Can you feel the amount of magic in the air? Are you waking up inspired, happy and embracing everything that comes forth during your day? Are you activating your dreams and desires, creating that which has already occurred and clearing at record speed? Are you IN-TUNE with the Energy of All and moving slow, with precision and processing at the speed of light? Is your heart open, fully? Are you LIVING YOUR DREAMS and ALLOWING your dreams to come forth in every moment for you? The linear human aspect can't dream, for it doesn't believe that things come easy, that we can literally exist and thrive abundantly on magic, gifts and love.... Ohhhhhhh, SO the opposite of TRUE! It will stay miserable, in a "job or life" that it hates/or is not happy in, out of survival/fear and non-belief that things can be different in an amazing way. They will actually not even try, for this is their safe place... The heart-driven human aspect sees and dreams through desire, but doesn't know how or have the drive/inner power/knowledge to implement and bring all into fruition in the physical. It KNOWS there's a way, yet is not quite sure "how"..... It actually doesn't care, just wants to be happy, float and live in bliss and experience the freedom of the heart..... :) The higher self KNOWS how all occurs, has already occurred and holds all of the dreams, desires, knowledge for all. Activating, integrating, listening to, honoring, doing in accordance with all of this information, this is what the human aspect has to REMEMBER how to do. Letting go of "the need to know", control and resistance to that which doesn't make logical sense or have proof ,up front, this is the human aspects job.... Trust and faith in what is not yet tangible, has no physical proof and is usually the opposite of all things believed, goes against what the physical world "shows" deeply ingrained beliefs, tests where you come from/what you listen to..... and requires that you completely open up and expose yourself.... which triggers every hidden fear inside. The higher dimensional realities are all energetic at first. Your physical realities materialize vibrationally in response to the vibrations that you hold inside. In the beginning, everything is very subtle. The human aspect will give when proof doesn't show up quick enough.... we KNOW and we keep focused, creating, calling forth, allowing, raising our vibrational frequency and stop worrying about "the how and the when", for this is the human's need to try to control that which does not materialize linearly, but instead vibrationally. How and when actually interferes with the vibration, creates a distortion in the transmission and takes longer for things to occur. Unification of all bodies/aspects at a higher vibration collapses timelines, removing the how & the when. These bypass all of those. We do not exist in time, we exist in vibration. NEW Earth/Heaven on Earth is a materialization of higher frequency realities in physical form. It is all of one's purest deepest desires, heart expanding focus and commitment to your self as love. It's pure, no distortions of the old limited programs anymore. Love is your driving force, consciousness fills your body & your world and you no longer desire to play in the drama or games of the old anymore. You clean up your act and you start somewhere, anywhere to find any dream inside and you do whatever it takes, by listening to your higher self. These frequencies obliterate the fears, the mis-perceptions of lack and not enough. They show each what is truly important and it won't be that physical world thing first.... Here everything is the opposite. When you truly desire, you focus your energy and allow things to come forth in response. You embrace your gifts, you open your heart, you listen to your own thoughts and determine which ones are really true for you. You open up to higher consciousness guidance in every moment and you do in the physical what is in alignment with this. You are here to be fully and completely abundant and live in magic and bliss. You are here to become love again and to live your dream here. You are here to be free, experience complete joy and peace and anchor your higher self inside. You are here to exist from the depths of your own soul and be pure and continually upgrade your Crystalline LightBody form. You are here to be in-service by that which you ARE... for the things you most desire, will come forth as you open up to share and step into your own inner power and hold the frequency of PURE SOURCE LIGHT inside. It's the little things you do that make a difference at first, then you do the big things as they arrive. You will have to let go of the things that don't make you happy and feed your spirit/soul anymore and start doing the things that do. You will also have to pull away from everything to connect to your higher self/soul... For your soul/higher self comes forth in the silence, when you are alone (or sometime to show you not to do things). It becomes your new best friend, you form a relationship with your "imaginary friend". learn to trust, listen and follow instructions... you "prove" that you hold the integrity to embody your higher selves/spirit/whole soul in your physical form here. You don't get the full range of power and gifts until you do. These come all along the way, as you open your heart, transcend your ego and expand your consciousness fully again. This is a process, one that occurs over your entire existence here. You have always been trying to awaken fully, yet it was not time back then. Now it is.... ♥ ♥ ♥ Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼ Ancient Elder & Guardian of NEW Earth, Author, Teacher/Guide, Transformational Speaker on Multi-Dimensional Consciousness/Mastery & The Embodiment of Light ∞ Photo: Artist currently unknown.
We've had 2 tones in the last few minutes, telling us we are going HIGHER in frequency now. We had StarGate activity upon waking an it continues subtly/strongly now. Very soft frequencies, yet very high and increasing more as we go.... Last night we had some new frequencies too... and I've not had a chance to write yet on the magnitude of these Embodiment Frequencies and the Soul anchoring/integrating all aspects fully in the cellular body...the correlation to activating our higher self, working to integrate over the years, descension of our higher selves in our physical body structure and the deep profound soul integration going on since reaching the Galactic Core in December 2015 and the depths of how we function and exist increasing substantially each month since then, for this immense embodiment phase, requiring more alone time in a very huge and pivotal way.... A packed schedule, I write as often as I can. So many live events, courses and working one-on-one/in groups with those investing all that they now are too. It's beyond beautiful indeed! I am also taking more "me-time" where I can too, to honor my own profound integration process of my own soul... there are no words to describe this experience and how all is culminating as we proceed into merging the depths of our core existences and the purity of our NEW Earth EXISTENCE here, relationships, purposes, roles and the profound affect on our physical as our higher-consciousness-realities materialize faster in physical form for all now. The heavy duty clearings, cleansings and re-programming over many years.... the restoration of our original body template (mine over a year ago), the activation of galactic schematics, genetic re-coding, the implementation/integration of our Diamond Light Encoded Template Overlay .... such a deep, sacred and profound experience this is..... As previously unconscious collectives now awaken to confusion and chaos to open their hearts fully in order to move each further into full consciousness for their own realities, those who have dedicated everything/all of their energy & physical world things to being in-service now move into much higher frequencies of existence too. More deep peace, more love, more awesomeness and magical everything continues to come forth. We've gone to the depth of our own separation and "darkness" to transcend the separation from self as SOURCE from within. Now, the physical body just continues to upgrade, clear physical density, release the energy of all held cellularly at an exponential rate, while we fulfill missions/dreams/desires in-service here. The more collapse/dis-illusion occurs on a grander scale, the more solid the foundation of NEW Earth becomes. We started the re-construction phase over a year ago in many dimensions, while the de-construction phase continues in many others simultaneously to balance any polarity out. WE continually alternate between frequencies, dimensions, timelines and we Master the Energy of all. We utilize the abundance of natural and organic gifts that come forth through our presence and the purity of light that we hold. Physical realities constantly re-aligning as the physical body continually anchors higher photonic light, re-calibrating, re-coding, re-tuning... realities are energetic and materialize to take form by that which we hold from inside until it arrives/occurs in our own physical reality worlds. Our feelings, our love, our connection... this is what dictates all. The programs inside of us no longer a mystery, everything is very clear and precise now. I'll write more as we go.. I always do... lol ♥ Love and gratitude. ♥ Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼ Ancient Elder & Guardian of NEW Earth, Author, Teacher/Guide, Transformational Speaker on Multi-Dimensional Consciousness/Mastery & The Embodiment of Light ∞ Everything starts to change. One's heart starts to open and confusion enters in.... a longing, a deep sense of purpose and the "why's" then begin..... There is a spark of light that activates... and nothing is the same ever again.... everything suppressed, hidden, ignored.... it's coming up to be seen and understood for integration back into the purity of love and divine light. When the soul is ready, the human no longer gets to run the show. Integration MUST OCCUR or the body will start to shut down. The KUNDALINI Energy (and Crystalline Structure) activates up the spine... this is the emergence of your own spirit, ready to take physical form. The more stubborn and resistant the human, the more "it" wants to fight and keep control... the less enjoyable the journey is. For your soul/spirit did not come here to die... it came here to fully LIVE. In your body, with you, as you.. and you as one with it. Yet the connection must be your priority, or suffering can be immense. Something has to wake us all up. Harsh or through magical bliss... both end up the same. Your soul need not fight you, for it's is so much more powerful than you as a human are. It can just wait.... until you've suffered enough. Then you will beg for it to come forth, to help you, assist you, guide you, save you.... give you just "one more chance please".... Eventually you learn (remember) not to disconnect from your soul/spirit... ever again.. eventually you learn/remember to open up and stop perceiving it as a threat. Eventually you've struggled enough, and YOU give up the FIGHT... that kept you asleep and separated inside.... kept you from INTEGRATING and BUILDING YOUR LIGHT... so that you can live the most magical and abundant physical reality here. Eventually "you get it".... You were fighting yourself all along... you created your own suffering, because you weren't ready to open up. Eventually, after losing things, after banging your head against a wall, after doing without, or having a rough time... you decide you've suffered/struggled/fought/resisted enough. You actually WANT TO LIVE, you actually DESIRE to be HAPPY, you actually put your soul first... instead of trying to suffocate it. Eventually you BELIEVE enough and you commit your heart to yourself. Eventually you are ready.... to EMBODY ALL OF YOUR HIGHER SELVES. Eventually you move beyond the fear, the judgment, the lack... that you held within.... When you deny your soul, YOU are the one that suffers here. No one else... for this is your reality, your creation, your manifestation of your mindsets.... When you are the one who is not ready, you are the one that is asleep. You are the one that is asking to be shown.... The question is.... are you seeing/listening/allowing? You cannot get left behind... for your soul will not leave you unless you leave it. This is called separation from SELF as SOURCE LIGHT. Eventually the physical body will stop suffering not being allowed to integrate with you and let you go, if you refuse to open your heart/mind/energy up. Your soul can out-wait you, it can out-everything you... For it is you, from a higher consciousness dimension. It knows everything you think, you feel, you sees your fears, your lack, your inability to commit... and it's here to help you out. It knows what it will take to get your attention, to wake you up... It's not punishing you, it's trying to move into your body and walk with you as one. It is you... it loves you from the depths of your core.... It's pushing to emerge... whether you "like it" or not.... It doesn't need your permission ... it never did... It tried to honor your right to awaken with ease..... It is you that determines HOW YOU EXPERIENCE your own awakening here.... From the depth of your entire BEing... you are magnificent, magical and amazing. You have gifts you can't even dream of and physical realities waiting for you.... full of abundance, full of beauty, full of all that you desire.... Yet you must allow and honor your own soul in order to experience NEW EARTH NOW. ♥ Many did not choose to Ascend in the Physical, for their soul is meant to move on. You did, which is why you are reading this now. ∞ Soul separation is over... those times (vibrations) are gone. It is time for you to recall all of the aspects of you and fully integrate as one. ♥ Unity Consciousness/Christed Consciousness/Crystalline/WE a Consciousness of One (same thing, different words) ♦ Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼ Ancient Elder & Guardian of NEW Earth, Author, Teacher/Guide, Transformational Speaker on Multi-Dimensional Consciousness/Mastery & The Embodiment of Light ∞ Collective Awakenings of the Masses: Whatever It Takes To Wake All Up... This Is What Shall Occur...7/15/2016 Many may continually find the desire to withdraw, to be alone, to cut the chaos and distractions of anything exterior out. This will happen during "high tuning" times.... Your consciousness (and senses) are enhanced, your field is trying to expand, your SPIRIT/SOUL is fine-tuning and "that outside of you" can create distortions that interfere with this process for you. When your physical body is being PRECISIONLY and INTRICATELY TUNED... you need "space", just for you. You need to allow the process of physical body upgrades to occur, for you..... All that you desire cannot easily come forth if you do not honor your own Awakening/Ascension/Embodiment journey here. Your human aspect will have resistance and create excuses... it's it's "job", if you will..... Your "job", as a higher-self is to not listen to this, to understand, listen, honor..... As higher selves we observe, we see... human aspects react... we ACT accordingly, with intention, and there is MUCH THAT WE PULL AWAY FROM.... Because it is of the old unconsciousness programs.... to feed energy into them just creates more of that. Now, how do you support, validate and offer guidance, love and share your light to MASTER each reality that you experience here? The more collapse there is, the more chaotic, the more confusing things are going to become for entire mass collectives, for many do not understand that often it's in the collapse/the chaos/the confusion, that souls/star-light BEings emerge, higher selves are birthed..... There are physical realities created for the SOUL PURPOSE (yes, pun intended) of waking masses up. This is because no other way worked/will work for the vibration that one finds themselves in. This is because, the higher the frequencies raise daily now, the more dramatic the SPIRIT(ual) AWAKENINGS will/can be.... Resistance creates suffering. Closed hearts, closed minds, closed ears... WHERE ONE CANNOT OPEN THEIR HEART ON THEIR OWN, THINGS MUST OCCUR to do this for them.... EVERY PHYSICAL BEING ON THIS EARTH MUST AWAKEN .... fully.... The answers that one seeks will not conform to the closed human mindsets. There are excuses for everything, avoidance for everything, resistance for everything.... if it takes something STRONGER TO BREAK THE RESISTANCE inside, then this is what one "asks for"......... in their own programming... To understand your own program(ming), you must understand how UNIVERSAL TRUTHS and how KEY CODES work..... Every Crystal Grid Keeper and Ancient here holds these KEY CODES and the ability to DECIPHER these is through the amount of light that we each hold. Your entire existence must be fully conscious. Not one gets to remain asleep, separated from SELF AS SOURCE, try to take the "perceived easy/safe way out".... that went out when we came through the 2012 Gateways.............. Every soul on this Earth is NOW ON NEW EARTH... yet they cannot yet understand or see this, because they believe they are still on the same Earth as before.... Every dimension is always present, yet the ONE EACH EXISTS IN depends on their OVERALL VIBRATION of EVERY ONE OF THEIR BODIES............ The physical body is being raised in frequency, the emotional energy of unconscious programs continually trigger for a release daily now. Thoughts are a vibration held somewhere in the body. That part of the body activates and the FREQUENCY OF THE BELIEF/thought is carried through the system to the brain, where it is translated into your human words that you hear/don't hear, run your program... solidify your physical reality to experience..... Your presence, your awareness, your understanding, your choices, your energy, your intention, your focus, what you invest you/your everything in.... this is what dictates your whole entire universe/world. EVERYONE IS RETURNING to an existence forgotten.... EVOLVING BACK INTO LIGHT.... walking in a continually upgrading physical matter form. As you integrate your own light, as you open up, as you let go of what no longer serves, as you step into CREATOR ROLE, as you REMEMBER and start to really truly feel fully.... EVERYTHING WILL CHANGE for you............... Fear creates .... worry creates.... resistance creates..... love creates.... intention creates.... peace creates.... inspiration creates.... commitment creates.... Presence gives you choice... Your actions, your beliefs, the frequency of your own energy and your ABILITY to MASTER ALL.............. this is HOW you fulfill your purposes and roles here to EXPERIENCE your most amazing dreams and desires and to BE IN-Service just by BEing WHO you truly are here..... I love you....... Get ready. We ain't seen nothing yet. It will always be this way here. The most awesome or most devastating is yet to come, dependent on how open (unified) or closed (separated) your heart & entire being is here. Your conscious focus determines which reality you actually experience here. Your physical reality is a response.............. to your own ENERGY.......... ♥ Presence as a higher self gives you the POWER to MASTER all again. Whatever it takes to bring EVERYONE into FULL Consciousness is what shall occur..... Each has a choice to open up and choose to commit themselves, invest themselves, dedicate themselves to that which they came here to REMEMBER .... This can be the most amazing experience when one is truly open..... ♦ You do have to choose, re-focus and re-align..... in every moment.....∞ Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼ Ancient Elder & Guardian Keeper of the Diamond Light Codes & Crystalline Light Grid of NEW Earth here, Author, Transformational Speaker, Teacher/Coach/Guide, Master of all things Energy ♥ Your physical body is being precisionly tuned to multi-faceted brilliant radiant and light. Yes genius.... for, as a higher-self multi-dimensional Light BEing, your genius again comes forth. A ton of wisdom, so much profound and pure love, powers that you forgot you had, returned... in this physical reality space right here. Your magnificence oozes from inside of you, without the distortions of the old. Your capacity to feel fully, to BE fully, to DO fully and to CONNECT fully.... totally restored.
This process of evolving BACK INTO LIGHT, means that you must embody and immense, and intense, amount of light. It means you STAND TALL, vibrant and alive. It means you radiate out, no longer shrinking down to hide. It means that your true abundance comes forth again, through the light that you hold inside. It means that your entire existence will be completely different than you "thought". The physical process of your physical body releasing all of the lack, all of the fear, all of the separation inside.... is one that must be viewed from a different perspective than your habit/fixed-belief mind can yet comprehend. Every moment will challenge your beliefs. This is the point. For truth exists inside of you.... You already know this... Inside of you, in every moment, you have a choice. You get to choose what you want to believe, what you do..... The program for your entire reality exists inside of you too. What you desire the most, floats around in your own energy field, your universe, your bubble.... In order to intentionally access all, in order to bring it forth, YOU must activate it yourself. You do this in a multitude of ways. Then what you DO matters.... for how you utilize it all is KEY. Whether you get more, whether you waste, whether you respect it, honor it, UNDERSTAND IT.... this determines everything. HOW you utilize everything... this is what matters.... and if you fall back unconscious, you shift into a dimension where it does not exist. The only way to "keep it" and to expand/create more, is for you to intentionally and constantly EXPAND your own heart & mind.... INTO THE DIMENSIONAL REALITY where all already exists.... The way to KEEP it, is to hold that vibration long enough for it to become physically real. Materialization (human's word manifestation) is a response to your own vibrations. BEing an ALCHEMIST, or MAGICian, means that you are in-tune vibrationally with the energy of all. You REMEMBER WITH EVERY CELL OF YOU, the purity of love, the purity of true gratitude and appreciation.... and this never ever goes..... You possess inside of you the ABILITY to access any energy you need in order to CREATE you/your own reality.... from scratch.... You rise from the ashes, from the depths of hell, you rise in light, you RE-BIRTH yourself, you are resurrected, as a Christed BEing, as the PHOENIX, through that POWER that you always held within.... yet as a human it was hidden.... yet no longer.... You step up and BECOME what you used to seek, what you used to DESIRE, you possess this, you hold this... you bring it forth from within. Inside is where YOU EMERGE FROM..... and shine your light to all. You do not worry or listen to the judgments of others.... these are limits of not understanding and trying to keep everyone small and held to boxes..... you do not live there anymore. When you STAND AS LOVE, STAND AS LIGHT, STAND AS PURE DIVINE POWER in your own DIVINE ESSENCE again.... This EXPRESSION is the one that makes a difference here. This is what you came here to BE/DO..... You are to LIVE your DREAMS & DESIRES fully.... no more slacking here. Yet if you slack, this is your lack. You have to commit and make it happen by embracing everything fully.... and honoring what you need inside and physically to upgrade, to nourish, to flourish, to feed your own Soul/Spirit... for as you do, it grows/expands from inside...... You are here to WALK as your NEW Earth Aspects, AS your Higher Selves, AS that which you forgot existed.... You must learn to play again, IN-JOY all, appreciate all, understand all, utilize all, transform all.... and let the old stuff go... you don't need it anymore..... Stories... these create your physical reality world. You write the stories, or you keep repeating the old ones that hold you to a dimensional timeline that has dissolved.... Pay attention to your stories... for if you allow lack to define you, if you allow anger and judgement to define you, if you allow unworthiness and what happened in a moment that no longer exists to define you... you are the one re-creating this..... Here, LOVE defines us, PURITY defines us, HONOR defines us, MAGNIFICENCE defines us.... not as as anything finite..... INFINITE BRILLIANCE and ABUNDANCE of all things MAGICAL and AWESOME.... THIS is what makes up our reality world. We shift and flow, we allow what is truly waiting to come forth, we transmit intentionally and we put our actions where our mouth is... WE DO NEW EARTH from within us.... in every moment..... ♥ WE ARE NEW EARTH, we are the Light Keepers of the Crystalline Grid.... WE do not wait for others to do anything.... It's up to each one of us here. ♥ NOW ~ In this EVERY MOMENT..... ♦ Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼ Ancient Elder & Guardian of NEW Earth, Teacher/Coach/Guide, Author, Transformational Speaker, Master of all things Energy ♦ Aloha beautiful light family! A Quick Update for for what's going on "out there".... in a multitude of dimensional realities.... Utter and complete chaos for many, as all inside is up-heaved. Deep emotional energies triggered by an "event".... Many "spiritual" realities being rocked by something/whatever is necessary to move one out of the old unconscious (false/fake) realities and into a higher frequency dimension where those old programs cannot exist anymore.... The energy lately has been all intentionally over the place, so presence with self, more time to self, more space for self, more love and care for self is necessary when these deep turmoil energies get stirred. The frequency activations lately are going deep, with precision and straight for the jugular for many. Their fixed mentalities becoming visible to not be true anymore.... When the human's separation/dis-illusions get triggered, the first focus is on "that out there". Lots of finger pointing (externally or internally), lots of confusion inside, lots of turmoil and judgment.... for shaking someone's old fixed belief system realities and separation inside... their world has to be shaken to loosen the grip that the human insistence, resistance and stubborness holds it in place.... Something has to break it all free, something has to awaken the higher-self-soul further inside so that it can emerge, often after the human aspect goes deep into victim mode, gets angry and/or cries the tears, grieves, mourns, and spews "out" (projects) all of the disdain, hate/lack of love, all of the "what's wrong with that world out there"..... The moment something goes down, the higher self can emerge and one can become MORE conscious and realize what is truly occurring, or they can "fall" into unconsciousness.... lately there are many who speak consciousness from their head, yet go unconscious when their world gets rocked..... This is the DIVIDING LINE... all now have to walk it, be it, live it... fully.... When the foundation of who you think you are, what you think you are here to do, what you think others are gets shaken, human goes to lack, judgement, blame and fear..... For the foundation built on separation must collapse so that one can re-build a NEW foundation, from the inside.... based on pure divine essence love, based on inner "realness", inner integrity, inner light, inner strength/power, inner honor, inner consideration, inner respect. Where one has compromised their own soul, THIS IS WHAT IS GOING DOWN BIGTIME right now.... this will continue.... as UNCONSCIOUSNESS as a Collective was awoken last September, and every Solstice/Equinox Wave is going deep, to shake everything apart that is not true and real.... Each wave starts earlier and lasts longer now and it's stronger & more powerful than each one before.... The current wave 3 will just roll right into the next as all activates much earlier too... for we are still in the ripples out of the June Solstice.... The amount of light activating from the each epicenter is continually powerful and constantly emanating out. Everyone asks for this to occur (consciously or unconsciously), yet when it really happens in their own reality world they are surprised...... Not one of us here is meant to live in separation anymore.... unconsciousness... lack..... fear.... judgment..... greed.... prisons to the old...... and the only way one escapes (transcends it) is to establish that connection to/AS SOURCE inside and not separate off ever again.... These times are testing that connection.... to see what all truly believe and hold inside.... where there is a crack, light is going to get in there and not only get in there, it's going to go searching for the deep separation once hidden & buried..... for your entire being must be filled with pure light. NEW Earth is here... it has been for a very long time. There is an entire reality of of all of us as higher-self dimensional beings walking around holding the NEW EARTH GRIDWORK in place..... always holding a space for the rest to emerge ready to hold their own space and not go unconscious again...... Every time you are conscious, you are already here. WE can experience physical realities simultaneously and choose the one we PHYSICALLY EXIST IN..... we do not go back to unconsciousness when it presents.... We do not doubt anymore...for WE ARE NEW EARTH here.... our realities were created from inside, outside is a response to the programs held in your physical body...... In every moment each has the choice, the decision, the RESPONSE-ABILITY to choose..... In every moment our reality plays OUR OWN PROGRAM for us.... exactly what we NEED to become more conscious, more present, more aware, more light, more love.... pure love.... not the human love we used to "think" was real.... The love that we all are is beyond anything physical here. The light that we are is immense. The beauty, the exquisiteness, the magic.... it emerges/arrives/exists ABUNDANTLY as all remain conscious. Each has to choose to pull themselves out of human mindsets, and allow the emotions clear, observe the "separation thoughts" that surface for DEALING WITH..... Yes, for as MASTERS.... you deal with your own human mindsets yourself.... in every moment. You see the distortions and you change the program..... right then.... OR you sit in it until you get done..... This is part of your own Divine Masculine energy. The words today were RADICAL CLEANSINGS.... brutal for many, because the time of "easy" for the unconscious continually expeditiously ends. The vibrations and cosmic/galactic frequency activations are mega-high every day... and are frequencies we were never able to access before. These go straight in and target every part of the physical body that still holds cellular memories of separation. These unanchor everything hidden. These bring everyone into the most amazing physical realities as FAST as they are ready to let go of/deal with/transcend the old....... Many are finding their emotions running high... this is because nothing of the old gets to stay suppressed inside anymore. The frequency of ASCENDED EARTH continually increases huge daily, and every physical body walking the planet has to awaken at an increased rate now.... for anything less than PURITY must be physically detoxed & cleansed..... In September we bring through WAVE 4, so every moment leading up to that will be preparing everyone for this. Everyone one of us having huge roles & purposes on NEW Earth here..... everyone must now embrace their own journey with the entirety of their own soul. Every aspect merging inside the body, no room at the inn for the little human to live anymore... There are no "breaks" anymore, as there used to be, to stop and breathe and go unconscious.... Now everyone has to remain conscious while also clearing, cleansing and doing.... Simultaneous existence means everything present in this space right here..... Realities will be all over the place as particles are charged, scatter and come back together to re-align to take new form and materialize in light here. Our higher light realities are constantly more stable, for that which is/was created through purity from within is now stronger than ever before. With every collapse of the old, a higher vibrational reality emerges to take it's place. The foundation of NEW Earth stronger and stronger as it is being built by us & within us in every moment of every day. Many are getting hammered in the lower back/root chakra/lower 1/2 of the body and the spine ... for this is where stability, foundation, (old word was security), determination/drive/desire are located. Losing the distortions of these aspects so that they can come back pure... is a beyond huge process in our Evolution of Divine Self as a NEW Earth HUman in Crystalline LightBody form. We are constantly balancing out and re-calibrating the magnetics of the body. The brain & spine are continually upgrades as well (as is the rest of the body too). Communication/throat, senses enhancing (smell, sound/hearing, eyes/vision).... Pineal activations are huge for all. These ultra-sonic frequencies activate everything.... As all start to understand how the realms equate to the physical body, everything starts to make sense. The entire universe and galaxies inside, the body upgrades for all to physically become multi-dimensional here. Every particle of the physical body activates in Quantum Photonic Light. Sleep is necessary to clear timelines & integrate, nature to connect/balance out, alone time is necessary all along the way in order to REMEMBER FULLY again.... ♥ More are stepping further into service now and this is another MASTERY phase as well. It is new challenges to utilize and implement your new practices on where you come from, where your focus is, what your beliefs and mentalities are and what you allow.... This will take you deeper into your core with challenges of MASTERING the inner and outer world now. You will be faced with every separated belief all over over again, from a very different place. Here, you see the separation in others and within yourself, you constantly step-up AS a CREATOR, AS SOURCE, AS A HIGHER SELF, AS AN UNLIMITED DIVINE & SACRED LIGHT BEING.... you constantly have to choose, be the example and you have to stop feeding the old broke mentality/lack consciousness in others here. For you must see your worthiness in a whole new way. You have to DO it, BE it, you have to share your gifts and you have "Learn" (Remember) how your UNIVERSE always provides for you, as you start to realize and understand how PHYSICAL ABUNDANCE works... and how it's always a response...♦ Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼ Ancient Elder & Guardian of NEW Earth, Teacher/Coach/Guide, Author, Transformational Speaker, Master of all things Energy ♦ Continually going deeper than we ever understood... The depths of our core... words just cannot describe how deeply we go. "In the beginning" as we started to awaken that there were other aspects of ourselves that we forgot, disconnected from... "The Journey" of awakening... profound is an understatement. In order to even start to get to "who we truly are", meant all that we thought we were, all that we were not... it all had to be triggered, it all had to come up... all of that separation... all of that unconsciousness... Each time we go through an activation of light, each time we go through a cellular cleansing to purify, each time we expand into bliss and magic again, each time the deeper depths of our own soul are revealed. As we move from human to higher self, then to multiple higher selves, then to source.... we become Christed Beings, Gods/Goddesses, Galactics, Celestials, LeMUrians, Atlanteans, Elementals (and so much more) again. The frequency/energy of that essence returns, and we in turn become that essence again. Our whole way of being changes. Along the way, we go through dramatic transformations, as we hold/embody light. Our ancient lineages returned, our DNA constantly changing. We start to realize that human was a very small aspect and that who we are is Vast. Unlimited doesn't even describe our presence truly. The deeper we feel, the more intense it seems... the more we are able to connect with others who feel this deeply too. The basis of our connections change dramatically too, for surface relationships no longer have a purpose or a point. We do get choosy, for our energy is truly precious, so those that we choose to spend our personal energy with is too. The lack and need gone, we no longer "need" to be with another, for we are not filling a space or a void. Others are an enhancement to what we already hold. All must inspire, support, contribute and truly desire to share this connection from within their own self, which means they have to be totally open from inside, they must share, they must respect, they must honor... themselves.... so that we can even connect on the higher level of consciousness that is now available for all. NEW Earth Relationships are very different than the old. There is no waste, fake or using each other.... there is no manipulation, need, attachment or "take" mentality anymore.... If there is, there is no relationship. It is that simple. NEW Earth Relationships are pure. They are real and true. There is no projecting on another, imposing on another... no needy... those were the old human relationships... those are collapsing and dying away, with the dissolution of the Old Earth/Lower Realms of Unconsciousness. The depths at which we feel, is across dimensions simultaneously from this space right here. Our souls are connected from inside. One must reach themselves this deeply, connect this deeply, to feel it and get it.... to be able to achieve these relationships means each must be able to go to the depths of their own soul and exist from this space without closing down or going human ever again. These frequencies and cosmic light activations that are increasing continually throughout every day now, these take each deeper into the depths of remembering.... so profoundly that your entire reality and existence changes.... instantly and continually.... If you desire to understand, you must go inward. You must honor yourself at all times. The desire for all is inside of you... Yet you are the one that must open completely up, you are the one that must connect with this space inside of yourself, you are the one that must allow yourself to feel fully again... and you are the one that must transcend all of the distortions of your own human'ness. As you start to DESIRE more, the drive inside will increase. Where you are separated from yourself, this will feel like "need". Just the recognition of this, allows you to fill this space with sacred love for yourself. Just this awareness will change everything... AS you ALLOW yourself to BE the magnificent and exquisite soul that you truly are again. ♥ Everything is changing loves.... everyone must FEEL. Everyone must connect to their own sacredness and together we share a connection that transcends all things human. Yet, each must come into their own, each must embrace their self, each must open up totally to allow for these profound sacred connections to occur. ∞ Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼ Ancient Elder & Guardian of NEW Earth, Teacher/Coach/Guide, Author, Transformational Speaker, Master of all things Energy ♦ We had an itty bitty solar flare frequency that then shifted to full-blow crystalline.... These bring cellular cleansings for those who feel any energy/emotions trying to clear the physical body.... (honor this). Each must clear all programs from their own physical body gridwork (muscles), structures (bones), systems (organs/fluid/blood).... It will exist in each's physical reality until this is completed. Each will still belong to the collective beliefs/mentalities/realities/experiences held within. The ONLY WAY to physically leave a dimension/timeline is to clear it within. One will not truly understand until they can see inside their own body and connect with all through their own consciousness. As each BECOMES LIGHT, then the knowledge held within this phonotic light running through the body becomes yours. You do not receive it from an outside anything anymore. Your presence, your being in-tune, your focus, your openness and your ability to HOLD THE HIGHER FREQUENCY inside your body until it is the way you function naturally... this is your own embodiment process. There is an activation that will occur, and then every moment that you do not go back to the old ways firmly embeds it within you as your new physical reality world. This can take years for some, even most of this lifetime... with everything expediting since the 2012 StarGate/Gateway .... It doesn't matter how long your human "thinks" you've been doing this (which is another separation of time/comparison/ego game)... for how long you remain or achieve is dictated by your own separation..... 30 years or 3.... The embodiment of light is accomplished through intentional dedication, focus, commitment, priorities and how much you are truly invested in the entire process of EXISTING AS PURE LIGHT. You create a new reality from inside of you. You allow your own reality... by that which you believe and do. You convince yourself of all things, you insist, you hold realities firmly in place... and only once you stop trying to control it all and open up to your own inner wisdom & higher consciousness guidance will you intentionally activate your new realities to come forth for you. Your inner connection drive your entire reality here. There is no separation unless you hold it still..... These cosmic upgrades are FREEING all from the bondage of the old. Yet as long as you still point the finger, you are missing the entire point. These Diamond Light Code Frequencies, abundance frequencies, rainbow frequencies, Christed Consciousness (Crystalline) frequencies... these purify your entire human existence, your whole physical body.... these RETURN YOU to an existence forgotten ... Very fine & pristinely powerful these frequencies today. Very powerful every day .... for us all..... ♥ We also have a huge WAVE entering into the mix.... ♥ LOVE ♥ Star Particle Activations may bring the itchies for some. ♦ We are also starting to tune, so senses will be enhanced.... Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼ Ancient Elder & Guardian of NEW Earth, Teacher/Coach/Guide, Author, Transformational Speaker, Master of all things Energy ♦ Collective Gridwork Clearing of Humans Putting Money & Things Over Their Own/Others Souls...7/1/2016 Aloha beautiful light family! Wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. HUGE template clearings, collective gridwork clearings.... and NEW EARTH Light BEing physical body upgrades for all! I will expand upon this more along the way, as I'm on a schedule today (as usual)..... Massive frustration energy collectively cleared, for a multitude of things.... (thank you Lee Bonde for your contribution to this.) Time templates adjusted so as we have more time to do that which is of higher consciousness existence and less time for that which is not. When the collective gridwork clears, those of us linked in to participate in this clearing for all, get to experience this energetically, while the human experiences in their waking world much of the time (and the sleeping/closed eyed one). WE work energetically to clear gridlines of Mama Gaia, Inner Earth, Galactic and all timelines simultaneously here. Now, where one has been working consciously and intentionally for a long time, sometimes the DEEPLY EMBEDDED ones don't clear collectively until we hit that frequency for our physical body templates to be blasted with light to obliterate that collective consciousness program. The only difference is that we don't believe or participate in "it", so it's not our own individual reality, so it it does not usually affect us (except on a grander/larger scale). There are times at which we are affected, in a way, because the mass population collective still holds strongly to a belief/mentality/perception of separation. When the entire collective is blasted, activated and awakened to start to realize, then we can clear that entire gridwork where that dormant little vibration was still in our bodies/cellular memory, so that we can be free.... as the awakening of others from within to the old belief system is what allows us to break free from that entire structured gridwork holding that system in place. Opposite ends of the spectrum, if you will. Now, because we have not believed/entertained/participated in that mentality reality (often for a very long time), when the final dissolution/break occurs, then we clear the remaining programs from our own templates where that collective was held, while the rest collectively awaken to this higher consciousness reality and start to practice/apply it in their own physical reality world. WE've been doing it way for years, which is why it's so important for everyone to not wait for things that they know inside and to go DO them regardless of what others think/do... you can leave collectives behind and in a way, not be affected by it at all, yet in a way, it will still be a limit held in place that kept you from experiencing the full magnitude of your magically abundant and amazing NEW Earth reality NOW. This is what has again occurred, opposite ends of the spectrum, or somewhere in the middle, depending on how consciously you've been doing your reality all of this time. This one is multi-faceted, as are all. This one is around consideration for others AND not putting money/things over people. I learned this one (remembered) years ago, and had to come to never compromise over money/things and to always see what the person/soul needed energetically. I also had to learn/remember how not to feed the lack of others (which meant it fed a lack within me). Money/things just a representation, it's never about these things. The flip side of this one is when we start to awaken, we often coveted money & things over our soul/other souls. We do not understand. We have mixed programs going on (masculine energy will choose money/things first, whereas feminine energy will go broke giving others everything they have). Within all things there must be balance... and one must move beyond human masculine/feminine to Divine Masculine/Feminine. This entire purification process does this for all. Human will sell it's soul (compromise it's heart) over money & physical world things... WE do not. We understand the ENERGY of how all works.... and we do not worry of physical world things... we allow these to come, from whatever SOURCE meant to be, we DO according to higher consciousness and we do not feed the lack mentalities within ourselves or others anymore. Everything is in-service to our NEW EARTH EXISTENCE, all physical world things too. The tricky part is to identify where others come from and stop feeding their lack. Our role is to empower others to step out of those mentalities to live beyond abundantly too. This first must occur inside, for abundance is in all things. Breath, nature, love, beauty... and as we come to appreciate through our SACRED CONNECTION with/as all again, physical world abundance starts to come/materialize in every capacity...... it's beyond magically magnificent to experience. (Then the Divine Masculine comes into play. This is what actually brings forth physical abundance through one's own DOing energy as a Higher Self/Soul). NEW Earth Abundance is an alchemical process that occurs in response to each. The physical body upgrades to Crystalline LightBody, the crystals/light transmit frequencies transmit/receive simultaneously (this is separated into only sending or receiving during specific tuning processes). The being evolves back into energy form inside and merges/integrates with the physical body, that is continually going through an upgrade process in some way. Physical realities become energetic. The dominant human aspect still has a very physical experience for everything to understand. We just see the energy of all and we can transform, transmute, reconfigure realities right then. This COLLECTIVE CLEARING immobilized the transmission of greed, separation of self over physical world things... it's dramatically shifted perception of what is truly important within each. Now each will start to have to the ability to make more conscious choices, and this awakened all of those who did not appreciate their own soul first..... This was a HUGE TIPPING POINT that we have come through. Game changer is an understatement. For how one views their own soul vs. the physical... this dramatically now changes collectively. This lifted the remaining limits for those who have been in-service as light and working consciously to hold the NEW EARTH GRIDWORK in place from within. This activated souls to finally start to understand.... deeply from within their own core being.... There were many other collective clearings too. I'll share as we go. Observe your own mentalities and what you value, what's important to you. Just observe... truly see.... for it's through our own unification that we are truly free. ♥ Aloha Nui Loa from Kauai! Have a magical everything!!! ♥ Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼ Ancient Elder & Guardian of NEW Earth, Teacher/Coach/Guide, Author, Transformational Speaker, Master of all things Energy ♦ |
July 2021
This entire site is dedicated to the continual activation, elevation and expansion of Highest Consciousness Existence for all of HUmanity.
Everything received and sent out from me/through here is as a GIFT, a vibrational recognition through sacred gratitude, appreciation and non-linear reciprocation and contribution from within. All is to support our NEW EARTH EXISTENCE and anchoring the highest timelines of Heaven on Earth in our physical here. All is focused on "the much bigger picture" and fulfilling all of our highest Soul purposes here. My expression of pure gratitude accompanies all as you receive energetically on every level too! ♥
NEW EARTH replaces Old Earth Everything (for everyone on this planet) ♦ Everything is ENERGY and ENERGY IN FORM
Invest in yourself, each other, your Service as Light, hUmaNITY, Consciousness Expansion and all of our future nows... by contributing to and fully supporting (in every way) that which supports humanity with the immense transition phases with greater ease and through Pure Love.
NEW Earth has a whole new, entirely different value system, all new systems and ways that all must learn/remember and bring forth from deep within.
Energetic Cycles are increasing substantially at an unprecedented rate, accelerating "what comes back around" energetically... from all existences, as all is a cyclical/spiral/reciprocal energy that cycles faster as our beloved planet's vibrational frequency continues to rise to bring/usher all out of the "dark ages" and into "the Light" (Full Consciousness/a Quantum State of Remembrance/Pure Peace, Love, Unity and Sacred Oneness).
In deep sacred appreciation for your presence, dedication and service as Love too. ♥
Keep embracing, shining, building, integrating and sharing your BEAUTIFUL LIGHT as Love! It's BEyond important for all! ♥
Invest in yourself, each other, your Service as Light, hUmaNITY, Consciousness Expansion and all of our future nows... by contributing to and fully supporting (in every way) that which supports humanity with the immense transition phases with greater ease and through Pure Love.
NEW Earth has a whole new, entirely different value system, all new systems and ways that all must learn/remember and bring forth from deep within.
Energetic Cycles are increasing substantially at an unprecedented rate, accelerating "what comes back around" energetically... from all existences, as all is a cyclical/spiral/reciprocal energy that cycles faster as our beloved planet's vibrational frequency continues to rise to bring/usher all out of the "dark ages" and into "the Light" (Full Consciousness/a Quantum State of Remembrance/Pure Peace, Love, Unity and Sacred Oneness).
In deep sacred appreciation for your presence, dedication and service as Love too. ♥
Keep embracing, shining, building, integrating and sharing your BEAUTIFUL LIGHT as Love! It's BEyond important for all! ♥
As a part of Elevating Consciousness, which is a part of shifting all into a much HIGHER DIMENSIONAL VERSION (i.e. NEW EARTH and 5+D OPEN DISCLOSURE), (and the new GDPR Compliance Requirements), we are happily posting how we use your information, even though technically "WE" are a collective energy of LOVE & Unity Consciousness. "I" AM an individual, with a priority to hold (EMBODY) the highest level of LIGHT, which translates through integrity, love, respect, kindness, consideration and through Cosmic Harmonic Alignment, at all times for all of us here and to promote love, peace, unity and a much higher consciousness supportive reality, where the "old" (unconscious) is not a part of our "NEW". "I" am an individual who just happens to "do" a billion things to awaken, support, inspire, contribute and provide reSOURCEs, in order to assist all of HUmanity in living our highest existences (NEW Earth) together through Purity and Love too. For those who may desire to know, we (me and any HUman Souls physically supporting in accomplishing the daily work), personally do not gather/review/use your information for anything, other than replying to you as you have requested, sending newsletters/updates as requested, sending pertinent notifications regarding a product/service/course/item you've registered for/obtained, while providing the option at all times for you to unsubscribe, cancel any current memberships and request to no longer receive specific notifications by providing the information for us to do this. We are providing you with the names of websites/platforms/services we utilize, so that you can review their Privacy Policies with us as account holders, as well as you as visitors or subscribers regarding anything pertaining to our users/visitors, in order for you to review. Always holding the highest integrity in all that we do. We provide this information with love and out of respect to all of us and you.. ♥
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We will update this section again with more information in order to assist you soon.
"WE" totally love, honor, respect and appreciate you and your presence, participation and contributions for all of HUmanity too!!! ♥
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If we find any others that are relative, we will update those here for you to access too. Click on any applicable service, to locate and review their Privacy Policies and Disclosures. Emails will be sent out accordingly, so all can re-optin in order to consciously choose to continue to receive supporting newsletters, announcements and updates through our email service.
We will update this section again with more information in order to assist you soon.
"WE" totally love, honor, respect and appreciate you and your presence, participation and contributions for all of HUmanity too!!! ♥
Copyright 2009-Current ~ Lisa Transcendence Brown