Many experiences yesterday where those I interacted with were so involved in many different scenarios, complications, obstacles, hurdles, worries, fears, agitations and as I am listening, I was so "out of whack" by just maintaining my own balance within, that I could not answer.... a multitude of questions about why "that out there" was such a problem, wouldn't resolve, go away, kept coming back, was still present, kept getting worse, and so on. Every "place" I went to interact, same scenario, just different souls. So many questions.... Yet, it wasn't until I walked away from all of it and was "whooped" from the multitude of things swirling around "out there", like a proverbial "storm", did I hear the only words that were necessary for all of those things. "Go within"..... For it is not "out there", as that is just there to show one what exists within. What has yet to be resolved inside in a place and a space of peace. It is never them, that, or "over there". It is always inside. And the only way to change that "out there" is from within. That is the reflection, the mirror (as some call it), yet to me, it is the projector playing the vibrational frequencies existent within the soul. It is your own internal projection, through the eyes as the viewer. Now, as one heals/transcends "that" inside, one raises in vibrational frequency. The "view" also changes. It goes from looking up at the universe, to looking straight ahead to then looking down from an overview. This comes as your soul transcends the physical. And THIS can only be achieved within. These energy streams assist you in that. They allow you to let go, heal, release, and shift. So, see what observations you have, what questions you keep asking, what you have yet to resolve and then answer it yourself, by going within. There is where peace exists. There is where your truth is. There is where all that you search for emerges from and radiates out to change your own reality that you see "out there". For there is where one now creates. The questions are not to ask of another. They are for all to question where that exists inside and answer from within.
Okay loves, I have not had the opportunity to share the "changes" that my own LightBody has been going through lately, as well, there just are not appropriate words for "this" part of it. To my knowledge, turning into an energy form and "how" that is experienced is not in a book anywhere (not that I read them). Which is why I share. But, this latest experience goes even further beyond that which makes sense. So, I shall do a video soon, but for now, hopefully a "little bit" of this will make a bit of sense to those experiencing any of the same. These energies allow for this within all of us. Vibrational frequency and amount of integration within is the only difference. So each shall come to this space in their own "time".... yet in THIS time, we all technically already exist as this, we just wait for the physical to catch up.... which is the reason for my post here. Re-Evolving Back Into an Energetic Being: The Crystalline/LightBody Changes Throbbing/pulsing energy inside the head, firing-off of energies in response to "outside" electronic disruptions, changes in how we hear: I shall use linear time for this, only for the human mind understanding, yet none exists in time, but yet in increasing vibrational frequencies. As these energies stream, what the human sees is physical changes, while the Light Being sees the physical body "lightening in density" to further integrate to the higher frequencies that are "closer" to ones true essences as a Being of Light. Ever since 12/21/12 gates opening and all "old paradigms" being released, cosmic energies/portals becoming accessible, galactic centers (and so much more), it has been profoundly awesome in every moment! Until the spiral of all things have had "time" to integrate so that one can look from the overview to see how all relates, if we get "stuck" in needing to know, it can interfere, so I just go with the flow, observe and translate. I have been experiencing energetic responses to outside stimuli and the streaming energies since probably January. Some times more intense than others, but all very important and awesome. My hearing has changed from hearing the frequencies through my ears to hearing the entire solar system inside my head. This has been going on for months. Then the other day I awoke to a "new" integration. I was no longer hearing at all through my ears. I was hearing from within and radiating that "out". I awoke to hearing the ocean (I do not live near an ocean), traffic miles away, the electronics/muffled voices in neighboring apartments, electronics in other rooms, birds outside, the wind blowing & so much more. But not in my head. All were simultaneous and all were within my entire body. It was like my ears has been disconnected and were no longer needed. I could hear inside me down at my feet, in my stomach area, in my hands. Those things nature were a part of me inside and so in-tune, and those things electronic, every time there was a surge or "tick" (like an appliance would turn on or off), no matter how far away or silent, my energy body reacts or "misfires" in response to it. All over. Now that part (the mis-firing) has been occurring for months too. My "normal hearing" has become so sensitive that I have retracted from noise, allowing for these adjustments to occur. I laid there for about an hour just "BEing" in it, observing it and trying to find the words to explain it. Yet this, pales in comparison, as there just are no words. But I do attempt to share, as I know there are others out there experiencing similar and not understanding it. Now, once I got up, I needed to make a phone call. My human ears kicked in and "that" subsided. It now comes and goes with the energy streams and moments of complete silence as we further integrate to these most exquisite and welcomed cosmic energies! My eyes have also been adjusting. As is much more. Those are other other posts. As soon as I am able, I will do a video and share maybe a bit "better". But for now, I hope this helps some. We are all evolving, back into the energetic beings of pure consciousness that we have all forgotten ourselves to be. The density of the physical must fall away. Your/Our entire presence here is FOR this and everything all are experiencing NOW is FOR us. Embrace, honor and nurture you. Let go of all that you are not. For what you truly are is trying to emerge. I love you. <3 It's not about the frequency, it's how long you allow yourself to remain in that frequency now, in the human mind's perception of "time". For you have come to understand much more than ever before through the light code activations within your energy body. You may understand a frequency disruption as the equivalent to an instrument being out of tune (feminine view) or a car misfiring (masculine view). You are returning to an ENERGETIC BEING so finely tuned, where all that interferes with that will present itself for you to see. The activations trigger your own tuning, either by way of something that is a disruption (or discord) or to tune it higher (this is where the soul energy expands). All are technically tuning you higher, yet your human view cannot yet see this due to the forest and the trees. First is to understand it, by way of what you understand as being conscious there. Here you observe all things through your heart. This understanding does not assist you if you do not do something to then release it on your own. It it is this space that many get stuck in judgement, pride or fear. For you see, it is not that you hold this vibration within you, it is your inability to release it and allow yourself to be free. In your version of time there, one who has become the observer, can see much quicker than one who waits for it to surface in dense physical form for them to see. The human needs tangible, so for the human that insists on this, this too is provided. It is also why tangible is removed, because the human needs to understand the separation that it represents by way of frequency within. The reason it "seems" that things happen faster in the higher vibrations, is because you do not hold on or allow them to manifest any longer in your physical reality. Those who have yet to learn this, must not only work to let go, but then wait for their entire dense physical reality to "reverse", if you will, to then then shift vibrationally to match their "new" internal reality. Now, this is not new, this is only new by way of that which you cannot yet remember. Time is being removed for you, by you, as you elevate in frequency. The more separated you are within, the more you will see the disillusion of time. For this is your human thinking way. You have never existed in time. Only your human mind has. Your soul does not exist in time. And the more light you maintain, the less you shall be held to the constraints of time. This will too manifest in your physical reality for you there. You see,the "interference" as things not working on the "schedule" your human self has set forth as a problem. Yet it is not the time that is the issue, yet the frequency you exist in, in that "time". Your human mind cannot yet fully encompass these "frequency adjustments". Yet your soul (energy body) understands all. You do not exist in age, limits, time or even the dense physical reality that your human eyes see. You exist so far beyond, that you must use your energy eyes to truly see. These shall be made available to you, the more you embrace yourself as energy. The more you let go and elevate in frequency within you. Look beyond your physical. Be in silence in your mind and in your heart. Expand from within to create your reality. And transcend all that has kept you apart. Translating the Energies of "They" as "We" Okay, a question came on my my wall earlier that many get confused on, so clarifying may assist more. So doing that here. During the "low vibrational times", stuff/crud/gunk surfaces. It's not fun, but it is necessary. And the emotional release (safely) is the purpose. Most judge their release, go into feeling bad, resist it even coming up, not realizing that the response IS the purpose. Your soul has hung on long enough. Been suppressed, been contained, not acknowledged. Your human thinking rational judging resistant mind has always maintained control, while your feelings have been triggered repeatedly in the "past". Yet, in this world of the soul, there is no past (imagine looking to the left to indicate your past), no future (look to the right),there is just this moment (look straight ahead). Now, look up. Yep. Up. That is where you are shooting for. That is how the soul grows. It shifts up and down in vibrational frequency. Now, ascension is about integrating your soul (light energy), your physical body (carbon based dense manifestation of your soul frequencies), mental body (thoughts) and emotional body (human responses, blocks in your heart) into one body of consciousness. They are currently separated and trying to continue to become one. All of the pieces of you that you "scattered" into when your energy "fell" or descended here (or however you wish to see it, as I used what I see), are all trying to be called back in. All of those memories, experiences, thoughts.... they have a piece of you stuck in them. Your soul wants them back. But they don't come back "home" willingly. For they have an "ego" consciousness that fights, wants to stay there, where it is safe, for it's job is to keep you separated from yourself. For you see, you are already whole within. You just have to dig deep down to find it. It is there. It appears as this little spark within your heart. A light that shall expand with every dissolution of that "thing" that you left a part of you with. And as you cut that cord to that memory, as you release that need for "that out there" to be you, as you choose to let go of your identity to "that", you shall come to find a new you. With each recall, you find more of you. For you exist beneath all that stuff that separates you from yourself deep within. Your heart is your portal to your soul and even deeper than that, there is this teeny tiny little "dot" deep inside your heart. And for each expansion of your energetic heart, access to the universal heart shall eventually be granted. But before this can occur, you must weed through all of the thoughts that occupy your mind and keep you separated inside. For it is this weeding that allows your mind to then tune to higher frequencies as the lower dense thought energy is released. Now this, will turn your head into a tuner. Thoughts will be received and you will listen to get what you need. For your heart and head work together. Your heart as a transmitter and your head as a receiver. Not the other way around. For the human, the head is a transmitter and the heart is a receiver. You see the world of the soul is the opposite, totally reverse & inside out from the logical physical world you have come to know. You will unlearn absolutely everything you came here to learn and you will start what I call as "Soul School". You will release everything you have come to hold onto. And you will no longer lead. You will follow. What you will follow will be your higher self, your future self, your universe. You will learn to pay attention to synchronicities, things that make absolutely no sense "out there" but feel right within. This is the word you use as "resonates". For to resonate is to feel truth in frequency. This is the language you shall start to speak, yet even this too shall expand. You will come to speak in energy, as you are energy. You just don't remember. With each release, you release a block, a veil and you shift up in vibrational frequency. This shift up moves you further into alignment with your soul self. You will gain access to "new" knowledge (that will be knowledge you are remembering), by way of epiphanies and little messages or signs. The more you follow the bread crumbs, pay attention to the metaphors... the more you shall access. But your answers no longer exist "out there". They all exist within you and this is a confusing place. As this is the place all have avoided. Yet this is where all must go. The longer one avoids, the more suppression takes place. The more suppression, the more one has to endure trying to keep it held in. For it has to surface, one way or the other, as this is why you are here. So embrace you, love you, let go of judgement and learn about energy, the soul and everything you can to give you the tools you will need to navigate this journey, instead of being drug through it. Now this is where it gets super important. For the inner work does not stop when things get easy again (higher vibrations). If you do not use this time to observe that which occurred during the other times to see from a non-judgmental, soul expansive view, then you will get to return to that frequency repeatedly to endure the same lesson (or frequency look as I call them) until you do. Save yourself the stress & punishment. Use your time to do your inner work. Gather tools that assist you in this. Nurture yourself, honor yourself and your soul body. Awareness is key. The more one is conscious and aware, the more they have choice. When one has choice, they open up to a whole new understanding and with this, the fear, judgement and suppression can dissipate with greater ease. That tear (or buckets of them) is the purpose. For that is how a soul releases. Gratitude is how it remembers. Honor yourself in every moment. All of "that" is not you. You reside deep within and beyond that farther than you can physically see. For you are an energetic being of light, unlimited, beautiful and free! I love you. <3 Creation is a part of this process that all are evolving back into. Yet, we spent the human portion of this experience, the majority, and all, if you will, creating that which no longer exists. So now all get to start again. From scratch. Clean slate. For now, true creation comes from within. In every moment you are handed the proverbial "ball" and get "run with it"! Dependent on one's vibrational frequency, is how much this is dismissed and/or creates doubt, fear or triggers lack within. For each "time" one is presented with an idea or opportunity to create, one has choice. To step into it and just do it or to step away and miss out on yet another opportunity presented by the soul, the future self, the one that exists in the higher vibrational frequencies. It already knows. It already sees. It is there to guide you, yet your human self must come to learn to recognize, honor, listen, trust. For each time one does, one creates new opportunity from within, to manifest later in the physical reality, dispells any fears in accomplishing "that" dream or whacky desire, and trust, for when it comes to occur, then you further again continue in the upward spiral of following, listening, honoring & trusting. Now, the cool part is that you are not waiting for it to come to you, you are working to transcend the vibrational frequency where the "lack you" resided. So, it does not come to you. YOU create it and shift up to meet it, already waiting for you in the higher vibrations. So, how many opportunities have you missed, not listened to, that may still await you in your higher vibrational future version of your self? Do you trust enough to put it in place in your current vibrational frequency, then to work in every moment to achieve that frequency where it waits for you? Every moment is an opportunity. All you have to do is listen, honor, trust and do it! Then shift up, shift up, shift up...... by letting go of that was NOT you in the lower vibrations!!!! What are you waiting for? The vibration does not come to you (yet), you must still choose to achieve it from within. Anything less is temporary and will bring you back to the lower vibration to release it again. <3 At first they start as balls that you run with, then they turn into balloons that you grab ahold of to "ride"..... Look UP, Step UP, Shift UP!!!! Let's do this!!!! I love you. <3 11:33 am: Happy moment of love and magnificence sweet beings of light! And the beautiful energies sing sing sing, ever so beautifully, thus far today. While upon awakening, noticing there were some energetic activations that came through in the sleep state, to then stir about to find that the the logical linear energies are also available (this allows for one to ponder over past or future and get stuck in an emotion of thought). Both serve a huge purpose. So today apparently supports those who need to purge all of those old attachments to memories that are ready to go. It also allows for the other end of the spectrum, of complete appreciation for what one has received and holds precious in this very moment. The streams also support the opportunity for one to purge the emotion and shift into a higher frequency by choice, by recognizing, by not judging and by allowing that which they feel inside (which can be overwhelming, whether bliss or lack)... that today's energies have a purpose of moving all into a higher vibrational frequency. All energies are present at one time, right now, which is rather confusing if one tries to understand it in their head instead of their heart. There is much streaming in right now to fill the 3rd eye region and non-linear continues to move in to "sweep" it all away. So let go, be free inside. Allow all to flow out and allow the energies to support you. If you are alone, it is a beautiful time to go within and feel, or better yet, go out in nature and allow it to assist you to feel (and/or) heal. If you are celebrating life with others, then do that with as much zest as you can radiate! No matter where you are or what your experience, allow for an outward flow ... and stay in a place of gratitude for what you have, in this very moment, with the stillness of breathe, life and love within. These energies allow for the heart to expand, the entire being to further expand. Use that to assist you and expand expand expand. I love you. ♥ About 2pm: Okay, so light codes delivering MORE info to share... yet the bread crumbs having me searching for how to translate it. It's all on anchors, cords, gravitational shifts. I am being shown us ascending, and then an astronaut wayyyyy up there.... the lightbody in place of the astronaut, while moving dimensionally..... can we say.... hmmmmm.... going within to see what comes .... this is sooooo much fun! Sometimes it is a bit of work to write what I see. It may be coming in bits and pieces, while I break out the colored markers & posterboard again to draw out gravity/physics/quantum jumping stuff.... lol.... Love you all! 3-11 pm: Postings every hours of ups & downs, compressions, activations, expansions. Very active day! About midnight: Cosmic energies streaming super strong for last several hours. Peaked like an hour or so ago, still very very present... lower densities shall purge in these frequencies. Low density emotions may be pushed up, you will see "events" occur, physical body adjustments to this are "rough", as the energy body attempts to fill with light, be further activated to accommodate the "cosmic rays" streaming now. Those who are used to the higher frequencies, shall welcome this (although I got a quick adjustment burn-off myself!).... you see what you see. Look all around you at your outward reality. Pay attention within. Very important. All is one. I love you! Open up to receive & nurture yourself!!!! Hydrate, saltz bath, sleep.... and all that you see & feel. So very many have yet to understand that all that they desire exists in the higher frequencies. All that they wish to remember, all that they wish to uncover, all that they know within, so many have yet to be able to see. You are being supported with the incoming cosmic energy streams. Even the discomfort is for you, chosen by you. For it is the release of this discomfort, dis-ease, discord of the lower and dense vibrational frequencies that you have held onto out of fear thus far, that allows you to shift UP in frequency. Your human minds cannot understand this. This is why "adjustments" are made for you. You think it is done by another, yet you chose this for you. Your own internal pride, judgment and survival strength is what must be removed. For these are your own veils, put in place to keep you from remembering. You chose every experience to get you to this point. And it is this point that is inevitable for all. Your human mind will tell you that you do not have choice. This is it's job. Your job is to step beyond your mind and see from that which you feel within your own heart. New Earth, the Land of the Forgotten, whatever you desire to call it, exists in the higher frequencies. You cannot hold on and let go at the same time. All of those falsehoods, all of those stories, all of those things that are dense, are not you. Those are your anchors. Those are your veils. And releasing them will always be one of choice. One that you make there as a human or one you made "before" as your soul. Which one you utilize now will be determined by how much you come to observe your own human thinking mind and decide to choose your heart/soul. With every elevation in frequency you are able to see. For you have yet to achieve the frequency to see that which is present, yet still invisible. Your own frequency shall make these things visible to you. For it is you that have veiled them, blocked your own view, with density. When you have fully expanded into yourself as energy, you again shall be able to see. For you shall see with your energetic eyes, as an energetic being. Yes, there in the physical, as you perceive it to be. Ascension is yet a word to describe your re-evolving back into what you once knew yourself to be. All have started this re-evolution. From within is how you shall finally come to see. Your Universal portal is accessed through your heart. The keys to unlock this are buried deep within you, beneath your hidden thoughts and unresolved feelings. They are blocked by the limits of your own human-thinking mind. The Entire Universe and all of your memories shall be made visible as you continue to elevate in vibrational frequency INTO yourself as an energetic BEing from within. <3 In every moment, shift UP. Your own vibrational frequency requires it, needs it and feeds on it. For you are but an energy, shifting between frequencies. You shall come to understand this more as you learn to speak, feel & see energetically. As you continue to shift up, the "old" physical continues to fall away. Those who are finding this difficult have chosen to previously not shift. They have held fast to the safe & comfortable in their own human thinking mind. The energetic streams and activations, no longer allow for one to hang on. This will become a reality in your outside physical world, as your inner world continues to churn with turmoil. For the turmoil you see out there, is a transmission of your own vibrational frequencies through the projector of your human eyes. Look at your reality outside and all that you have acquired. All of these things (stories, things, relationships, etc.) have allowed you to hide inside. They became your external veils, that were created from your thinking mind. In order to now exist, peace and love must be located and aligned from inside. For to become that which you truly are, you must bare your heart and soul. You must, in a way, become naked of all that you have acquired. When this armor of untruths are allowed to fall away, your YOU as energy shall emerge and come to play. For as realities continue to merge and completely make a flip, that which you have come to know, shall dissolve as just a "blip". For this was part of your journey, yet it's time to let it go. The only way to do this, is to go inside and create new flow. Flow shall be restored, when your spirit/soul is allowed to further ignite. For there is a spark inside you, as inside you is the fight. You must seek to find it, as this only you can do. Another can only inspire you, to desire to find your true you. Bliss is a state of what awaits to, and shall be present here and there. For if you wish to exist in this, you must take off the human clothes you wear. You must expose yourself energetically, allow yourself to expand. For when you allow this to happen, you enter the forgotten land. Happy MOMENT most awesome amazing brilliant and radiant souls of light!!!! Such exquisite streams of energies just pouring in today. These are such serene energies of connections from within. These allow you to go within your heart and with a quiet mind connect to all of your desires, with freedom from anchored thought to flow with the streams to connect on a higher level. These allow you to "skip" your mind around and tap into what has not been present these last couple of weeks. They allow going beyond this physical stuff, if you so desire. So much information streaming in, but you must tune in to connect and hear/feel/see it. These, my friends, shall take you on a magic carpet ride within! And we all know what happens when you go within? You change EVERYTHING out there! So, use these energies to assist you. Whereas yesterday, being in the mind for many was a frightful thing. Today you shall be supported in your dreams. Yet, remember, you still must take action in the other moments, because what would creation be if you didn't get to participate? Tune YOUR frequencies to these streams! Enjoy peace, serenity and the connections that are present. I love you. <3 (11am EST) 1pm: There are some compression energies coming through. These "push" on the heart. Each's experience shall be their own. The heart opening and the release of the energy is the purpose. We may have a contract & expand (and do it again and again) day coming. Still lots coming through. All is for the purpose of moving one/all into higher vibrational frequencies. If you find yourself in a place of discomfort, see what is being presented for acknowledgement & release from within. I do not "see" alot of "mind battle/logic" here. More the energy push to cause things to come up & out. Actually, the mind is able to be "sedate" during this, while the opening is being created. I love you. Honor your heart and breathe.... Happy moment most awesome and exquisite beings of brilliant LIGHT! How are all receiving the incoming high vibrational frequencies? All shall be "affected" according to that which is within. YOU (We) are all evolving further, re-evolving BACK into that which has been forgotten. Depending on which end of the totem pole you are on, is to how it will appear to you. You will either see loss & perceived suffering or you will see beauty, elation and bliss beyond that which the human mind can see. These streams STILL are activating physically, as the entire energetic body just got plugged up to a HUGE battery charger and is being "jolted" in every moment to activate one further. (I do visuals, so you can see what I see). Absolutely everyone, everything is getting activated in a "slammed" way. This includes animals, Gaia. If it exists, it receives. This means that ALL things shall activate further to the higher frequencies and that ALL things DENSE cannot go. This is emotions, physical ailments, material things, thoughts... all things that keep one separated within shall again be expedited to fall away. Dense physical bodies will continue to "fail", as those who's "time" vibrationally it is to ascend. All things of one's physical human "past" shall surface for release. This includes old ailments, trying to leave (again). Where there is much suppressed denseness, this will present as extremely painful and overwhelming. This is the human mind's perspective that there is "again" something wrong. When in this "reverse" world, everything is again becoming "right", whole, and more light. Where the human sees loss and in these energies, much "loss" shall continue to occur. Yet one that has worked from within to bring in more light, re-integrate AS energy, honor their own entire being is SEEING things as "new". The physical world is old... the REMEMBERED is perceived as new. Yet it is not new, it has always been there, hidden, under etheric lock and key. With every shift UP, you continue to step into what you perceive as new. As "time" is removed for you, you shall continue to see. For all times exist as one, as here there too, is no separation. Your past, your future... they only exist by way of separation within your own mind. Your "access" if you will, will expand as you do, vibrationally. Human clocks and schedules will continue to "fail" to "work" with this "new" way of being. The energetic being does not need sleep, does not exist in human time. It sees all things energy, through it's energetic eyes. Things appear brighter, more vibrant... as you can actually see the LIFE radiating in everything that emits life force energy too! You can also "see" those things dense that drain your energy, so you work to remove those things from your existence, as you now exercise "choice" in your own energetic evolvement. Now, use your new eyes to see all around you. Things have appeared to have changed. They have not, for you have only shifted into a higher frequency that allows you to see beyond what your human thinking mind could not previously see. Once you have purged the denseness, your spirit shall soar and become increasingly excited to exist in these frequencies. Yet there is so much more, beyond the veils that you put in place before you came here to separate within. For with every increase in frequency, you further activate, unlock and re-integrate. For every time you embrace this, you expedite your own remembering. And for those who do not, their realities shall get adjusted "for" them. As this too was their choice prior to "coming here". Know that all that you see is your own projection. Things are exactly as you chose them to be. Looking through your own energetic eyes will allow you to utilize the transpiring of every moment to further integrate, elevate and shift. For as you do, all things you see shall shift too. I love you. Yep, we went sideways... it would not be me, if I didn't! I tried to explain the Energy Translations while wandering off into Ascension, Dimensions, Vibrational Frequencies & New Earth!!!!! So, if you have 40 minutes and can't sleep, come listen & watch. We shall being actually answering questions on the show tonight LIVE! Join us! I love you. <3
Happy moment most awesome amazing exquisite beings of love!!!! The cosmic energies are streaming today! They are exquisite and beautiful thus far! To awaken to hearing these, brings the words of "home" in. These are the energies of "home". Delivering to all, higher frequencies to assist and further expand. Through the night, the collective thoughts were one's of others questioning themselves, their realities, wondering if they were bonkers, which means that more shall start to question all. There will be much confusion, as veils continue to fall away. Yet these veils are not "out there". As with all, they are deep inside. So, occupy your own mind, and tune to the frequency of your heart. Expand beyond that which is not logical, to see that which truly exists. Seeing is not with your physical eyes. For these limit you to your own human view. Seeing is through your open heart. So close your eyes if you wish to see, and open up your entire BEing to that which exists beyond. For that which has been forgotten, shall be shown in the invisible and found through a trail of bread crumbs that leave your old world far behind. Utilize choice in your moments loves. Choose to release. Choose to let go. For the only thing keeping you anchored there are the beliefs you have stored within. If you wish to ascend, you must transcend. I love you. <3 Your perception that you are a physical body is your own human mind needing to see something tangible. For you exist so far beyond that, your mind has yet to comprehend. Your physical shall continue to dissolve as you re-evolve as an energetic being. You cannot deny the changes that you feel and see. Within, you know this, for it is not logical, yet you know it to be true. Wow, even Facebook Pirate Language gets it!!!! The messages keep scrolling across my screen as I work about "pondering thoughts" & "peer into the depths".... me thinks everyone needs to switch for a day, just for the cool messages! Ya gotta be able to flow with it though, or "arrrr!" could be the dominant one that pops up for you! Back to my "captains log" and "blabbering t' de mates" ... in between work! yep, lightening up while going within... a new one indeed! And those are only the ones I have seen thus far! awesome! I LOVE this reality of fluidity! Following "sideways" with every bit of zest within... a quest for a photo took me along another trail of breadcrumbs to end up "back" at the underwater city, Atlantis and beyond.... GOTTA LOVE REMEMBERING!!!!! Unlock those codes loves!!!! Yep, this is how the work day goes... all over the place! I love you! You do not exist in time, this is in your mind. You exist in frequency, and this starts in your heart. If you wish to transcend, that which has previously limited you, learn to shift UP in frequency. You can access any version of you that you desire at any time. You are a multi-dimensional being. You can choose where you exist. Shift out of one frequency and into another. This you do with awareness, choice, intention and that knowing you have within. This you do as an energetic being. This has absolutely nothing to do with being human. That too exists in your human thinking mind. <3 The purpose of this book is to reach as many as possible to assist in awakening, remembering, activating, and ascension. This book is channeled in a frequency that will activate one from within. It is to be absorbed, and one will have to read it several times to even remember the words. It carries a frequency that may put you to sleep in order to absorb it fully. It may take several readings to complete this very simple, yet speaks directly to your soul, book. We hope to share this book with all who wish to understand more and participate in their own awakening, ascension and remembering journey of consciousness. We are allowed only 5 free download days every 3 months, so we will space them out in order to assist more. It is not priced for profit, being kept as inexpensive as possible for this reason. If you have a group, organization or just wish to give the perfect gift to yourself or another, I actually purchase and ship at my cost in bulk. Details are on the following page. Book info, testimonials, purchase/download links and more: 6pm'ish:So we have another energy stream increasing again, after getting very quiet. These cause suppression & expansion at same time and appear to be "pushing" heart chakra energy pretty strong. 3rd eye light codes again. Shift shift shift back & forth alot today. The sedative/meditative energies also stream underneath. It appears a bit of a variety for all! You see what you see. And if nothing, then who cares and enjoy! I love you. 5pm'ish: The physical weather today is indicative of the energies streaming... (it is many days!)... Sunshine & Thunder..... yet there is always a rainbow after for those who are looking! 4pm'ish: And we have increase in energies starting loves and these bring expansion of the heart and soul energy from within! 3rd eye starts to receive Light Codes (SO love "new" rememberings!!!!). This can be physically felt in your own BEing. Oh and the "air" is apparently high in vibrations & thin, as twinklies and sparklies have been floating & flying by this last little bit! I love youuuuuuuuuuu & enjoy. 3pm'ish: Ahhh at the subtle, quiet quiet quiet, sneaking in and activations "under" what can be heard/felt/seen. Felt a few before I awoke, these are serene and almost meditative... they "appear" to activate, yet keep one in a state where they can "see", and possibly choose to be conscious and work through what they see. It feels like subtle nervousness to the physical body. I do not get a "feeling" for these. More "observation" energies and activations for later.... where I am, there are no memories, but logic is present.... so one can think and observe and even work... fingers/hands/feeties tingling a bit in the last few moments, so we may have some expansion coming. You see what you see. As I translate from my own energetic reality!! I love you!!! p.s. the exquisite sedative rain outside tends to support this thus far! 1:22 pm: Good morning most exquisite beings of brilliant light and love!!!! (yep, my morning at 1:22 pm today, as I was up all night working!) What an "interesting" night that was! Still trying to understand all that I was shown. It shall come when it is mean to! I never break pace or stride by getting hung up on "needing to know" anything anymore. I speak the words "bring me that which I need to see, to assist me on what I need to do, to help others in the way that I am to help & to remember that which I have forgotten." I then look "beyond" what the physical eyes can see, way beyond my own mind. I "bend & morph" that which is not logical to assist others in making sense! I get it, so who cares! lol If you wish to be a creator, if you wish to be a participator, you will choose to listen, observe and honor absolutely everything you hear/feel/see within. You too will expand way beyond anything logical. For THIS is you, as an unlimited and energetic being. This is you tapping into that which you already are. The only thing that will interfere are those things logical in the physical world. And THAT my loves, IS your own veils, your own blocks and is YOUR job to transcend! So, I love you and it appears it shall be a very busy week this week already. I will be popping in & out, writing up energy reports as they come through (for those who utilize them to learn about themselves as energetic beings and come to navigate with the tools learned thus far), and apologies, but I awake to several hundred messages each day/throughout the day, and work to keep up as best as I can. I shall go through my wall and session requests first, as usual. Keep posting responses to my posts here, as you help others when you do! Light, love, honor & respect in every moment! Back with an energy report .... I love you!!!!!!! p.s. THANK YOU to all who shared the book to assist others on their own journey, for those who downloaded for honoring & activating you and for those who will attend Wednesday night's online LIVE broadcast and participate. More soon, as the light activations activated my "channeling energizer bunny work mode" version of me, so all kinds of stuff may come through! We shall see! Working around private sessions & appts. I love you!♥ Okay, so... this is hilarious. I clicked a button on FB by "accident" and my entire facebook turned into another language. Not one legible thing to "me"... so clicking "blindly" on buttons trying to get my FB back so I can read it, I now am in English-Pirate" mode (and all is in ahoey matey lingo) and FB forbids me to change it for 30 days... ya think this is going to be fun? oh so laughing right now. All ya'lls names have "Cap'n" next to them.... and my followers says "bein' stalked by 665 peeps)... oh myyyyyyy lol Good morning most brilliant and amazing beings of love!!!!! Singing energies streaming ever so strongly, all through the night to awaken to the cosmic symphony coming in for all. Super loud, super strong, super high frequencies! These elevate all further beyond the veils! So, if it is "low", it will be pushed up from within. The physical body felt like energy "tremors" going off, and what is mild for me and "right now", may be magnified for another and delayed. For they activate dependent on one's vibrational frequency and separation of time. The more linear one exists in their physical world, the "longer" things take and last. For those who have been integrating & merging much, sleep may be on your menu ALOT during these energies. As the mind needs to go "sedative" and relax beyond what the human mind sees as reasonable. All are being shifted UP. Are you embracing, releasing with love, letting go of non-judgment and nurturing your own entire being? Hydrate & honor your mind, body, spirit.... allow yourself to see & be. These energies bring through more REMEMBERINGS and in order to remember that which you have forgotten, you must forget who you think you have come here to be. I love you. For those who have asked and for those who may benefit, I post free stuff on each of my sites, along with the private session information, books & media events, workshops, video courses. You name it. It's probably there! Years of journals as I transcended through the frequencies and chaos of my own mind are on the Transcending Consciousness Website. Feel free to go back as far as you dare! :) One may also book private sessions via this website. Awakening to Remembering is the one that will catapult one's REMEMBERING, answer those questions that you cannot find anywhere else and explain the upside down, inside out world of the illogical soul. This one will cross all previous boundaries of the logical mind and explain that which makes no sense. We go beyond the veils and journey into the land of the forgotten here. This site houses Energy Translations & writings, Recorded MP3's, Awakening to Remembering Book ordering information, YouTube/Media Video access, Workshops and more. LightBody Integration (Crystalline Body/Energetic Body, Merkaba, Multi-Dimensional Body, Soul Body, etc.). Most have not been yet ready for this. For those who are, we have done some workshops and will be doing more in the upcoming months, as we travel to bring this to different areas. This brings through cosmic & galactic energies, uses Sacred Geometry and immediately raises one's vibrational frequency, causing one to integrate all bodies of consciousness, soul expansion is present (floating), higher dimensional access portals are activated, etheric crystals activated, energetic blocks removed, Dormant DNA Strand activations... you name it, it gets done. This one requires actual consciousness work along with it, as one cannot just receive the energy and walk away. This is offered in conjunction with the other workshops offered, as well as a private session wherever we are local at that time. Online Video Course: Walk With Me: A Journey Within 60 How-To Videos, teaching you about energy, consciousness, awakening & more. If you have questions, this course is for you! Go at your own pace. Currently $333, but will be offering different specials from time to time. If you respond to this message, you can receive unlimited access in exchange for a Light Energy Donation of $133. Just complete the MANUAL Registration form and using code: GOINGWITHIN133 and making your donation of $133 at the same time. Registration information will be emailed to the address submitted on the manual registration. Enjoy a multitude of FREE resources in each site. See something that will assist another? Feel free to post it anywhere appropriate (and allowed), with the link back to the original page/source. If you would like to bring a workshop to your area, complete the hosting form to bring more to yourself and others near you! It is a very "flowy" process, so complete the form and let's "allow" it to happen! (We work these out based upon accommodations and other things provided in exchange. The goal is for it to be available to as many as we can possibly reach! I am happy to work different locations for as long as necessary or desired. We have different locations (U.S. & other countries) being added based upon geographic location for the upcoming months. If you wish to be worked into the travel plans, let us know and we will come to you! "WE" Community: A place where we all work together to reach others, share information and create awareness through love and strictly from the heart. Want to help others? Then join us and I throw in something to assist you too! Upcoming: We have many interactive events being added, along with additional resources for all. Check back often and to keep up when new things (and live broadcasts) are being offered! More soon, as all shall transpire by the moment! I love you! ♥ Evening: Are ya'll ready to intentionally "shift" dimensionally? Pay attention and take your mind into the absolute deepest frequency you can achieve within. If you are able, close your eyes and allow you brain wave state to slow. This will offer you a state to "move" into a space that your logical mind cannot go. Allow yourself to "fade" into this space. These energies allow for thinning veils and you can see that which cannot otherwise be seen. Eyes open, the "air" is thinner. Tune-in to the frequencies that you hear. As a lighter energy yourself, you can shift & move & see more here. If you allow yourself to "play", you shall allow yourself to be in more of a state of remembering in these spaces. Unplug from the old matrix and plug into the new. This is an energy portal that allows you to shift. All that you have remembered thus far shall assist you in this. Allow your entire BEing to "fall into it". I love you and enjoy! 3pm: If something is not assisting you, it is hindering or distracting you. Observe your moments to see where your attention is. In every moment you have choice. Whether to "do" or to "be". Either will get you exactly what you put into it. What are you "waiting" for? If you wish to create from within, go within. If you wish to work to control it in the physical, then go for it. Each will get you something. Doing nothing will accomplish the same. How you accomplish will be determinant on where it comes from for you. If it comes from your heart, you will magnetize it to you by your own actions of doing from within. If it comes from your human-thinking mind, you will have to work in the physical to accomplish it. If you truly desire it, it will no longer be "work". And it will occur for you, if you are doing everything to bring it to you vibrationally, by transmitting out with love for all. You will get exactly what you are transmitting. Are you aware and in-tune with what this is? 1pm'ish: Happy moment oh beautiful and amazing awakening & ascending beings of light! Up and working and tapped into the "intensity" of the streaming energies, it feels & sounds like much is coming through strong & "underneath" what is visible to many. These feel like "great activators" of whatever is core, be it fear, anger, irritations, worry or on the "lighter" side, happy, love, bliss and awesomeness. All will be dependent on what is there to be seen within. If you see it, inside or out, it is yours. Release judgment and acknowledge, validate & allow anything that seeks attention and be sure to self-nurture, care and honor yourself with as much ease .... for those who seem to be having a "moment" (or many of them), it is more work to stay conscious, but very necessary during these times. These do not yet feel expansive, but that may follow, to further cause release of the heart. Will update as the streams change. Whatever is existent will surface during these times. For those out having a blast, do it with love and continue to raise the vibrational frequencies within & without to assist in holding the collective consciousness at it highest ever! I love you. |
Support Change and help me keep sharing to assist all in unity and bringing forth the "new" (Remembered) here. With the utmost appreciation and love. Mahalo. ♥
Thank you to Marinette Lepine with TransLight for sharing and translating in French! Wow, so very honored! Thank YOU!
Read here WAYSHOWER, AUTHOR, PHYSICAL ASCENSION & LIGHT EMBODIMENT GUIDE, CRYSTAL(LINE) GRIDKEEPER & GATEKEEPER, LIGHT ENERGY TRANSLATOR, COSMIC PORTAL, & MORE!Transcendence is my first"Remembered" name, Ithara is my Galactic identification and Lisa is my human name. Archives
January 2016
Lisa Transcendence Brown (Ithara) ☼
Ascended Master WayShower, Author, NEW Earth Existence Sharings, Transformational Speaker, Light Embodiment & Empowerment Physical Ascension Guide (all from within) Updates via the Public Page: Purchase Books: |
Invest in yourself, each other, your Service as Light, hUmaNITY, Consciousness Expansion and all of our future nows... by contributing to and fully supporting (in every way) that which supports humanity with the immense transition phases with greater ease and through Pure Love.
NEW Earth has a whole new, entirely different value system, all new systems and ways that all must learn/remember and bring forth from deep within.
Energetic Cycles are increasing substantially at an unprecedented rate, accelerating "what comes back around" energetically... from all existences, as all is a cyclical/spiral/reciprocal energy that cycles faster as our beloved planet's vibrational frequency continues to rise to bring/usher all out of the "dark ages" and into "the Light" (Full Consciousness/a Quantum State of Remembrance/Pure Peace, Love, Unity and Sacred Oneness).
In deep sacred appreciation for your presence, dedication and service as Love too. ♥
Keep embracing, shining, building, integrating and sharing your BEAUTIFUL LIGHT as Love! It's BEyond important for all! ♥
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If we find any others that are relative, we will update those here for you to access too. Click on any applicable service, to locate and review their Privacy Policies and Disclosures. Emails will be sent out accordingly, so all can re-optin in order to consciously choose to continue to receive supporting newsletters, announcements and updates through our email service.
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"WE" totally love, honor, respect and appreciate you and your presence, participation and contributions for all of HUmanity too!!! ♥