![]() With the increasing influxes of Photonic Light that work on many levels of DNA, how the body functions and re-acts to all, handles all, deals with all... is very different than it was when all "lived" in 3D. 4D is the awakening phase where each's LightBody DNA awakens and accelerates an immense "DNA repair" process to reverse/purge/detox/clear all of the DAMAGE done/held.... 3D being a physical reality relative to each's level of consciousness PROGRAMMED REALITIES 4D being a physical reality relative to each's level of consciousness REVERSE/REPAIR 5D being a physical reality relative to each's level of consciousness PURE PRESENCE 6D + physical realities relative to varying levels of consciousness APPLIED This is an EVOLUTION OF CONSCIOUSNESS THROUGH EACH'S OWN DNA...... Where the physical body, physical reality are all RELATIVE TO CONSCIOUSNESS HELD.... 3D was degraded DNA... a culmination of everything... not just this or that, but all of it... and everything NOT VISIBLE as well... ↓↓↓ It's BEyond important for all to start to OPEN UP to "different" ways of SEEing... what all truly is/was, instead of what all once believed.... It doesn't matter what you believed, thought/thought you knew... none of that "applies" when it comes to multi-dimensionality and all CURRENT REALITIES NOW.....
In order to "explain", we have to look at the "much bigger picture" from every angle, from every perspective and combine the information/data that "now applies". None of this will 'fit into any box" or "belief system". None of this was available to us UNTIL WE ACTUALLY WENT THROUGH IT and gained access to see/understand and EXPLAIN on a whole new level.... a Quantum/Multi-Dimensional one.... where the knowledge becomes available as we LIVE it, as we observe all and we SEE from the expansiveness of INFINITE EVERYTHING..... where "all new" applies and replaces the "old"...... We can look at 3D as a program, loaded into an operating system and "telling all how to be". Setting for the guidelines, setting forth rules and punishments and everything a "falsehood", if you prefer this word... yet this too is only a part of the "much bigger picture" of what/how/why that isn't what anyone "thought"...... 3D was a "give your power away", chase a dream, gather things, identities, create dependency and live from fear/threat.... a survival mode "masked" as "something else".... 3D is where each's Light(Body) was suppressed, refused, ignored, shut down, shorted out and overridden in every way.... because nothing was understood here. We can look at "those" who "did all of this", who perpetuated and intentionally took every active measure to "stop" and "feed" unconsciousness, destroy DNA... yet that too was still an agreed part of the process by us all (on a Soul/Galactic Level), not completely visible until each has transitioned fully out of those "realities" from deep within..... Access to see that the whole 3D reality was agreed upon by us all and "how", will depend on the "version of the story" one REMEMBERS/CAN SEE.... (subscribes to), which from our highest levels of Consciousness, don't matter anymore, except to explain/assist those ready to transition out of these realities NOW...... Shifting to a SPACE TO OBSERVE/SEE and release the blame/judgment of all.... 3D was where DISTORTED Galactics/Atlanteans and other Cosmic Races "practiced" and participated in all of the "experiments" that many "remember" as they are waking up, not realizing the whole 3D experience was the ACTUAL PLAYING OUT OF THIS .... From within 3D this is not visible to the capacity that all is... It didn't become fully visible (remembering) until the 12D template opened up to be anchored in.... where the entire Akash became visible and "how" all correlates on a multi-dimensional level here..... The easiest way to explain this part is to tell each to "imagine" the "nightmares" of being experimented on, of their DNA being manipulated/tested and changed, without each's CONSCIOUS AGREEMENT, yet still through agreement by way of acceptance.... and a "group mind think"/control that held all in place, through this immense DNA destruction/manipulation process... and 3D was the epitome of this.... (what was in the food/water/air, as well as the physical body each chose here). All of the "big" influences in 3D life were a part of "all of that". In observing the actual "persons" or groups, they were also mostly unaware, because of the levels of consciousness they functioned from..... where the most haneous things were "deemed" natural and acceptable and all worked to "hide" all of this.... 5D BRINGS ALL INTO LIGHT..... yet for those still functioning within 3D and 4D realities, the perceptions are still very distorted, because the distortions that held each to "those realities" have not yet fully cleared..... That now is being REVERSED for all, through ACCELERATION PROCESSES where COSMIC LIGHT BOMBARDMENT OVERRIDES all that was once "done"... yet each on a human level, because there's no full awareness to see/understand, fights this process and continues to "apply" the old ways/beliefs, because there's no "access" to EXPANDED/HIGHER KNOWLEDGE YET.... which is changing dramatically as we go. (This is not "new", it's just the next phase of photonic acceleration relative to each's current phase). 4D is where each start to awaken, to see in illusions, bewilderment and become extremely dis-illusioned and dis-heartened at the "f'd up mess".... the BS becomes visible, the facade, the pretense, the deception, mis-perception and confusion, hate, hurt, mistrust, anger and refusal to conform/complicit/continue being complicit begin to "move in"...... 4D is also where "new" starts to open up, a tiny bit at first.... a little spark of Light at the "end of the tunnel", as each's LIGHT ignites inside... to start to "Lead/Light the way", a little more each time one opens up.... through their heart. With every release of "victimhood", with every release of emotional/physical/energetic "pain".... with every VIBRATIONAL TUNING that occurs, the physical body is able to "do what it needs to do", to RETURN THE PHYSICAL BODY TO PURE "HEALTH".... yet because nothing was completely understood and so many other "conditions, excuses, limiting/fixed beliefs" were still being applied.... how each "deals/honors" has to shift dramatically here... from trying to "fix" something "back" (degraded DNA) to honoring, supporting, listening, respecting and DOING those things that assist with REVERSAL/REPAIR (plays into each's Merkaba as well). 4D is where each's LightBody is "trying" so hard to come online...... AND TAKE OVER.... yet the understanding of the LIGHTBODY and Photonic DNA is still not understood, because each has to LEARN TO TUNE INTO THEIR OWN DNA in order to actually understand, see and shift to a place/space of SUPPORT/HONOR/LISTENING AND DEEP SACRED RESPECT...... 4D is where each remain while all this DNA REPAIR/REVERSAL OCCURS.... where's each's physical body/physical reality undergo massive transformation, massive shifts, massive overhauls, massive reversal processes to UNDO ALL OF THE DAMAGE DONE.... (yet it's still much bigger than this). 4D is where each starts to awaken, come into consciousness and CLEAR THE DENSITY HELD, clear/resolve/dissolve IMMENSE VEILS OF AMNESIA (through the foggy/groggy) as ASCENSION PROCESSES increase.... 5D is just the first part of a massive/immense process.... it's where we SOUL UNION INSIDE OCCURS and everything looks/feels anew... it's where we all RE-BIRTH OURSELVES anew, where our higher selves and human selves merge into ONE(NESS) and our LIVES CHANGE QUITE SUBSTANTIALLY, yet so subtly from deep inside.... It's a SILENT PROCESS.... one done by each on an INDIVIDUAL BASIS and a RETURN TO SOVEREIGNTY ..... yet there is still very much to "do". 5D is where all opens up, yet all new "ways" must be learned, implemented and the REVERSAL PROCESS of no longer seeking, no longer looking "outside" for anything occurs... it's where each LIVES FROM ZERO POINT and all "comes to you/each" vibrationally and in RESPONSE to how you fulfill your higher/highest SERVICE ROLES as you reconstruct/rebuild your "NEW LIFE"... which will end up being YOUR HEAVEN "outside" that you live fully from deep inside.... DEEPLY CONNECTED WITH ALL.... YOU HAVE PURE LOVE as your GUIDE.... you HOLD PURE LOVE for all... yet now it's about fulfilling your SOUL'S PURPOSES/GALACTIC MISSIONS in whatever ways you see from your own "holographic access" on a multi-dimensional level from deep inside.... now it's LIVING FROM THE HIGHEST LEVELS OF INTEGRITY/HONOR/SACRED RESPECT and holding all in your reality to this... EVERY ACTIVATION is for MORE EMBODIMENT of PHOTONIC LIGHT than you could hold/handle before.... every moment/breath is NEW AWARENESS, NEW KNOWLEDGE, NEW INFORMATION, NEW ABILITIES, NEW PURPOSES/ROLES.... 5D+ is about PROCESSING LIGHT, HOLDING LIGHT, TRANSMITTING LIGHT, AFFECTING ALL AS LIGHT, BEING LIGHT AND HONORING EACH'S CHOSEN JOURNEY HERE. It's all LIVING FROM PURITY AND UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS, yet as a human aspect, no one "knew" how to do this... so your EVERY MOMENT/EXPERIENCE will show you/teach you... so you can UNDERSTAND and learn to start SHIFTING EVERYTHING YOURSELF.... which is where MASTERING THE PHYSICAL COMES IN..... 5D IS REMEMBERING the JOY, the Magic, the BEAUTY, the MAGNIFICENCE, the BRILLIANCE and the SIMPLICITY OF ALL.... 6D - 12D are all template building realities through LIVING HIGHEST LEVELS OF CONSCIOUSNESS and restructuring all AS PURE LOVE.... holding the highest, above all..... no matter what "others" think, believe, as these are all PROGRAMS and you don't live by this CONDITIONING anymore.... not inside, not outside, not anywhere or in any ways... because you "get all fully" and you've CHOSEN CONSCIOUSLY, AND WITH EVERY BREATH.... what you will allow as REALITY... and it looks nothing like anything of the "old"................ LIVING HEAVEN AS REALITY, means you have to be THE ONE... you are the ANGEL, you are the GOD-SOURCE, you are the CHRISTED LIGHT BEING, you are the GALACTIC(S), THE ANCIENT ELDERS, the GUARDIANS and the PURE ONES.... WE ARE HEADED INTO THE MOST UPHEAVING, PROGRAM BREAKING, OLD REALITY DISMANTLING PROCESSES that COLLECTIVE EARTH has experienced thus far. Your own LEVEL OF CONSCIOUSNESS will dictate how you/we/all EXPERIENCE the VASTNESS of all.... IF YOU STEP BACK and OBSERVE, you will SEE THE DIVIDING LINES.... that are there because of how OPPOSITE ALL IS..... yet, there is a merging/converging space where all can come together and UNIFY.... AND IT'S PURE LOVE - where there's not one ounce of ego involved..... LIVING YOUR WHOLE LIFE AS PURE SOURCE LIGHT means that you OBSERVE, YOU SEE and YOU CHOOSE what is acceptable as REALity here. It means that YOU take RESPONSIBILITY for your own ENERGY, your own BEHAVIOR and how you SHOW UP.... for the ROLES YOU ARE FULFILLING/PLAYING OUT.... for whether you are coming from a place of SEPARATION/UNCONSCIOUSNESS/PROGRAMMING/FEAR/LACK OF LOVE/POWER within you.... still.... or whether you are going to HOLD YOUR OWN, HOLD ALL IN PLACE and not "go unconscious" ever again..... which is "full-time job" in the beginning, because of how deeply embedded we all were, and how deeply embedded "programming" was within every fiber of our being/3D bodies.... D stands for DENSITY.... and Dimension.... as one correlates to the other.... and they become the same.... HOLDING ALL AS PURE LOVE CONSCIOUSNESS allows your PHYSICAL LIGHTBODY DNA to do the work FOR YOU and 'all you have to do' is honor/listen/respect/rest/sleep, which goes against everything 3D. 4D is where all REMAIN, while the "bulk of this process" occurs.... 5D is FREEDOM and SOVEREIGNTY and no more blaming/finger pointing, because you are not giving your power away/dependent on anything "outside" anymore... IT'S WHERE YOUR SOUL LEADS and you observe your own human ego programming and you break this down yourself.... it's where you process at varying rates relative to DENSITY and LIGHT RATIO and relative to the amount of CRYSTALS IN YOUR BODY (CRYSTALLINE LIGHTBODY).... then we move to Plasma LightBody DNA and Cosmic Consciousness on a whole new level.... yet for this writing/sharing, I will keep it simple.... ENTIRE COLLECTIVES EXITING the old... CREATES MASS CONFUSION for awhile. As 3D further dismantles, the ego goes rampant/on a rampage fighting to hang on, fighting to "survive", fighting to blame, fighting to maintain control.... When a "real"ity "collapses" for a convergence to occur, the human ego aspect .... all the the deep hate, hurt, betrayal energies and self-loathing starts to surface (these are Luciferian energies each holds through Unconsciousness). It's not pretty, it's really ugly.... yet it's necessary for the DEEP CLEANSING/PURIFICATION PROCESS that has to occur on a COLLECTIVE LEVEL for a massive COLLECTIVE UPSHIFT to OCCUR.... If you are conscious/present/expanded/aware, you will see this... yet it won't be "your reality". You will have compassion, respect and YOU WILL BE THE ROCK, THE LIGHTHOUSE, THE STABILITY, THE FOUNDATION for OUR NEW AND YOU WILL HOLD ALL IN PLACE... and you won't WAVER, unless... there's something within you that's ready to clear...... THIS PASSAGEWAY IS A MASSIVE ONE... THIS IS COLLECTIVE LIBERATION from 3D (Levels of UNconsciousness ----- DEEP STATE(S) (notice the words) of PROGRAMMING, CONDITIONING and DEPENDENCY on everything "outside"...... THIS IS AN IMPORTANT PART OF COLLECTIVE AWAKENING AND ASCENSION... RETURNING through what was forgotten as all living beneath the Veils and in a deep state of AMNESIA that continues the acceleration processes of LIFTING............... MASS AWAKENINGS mean immense powerful energies being "triggered" (activated on a DNA Level) to release.... THE ROLES YOU PLAY will DICTATE your own experiences here. You can be a LIGHTHOUSE OR YOU CAN GET ALL CAUGHT UP IN IT and play out your unconscious programming until it all dissolves or your body depletes, your nervous system overloads, your body breaks down/shorts out, overwhelms, you "appear" to lose your ever-lovin mind .... ALL A VERY NECESSARY PART OF THE PROCESS of breaking ego/linear constructs down..... so that the LIGHTBODY CAN TAKE OVER and start to re-build with all new CODES..... YOU/WE ALL CAN DO THIS AS LOVE or PISSED, ANGRY, FINGER POINTING.... one pulls away, steps away/back and just refuses to keep playing those realities out... the other gets all up in it... both serve infinite purposes in the "scheme of all things".... CONSCIOUSNESS will CHOOSE IT'S EXPERIENCES and REALIZE IT'S NOT COMPLICATED.... IT'S SIMPLE... JUST CHOOSE AND FOCUS YOUR ENERGY ON WHAT IS HIGHEST ALIGNED.... and for each this will be different and important as a part of the greater whole...... THE REALITY YOU ALLOW is the one that dictates... the ENERGY YOU HOLD is what DICTATES and your ACTions are a result of your own beliefs, mentalities, energies and focuses..... PRIORITIES....which change all along the way..... THERE IS NO 'ONE ANSWER'.... so if you are looking for "the answer", it changes in every nano-second.... each one must be SO IN TUNE with the ENERGIES PRESENT that PURE SOURCE CONSCIOUSNESS IS WHAT DICTATES what reality is now...... ALL NEW EARTH REALITIES ARE BASED UPON PURE LOVE, deep sacred respect, kindness, consideration, while seeing the much bigger picture simultaneously too. It takes all into ACCOUNT and the parameters are different than what all "were used to"..... Your EVERY MOMENT will present the information, present the opportunities, present the possibilities and what's aligned/not... it's up to EACH TO BE PRESENT ENOUGH to HEAR/SEE/FEEL/UNDERSTAND and LIVE FROM THIS HIGHEST PLACE - AS REALITY............ as THIS IS WHAT MAKES A DIFFERENCE for each of us/all here. This next phase is set forth by this passageway.... so observe, see and shift as is appropriate IN EVERY MOMENT and hold your highest everything... as your new/natural way too.... allowing all to vibrationally align in response to you too. I love you. Update as we flow....... Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼ www.AwakeningToRemembering.com Remember, photonic light distorts, bends, exacerbates... so that all can be seen and resolved fully from within..... The transition experience gets beyond weird and bizarre for awhile, so be patient, maintain presence and go deeper inside to connect..... as your understandings will completely change from everything you once "thought" as "real". As each EMERGES ANEW and "on the other side" beyond the veils... the vibrancy, color, beauty and pure peace, bliss, magnificence will bring heart openings galore... where your heart bursts with gratitude, inner-connectedness and PURE LOVE fills your every breath/cell...................... to breath out and touch all as Light. ♥
3/8/2019 01:57:46 pm
Thank you so much Lisa
Jennifer Halldorson
3/8/2019 03:31:38 pm
Thank you Lisa much love ..keep shining! 🙏💖🌟
Jeanne Sophia
3/8/2019 03:51:34 pm
Thank you an blessings!
vincent Smith
3/8/2019 04:08:13 pm
Where does all this come from, sounds so techincal kinda like double speak, it makes literally no sense to me. I makes me think you are insane, but it is very interesting. I would like it to be true, i fear you are just nuts and you are hurting people giving them false hope. What is in it for you do you get paid to do this?
karen starr
3/8/2019 09:44:25 pm
hey Vincent maybe you fear you are nuts for allowing yourself to trust yourself from a 'higher' place /vibration than the human exists ???!!!!I love that you find it interesting but don't fear all that are here are learning how to re tune and trust themselves ...there is not expectation to give anything away ie sovereignty. We are multi dimensional beings and not the fear we fear xx
3/8/2019 10:37:43 pm
Thank you so much you explain it so beautifully, I am in gratitude to you. Love you
Vincent, Karen's response is exactly right on. Because look at your comment it's filled with fear and being worried that someone's taking advantage of you by charging you money. Money is something that needs to be seen as coming and going. And the viewpoint of having to hoard money and not spend it and not have it is part of the 3D consciousness that we're changing. and this is hard for the ego to Grass because the ego cannot grasp it. The ego only understands fear and survival it doesn't understand abundance and synchronistic Flow. We need to move into higher vibration in order to understand how the Abundant universe works. But if you're here commenting then it means this is exactly where you need to be.
3/10/2019 12:45:08 am
No Lisa is not nuts and I for one am FILLED WITH WONDER AND GRATITUDE for this article because I have waited a very LONG LONG time for this. It already states that human cannot understand it/ but been big pic ture all my life this is a GOLDEN message!!!
3/10/2019 05:06:27 am
Vincent, this is all real. It's the work I do as well.
3/11/2019 08:24:31 am
You are reading Lisa's information and so, it's a beginning. Raise your frequency. When you experience it every minute of every day you will know, without a doubt ... It is true, it is real, it is Who We Are!
Nancy Ardell
3/8/2019 04:50:43 pm
Not easy. But thank you for calling out the description of what we are trying to do so that I can hold onto that and stay in my highest place(s). Much love Lisa! You continue to hit it out of the park for us who need your guidance!
3/8/2019 05:59:17 pm
Thank you Beautiful light Soul Lisa🙏🤗🐬🦋🐚🐡💗💐🤓
Karen Starr
3/8/2019 09:39:05 pm
I love you Lisa, thank you for your precious soul and service xx
Annette Roper
3/8/2019 09:59:00 pm
Exquisite! Thank you!
3/9/2019 06:58:22 am
Thank you again, Lisa. This is a powerful & beautiful 'heads up' to step up & stand in mastery. To be the light being I came here to be & assist the whole by doing so. ♥♥♥
3/9/2019 03:26:14 pm
Printing it out. Looking forward to some fireworks as Stanley reads it outloud. <3
3/10/2019 08:20:25 am
Thank you Lisa, I so appreciate all you do ♥♥♥
3/11/2019 01:19:00 am
Hello Lisa, I would like to applaud your efforts to put this message out to ALL at this time when little wisps of fear come sneaking through the back door - yet I am conscious and continue to wag my finger and say a firm NO to the old habit of reaction.Your words help me to STAND in my POWER, allow it to arise from within, whilst negotiating a tricky situation in my life right now.Thank YOU - much GRATITUDE and APPRECIATION!
3/11/2019 05:41:56 am
I realize that ascension is as old as humanity, and now we have the opportunity to choose for heaven on earth
3/11/2019 08:27:12 am
Lisa, Thank you so much, I look toward to your words of wisdom. I do have to reread and study your words to absorb the light within them and they take me higher and I evolve a little more. Much Love❤️💝💝
4/13/2020 06:08:28 am
Lol no this is all real the ascended masters knew this and returned back to the divine as multidimensional beings of pure light and love. There’s so many layers of life’s that we all live to get us out of the 3D and move us up the ladder home. Masters of energy mind body and souls.
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July 2021
This entire site is dedicated to the continual activation, elevation and expansion of Highest Consciousness Existence for all of HUmanity.
Everything received and sent out from me/through here is as a GIFT, a vibrational recognition through sacred gratitude, appreciation and non-linear reciprocation and contribution from within. All is to support our NEW EARTH EXISTENCE and anchoring the highest timelines of Heaven on Earth in our physical here. All is focused on "the much bigger picture" and fulfilling all of our highest Soul purposes here. My expression of pure gratitude accompanies all as you receive energetically on every level too! ♥
NEW EARTH replaces Old Earth Everything (for everyone on this planet) ♦ Everything is ENERGY and ENERGY IN FORM
Invest in yourself, each other, your Service as Light, hUmaNITY, Consciousness Expansion and all of our future nows... by contributing to and fully supporting (in every way) that which supports humanity with the immense transition phases with greater ease and through Pure Love.
NEW Earth has a whole new, entirely different value system, all new systems and ways that all must learn/remember and bring forth from deep within.
Energetic Cycles are increasing substantially at an unprecedented rate, accelerating "what comes back around" energetically... from all existences, as all is a cyclical/spiral/reciprocal energy that cycles faster as our beloved planet's vibrational frequency continues to rise to bring/usher all out of the "dark ages" and into "the Light" (Full Consciousness/a Quantum State of Remembrance/Pure Peace, Love, Unity and Sacred Oneness).
In deep sacred appreciation for your presence, dedication and service as Love too. ♥
Keep embracing, shining, building, integrating and sharing your BEAUTIFUL LIGHT as Love! It's BEyond important for all! ♥
Invest in yourself, each other, your Service as Light, hUmaNITY, Consciousness Expansion and all of our future nows... by contributing to and fully supporting (in every way) that which supports humanity with the immense transition phases with greater ease and through Pure Love.
NEW Earth has a whole new, entirely different value system, all new systems and ways that all must learn/remember and bring forth from deep within.
Energetic Cycles are increasing substantially at an unprecedented rate, accelerating "what comes back around" energetically... from all existences, as all is a cyclical/spiral/reciprocal energy that cycles faster as our beloved planet's vibrational frequency continues to rise to bring/usher all out of the "dark ages" and into "the Light" (Full Consciousness/a Quantum State of Remembrance/Pure Peace, Love, Unity and Sacred Oneness).
In deep sacred appreciation for your presence, dedication and service as Love too. ♥
Keep embracing, shining, building, integrating and sharing your BEAUTIFUL LIGHT as Love! It's BEyond important for all! ♥
As a part of Elevating Consciousness, which is a part of shifting all into a much HIGHER DIMENSIONAL VERSION (i.e. NEW EARTH and 5+D OPEN DISCLOSURE), (and the new GDPR Compliance Requirements), we are happily posting how we use your information, even though technically "WE" are a collective energy of LOVE & Unity Consciousness. "I" AM an individual, with a priority to hold (EMBODY) the highest level of LIGHT, which translates through integrity, love, respect, kindness, consideration and through Cosmic Harmonic Alignment, at all times for all of us here and to promote love, peace, unity and a much higher consciousness supportive reality, where the "old" (unconscious) is not a part of our "NEW". "I" am an individual who just happens to "do" a billion things to awaken, support, inspire, contribute and provide reSOURCEs, in order to assist all of HUmanity in living our highest existences (NEW Earth) together through Purity and Love too. For those who may desire to know, we (me and any HUman Souls physically supporting in accomplishing the daily work), personally do not gather/review/use your information for anything, other than replying to you as you have requested, sending newsletters/updates as requested, sending pertinent notifications regarding a product/service/course/item you've registered for/obtained, while providing the option at all times for you to unsubscribe, cancel any current memberships and request to no longer receive specific notifications by providing the information for us to do this. We are providing you with the names of websites/platforms/services we utilize, so that you can review their Privacy Policies with us as account holders, as well as you as visitors or subscribers regarding anything pertaining to our users/visitors, in order for you to review. Always holding the highest integrity in all that we do. We provide this information with love and out of respect to all of us and you.. ♥
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We will update this section again with more information in order to assist you soon.
"WE" totally love, honor, respect and appreciate you and your presence, participation and contributions for all of HUmanity too!!! ♥
Copyright 2009-Current ~ Lisa Transcendence Brown