems can be placed under one heading: Seriousness. Seriousness is the leading cause of everything from Cancer to Reincarnation. Scientists from the Clown Academy have already discovered a new source of healing. It is a psychic energy point located between the heart chakra and the throat chakra. It is called the Clown Chakra. If people are feeling miserable, if they have financial problems, if their relationship situation is the pits, if they are in ill health, if they have a need to sue people, if they find fault with their brother, then obviously, their Clown Chakra is blocked. When this happens, the scientists have observed under a high-powered microscope that the cells of every organ display a sad face, and when the Clown Chakra is open and functioning normally, the cells display a happy face. The scientists realized that if a person is ill, it is because his mind has projected guilt onto the cells of his body and has forced out the love that is normally found within each cell of the body. The cells are therefore saying, “I Lack Love,” or “ILL” for short. The scientists also discovered that all disease is due to the fact that the cells are out of ease or dis-eased. When the Clown Chakra is opened and working (or rather, playing) properly, the psychic mechanism sucks up misery, pain, anger, resentment, grievances, unhappiness, etc., and converts the energy into tiny red heart-shaped balloons. The red heart-shaped balloons contain Love and Joy. These balloons are directed to the dis-eased cell or situation, and a happy face appears instantly. When the light enters the darkness, the darkness is gone. Sometimes these red heart-shaped balloons are called endorphins, due to the fact that when anyone experiences them, the feeling of separation ends. They experience being back home with All That Is and hence are no longer an orphan. This is the well-known end-orphan (endorphin) effect. So, if you think someone is attacking you, Clown Scientists recommend that you visualize sending that person red heart-shaped balloons filled with Love and Joy. Remember to keep your Clown Chakra open and remember to laugh. Seriousness causes reincarnation. Source: Happy moments most beautiful and exquisite beings of love! Today feels like a "mixed bag of tricks" energetically... and I awoke to writing blogs on "consciousness" in my head... which means the vibrational frequencies are much "lower" than the ever expanding ones that many of us have gotten used to. Really compressed Energies are streaming, but they are not expansive energies (yet). They are quite, subtle and it "feels" like the activating energies of a few days ago are now triggering (or about to trigger) for many. This triggering will cause anything suppressed to be activated, the energy either consciously transmuted or unconsciously participated in. Participation takes much "longer", as it keeps it "going" and one spinning in that "frequency loop". So, for those in bliss, share it and keep that vibrational frequency! Triggering for you may mean more awesomeness & further expansion to assist collectively in tilting the scales of light even more! For those who find themselves having things surface, be observant enough to stay conscious, so as to stay in your heart while the energy surfaces to pass. It appears things may be getting ready to "shake it up" a bit. All are responsible for their own reality now. So CHOOSE non-judgment and safe release & tonssssss of nurturing if you need it! I love you!!! P.S. The purpose IS heart expansion and for moving into a higher frequency "after". Yayyy to sunshine & heart activations for raising the vibrational frequencies for all!! Whatever space you occupy, do it in LOVE! Your soul, your spirit, your higher self, your universe as one, has always been waiting. It continues to wait for you to choose. For you to say that it is more important than all of those things outside that you have put first up until now. It will continue to wait until choice is no longer an option. (then it will start to remove the blocks and obstacle for you). DO something to show that you are serious. When you do, you shall be supported. It takes continual tests to see if you are truly serious. As you are creating trust with your own self. This is something that has been compromised as the human self along the way. With each choice that you make, with each time you honor your own soul, your own spirit, your own inner self, your heart... it will get easier. This creates much resistance in the beginning. It is not the natural state of the human mind. You first have to prove it by making a choice. I love you. I have not otherwise posted today, as it has been a day of re-acclimating back into my own super high vibrational portal of space. I had "forgotten" for the week what it was like to be able to connect and leave here, without even moving, yet placing my physical body elsewhere actually created a disconnect ... so this I am observing, doing much connecting today, taking advantage of the quiet & peace here and organizing my own mind to sift through anything of the physical that has come to interfere in the clarity of space that I am used to being in. I know we are all being moved out of our comfort zone, but for today & the next couple/few weeks, I can take advantage before I have to entertain shifting again in the physical. As more come to understand all is created in the outer realms, they will see how "one moment there" equals a million separated moments in the physical. You are going to see a much "different" me stepping forth, as I see much and these spaces now accessible show it is time to stop holding back, to forge forward/upward and to assist as many as are ready to expand beyond their previous limitations towards actually transitioning into what is perceived here as "New Earth". There will be many who are not ready, that is okay. I share for those who are. When one is, it will be there. I will be writing much on "unanchoring" from the physical, stepping beyond the veils, portals, cosmic energies and more. I write according to the frequencies present. I spend much time waiting for the physical to catch up. We will be addressing "time travel" as it is perceived to be "here". We all have many purposes here. In any given moment, we step dimensionally in & out of those purposes, awaiting the energies supporting the next expansion of that purpose to stream through and remain. Last year when I "received" the words (for me), Galactic Warrior, I laughed. I was like "I am not a warrior, I write, teach & do Lightbody Energy". Little did I realize what that meant until recent vibrational frequencies were activated and veils were lifted for rememberings to come through. The re-integration of the masculine brought back the strength that I previously released until I was able to achieve balance within. Each re-integration causes us to have to adjust & achieve balance within. I have been shown recently (again & again), it is time. Step up, barrel through, do not back down. So, if you are ready, in the upcoming moments/days, this is what we shall be doing here. New Earth requires letting go of all that one has come to perceive in their own physical reality. If one wishes to move up, then one must be willing to let go of all that keeps them anchored in the physical. New Earth is already "here". One has yet to be able to achieve it, due to the existence of the lower vibrational frequencies and one's need to "hold on". It is the masses holding on within that is keeping us all "stuck" and anchored here. The energies coming through will continue to support and even push further releasing to occur. There will be much discomfort for those who try to hold on. Realities that no longer serve will continue to crumble. Memories & timelines will appear & disappear until eventually all lower densities no longer exist. To shift dimensionally, one must achieve a certain vibrational frequency of all bodies integrated as one unified consciousness. The physical body continues to crystallize more, first as a LightBody then as the Crystalline Body. Many have yet to even achieve integration of their LightBody, yet this too shall occur quite quickly with all of the solar & cosmic energies streaming through. The information that I bring through does not adhere to linear time. The more linear (physical) one is anchored, the further "out there" this will sound. Yet the more integrated, the more non-linear one expands to exist as their soul/light being self, the more reasonable all becomes. For as one learns to expand out of the physical, all things shall change as they were once known to be. There will be further vibrational shifts. Among these shifts, will be maintaining your own reality independent from all others, yet interconnected .... for you too are remembering, and in this space, all things are one and connected vibrationally. It is through the separateness that all disconnected. It is through vibration & becoming energy consciousness again that oneness will again be achieved. That can only partially be achieved here in this physical reality. The energetic shifts will allow this to actually occur as more internal anchors are further released. All are re-evolving, back into that which has been forgotten. The purpose here is to assist in New Earth Transitions. One cannot hold on and ascend at the same time. Ascension is a perception of the human mind. Re-evolving back to energy consciousness though is a concept still foreign to many. In all actuallity, it is only the separation that falls away to allow one to again emerge as they already are. For we are not turning into anything. We are again becoming that which we always have been. It does not matter what one calls it. All that matters is that they honor their highest vibrational frequency in every moment and allow their self to believe. |
Support Change and help me keep sharing to assist all in unity and bringing forth the "new" (Remembered) here. With the utmost appreciation and love. Mahalo. ♥
Thank you to Marinette Lepine with TransLight for sharing and translating in French! Wow, so very honored! Thank YOU!
Read here WAYSHOWER, AUTHOR, PHYSICAL ASCENSION & LIGHT EMBODIMENT GUIDE, CRYSTAL(LINE) GRIDKEEPER & GATEKEEPER, LIGHT ENERGY TRANSLATOR, COSMIC PORTAL, & MORE!Transcendence is my first"Remembered" name, Ithara is my Galactic identification and Lisa is my human name. Archives
January 2016
Lisa Transcendence Brown (Ithara) ☼
Ascended Master WayShower, Author, NEW Earth Existence Sharings, Transformational Speaker, Light Embodiment & Empowerment Physical Ascension Guide (all from within) Updates via the Public Page: Purchase Books: |
Invest in yourself, each other, your Service as Light, hUmaNITY, Consciousness Expansion and all of our future nows... by contributing to and fully supporting (in every way) that which supports humanity with the immense transition phases with greater ease and through Pure Love.
NEW Earth has a whole new, entirely different value system, all new systems and ways that all must learn/remember and bring forth from deep within.
Energetic Cycles are increasing substantially at an unprecedented rate, accelerating "what comes back around" energetically... from all existences, as all is a cyclical/spiral/reciprocal energy that cycles faster as our beloved planet's vibrational frequency continues to rise to bring/usher all out of the "dark ages" and into "the Light" (Full Consciousness/a Quantum State of Remembrance/Pure Peace, Love, Unity and Sacred Oneness).
In deep sacred appreciation for your presence, dedication and service as Love too. ♥
Keep embracing, shining, building, integrating and sharing your BEAUTIFUL LIGHT as Love! It's BEyond important for all! ♥
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