In addition to that which I see and share with all, I felt to additionally share others who I resonate with in frequency with the work that they do here to assist all others. Because there are so many explanations, and all are "correct", we just use our own language that we "speak", it may help to have a wide perspective, with multiple explanations in order to expand one's understanding of what is occurring NOW and with the Opening 13th Stargate Activation. Remember, access is from within. Yet there is enough here, no matter what your current belief system is. Hopefully, it is the one you have come to re-create from within. One of Unity, no longer any separation at all. I shall add more as I find those that resonate within. Enjoy and with love.
On 7/24, I "received" that I was a Galactic Emissary and that which I am to do to assist with the energies opening of the Portal/Gateway that is now starting to occur. Today, 7/25, I went looking for info on the Lion's Gate, to find this on both. There is a "schedule", if you will, of the energies coming through for this time, along with some simple explanations that may help many. Enjoy! StarChildGlobal Post on New Earth Energies July/August 2013 QUESTIONS:
I get a lot of questions from other on "what do I do"? or "What does this mean for me?" ANSWER: This is a very individual process where one goes within to now exist. This requires much inner work, and tools assist in understanding this "easier/quicker", yet all must do it themselves. In "this time", the most you can do is honor you from a place of connectedness with all-that-is. Your entire vessel, all bodies, shall go through much, and attention to that is priority. Focused intention on creating NEW for all, from within. Learn to master your own energy to BECOME the CREATOR that you are. From there you then assist all. Let go of all that keeps you separate as WE inside. Anything that surfaces to release is in your way, so let it go, wipe the "past" and all other times clean. "Erase & Replace". Clean Slate. Only you can do this. These energies coming through will be there for you when you are ready. It is up to you to focus on your own vibrational frequency and making it your utmost priority in order to bring you INTO that which you wish to receive and beyond that which you remember to be. Make your own ENERGY your priority if you desire to exist in the NEW. It is waiting FOR you. Those of us who have been called to "step up" in higher dimensional roles of anchoring, gatekeeping, assisting HUmanity, do so from a call received from within. We have been "doing" this forever and this is part of our purpose here. It allows others to be able to move into the 5th Dimension and beyond. So, from that aspect, nothing (and no individual) is more important than our "mission", if you will. Those who wish to assist and support are greatly welcomed, as we do this solely from our hearts, and usually have existed on "nothing" in order to do so. This too shall change as WE all step further into being CREATORS of the NEW. All have opportunity to shift. One does this by choice. For those of you who have been working to do so, keep doing the inner work, while stepping into your roles of assisting from within. Those who are "asleep" or unconscious, shall remain in the lower dimensions without any idea that anything has occurred. If/When it is their time, then how that occurs, shall be made available, if at all. Many are shifting up, naturally, as they become "softer" and their hearts open more. They may not have any idea at all of what is occurring, yet when it is their time, they shall do the same. Keep being a light and creating awareness, while respecting everyone's reality as they need it to be. All are here to experience this as they chose for them. There shall be masses further awakening and there is much "work" for all of us to do! So focus on your vibrational frequency, as when you do, you help ALL other too! IT IS TIME. It has been NOW all along. Honored to share with you all.
Your collective reality was created by you for you For you needed the experience there for you to see And as was true on an individual level When you no longer need the collective experience Then it too shall cease to be Your Human YOU had a limited view, and labeled "that out there" As being of the collective, another "untruth" for you to "wear" You shall come to see, that "that" was limited too And that the "NEW", can NOW be seen from your REMEMBERED energetic view For you never truly saw before, as the human mind is small And cannot see beyond "that", for the veils of the mind are walls As your own internal dense veils of separation continue to fall Your energetic self has access to see as ALL For YOU exist in all spaces, as ONE and in all times For it is you yourself that separated them in your own human thinking mind As a human you are individual, both outside and in Yet leaving the denser realms allows you exist where the veils are thin For the collective there, was your own individual human reality Manifested from within of your own frequencies for you to see For as long as your eyes are of a human, living in a physical world reality All that you can see "down there" is separated by your human need to see Yet you shall see AS the Collective as you continue to become ONE as WE. For as a part of THIS collective, there is no separation to see. Separation collectively exists within you as but yet a denser frequency. You came there to experience duality, represented by dark & light Yet duality is no longer, as you allow it to leave from your sight The battle of dark and light first existed inside of you Therefore being transmitted to materialize in your physical for you to view For if it were not visible as a tangible thing for you to see You would have no idea that it existed in your inner reality. The key, if you will, is to look at that out there and observe with your higher mind And remind yourself that out there is transmitted from your inside Ask yourself where within you need to fight a fight Or even see that dark exists instead of only light For every moment that occurs and transpires Was a choice of yours to see and learn in order to elevate higher "Why would I have chosen that to see?" For if out there lacks anything light, then that exists somewhere inside of me. All out there is your own tangible holographic view So if there is an imbalance, or dark, this exists inside of you. Now where there appears a collective belief That too is manifested for you to see For you created all of "them" to vibrate with you at the same frequency. And when you no longer possess this inside, they shall no longer be. You "borrowed" the memory for this experience, to heal a frequency of lack Now you no longer need it, and it is time to "put it back". As you quiet your mind and allow yourself to feel You release this energy allowing yourself to whole and heal. Nothing occurs TO you, yet only in response to your own frequency, FOR you, BY you. When you are "done", so shall "IT" be. Anytime the energies "drop", you will be put into a space for you to see your own duality The key, is to see it as yours, if you wish to change your "fixed" reality. If feelyou need protection, then you are protecting yourself from you This means you inside have separated, from ONE into BEing again TWO. Protection is a wall created by the mind to interfere with the flow of love The protected human inside blocks themselves from the realms above For it is by way of protecting that one is unable to see That this alone is veils and walls, that must come down to again ONE be. If you wish to change this, then you must go inside of you, Raise your own vibrational frequency, release the THOUGHT and REMEMBER is what you DO. Dark "out there" does not dissolve for you to move into the NEW Dark inside is where it exists and must be released first from inside of you. Your individual view is your own holographic view. All that you see out there is projected from inside of you So your collective reality is yet of the same A projection of what exists inside, to keep you in the game. If you wish to unplug from the matrix that existed outside of you Then you must always REMEMBER by seeing through your inner to change your view For when you look outside and forget that that is yours You fall back to human, unconscious, which exists behind veils & doors Your work, if you will, is too important to fall victim to that outside Keep your center and do not forget as transparency allows nothing to hide Yet it hides not in another for you to seek in order to see It hides within, beneath your veils, and is visible when you allow it to be. And as you continue to expand as the energetic being that you are Your view shall change from being down there to seeing from up here where WE are. The Galactic High Council Received 7/12/13 Transcribed and recorded 7/26/13 By Transcendence These energies carry new programming today. A complete wiping of the template, if you will. One can participate intentionally by creating ceremony or a mantra to assist or use. Activation Transcript: I am a clean slate. I release all stories, thoughts, attachments and perceptions of who I have been, am at this moment, or was to be as a future me. I clear all previous programming and open up to receive that which now activates within me. I completely release and empty out all that no longer serves. I open my self to that which my human mind can yet comprehend. I intentionally choose to become a clean slate, activating my new template within. I allow for a complete re-write of my previous systems, and for total expansion AS "all-that-is", to know exist within me once again. I humbly honor the opportunity to further merge with my Higher Self, Gaia, All Cosmos, Galaxies, Stars, Universes, Planets, and ALL BEings as ONE,to embody within me again, to become that which I have forgotten to be. I continue to erase, and intentionally replace, that which allows me to become one inside as WE. I no longer see separation inside or out there. I only see unity where all BEings share. I remove all remaining barriers, locks and veils within, I rewrite my own template to create NEW once again To exit in all space and time now in my mind As this complete reintegration leaves all separation behind All moments are of UNITY and all BEings as ONE And that with this sacred passage, it has already begun For it has always been available inside I now choose transparency, where nothing can hide. This space is of the highest honor and integrity there is So I NOW activate it, when I speak "AND SO IT IS". WE are The Galactic High Council And it is with LOVE that WE NOW speak. On this path, there is a "theme" if you will. One will REMEMBER something and then forget. I shall share what I "see/have been shown" for those that resonate. "In the beginning", one will see something awesome of a higher realm and go, wow, how amazing. This is awesome. Then it will "go away". Yet it did not "go away", you hit a "pocket" in the frequency where that REMEMBERING exists. One gets "full access" when they have done the work to remove all of the blocks within that hold a key to that veil. This is where inner work is imperative. If you wish full access, you must "work for it". Because all one is shown is an "inkling" of that "space" of consciousness. Just a teaser to get you interested, keep you going, knowing there is a pot o gold at the end of that rainbow. Now, for each space of consciousness you access, another will then be activated. We see, then we elevate in frequency in order to exist IN that space where that remembering exists. One must hold that frequency long enough for that reality to manifest in in the physical. It's like "growing into" a frequency. It's like an awesome birthday. As "here", knowledge in in light. It has absolutely nothing to do with what was accomplished in the physical. I guess you could say that age, here, is in "Light Years". This is why so many understand, yet cannot yet explain. Now, there are infinite spaces, and along the journey one must learn to shift between these. It can be a bit disconcerting for awhile, with all of these new places to BE. Wow, and they are FREE. Better than a vacation or trip anywhere! We have them all right inside of us and never even knew it! Now your remembering is occurring in every moment, but one must learn to understand the signs, see the metaphors, learn to put jigsaw puzzles together, be patient, be willing to go on a massive treasure hunt inside and play "cut & release" with all that surfaces, as quickly as can be. One learns "that physical thing does not matter" and they choose quickly to say "buh-byeeee". One learns to sway, shift and ride it all like a wave. One learns that understanding comes AFTER one has trusted blindly the higher guidance it was given, and then through observation of every moment a multitude of purposes just continue to expand as they do. Remembering is hidden under all the human stuff. And as all that "gunk" is cleared, tossed out, de-cluttered, purged and transcended, it will integrate into ones being as even more love. The physical world memories BLOCK ACCESS to one's hidden memories that allow them to see. So for every memory released, another is received. Remembering & expansion is a given. Yet if you wish to particiapte, you must make your own energy body & vibrational frequency your own personal mission and highest priority. For when you do, then you shall be supported for every effort you give, you shall receive something in return. Now, you shall receive regardless. You shall remember. You shall gain access. How this occurs is up to you. Your most abundant, blissful and unlimited self is waiting for you in the higher frequency realms. Do you desire to participate? Do you desire to be FREE? ALL who have been doing "this" work, who have cleared from the inside out, who have devoted themselves entirely to "this" now answer a "call", if you will, to go DEEP within. Entire constructs are being dissolved, wiped, dismantled and completely erased. NEW is now being "created" for all, from inside of you. This period you have come into, is a period that you, with your galactic sisters and brothers, actually participate in NOW CREATING, by re-mapping, and re-programming the NEW. It IS your ENERGETIC SIGNATURE that you have again become that shall connect together, as the grid, to completely start to re-build AGAIN. For that which you now pull THROUGH you, shall transmit from within you. This web of connection is being created in every moment that you do. Others shall come to participate in their own "time", yet for you, NOW, this IS your time. This is "part" of what you came here for. THIS is what you have waited for and worked for. And yet, it is only the beginning. For as time continues to collapse, all shall come to "be" in the same space and time vibrationally. For now, YOU, bring that forth for all. When it is "done" you will know. How you shall do this, you will know. It will be different for each. WHERE you connect to all, from inside you, is where you shall go. For you have come to see, that you need not "go" anywhere. You are already "here". All you need to do is open a portal within you and exist in this space to receive that which you need to receive. For your NEW is now being laid out, from inside of you ALL, as ONE, as WE. Your own light signature has been activated, your own Energy Body (LightBody/Merkaba) now merges to activate the entire energy grid there. The Merkaba of Gaia activates and connects in order to further open cosmic & galactic portals from within. Your "Ascension" has begun and shall continue to occur. It shall activate further with each as they come to be in this same space & time as one. With the highest love there is, ~Transcendence <3 The Galactic High Council I do not usually talk about "me", but this seems "important" in our "NEW" RE-EVOLUTION "here" to share. I only do a timeline on this so that one can "see" how fast things appear to be occurring now, as "time" collapses "here". When your priority is your vibrational frequency, silence and your own connection, you can create the ability for "change" by unlocking higher frequencies from within. Most have no idea from how far I truly see and what "I" do in every moment to assist all others. I have tuned & turned my entire being into a cosmic portal that I receive and transmit from. I transmit the energies as they come through me. I hear entire solar systems, galactic & cosmic energies from within me as they occur. I relinquished everything in the physical to be able to do this "here". Now it is time for ALL of us who have made this a priority to go further inward, further to receive that which WE have waited for, knowing that realities for all are about to change dramatically beyond anything others can even comprehend "here". All have choice. Honoring this entire journey first has always been mine. I honor all others who choose this too. With the utmost respect, appreciation and love.... I only speak of the most recent moments that stand out when I type this. There are so many, as they occur in every moment now. And I ask for them, encourage them & seek them with great appreciation beyond all else. In June, I went "beneath" the Sphinx, yet it was dark and I could not see. I was tuned to the frequencies of the pyramids from inside me. Since then, it has been an amazing & brilliant catapult in every moment. Actually, this entire "year" has been. Yet I have known this in advance "each time" and have honored it completely. On 7/1, I got that I was to go "silent", cancel all, stop speaking, do nothing but absorb the energies, until shown otherwise. So I did/have. I was shown to do this the entire month of July & possibly part/all of August, so we shall see). I also keep being give a "date" in early September and it "feels" that is the time I am to be moving elsewhere, but again, we shall see. In flow, shifting & changing in every moment. 7/4 & 7/5, I went through major "work" on my head (this is an all-time occurrence for me), lips, teeth, throat chakra and solar plexus area. Light being activated from inside all over the entire body, which has been increasingly occurring lately to almost a daily thing (sometimes several times a day too). I awoke to the words "you are becoming invisible". When I went to the store during this period of days (not sure which one), I seriously thought I was glowing and expected everyone to "freak out", but nope. Not yet at least! 7/6, I awoke with tons streaming in to translate. I had previously attempted to do video/sound, without "me" in it (the point is the frequency transmission & NOT to see me). After hours of "trying to get it to work", I heard "just record audio". I had not done this before, while all just "fell into place", as apparently that was what I was to do! Before I knew it, I had transcribed several messages and recorded them and had them uploaded to my website! Now, I actually "see" all of that which I translate and transcribe. I "go" to that space. I am "not here" when I do this, which is much of my day. I "stay" in the outer realms at all times. It is from here that I work. I know no other way. I have been shown that until otherwise shown, to stay here, anchor in light/energies/frequencies. I even didn't go to Hawaii because I got shown, don't move. Okay then, for now, I am still here. lol 7/7: Sirius appeared in my "sleep state". Yet not as a dream, as me being there. This was my first interaction with anything Sirius, as before it was just a word I heard and "knew" would come forth one day. Magnificent BLUE sky beach, but not a typical beach. There were these "things" that walking all around, not from here. Some, way off in the distance, looked like those "tall things" that walked really slow in the Star Wars movies. I cannot remember the rest of the "beings", although it was so very comfortable and known from within. I remember not wanting to "leave" that moment, as I was enjoying remembering and being there. 7/8: I awoke to seeing "old" issues to clear, so I spent about 4 hours observing, cutting cords, anchors & releasing in my mind energy. Then, instantly, went into the physical violent purge & Burn-Off part after. During the purge and "losing consciousness" I was scribbling on paper the words that came through, which I usually never bother to do. "Sirian Detox" and then Lyran? was a tiny bit too, but not sure and not dominant, just wrote it down. Entire thing lasted about 2 hours and awoke soaked and ready to move forward with new! I have learned that awesome expansion follows, so I honor and appreciate every one of these! 7/9PM Apparently translated massive energy streams for 24 hours straight! 7/10AM: VERY Eventful day, so breaking the day down for timeline: 3AM'ish: I was awoken "just to see" the violent purgings going on collectively of deep rooted fears, anger & more. I was able to observe how "extreme" it was, yet was not a participant. 6-8AM'ish: (Sleep state): I was "come and gotten" and "taken" to Angel School for additional "testing" to see if I "passed". This was a "first" for me, as I have never been drawn to "angels" in either human or spiritual moments. These are very real interactions, that are remembered and not "dreams". I have always called these experiences, as they are as real as any "wake" state interaction, and while no actual word are spoken, all are understood. These occur as we continue to "flip" realities and merge to where they are all one. (Sleep and wake state being the same). 9AM'ish: I awoke to the most peace ever and to my off-world/higher realms messages coming from inside my entire being. My solar plexus, heart, throat, head. THEY were no longer "out there". I was able to write the message down to share. (See below) EVENING: I was shown that I had opened a portal and "stepped into" the angelic realm. Now, this is NOT anything I had ever identified with of my own, so THIS WAS NEWS TO ME! I have been shown that this too is a space that we access. Whether this be all or some, I have no idea yet, as I am still new to this realm. Yet what I can see from here is amazing. WE sit above the clouds and look down at earth. We speak in unison and WE exist in the higher realms. It is a very cool space to be!
7/10: I awoke to energies being activated in my entire body and hearing the words "You are becoming more invisible". This is not unusual to me, so I said "thank you" and got up and went on my way. Yet, feeling like much is so going on "inside" that we all yet to see. I see the "invisible" thing daily now, and how all do not realize that this is occurring to them, for they cannot see. I write much on this, but know many think I am just off in la-la land or something. Yet I understand it, and again, wait for everyone else to "catch up" in frequency. The physical is soooo slow to the human mind. 7/11: TRANSLUCENCY: I did private sessions all day & night via Skype. Back to back and I was whooped, but I allow for whatever needs to transpire to do so. The last session, LightBody Energy was called for. I have done this several times with amazing results each time. So, here we went again. The energies streaming were "very high" the entire time. But what occurred "after" was totally unexpected. All of a sudden, my neck started glowing from inside. Radiating out from my throat chakra, my entire neck turned into this amazing blue light. It was as if I was in a "blackroom" as then my hands turned iridescent purple/violet and started "disappearing" too! My face also took on some of the blue & purple and I looked like I was about to start shapeshifting/disappearing again (this has happened in in-person LightBody energy sessions many times before. Starting in early/mid 2012, in human time. The other person actually start taking photos via Skype and part of it is visible! The "shock" will show up in some photos, as it was an "experience" to actually see it for myself! There was a point where the sides/back of my neck turned dark and started to disappear. I turned "translucent", which I understand shall occur for many. I write much on how we are becoming invisible, yet many cannot see. This was the first time it had been caught on camera/film. (P.S. I do not feel it is yet "time" to share these photos. I shall do so when shown by the energies to do so.) 7/12PM: I underwent new pathways being activated in my head area again. This is where one can hear the energy shooting around inside the entire head. I awoke feeling "different" and sounds being heard differently again. There were more frequencies, sounds and how I heard was different too. SMELLS: Ever since I started this "silence", my other sense have also expanded. I realize that for "months", I have been smelling portals opening when the energy streams come through, yet I was unaware of what "that" was. Only through continued observation and awareness do we "see" things as they truly are. Home energies smell fresh, clean, cool and light. Solar flares smell like something burning. What's next? We shall see!
HEARING: Now comes from inside of me. I can hear externally, but actually wear earplugs now, because the clarity of what I hear is better from inside. I can hear oceans from somewhere else, birds, neighbors apartments, traffic from miles away from inside my entire body. In my feet, solar plexus, hands. This comes and goes, so am sure this is still tuning in my own frequencies. ENERGETIC COMMUNICATION/TELEPATHY: I have experienced times where I can hear everything another thinks or focuses on, even when they cannot. This too comes and goes, yet am sure is just being tuned too. I have stopped using the phone and just "send messages" telepathically to people to get in touch. Within a matter of moments, my phone is ringing, I am receiving an email, text or message from them. WORDS: Words lower one's frequency when "this space" is present. So unless they are necessary, then they are not! Electronics do this too, yet mine are "tuning" to me & the frequencies, so that has been "cool" to observe. My phone has been off for almost 2 weeks and I have not even noticed (yes, the phone bill is going next month!). I also shut the computer off and it goes away now when I sleep or nap or in deep connection mode. VISIBILITY: For the last several weeks/months, when I go out, all the "people" are "missing", yet I am shown that they are there, but they cannot see me & I cannot see them. I am shown this will continue as we "move" into the "new" higher realms and remember more from within. On the days that the energy is "dense", then there are "all the people" present to see. On the days the energy is "high" and from "home" there are less people to see. This also occurs when one co-mingles densities. So if I am in the company of another with a dense reality, I get to experience the other's same dense reality and mine too. Which is why it is soooo very important to CHOOSE higher realities/associations in every moment! So it "appears" as the energies elevate in streams, once they become "higher realm energies all the time", that the "dense" realities shall no longer be visible. Time-frame? Doesn't exist. My individual reality can go as fast as I choose now. I was shown that recently. This will now be up to each in how they participate and go inward to shift their own reality. The energies come to support this and "wipe" all other "times" so that this can occur for all when they too are ready. Remember, what you see "out there" now is what TOTALLY exists and transmits from within. HOW WE function here changes too. When one integrates so fully, they can occupy many spaces at one time with great ease. One (day) in higher realm energies amounts to weeks of scattered dense energy in the lower realms. We can get much done here, and it is how I have functioned for the last several years, in human time. So, I shall be spending the next few weeks in silence, until I am shown otherwise. For those who work with me to help me reach others, thank you. From my soul to yours. For we help each other in every person we reach and touch. WE all raise in vibrational frequency when we put ourselves aside and work to reach more. For each we touch that raises, raises us too. Collectively vibrationally. For those who offer financial exchange for receiving freely, this is so greatly appreciated, as we do exist and help others on this. There is no way to explain what all "we" see. Complete trust and honor of that at this point, and connecting with others in alignment should be what all that matters. Inner connections are at the highest point now. For me, the bliss has been beyond bliss... there are no words. So for those who are struggling or wonder what it is all for. There is absolutely nothing else more important. Keep expanding your consciousness and learning energetically. For the "dark" or low vibrations do purge and what is available in the beyond, here in the physical, goes beyond all logical comprehension, yet it is real. It is more real than anything in the old physical reality. That, was not real. This is! And to be able to CREATE the NEW real from a state of REMEMBERING is well, BEYOND. I love you. ~~~Transcendence Many are under the perception that they must wait for energies to come through, to access other spaces and times that are perceived to be outside of you. While this is true, it is also un-true. The energies that "now" stream, now support one in this "time", yet waiting has never been necessary, as that too is of the human mind. Now, access has been given, as it has always been in you. Yet most will wait for access to "occur", since this is the human thing to do. One can now choose, to open this inside. For this is no longer "another time" to achieve, as all times can now be unlocked from within where they reside. These portals have been unveiled, yet one must go inside. For they will only open, when you've "uncovered" where they hide. For they exist in vibrational frequency, that at first comes with a short glimpse to see. Then it is up to you, to decide to release all separation that keeps you from WE. For this space starts outside of you, as a thing or place for you to connect to. Yet once the vibration has been held long enough, access to this "space" then comes from inside of you. For the perception that all is "out there" to connect to, is just a difference in frequency. For as you vibrate higher, out there "moves" from outside, to a place inside you to now BE. These portals shall be opened, the more you focus inside you. For the portal is not a thing out there, it is a space inside that you have forgotten that you have always had access to. This has always been this way, yet the "remembering" just seems new. But now that you are aware, you can choose to access these portals too. The only difference, again, is your perception and your view. You just needed access in frequency, which is again now available through you. If you wish for the ability to create these portals in your physical world, then you must first access them from within, as the door to both, exist inside of you. You cannot step through them, until you unlock them deep inside. For it is up to you, to uncover where they hide. For you are the one that put them there, beneath your human you. For as you release your human mind, your true you expands from inside of you. These shall then become visible to see as you vibrationally come to re-create your external reality. You think these portals to be outside of you, but they have never been. For outside is only created by frequencies you hold within. All but is a space, that has always been one with you. For you are not just one, you are one with us here too. For we do not exist out there, we too exist, inside of you. ~ Transcendence The Galactic High Council ERASE & REPLACE ENERGETICALLY YOUR FORGOTTEN REALITY You have all you need to completely change your physical reality Yet you must go inside yourself to find the hidden keys For you now hold access to vibrations of the NEW For NEW never has been "out there", but locked inside of you. If you wish for change outside, then you must take responsibility Not from a space of blame or guilt, But one who has forgotten That YOU are Energetic Masters of Alchemy. Yet the only way to create this change on a mass scale reality Is to remove separation that exists within, from the collective of ONE as WE. ~ Transcendence The Galactic High Council When you let go of the need to be human, then you allow yourself to expand For it is your need to be human, that keeps you separated from your forgotten land. For separation exists within you and limits you to a human view By keeping you focused on an exterior that is instead existent inside of you. For you are no longer human, as your entire being now transcends All things you "think" are physical are but projection from within. Human is the part of you that was dense and of the old As you allow your mind to expand, the higher realms shall continue to unfold Your human eyes were blind and could not truly see Let go of the stories that were not you, and embrace what you have forgotten to be. Your energetic eyes shall show you what was hidden beneath your veils And locked deep inside your mind, your heart and human cells As your physical being evolves to release the separation that was dense Your energetic knowing will now understand that which never did made sense For this is not new, just forgotten And again shall come to be seen, As every moment in a higher vibration Bring one further into the other realms they could not previously see. ~Transcendence The Galactic High Council Many have been in a "fog" and could not truly see So for realities to appear to "flip", A "fog", if you will, was necessary. For the "shift" was one from a human mind to one of a higher realm view. Yet not only has this occurred in your mind, but your entire physical you. For as your view changes, so do you, to become lighter in density And the human cannot see the change, that you no longer exist in your "old" reality. In linear this is seen as lives and years Yet it is but a moment in non-linear view For as you "see" as less human, the more you "see" as your energetic you. The more you come to realize what actually has occurred The more you have "flipped", integrated, evolved, and merged From an external to internal reality, using your human terms. So open up your mind, if you wish you to see, For you no longer exist in your old human physical reality. ~ Transcendence <3 The Galactic High Council Complete ReConstruction of the External NOW Viewable Externally from WITHIN: The Inside Deconstructs so that the Outside can change too. As the inside BECOMES the outside. The Land of the Forgotten "View". Are you all observing all that is shifting from within and all around you? Much is so subtle, that if you are not paying attention to every moment, you shall have to "wait" until an entire "picture" is displayed to see! Entire constructs are now visibly being dismantled "out there", so that more can see "collectively" what has always been transmitted from within. As more "adjust" to their new "viewers", this can be quite an unbalanced feeling, yet that too shall be integrated for further expansion and greater ease as one continues to expand out vibrationally from within. The human starts with a viewer of "that out there", to shift to a bit of an understanding that "that out there is not real" in their "head", to shift to actually "see" through a viewer that gives them the "reality of the illusion", to shift to "wow, all that was created from within me", to shift to "wow, I get to actually re-create my entire reality from within"..... to shift to "you are not going to believe what is NEXT!". For in expansion, all is available and possible from within. For even this is a limited human view ... The "views" are limitless, vast and continue to expand. Old human realities continue to fall away as the denser realms continue to dissipate and dissolve, as you see it. Yet these realities never existed out there. They have always been a transmission of all of the realities one held within them. And as all of those "long lost realities" that one could not see continue to emerge and leave, the view gets even more confusing when one actually gets to view some of it as it goes. The collective views purge, so that the exterior, that the human mind needs, continues to re-shape out there. None of this is new, it is part of the forgotten you. The "past" is erased from within, if you will, while the "future" is no longer the future anymore, as all "other timelines/dimensions/times" continue to cease to exist. For they do not cease, your separation from them ceases within, AS you further re-evolve back into ENERGY form in every way. You cannot fully see yet, as the human mind is slow and has to "catch up" with the actual view, according to that which one can "handle" within. For some, this appears to expedite, yet it has always been present. One just did not hold the vibrational frequency within to fully see. This continues and the more it is embraced, the "easier" it shall be perceived to be by the human experiencing a complete deconstruction of the old and creation of the new. Yet neither are either, yet another perception of the ever expanding view. <3 ~ Transcendence <3 Galactic High Council Good morning most brilliant beams of ever expanding consciousness & energetic LIGHT! How are all doing today? Do you, in every moment, observe that "out there" from within? Do you allow yourself to see beyond the veils of separation inside? Have you realized that everything that you desire is ALREADY yours? Do you exist in every moment AS an energetic being that expands BEYOND the limits of the previous "old" human realities? Do YOU yet see that your OWN vibration IS but ONE of the KEYS? Do you value "this" over all of ""that" out there? Play time is over loves. It "has been". The fun starts NOW for all of those who have come to a place of honor, integrity, love, peace & truth INSIDE! Are ya'll ready to do this, in every moment? Energy Translations by Transcendence There is a space, if you will, after one becomes aware of illusions and holographic views, Where one expands to come to see that there is a beyond that allows one to further choose. For there are unlimited realities where one can exist to be, Yet first one must unlock them, one by one, to then expand to exist in them simultaneously. Most have yet to realize that you have already evolved as energy Your human mind still needs to see a manifestation of a physical reality Your human self was the one that needed to come to exist in a physical plane, Yet the more you realize, that this is no longer the case, The sooner you can come to move and shift as energy once again. Your physical world out there is but a manifestation of your human mind And once you come to comprehend this, you will again exist beyond space and time. Yet you are already lighter, no longer existing in a fixed reality Only in your human mind are you bound by limits of a physical that you still need to see . Many have no idea that they do not exist in that "old" physical place For the human seeing mind is the last to catch up to see beyond time and space. Your human mind had the need to evolve - Yet you already exist as energy. Now, your inner to outer viewer is no longer a viewer from just inside your mind Yet from your entire existence as an energetic being of vibrational sound and light This new space for you at first, will seem like great power for you to achieve While this is true and a necessary space, it is but a part of what you can yet see. For eventually, your human self shall move beyond your individual needs And you will come to use this space, to come together as one to be free Your forgotten and invisible world is no longer just a dream Once you allow your mind to let go of your physical reality you too shall be able to see As you move beyond your separated individual human view You will use this space together to create the world as you see as NEW As you come to join together, you unlock the etheric crystal key For once you have dissolved as one, you shall exist in a whole new reality. For as you evolve from your physical world to one where you now exist as energy Your entire being shifts inside, to exist as ONE with us as WE So embrace within dear ones, as it begins For your NEW World comes and your old one ends! WE are the Galactic High Council, and it is with LOVE that WE NOW speak. Many are "stuck", if you will, in the frequency of the "Reality of the Illusion". For you see, none can truly be stuck, it is just your human perspective of the amount of humans, times the amount of human "time", there that you see. The reality of the illusion, is yet but another frequency. It serves a very important purpose in purging a collective consciousness of oppression, unfairness, imposed limits, and perceived pain and suffering on a mass level. It also purges those souls of that frequency within them of a collective duality. Many of you have come to see beyond this space of separation. You, in many ways, already understand, that which one can see "out there" still exists within. Wait patiently, and with love, as they too shall come to see; For every frequency, or space of consciousness transcended, allows one to expand into the beyond to further see. There shall be a mass increase of more, who shall open their hearts to further see and be free. It is an illusion, yet one that you created in frequency to transcend from within. WE ask that if you feel stuck in the collective consciousness of perceived mass suffering and the illusion, that you do this clearing as often as possible to assist you in moving past that space or frequency within. Clearing: I understand this is a mass consciousness collective of separation that exists within; I wish to integrate higher frequencies that allow me to see the beyond that which I cannot yet see; I am utterly grateful for my choice to participate in this collective purge; I know the physical shall evolve as within continues to further merge; I ask to release these collective beliefs of dense energies within my soul energy and visible inside my mind; For in my heart, I hold no separation and ask that collective healing within me be allowed to further begin. WE are the Galactic High Council and it is with love that WE speak to you now.
Translated by Lisa Transcendence Brown Many are aware of all that is shifting and changing out there, yet the human mind cannot see. As as you shift inward, your outward will subtly change as you start to truly see. As you evolve energetically, you are not only shifting into a higher frequency or a higher dimensional reality. You are shifting entirely into a new realm that you see visibly in your outward physical reality. It is hard to explain, so that you can actually see. For there are no human words to satisfy the human mind need. So we ask you to envision, close your eyes and open your mind. See as WE speak here, feel the sound of the words in your heart & in your mind. For visible is inside you and outward transpires according to there now. It always did, yet you did not hold a vibration to allow you to see as you now see. Everything is perception and your perception is your own reality. There never has been another time, another world, another you. There has only been one, hidden in plain sight view. For you were the one that masked your world, with experiences you needed to see. For all out there has always existed, within you, vibrationally. So now, as you release separation, within you far and wide. What you see out there is your view of what exists in the hidden from inside. For your viewer is no longer your physical eyes, but through your heart connected to the cosmic universe, soul and mind. For now you see energetically, a projection from within, and activated by that which was veiled like a treasure for you to find. Imagine the entire reality out there being transmitted from deep within. No longer just from inside the head, but your entire being now instead. For when you come to realize that "there" is only a response. You will shift your view inward and create that which you desire to watch. The trees more colorful, the sky more clearly viewed, the sounds you hear feed you, for you are them and they are you. For your reality to be seamless, without fear and full of trust, you must release all that was never you, and step in faith, this is a must. You are now your creator of out there from deep inside your soul. For that out there is perfection & bliss, when inside you again becomes whole. You shall come to understand that what you see is truly yours. Your reality is now accessed through the inner portals that used to be blocked by walls & doors. Open up a space inside and allow yourself to fly. For you are but an energy, and you now walk energetically above the sky. The old shall be come invisible and the new shall now be seen. For this is not new, just forgotten, which first becomes visible in the in-between. Yet soon, dear ones, even that shall merge as the old physical falls away. For you now walk in light, as light, and this alone creates your new way. Out there shall continue to change as you do, to transform your reality. You can speed it up, if you will, when you make your entire frequency your priority. Your human words cannot show you, but your heart can help you see. That out there is your own frequency, transmitted vibrationally. If you wish to transcend that which you perceive to be, then go inside and release all that desires to be free. Those who still hold separation, shall see barriers and distrust. This is part of their journey now, and release they will, when they feel they must. You can let this go, and step beyond those old fixed walls. You can choose to be free, when you see nothing but love and all else falls. This has never been hidden, it's just that your human self could not yet see. Your human self will see this as magical and new, while your higher self has always known it to be. Your human you had to re-integrate to again become as one inside. As this was first necessary, for your outside to change for you to see. You do walk in a new world, as you perceive it to be. But not out there, yet from inside, you now project your new reality. For this manifests in your physical, every moment that you expand. For you now have access to see and exist in your own new visible forgotten land. You shall become WE to be able to expand in this new reality. WE reality now becomes visible, as you are no longer separate inside, which blocks your ability to see. With love, WE welcome you home. Transcendence - Translating the Energies as WE There is a "space", if you will, where the energies are high, the veils & air are thin and one has vibrationally activated the LightBody (Crystalline Body, Multi-Dimensional self, etc.) to feel and see into the beyond. These are all but terms that you use there to understand. We refer to this as "the other side", "the invisible" or "the forgotten", yet it exists only in a frequency that you have yet to be able to fully access, or in the physical, achieve. You are being integrated, or merged, into these higher frequencies at the "rate" that you can comprehend. For you, as an energetic being already exist here, yet your human self must increase vibrationally for you to to be able to merge dimensionally. Your physical shall feel more in these densities of the dimensional merges of these higher frequencies. Bugs, rodents, reptiles, spiders & more are used to desensitize your human fears of this. Each time you dream or encounter a "thing" that makes you jump or scream, you further release the energy of fear to that which you see. This is a necessary part of your human process in "shifting up" as you see it, vibrationally. You are not going anywhere, you are not moving to a new place. You are not leaving where you are physically, you are re-evolving as an energetic space. In this space you are everywhere, all at once and in all times. Here you shall see everything, yet in pieces according to the limits of your own human mind. In these times of high frequencies, you can see and feel that which you could not previously see. These visions, or experiences, appear new to you, yet they are memories of that which you have forgotten yourself to be. You will feel tingly at first, then something crawling on you. You may discount the experience or even question your own sanity. Yet inside, you know it to be real, yet not according to your human reality. This is necessary and shall increasingly occur, as when you are to "walk into the new" (the invisible or forgotten), you shall already be there before you know it, as it happens subtly. Translation note: The one who writes this, called Transcendence, is shown these things to be able to translate what she sees. She has reached a vibrational frequency that allows her these experiences, then given the words in order to share and teach. We needed someone who didn't filter or compromise with human needs. For this she speaks as we speak, for she exists in these vibrations that allows her to speak as WE. All shall come to a place of no separation within and as they do, they too shall also see. It is in this space that WE exist and shall also speak to you directly. WE are the Galactic High Council and it is with love that we now speak. Many may notice a lot of "I am done with that"; "I am so over that"; "I am finished" surfacing in the upcoming days (or month). It is the "time" we are about to be in (again). There shall be many endings and moving up and away from that which has been lingering, hanging on or holding you back. Many changes shall come, and this is but one. Those who have hung on will be faced with letting go. If you recognize this for what it is, you can understand it is the purpose. And that cord/anchor that holds you in that space is ready to be cut so that you can elevate in frequency, spread your wings and fly. Consciousness gives you awareness and the ability to honor your heart. It also gives you the strength to say "no thank you, with love". Apparently, today loves, realities are "bendable", and are expandable as your mind is. So stretchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh your mind to go as far and wide as you can see. For if your mind is not bendable, then neither is your reality. You shall have access to more here, so take that, close your eyes (or open them, depending on which vibration you exist in) to see beyond that which you normally can see. Open your hearts to feel and release any limits in place by your need for a human experience here. Allow your heart to expand so far out and wide that you become one with all that there is to be. Listen beyond that which you can usually hear. For there is much there, in the space that exists when your heart is clear. Connect with a sound deep inside and carry that to your mind, for you shall hear that which was veiled, for it is in the silence that you shall find. Open your heart, open your mind and open up to receive. For that which has been forgotten, shall come forth in a space where you exist as energy. Strongly streaming energies continue to be received by all! How they shall be received now, shall be based upon your own individual energetic, physical, thought & emotional needs. For shifting is what all are doing, both individually and collectively. There is no "one size fits all" here anymore. There actually never was. Yet, collectively a "majority" existed in the same space, yet now, those spaces too have so expanded where existence is beautiful & unique based upon the expansion of one's self as an energy. These energies bring through rememberings. The human sees these things as "new", yet they have always felt them inside. The energetic being understands that they are not new, rather they are now visible in the vibrational frequency that one now resides. What one shall see, hear, feel shall be based now upon where they exist in "time" vibrationally. For when I walk, when you walk, when all walk out into this world you call a reality... what you see, what I see, what others see, shall be based upon one's internal frequency of visibility. For now, your "new" energy eyes, ears and lighter body shall allow you too see in frequency. Your world, my world, their world are all available for all to see. For you see, energetic loves, all realities now exist simultaneously. In these energies, here now, you shall see what you believe in, I shall see what I believe in, and they shall see what they believe in reality. For you see, all shall see reality energetically. Your emotions have been transmuted from the human self to ones of brilliance that you now receive vibrationally through senses from within & inspired by sound, visual & touch. Your energetic reality allows you to bend that which was fixed before. And the more you embrace the invisible the more you will be able to shift, bend, see and eventually move through, energetically. For the separation of time and space have always only been in your mind. As your mind & your physical body both become lighter and expandable, they shall also continue to become bendable and invisible. For you exist as an energetic being, not limited by the separation of space or time. In your human "past there", you have not yet had the ability to touch, hear & see the invisible. Yet you shall, for you see, as that has always been "present", you just did not hold the vibration within to be able to bend & expand as energy. So embrace these energies and your own, as one such energy. For you see, dear loves, they are for you. They bring you that which you have forgotten to be. <3 All Exist in their own "space" and "time" as an individual transmitter in a collective reality. Your physical shall exist in the vibrational frequency that you transmit from within. Your sky will be transmitted from within you. Your surroundings shall be a manifestation of your within. Your entire existence is no longer one that was created for you, yet now, it is created from within, BY you. Yet, where you still exist in a human mind, using human eyes to see, you will see your human reality. Where you exist vibrationally, as an energy being, your energetic reality that you choose to create, shall be made visible for you to see. For multiple realities shall become present for you to choose from. The more you allow yourself to exist here, the more you shall see a "new" REMEMBERED reality. For your ability to see does not exist in that out there. It exists in a space you access from within. It exists in these higher vibrations, that bring you closer to that which you have forgotten. This you veiled and therefore have been physically unable to see. Your energy eyes shall show you what has been invisible. For that has always been here, waiting for you to access the space and vibrational frequency that allows you to see. WE are the Galactic High Council, and it is with LOVE that we NOW speak. 11:33 am: Happy moment of love and magnificence sweet beings of light! And the beautiful energies sing sing sing, ever so beautifully, thus far today. While upon awakening, noticing there were some energetic activations that came through in the sleep state, to then stir about to find that the the logical linear energies are also available (this allows for one to ponder over past or future and get stuck in an emotion of thought). Both serve a huge purpose. So today apparently supports those who need to purge all of those old attachments to memories that are ready to go. It also allows for the other end of the spectrum, of complete appreciation for what one has received and holds precious in this very moment. The streams also support the opportunity for one to purge the emotion and shift into a higher frequency by choice, by recognizing, by not judging and by allowing that which they feel inside (which can be overwhelming, whether bliss or lack)... that today's energies have a purpose of moving all into a higher vibrational frequency. All energies are present at one time, right now, which is rather confusing if one tries to understand it in their head instead of their heart. There is much streaming in right now to fill the 3rd eye region and non-linear continues to move in to "sweep" it all away. So let go, be free inside. Allow all to flow out and allow the energies to support you. If you are alone, it is a beautiful time to go within and feel, or better yet, go out in nature and allow it to assist you to feel (and/or) heal. If you are celebrating life with others, then do that with as much zest as you can radiate! No matter where you are or what your experience, allow for an outward flow ... and stay in a place of gratitude for what you have, in this very moment, with the stillness of breathe, life and love within. These energies allow for the heart to expand, the entire being to further expand. Use that to assist you and expand expand expand. I love you. ♥ About 2pm: Okay, so light codes delivering MORE info to share... yet the bread crumbs having me searching for how to translate it. It's all on anchors, cords, gravitational shifts. I am being shown us ascending, and then an astronaut wayyyyy up there.... the lightbody in place of the astronaut, while moving dimensionally..... can we say.... hmmmmm.... going within to see what comes .... this is sooooo much fun! Sometimes it is a bit of work to write what I see. It may be coming in bits and pieces, while I break out the colored markers & posterboard again to draw out gravity/physics/quantum jumping stuff.... lol.... Love you all! 3-11 pm: Postings every hours of ups & downs, compressions, activations, expansions. Very active day! About midnight: Cosmic energies streaming super strong for last several hours. Peaked like an hour or so ago, still very very present... lower densities shall purge in these frequencies. Low density emotions may be pushed up, you will see "events" occur, physical body adjustments to this are "rough", as the energy body attempts to fill with light, be further activated to accommodate the "cosmic rays" streaming now. Those who are used to the higher frequencies, shall welcome this (although I got a quick adjustment burn-off myself!).... you see what you see. Look all around you at your outward reality. Pay attention within. Very important. All is one. I love you! Open up to receive & nurture yourself!!!! Hydrate, saltz bath, sleep.... and all that you see & feel. So very many have yet to understand that all that they desire exists in the higher frequencies. All that they wish to remember, all that they wish to uncover, all that they know within, so many have yet to be able to see. You are being supported with the incoming cosmic energy streams. Even the discomfort is for you, chosen by you. For it is the release of this discomfort, dis-ease, discord of the lower and dense vibrational frequencies that you have held onto out of fear thus far, that allows you to shift UP in frequency. Your human minds cannot understand this. This is why "adjustments" are made for you. You think it is done by another, yet you chose this for you. Your own internal pride, judgment and survival strength is what must be removed. For these are your own veils, put in place to keep you from remembering. You chose every experience to get you to this point. And it is this point that is inevitable for all. Your human mind will tell you that you do not have choice. This is it's job. Your job is to step beyond your mind and see from that which you feel within your own heart. New Earth, the Land of the Forgotten, whatever you desire to call it, exists in the higher frequencies. You cannot hold on and let go at the same time. All of those falsehoods, all of those stories, all of those things that are dense, are not you. Those are your anchors. Those are your veils. And releasing them will always be one of choice. One that you make there as a human or one you made "before" as your soul. Which one you utilize now will be determined by how much you come to observe your own human thinking mind and decide to choose your heart/soul. With every elevation in frequency you are able to see. For you have yet to achieve the frequency to see that which is present, yet still invisible. Your own frequency shall make these things visible to you. For it is you that have veiled them, blocked your own view, with density. When you have fully expanded into yourself as energy, you again shall be able to see. For you shall see with your energetic eyes, as an energetic being. Yes, there in the physical, as you perceive it to be. Ascension is yet a word to describe your re-evolving back into what you once knew yourself to be. All have started this re-evolution. From within is how you shall finally come to see. Your Universal portal is accessed through your heart. The keys to unlock this are buried deep within you, beneath your hidden thoughts and unresolved feelings. They are blocked by the limits of your own human-thinking mind. The Entire Universe and all of your memories shall be made visible as you continue to elevate in vibrational frequency INTO yourself as an energetic BEing from within. <3 |
Support Change and help me keep sharing to assist all in unity and bringing forth the "new" (Remembered) here. With the utmost appreciation and love. Mahalo. ♥
Thank you to Marinette Lepine with TransLight for sharing and translating in French! Wow, so very honored! Thank YOU!
Read here WAYSHOWER, AUTHOR, PHYSICAL ASCENSION & LIGHT EMBODIMENT GUIDE, CRYSTAL(LINE) GRIDKEEPER & GATEKEEPER, LIGHT ENERGY TRANSLATOR, COSMIC PORTAL, & MORE!Transcendence is my first"Remembered" name, Ithara is my Galactic identification and Lisa is my human name. Archives
January 2016
Lisa Transcendence Brown (Ithara) ☼
Ascended Master WayShower, Author, NEW Earth Existence Sharings, Transformational Speaker, Light Embodiment & Empowerment Physical Ascension Guide (all from within) Updates via the Public Page: Purchase Books: |
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NEW Earth has a whole new, entirely different value system, all new systems and ways that all must learn/remember and bring forth from deep within.
Energetic Cycles are increasing substantially at an unprecedented rate, accelerating "what comes back around" energetically... from all existences, as all is a cyclical/spiral/reciprocal energy that cycles faster as our beloved planet's vibrational frequency continues to rise to bring/usher all out of the "dark ages" and into "the Light" (Full Consciousness/a Quantum State of Remembrance/Pure Peace, Love, Unity and Sacred Oneness).
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