We are currently in the process of Completing a/the NEW Link-Up System for Multi-Galactics (Embodiers process differently... instantly/deeply/simultaneously as all occurs, instead of over the separation of time like before). Honor your process. It's BEYOND huge right now, intricate gridwork re-everything in conjunction with our energetic/holographic field overlays to re-connect that which was "lost" before incarnation/walking into these physical body forms.... (Click on Read More below) ↓
Portal activations... Soft pristine high solar energies lift all with greater ease ♫.... As the structures of the old collapse (inside), realities re-arrange themselves according to multi-dimensional geometric soul codes & sequences, to bring all into HIGHER/LIGHTER DENSITY REALMS/DIMENSIONS and all new timelines that are as INSTANT as we are ready for here.... Our Crystalline LightBody structures continually upgrading & re-calibrating huge, every day is a new adventure in what physical realities present.... Our electromagnetic/geomagnetic field going through huge re-structuring/re-calibrations right now. (Click on Read More below) ↓ Activating and opening the Chambers of Your Pure Heart & Higher Mind/Universal (& Galactic) Consciousness Beauty and simplicity, a connection to all as ONE, silence, purity, peace and a love that transcends all things human.... Anything can open your heart, when you are truly ready for this to occur. The HOW doesn't matter, just that the EXPERIENCE occur. That which was "lost" and forgotten from our existences "before"... Before is just a vibration, other existences are too... for when you raise/expand your consciousness fully all emerges/occurs/is experienced in "this moment right here".... The feelings, the visuals, the experience itself... not of another "time" anymore, but this one right now.... The dissolving of separation within allows this to occur. All of the emotion comes forth and floods every cell.... The human body & mind don't understand what is occurring or quite how to handle this, yet your highest aspect you does and will.... this is what you must fall into/allow to experience fully what you came here to REMEMBER again.... Click "Read More" Below ↓↓↓ Every day, higher, stronger, more powerful, more awesomeness, more responsibility and unity required by all. We've observed the unraveling and sometimes abrupt collapse of old timelines & realities and this shall continue stronger & more powerful as NEW TIMELINES/REALITIES come online.... Each must do the work required to accomplish this. First inside and simultaneously "outside" as comes forth/presents.... As your other aspects activate (first outside too, as a higher vibration than your human aspect you), these aspects will activate/move inside and how you function/exist/come from will too. Your EXPERIENCE as FULL CONSCIOUSNESS, AS PURE ENERGY, PURE SOURCE, PURE LIGHT, CREATOR and more.... will activate every cell in your body in a whole new way.... Nothing will ever BE the same... (YAYYYYY!) Click "Read More" Below: ↓↓↓ Aloha beautiful galactic soul family,
Higher timelines to support each's next phase of the human's SOUL JOURNEY now..... Yes, each aspect experiences this very differently. The more human, the more physical. The more SOUL, the more it's all JUST ENERGY.... At first, everyone had to work to get their heart open... not a little bit, all of the way (and many are still in this part of the process now). Every bit of emotional everything has to cleanse the cellular body. Each emotion partnered with a thought or belief of separation (unconsciousness). This created duality/dualistic realities until all unifies and merges back into the PURITY OF LOVE within. Higher consciousness existence means your mind too. The higher mind is very different than the human mind and each must learn/remember how to function using the HIGHER MIND which is the observer through the higher heart. It's awareness that was not there before. It's a connection with all things as ONE, it's you as your higher self observing the outside world with new eyes and seeing what you did not have the capability to before.... How you see matters, because this determines where you come from in how you treat others, how you view others, how you view yourself, how you view your exchanges, how you see your contribution, how you utilize your resources and which dimensional version/aspect of you is PRESENT ..... The dimensional aspect that YOU ARE are determines the dimension you experience here. If you "go human" and separate off from YOUR ASCENDED ASPECT SELVES, you see others as broken, hurt, victims and needing to be fixed and not capable of making a decision for themselves..... Click "Read More" below: ↓↓↓ When I stopped listening to everyone telling me what was possible (or not), what was not real, what didn't fit within human mindsets, what couldn't happen, how things "have to be", how long it would take (that's a big one for human's... "one day"), what we had to had to achieve (outside), what we were bound by (outside influences), what was "proper" according to judgment & human perceptions ... I left OLD EARTH and moved to NEW Earth that was just waiting for me to "do it" with everything I had access to inside and outside too... all from within. ♥ WE bring this forth when WE are ready.... then and only then. Your Soul is always ready. it's your little human that is not. Not being ready creates resistance and prolonged suffering.... with a process that's going to occur. It already is/has and now those other dimensional timelines merge into this NOW. Vibrational realities do not conform to human linear time. All one has to do is achieve the overall vibration to experience a higher timeline now. Timeline collapses/unifications now bring all forth faster.... that which is aligned with your Soul (not your human), unless you have integrated both as one here. (Then it's beyond magnificent continually). Higher Vibrational timelines are arriving/already here. Expand your consciousness to experience them (instead of the old timelines you were holding onto before out of self-held energy of fear). I love you. Every bit of this is your chosen experience here. ♦ Open up to BEcome the entire Universe/All things as ONE again to anchor your highest everything now. Let go of your own separation to REMEMBER FULLY again. Your heart-mind must be wide open to truly and fully experience this. Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼ www.AwakeningToRemembering.com Photo credit currently unknown. ♥ LOVE ♥
This is why you are here ♥ LOVE ♥ The most profound everything you'll ever experience from within. ♥ LOVE ♥ Forgotten when you fell/entered the realms of unconsciousness here ♥ LOVE ♥ Your REMEMBERED State... Purity at your CORE ... Emanating deep from within ♥ LOVE ♥ That which transcends all things human ♥ LOVE ♥ Returning to the forgotten ♥ LOVE ♥ A Deep Sacred Union experienced when you unify completely again ♥ LOVE ♥ No words can touch the Divinity and Presence of what this truly is.... Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼ www.AwakeningToRemembering.com artwork appears to be by c. gray. Will update accordingly to give proper credit... ♥ Until you actually CARE ENOUGH to open your heart/mind fully and listen/see, you will not understand... because you do not want to know yet..... ♥ When you TRULY want to know, when you truly care to commit, when you truly are ready to embrace and stop fighting a process that your soul came here to INJOY and FULLY EXPERIENCE with all of the wonders, riches, exquisiteness, you will open up and CHOOSE something different..... When you are READY, truly ready, THEN A PROFOUND SHIFT will occur. Until then, unconscious realities will continue to DRAG out, be prolonged, for what's going to happen anyways.... You just get to choose how you experience THIS MOMENT that is just one continual moment that never ends..... Unity, love, together, sharing, as a part of the BIGGER PICTURE or continually excluded because things don't match up to what your little human wants, what your mindset was, what's in it for you..... NEW EARTH REALITIES won't tolerate the old.... WE AS NEW EARTH LIGHT BEINGS don't either. We collapse realities intentionally, because they have to be... We didn't come here to be liked, for when we have to ACT from a HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS STATE, we get okay with "BEing the "BAD Guy" when we have to hold everyone accountable for their vibrational transmissions.... When we are shown to step-up, we step up. When we see something that needs to be done, we do it. We don't sit around belly-aching (we might complain consciously for a moment, yet we are just expelling energy so we can git'r'done) and obliterate the old, for it takes an immense amount of energy, focus and dedication to overcome the lack of those not ready yet. WE ARE IN VIBRATIONS of the Game Changers to come together more than ever before, for those who are DOING and always stepping up, challenging themselves from inside, overcoming their own humanness, embracing our deep connection as Star BEings and Souls and existing/functioning from a place of deep sacred respect. Each of you are going to find that standing in your power is going to require you to DO WHATEVER IT TAKES to move realities yourselves. You will find that others around you are not always ready and you'll have to move on, step up and into a timeline where others are already there, already doing, not waiting for everyone else too. You will have to go inside and SEE what's holding you back and why you keep allowing this. Not one of us signed on for "easy" when it comes to "dealing" with human realities. The easy part is once we do... You did not originate from this planet. You landed here, incarnated here, walked in/arrived here, woke up here... in a physical form that is not going to fit most of the time. This DENSITY SUIT has a lot to cleanse so that it can hold PURE SOURCE LIGHT, so that you can fulfill your Soul's Purposes/Galactic Missions here. You will have to identify everything in your reality and why you created everything you experience here. You will have to use your higher mind to see and shift out of your little human mind that keeps you in a "prison" of "hell"/unconscious programs.... Heaven is achieved inside. Home is too. Then they arrive "outside" in your physical for you. The PURE EXISTENCES that you seek come from inside of you. As you apply purity, love and unity to everything that you are, everything that you do, everything that you allow, you re-learn how to love and respect YOU. You will stop tolerating less, yet you will see less as created realities that served a purpose of TRANSCENDENCE.... and how each of you chose that, individually and collectively. When you DECIDE that your entire existence is WORTH SOMETHING, that you are WORTH MORE, that you have something to offer, that you ARE THE GIFT, you will open up and start to share to make a difference here. Things are just resources, opportunity to support. When you realize that things are a response to you, where you come from, how much you share, how much YOU SUPPORT & CONTRIBUTE, you will REVERSE the old ways and stop waiting for anything. You'll step into your own POWER and BEcome a PART OF SOMETHING that makes a difference here. You will get over your own separation, you will come together and point the finger back at yourself..... This is on "all of us" and it takes all of us to DO what we came here to do. When you need a "reason" to do what your soul tells you to do, when you need proof to get you to do, when you "need" something first, this is your separation.... WE do not "need" anything to connect to the GRIDWORK of NEW EARTH AND GET IN-SERVICE.... WE only need our hearts & minds to be totally open and to get over our own selves/stuff.... When you realize that everything that you HAVE is so that you can fulfill what you came here to BE/DO, then you will shift to a timeline where you don't require loss to show you what you didn't want to see/listen to/do before.... EVERYTHING OCCURRING is to get your heart open, get your mind open and to bring your own Soul through. Everything has a purpose, is the purpose and serves a purpose here. Everything shows you something, everything is a result, everything is a vibrational RESPONSE to that which you hold.... When your SOUL IS PRESENT, your little human mind doesn't get to run the show. When your heart is closed, your mind is too and you shift into a different timeline than the one that delivers magnificence and brilliance to you. ♥ Get ready loves..... you/we ain't seen nuttin yet. We are always just getting started. Jump. Huge. For you. Unify. Let all that old stuff go and stop making excuses. Listen to your stories, pay attention to your energy. This creates your realities FOR YOU. ♥ Super Quantum means "super all-over the place".... to keep up, you gotta go Super Quantum too. Everything slows down and comes into full-alignment as you do. Everything becomes EASY and DIVINITY is restored to everything again. ♥ I love you. Let's do this! Super Quantum Style NOW! ♦ Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼ Galactic Guardian of NEW Earth, Super Quantum Light BEing and Carrier of our Galactic Schematics for all of HUmanity here. ♥ www.AwakeningToRemembering.com Every moment now, something POWERFUL is occurring....
Energetically we are in the most substantial phases ever. This shall continue to be increasingly true. These immense frequencies "take no prisoners", leave no stone un-turned. They support those who are fully on-board and obliterate the realities of those who are not. This is a deep period of self-love, a deep shift from human to NEW EARTH HUMAN, a deep shift from linear to non-linear/Super Quantum, a deep shift from separation to unity consciousness and from "this" being about any little human individual to "this" being about THE BIGGER PICTURE and all of our HIGHEST EXISTENCES here. This is about all existences, not just the little human/earthly one that you can see. Inner vision gives you access to all existences again. These karmic cleansings are huge. For those in the throws of unconscious programs then these frequencies are CONSEQUENCES (cause and affect) of all existences played out in this physical one here. The only way to maneuver is to become fully conscious, open your heart and ACT from a different place, one from inner-connectedness with all things.... deeply and profoundly and REMEMBER fully..... Human gets caught up in the details. No one cares. Those are moments that do not exist... those details become your teacher for you to observe, see what you could not see, about yourself and "why" those realities occurred, all of the purposes, all of the gifts, all of the opportunities, all of your own human'ness..... BEcoming/BEing a Visionary is a gift that we all have, as our higher self aspects..... It means seeing what we are all here to BE and DO and putting your money where your mouth is, dedicating every particle of you, your resources, your everything to why we are on this Earthly plane of existence here... It means seeing across all dimensions/timelines, it means seeing as a Quantum Light BEing instead of your little human you, it means opening your heart fully, opening your mind fully and USING YOUR PROPHETIC ABILTIES to see from this NOW, see vibrational realities, see parallels, see timelines BEFORE THEY OCCUR and see what is perceived as the FUTURE as what you are CREATING right now... it means to see FROM THE EXPANDED CONSCIOUSNESS VIEW of the overall everything, it means to see how all correlates, see how all effects, see the vibrations of everything and realize how much POWER AND RESPONSIBILITY YOU HOLD in every breath, every action, every thought, every time you do/don't do, every time you go little separated human, how you effect those "future timelines"..... As Visionaries and Propheseers, we work in the other dimensions that others cannot see yet. We work to bring forth those realities that have already occurred, because for us they are not only possible, they've already happened in the other dimensions, yet those dimensions are our realities, they are what guides us in this physical one here. Having access to all of our "futures", gives us all the ability to create in-accordance to what has already happened and all we have to do is "do our part"..... each one of us.... as we all make up the "whole". Working from the "map" of what is to occur, working from the space of already seeing/knowing, there's no chaos, no question, no confusion, all is very clear. What is not clear is "who" will play these roles out, fulfill these prophecies until that moment occurs. Until they show up ready, until they arrive, until we connect with their vibration, their hearts, their souls and they "show us" that they are already ready and on-board..... These years of "dealing with" those "not quite ready yet", those who need more proof, those who just are not quite sure, those who need to be pushed, those who still are way too human because they still put themselves first..... these moments are collapsing where "those issues" won't be an issue anymore. Those who are not ready, will experience their realities however they "need to" in order to get ready, in order to actually care, in order for "this" to be the most important thing there is...... WE don't have to DO anything anymore. We don't have to try to "save" (old program), make it easy (old program) or convince (old program). All WE have to do is share, speak, re-educate, be visible, open up, hold these foundations that WE have already created in place.... all we have to DO is "wait" (we have total patience) and continue to DO from the other "future dimensions" and when human's have suffered enough of their consequences, gotten over the finger pointing, gotten over their separation and selfishness, gotten over all the stories of who did what, gotten over their everything that gets in their way of being a part of GALACTIC NEW EARTH, gotten tired of suffering, gotten tired of struggle, gotten tired of the old ways... then the resistance energy of fear, judgment, lack of power, lack of respect, lack of pure love, lack of support, lack of being an integral part of this whole process will go and they will be ready to come on-board our Light Ship..... NEW EARTH is a gridwork, a network, a whole new existence that can only be accessed from within. Full participation and commitment is required. Partial will keep each bound to old earth until there is no old earth left...... Our Earth Gaia embedding the Galactic Schematics, Codes & Sequences into it (and those of us who are Guardian Gridkeepers have done this too), gives us all the ability now to ACCESS OUR FUTURES vibrationally, holographic access to what was not accessible before. Each BEing must choose to release all things "past" and see them as this now. Each must release attachment to all things and realize that all REALITIES ARE VIBRATIONAL..... HIGHER TIMELINES are available for all who are TRULY READY, TRULY COMMITTED, TRULY FULLY INVESTED in OUR GALACTIC NEW EARTH EXISTENCE here..... Old timelines are collapsing faster and huger than anything we've ever experienced before. Presence, awareness and EXPANDED VISION gives each the ability to understand what is truly going on. Every reality multi-faceted and a bazillion truths, purposes and outcomes ... Our job is to SEE THEM ALL.... which is something that human aspects (closed/fixed hearts/minds) do not have the capability to do..... Each has full capABILITIES to access EVERYTHING when they so desire, when they are ready, open and CHOOSE TO UTILIZE EVERYTHING for all of humanity and our Galactic Soul Purposes/Missions here. Each will continue this purification, re-coding, re-calibrating, re-everything process to come online with NEW Earth and leave the old Matrix Simulation that isn't visible UNTIL YOU'VE EXPANDED BEYOND IT.... to see it... fully..... from inside. Your little human will always be confused, not understand, not ready yet.... because being a little human is a dis-connected, dis-empowered, dis-believing, higher heart/mind closed state..... YOU/Each must choose to open up fully and expand your CONSCIOUSNESS BEYOND the current everything, choose to SEE the Bigger Picture and CHOOSE to be a part of the bigger picture NOW. Going unconscious is not an option for those who are here to be the CHANGE AGENTS and anchor higher dimensional realities in this physical here. Going unconscious re-activates Karma (Consequences) to start to play out again. Going unconscious means that you are not intentionally affecting timelines from your highest states and it means that you have disconnected from your abilities to SEE ...... This GateWay we are in now.... HUGE HUGE HUGE..... You each have a choice to keep playing in the "old" unconscious realities or shift to a timeline where everything matters and makes a difference and where you hold great power as LOVE and the PURE ONES here. Your whole body holds the gridwork for all in it. These upgrades are to bring you/us all further online AS the Gridwork, an intricate, delicate and detailed system that works cohesively, in unity and as ONE breathing network in unison, as love, as higher consciousness, as Galactics, as Souls, Source and all FULLY EMBODIED and connected again. ♥ ♦ ∞ Embrace and let go of all that is no longer serving your/our highest purposes here. YOU have HUGE roles to play, huge things to contribute, huge everything when you dissolve your own separation/human'ness and shift to your highest vibrational aspect/ascended aspect you and hold this at all times now. ♥ Come together, unify... for the bigger picture. Now. I love you. Lisa Transcendence Brown Galactic Guardian of NEW Earth, Gatekeeper, Gridkeeper, KeyCode Holder, Carrier of Galactic Schematics & Codes for our entire existence here www.AwakeningToRemembering.com These last few weeks have been a whirlwind for sure. Posting some photos of the awesomeness along the way as we slammed through it all. It's been huge timeline collapses/merges/jumps.... coming together with new Galactic Soul Family to create more together, reach more together, accomplish more for all! All kinds of exquisiteness emerges when we release everything of the old that we held unconscious programs for. Seeing many of mine has allowed me to stop unconscious patterns too. It's so interesting when new clarity comes through in a way that wasn't visible before. We don't get to do the safe/easy thing when it's time for new timelines to replace the old. Learning to not take these timeline shifts "personal" is a huge part of the process. I remember my own initial collapse phases and how devastating it all was to my little human that did not have a clue... that this was all part of waking up from the matrix realities that I lived deeply embedded in then too. I REMEMBER having to choose between my human reality and my higher self reality. I remember deep crying, getting angry, being scared of how I was to make it, mourning the loss of everyone and everything until the depth of that energy was finally gone. I remember having to choose to stop getting caught up in the old energies of fault, blame, shame, guilt, judgment, not enough, human expectation and waiting for others to step-up/come through. Every step of the way laid a whole new foundation for a whole new reality that was not visible before. I was the one that had to open up completely for this to occur and let my whole human everything go... My whole reality was one of control, fixed mentalities and survival. Surrender was not one of my strong, survivor human words. Vulnerable wasn't either. Those were not even in my vocabulary, for both were seen as weak. (Everything is the opposite here). Yet both are required to access NEW Earth (as well as a multitude of opposites too). My fight against everything had to go. My limited perceptions did too. As did being separate from everything ... Our human doesn't like to let go. Yet when our highest consciousness "speaks" and tells us/shows us what we have to do, we kinda don't have a choice. We didn't come here not to listen and not honor what we are shown has to occur for all of us to do what we all came here for. Not listening called forth my greatest experiences to teach me what I didn't want to hear/see before.... We "go down", we "suffer", we get drug through it if we don't. There are moments when we each have to choose. These are continual now, yet the bigger ones create the biggest impact. These are the choice points that determine how we experience immense timeline shifts that have to occur to move all into higher bandwidth existences.... Our "new" realities are meant to be easier, yet they cannot if we keep repeating old karmic patterns.... Vibrational existence means just that. Every reality is vibrational. We all have to build our realities on a whole new platform now. Human aspects do not realize that they are in "school". Here to learn (remember) what pure existences are, here to learn how all truly is, here to learn all things energetically again. NEW Earth is connected through our higher heart & higher mind and through our own NEW Earth gridding system to a new gridding system that connects up ENERGETICALLY and through our DEVELOPED CRYSTALLINE STRUCTURES.... Every moment for us is learning, seeing, studying, realizing, understanding through higher/the highest consciousness that we all have access to if we are truly ready. This is called REMEMBERING, when we FEEL the energy forgotten fill our every cell, when our higher mind consciousness "gets it" all (through our hearts). This REMEMBRANCE has absolutely nothing to do with our human minds, human wants, human needs, human anything... As we continue through this Equinox phase. all old everything has to be released/resolved. As we move through this huge passageway/Gateway, we cannot carry anything forth that does not support our highest everything/the bigger picture here. The gravity of dense realities can now be felt more than ever before. They will weigh on you, make you feel held back, you won't be able to move as long as you are holding on/allowing anything dense/linear to continue.... Energy has to continually move, it has to be focused, directed and utilized with intention. Creation energy is continual now. As all become Pure Source Energy again, each realizes how all stops/starts/responds to our own transmissions... ♥ Here is a photo of my new favorite sacred external place. I share to activate you to the wondrous exquisiteness too. ♦ Embrace the magic and step into your new. Let the old perceptions go... you do not need them anymore. They will keep you in a prison and a world of untruths that dissolve as you allow them to and bring the purity of love through. Brilliant realities full of all of your highest soul desires come forth to support you as you become a part of the whole again. WE Consciousness means exchanging one reality for the other. You choose which one you desire to experience now. ♥ Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼ www.AwakeningToRemembering.com It's been a BEYOND HUGE TIME of Karmic Clearing for all of us. Karmic Debt and Karmic Patterns means observing yourself and all of your realities to see what's really going on with you and where you operate/function from ALL OF THE TIME. Now, I don't use the word Karma very much, as on one level there is no karma, it's just unconscious programs to us. Yet, humans have not learned (opened up enough) to see their own unconscious/subconscious programs running in order to dissolve and re-create through UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS from within, therefore it's still Karma until all is cleared (and reversed). Reversing huge unconscious realities means a total "stop" and energetic reversal if one desires a different/higher consciousness outcome. We are in DEEEEEEEEEEP Karmic Clearings and let's face it, y/our Universe doesn't care if y/our feelings get hurt, experience devastation or you/we (appear to) lose things (human doesn't understand the deconstruction phase)... Everything is actually quite the opposite. Your Universe does desire that these things not occur, yet those programs have to be cleansed from y/our cellular structures and when we entered into "whatever it takes" to bring all into full consciousness, this is part of what we meant for all of us. Karmic Patterns: When your heart and mind are completely open, the pushy, resistant and fixed energy will relax/release. The strong human (unconscious energy) often requires being "broken" to break through the fixed/strong energy held within. Once the higher heart/mind open, this energy will release and new awareness will enter in, making that which was not visible visible. Then realities can shift into a space that's open, easy and supportive in a whole new way. All are here as a part of the bigger picture, the grander scheme of things. Our human aspect does not fully understand this, because it has separated off into "individual human". This is what each is here to transcend... separation from the whole. Unity Consciousness is a way of existing, a whole new way of everything. Every time we shut down, separate off, disconnect.... we go unconscious and trigger/activate unconscious realities to start to play out again. The only difference is that there's nothing to support this anymore and those realities collapse faster/instantly now. Earth went Super Quantum last year and increased substantially as we came into this year. The embedding of the immense and intricate Galactic Codes into our Earth's Crystalline Gridwork (and for Intentional Gridkeepers/Gatekeepers our physical bodies too) took us all up a gazillion notches. Old Earth was linear, had fixed mindsets and energy of attachments, cords, expectations, promises, basing realities on others and fed the lack mentalities of human aspects who lived in "safe & secure realities" still. Quantum is completely non-linear and does not adhere to anything our human got used to. There are no fixed realities like before. The foundation for Galactic NEW Earth is very different than old. WE are all here to create, build and hold the NEW FOUNDATIONS in place. All of the time. Human does not do well with this, because it requires working through all discomfort, all fears, all lack, all selfishness, all security programs once held within. It requires opening up completely, sharing, supporting and doing our part, towing the line, coming through in every dimension. It requires UNITY at our CORE, seeing the bigger picture first and shifting our focus continually, seeing continually and doing from our highest state of consciousness at all times. Discomfort is an understatement when karmic/unconscious programs start to play out. The difference in BEING QUANTUM and BEing human is that we shift, move, do .... instantly, non-linearly, from all dimensions simultaneously. Our work in every dimension dictates everything here. Human only works in the physical. We work in all dimensions simultaneously and the physical is a response. Everything is the opposite of how it once was. It's been a huge initiation process and passageway out of old Karmic programming for us all. Our physical reality will show us our own karmic patterns so that we can re-pattern instantly now. When we were shown that the dynamics of every physical reality was about to completely change, this is the times we are in now. Constant recognizing that which was not fully conscious before, that which served old programs and watching them completely dismantle and dissolve. Quantum Realities are Energetic. Human realities are physical and fixed. This is about y/our ENERGY and the energy of all things. This is about the bigger picture, why we are all even here, this is about more than our little human once could see. Multi-Dimensionals function from a space of expanded consciousness, with prophetic abilities of what is to come, with the ability to see down timelines before they ever occur. Multi-Dimensional make choices based upon the ENERGY and VIBRATIONS present and through deduction, energetic/mathematical equations can determine outcome from this moment/vibration right here. Quantum Realities/Existence doesn't make sense to the human aspect, because the heart must be open fully to activate one's higher mind abilities. Everything is an opportUNITY to truly see and understand yourself. This is never about others, this is what you do/allow, the energy you hold, how open/closed off you are... y/our realities are a response to us.... These last few weeks have been surprising for us all. this is how Quantum is. Full of surprises. I call Quantum the "Ping Pong Effect". When all speeds up, realities start ping-ponging in every direction. We must be completely in-tune, in-sync, in-flow to "weather" it with great ease and JUMP these mega huge timelines as they present. We appear "all over the place" to the human, because our realities are the opposite of linear. They are vibrational and energetic and respond to each one of us according to what we chose to experience here. When you are looking at the outside world, it's important to realize that it's now Super Quantum too. Quantum creates chaos while all unravels and starts to float, while realities are re-shaped in a whole new way, the opposite of the old. Unity Consciousness is birthed/born through deep inner connection to all that is. It is a connection that transcends all things separation (human). Right now, human realities are being challenged in every way. All that one "thought" was safe, secure, fixed is no longer. Each will come to REALize that all NEW EARTH REALITIES are built on total inner everything sacred (respect, integrity, honor, higher love, consideration, openness, communication, contribution, support, the bigger picture). When there is duality/polarity present, then each will have to choose and do what's in highest alignment in order to shift into different timeline where the old no longer exists. In Unity Consciousness, there is no polarity. Now we are in "change timelines totally" like never before. Soul Contracts fulfilled instantly, the moment the awareness of clearing karmic agreements comes forth. Each now has the ability to do this instantly and activate a whole new timeline to start to play out. This can be the most amazing experience or the most challenging one. Usually it's both, for that's part of the expansion process. As humans we require challenges in our physical, as higher selves/embodied souls we challenge ourselves, collapse timelines ourselves, complete Karmic Contracts ourselves. How uncomfortable it is will be dependent on how human we still are. We are all working through this, not one gets to "escape" this process. The only difference is our awareness, our actions and our chosen experiences here. You DO have the ability to call forth the realities you desire to experience here. You will have to do the work, inner & outer, yet this will vary based upon the phase/moment you are in. Your actions in the physical dictate, your ability to expand your consciousness beyond the current "picture" and see the intricacies of all from within. The dynamics of realities are huge. Vision is restored when your heart is fully open... this will activate your higher heart and higher mind to work in unison and allow you to connect up to the Energetic Crystalline Gridwork of Galactic NEW Earth from within. Here you will find all of your answers. It will be simple if you allow it to be. It is our human that complicated it all, did not want to see, did not want to hear, did not want to deal.... Not an option anymore. Paramount vibrations we are in. Come together inside (unify) and outside will respond accordingly. You will be surprised! ♥ Deeper into the Galactic Core WE go and "out on the other side" we came over the last few weeks. We have huge things to do loves. Honor your process and you above all. All is exactly as it's meant to be. Choose your reality as a SOUL. All will align easier for you as you do. I love you! ♥ p.s. I stopped posting for the last couple of weeks, due to an increasingly intense work-schedule (massive timeline jumps) and had to let something go. The most beautiful experiences mixed in with vast changes all at once pushed me physically to accomplish/get through it all. Magical new exchanges with beautiful souls on-island, brings such heart-expansion to experience those who are also "gittin r' done" in their realities too. Bringing our realities together to do more together rocks! I had to choose to pull away to get through the physical realities while also working simultaneously in every dimension. I'll return to posting soon and sharing exquisite photos and updates soon. Lots of announcements coming too. A whole lot going on!!!! I'm restructuring my realities, just like everyone else. :) On another note, the new live events/courses are up on the Upcoming Events page and in the Mastery School too. If you feel called to join us, activate and gain new tools for navigating these huge Quantum Timeline Jumps with greater ease, we'd love to have you. I also have many interviews coming up. Will be sending out more into on this too! This week's live interview and events will all be listed below. ♥ ~ I posted the entire newsletter here, since it's been so long since I wrote. Here's the link for those who want to read this newsletter, archives and sign up for newsletter updates, which are usually in addition to what I share everywhere else for all. ♥ Click Here ♥ |
July 2021
This entire site is dedicated to the continual activation, elevation and expansion of Highest Consciousness Existence for all of HUmanity.
Everything received and sent out from me/through here is as a GIFT, a vibrational recognition through sacred gratitude, appreciation and non-linear reciprocation and contribution from within. All is to support our NEW EARTH EXISTENCE and anchoring the highest timelines of Heaven on Earth in our physical here. All is focused on "the much bigger picture" and fulfilling all of our highest Soul purposes here. My expression of pure gratitude accompanies all as you receive energetically on every level too! ♥
NEW EARTH replaces Old Earth Everything (for everyone on this planet) ♦ Everything is ENERGY and ENERGY IN FORM
Invest in yourself, each other, your Service as Light, hUmaNITY, Consciousness Expansion and all of our future nows... by contributing to and fully supporting (in every way) that which supports humanity with the immense transition phases with greater ease and through Pure Love.
NEW Earth has a whole new, entirely different value system, all new systems and ways that all must learn/remember and bring forth from deep within.
Energetic Cycles are increasing substantially at an unprecedented rate, accelerating "what comes back around" energetically... from all existences, as all is a cyclical/spiral/reciprocal energy that cycles faster as our beloved planet's vibrational frequency continues to rise to bring/usher all out of the "dark ages" and into "the Light" (Full Consciousness/a Quantum State of Remembrance/Pure Peace, Love, Unity and Sacred Oneness).
In deep sacred appreciation for your presence, dedication and service as Love too. ♥
Keep embracing, shining, building, integrating and sharing your BEAUTIFUL LIGHT as Love! It's BEyond important for all! ♥
Invest in yourself, each other, your Service as Light, hUmaNITY, Consciousness Expansion and all of our future nows... by contributing to and fully supporting (in every way) that which supports humanity with the immense transition phases with greater ease and through Pure Love.
NEW Earth has a whole new, entirely different value system, all new systems and ways that all must learn/remember and bring forth from deep within.
Energetic Cycles are increasing substantially at an unprecedented rate, accelerating "what comes back around" energetically... from all existences, as all is a cyclical/spiral/reciprocal energy that cycles faster as our beloved planet's vibrational frequency continues to rise to bring/usher all out of the "dark ages" and into "the Light" (Full Consciousness/a Quantum State of Remembrance/Pure Peace, Love, Unity and Sacred Oneness).
In deep sacred appreciation for your presence, dedication and service as Love too. ♥
Keep embracing, shining, building, integrating and sharing your BEAUTIFUL LIGHT as Love! It's BEyond important for all! ♥
As a part of Elevating Consciousness, which is a part of shifting all into a much HIGHER DIMENSIONAL VERSION (i.e. NEW EARTH and 5+D OPEN DISCLOSURE), (and the new GDPR Compliance Requirements), we are happily posting how we use your information, even though technically "WE" are a collective energy of LOVE & Unity Consciousness. "I" AM an individual, with a priority to hold (EMBODY) the highest level of LIGHT, which translates through integrity, love, respect, kindness, consideration and through Cosmic Harmonic Alignment, at all times for all of us here and to promote love, peace, unity and a much higher consciousness supportive reality, where the "old" (unconscious) is not a part of our "NEW". "I" am an individual who just happens to "do" a billion things to awaken, support, inspire, contribute and provide reSOURCEs, in order to assist all of HUmanity in living our highest existences (NEW Earth) together through Purity and Love too. For those who may desire to know, we (me and any HUman Souls physically supporting in accomplishing the daily work), personally do not gather/review/use your information for anything, other than replying to you as you have requested, sending newsletters/updates as requested, sending pertinent notifications regarding a product/service/course/item you've registered for/obtained, while providing the option at all times for you to unsubscribe, cancel any current memberships and request to no longer receive specific notifications by providing the information for us to do this. We are providing you with the names of websites/platforms/services we utilize, so that you can review their Privacy Policies with us as account holders, as well as you as visitors or subscribers regarding anything pertaining to our users/visitors, in order for you to review. Always holding the highest integrity in all that we do. We provide this information with love and out of respect to all of us and you.. ♥
Website Hosting: Weebly
Newsletter Service: Flodesk
Soundcloud: Cookies Policy
Mastery School Hosting: Thinkific (* Your Registration is your opt-in to sign up automatically for Newsletters from MailChimp)
If we find any others that are relative, we will update those here for you to access too. Click on any applicable service, to locate and review their Privacy Policies and Disclosures. Emails will be sent out accordingly, so all can re-optin in order to consciously choose to continue to receive supporting newsletters, announcements and updates through our email service.
We will update this section again with more information in order to assist you soon.
"WE" totally love, honor, respect and appreciate you and your presence, participation and contributions for all of HUmanity too!!! ♥
Newsletter Service: Flodesk
Soundcloud: Cookies Policy
Mastery School Hosting: Thinkific (* Your Registration is your opt-in to sign up automatically for Newsletters from MailChimp)
If we find any others that are relative, we will update those here for you to access too. Click on any applicable service, to locate and review their Privacy Policies and Disclosures. Emails will be sent out accordingly, so all can re-optin in order to consciously choose to continue to receive supporting newsletters, announcements and updates through our email service.
We will update this section again with more information in order to assist you soon.
"WE" totally love, honor, respect and appreciate you and your presence, participation and contributions for all of HUmanity too!!! ♥
Copyright 2009-Current ~ Lisa Transcendence Brown