2020: Cosmic Alignment
PRINTABLE FORMAT: Injoy the printable PDF/Ebook format to print this off (as I know many of you do), in order to continually activate and absorb in increments and refer back to “later” to activate/process/integrate through various acceleration processes as each continues into “next vibrational/energetic phases” as we continue to increase acceleration on COSMIC RECODING and DNA EVOLUTION on every level. Feel free to share this with any that will utilize/appreciate and find this relative to supporting their own personal journey as well. ♥
In December I wrote up a massive Energy Review for January & 2020, yet it never felt appropriate to finish it/put it out.... and then we rolled/flowed over into this "now", and the "what & the how" shifted a bit, forgo a whole new writing/sharing relative to "this now". The reasons are many, which I'll share as I flow/go/share with you/all who utilize these to support/assist with continual expansion and for anchoring/living a NEW EARTH EXPERIENCE as your own WHOLE REALITY here....
First, the vastness of all.... everything is just "too much to write"/share in one article or video or conversation.... and so as I do each year, I will break this down and share in subsequent "reports/updates" as I accomplish this/is appropriate. Everything I share is an integral part of our greater whole.
In order to explain, I will share a bit of my own personal experience inner-woven & at the end (with more later and as is highest aligned), yet for this now, it's not important in the scope of all things, as LIVING ALL FULLY is the WHOLE point. In order to HOLD THE NEW in place, in order to SHARE THE AMAZINGNESS, in order for all to be REAL, we have to live it fully, with our ENTIRE BEING, through our PRESENCE and with every ACT too. This means deepening our own personal experiences and being willing to "do the work" and fulfill higher service roles, which constantly shift/change/take new form with every template re-write that we go through as we continually anchor new codes within. ♥
In order to do this, we have to HONOR OURSELVES, OUR LIGHTBODIES AND OUR OWN REALITIES FULLY, from our own highest place/space of PURE DIVINE LOVE and by Living this way, IN FULL DIVINE UNION within ourselves, in order to have the capability to “do” this with others, just by BEing this, transmitting out the tones/codes/frequencies and SHOWING THE WAY in every now moment of every NEW EARTH day. WE HOLD THE FOUNDATION for all in place from within us. We HOLD the entire Quantum/Unified Field IN PLACE from within us and we then can UNITE our fields/realities to expand this even more, to create even more to share/provide even more…. ONCE WE ARE THIS FULLY…. Then it’s organic, natural and simple, as it’s “just who/what we are” and “how we live” our everything here. ♥
Flow with me as I 'break' this down vibrationally (only using linear references as marker points):
We have individual, collective and planetary awakenings, as well as individual, collective and planetary “dark night” of the ego/death/rebirth cycles, as well as individual, collective and planetary ascension processes, as well as individual, collective and planetary evolutionary processes, with each occurring in infinite different phases and processes for each. 2012 we had Gaia's Ascension (when the Gateways opened to allow for this), and each individually "doing" their own individual/personal ascension process, with "forerunners" "going first", then the next group/wave/collective, then the next group/wave/collective... and so on.... to "create" a huge "collective" all leading up to a separate "next" Collective Ascension (where we are now/7 linear years later) and Planetary Liberation/Ascension (the next phase), with "waves" of individuals strategically located/placed all over the planet (physical body has coordinates/codes that determine this/all), in different locations/roles all fulfilling differently based upon their own personal ascension process and infinite service for humanity roles here. (It's important not to get in your head about "service", as this is non-traditional, non-defined and all accomplished through Pure Presence and acts of love, kindness, support, unity, respect and care).
It’s beyond important to understand that the entire 4th Dimension is going through their “literal hell” and to hold compassion, care, love and respect and offer whatever kindness, support is relative, important and brings Unity, softness and honors the heavy duty emotional/physical cleansing/clearing processes that are an important part of dissolving separation/ego death. There are going to be massive things occur that “push people together”, to “force” a SHIFT, to strip away the separation each held with not being able to come together, truly care, support and share before…. Which is a part of “how” these realities “have to occur”, as the ego aspect will not do many of these parts necessary on their own. Every one of us who went through our own ego death, the immensity of purging/clearing our own “hell” within, had to go through this, to do our own Ascension Process, yet standing in judgment, rubbing “happiness” in the face of those suffering is not the kind thing to do. Telling people that “it’s a part of the process” when they’ve just lost everything or gone through their most horrific experience is not the kind and compassionate thing, and it’s an ego act too. Treating all with the utmost respect and love, while holding a supportive energy without catering to old mentalities is an art/Mastery within itself. It’s where each learns how to BE THERE FOR EACH OTHER, share resources, share homes, share vehicles, and use what each has to make a difference/support more, instead of everyone “needing their own” and the planet having “too much stuff”.
As a part of a 12D/NEW Earth Sustainability Program, all is combined, and through Unity/CommUNITY, there’s no need for “duplicates” and multiples…. Where each moves beyond the “this is mine”/that’s theirs” mentality of separation and acquiring “things” became an individual thing from a place of consumerism, ignorance, need and lack. Light Families/Star Families/Communities/homes are restructured to support HIGHER PURPOSES/ROLES for HUMANITY, instead of individual ones. The entire “reality” is constructed to support a living breathing workable system that’s cohesive, coherent and where all live pure JOY, ease and abundance through a commUNITY/HOME SHARING SYSTEM that flourishes because all receive all that they “need” to support, uplift, inspire and create more/anchor more Heaven on Earth (and Galactic Civilizations) here. Living Consciousness Communities are restructured to optimize sharing and ENERGETIC COMPATIBILITY (which is a whole massive process within itself).
Many will be “pushed” together to share homes, use one vehicle for many, share money/resources, as it’s a part of the process as well. Human Ego Aspects don’t share, support, come together and put each other and our planet “first”. They are attached to who’s what is who’s, things and who “owns” what, who has what, entitlement of “I worked for this, I paid for this”, when in essence, who cares? It’s a “thing” and that is separation within itself. As each understand “why we have things” and “how we are to utilize everything” then the dynamics of everything changes. We take from one place and we use it where it’s needed. We RE-DISTRIBUTE things in accordance with 12D guidelines/templates/codes…. If one thing has more and one has none, then we “take” from that which has “too much” and we “put it” where something doesn't.
On a COSMIC LEVEL this is a part of the re-balancing of “things” and how actual physical abundance works. 5D and above, we invest all/everything and we “own” nothing, yet we lack for nothing at all and live fully abundant on every level, because we share and understand “how the physical works” as well…. The only time this is the “opposite” is when someone has an EXPECTATION to receive (Entitlement Energy) and “expects” without offering/supporting or contributing of themselves, then those realities are not shared, because the energy is childish, selfishness and separation within itself and we do not feed that energy, we instead empower and “hold out” until “they are ready” to actually step forth/up to do their part, as none of us are incapable, yet the ego aspect loves to tell itself and others this… When all truly care, everything is easy… yet when they don’t, then it’s not. All we need is our wide open caring, considerate and sharing hearts… the rest is organic, natural and combines skills, resources, abilities and “things” to create even more FOR EVERYONE … it’s the opposite of selfishness and greed. It’s a reciprocal, balancing and generosity reality that creates more from love and doesn’t need as much, because everyone shares on every level, transcending every lack program once held.
From I/Me/Mine to WE/Ours:
New Earth Realities are very different than old Earth Realities were. Where we each function from is very different, so realities HAVE to be different too. We all move from an “I/Me/Mine” mentality to a WE CONSCIOUSNESS OF ONE (Oneness) and everything is about sharing, supporting and receiving as a part of a much greater whole. Separation within creates a reality/experience emanating from “not-enough”, hoarding and selfishness, whereas Unity within utilizes everything to support the WHOLE. Balance is ENERGETIC, ALIGNMENT is ENERGETIC and “things” are viewed differently. Nothing is for “one” individual anymore. “How” this works is a part of the 12D Template, so we must function from here to see, understand and apply all new parameters to “the equation”, which is how every Quantum Reality works now.
Old Earth was “little children” Ego energy (the body/age doesn’t matter), drama, owning/status/attachment/cords, finger pointing, compromise on a Soul Level, zero energetic responsibility and selfishness, with “putting everything on everyone else” and a refusal/resistant energy to COME TOGETHER AS PURE LOVE to live together, work together, share. New Earth is the OPPOSITE and this reality now prevails.
THERE IS A WAY TO DO THIS WITHOUT THE EGO INVOLVED… and this what each’s journey is, is to learn this and live this way here. Self-Mastery leads to WHOLE REALITY MASTERY which is an Ascended NEW Earth Multi-Dimensional Experience/Life and our Higher Consciousness HUmanity/Quantum Existence as well.
Accessing Heaven (Ascension) inside means that “hell” starts to emerge, and everything that was suppressed, oppressed, deeply buried inside on a cellular level is coming up to FEEL and then EACH learning to consciously CHOOSE which reality/experience they will accept and then “doing” that which is highest aligned to honor/support/create this. Each’s LIGHTBODY is the CENTER OF ALL and the most important thing there is, as it’s HOW each returns to full consciousness, embodies their SOUL in order to live Heaven on Earth, by anchoring all of the codes within, holding/integrating the higher knowledge/wisdom/guidance and applying it/implementing it within every aspect of “life”.... The ego doesn’t want to “choose” this, so a “breaking down” process ensues to assist with this. It’s cellular, which means the “body” needs a ridiculous amount of nature, love, quiet, alone time, respect and care, so that it can BUILD YOUR LIGHTBODY from the inside out and reconstruct your entire FIELD/reality for walking/living/breathing/experiencing your most exquisite dream as your every moment here. Each must do this for themselves, it can’t be done by anyone/anything outside… The external can be a tool or a guide, yet everything is INSIDE and this is where we each have to go, as every dimension, possibility, potential and answer is “in there”, and at first, buried deep...yet eventually, no longer buried…. Always there, simple, easy and such JOY, because each CHOSE through full Consciousness and held this AS THEIR WHOLE REALITY for full vibrational tuning/alignment/harmonization/synchronization to occur.
Each will ANCHOR Heaven through themselves, hold this (full integration) and create/build/hold the FOUNDATION FOR THIS FULLY, building a whole new reality “from scratch” (Zero Point). These realities are “solid”, yet they take much linear time and focused energy/effort/attention to accomplish/hold and expand wayyyyyyyyy out. The “solidity” of each’s reality NOW is relative to their ENERGY, ability to stabilize all of these “higher dimensional frequencies/cosmic codes” and hold them fully in order to APPLY to every aspect of their own lives. As this occurs, once this occurs, THEN each will EXPERIENCE the bliss, magic, purity, simplicity, ease and immense abundance available to/for all/each. ♥
UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS/REALITY CREATION AND LIVING NEW EARTH IS EXCITING, exhilarating, deeply sacred, pure and so much fun. It’s also a lot of “work”, as you are accomplishing huge realities in service for humanity, each other, our planet, all. It takes total openness, willingness and an energy that CONTRIBUTES in every way. It’s supportive, inspiring and expands our hearts in the most profound, simple, beautiful, mind-blowing, soft, powerful and amazing ways. Only the ego aspect fears any of this, as this literally is ALL HEAVENLY/SOUL DESIRES fulfilled, yet having nothing to do with an individual or a thing, those are just bonuses and an added benefit, as sharing in the creation, maintaining and sustaining of NEW EARTH REALITIES is an honor and joy within itself. As Light BEings, as Pure Souls, as Galactic Teams - we unite to experience, share, fulfil together and everyone is supported, receives abundantly as a result. By uniting, we can make all “easier” for everyone, and everyone can experience the blessings, gifts, magic and joy. All have to be “ready”, open and willing to always step up/forth to fulfill much higher aligned soul purposes/roles/missions here, yet it’s not complicated, it’s simple and as easy as each will allow it to be. All in Divine Alignment and Flow, we don’t bring distortions in. We see them, yet we dissolve/resolve them ourselves and offer our highest everything for the benefit of all as a WE CONSCIOUSNESS OF ONE - Heart-Love Here. It’s beautiful…. Graceful, eloquent and sometimes we have to put our big pants on and get our hands dirty, do the “jobs” that no one else wants, because it supports the greater whole and who cares what we do when we have the possibility/reality of LIVING PURE DREAMS as actual realities here?
Money, sex and anything “status” or identity related carry distortions, separation, manipulation and power games when functioning as a human (3D), yet all of these things are very different 5D and above. There is an awareness of each, yet the programming and separation is visible, so it doesn’t come into play. Instead the purpose of each (energy) is understood and recalculated/redefined in accordance with Purity Consciousness and Cosmic Rules/Laws and everything is “reworked” to abide by “highest aligned” relative to current parameters of what templates are still operating on an individual and collective level as well. Each will redesign their whole reality to take all into “account” and reformulate a new equational output based upon Quantum Dynamics/Algorithms/Codes to create a RETURN that honors Sacredness, while observing all the moving pieces and parts and computing a new Equation relative to the greater whole. Transitioning entire collectives and realities over to a completely different and “new” 12D way is a massive process within itself. Nothing is as thought, perceived and once believed, so re-working all constantly to take everything into account, while holding honor, integrity and love on a SOUL LEVEL takes finesse, patience and releasing all judgment about everything, as the “old” no longer applies and until each gains FULL ACCESS to EVERYTHING, then the “view”/perspective is still fractals and only a “part” of the much bigger picture, which becomes visible with each purification stage/process of RETURNING TO FULL CONSCIOUSNESS again.
Currently, our Earth Gaia is running 12 different frequency bandwidths/densities (12 Strand DNA/12D as the baseline now), all with very different realities. This means that our EARTH/Planet/Star/Ship IS MULTI-DIMENSIONAL/Quantum and that EVERYTHING "follows" Quantum "Processes and Rules" now. She is accelerating her own EVOLUTION as a Star Planet/Terra Nova (which means a Living LeMUria and other "ancient" existences as a part of this as well), where 5D is the baseline for existence, which means that anything of 3D "goes" at an accelerated rate and this applies to EVERYTHING relative to 3D Consciousness/DNA, yet the "how" is not linear, so even this takes an understanding/observation/discussion/expansion of consciousness from a much higher state (Soul/OverSoul/Source Consciousness/Love).
COUNTERBALANCING PROCESSES AND PHASES: In order to bring all into "new balance", establish all new systems (the old are obsolete), establish a whole new civilization that doesn't carry duality and all of the polarity/polarization, then COUNTERBALANCING is occurring at an exponential rate. For each standing/living from their own highest state of consciousness, then each will do this themselves. This is a part of utilizing ELECTROMAGNETICS to shift/reverse/tune everything to not only "do the opposite" of 3D, yet to also REVERSE POLARITY on a Quantum Level so that an opposite rotational field spin can be created "faster" for counterbalancing to naturally occur. This is relative to atomic spin/oscillation rates that dictate how Quantum Realities work. Our planet is now enacting VERY STRONG COUNTERBALANCING MEASURES (on a Quantum Level) to bring all into "new balance" on our planet, returning all to full consciousness, which means “whatever it takes to get every heart open” so that our planet can unite, so as you can see, it’s a massive process within itself, so you will be able to see “the amount of energetic force” that has been activated to accomplish Cosmic Alignment on a planetary level now. For those individuals accomplishing this within their own lives, experiences will be vastly different than those that have not achieved this fully within themselves and their entire lives, and because it’s “geometric” and “energetic”. Emerging “from nowhere” will be an influx of STAR-LIGHT BEINGS that become visible when each tune into the FREQUENCY and ENERGY and connect on a whole-heart-wide-open consciousness level instead of a critical, resistant, judgmental, closed hearted non-trusting human ego one.
Planetary Evolution and Higher Consciousness starts to take a forefront as we continue on. Those things not previously accepted or understood now become more prevalent and important, because of how each’s lives are touched/affected now. Used to be it was the “select few” and now it’s the WHOLE PLANET, yet this is multi-dimensional too, so each density/dimension experiences relative to their own personal/overall/whole vibration/energy/physical body density and where each is “located” is by collective and strategic to “individual soul signature and galactic energy signatures”, relative to encodings and how these correlate to an actual “location” is energetic/vibrational/encoded as well. (There will be a lot of “moving around” as new codes are activated, old soul contracts are cleared, dimensional shifting increases and the Grids/Stargate systems in each’s body need to be activated at an accelerated rate, while “letting go” of “old realities” increases and each’s physical body goes offline from “old earth” and comes online with “new earth”, which is a massive process as the “crystals” in each’s body are activated/formed/developed. When these crystals “cycle off”, then each’s physical body “is back” in an old earth reality and when these crystals tune, complete various re-tuning processes, activate, start shaking and Quantum Cellular activity increases, then the physical body starts vibrating/shaking (as does Gaia’s) to vibrate into a different dimensional version of reality and the “how” this works increases/changes with each new LightBody/Embodiment phase. Placement on this planet is geometric and energetic, according to CODES AND ROLES…. And will “change” as all evolves/shifts, which is a massive geometric equation within itself. Placement as far as the Dynamic of “the whole picture” is Quantum/Energetic/Role specific too, so as each fulfills much higher purposes/roles, then “reality placement” changes substantially too. Once each’s entire Crystalline Structure and Plasma Networking systems and Energetic Quantum Field have completed various “construction phases” and completely come online, then NEW EARTH REALITIES are “the new normal” and natural/present “all of the time”. This is relative to each’s 12 Strand DNA, full embodiment processes and fulfillment of various “higher consciousness roles” and a complete “rebuild” of each’s whole life on a consciousness level, through conscious creation, unification processes and moving from a linear reality to a fully quantum one. Our hearts/universal hearts/universal minds and whole body have to be wide open and how we live our lives must be this way too. Full Mastery and Sovereignty on an Energetic Level is necessary, as souls are not “little children” giving their power away and blaming everyone else, living in judgment or trying to hold onto the old ways of “before”. Embodiment is a maturation process, a development process, and evolution process of LIVING COMPLETELY FROM OUR HEARTS in EVERY WAY and our entire Species is Evolving, our whole planet is evolving and TRANSITIONING OVER to a whole new civilization that was pre-determined for/by each one of us prior to incarnation/walking in here. Everything is a part of a MUCH BIGGER PROCESS/PICTURE, “plan” if you will, and until each can REMEMBER FULLY, there will be confusion, which is what 2020 accelerates… HEART OPENING and expansion and “unfortunately” suffering and devastation are early phases of busting our hearts wide open and “removing the barriers” that the ego aspect used to be able to use to stay disconnected/asleep/separated… and those way are not acceptable anymore.
There are so many “ways” to awaken, yet density/linearity/external focus/resistance “bind” human egos to the harsh/rough/challenging/tough/devastating/shattering ways. IF ONE IS TRULY READY TO AWAKEN THROUGH SOFTNESS, KINDNESS, BENEVOLENCE AND LOVE, then each must CHOOSE this as their own way and dissolve their own ego resistance themselves. Various moments/stages of awakening and later stages of awakening are kind, loving and soft. Consciousness CHOOSES soft, ego aspects unconsciously choose “harsh/rough”, because the experience/energy has to be “stronger” than the ego is… to break through those walls of armor/protection/doubt/fears/beliefs…. Once these walls/protection/survival mechanisms/self-preservation energies “are gone”, then the process is sooooooooooooooooooooooooo much easier. We have to understand the whole process if we are going to shift/choose a “different journey/path” and choose the beautiful experiences instead of the rough ones. Awakening is “harsh” because of the amount of EGO Programming each still holds. Awakening is rough because of the resistance each still holds. Awakening is devastating when the heart is closed (with no awareness of this though). Awakening IS THE PROCESS OF OPENING EACH’S HEART/UNIVERSAL HEART fully, so that Ascension can begin, which presents “different” challenges of moving from “one matrix” to a different one, which was all held in each’s own physical body and each’s entire energy field.
For those who have “accomplished this” within their own lives, then softness, kindness and ease is how we do every reality and how we support, guide, assist all we connect with in accomplishing this for themselves (therefore all as ONE) too. We become Cosmic Portals/Gateways and can evolve/elevate and assist all who are truly ready with “coming through too”.
These are the Gatekeepers / Gridkeepers / Light Keepers / Frequency Holders / WayShowers / Ancients / Guardians / Embodiers who HOLD THIS FULLY and transmit this out energetically, naturally, organically and with great ease. Zero Ego equals Full Consciousness…. And for those who ARE the foundation, who have created the foundation and hold the foundation and constructs in place, then this emanates out through the UNIFIED QUANTUM FIELD and it can be FELT/recognized energetically by those who are completely open and ready for this. Each here becomes a beacon, a Light, a Guide and technically doesn’t have to “do anything” other than HOLD THIS FULLY…. As what we “do” is above and beyond and relative to our own individual Soul Agreements that we each honor fully as love for all of HUmanity/Our Planet and each other as Pure Love here. ♥
Gaia/Universe/Cosmic: Earth’s STAR CODES have been activated/“turned on”
These Star Codes dictate how this planet is structured and how she is now evolving into something “completely different” than before. These NEW Codes and templates dictate all. When one/all exist in unison and AS this, everything is fully vibrationally and energetically aligned on these levels, meaning all exists and is maintained in Divine Cosmic Flow. By maintaining separation, there is confusion, struggle and challenges, because the string/union/connection necessary for ease/remembering is not there…. And it’s up to each of us to go deep inside and place our bodies wherever supports accomplishing this. This means making the conscious choice to constantly clear our field of any external stimuli/density that does not FULLY SUPPORT our ability to hold/achieve/maintain/sustain full expansion and our own highest vibrational frequency overall and from deep within. In the beginning, this is challenging, yet this too is a part of the process of exercising “Divine Free Will/Conscious Choice” and making that decision, putting forth the effort and surrendering that which bound us to that reality/dimension/experience before. This is a re-prioritizing and reversal process at first, which breaks down/dissolves ego/resistance/excuses/programs held deep within, so that each can shift into a whole new reality/dimension/experience here.
Each’s energy/mentalities and own conditioning/programming is what binds each to their own reality. Observing/shifting this, allows one to shift to a whole new space within, therefore “triggering”/telling the external how to vibrationally re-align to support/honor/match this.
THIS YEAR HAS OPENED UP COSMIC ALIGNMENT ON A WHOLE NEW LEVEL..... IT'S THE FOCAL POINT for our whole planet/SOULar system; bringing everything "on the planet" into a much higher/lighter density by clearing out all that "is not". This is done through powerful recoding, reconfiguration, recalibration and realignment processes dictated by Cosmic Codes being activated at increasingly accelerated rates 24/7 and continuing as we go. Integration and acclimation are key. These activate Soul Codes/Star Codes/Light Codes held and “pre-seeded” (starseeds/star codes) prior to this physical incarnation and including every existence, not just the “human” one previously perceived.
A/The "way" that each gains access/achieves/receives/lives these different dimensions as ACTUAL REALITIES is through each's overall "level" of consciousness first, holding this so that their body can break-down on a cellular/molecular level to integrate the codes that re-code on atomic/DNA/Genetic level, clearing the density of all "lower dimensions" held within the body's cellular body, so that it can literally vibrate (at the speed of Light, i.e. Quantum Jumping) into a "higher"/LIGHTer Density as an ACTual Experience. The way that one "achieves these dimensions" as their own ACTual REALity, is to hold the consciousness fully until a massive template re-writing and re-gridding process is complete. (This part takes years, yet occurs constantly all along the way) and restructuring their entire lives according to all of this.
The 5th Dimension is pure heart based everything, soul aligned and walking in a "dream state" much of the time, as "anchoring" light codes within the body shifts "how" the physical works. It's playful, pure peace, fun, resilient and so exciting and beautiful (literally new colors, sounds, feelings and more). This process "begins" in 4D and the transition by way of "each experience" can take years, as it's all vibrational/non-linear and dictated how long it takes to get one's body clean and restore their DNA from all the damage done through their "human experience".
5D-12D are higher levels of Purity, Consciousness, Energetic Responsibility, honoring Soul Agreements, fulfilling higher purposes/missions/roles and shifting entire realities to all NEW Earth ones. Foggy/groggy is normal with every LIGHT CODE BLAST, as the body dissolves "veils of amnesia", clears its own density/linearity and anchors ridiculous amounts of LIGHT within the physical form where integration and "application" are key.
This is a RETURNING process through deep Heart REMEMBERING, so linear human memories start to fade/dissolve as each's body is "brought on-line" with a NEW Earth Gridding & Networking System (housed in each's spine, musculature system, neural pathways, blood, bones, skin, organs and whole body and inner-linked with various layers of their whole energy field).
Basically, we ascend back "up" to 12D through our own constant heart-expansion/consciousness, while "pulling"/descending "the higher realms" "down" into and through our own form and holding this fully until all is completely integrated within us (Embodiment), for our bodies to accomplish the "density changing" processes to physically change dimensions/experiences and then each re-aligning every aspect of their own LIFE to these new codes/ways. (Simplified version).
The 3rd Dimension was held in place by fixed linear (egoic) mentalities, beliefs, programs and constructs based upon an "old illusion" that no longer "applies" (or works). This "whole dimension" is being transitioned to a whole new timeline/density, as all is up-shifted to a higher/lighter density where the baseline for all is 5D. Those souls that chose not to continue on in form pre-chose to “exit” form and re-join the Unified Field of Consciousness as ONE SOURCE ENERGY. When a whole timeline “goes”, then everyone in that timeline can too. This is a part of “mass exodus” as a part of our planetary evolution here. For the human aspect that only has access to a 3D perception/experience, then the version of understanding is just this. As more start to truly comprehend that each’s individual and collective EXPERIENCE is REFLECTIVE of a dimension/density occupied, then more will consciously CHOOSE TO SHIFT where they function from and CONSCIOUSLY CHOOSE and entirely different/new experience and actually start to LIVE THIS FULLY, shifting entire timelines on a Quantum Level as each does. ♥
Right now, we have an entire planet of beautiful Light BEings/Code Holders/Souls doing this, therefore consciously, constantly and intentionally shifting entire timelines/realites on a much greater scale for all. The magnitude of these shifts are more powerful and a result of the increasing POWER of NEW EARTH GRIDDING SYSTEMS held within Gaia/Each one of us. As these BODY-FIELD energetic grids LIGHT UP, shake, quicken and activate all new vibrational geometric lattices, star-codes, coordinates and encoded holographic realities, that become “real” as each LIVES THEM, as a part of a HUGE re-distribution/re-balancing/re-alignment of our entire planet and inhabitants. ♥
This is about EVOLVING, so all must Evolve to maintain/remain on this planet, yet at each’s own "pace", so it's important to RESPECT each's individual/personal journey, focus on your own and then become the example/share/support all who are truly ready to embrace their own experience, just like we all have to here. Everyone's BODY is coded/encoded for each of "those moments" that their hearts open fully to transmit OUT immense electromagnetic energy to expand out into their own field in order for a UNIFICATION process to occur. Lightbody/field tuning is necessary for this, so plenty of alone time/space and nature is necessary until each “retuning/recalibration/synchronization” process is complete.
Cellular Photonic Light Code DNA Activation & Re-Coding occurs in infinite ways:
AS LOVE, WE CREATE OPPORTUNITIES and then it's up to each.... as we have PLENTY TO DO and we stay focused on accomplishing that which supports the greater whole and individually as highest aligned too. Anyone judging is in their ego/disconnected state. It’s no one’s place to judge/do this. ♥
Conscious and alive Gaia is RE-EVOLVING as a Star Planet (Terra Nova) and is restructuring according to Cosmic Earth-Star Light/DNA Codes that she holds from where we “seeded” this planet long before "now", and by way of traveling through the photon belt, continues to accelerate a de-evolving/evolving process through the activation of an entirely "new" Crystalline Gridding System, Photonic Light Networking System and increasing Plasma Energies too. SHE is "dropping density" and clearing immense multi-dimensional/multi-existence karmic timelines/realities and restoring our beloved planet to a pristine "Sacred HOME" for us all. Through the evolution of our Star DNA, we all are evolving the planet/our into a Galactic Civilization and we all have many roles to fulfill to accomplish this through Peace, Grace and Ease. This is what our 2020 timeline accelerates, as we have pre-determined "timelines" for accomplishing an immense amount of "work" as the NEW EARTH HUMANS "preparing for so much more", which will be shared/provided as we continue to go. Gaia is clearing heavy duty akashes that were held in her dense gridding systems as she changes density, ones that previously "bound the entire planet" to a certain place. She is clearing on a cellular/atomic/molecular level as well and SHE is "righting" everything through a massive re-harmonizing, reconfiguration, re-balancing of electromagnetics and unification processes and asking each here to unite, work together as Light, honor, respect, love and do the same. (At first she will "ask" and then she will demand/require, as refusing to listen/honor/respect is 3D and she will override and align herself, forgo much of what you see occurring. She "took over" in 2015 and said "I've got this", which allowed many of us to shift our focus to other things....). Yes each person is RESPONSIBLE for their own individual ACTS, how they treat our Sacred HOME/Planet and contribute to the greater whole. Yes, 3D is playing out everything “not okay”, the metaphoric battle of Armageddon, battle of the “dark and the light”, the Galactic Wars (Orion/galaxies), yet that is a dimensional experience relative to a level of consciousness that plays itself out while “those” who have gone on to create all new realities, form the new systems, programs and realities that support a much higher consciousness humanity/existence actually EXPERIENCE a completely different reality aligned with Unity/Love, where all are working together, care about each other/our planet and do whatever it takes to fulfill the highest aligned roles/purposes/missions where “those” things are literally not playing out at all. They are barely visible, unless one stops to “go check and see”, as dimensions are broken down by frequency bandwidths and a 5-12th Dimensional Crystalline Plasma Light BEing in form is experiencing their correlating dimensional experience, based upon the vibration that the whole body/being vibrates at overall. Lightbodies actually vibrate in and out of realities, like materializing/de-materializing out of the “movies”, this is literally what occurs on a multi-dimensional level and the ability to “teleport” is a “higher dimensional” capability that is natural, organic and “how each lives”, so there’s “no trying to do this”. It just “is”. This is a whole different topic that we can touch on more later, yet I’ve written of these experiences/abilities for years. 3D is a “binding” reality where physical body density can’t vibrate out of that dimension, other than occasionally, yet there’s no sustainability/ability to maintain this as one’s WHOLE REALITY until all of the linearity/physical density has physically been cleared.♥
We are in the middle of a massive natural Terra-forming process relative to Earth-Star evolution accelerating as we continue to go. All "earthly bodies" must "drop the density" (rebalance/reconfigure/restructure) according to a whole new energetic gridding and Stargate system located within Gaia and her atmosphere/field and each one of us here.
As a NEW Earth Planetary System, we are literally returning to/through becoming a Star Nation here/again. The completion of these 12D Templates is a game changer, as it ends “all Ascension Timelines” (done personally by each) and moves each into fulfilling much higher Star Nation/Galactic Council Roles by way of fulfilling/honoring various Soul Agreements and living Divine Partnerships/Unions through our own individual lives and working together as LOVE for our Planet and all of HUmanity here.
Awakening is a "first" part of this process, if you will. It can take our whole life to awaken until we "hit that moment" where a massive Ascension process begins, which moves everyone into a whole different phase. Instead of this being by "years", we shift all to vibrational frequencies/energy/dimensions, to comprehend "how" all occurs/works on a multi-dimensional level, instead of an outdated/obsolete linear one.
When I refer to various things, I will mention/choose a "starting point"/reference point, which is vibrational/energetic, not linear in any way. It's not bound by dates, age, body, race or any gender identification or roles/statuses like human aspects identify things. This is broken down into vast phases/processes too. This WHOLE THING IS ABOUT GETTING EACH'S HEART/MIND/ENERGY SO COMPLETELY WIDE OPEN... no matter what it takes. Pre-ascension this occurs differently than POST-Physical-Body-Ascension does. We get into "pole flips" and "polarity" and "reversal processes", as well as the "stripping away" and deconstruction phases relative to "ego-based"/created realities and "transition phases" from Head to Heart, as well as "out there"/outer worlds/realities vs. inner worlds and then inner-to outer and the correlation of "connection vs. disconnection/separation as well....
We can/do awaken through feeling beauty, love, softness, kindness and pure peace that will bring forth such powerful emotions, tears of presence/bliss/appreciation and remembrance, yet early phases our human anatomy/aspects/density don't fully "allow" for this, therefore what is "perceived" (and experienced) as "devastating, harsh, rough, intense and completely cruel” can occur, to unanchor/knock loose/shake and jolt each out of fixed linear mindsets, complacency/compliance, selfishness and our hearts/minds being closed/shut off/walled away and protecting out of fear/give our power away. There is also a massive shifting of priorities and changing our entire value system from an old earth one to a new earth one, which doesn't happen overnight. It's an immense process of moving all to their hearts where linear mindsets can COMPLETELY dissolve/fall away and move over to a geometric/Quantum/Energetic Reality that changes how we all live/co-exist and function here. What many are unaware of is, this is each’s Merkaba (Universal Ascension Vehicle) trying to “move” (geometrics) and “recreate” each’s reality, yet the “person” within the field/bubble/universe is hanging on so tight that their Merkaba will actually SHAKE and completely deconstruct the constructs of each’s reality WHEN IT’S TIME to awaken from the old illusions of separation held deep within (and played out in that “reality” as a result of this).
One can awaken years before the rest of a specific collective does. It’s not a race. It’s an honor, pure JOY and immense amount of RESPONSIBILITY on a Soul Level here. When we have many awake, we have a collective. When we have many asleep, we have a collective. When we have many ascended, we have another collective and how we "look at these" is different based upon what we are trying to explain in order to teach/guide/assist with dissolving/resolving confusion regarding "all of this"....
Old Earth we refer to realities based upon mentalities/energies of individualism and separation, where as NEW Earth we refer to Unity-based, Teams, Light Family and Love.... and where each "functions from" dictates one's actual MULTI-DIMENSIONAL EXPERIENCE... that which is referred to as "reality" substantially changes with each phase of awakening and individual ascension/embodiment processes.... As our actual physical realities completely change in response to this as well, as EVERYTHING SERVES much higher/different purposes than before. It’s no longer about any one individual, yet a geometric of “how” all fits into a much greater picture and as integral parts of a much greater whole/all.
Everyone is important, everyone matters, yet no one “more” than another… everyone is “equal” and has the same access/opportunities, yet all must go deep inward to open up access and bring this forth from their own deep sacred connection from within. Everyone is cared for, treated with the utmost respect, loved and deserving, yet the parameters for all is different, as everyone is also RESPONSIBLE and when we have 3D, no one wants to take responsibility or actually “do” what makes the different, whereas 5D-12D, we take complete responsibility for our ENERGY, our current ACTions, our behaviour and how we show up in every reality, how we contribute, how we share, how we uplift, inspire and unite all through love here. We also “do the work” on every level, as we understand the importance of this. We can unite these amazing realities to create/bring forth more, yet it takes EVERYONE fully doing the same. It’s a REVERSAL of the old ways/days. We don’t show up with our hand out, asking for anything. We do our own inner work, build/create/accomplish our own realities as highest aligned and we co-join/unite these to enhance/expand and anchor more DREAM/HEAVEN ON EARTH realities for all of us here. The only one’s not experiencing this, are the one who are just entering these phases of “learning” everything all over again, clearing karmic/unconscious programmed timelines and getting their physical body’s vibration high enough so that their Soul can fully integrate and recode their entire reality with grace too.
2020 VISION:
This entire process is one of INNER-VISION, INNER-CLARITY and inner-knowing, feeling and deciphering a holographic reality through various physical/energetic symbols, signs and messages at first. As each “learns” to “read” the field, decipher/decode messages/meanings and start to choose to re-program, re-align and bring forth all new from within. 2020 opens an entire ERA of CLEAR VISION/CLARITY that will support/assist with Earth’s Transition out of 3rd/4th Density “finally”, by dismantling and “switching off” the codes/templates that held 3D in place. As each becomes a Visionary, the ability to create/bring forth “our new” is easier, as we are all able to see and unite these VISIONS to support and accelerate with greater ease. ♥
NEW EARTH BECOMES VISIBLE AND IS BIRTHED/born/comes forth from DEEEEEEEEP within each's DEEP Sacred Soul Connection/Physical LightBody-Field and immense "higher consciousness knowledge/wisdom" (light codes/"higher" intelligence" than before), that provide access to "how to create" all new realities that are SOURCE CONSCIOUSNESS aligned, Soul Aligned, Highest Vibrationally aligned, forgo the "creation" of NEW EARTH realities and experiences "replacing" old earth ones....
These SOURCE CODES are CREATION CODES.... re-design, re-create, re-structure and re-align all with Universal/Cosmic Laws/Rules (Quantum/Consciousness) replacing everything each once called "reality" before.....
Part of 4D Moves into Overwhelm and Prepare to MOVE BEYOND Comfort Zones:
Many will start going off the “deep end”, feeling completely overwhelmed and like all is “too much”. This is an important part of the process, so understanding from a “much higher” place is important for moving through/honoring/supporting/experiencing the INTENSITY of SEPARATION and one’s LightBody starting to come further online. Some will travel, activating the grids of their own bodies, while activating, clearing and “swapping” various codes with every location change/experience and moving into various Gatekeeper/Gridkeeper Roles important for 5D+ Ascension Timelines and more. Deep, heavy emotions and feelings emerge in these. Confusion increases, yet clarity is available through nature, connection, solitude, field clearing and deepening our inner connection to experience peace. As the Lightbody starts rewiring/reconfiguring the central nervous systems, waking body parts up, heart opening/mind opening, relaxing and shifting from an external focus to an inner focus, other body systems start immense processes as well. Your physical Light/Soul/Energy Body is asking you to support it, honor it, love it, respect it so that it can do the work necessary to support you in achieving anchoring your own NEW Earth Realities/Experiences here. Dreams turn lucid, experiences do too. Pineal gland activates, DMT release begins, changing the “output” and chemical processes of your glands/organs, your whole body requires your attention, kindness, love and care.
Moving beyond Comfort Zones: The Human Aspect lived in “comfort zones” that GO when it’s time for each’s individual Ascension Process to begin. Because the human aspect likes “safe”, fixed and “secure”, even if it goes completely against their own SOUL, they will “stay here” because it’s “easier” than the “challenges” of stepping up, saying no, not accepting “status quo” and having “fixed” ways “feels” better than “not knowing up front/prior to and being able to “control” it all…. The way the human ego “wants things”, which is not how this works. Because the human aspect will not budge, has sooooo much resistance to change, so much armor around their hearts, cannot share their “things”, doesn’t “truly care” about our planet/each other to “do whatever it takes”, then REALITIES have to CHANGE. Unbeknownst to each human aspect, when it’s time for this to occur, their Merkaba will “kick in” and start restructuring their entire reality FOR THEM…. And that the “matrix” program/systems are located in their own BODY, deep within their cells, muscles, organs, limbs, bones and that in order to “transition over” from a 3D reality to a 5D reality+, they will go through an individual “pole flip” that appears to “turn their reality upside down”, unanchoring emotions, fears, survival mechanism and separation that held them to that unconscious dimension before, playing out “realities” that were a “solid hologram” based upon their own beliefs, mentalities and deep conditioning/programming held deeeeeep within and only visible through much higher states of Consciousness. The “external” is a “feedback loop” if you will, a vibrational return to what each holds/embodies/believes and when the EGO is what is embodied, then the external reality is a direct response/experience resulting from this. 5D those “comfort zones” are no longer “needed”, as everything is completely different, soft, beautiful and abundance is shared, so there's no lack or doing without, as that was 3D/4D programming/conditioning/beliefs that “manifested/materialized” as a “physical reality” too.
Breaking free from/pulling away from “the old”, learning to PLAY, have fun, dance and just BE allows for a RE-SET to occur, that is necessary for many reasons prior to moving into much “higher dimensional” realities/roles here. If it does not support you, LET IT GO! Start to “see” from inside your own heart, feel with your heart/being and listen with your whole heart/being too. It’s beyond important for the transition from 3D to 5D, which is intense even with the greatest understanding for awhile. 4D is also where Ego Death on every level occurs, as the “entrance” through/to 5D (Gates of Heaven/Ascension timelines) means leaving all that separation, judgment, lack, limits as “reality” and moving into new ones where you see this, yet it no longer rules and you can consciously Master/Break all down/re-program through Love yourself. ♥
LIGHT carries information and is encoded/encrypted Data that we "read" and translate into whatever language/words/acts/energies that transmit the tones/codes/frequencies "OUT" for all to read/absorb/integrate/process/receive. They are actual coordinates, literally, so all is "delivering" the actual codes for "changing dimensions", re-configuring and re-coding entire "real"ities and creating "all new ones" aligned through Pure Love here. Light is Pure Love. Light is Pure. Anything not is of the ego aspect and it's up to each to figure this out for themselves. Learn to FEEL YOUR REALITIES, FEEL AND LISTEN TO THIS, instead of trying to decipher with your head.
Part of my roles for years, has been to RECORD LIGHT DATA through decrypting COSMIC LIGHT CODES and TRANSLATING THEM in various ways. I've spent hours and hours and hours of dedicated service every day for years, observing/listening to and transcribing COSMIC CODES/RAYS/FREQUENCIES AND QUANTUM LIGHT CODES (and how this affects all), preparing/sharing this to support HUmanity through massive evolutionary processes relative to every level of existence here. There are days that I do this from the time I wake up to the time I sleep, yet because it's all Quantum/Geometric/Algorithms/Equations and SO deeply intricate to explain, I actually only share a small fraction of that which I bring through me/my own access/abilities, as I would not be able to accomplish the immensity of our daily service work and live my own life fully and highest aligned with JOY here. There was a huge chunk of "my life" that I put everything aside and did only this, yet once the LIVING LIBRARIES were established/released/available, it was time for me to shift to all new roles here. As it feels appropriate, as realities support, as we all come together to accomplish greater service roles, we are able to "do more" for everyone in a much greater capacity as LOVE here. Right now as I type this, the frequency bandwidths and codes are "releasing" what I refer to as "Q-Bits" (Quantum Data Bits/Bytes) packed full of Quantum Information/data to support, reconfigure and assist with these important individual and global transitions, as we move further, deeper and more powerfully through a Galactic Photonic Light & Plasma Corridor and Passageway, broken up into different "smaller ones" as a part of a greater Cosmic whole. For me, I personally match up the codes/frequencies/weather/Earth Changes/Shifts, Physical LightBody re-codings and various dimensional experiences occurring all simultaneously, to provide expanded awareness of "how" all occurs on a Cosmic/Quantum Level here. Integrating these "gives us" access to Quantum Dynamics, Equations and "NEW Ways" that are simpler, easier and highest aligned for all of us as Love/Divine Star-Light BEings here. ♥
WISDOM CODES/PORTALS/GRIDS: As each "learns" to open their heart fully to connect from deep inside and listen to their own "higher" guidance/wisdom/codes, and "restructure" their lives according to this, their individual EXPERIENCE becomes NEW EARTH ONES.... beautiful, magical, loving, kind and so very pure.... and their "body" actually vibrates at a different frequency, changing density levels and literally "moving" into a different dimension to live/experience, literally "leaving the old" as their own reality, which then gives each the ability to then support/guide/assist and RAYdiate out the frequencies/tones to support/guide/assist others with feeling/experiencing/living/doing this for themselves as well. As Cosmic Portals, Gatekeepers/Gridkeepers/Guardians (and more) each have the ability to consciously work with our planetary Gridding Systems (through our own bodies/fields) and open portals/gateways and hold them open for all who decide to also enter/come through. Because this is quantum, it's not bound by linear time/space and instead is by way of proximity, virtually and on a multi-dimensional level too. In order to "cross over" "to the other side", move through the wormholes and vortexes with ease, full presence and surrender of all resistance/linearity inside. ♥
First, ASCENSION IS A DEEPLY SACRED PERSONAL EXPERIENCE.... it's never about others or anything outside. In order to BE and "do" that which is highest aligned, we go deeper within ourselves and this is where we LIVE FROM, this is where we SHARE FROM, this is where we do everything from and "how" the external "fits into this" is different with each physical/LightBody phase, each density/dimensional/frequency bandwidth and "level"/space of consciousness we occupy/live from deep within.....
First, if each is not "seeing"/observing from a multi-dimensional level, without judgment, lack or "need", then everything will be personal, confusing and dramatic and filled with "old earth" energies of survival, safety, finger pointing/blame, fear, lack, separation/division and every crazy scenario creating 4D drama/chaos to "act out" "real"ities from a place of separation still held deep within "the self".
For the human (ego) aspect, "the little inflated/deflated self" is separate from "the whole", which means each's ACT'S, way of thinking/mentalities and how they live their lives are all ACTS of SEPARATION too. This is a pre-ascension "timeline" if you will.... where one has not fully REMEMBERED all as PURE LOVE and SOURCE CONSCIOUSNESS here....
In order to fully comprehend/understand, each must go SOOOOOOOOOOOOO DEEP INWARD that everything falls away and NOTHING and EVERYTHING exist within ONE SPACE, where ONENESS is a REMEMBERED STATE and then it's up to EACH TO LEARN TO LIVE THIS FULLY, with every aspect of their own lives..... which is the JOURNEY OF RETURNING/ASCENDING that each goes through to RETURN TO FULL CONSCIOUSNESS here...
In order to fully comprehend/understand, each must DO THIS THEMSELVES.... no "one" can "do" this "for us", it's a deeply personal journey into the DEPTHS OF EVERYTHING that was not visible before. Every experience, every occurrence, EVERY ACT is to get each's heart wide open so that it never closes/separates off again.... and every "act" will continue strong and stronger and stronger, until this has been accomplished fully within/by each.... so that UNITY/LOVE/PURITY CONSCIOUSNESS is where EACH FULLY LIVE FROM, on every level, in every way.... which means shifting everything OVER to a whole new reality that looks NOTHING LIKE it did before and doesn't work like "before", because "before" was unconscious and not highest aligned for each and all of HUMANITY here..... our planet, each other....
It changes everything and "removes/shifts" the POWER from the ego to "the SOUL", to the HEART, to LOVE, to UNITY, to SHARING, to deeply truly CARING, to UNITING, to WORKING TOGETHER, to SUPPORTING, to UPLIFTING, to INSPIRING and to CREATING ALL NEW REALITIES that are of the absolute highest vibrational alignment FOR EVERYONE, while no longer catering to anything of the old, of the distorted, of the selfish, of the greedy, of survival/separation/lack that dictated/ruled what each called "reality" before....
FULL CONSCIOUSNESS RETURNS ALL TO LOVE and UNITY, returns/restores all to PEACE, brings all into UNITY THROUGH LOVE, deeps sacred respect and INCLUDES EVERYONE truly ready to BE A PART OF THIS..... it recognizes what is not vibrationally aligned, has the ability to shift this fully, unless there are such deeply rooted/fixed/rigid programs/conditioning still held that "refuses" to be open to listening, learning and shifting into a "whole new reality" instead....
In order to see/understand, we "break things down" to explain, then we put all back together as ONE.... yet in a "different way", as the geometrics for "reality" are not linear, they are Quantum/Energetic, so we have to all shift HOW WE SEE EVERYTHING, otherwise we are "stuck" within ourselves, we are holding on to "old ways" within ourselves, operating from old unconscious beliefs/mentalities that "rule" our inner reality, therefore binding us to an "external reality" that of limits, conditions and constructs that will no longer "hold" or be able to be maintained/sustained, because that was "old earth" and NEW EARTH MUST COME FORTH FOR ALL.... as Earth's Ascension and Planetary RETURN is necessary/required now...
I will share on our Planetary Return to/as a Star Nation more later, as this is beyond vast as well. It's a part of Cosmic Remembrance and what's occurring within/on Gaia/Terra Nova on a DNA/Evolutionary process relative to our placement in "the galaxy"/Galaxies, current "status/location" through the passageway of the PHOTON BELT and how Earth's Liberation out of the "Unconscious Realms" and DEEP STATE of Amnesia correlates as well.
For the sake of this sharing, I'm breaking down a few things and as we continue, I'll share as is appropriate for all/each:
3rd Dimension/Density/Frequency Bandwidth/Consciousness/Experience: Full on collapse, for the sake of shifting/moving/transitioning all to the 4th Dimension, where each's heart starts to open, where each is "pushed inward" to start to make a connection within the physical body and "learn" to live from their hearts, which is a massive passageway of reversing everything KARMIC within itself. Those who chose not to continue on will "exit" this dimension, which is how "human body death" occurs, which is also a part of a much bigger picture, where Soul's don't die, they just "return" to a/the Unified Field of Consciousness as ENERGY, not separate from anything, where Source Consciousness is ONE. It's only the human ego aspect that sees all separately and "thinks" all is separate, thinks there is "suffering", "thinks" there is pain and other stuff as a projection from within the fractaled/fractured self. "Collapse" is of the "constructs" that held the old in place, which is held within each on a cellular level and each's individual field. Technically it's a "movement" from one reality to another that's not understood and is resisted, because it "goes against" everything unconscious, therefore "breaking all down", so that shifting can occur on every level. This is where the ego aspect fights all, holds on so strongly and "tries" to refuse/resist/control, without any awareness that "it doesn't have a choice", because "it's not the one in charge" (anymore).
4th Dimension/Density/Frequency Bandwidth/Consciousness/Experience: This is where an acceleration of "timelines" begins, things "speed up, get faster, become overwhelming and immense emotions, fears, separation and "fight to hold on" exacerbate and where 'inner drama' is externalized as each "fights" to reclaim their power, "struggles" with self-love and all becomes "more confusing" as one starts to FEEL EVERYTHING, yet the "how's and why's" are not yet there, because all is Quantum/non-linear and only visible from various levels of 5D - 12D, depending on where each functions from in their own personal journey... This is where each is "pushed" deep within, where ONE STEPS INTO A KARMIC TIMELINE and has to learn to go deeper inward to find answers, breaks away from "that out there" and all of the "external stimuli" that "used to stimulate", yet no longer does, yet there's no "new earth reality in place yet", so every fear, every ounce of lack, every program surfaces to assist each with "moving" out of "old mindset" realities "over" to a heart-based reality instead. This is a beyond challenging one, because it requires each establish a whole new RELATIONSHIP with their own "higher selves"/soul and "learn" to live from here instead of the "old ways of before". This is where DNA repair begins, where each starts to RETURN TO CONSCIOUSNESS (by whatever path that Soul pre-chose) and where each is "faced" with every CHOICE UNTIL they've chosen their own SOUL over their human ego reality. This is where each reclaims every fractal, transitions out of separation and merges their own higher/future self and their human into ONE, MOVING THEM into the "5th Dimension"..... Each will wish for, hope for and start to "dream" of a new reality, one that is simple and easy, yet the "complicated" realities of the ego constructs still have to be worked through and transitioned by each within. This is where each "enters" into their own Ascension, shifting from "Awakening" (chaos/drama/suffering/survival/dependency/lack) to REMEMBERING realities that only come forth as each goes deeper continually and "brings these forth" to be created/built, forgo entering the "5th Dimension", where all new realities start to become visible, yet obtaining/achieving these is a massive multi-dimensional journey/experience as well.... This is where the sleep state/dream start to flip and merge and where "anchoring" phases begin as each's Merkaba is constructed/starts to come online for physical body ascension to occur (over years/months/weeks) as well....
5th Dimension/Density/Frequency Bandwidth/Consciousness/Experience: First each must HOLD THIS CONSCIOUSNESS long enough for the physical to completely break down/restructure and vibrationally be aligned to support a NEW EARTH EXPERIENCE, which occurs over years. It's not linear, it's vibrational... which means every "decision", every "act" is too..... This is where NEW EARTH becomes each's priority and "building"/creating all new realities begins from ZERO POINT and through Divine Soul Alignment, and where the "growing up process" begins. This is where each realizes that as an ego aspect they knew nothing, had no clue, understood nothing and that "now" everything has to be "relearned" all over again and in order to "do this" with ease and grace, full ego-surrender is necessary and aligning all on a Soul Level takes precedence instead. This is where each moves to a place/state of humility, humbleness and deep sacred respect, yet the next phases will require immense POWER to fully consciously "break down" all that's not highest aligned and a "restructuring" of every reality constantly begins. This is where each RETURNS TO THE INNOCENCE of their own heart/soul and starts to live this fully, realigning all through Universal Love in their own "personal reality", their own "bubble" (universe) and expanding this out to affect/touch/support "others" through their own presence/energy/field, yet the process of "building all new realities" has just begun. This is the "climb" (Stairway to Heaven/Ascent) that leads into vast phases/processes and a whole new "revamping of every reality" on a Soul Level, through each's physical body form and an immense Photonic Light DNA reconfiguration/recalibration process that accelerates constantly for each to become fully Quantum, where each's LightBody "takes over" and the physical everything has to be "redone"/reconfigured to support this..... This is where all are "little children", playing, excited and all becomes magical, rainbows, unicorns again.... yet this is just the beginning as well..... This is where all "learn" to JUST BE, to "transmit Light Consciously" and where "doing" completely changes from "the head" to the "heart" and so where one "functions from" changes, which means creating a new "Zero Point"/anchor point "in/from" the "5th Dimension" instead of 3 or 4.
6th Dimension/Density/Frequency Bandwidth/Consciousness/Experience: It's "time" to "grow up" (as a Soul) and LIVE THIS FULLY and start to align everything on a whole new level. This is where the "service work" from pure LOVE and JOY "takes over" and "it's time" to BE THE EXAMPLE AS LOVE in a whole new way.... This is where 12D becomes visible, yet still is not understood, as "visibility" is from "deep inside" and relative to where each functions from. 6D can see 5D and "below". Can "see" what needs to be done/accomplished as a part of SERVICE to HUMANITY/ALL, yet each dimension now is about "accomplishing" that which we all "agreed" to fulfill on a Soul Level and through every aspect of our lives here. Because there's no "dependency" or "relying" on anyone/thing "outside", this is a complete shifting process as well, where "receiving" is relative to "output" and what each "allows" in their own "field", so each must become "picker", as everything is now ENERGY and DENSITY or Light and how the "physical" comes to be is relative to what each is holding, transmitting, allowing, creating and how each "shows up" and "comes through", so the "parameters" for what is acceptable changes. Compromise (on a Soul Level) is no longer an option, because that was unconscious and each now gets to totally "choose" what reality they are going to LIVE FULLY and each decision/act dictates this..... forgo "growing up" and holding each accountable for their energy, as this is what "dictates" and determines each's experience here........... Realities also move to CONTRIBUTORY, working together, unity, yet because until we each fully return to 12D, there are still vibrational mis-matches and "learning" about ENERGETIC COMPATIBILITY, which is VERY DIFFERENT than all previous realities and how we can co-exist within the "same space" changes quite substantially. One "shift" in consciousness/energy, can "shift" an entire "timeline", which means that total conscious awareness BY EACH IS NECESSARY, otherwise "collapse" is faster/stronger too.... Each becomes RESPONSIBLE FOR HOLDING THE HIGHEST AT ALL TIME, and anything less will collapse, yet because linear "time" is different, "how this works" is different as well................. This is the part the human aspect "avoids", because it means "total responsible for each's own self and each must grow up, take responsibility for their own BEHAVIOR FULLY, from the present moment, letting all previous everything fall away, realizing "the future" is energetic and comes forth relative to what each is LIVING/HOLDING, forgo "Embodiment" and the "beginning" of the "Descent" of all "higher selves" through the body, down the spine, throughout every cell and radiating out through each's FIELD.... naturally, organically... as an energy signature, an essence and a presence.... and where "words" are only for "teaching"/evolving all into a much higher state and communicating that which is not "readable" energetically yet.
I will break 6D-12D down differently "later" and all along the way. I will only "touch" on various parts for the sake of this writing/sharing to support/guide/assist to what is relative to this....
I share "my own personal" experience (extremely simplified), only to "explain", as it's "important" in the "how/why" and "where we are" on a "whole level" and "where we are "going next"....
12D is the COMPLETION OF ALL ASCENSION TIMELINES.... where EVERYTHING ON AN INDIVIDUAL LEVEL IS TRULY DONE for our own Personal Journey, and it’s “time” to unite to accomplish the “much bigger realities for HUMANITY”, through the APPLICATION OF 12 TEMPLATES and Codes, living/working as a COHESIVE UNIT/TEAM and “partnering” up to share/contribute/do our parts/fulfill various humanitarian/service roles, through an ENERGETIC SHARING/SUPPORT/COMBINED RESOURCE system that supports the greater whole/all on EVERY LEVEL, while taking everything into “account” and creating a WHOLE NEW SYSTEM that supports our planet/humanity to thrive, flourish and live in UNITY AS ONE. (I’ll release the 12D Quantum Template Program when it’s finished/ready, as we have to teach/re-educate/guide/assist and continue to Expand/Evolve all through Quantum States of Consciousness, while implementing and constantly evolving the projects too, in order to increase the functionality, stability and succession of all for all too). All of this is only understood as we each DO IT FULLY from within ourselves.... Then we "go beyond 12D" which is "where we are now".
In conjunction with Gaia/Cosmically/Galactically/physically/energetically, the "new" ZERO POINT for Galactic Gaia (Terra Nova) is now 12D. "How" this correlates is different based upon DENSITY and Light ratios (Dimensions), so each's ACTUAL EXPERIENCE will be just as different as well. To simplify, the easiest way for me to explain is that each dimension has a "different zero point" and for each to shift to a whole new/different dimension, each must "anchor" their whole being and consciousness "in that dimension" and "hold all as reality" from this place/space inside and "allow" all to be completely vibrationally re-aligned to "this", and by way of CONSCIOUS PARTICIPATION, aligning all through Full Consciousness/Love fully themselves.... This will INCLUDE EVERY ASPECT of one's entire being/whole life... as all is a part of the GREATER WHOLE and not "separate" as "before" (3D/4D). It's important to note/realize that the physical body/reality will go through IMMENSE CHANGES, immense re-coding, immense re-calibration, immense shifts on every level as everything is COMPLETELY REWRITTEN constantly and at increasing rate of "acceleration" that correlate 'differently' based upon the dimension and oscillatory spin rate/cycles (atomic codes) and what each has been able to "accomplish"/acclimate to/embody/hold fully from within themselves, which means a ridiculous amount of "down time" as the physical LightBody re-works all for each.....
For the sake of "explaining", the "higher" the level of consciousness, the "less" physical all is... "inside", yet "how" the "physical" correlates then changes, as the physical is a vibrational and energetic response, then the higher the "level" of consciousness, the less "effort" it takes to call forth "physical realities" to support each's NEW EARTH REALITIES here.... yet in order for EVERY REALITY to be a RESULT OF FULL CONSCIOUSNESS with great ease, simplicity and EFFORTLESS, then the physical body must undergo immense re-writes continually to constantly shift where each functions from, creating different "zero points" along the way, that have a vaster reach with greater ease.
For the 5D-11D experience, then it's identifying what's "higher and lower" and constantly shifting all to "higher" consciously, which is a part of each's own EVOLUTIONARY PROCESS here.... and "higher/lower" is not a judgment, it's an observation of frequencies/energies for the sake of shifting all to a DIFFERENT STATE OF CONSCIOUSNESS, which is all of our "responsibility" here.
5D-11D is each "returning" and "growing up processes" through every EXPERIENCE.... this whole thing is about each's ACTUAL EXPERIENCE, it's just that where each functions on a "consciousness level" is different, therefore the experiences are as well... These dimensions are CREATING AND BUILDING ALL NEW REALITIES in accordance with the highest levels of consciousness/unity/love, more purity, kindness, generosity, caring, deep sacred respect and love, so that "every reality" IS THIS.... forgo the "return" to 12D REALITIES that each "gets to live fully" as they hold this fully from within themselves.....
12D is the completion of ALL personal ascension timelines for each, where the "climb" "back up" through 5D to 12D was a massive process within itself. The immensity of this whole process is too vast to share here, so I’ll do this in subsequent sharings/exchanges as is appropriate. Every role is full service, yet "how" each presented was different, as each's "reality" shifts from being "physical" to ENERGETIC and the "Level of Consciousness" dictated the physical more and more, each "rung" (D: Dimension/Density) "easier" than the one before.... This is an INNER TO OUTER personal evolution where every aspect of ourselves and entire reality/lives have been completely aligned by each one of us individually from deep within ourselves. It’s “visible” energetically and ways not visible to the human aspect, as the “how” is inconceivable, unless one is directly exposed to/fully experiences this within themselves. This is not an “ego accomplishment” as many will perceive. This is a holy, sacred, pure Divine Union on every level that is SO Pure, that every experience, every reality, every moment is this, a cohesive unified field where everything works/flows/exists as ONE on every level, including the “weather”, the “people” and the purposes we fulfill….. Where all is UNITY, LOVE and so completely highest aligned that every moment supports LIVING HEAVEN FULLY and then “how” we come together to accomplish huge roles/next phases is done through Divine Union and Partnership with each other, where each fulfills their roles fully as PURE LOVE too. It’s beyond BEAUTIFUL, yet it takes us all… living this fully, as our own reality is our creation and we totally/completely understand this, so it means being so completely RESPONSIBLE for every breath, every act, every transmission, every exchange, every everything, that what we RECEIVE/EXPERIENCE is a direct correlation to this. ♥
In order to teach/guide/support/assist, we each "use" our own Personal Journeys/Lives for this. It's how it works. It removes the "ego" from it all, the judgment from all and is how we BECOME WAYSHOWERS as we are all SHOWING HOW THIS IS DONE through our own ACTUAL experiences as we live them fully and open up to share, without the duality of before. We can observe duality/polarity, yet we are not "living it", we are using it to teach/guide/support/assist, so "others" can utilize this in their own journey, so all can be EASIER for all.... consciously "choosing", utilizing and understanding this.... We do not "have" to share every minute detail and aspect of our lives, except as is appropriate and each "dimension" this is different too. When we are moving out of "hiding" within ourselves and learning to openly share, then each moves into "transparency", which is a part of the embodiment process and Cosmic Rays that create a transparency, glow and emit out tones and frequencies that release the old "hiding" and "agendas" that 3D/4D lived from.....
5D-12D is openness, caring, consideration, deep sacred respect and support, sharing, yet the “how” is different with each one, because of the "purpose" of each one is different, so "how" all occurs/is done is relative to the codes/rules of that "dimension/level of consciousness" as well.....
For me personally, the whole linear year of 2019 was dedicated to living/holding/integrating all of the 12D Templates and Codes fully with my own body/field/reality, which meant everything that did not support this "had to go" so that I could "accomplish"/honor what I agreed to fulfill on a Galactic/Cosmic/Soul/Source Code Level here... Because the templates are "that vast" it took a whole year, that once the codes had been released/opened/accessed over the previous linear years and completion phases then my own journey required that I complete this fully within myself, so that I can honor/support/assist/unite/bring forth/continue to guide/assist and come together with others truly anchoring NEW EARTH/HEAVEN ON EARTH/OUR GALACTIC CIVILIZATIONS as actual physical realities/experiences here. The "implementation" of all of this/these takes us all, yet we each must hold this in order to BE/DO this, and it's no longer about any "individual", so we let everything go that does not support, as everything is about the "greater whole/all" as ONE HUMANITY, where we each LIVE THIS FULLY from deep within ourselves and we Unite to COMBINE our amazing realities to create "more" awesome ones for everyone to inJOY, participate in and fulfill their roles from their "highest place" as well....
12D is a Re-Distribution/Re-Allocation Template (on EVERY Level), a deeply Sacred one and it DICTATES everything on our planet in every way now. It is a HUMANITARIAN TEMPLATE where all of humanity is INCLUDED, yet all of HUMANITY has to CHOOSE to participate, choose to fulfill their part too... and for this to "happen", those who "hold this" and "live this fully" will unite to support/guide/assist and LEAD/SHOW THE WAY for "how" everything "is done" on a Quantum/Cosmic Level.... It's the "adult souls" and Galactic Star People/Light Beings... having a "form", yet PLASMA ENERGY changes everything, as do the Diamond/Crystalline Templates and Codes that must be integrated fully for "application" and "incorporation" to occur....
Plasma is a "non-conforming", malleable, form-able and re-shape-able ENERGY, where we as PLASMA LIGHT BEINGS are able to easily reshape, reform, reconfigure and recode entire realities through our own Consciousness.... with little or no effort at all. As the physical body evolves on a DNA/Light Code/Genetic/Atomic Level through all new codes, the "body" doesn't "work" like it did before, because it's not meant to... so it takes immense patience, love, care, respect, kindness and full surrender to honor an immense reconfiguration process that has to occur for everyone's "reality" to be easier, simpler and highest vibrationally aligned here....
12D is effortless.... it's is soooooooooooo vibrationally aligned, fluid and in flow, there are no words to even explain this part. We just have to allow/go through it to experience/understand it and then "try" to put words to all, and in one way, it's not important, as it's OUR ENERGY that matters, so we just "show" through our own......
12D is PURE PRESENCE.... I spent much of the "time" as "just pure presence", observing, honoring, listening, allowing and "doing" that which was the absolute highest aligned, which meant not focusing on everyone else, not "doing" for others, which was the polar opposite of all of these years of 5D to 11D where our service is about what we are creating/building/doing on a Soul Level. A few years ago, when I entered into 12D with my whole body/being/reality, those phases ended and I "moved" into all new roles, that required every ounce of me dedicated to integrating/embodying all of the codes and templates relative to "beyond 12D" and where we "go next" in fulfilling our various roles as Light Beings/Love/Unity/Purity Consciousness here.... I still “did” every day, yet “how” and “how much” had to completely change until the completion of my own processes in conjunction with Gaia/Cosmic Consciousness, so that I could hold this fully with great ease (Embodiment/Entire Reality).
On 12/18 I awoke to "complete" my own personal WHOLE ASCENSION TIMELINE, which included ascension into 5D, descent/descension of all higher selves, integration/embodiment of all aspects/versions and holding this for years.... through Sacred Presence, Existence and various Service Roles here.... everyday I was "reminded" that I was done.... and then re-mapped my own process that I will share later to support/assist those "who care" and to support each embracing "doing" this within themselves too.... This was the completion of my own 10 year awakening cycle, and 7 year personal ascension cycle too. It was "broken down" into various phases/cycles that I've shared the entire time as I "did it" .... which I'll recap and restructure differently at some point to further assist with these next phases that various collectives/individuals move into/through too.......
NOW .... WE as a planet move into "beyond 12D" and what this means is different for each. I only share this here, as it's a part of "how I explain" the rest of it, as all is relative and a part of "the whole thing"....................
We've entered a powerful phase/era where planetary liberation is a necessity for accomplishing/completing what we all came here (as Star-Light Beings) to BE and DO.
I have not yet shared from several linear years back, all of the information on how GAIA (and we each on a physical level) are accelerating TERRA-FORMING AND REVERSE TERRA-FORMING processes, yet it's becoming more important to do so, so I will do this in the upcoming months as my own energy/reality supports this as well..... The last many linear years we've increased the influx of STAR CODES that activate/re-write and completely CHANGE everything for us all. These STAR Codes are a part of all of us and our beloved evolving planet RETURNING to "take our rightful place" in the SOULar System and Galaxies as a Conscious Planet, exiting the Quarantine and Prison Planet "phase" of 3D. The easiest way for me to "explain" is that AS our planet continues to travel "back" through the PHOTON BELT, the evolutionary processes substantially increase/accelerate to EVOLVE each individual and the whole planet "back" through Quantum everything. Quantum Dynamics, Quantum Existence, Quantum Algorithms/Physics, Quantum Evolution and Abilities not accessible "before". Even "how" we "move" THROUGH SPACE and "time" is totally different than "before". We are "jumping" and "traveling" constantly and as our actual physical bodies evolve, we gain the capability to JUMP with our bodies to/from/into entirely "new" realities... completely multi-dimensional ones that are our "actual experiences" where all exists/coexists/functions as ONE.
Therefore multi-dimensionality and Quantum does as well. This changes everything on every level. Our roles are to lead/teach/guide/assist/support in every way that's highest aligned/appropriate on a Soul Level, as the STAR PEOPLE and COUNCILS step to the forefront and "waves" are merged too.
WAVE 1, WAVE 2 AND WAVE 3 all MERGE into ONE WAVE and become “the new” WAVE 1. These will start to unite, find each other, work together to be the BUILDERS/GUIDES AND COUNCIL MEMBERS for the upcoming phases as a Star Planet and Cosmic Family "in form" here.....
A "new" WAVE 2 has been activated with this "new era"/template, which will awaken/emerge through continual waves.... (then these will merge and a new wave/era will begin with 2030, yet I'm not going there yet).....
3D ENTITLEMENT/EXPECTATION, ARROGANCE, BULLYING, Narcissism and distorted/unconscious POWER-Play/Control/Manipulation Programs, Systems and Ways accelerate collapse, dissolution and "stripping away". Greed, self-inflation/deflation, separation from each other and our planet/Star System are all under an entire "redistribution" template now.... This is a redistribution of "how" Power and "all" was utilized before.... and "how much each has" is relative to NEW guidelines that "change" the dynamics of all.... "How this plays out" will not be as any ego aspect "thought" and the whole planet is now under a massive "shifting" of everything "from one vibrational place" to another... as all is vibrational and energetic and relative to COSMIC LAW(S).
The ENTIRE PLANET and all of its "inhabitants" have been being "moved"/transitioned in phases and stages relative to different "levels" of consciousness, awakening processes, ascension processes and evolutionary processes that take place on a Cosmic/Quantum Level (not a linear one). This process now substantially accelerates to "complete"/accomplish the next "phase" of THE ROLE OF OUR PLANET IN THE STAR SYSTEM, which are immense and will continually evolve as Galactic Gaia (Terra Nova) "clears" and "takes care of" all herself..... I will share more as we continue/go, as this is beyond vast within itself and continues to evolve/become visible/available as we all continue our own personal journeys of fulfilling much higher purposes/roles/missions individually and together as LOVE here.
UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS WILL PREVAIL in every situation, yet each will "go through" whatever is necessary to fully accomplish this........... For those LIVING THIS FULLY, then realities that support fully are what comes forth, so that each can fulfill "easier" for all of humanity here. ♥
SHIFT YOUR OWN FOCUS/PRIORITIES/ENERGY: To have the expanded awareness that each density/dimension is playing out "different roles" in planetary ascension/evolution processes that are ALL an important part of the "greater whole". It's important to respect your own journey/process and respect each other's as well. Focus on your roles, your own connection, and hold respect for all. If you are truly fulfilling yours as love, you won't be "worrying about" judging "others" (which is each's own separation within as well and a space of dis-empowerment). Respect, honor, support, uplift, inspire, EMPOWER and create opportunities, options, alternative and respect each's ability to make a conscious choice when they are ready/it's aligned for them. You do "you" and “be there”, show up, support and fulfill your own ROLES AS PURE DIVINE LIGHT when these opportunities present for you. Bringing all together, being LOVE and uniting all, creating/forming new community/unity-based realities…. As it takes us all DOING/LIVING THIS here. This is how you make a difference and enable all others to choose this way too. REMEMBERING is through our deeply connected sacred universal/cosmic/higher heart and requires infinite experiences to accomplish this from deep within. ♥
Everything that happens in your OWN REALITY is YOURS:
Inside, outside… all of it. It’s up to you to LEARN and start to open up to truly understand/comprehend the magnitude of all of this and stop looking to others, blaming others, waiting on others… you are the Wayshower in your reality (not an ego thing), you are the one that CREATES your ENTIRE REALITY that you live in/experience here. You are the ONE that is RESPONSIBLE for every thought, act and belief and what you contribute to, allow, support is completely relative to this. Your energy, your limitations, your conditioning/conditions, your mentalities, your vibration, your density, your linearity, your everything DICTATES EVERYTHING… and the process of going deeper inside, sitting with things and working through them yourself, observing to learn without having judgment/attachment to anything at all, what influences what, what affects what, what you HOLD IN PLACE with your energy/beliefs… this is EXACTLY WHAT WE EACH EXPERIENCE and learn to shift vibrationally/energetically/through Consciousness ourselves…..
The moment we each truly get this, on every level and in every way, is the moment everything changes and each “takes their power back fully” again. Everything in “your bubble/your Merkaba/your Field” is yours… and the frequencies/codes/energy your body is transmitting out is encoded and telling “the field” what to “return to you” as an ACTual EXPERIENCE here. It’s also important to realize it’s not “just the human experience”, it’s ALL EXISTENCES, yet from “Zero Point Creation/Presence”, all is PRESENT/Simultaneous from the “this same space”, so shifting/tuning/reversing/changing is up to you, as it’s within you/your field and you are the ONLY ONE who can. If your ego is in charged and you are functioning from a place of separation/refusal to listen/honor this, then your own higher-self-you/Universe You/Cosmic/Source Self you will ‘take over’ and “do it for you” to shift you out of that place/space, to dissolve your ego so that you can come together/merge/unify inside and every time your heart closes, you go back to sleep again, you forget again, so “something else” will “occur” again to get it open again. The amount of “force” required is relative to how stubborn/strong your ego is. Every ounce of this journey is relative to you/yours and where you FUNCTION FROM FULLY… your Universal heart-mind or your closed heart/head. ♥
ALL of this is for you to MASTER AS LOVE, through Purity and re-learn everything all over again to exist as your Soul fully in order to activate/access/open up/anchor/live your Heaven through you and “onto” the Earthly Plane. It’s the ONLY WAY that NEW EARTH COMES FORTH. You literally birth it through/with your whole body/being and you bring it forth from within. (Universe/Merkaba/StarGate System/Toroid/Tube Torus/Electromagnetic/Morphogenic Field).
5D-12D Replaces 3D: Consciousness is a repeated and continual thing. Not one time, every time. Not once, repeatedly. Not a temporary fix or a 3 day or one week practice then “go back”/revert to “old ways again”. This is a complete overhaul and revamping of each entire life and every aspect of it as HIGHEST ALIGNED. Until every old construct has been deconstructed and reconstructed according to Quantum Logistics/Dynamics and full heart consciousness prevails fully, it’s a process of continually breaking through/down the old until the old has been replaced with “all new”/higher dimensional realms.
The “Reasons” Everything is happening/happens is Completely Quantum/Multi-Dimensional:
Nothing is linear, yet to fully see/understand, then inner connection, inner listening, inner observation and full heart/mind expansion must occur. Vision to “see” from a vast multi-dimensional place/space and OVERSEE/OVERVIEW ALL from a place of MASSIVE EXPANSION is relative to the “access” each has achieved through varying levels of PURITY and DNA/Body evolution too. Our heart consciousness, pineal gland and whole body are involved in the processing of a ridiculous amount of LIGHT (Light intelligence/encodements/knowledge) without any attachment or ego “need”/influence at all. The realization that no matter how much each “thought they knew” that there is always “so much more” and that the human ego aspect is not in charge, that we are always learning/understanding/realizing/seeing more than we could before (and this is how it works, means not getting fixated/fixed to an specific truth/way and realizing that everything is going to completely constantly and quite substantially shift/change (and that it’s supposed to). Learning to maneuver, flow and always be in-tune, always moving/flowing energetically with everything that presents, learning to restructure your entire life to allow for constant/shift/flow and holding/maintaining your own deep connection to listen/honor/shift AS THIS OCCURS is fully Mastery and Divine Alignment within itself. All gets easier as we all do, as our own inner resistance/fight goes then we “fall in-line” with how everything actually works, which is nothing like “before”. We are not here to “fix anything back”. We are here to EMBRACE ALL NEW and to re-create all new realities in full/highest vibrational alignment with “this”.
12D is Pure Presence, Deeply Sacred and Pure, Full Unity/Humanitarian Templates/Codes, Divine Alignment, Divine Flow and Effortless in BEing/Doing/Accomplishing everything we came here to be/do together as a UNIT, in Partnership as LOVE. It’s the Grown Up Souls/the Councils, Guardians and the ability to accomplish anything. It’s each having completed their own Ascension/Descension/Embodiment processes and realignment of their own whole life/energy/field and bringing “this together” to create/hold/accomplish more together, as the Star-Light-Cosmic Family that we are. For those functioning/working from a 5D-11D Templates/Realities, then “how” we fulfill together is based upon energetics/role fulfillment and an energetic equation relative to the “current reality and purposes” we are all here to fulfill. Supportive roles are established to support all in different ways. When/As all start to realize that this can be “easier” together, yet each has to fully fulfill their roles in order to receive, then the energy shifts, as it’s no longer “hand out/what’s in it for me” energy, it’s “how may I serve” (not from over-under/hierarchy, yet instead as a TEAM and Cohesive Unit and moves, lives, breathes as ONE, yet individually as well). This is through CONSCIOUSNESS, with zero lack or need. Everyone contributes (relative to the greater whole) and everyone receives, that which is beneficial/aligned, not as the human “ego” wants….
12D is the entire set of templates for how we all live/coexist/work in unity as Love and receive too. It’s a re-distribution/re-allocation template where we “take” surplus/abundance and we re-distribute it, we share all that supports the greater whole, instead of “one individual” like “before. We actually IMPLEMENT the new systems that have been created/accomplished/work on an individual level within our whole lives, as WE accomplish this within our own realities/lives and we “teach” it to others, open up opportunities for “others” to be a part as well. It’s beyond beautiful, simple and EASY, because everyone is INCLUDED in the whole thing and no one is “left out”, yet it does require each’s HEART BE WIDE OPEN AND READY to be an important PART of something much bigger than themselves…. Where everything comes forth to support, for greater ease and full grace, because we all actually truly from the depths of the CORE OF OUR BEING and on EVERY LEVEL ----- CARE.
This is a whole new CORE VALUE SYSTEM that replaces the old, yet for this to “work” for each, each must shift to this place inside. Until then, each will disclude themselves. No one is “left out” unless this is the only reality they will allow. ♥
We don’t “wait” until the ego aspect is ready, we DO THIS fully ourselves. We open portals, transverse the Multi-Dimensional/Quantum passageways and create/live NEW EARTH REALITIES FULLY until each has “gone through enough” to be ready to come forth/step up/step forth and BE A PART OF OUR NEW EARTH EXPERIENCE too. This is how it works for us all…. Until we’ve had enough, until we “get fed up and completely done”, we are not done, which means we will keep playing out/in/creating/allowing/calling forth the old until we are. The immensity of the experiences that each must have to dissolve the entire old template in their own bodies in order to be ready to shift is beyond human comprehension, because of “how all of this works” on a Soul/Universal/Galactic/Consciousness level. We LIGHT THE WAY, lead the way, share the information/codes/knowledge/how to and we allow all to make consciousness choices when/as they are ready. Meanwhile, those who do “live this way”, are ready, not fighting, not playing out any ego games, are uniting, coming together and building/creating/living the most amazing realities aligned on a SOUL Level (Heaven on Earth) within their own realities, UNTIL each is truly ready to do this from deep within themselves too. Because realities are literally “divided” based upon frequency bandwidths, oscillatory rates/atomic spin rates, vibrational fields, density and levels of consciousness, many dimensions will never inner-act because vibrationally they do not occupy the same vibrational space to vibrate/in out or maintain for very long/extended periods, which is why realities/relationships/things don’t “last as long” now, end faster and “fall apart/dissolve” “faster” or can’t maintain/sustain/last as long as “before”, because of the ENERGETICS and how all has to fully align, be synchronized constantly and brought into higher states of consciousness constantly, and if each is not shifting/awakening/evolving at the “same rate” together, then the reality will dissolve/end, so each can go a “different direction” to play those realities out, due to separation still held within and the path that each must take to fully awaken so that coexistence is possible through a COHESIVE UNIFIED FIELD OF CONSCIOUSNESS where everyone is conscious, working together, supporting each other/themselves and creating/anchoring/accomplishing that which is currently highest aligned with/for all.
5D/6D-12D is Soul Purpose/Service/Higher aligned:
So “purposes” change, realities change and priorities change and how we live completely changes too. These realities look nothing like 3D-4D did…. These are not “defined” by what human realities were. These serve much higher purposes and do not conform to anything like before…. So coming together serves a much higher purpose too. What we “have” does as well and we combine/share instead of separating off into primal instincts and self-preservation/me mode like humans do. We take care of ourselves, we honor our Lightbody/fields above all, we take full responsibility for our ENERGY in every moment and we utilize all differently to support Purpose/Role fulfillment, because we understand the importance of what we agreed to come here to be/do/live and this takes priority for all of us as Pure Love here. We can fulfill roles easier when we re-priorities, cut out BS, distractions and chaotic/disruptive energy that can’t stay focused because of separation within.
We utilize our Quantum Abilities/Consciousness to shift entire realities, rewrite, recode and reconfigure all. Because everything is the “opposite” of 3D, then we dictate realities through our consciousness, which means the physical is a vibrational response to this. Even physical abundance is nothing like human aspects “think”. “Things” are not abundance, yet that’s a part of it “later”, after each comes back to ZERO POINT and goes through their own “personal re-set” where “things” do not matter anymore. What matters is completely different and things support this. What matters is Soul Union, Remembering, Ascended/Higher Consciousness Earth and Unity/Love and “things” are re-distributed as a result of this. From Zero Point, all can be called forth, things and “others” being MATERIALIZED into/through FORM. Because everything is from a deep sense of union, appreciation and a gift, completely respected and understood, then there is no “waste” or “hoarding”, there is sharing, openness, appreciation/gratitude and supporting each other/realities instead of the old ways of destruction/tearing others down, trying to make someone “look bad” (narcissistic) or judging anything outside…..There is zero Entitlement, like human aspects hold, there is humility and humbleness and care/consideration for all… WITHOUT compromise on a Soul Level like “before”. The more unified we are inside, the more in-tune, the more we evolve our own consciousness and “return”, then “things” come back in to support this/all, yet in a very different way than human aspects “think”. None of this will “conform” to the old ways and grasping all isn’t possible until each is fully exposed to the “new” and learns to live this “whole new way” as Unity/Love/Purity/Source Consciousness here/too. “Things” support, therefore when we dedicate ourselves fully and completely “change/shift” how we understand/comprehend/see, then things are no longer and “issue”, which means whatever each “needs” to support higher purposes/role fulfillment will materialize/come forth/come through as each achieves this overall vibration fully and holds this/lives this as reality fully, fulfilling their own supportive roles for all of humanity too. Physical things are vibrational/energetic and just a form…. As each understands how ALL is ENERGETIC, VIBRATIONAL AND QUANTUM, then what each “has” will be understood too. Zero Point of 5th dimension brings all down to “minimal” (for a reason) and then what we have/get is relative to the roles we fulfill here. We never do without, always have enough and any surplus is understood “how” it’s to be utilized to support the greater whole. If our roles require certain things to fulfill, then those things will come forth to support role fulfillment…. If our roles are to live in a tree, then this is what we have. If our roles are to teach/lead entire collectives/humanity “through”, then what we have will support this. If our roles are to use skills, talents and gifts, then this will be supported. If (When) our roles are to unite through Unity/commUNITY, then we have what we need for this. If our roles are to “just be Light” to hug, bring a smile and uplift, then we have the ENERGY and everything we need for this… If our roles are to be the Star Councils here and guide all of humanity in various ways, we will have what supports this. What we have SUPPORTS what we came here to be and do….. And as all start to understand it’s not about “things”, it’s what we do/how we utilize/share/support, then what everyone “has” will completely change….. As a part of the redistribution templates and restoring balance through/to all…. Where there was waste, abuse, selfishness, hoarding and “at the cost of others/our planet”, then this is being “taken care of” naturally/organically and through much higher states of consciousness …. Be patient, step back, observe and realize HOW YOU UTILIZE/SUPPORT/SHOW UP/FULFILL will determine what you “have” in any given moment here. Fulfilling much higher roles/purposes require different things. I had to learn everything all over again, as well as everyone on this planet. It’s how all works here. It’s up to each to “designate” what they “have” or “need” if they truly desire to receive “more” abundantly in order to fulfill much greater/higher roles/purposes/missions here. The more we share, the more we receive. The more we support, the more we are supported. Vibrational match creates vibrational a match. These are cyclical energies… that come back around energetically, with or without form, as they are the same.
Limits are your own. You set these. You hold these. You determine these/all. As you/each’s heart/mind/energy/body completely surrenders every ounce of Ego constructs that held the old 3D in place, each is able to start to open up to realize/see/understand this, the realization that each is their own limit by way of the stories they tell themselves/each other, the conditioning/programming each holds “as real”, then each will start to see that shifting all of this is KEY. As each starts to tell themselves a different story, changes the “program” and chooses differently, they are able to shift all of this themselves. Human aspects LOVE to put this on someone/everyone else, ask someone else “what to do” or “fight” an “imaginary” anything in order to hold onto what appears safe/known, without realizing they are giving their power away as well as waiting/looking for someone else to blame as (in the beginning) it’s “harder” to take full responsibility for our actions/energy/behaviour/self and STOP DOING ALL OF THAT and bring our own reality into full vibrational alignment on a Soul Level, which is one reason why 4D is drama, chaos and little children playing out ego games instead of stepping completely away and saying “no more”.... Which is a part of the process for all of us as well. As long as the human aspect can deflect and try to ignore/pretend, then it “thinks” it’s getting away with something, yet having no realization that they created the whole mess and in order to “uncreate it”, they must truly open up to look at it all and then shift where they function from inside, which will then shift their ACTions and behavior from unconscious/programmed to conscious and intentional and vibrationally aligned, creating a Quantum Shift in “reality”, yet the effects are different, as to humans this is not visible fully yet. Ripple effects, and whole geometrics, puzzle pieces and part of a Quantum Equation are not visible at first. Only once full access has been gained can each truly “see” how all works. And then, the vibration will shift/change and that will change too!
Heart Open ALL OF THE WAY means our mind is open and observing and able to learn/see/shift. Heart closed, mind is closed and ego is back in “control” (separation/duality)… this is not vibrationally aligned with NEW Earth… This is old earth and binds each to those realities until something “occurs” to wake/shake/shatter/jolt/bring each back INTO their heart space fully again. Human density/linearity dictates how long/strong this is and how often/when this has to occur to get each’s heart open again. Observe yourself, keep your heart open all of the way and shift where you function from to your heart instead of your head. In the beginning or in tough times this is challenging/hard, so more presence/awareness/observation (without judgment) is required. Just BE and learn to hold this place/space inside. Go deeper, make that inner connection and hold this above all… allowing all to fully shift for you as you do. You will FEEL IT…. breathe this peace, love and joy through you full and exhale all that’s ready to be released energetically on a cellular level from inside of you. (Then your body will start doing things to recalibrate, purify, cleanse clear, so understanding “clearing density/dropping density” is key as well.
When you are in your ego, you are your “lower self”, your small self (or inflated self) and you will have a “higher self”. When you are your higher self/Soul, you have an ego, you observe it, see it, yet it has no power anymore. If you shift to your ego, you separate off from the greater whole, which calls forth an experience to bring you back into connection/consciousness again. If you can recognize this prior to creating an unconscious reality to have to actually experience, you can shift to a whole new/different timeline and let that fall away. Your ability to do this becomes easier and easier with every experience/observation until you never separate off anymore, you don’t let your heart close anymore and you no longer let your ego have a say so in anything and you can MAINTAIN/SUSTAIN fully as your own higher self/soul. Because all is ENERGETIC AND VIBRATIONAL, you have to be completely present, in-tune and paying attention so that you can tell the difference and make the Conscious Choice to shift/hold yourself to your highest everything constantly and every time now. Maintaining an Ascended State of Consciousness is a quiet, silent and soft presence and has zero ego involved. It’s only when the human ego gets involved that the whole thing gets convoluted and becomes an ego game of judgment/hierarchy, which is a 3rd Dimensional Level of Consciousness again. When you are functioning as your Higher/Highest Self, you need not “tell others”, as it’s apparent, visible through your energy, presence and how you speak, transmit, act and are. Human ego aspects will be unaware of this, because they have not learned how to read energetically or “the field”. Souls read energy, light codes, signature and feel this within themselves. There’s nothing to decipher or decode, if you will, as the energy itself holds all, the rest is just a bonus. ♥
As you do this, your Light/Codes/DNA starts a re-coding process important for clearing out density/programming so that your physical Lightbody can vibrate at that consciousness fully too. This means that your entire reality is going to shift/change, that a whole new foundation will be established as well as a new Zero Point Field/Range. Your ability to HOLD THESE HIGHER/HIGHEST STATES OF CONSCIOUSNESS AS LONG AS YOU CAN, will be relative to also being able to birth/create/build/live your NEW EARTH REALITIES here.
Pre-Ascension there are “highs” and “lows”. The “high” is our ascended state, yet chaotic at first and a bit crazy looking too, as the stability/balance inside is not there, there for the “low” will come to clear out density, so that the “high” can become our natural state, yet it then correlates differently as we are not “high” anymore, we function from a much higher frequency with our whole being and the foundation for our reality is different too.
Heart open = Expanded State
Heart closed = Contracted State
YOUR E-GO disconnects this cohesive, coherent field and drops you back into a 3D experience again….
Our body changes sizes, foods, needs, density and weights (these are not the same thing) as we embody higher states of consciousness and clear density within us…. And how “GRAVITY” presents itself changes too. We float, fly and expand… inside and outside, when we walk and in our dream states too. We actually “pull our bodies through” by holding the higher states, allowing all dense/not highest aligned to clear/dissolve/fall away. We literally “pull our bodies” as we HOLD…. And as we embody, the “pulling stops” and we literally walk in a different dimension, on a different version of Earth where the colors are different, the atmosphere is different, the breathable air is different, sounds and electromagnetics are different, the people are a different version too…. And then “later” we re-integrate, if you will, so that we can walk in any/every dimension, yet the one that sustains us is relative to a geometrically/energetically gridded area that when our bodies “walk into” them, they super charge our Physical LightBody Systems and we are able to maintain a super expanded state easier within ‘THIS FIELD”. These areas are “vortexed”, Light Ships and Re-Generation Pods, supercharging and holding the frequencies of HOME, yet in order to maintain/sustain, all has to contribute to enhancing this energy/field/area. Even the weather/atmosphere’s in these areas is different and correlates to each’s own density as well. We each have the ability to create/build/hold these massive geometric realities in place. I’ll be sharing on the Unified/Holographic Field of Consciousness more later, as we just moved into a whole new phase of this, offering all of much more than was available before. ♥
Your LightBody Supports you and is EVERYTHING:
Which means you supporting, honoring, respecting, understanding and re-prioritizing to accomplish this is key. It will dictate how you support yourself, what you receive, how your whole life goes and ability to call forth/live your most beautiful, magical and amazing “dreams” as actual realities as you fulfill your highest Soul Purposes/Missions/Roles here. ♥
Your whole life will become ENERGY AS YOU DO:
As everything is “just energy”, then everything will become Energy and how all correlates will be relative to this. How you function, what’s important and everything you are/do is too. ♥
Your Ego vs. Your Soul:
It’s not a vs. thing, except in the “beginning” it is. This is not about what your ego wants, as that is separation too. Technically, your Higher Selves/Soul could not care less what your ego aspect wants, as that will be the thing that always “gets in your way” and keeps you separate from the whole. Your Soul LOVES you so completely, yet IT RUNS THE SHOW. It will give you leeway for awhile, because you are gaining human ego realities/experiences necessary for your own awakening/ascension processes here. Yet there will come “that moment” that everything will change and it will take over, giving you the opportUNITY to surrender, listen, open up to learn and “do” that which is highest aligned or it will do this for you, to assist you with transitioning over to NEW EARTH REALITIES, which is why you are actually here. The magnitude is beyond any massive conversations, teachings or limited beliefs…. Which means that our hearts must be wide open to DISSOlVE OUR EGO AND MERGE IT WITHIN US into ONENESS/WHOLENESS so that we are not continuing to play out separation games/duality inside. The journey/experience is SO MUCH EASIER, when we are fully merged/aligned on a Soul Level inside and consciously choosing to listen, honor, be and do that which is highest vibrationally aligned too, no matter what our little human aspect wants.
Pre-Ascension it’s a battle inside and out. Duality and ego vs. soul, good vs. bad/evil, heaven or hell, galactic wars and pure Armageddon inside, yet once we all surrender our ego fully to merge all into one/oneness then this completely changes and our whole life get soooooo much easier too. Then we begin the process of physical body ascension and descending all higher selves, embodiment and DNA Evolution where we no longer will compromise on any level, no longer taint our own DNA and we fully embrace all NEW with the EXCITEMENT AND SPLENDOR that’s available as we do.
Which is a MASSIVE process within itself. Pelvis expansion, belly expansion/contract, brain expansion/contraction, neural pathway reconfiguration, nervous system re-writes/re-calibrations, immune system overhauls, pineal gland opening (vision going), electromagnetic field vision/hearing, heart expansion/flutters/chest blowing wide open, birthing pains/contractions/breathing and breathable air changing as your body becomes self-regulatory/self-sustaining, using foods/things to support it in a massive bio-electrical, bio-chemical, bio-kinetic reconfiguration process where your Photonic Lightbody actually changes your DNA/Genetic make-up, molecular structures and atomic codes to evolve you into something completely different than you were “before”. As this occurs, your whole reality changes too, so it takes an immense amount of dedication, commitment, care, love, patience, presence and support by you to do this with greater ease than the other way (ego resistance/suffering/harsh/rough), which is how we choose to do this until we come into enough consciousness to actually comprehend/understand this ourselves.
Your body is a sacred, holy vessel that holds your entire Soul, OverSoul/Monad and every aspect of who you truly are as pure source consciousness here. Treating it with the utmost respect, love and care, means you won’t be compromising this ever again. Your Crystalline LightBody is purification of all things “compromise” and tainted/distorted/not clean or pure. Your Plasma Lightbody is a new neural networking system that emits plasma energy, exacerbating distortions, releasing DMT and allowing you to literally walk in a Lucid Dream Reality, a Virtual Holographic Physical Reality that’s inner-active and a bit trippy at first. As you/each adjusts to transiting through wormholes, vortexes and passageways, by way of opening portals through each’s universal heart/mind, syncing up body’s bio-rhythms with our beloved Gaia and Universally too, then linearity goes, time goes and what replaces this is the ability to consciously create entire realities in the most exquisite, magical, fun and simple ways!
Your ego/head will bind you to 3D Experiences
Your wide open heart will open up access to 5D Realities/Experiences
Your dedication/commitment and ability to maintain an expanded state all of the time will allow you to fully anchor and live much higher dimensional realities, while fulfilling your higher/highest Soul purposes/Galactic Missions and NEW Earth HUman Roles as Pure Love and Light Beings here. The dimension you occupy/experience is the one that your whole body/being operates at. Shift where you function from and shift the dimensional experience you are having… from present moment. Right here. Right now. It can be that simple, if we allow it to be. Only the human ego complicates it all. That’s separation/the old way. We don’t have to live there/that way anymore.
Human’s love to judge and try to fit “this” into the parameters of what they perceive reality as, when in essence, it can’t be done. They get mad, angry, jealous, project and spew out their own hurt, hate, separation, pain in an attempt to “pull everyone” into their vibration/dimension/reality, as in the old adage “misery loves company”. You can understand this and not feel guilty for living your highest aligned, not worry or concern yourself with limited perceptions/judgements and be the WayShower that you are. You can Light the way, lead the path, open the gateways and leave them open for others/all too…. You are the Living Testament/Proof and you can’t BE this if you keep “going back” and playing in unconscious dimensions/realities/energies again. Yet you will until all of this energy is “gone” and then you’ll choose not to ever again. Tis how we roll here. BE the EXAMPLE for what is possible and HOW this is…. SHOW OTHERS BY LIVING AS LIGHT FULLY and accomplishing that which makes a difference for everyone AS LOVE here. Only your ego will consider less, allow less and play in less. That was old earth realities… which will dwindle, collapse and die away. We came here to transition over to a whole NEW EARTH EXPERIENCE and live our most amazing everything!
The dimension your body/consciousness occupies is the dimension/density you create and actually experience here. ♥
Old relationships serving ego purposes will dismantle, end/dissolve as new ones are birthed, born and built. There is this beautiful bond that we all share as Pure Light BEings here. The depths and levels that we care from is so completely pure, yet there’s no compromise or ego games involved. Our relationships are us as Star Family, us as Light Family and we REMEMBER ALL AS LOVE. How we show up is different, the roles we fulfill/play are different and the family unit is built on a whole new foundation of SHARED RESPONSIBILITY, SHARED ABUNDANCE, SHARED VISION, SHARED ….. There’s complete openness and ease. There’s no struggle, no BS, no anything that creates a disruption within the field. There’s pure harmony, beauty and simplicity, yet in order to co-exist we each have to fully honor ourselves and each other, taking plenty of “time”/space to honor LightBody tuning/recalibration/integration processes and coming together as it’s appropriate to unite realities, combine realities and accomplish realities with great ease.
Old human (ego) realities came together out of lack and need. These are the opposite. These support fully, each fulling much higher purposes/roles and everyone contributes, therefore everyone receives.
No one is incapable or needs anything “special”, the only requirement is total responsibility for each’s own energy, behavior and what they bring to the table/reality is offered as a gift, bonus, benefit to further create/expand on a much greater level than any one individual could do before. 12D we’ve accomplished our entire personal reality, completed all ascension timelines and now we can come together with “completed” realities and combine these through continual synchronization processes, open honest communication (vibrational alignment) and through anchoring more dreams through our own physical bodies/vessels and field. 5D - 11D is experiencing everything “not this”, everything “not highest aligned”, yet from a place of consciousness and fulfilling much higher soul purposes/agreements as we do. We do as Love, we fulfill, yet varying frequency bandwidths operate at different oscillatory spin cycle rates, making it more challenging to co-exist/create/accomplish within the same space. It is doable and can be done if everyone is on-board, truly cares and putting forth the effort/energy/work to do this as a loving Light Family here. One ounce of Ego disrupts the Unified/Cohesive/Quantum Field, then “creating” the need for “stopping” to bring all into highest alignment again. We can evolve all through our own consciousness and live the most amazing realities too, yet it takes everyone and any energetic imbalances have to be balanced out and where there are different levels of consciousness operating within the same vibrational/energetic space, then what it takes from everyone is “more” to counter balance and bring all into highest vibrational alignment/balance constantly/again. If every moment is spent “trying to align”, then there are huge distortions and all your creative energy goes out the window and your realities “suffer” due to this. Acknowledging that things are not able to align, is not a judgment, yet instead a realization so that each/all can decide what is most appropriate and then “do” that. :Relationship Karma” is the “hardest” one to clear. We have “Abundance Karma” that we don’t know is there until we clear it completely, Twin Karma (precedes Divine Soul Unions WITHIN) which evolves us all into “Partners” in every relationship, yet it’s not “romantic” as humans “think”/seek. These are beyond PURE and as “Partners” we come together in balance where we “do our own part”. I do my part, you do your part and the whole reality gets done easily, because nothing falls on “one part”, as a part of a greater whole. It took me until the completion of these 12D Templates to clear Relationship Karma, which when I stepped into that phase 2-3 linear years ago, the words were that this would be the “hardest”, because of what it requires from each one of us to be in these highest aligned realities together separately without separation and as ONE. We know when to pull away, honor ourselves and come together in full balance and Divine Alignment as well.
(Note when I use the word Karma, it’s relative to unconscious programming and all existences/timelines, not a linear one. We have UNITY KARMA that creates/brings forth the most beautiful realities to live/experience, yet because so many identify with this word, I use it as a description only to get a point across. Sometimes we have to use certain words to make a point. Karma is one of those. There are many. I use it in a vibrational sense, rather than a linear one. Human egos get caught up in the words, whereas we use words to teach/shift/assist with mindsets, energy, beliefs).
Forming those sacred bonds, building relationships that are completely PURE, holding up our end, coming through and investing our time, love, energy, things is completely different that anything we lived when we were unconscious, separate, human/ego, asleep, unaware. These are beautiful relationships, where we all truly do completely care, yet we are not sacrificing ourselves, trying to save anyone or take up the “slack” for anyone’s disconnection/lack programming. There’s no pulling/sucking/leaching energy, inner-twined ooey-gooey energy, parasitic/manipulation/narcissism or intrusion/imposing/bullying or higher/lower hierarchy games going on. There’s no taking on responsibility for others energy, behaviors and how one acts. That’s full-on 3D Ego Energy that SCREAMS unconsciousness THROUGH THE FIELD and how we deal with that is through full consciousness too. Instead, we are uniting through beautiful softness, uniting to create, uniting to co-exist, accomplish and LIVE THE MOST PURE realities that can be as effortless as we allow them to be.
Every relationship comes into question, every relationship is to evolve, every relationship is about energetics and vibrational alignment/matches, so when the energy changes, as each embody higher/new aspects, the old realities don’t resonate/are not aligned anymore. It’s important to RESPECT THIS and each other in absolutely every way. It’s how we learn, fine-tune, clear out karmic timelines/realities and the codes we held inside that called that forth to start with. Every relationship with everyone and every “thing” comes under scrutiny when each are expanding, growing, learning and opening their hearts to love and respect themselves completely on every level now. Unconscious realities represented unconscious programs, yet it’s not to judge, it’s to understand, clear/dissolve/resolve and either bring the whole thing into higher alignment, or close it out from your absolute highest place and open up to all new realities much more awesome and aligned than before. This is how all works.
REMEMBERING that we are family, that we are ONE, that we are perfect, special and amazing and beautiful, yet not always vibrationally aligned or energetically compatible is important. REMEMBERING ourselves as PURE LOVE, REMEMBERING ALL AS LOVE, gives us the capability to see this in others too and to love them fully, without needing to be in the same reality, unless it’s highest aligned and “how long” this lasts will be relative to so much more than the human aspect can understand. HOLD HONOR, INTEGRITY AND LOVE from your CORE, hold DEEP SACRED RESPECT for all from the DEPTHS OF WHO YOU ARE, hold PURITY and Kindness, Compassion and Care and REMEMBER that what you are transmitting out is what you are calling forth vibrationally/energetically as your own experience here. ♥
Treat all with the utmost kindness, generosity and respect, which includes you, your physical Lightbody and your own reality and honor/allow all to be aligned naturally, organically, while aligning all that requires your attention, because you called forth something that was not. ♥
Collectively and Planetary-wise, the planet has entered into “Maturation Phases” (which I wrote about years ago and all along the way). This is when it’s “time to grow up” as a Soul. Since our EXPERIENCES TEACH US EVERYTHING WE NEED TO KNOW and how all works, then for those who are choosing “not to” for any reason, then “realities”/experiences will assist with the “growing up” process of taking RESPONSIBILITY ON A SOUL LEVEL. This is very different than human realities were, so the “rules” are very different and “look” nothing like before. If each is still trying to “gauge” reality by the old, they are going to be very confused and playing out loop cycles until each goes deeper inward to “get different answers” and start to apply these to their own lives and how they live here. We are past the “little children” phase, where egos get to continually blame and lay everyone on “someone else” and give their power away, refuse to take responsibility for PRESENT MOMENT ENERGY/ACTS… This isn’t about what was “done before” (this gets worked through/out in 4D), this is about what you are holding/doing/BEing NOW ….. So looking at another “moment” is a distraction, ego game, separation within itself. That’s just “knowledge” and how we all “learn”, what to do/not to do and we utilize this for how we ACT/LIVE in this NOW. All of those systems and structures that were aligned with 3D Consciousness go…. So it’s important for each to re-anchor their consciousness (and body) in 5D, start creating, supporting, fulfilling THESE ROLES, so that when they do, the “affect” each experiences isn’t a big deal. All of the “new systems”, programs and realities are created/built by all of us, implemented by all of us and replace the old ones that everyone got used to, believed and lived by before. So in order to LIVE THESE, WE ACTUALLY HAVE TO LIVE THESE… it is that SIMPLE, if we allow it to be.
Additional Zero Point/Linear Time Convergence Update:
In December we established a new Zero Point/Anchor Point for the entire planet emanating from 12D. Once completed, the “next level” of “past/present/future” all did a “new merging” which was “way cool”. Even though we “live” from full presence/present moment/zero point, through SUPER CONSCIOUSNESS we can “see” linear time as something to “maneuver” vs. being a constraint/limit or even “real”. We observe it, so that we can accomplish certain things, yet that’s about it. With this merging, all pasts, all futures were observable as this now, yet very aware that from this “future” we did this in the “past” and we are here in “this now” LIVING IT…. which is way cool to experience within itself.
Believe it or not, there is sooooooooooooooooooo very much more, yet I will conclude this for now and return to share more as appropriate and relative to various processes and phases important for us all here. I may go back in the next week or two and get the "other book"/writing that I did a few weeks ago and publish that to support those who desire to read/integrate this to support their own TRANSIT phases into all new realities with greater ease, grace, peace, love and joy here. We will just have to see. ♥
REMEMBER: We share LIVING NEW EARTH CODES, COSMIC RECORDS, LIBRARIES AND Quantum Dynamics for "how" as all are truly ready to utilize this for evolving their own reality from deep within...... Everything we share is multi-dimensional/Quantum/non-linear, so it's not relative to a "time", other than this ever emerging/evolving now.... It’s a Recorded Living Library, which means it will always apply on “some level”, which is dependent on where each “currently is”, which changes, shifts and “repeats” along the way. It will always apply, until it doesn't anymore, and each has moved completely through those phases into all new ones within themselves.
CONSCIOUSNESS is alive, breathing, inner-connected, ever changing, constantly communicating, re-configuring and recalculating all.... constantly evolving, expanding and shifting all.... and constantly creating/recreating "all new realities" that obliterate/replace the "old ones" of "before"..... Embrace your LIGHT FULLY and LIVE IT FULLY.... TO BE THE EXAMPLE OF WHAT IS NOT ALREADY POSSIBLE, YET ALREADY EXISTS AND "IS"............. from this 'vibrational now'. (Zero Point from full Presence).
NOW WE GO BEYOND 12D: I'll be sharing more on "beyond 12D" and where we are "going" from here, as is appropriate and my own realities support for me to do this too. The barrage/influx of ⭐ Star Codes ⭐ are brilliant, exciting and shift everything for everyone here. ⭐ Believe it or not, this is just a tiny fraction of all and it took me a whole week to put this together, so I had to “let a lot go” and will share later as all occurs in Divine Aligned Flow. ♫
Additionally, we’ve naturally/organically activated a new Holographic Virtual Reality Version 2.0 (Morphogenic Field) (what it called itself), that is way cool as it’s much more interactive, like walking in a multi-dimensional reality/video game, yet as the one with the controller telling the field what to do, while also being the one in the reality doing the doing, with all occurring simultaneously too. The ability for our morphogenic/holographic/physical reality experience have merged together in a whole new way, so all is “one reality” instead of the holographic one being separate and “distant” like before. Some expansion experiences we are full-on in, yet then when we are up and doing, they’d be more distant and take days/weeks/months/years to materialize into form “here”. With this, the distance/“time lapse” is less. Preceding this in my own reality, the entire solar system appeared right outside my head and then integrated and then all was ONE REALITY, instead of a separate holographic and a separate physical one. “That distance/separation” is gone. The holographic reality can be inner-acted with, which before we could “see” and call all forth, yet what we had to accomplish/do took more energy/effort and this cuts down on the “time-frame”/”gap” considerably, allowing holographic realities to materialize into/through form soooooo much “faster” (Quantum) than ever before.It’s like a “2 way experience” instead of a “one way” experience like before. Stay tuned as it’s getting even more fun and interesting than ever before! Sharing more as we continue to flow, expand, go. This is a part of Plasma Reality Upgrades and 12D Templates/Abilities that are now available for all to raise their own overall vibration through expansion, anchoring new template codes and integrating/implementing all fully too. This is a game changer for all, as it allows us to anchor/activate/live new realities easier/faster (Quantum) than ever before. Remember, you/we are PURE CONSCIOUSNESS and we activate through PURE PRESENCE from deep within and then living this fully, with our every conscious act and breath. This is a part of NEW VISION AND 2020. Injoy your full-on multi-dimensional experience fully and as pure love too. ♥
I love you immensely and send love out to all. ♥ From the deepest place and space of sacred respect, care, kindness, appreciation and consideration,
Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼
For those desire to read, I’m now sharing on a “Personal Note”, a “TINY” SYNOPSIS of my own Personal Experience:
On December 30-31 (2019) when my/Earth’s 12D Template Embodiment Re-Gridding Process was “complete” (after 3 years dedicated to this), I felt my LightBody Cells “having a party” and the words were “cellular celebration” and there was this “new level” of excitement (and body/field functionality finally returned like “ascension” had never occurred). I had my “body” back, which I’ve been working with all year, as the last 10 years of “full on” Embodiment requires everything we have and are and our whole body/field too.
Since December 18th, 2019, every day/night I’ve been “reminded” that with the completion of these 12D Templates with Gaia (after 3 years dedicated to this), I was completely done with all ascension timelines on a personal level and “how” all of this worked, by observing my own whole journey/experience and breaking it down into dimensions/phases/processes and more, so that I can then explain this for others who are also going through this in their own personal reality too. It’s like the whole Ascension/Decension experience “never occurred” and is just now a “blip”. There are days that I “remember” it, so it’s been a bit “strange and cool” having a “whole chunk of my life” completely dissolve and then come back in as a “faded memory”, barely visible and unless I’m to “go there” to explain/support/guide/assist/teach, the whole thing is done/gone and now we move into a whole new phase of Unity/Service, which I’ll share as we go. I’ve completely shifted (we are supposed to), to a whole new place inside of me, and every day am completely different, which is way cool too. It’s like wrapping up my entire previously reality in a “bow” and utilizing it as the GIFT that it was/is and moving completely on into all new realities in accordance with Star Nations/12D Template Implementation and ACTually InJOYing the whole experience on a whole new level of fun, excitement and purity, while uniting, creating and sharing all new ways again. The same thing occurred with my “human experience” when I fully merged my “Universal Self” December 2012, then REMEMBERED ALL AGAIN a couple months later, by-way of re-experiencing the “fall from consciousness”, which was devastating within me, triggering an immense and DEEP physical body/reality separation clearing, making way for then merging my “future self” a couple months later, where EVERYTHING CHANGED and all this “Higher”/Ancient/Quantum KNOWLEDGE came flowing/pouring out of me, to then completing my Merkaba build that had been occurring naturally and organically as I “reversed all” from human to Soul within me and how I showed up in everyday “life”. Upon these “graduation/completion” cycles and processes for Physical Body Ascension to occur, I then naturally went on to begin the “climb” “the Ascension Ladder” of infinite levels of Higher Selves/Consciousness, by opening up access to all the other dimensions on a consciousness level, to fully integrate and embody where we are Quantum Jumping through realities at a ridiculous rate, living these fully and consciously shifting our whole reality to a “higher one” constantly, while anchoring through us and evolving at “record speed”. I had to be “faced” with everything “not highest aligned”, so that I could align it myself. It’s a part of merging polarities, resolving polarity and bringing all into full UNITY within ourselves. By stepping/moving into a 5D reality, both internally and externally, my whole life and every inner-action transitioned to loving, kind, supporting full-service, on every level, within my home, communities, globally… in every way. Every action, every exchange was service, so my whole life had to change to support all of these “new ways”. Being a Gatekeeper/Gridkeeper and Frequency Holder, we gain the ability to accomplish vastly from our deep a Soul Level, consciously honoring Sacred Soul Agreements that become more prevalent with every “new dimension/level of consciousness”, as we understand the importance of this. This meant “how” I fulfilled and “how I lived” all had to constantly shift and change to continue to increasingly support this. Uniting with Soul-Star family on various levels (in the physical/ and virtually), sharing codes and fulfilling various roles, forming/building relationships and those BONDS, while observing/clearing distortions requires everything from us, which is an important part of the NEW EARTH Template building processes as well. As we evolve as Star Family, Soul Family, we literally become a new family here. A deeply sacred, respectful, kind, loving, supportive and beautiful relationship that is unified, not separated/fractured like “before”. There is not one ounce of “lack” involved. It’s PURE love, unity, openness and readiness to create/live/accomplish together and this “new unit” cannot be measured by any human experience, as they just can’t compare, as they do not resemble our earthly perception of how anything works or is here. I had to do this on every level, in my home, every exchange, in local/online communities and globally too. Teaching/guiding/assisting and learning together as we all go. This CAN BE AS BEAUTIFUL (or as dysfunctional) as we allow. We choose pure peace, beauty, kindness, soft, flowing, brilliant ones instead, just because we can and we don’t have to “settle” for anything less when we hold our highest everything on every level, at all times, from deep within and RAYdiate this out to affect/recode naturally within “the Quantum Field” …. All through BEING PURE PRESENCE AND HOLDING THIS FULLY - AS OUR ONLY REALITY here. Since all occurs in intervals and “spans out” across all dimensions that can correlate to linear hours/days/months/years, a “completion” occurs when a specific and overall vibrational/energetic convergence occurs within the NOW EXPERIENCE.
On December 30-31, 2019, the words for “me” were: DREAM YOUR REALITIES THROUGH YOU… and then my WAKE/SLEEP STATE, “whole reality/experience”, went full on “dreamy state”, without the foggy/groggy/any density at all, full on cohesive plasma field and THROUGH OUR CONSCIOUSNESS/EXPERIENCE we were LIVING “the future” realities fully from “this reality/experience” here. And by doing this, we were “pulling those realities” into this one through our excitement, creating, having a blast and coming together to accomplish “the bigger realities” through a “new” shared reality/experience, where each is honoring/fulfilling SOUL AGREEMENTS as LOVE, working together in Divine Partnership, Presence, Joy and Excitement…. Where all is fully balanced, easy and just organically/naturally flows into the next reality and the next one …. Effortlessly… which is the Template of 12D when/as all is fully energetically in balance/aligned/held fully from deep within ourselves. (See the section regarding the Holographic Virtual Reality 2.0/Morphogenic Field, as this was the “first full experience of that”, yet every day has been that since, just in different ways, as we “do” realities. Some driving down the road or out and about connecting with others or at home, creating/BEing…. This is like a “full-on” virtual reality experience that is so like wearing 3D goggles and having the actual experience through holographic imaging… it’s hard to explain, yet way cool, so I’m hoping to create the “visual” through my sharing experience here).
In Previous “Years” on each January 1st, I would wake up and the whole year’s templates/codes would become visible for “what we were to accomplish” over the next year and it would take me days to decode and then write the encodements to share/support all through that year’s Quantum Energy Report. I would always have my personal ones and then collective ones as well and I’d share these for others, depending on the “avenue” and whatever exchanges supported/provided for this. This “year” was completely different. I started writing the January/2020 Energy Report mid-December, yet never put it out. I “thought” I’d wake up on 1/1 and finish it, yet my reality went a whole different direction, so I honored this and through FULL PRESENCE in my own experience observed all and “how all played out”.
On 12/31 a fellow soul-siStar on island called, and while I had set aside the evening and next day to finish writing the 2020 Energy Overview/Report, the energies said differently. In that moment, the answer was “yes, come on over”. While I had all of these “things” that I “needed” to do, her coming over was what was highest aligned. She came over and the experience took on this beautiful energy which carried us through all night and late into the next morning. I was already going on 2-3 solid days of getting tons done with very little sleep, yet fully energized and ready to keep rocking it. She and I went till like 6am, laughed and I gave her one of the rooms to sleep in/crash. We both slept like 3-4 hours and were up and ready to “go again”, fully energized, ready to create/accomplish and LIVE THE NEW REALITIES THROUGH. (Plasma realities allow us to do this).
The night before, she said “Do you want to stop and go write your energy report”? The answer inside was “NO. Don’t Stop Doing this, to “go do that”. Stay in this, live it fully, keep creating, anchoring and bringing this forth, as it’s much more important right now”. So I’m like “nope, this is more important right now”.....
The next morning, we were up and at it again. Sun-charging, discussing and looking at all of the possibilities, ideas and non-linear “hows” and geometric pieces and parts of the Quantum Equation. We did this for 3 days straight, up till 6-7 am, sleeping a couple/few hours, then back at it again. After the 3rd day, it was time to go apart, to do our own separate realities, clear our space, recalibrate separately then come back together again when the energies/our schedules supported this. It was only 2 days, and we did for one night/day and in a few days we will do it again for however many days are vibrationally/energetically aligned for this.
This “point” was to have this entire massive Inner-Active Quantum Field Experience “open completely up” FOR US/BY US and to BE IN THE ACTUAL EXPERIENCE FULLY, which was what “created” all to come forth, cutting down on the “gap” of it taking the whole linear year to build /accomplish/do…. Now we just “hold it” and continue to do our parts, together and separately, and while we do, the entire reality will materialize/come forth.
3 linear “days” fluidly just flowed and merged into one, increasing chunks of linear “time” by 3x as “fast”, so 3 months in linear is ONE MONTH and ONE YEAR is now 3-4 months “time”, if this helps “explain” how linear time is “collapsing/converging/merging” on a Quantum Level (faster rate is human words, yet it’s actually slower, easier and from pure Zero Point Peace and Ease). When we fully live from Zero Point/Present moment, there is no time, so the whole reality is this now… and then “how” linearity plays into this, is very different… which is how it’s been since 2012, yet each phase is different, as our own LightBody-Field in conjunction with Gaia/Universally/Cosmically and WHERE WE ACTUALLY VIBRATIONALLY FUNCTION from determines all.
WE and our whole ENERGETIC HOLOGRAPHIC QUANTUM FIELD went through a “whole reality pole flip” and we watched the whole thing “turn upside down” (this flips human realities upside down into chaos) and then again as we “slid” right into the whole “new” reality, effortlessly, having a blast and excited at all available to support/accomplish together (and with others co-joining to expand fulfillment of much higher purposes/roles fully too).
During the 3 Day Creation/Living the Dream Through” Experience, the words were: THIS IS YOUR NEW NOW.
Cool…. So by both of us doing this, we amplified the Quantum Effect of the Unified Creation Field, we had an absolute blast, it was beautiful, we created higher service realities literally “out of thin air”.... I think we “slept” a whole 8 hours in 3 days, FULLY ENERGIZED and only laying down to shift clear/shift/anchor and “enter” into “the next”. The easiest way I have to “equate it” is that we “did” a 24-hour linear day in a few hours, laid down to clear/anchor/activate the next, got up and did the next “24-hour day” in a few hours then laid down, did the same, then got up a couple hours later to “do the next 24-hour day” and by the end of the day, we’d “done” 3 whole days and still were not tired, so we did it again the next day… “working/creating/flowing” into the next morning till like 7am, laid down a few hours, then up and did it again. We did this for like 2-3 days until the ENERGY of the Whole Thing was complete, then we went our separate ways, then a couple days later, came back together again… and picked all right back up and did this again for 1 day, then went apart and will come back together in a few days… as we are merging realities, while still maintaining our own separately… so there is nothing like “the old”.... Completely “separate” realities, until it serves a purpose for us to merge these fully (if it does), so we can increase Divine Flow and accomplish more together (and with others) than either one of us could do separately before.
So I am sharing with all that this might assist… Did you forget to Dream? DREAM YOUR NEW REALITIES THROUGH YOU AND LIVE THEM FULLY NOW TOO! ♥
When it comes to working together, coexisting together, creating entire realities together, we spend a lot of “time” (ENERGY) getting to know each other, seeing if there is ENERGETIC COMPATIBILITY, where we “can’t”/are not able to come together yet, due to any separation/old mentality/linear constructs/current realities in place and then the next time we feel to come together (can be a week/month/year), we do, we build a relationship, we go apart for a few weeks/month, then when it’s aligned, we come back together… This is creating a foundation and a BUILDING PROCESS through patience, investing in the relationship/reality building process, supporting each other and the entire reality, and since full-vibrational-alignment takes “time”, we also have to see if we have a SHARED VISION, otherwise the reality “won’t work”. Each person in my life, we’ve been doing this over “time”. One has taken 3 years, another almost a year, so it’s not an overnight process and everyone has to truly deeply care, be ready to be in humbled full-service and to truly willing and ready to come together to fulfill higher service roles together, and separately as well. We are building Soul Level Relationships, based upon a foundation of Sacred Trust, Honor, Integrity, Love, Unity, Peace, Contribution, Sharing and mutually beneficial support. We are all “proving ourselves” (that we won’t “go human” (ego) and separate off from the greater whole), that we will show up and come through, that we will always be pure in every way and that we truly do actually care about ourselves, each other and humanity too, otherwise there’s no reality together and unless there’s a purpose/point to an actual exchange, there is no purpose/point, as we don’t “just waste time/energy/hang”. We love our alone time, our solitude, our peace, our ability to create and live beautiful magical realities, so “others” have to bring something to the table that we can’t already do/accomplish ourselves. Other “types of exchanges” are short and brief, and serve a barrage of different purposes, that aren’t important for this sharing here.
Because we do not have that separation, those ego barriers/excuses, and the “I can’t see beyond myself” programs going on, we are able to come together without that conditioning/programming/separation coming into play. We realize how this works, and we both/all have to be wide open and willing to do our part. It’s “that easy” and everyone receives/gets to inJOY the most amazing, beautiful realities as a result while supporting fulfilling much higher purposes/roles through UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS and for HUMANITY and for all of us here.
Pay attention to how complicated you make things, the disruptions you allow, when you are separated/struggling inside, what “stories you are telling”, your mindsets/energy and and shift all to pure peace/harmonization/ease/readiness/openness within yourself. ♥
First, the vastness of all.... everything is just "too much to write"/share in one article or video or conversation.... and so as I do each year, I will break this down and share in subsequent "reports/updates" as I accomplish this/is appropriate. Everything I share is an integral part of our greater whole.
In order to explain, I will share a bit of my own personal experience inner-woven & at the end (with more later and as is highest aligned), yet for this now, it's not important in the scope of all things, as LIVING ALL FULLY is the WHOLE point. In order to HOLD THE NEW in place, in order to SHARE THE AMAZINGNESS, in order for all to be REAL, we have to live it fully, with our ENTIRE BEING, through our PRESENCE and with every ACT too. This means deepening our own personal experiences and being willing to "do the work" and fulfill higher service roles, which constantly shift/change/take new form with every template re-write that we go through as we continually anchor new codes within. ♥
In order to do this, we have to HONOR OURSELVES, OUR LIGHTBODIES AND OUR OWN REALITIES FULLY, from our own highest place/space of PURE DIVINE LOVE and by Living this way, IN FULL DIVINE UNION within ourselves, in order to have the capability to “do” this with others, just by BEing this, transmitting out the tones/codes/frequencies and SHOWING THE WAY in every now moment of every NEW EARTH day. WE HOLD THE FOUNDATION for all in place from within us. We HOLD the entire Quantum/Unified Field IN PLACE from within us and we then can UNITE our fields/realities to expand this even more, to create even more to share/provide even more…. ONCE WE ARE THIS FULLY…. Then it’s organic, natural and simple, as it’s “just who/what we are” and “how we live” our everything here. ♥
Flow with me as I 'break' this down vibrationally (only using linear references as marker points):
We have individual, collective and planetary awakenings, as well as individual, collective and planetary “dark night” of the ego/death/rebirth cycles, as well as individual, collective and planetary ascension processes, as well as individual, collective and planetary evolutionary processes, with each occurring in infinite different phases and processes for each. 2012 we had Gaia's Ascension (when the Gateways opened to allow for this), and each individually "doing" their own individual/personal ascension process, with "forerunners" "going first", then the next group/wave/collective, then the next group/wave/collective... and so on.... to "create" a huge "collective" all leading up to a separate "next" Collective Ascension (where we are now/7 linear years later) and Planetary Liberation/Ascension (the next phase), with "waves" of individuals strategically located/placed all over the planet (physical body has coordinates/codes that determine this/all), in different locations/roles all fulfilling differently based upon their own personal ascension process and infinite service for humanity roles here. (It's important not to get in your head about "service", as this is non-traditional, non-defined and all accomplished through Pure Presence and acts of love, kindness, support, unity, respect and care).
It’s beyond important to understand that the entire 4th Dimension is going through their “literal hell” and to hold compassion, care, love and respect and offer whatever kindness, support is relative, important and brings Unity, softness and honors the heavy duty emotional/physical cleansing/clearing processes that are an important part of dissolving separation/ego death. There are going to be massive things occur that “push people together”, to “force” a SHIFT, to strip away the separation each held with not being able to come together, truly care, support and share before…. Which is a part of “how” these realities “have to occur”, as the ego aspect will not do many of these parts necessary on their own. Every one of us who went through our own ego death, the immensity of purging/clearing our own “hell” within, had to go through this, to do our own Ascension Process, yet standing in judgment, rubbing “happiness” in the face of those suffering is not the kind thing to do. Telling people that “it’s a part of the process” when they’ve just lost everything or gone through their most horrific experience is not the kind and compassionate thing, and it’s an ego act too. Treating all with the utmost respect and love, while holding a supportive energy without catering to old mentalities is an art/Mastery within itself. It’s where each learns how to BE THERE FOR EACH OTHER, share resources, share homes, share vehicles, and use what each has to make a difference/support more, instead of everyone “needing their own” and the planet having “too much stuff”.
As a part of a 12D/NEW Earth Sustainability Program, all is combined, and through Unity/CommUNITY, there’s no need for “duplicates” and multiples…. Where each moves beyond the “this is mine”/that’s theirs” mentality of separation and acquiring “things” became an individual thing from a place of consumerism, ignorance, need and lack. Light Families/Star Families/Communities/homes are restructured to support HIGHER PURPOSES/ROLES for HUMANITY, instead of individual ones. The entire “reality” is constructed to support a living breathing workable system that’s cohesive, coherent and where all live pure JOY, ease and abundance through a commUNITY/HOME SHARING SYSTEM that flourishes because all receive all that they “need” to support, uplift, inspire and create more/anchor more Heaven on Earth (and Galactic Civilizations) here. Living Consciousness Communities are restructured to optimize sharing and ENERGETIC COMPATIBILITY (which is a whole massive process within itself).
Many will be “pushed” together to share homes, use one vehicle for many, share money/resources, as it’s a part of the process as well. Human Ego Aspects don’t share, support, come together and put each other and our planet “first”. They are attached to who’s what is who’s, things and who “owns” what, who has what, entitlement of “I worked for this, I paid for this”, when in essence, who cares? It’s a “thing” and that is separation within itself. As each understand “why we have things” and “how we are to utilize everything” then the dynamics of everything changes. We take from one place and we use it where it’s needed. We RE-DISTRIBUTE things in accordance with 12D guidelines/templates/codes…. If one thing has more and one has none, then we “take” from that which has “too much” and we “put it” where something doesn't.
On a COSMIC LEVEL this is a part of the re-balancing of “things” and how actual physical abundance works. 5D and above, we invest all/everything and we “own” nothing, yet we lack for nothing at all and live fully abundant on every level, because we share and understand “how the physical works” as well…. The only time this is the “opposite” is when someone has an EXPECTATION to receive (Entitlement Energy) and “expects” without offering/supporting or contributing of themselves, then those realities are not shared, because the energy is childish, selfishness and separation within itself and we do not feed that energy, we instead empower and “hold out” until “they are ready” to actually step forth/up to do their part, as none of us are incapable, yet the ego aspect loves to tell itself and others this… When all truly care, everything is easy… yet when they don’t, then it’s not. All we need is our wide open caring, considerate and sharing hearts… the rest is organic, natural and combines skills, resources, abilities and “things” to create even more FOR EVERYONE … it’s the opposite of selfishness and greed. It’s a reciprocal, balancing and generosity reality that creates more from love and doesn’t need as much, because everyone shares on every level, transcending every lack program once held.
From I/Me/Mine to WE/Ours:
New Earth Realities are very different than old Earth Realities were. Where we each function from is very different, so realities HAVE to be different too. We all move from an “I/Me/Mine” mentality to a WE CONSCIOUSNESS OF ONE (Oneness) and everything is about sharing, supporting and receiving as a part of a much greater whole. Separation within creates a reality/experience emanating from “not-enough”, hoarding and selfishness, whereas Unity within utilizes everything to support the WHOLE. Balance is ENERGETIC, ALIGNMENT is ENERGETIC and “things” are viewed differently. Nothing is for “one” individual anymore. “How” this works is a part of the 12D Template, so we must function from here to see, understand and apply all new parameters to “the equation”, which is how every Quantum Reality works now.
Old Earth was “little children” Ego energy (the body/age doesn’t matter), drama, owning/status/attachment/cords, finger pointing, compromise on a Soul Level, zero energetic responsibility and selfishness, with “putting everything on everyone else” and a refusal/resistant energy to COME TOGETHER AS PURE LOVE to live together, work together, share. New Earth is the OPPOSITE and this reality now prevails.
THERE IS A WAY TO DO THIS WITHOUT THE EGO INVOLVED… and this what each’s journey is, is to learn this and live this way here. Self-Mastery leads to WHOLE REALITY MASTERY which is an Ascended NEW Earth Multi-Dimensional Experience/Life and our Higher Consciousness HUmanity/Quantum Existence as well.
Accessing Heaven (Ascension) inside means that “hell” starts to emerge, and everything that was suppressed, oppressed, deeply buried inside on a cellular level is coming up to FEEL and then EACH learning to consciously CHOOSE which reality/experience they will accept and then “doing” that which is highest aligned to honor/support/create this. Each’s LIGHTBODY is the CENTER OF ALL and the most important thing there is, as it’s HOW each returns to full consciousness, embodies their SOUL in order to live Heaven on Earth, by anchoring all of the codes within, holding/integrating the higher knowledge/wisdom/guidance and applying it/implementing it within every aspect of “life”.... The ego doesn’t want to “choose” this, so a “breaking down” process ensues to assist with this. It’s cellular, which means the “body” needs a ridiculous amount of nature, love, quiet, alone time, respect and care, so that it can BUILD YOUR LIGHTBODY from the inside out and reconstruct your entire FIELD/reality for walking/living/breathing/experiencing your most exquisite dream as your every moment here. Each must do this for themselves, it can’t be done by anyone/anything outside… The external can be a tool or a guide, yet everything is INSIDE and this is where we each have to go, as every dimension, possibility, potential and answer is “in there”, and at first, buried deep...yet eventually, no longer buried…. Always there, simple, easy and such JOY, because each CHOSE through full Consciousness and held this AS THEIR WHOLE REALITY for full vibrational tuning/alignment/harmonization/synchronization to occur.
Each will ANCHOR Heaven through themselves, hold this (full integration) and create/build/hold the FOUNDATION FOR THIS FULLY, building a whole new reality “from scratch” (Zero Point). These realities are “solid”, yet they take much linear time and focused energy/effort/attention to accomplish/hold and expand wayyyyyyyyy out. The “solidity” of each’s reality NOW is relative to their ENERGY, ability to stabilize all of these “higher dimensional frequencies/cosmic codes” and hold them fully in order to APPLY to every aspect of their own lives. As this occurs, once this occurs, THEN each will EXPERIENCE the bliss, magic, purity, simplicity, ease and immense abundance available to/for all/each. ♥
UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS/REALITY CREATION AND LIVING NEW EARTH IS EXCITING, exhilarating, deeply sacred, pure and so much fun. It’s also a lot of “work”, as you are accomplishing huge realities in service for humanity, each other, our planet, all. It takes total openness, willingness and an energy that CONTRIBUTES in every way. It’s supportive, inspiring and expands our hearts in the most profound, simple, beautiful, mind-blowing, soft, powerful and amazing ways. Only the ego aspect fears any of this, as this literally is ALL HEAVENLY/SOUL DESIRES fulfilled, yet having nothing to do with an individual or a thing, those are just bonuses and an added benefit, as sharing in the creation, maintaining and sustaining of NEW EARTH REALITIES is an honor and joy within itself. As Light BEings, as Pure Souls, as Galactic Teams - we unite to experience, share, fulfil together and everyone is supported, receives abundantly as a result. By uniting, we can make all “easier” for everyone, and everyone can experience the blessings, gifts, magic and joy. All have to be “ready”, open and willing to always step up/forth to fulfill much higher aligned soul purposes/roles/missions here, yet it’s not complicated, it’s simple and as easy as each will allow it to be. All in Divine Alignment and Flow, we don’t bring distortions in. We see them, yet we dissolve/resolve them ourselves and offer our highest everything for the benefit of all as a WE CONSCIOUSNESS OF ONE - Heart-Love Here. It’s beautiful…. Graceful, eloquent and sometimes we have to put our big pants on and get our hands dirty, do the “jobs” that no one else wants, because it supports the greater whole and who cares what we do when we have the possibility/reality of LIVING PURE DREAMS as actual realities here?
Money, sex and anything “status” or identity related carry distortions, separation, manipulation and power games when functioning as a human (3D), yet all of these things are very different 5D and above. There is an awareness of each, yet the programming and separation is visible, so it doesn’t come into play. Instead the purpose of each (energy) is understood and recalculated/redefined in accordance with Purity Consciousness and Cosmic Rules/Laws and everything is “reworked” to abide by “highest aligned” relative to current parameters of what templates are still operating on an individual and collective level as well. Each will redesign their whole reality to take all into “account” and reformulate a new equational output based upon Quantum Dynamics/Algorithms/Codes to create a RETURN that honors Sacredness, while observing all the moving pieces and parts and computing a new Equation relative to the greater whole. Transitioning entire collectives and realities over to a completely different and “new” 12D way is a massive process within itself. Nothing is as thought, perceived and once believed, so re-working all constantly to take everything into account, while holding honor, integrity and love on a SOUL LEVEL takes finesse, patience and releasing all judgment about everything, as the “old” no longer applies and until each gains FULL ACCESS to EVERYTHING, then the “view”/perspective is still fractals and only a “part” of the much bigger picture, which becomes visible with each purification stage/process of RETURNING TO FULL CONSCIOUSNESS again.
Currently, our Earth Gaia is running 12 different frequency bandwidths/densities (12 Strand DNA/12D as the baseline now), all with very different realities. This means that our EARTH/Planet/Star/Ship IS MULTI-DIMENSIONAL/Quantum and that EVERYTHING "follows" Quantum "Processes and Rules" now. She is accelerating her own EVOLUTION as a Star Planet/Terra Nova (which means a Living LeMUria and other "ancient" existences as a part of this as well), where 5D is the baseline for existence, which means that anything of 3D "goes" at an accelerated rate and this applies to EVERYTHING relative to 3D Consciousness/DNA, yet the "how" is not linear, so even this takes an understanding/observation/discussion/expansion of consciousness from a much higher state (Soul/OverSoul/Source Consciousness/Love).
COUNTERBALANCING PROCESSES AND PHASES: In order to bring all into "new balance", establish all new systems (the old are obsolete), establish a whole new civilization that doesn't carry duality and all of the polarity/polarization, then COUNTERBALANCING is occurring at an exponential rate. For each standing/living from their own highest state of consciousness, then each will do this themselves. This is a part of utilizing ELECTROMAGNETICS to shift/reverse/tune everything to not only "do the opposite" of 3D, yet to also REVERSE POLARITY on a Quantum Level so that an opposite rotational field spin can be created "faster" for counterbalancing to naturally occur. This is relative to atomic spin/oscillation rates that dictate how Quantum Realities work. Our planet is now enacting VERY STRONG COUNTERBALANCING MEASURES (on a Quantum Level) to bring all into "new balance" on our planet, returning all to full consciousness, which means “whatever it takes to get every heart open” so that our planet can unite, so as you can see, it’s a massive process within itself, so you will be able to see “the amount of energetic force” that has been activated to accomplish Cosmic Alignment on a planetary level now. For those individuals accomplishing this within their own lives, experiences will be vastly different than those that have not achieved this fully within themselves and their entire lives, and because it’s “geometric” and “energetic”. Emerging “from nowhere” will be an influx of STAR-LIGHT BEINGS that become visible when each tune into the FREQUENCY and ENERGY and connect on a whole-heart-wide-open consciousness level instead of a critical, resistant, judgmental, closed hearted non-trusting human ego one.
Planetary Evolution and Higher Consciousness starts to take a forefront as we continue on. Those things not previously accepted or understood now become more prevalent and important, because of how each’s lives are touched/affected now. Used to be it was the “select few” and now it’s the WHOLE PLANET, yet this is multi-dimensional too, so each density/dimension experiences relative to their own personal/overall/whole vibration/energy/physical body density and where each is “located” is by collective and strategic to “individual soul signature and galactic energy signatures”, relative to encodings and how these correlate to an actual “location” is energetic/vibrational/encoded as well. (There will be a lot of “moving around” as new codes are activated, old soul contracts are cleared, dimensional shifting increases and the Grids/Stargate systems in each’s body need to be activated at an accelerated rate, while “letting go” of “old realities” increases and each’s physical body goes offline from “old earth” and comes online with “new earth”, which is a massive process as the “crystals” in each’s body are activated/formed/developed. When these crystals “cycle off”, then each’s physical body “is back” in an old earth reality and when these crystals tune, complete various re-tuning processes, activate, start shaking and Quantum Cellular activity increases, then the physical body starts vibrating/shaking (as does Gaia’s) to vibrate into a different dimensional version of reality and the “how” this works increases/changes with each new LightBody/Embodiment phase. Placement on this planet is geometric and energetic, according to CODES AND ROLES…. And will “change” as all evolves/shifts, which is a massive geometric equation within itself. Placement as far as the Dynamic of “the whole picture” is Quantum/Energetic/Role specific too, so as each fulfills much higher purposes/roles, then “reality placement” changes substantially too. Once each’s entire Crystalline Structure and Plasma Networking systems and Energetic Quantum Field have completed various “construction phases” and completely come online, then NEW EARTH REALITIES are “the new normal” and natural/present “all of the time”. This is relative to each’s 12 Strand DNA, full embodiment processes and fulfillment of various “higher consciousness roles” and a complete “rebuild” of each’s whole life on a consciousness level, through conscious creation, unification processes and moving from a linear reality to a fully quantum one. Our hearts/universal hearts/universal minds and whole body have to be wide open and how we live our lives must be this way too. Full Mastery and Sovereignty on an Energetic Level is necessary, as souls are not “little children” giving their power away and blaming everyone else, living in judgment or trying to hold onto the old ways of “before”. Embodiment is a maturation process, a development process, and evolution process of LIVING COMPLETELY FROM OUR HEARTS in EVERY WAY and our entire Species is Evolving, our whole planet is evolving and TRANSITIONING OVER to a whole new civilization that was pre-determined for/by each one of us prior to incarnation/walking in here. Everything is a part of a MUCH BIGGER PROCESS/PICTURE, “plan” if you will, and until each can REMEMBER FULLY, there will be confusion, which is what 2020 accelerates… HEART OPENING and expansion and “unfortunately” suffering and devastation are early phases of busting our hearts wide open and “removing the barriers” that the ego aspect used to be able to use to stay disconnected/asleep/separated… and those way are not acceptable anymore.
There are so many “ways” to awaken, yet density/linearity/external focus/resistance “bind” human egos to the harsh/rough/challenging/tough/devastating/shattering ways. IF ONE IS TRULY READY TO AWAKEN THROUGH SOFTNESS, KINDNESS, BENEVOLENCE AND LOVE, then each must CHOOSE this as their own way and dissolve their own ego resistance themselves. Various moments/stages of awakening and later stages of awakening are kind, loving and soft. Consciousness CHOOSES soft, ego aspects unconsciously choose “harsh/rough”, because the experience/energy has to be “stronger” than the ego is… to break through those walls of armor/protection/doubt/fears/beliefs…. Once these walls/protection/survival mechanisms/self-preservation energies “are gone”, then the process is sooooooooooooooooooooooooo much easier. We have to understand the whole process if we are going to shift/choose a “different journey/path” and choose the beautiful experiences instead of the rough ones. Awakening is “harsh” because of the amount of EGO Programming each still holds. Awakening is rough because of the resistance each still holds. Awakening is devastating when the heart is closed (with no awareness of this though). Awakening IS THE PROCESS OF OPENING EACH’S HEART/UNIVERSAL HEART fully, so that Ascension can begin, which presents “different” challenges of moving from “one matrix” to a different one, which was all held in each’s own physical body and each’s entire energy field.
For those who have “accomplished this” within their own lives, then softness, kindness and ease is how we do every reality and how we support, guide, assist all we connect with in accomplishing this for themselves (therefore all as ONE) too. We become Cosmic Portals/Gateways and can evolve/elevate and assist all who are truly ready with “coming through too”.
These are the Gatekeepers / Gridkeepers / Light Keepers / Frequency Holders / WayShowers / Ancients / Guardians / Embodiers who HOLD THIS FULLY and transmit this out energetically, naturally, organically and with great ease. Zero Ego equals Full Consciousness…. And for those who ARE the foundation, who have created the foundation and hold the foundation and constructs in place, then this emanates out through the UNIFIED QUANTUM FIELD and it can be FELT/recognized energetically by those who are completely open and ready for this. Each here becomes a beacon, a Light, a Guide and technically doesn’t have to “do anything” other than HOLD THIS FULLY…. As what we “do” is above and beyond and relative to our own individual Soul Agreements that we each honor fully as love for all of HUmanity/Our Planet and each other as Pure Love here. ♥
Gaia/Universe/Cosmic: Earth’s STAR CODES have been activated/“turned on”
These Star Codes dictate how this planet is structured and how she is now evolving into something “completely different” than before. These NEW Codes and templates dictate all. When one/all exist in unison and AS this, everything is fully vibrationally and energetically aligned on these levels, meaning all exists and is maintained in Divine Cosmic Flow. By maintaining separation, there is confusion, struggle and challenges, because the string/union/connection necessary for ease/remembering is not there…. And it’s up to each of us to go deep inside and place our bodies wherever supports accomplishing this. This means making the conscious choice to constantly clear our field of any external stimuli/density that does not FULLY SUPPORT our ability to hold/achieve/maintain/sustain full expansion and our own highest vibrational frequency overall and from deep within. In the beginning, this is challenging, yet this too is a part of the process of exercising “Divine Free Will/Conscious Choice” and making that decision, putting forth the effort and surrendering that which bound us to that reality/dimension/experience before. This is a re-prioritizing and reversal process at first, which breaks down/dissolves ego/resistance/excuses/programs held deep within, so that each can shift into a whole new reality/dimension/experience here.
Each’s energy/mentalities and own conditioning/programming is what binds each to their own reality. Observing/shifting this, allows one to shift to a whole new space within, therefore “triggering”/telling the external how to vibrationally re-align to support/honor/match this.
THIS YEAR HAS OPENED UP COSMIC ALIGNMENT ON A WHOLE NEW LEVEL..... IT'S THE FOCAL POINT for our whole planet/SOULar system; bringing everything "on the planet" into a much higher/lighter density by clearing out all that "is not". This is done through powerful recoding, reconfiguration, recalibration and realignment processes dictated by Cosmic Codes being activated at increasingly accelerated rates 24/7 and continuing as we go. Integration and acclimation are key. These activate Soul Codes/Star Codes/Light Codes held and “pre-seeded” (starseeds/star codes) prior to this physical incarnation and including every existence, not just the “human” one previously perceived.
A/The "way" that each gains access/achieves/receives/lives these different dimensions as ACTUAL REALITIES is through each's overall "level" of consciousness first, holding this so that their body can break-down on a cellular/molecular level to integrate the codes that re-code on atomic/DNA/Genetic level, clearing the density of all "lower dimensions" held within the body's cellular body, so that it can literally vibrate (at the speed of Light, i.e. Quantum Jumping) into a "higher"/LIGHTer Density as an ACTual Experience. The way that one "achieves these dimensions" as their own ACTual REALity, is to hold the consciousness fully until a massive template re-writing and re-gridding process is complete. (This part takes years, yet occurs constantly all along the way) and restructuring their entire lives according to all of this.
The 5th Dimension is pure heart based everything, soul aligned and walking in a "dream state" much of the time, as "anchoring" light codes within the body shifts "how" the physical works. It's playful, pure peace, fun, resilient and so exciting and beautiful (literally new colors, sounds, feelings and more). This process "begins" in 4D and the transition by way of "each experience" can take years, as it's all vibrational/non-linear and dictated how long it takes to get one's body clean and restore their DNA from all the damage done through their "human experience".
5D-12D are higher levels of Purity, Consciousness, Energetic Responsibility, honoring Soul Agreements, fulfilling higher purposes/missions/roles and shifting entire realities to all NEW Earth ones. Foggy/groggy is normal with every LIGHT CODE BLAST, as the body dissolves "veils of amnesia", clears its own density/linearity and anchors ridiculous amounts of LIGHT within the physical form where integration and "application" are key.
This is a RETURNING process through deep Heart REMEMBERING, so linear human memories start to fade/dissolve as each's body is "brought on-line" with a NEW Earth Gridding & Networking System (housed in each's spine, musculature system, neural pathways, blood, bones, skin, organs and whole body and inner-linked with various layers of their whole energy field).
Basically, we ascend back "up" to 12D through our own constant heart-expansion/consciousness, while "pulling"/descending "the higher realms" "down" into and through our own form and holding this fully until all is completely integrated within us (Embodiment), for our bodies to accomplish the "density changing" processes to physically change dimensions/experiences and then each re-aligning every aspect of their own LIFE to these new codes/ways. (Simplified version).
The 3rd Dimension was held in place by fixed linear (egoic) mentalities, beliefs, programs and constructs based upon an "old illusion" that no longer "applies" (or works). This "whole dimension" is being transitioned to a whole new timeline/density, as all is up-shifted to a higher/lighter density where the baseline for all is 5D. Those souls that chose not to continue on in form pre-chose to “exit” form and re-join the Unified Field of Consciousness as ONE SOURCE ENERGY. When a whole timeline “goes”, then everyone in that timeline can too. This is a part of “mass exodus” as a part of our planetary evolution here. For the human aspect that only has access to a 3D perception/experience, then the version of understanding is just this. As more start to truly comprehend that each’s individual and collective EXPERIENCE is REFLECTIVE of a dimension/density occupied, then more will consciously CHOOSE TO SHIFT where they function from and CONSCIOUSLY CHOOSE and entirely different/new experience and actually start to LIVE THIS FULLY, shifting entire timelines on a Quantum Level as each does. ♥
Right now, we have an entire planet of beautiful Light BEings/Code Holders/Souls doing this, therefore consciously, constantly and intentionally shifting entire timelines/realites on a much greater scale for all. The magnitude of these shifts are more powerful and a result of the increasing POWER of NEW EARTH GRIDDING SYSTEMS held within Gaia/Each one of us. As these BODY-FIELD energetic grids LIGHT UP, shake, quicken and activate all new vibrational geometric lattices, star-codes, coordinates and encoded holographic realities, that become “real” as each LIVES THEM, as a part of a HUGE re-distribution/re-balancing/re-alignment of our entire planet and inhabitants. ♥
This is about EVOLVING, so all must Evolve to maintain/remain on this planet, yet at each’s own "pace", so it's important to RESPECT each's individual/personal journey, focus on your own and then become the example/share/support all who are truly ready to embrace their own experience, just like we all have to here. Everyone's BODY is coded/encoded for each of "those moments" that their hearts open fully to transmit OUT immense electromagnetic energy to expand out into their own field in order for a UNIFICATION process to occur. Lightbody/field tuning is necessary for this, so plenty of alone time/space and nature is necessary until each “retuning/recalibration/synchronization” process is complete.
Cellular Photonic Light Code DNA Activation & Re-Coding occurs in infinite ways:
- Cosmic influxes daily (means we don’t have to “do” anything but surrender/honor/integrate/respect/allow)
- Through exposure, connecting and merging fields
- Through direct experience
- Through intentional activations and various “tools”
- Anything that opens our hearts fully will do this naturally and organically, which is why many of us choose to do this consciously ourselves, creating an experience that’s beautiful, soft, kind and with greater ease.
- “When” is not a time. It’s non-linear, vibrational/energetic and relative to each's own SOUL determining this.
- Yes, we can all "activate", provide, assist, yet we are not to impose, force or "need" others to do this "our way". That's each's ego and playing in the unconscious realms/games.
AS LOVE, WE CREATE OPPORTUNITIES and then it's up to each.... as we have PLENTY TO DO and we stay focused on accomplishing that which supports the greater whole and individually as highest aligned too. Anyone judging is in their ego/disconnected state. It’s no one’s place to judge/do this. ♥
Conscious and alive Gaia is RE-EVOLVING as a Star Planet (Terra Nova) and is restructuring according to Cosmic Earth-Star Light/DNA Codes that she holds from where we “seeded” this planet long before "now", and by way of traveling through the photon belt, continues to accelerate a de-evolving/evolving process through the activation of an entirely "new" Crystalline Gridding System, Photonic Light Networking System and increasing Plasma Energies too. SHE is "dropping density" and clearing immense multi-dimensional/multi-existence karmic timelines/realities and restoring our beloved planet to a pristine "Sacred HOME" for us all. Through the evolution of our Star DNA, we all are evolving the planet/our into a Galactic Civilization and we all have many roles to fulfill to accomplish this through Peace, Grace and Ease. This is what our 2020 timeline accelerates, as we have pre-determined "timelines" for accomplishing an immense amount of "work" as the NEW EARTH HUMANS "preparing for so much more", which will be shared/provided as we continue to go. Gaia is clearing heavy duty akashes that were held in her dense gridding systems as she changes density, ones that previously "bound the entire planet" to a certain place. She is clearing on a cellular/atomic/molecular level as well and SHE is "righting" everything through a massive re-harmonizing, reconfiguration, re-balancing of electromagnetics and unification processes and asking each here to unite, work together as Light, honor, respect, love and do the same. (At first she will "ask" and then she will demand/require, as refusing to listen/honor/respect is 3D and she will override and align herself, forgo much of what you see occurring. She "took over" in 2015 and said "I've got this", which allowed many of us to shift our focus to other things....). Yes each person is RESPONSIBLE for their own individual ACTS, how they treat our Sacred HOME/Planet and contribute to the greater whole. Yes, 3D is playing out everything “not okay”, the metaphoric battle of Armageddon, battle of the “dark and the light”, the Galactic Wars (Orion/galaxies), yet that is a dimensional experience relative to a level of consciousness that plays itself out while “those” who have gone on to create all new realities, form the new systems, programs and realities that support a much higher consciousness humanity/existence actually EXPERIENCE a completely different reality aligned with Unity/Love, where all are working together, care about each other/our planet and do whatever it takes to fulfill the highest aligned roles/purposes/missions where “those” things are literally not playing out at all. They are barely visible, unless one stops to “go check and see”, as dimensions are broken down by frequency bandwidths and a 5-12th Dimensional Crystalline Plasma Light BEing in form is experiencing their correlating dimensional experience, based upon the vibration that the whole body/being vibrates at overall. Lightbodies actually vibrate in and out of realities, like materializing/de-materializing out of the “movies”, this is literally what occurs on a multi-dimensional level and the ability to “teleport” is a “higher dimensional” capability that is natural, organic and “how each lives”, so there’s “no trying to do this”. It just “is”. This is a whole different topic that we can touch on more later, yet I’ve written of these experiences/abilities for years. 3D is a “binding” reality where physical body density can’t vibrate out of that dimension, other than occasionally, yet there’s no sustainability/ability to maintain this as one’s WHOLE REALITY until all of the linearity/physical density has physically been cleared.♥
We are in the middle of a massive natural Terra-forming process relative to Earth-Star evolution accelerating as we continue to go. All "earthly bodies" must "drop the density" (rebalance/reconfigure/restructure) according to a whole new energetic gridding and Stargate system located within Gaia and her atmosphere/field and each one of us here.
As a NEW Earth Planetary System, we are literally returning to/through becoming a Star Nation here/again. The completion of these 12D Templates is a game changer, as it ends “all Ascension Timelines” (done personally by each) and moves each into fulfilling much higher Star Nation/Galactic Council Roles by way of fulfilling/honoring various Soul Agreements and living Divine Partnerships/Unions through our own individual lives and working together as LOVE for our Planet and all of HUmanity here.
Awakening is a "first" part of this process, if you will. It can take our whole life to awaken until we "hit that moment" where a massive Ascension process begins, which moves everyone into a whole different phase. Instead of this being by "years", we shift all to vibrational frequencies/energy/dimensions, to comprehend "how" all occurs/works on a multi-dimensional level, instead of an outdated/obsolete linear one.
When I refer to various things, I will mention/choose a "starting point"/reference point, which is vibrational/energetic, not linear in any way. It's not bound by dates, age, body, race or any gender identification or roles/statuses like human aspects identify things. This is broken down into vast phases/processes too. This WHOLE THING IS ABOUT GETTING EACH'S HEART/MIND/ENERGY SO COMPLETELY WIDE OPEN... no matter what it takes. Pre-ascension this occurs differently than POST-Physical-Body-Ascension does. We get into "pole flips" and "polarity" and "reversal processes", as well as the "stripping away" and deconstruction phases relative to "ego-based"/created realities and "transition phases" from Head to Heart, as well as "out there"/outer worlds/realities vs. inner worlds and then inner-to outer and the correlation of "connection vs. disconnection/separation as well....
We can/do awaken through feeling beauty, love, softness, kindness and pure peace that will bring forth such powerful emotions, tears of presence/bliss/appreciation and remembrance, yet early phases our human anatomy/aspects/density don't fully "allow" for this, therefore what is "perceived" (and experienced) as "devastating, harsh, rough, intense and completely cruel” can occur, to unanchor/knock loose/shake and jolt each out of fixed linear mindsets, complacency/compliance, selfishness and our hearts/minds being closed/shut off/walled away and protecting out of fear/give our power away. There is also a massive shifting of priorities and changing our entire value system from an old earth one to a new earth one, which doesn't happen overnight. It's an immense process of moving all to their hearts where linear mindsets can COMPLETELY dissolve/fall away and move over to a geometric/Quantum/Energetic Reality that changes how we all live/co-exist and function here. What many are unaware of is, this is each’s Merkaba (Universal Ascension Vehicle) trying to “move” (geometrics) and “recreate” each’s reality, yet the “person” within the field/bubble/universe is hanging on so tight that their Merkaba will actually SHAKE and completely deconstruct the constructs of each’s reality WHEN IT’S TIME to awaken from the old illusions of separation held deep within (and played out in that “reality” as a result of this).
One can awaken years before the rest of a specific collective does. It’s not a race. It’s an honor, pure JOY and immense amount of RESPONSIBILITY on a Soul Level here. When we have many awake, we have a collective. When we have many asleep, we have a collective. When we have many ascended, we have another collective and how we "look at these" is different based upon what we are trying to explain in order to teach/guide/assist with dissolving/resolving confusion regarding "all of this"....
Old Earth we refer to realities based upon mentalities/energies of individualism and separation, where as NEW Earth we refer to Unity-based, Teams, Light Family and Love.... and where each "functions from" dictates one's actual MULTI-DIMENSIONAL EXPERIENCE... that which is referred to as "reality" substantially changes with each phase of awakening and individual ascension/embodiment processes.... As our actual physical realities completely change in response to this as well, as EVERYTHING SERVES much higher/different purposes than before. It’s no longer about any one individual, yet a geometric of “how” all fits into a much greater picture and as integral parts of a much greater whole/all.
Everyone is important, everyone matters, yet no one “more” than another… everyone is “equal” and has the same access/opportunities, yet all must go deep inward to open up access and bring this forth from their own deep sacred connection from within. Everyone is cared for, treated with the utmost respect, loved and deserving, yet the parameters for all is different, as everyone is also RESPONSIBLE and when we have 3D, no one wants to take responsibility or actually “do” what makes the different, whereas 5D-12D, we take complete responsibility for our ENERGY, our current ACTions, our behaviour and how we show up in every reality, how we contribute, how we share, how we uplift, inspire and unite all through love here. We also “do the work” on every level, as we understand the importance of this. We can unite these amazing realities to create/bring forth more, yet it takes EVERYONE fully doing the same. It’s a REVERSAL of the old ways/days. We don’t show up with our hand out, asking for anything. We do our own inner work, build/create/accomplish our own realities as highest aligned and we co-join/unite these to enhance/expand and anchor more DREAM/HEAVEN ON EARTH realities for all of us here. The only one’s not experiencing this, are the one who are just entering these phases of “learning” everything all over again, clearing karmic/unconscious programmed timelines and getting their physical body’s vibration high enough so that their Soul can fully integrate and recode their entire reality with grace too.
2020 VISION:
This entire process is one of INNER-VISION, INNER-CLARITY and inner-knowing, feeling and deciphering a holographic reality through various physical/energetic symbols, signs and messages at first. As each “learns” to “read” the field, decipher/decode messages/meanings and start to choose to re-program, re-align and bring forth all new from within. 2020 opens an entire ERA of CLEAR VISION/CLARITY that will support/assist with Earth’s Transition out of 3rd/4th Density “finally”, by dismantling and “switching off” the codes/templates that held 3D in place. As each becomes a Visionary, the ability to create/bring forth “our new” is easier, as we are all able to see and unite these VISIONS to support and accelerate with greater ease. ♥
NEW EARTH BECOMES VISIBLE AND IS BIRTHED/born/comes forth from DEEEEEEEEP within each's DEEP Sacred Soul Connection/Physical LightBody-Field and immense "higher consciousness knowledge/wisdom" (light codes/"higher" intelligence" than before), that provide access to "how to create" all new realities that are SOURCE CONSCIOUSNESS aligned, Soul Aligned, Highest Vibrationally aligned, forgo the "creation" of NEW EARTH realities and experiences "replacing" old earth ones....
These SOURCE CODES are CREATION CODES.... re-design, re-create, re-structure and re-align all with Universal/Cosmic Laws/Rules (Quantum/Consciousness) replacing everything each once called "reality" before.....
Part of 4D Moves into Overwhelm and Prepare to MOVE BEYOND Comfort Zones:
Many will start going off the “deep end”, feeling completely overwhelmed and like all is “too much”. This is an important part of the process, so understanding from a “much higher” place is important for moving through/honoring/supporting/experiencing the INTENSITY of SEPARATION and one’s LightBody starting to come further online. Some will travel, activating the grids of their own bodies, while activating, clearing and “swapping” various codes with every location change/experience and moving into various Gatekeeper/Gridkeeper Roles important for 5D+ Ascension Timelines and more. Deep, heavy emotions and feelings emerge in these. Confusion increases, yet clarity is available through nature, connection, solitude, field clearing and deepening our inner connection to experience peace. As the Lightbody starts rewiring/reconfiguring the central nervous systems, waking body parts up, heart opening/mind opening, relaxing and shifting from an external focus to an inner focus, other body systems start immense processes as well. Your physical Light/Soul/Energy Body is asking you to support it, honor it, love it, respect it so that it can do the work necessary to support you in achieving anchoring your own NEW Earth Realities/Experiences here. Dreams turn lucid, experiences do too. Pineal gland activates, DMT release begins, changing the “output” and chemical processes of your glands/organs, your whole body requires your attention, kindness, love and care.
Moving beyond Comfort Zones: The Human Aspect lived in “comfort zones” that GO when it’s time for each’s individual Ascension Process to begin. Because the human aspect likes “safe”, fixed and “secure”, even if it goes completely against their own SOUL, they will “stay here” because it’s “easier” than the “challenges” of stepping up, saying no, not accepting “status quo” and having “fixed” ways “feels” better than “not knowing up front/prior to and being able to “control” it all…. The way the human ego “wants things”, which is not how this works. Because the human aspect will not budge, has sooooo much resistance to change, so much armor around their hearts, cannot share their “things”, doesn’t “truly care” about our planet/each other to “do whatever it takes”, then REALITIES have to CHANGE. Unbeknownst to each human aspect, when it’s time for this to occur, their Merkaba will “kick in” and start restructuring their entire reality FOR THEM…. And that the “matrix” program/systems are located in their own BODY, deep within their cells, muscles, organs, limbs, bones and that in order to “transition over” from a 3D reality to a 5D reality+, they will go through an individual “pole flip” that appears to “turn their reality upside down”, unanchoring emotions, fears, survival mechanism and separation that held them to that unconscious dimension before, playing out “realities” that were a “solid hologram” based upon their own beliefs, mentalities and deep conditioning/programming held deeeeeep within and only visible through much higher states of Consciousness. The “external” is a “feedback loop” if you will, a vibrational return to what each holds/embodies/believes and when the EGO is what is embodied, then the external reality is a direct response/experience resulting from this. 5D those “comfort zones” are no longer “needed”, as everything is completely different, soft, beautiful and abundance is shared, so there's no lack or doing without, as that was 3D/4D programming/conditioning/beliefs that “manifested/materialized” as a “physical reality” too.
Breaking free from/pulling away from “the old”, learning to PLAY, have fun, dance and just BE allows for a RE-SET to occur, that is necessary for many reasons prior to moving into much “higher dimensional” realities/roles here. If it does not support you, LET IT GO! Start to “see” from inside your own heart, feel with your heart/being and listen with your whole heart/being too. It’s beyond important for the transition from 3D to 5D, which is intense even with the greatest understanding for awhile. 4D is also where Ego Death on every level occurs, as the “entrance” through/to 5D (Gates of Heaven/Ascension timelines) means leaving all that separation, judgment, lack, limits as “reality” and moving into new ones where you see this, yet it no longer rules and you can consciously Master/Break all down/re-program through Love yourself. ♥
LIGHT carries information and is encoded/encrypted Data that we "read" and translate into whatever language/words/acts/energies that transmit the tones/codes/frequencies "OUT" for all to read/absorb/integrate/process/receive. They are actual coordinates, literally, so all is "delivering" the actual codes for "changing dimensions", re-configuring and re-coding entire "real"ities and creating "all new ones" aligned through Pure Love here. Light is Pure Love. Light is Pure. Anything not is of the ego aspect and it's up to each to figure this out for themselves. Learn to FEEL YOUR REALITIES, FEEL AND LISTEN TO THIS, instead of trying to decipher with your head.
Part of my roles for years, has been to RECORD LIGHT DATA through decrypting COSMIC LIGHT CODES and TRANSLATING THEM in various ways. I've spent hours and hours and hours of dedicated service every day for years, observing/listening to and transcribing COSMIC CODES/RAYS/FREQUENCIES AND QUANTUM LIGHT CODES (and how this affects all), preparing/sharing this to support HUmanity through massive evolutionary processes relative to every level of existence here. There are days that I do this from the time I wake up to the time I sleep, yet because it's all Quantum/Geometric/Algorithms/Equations and SO deeply intricate to explain, I actually only share a small fraction of that which I bring through me/my own access/abilities, as I would not be able to accomplish the immensity of our daily service work and live my own life fully and highest aligned with JOY here. There was a huge chunk of "my life" that I put everything aside and did only this, yet once the LIVING LIBRARIES were established/released/available, it was time for me to shift to all new roles here. As it feels appropriate, as realities support, as we all come together to accomplish greater service roles, we are able to "do more" for everyone in a much greater capacity as LOVE here. Right now as I type this, the frequency bandwidths and codes are "releasing" what I refer to as "Q-Bits" (Quantum Data Bits/Bytes) packed full of Quantum Information/data to support, reconfigure and assist with these important individual and global transitions, as we move further, deeper and more powerfully through a Galactic Photonic Light & Plasma Corridor and Passageway, broken up into different "smaller ones" as a part of a greater Cosmic whole. For me, I personally match up the codes/frequencies/weather/Earth Changes/Shifts, Physical LightBody re-codings and various dimensional experiences occurring all simultaneously, to provide expanded awareness of "how" all occurs on a Cosmic/Quantum Level here. Integrating these "gives us" access to Quantum Dynamics, Equations and "NEW Ways" that are simpler, easier and highest aligned for all of us as Love/Divine Star-Light BEings here. ♥
WISDOM CODES/PORTALS/GRIDS: As each "learns" to open their heart fully to connect from deep inside and listen to their own "higher" guidance/wisdom/codes, and "restructure" their lives according to this, their individual EXPERIENCE becomes NEW EARTH ONES.... beautiful, magical, loving, kind and so very pure.... and their "body" actually vibrates at a different frequency, changing density levels and literally "moving" into a different dimension to live/experience, literally "leaving the old" as their own reality, which then gives each the ability to then support/guide/assist and RAYdiate out the frequencies/tones to support/guide/assist others with feeling/experiencing/living/doing this for themselves as well. As Cosmic Portals, Gatekeepers/Gridkeepers/Guardians (and more) each have the ability to consciously work with our planetary Gridding Systems (through our own bodies/fields) and open portals/gateways and hold them open for all who decide to also enter/come through. Because this is quantum, it's not bound by linear time/space and instead is by way of proximity, virtually and on a multi-dimensional level too. In order to "cross over" "to the other side", move through the wormholes and vortexes with ease, full presence and surrender of all resistance/linearity inside. ♥
First, ASCENSION IS A DEEPLY SACRED PERSONAL EXPERIENCE.... it's never about others or anything outside. In order to BE and "do" that which is highest aligned, we go deeper within ourselves and this is where we LIVE FROM, this is where we SHARE FROM, this is where we do everything from and "how" the external "fits into this" is different with each physical/LightBody phase, each density/dimensional/frequency bandwidth and "level"/space of consciousness we occupy/live from deep within.....
First, if each is not "seeing"/observing from a multi-dimensional level, without judgment, lack or "need", then everything will be personal, confusing and dramatic and filled with "old earth" energies of survival, safety, finger pointing/blame, fear, lack, separation/division and every crazy scenario creating 4D drama/chaos to "act out" "real"ities from a place of separation still held deep within "the self".
For the human (ego) aspect, "the little inflated/deflated self" is separate from "the whole", which means each's ACT'S, way of thinking/mentalities and how they live their lives are all ACTS of SEPARATION too. This is a pre-ascension "timeline" if you will.... where one has not fully REMEMBERED all as PURE LOVE and SOURCE CONSCIOUSNESS here....
In order to fully comprehend/understand, each must go SOOOOOOOOOOOOO DEEP INWARD that everything falls away and NOTHING and EVERYTHING exist within ONE SPACE, where ONENESS is a REMEMBERED STATE and then it's up to EACH TO LEARN TO LIVE THIS FULLY, with every aspect of their own lives..... which is the JOURNEY OF RETURNING/ASCENDING that each goes through to RETURN TO FULL CONSCIOUSNESS here...
In order to fully comprehend/understand, each must DO THIS THEMSELVES.... no "one" can "do" this "for us", it's a deeply personal journey into the DEPTHS OF EVERYTHING that was not visible before. Every experience, every occurrence, EVERY ACT is to get each's heart wide open so that it never closes/separates off again.... and every "act" will continue strong and stronger and stronger, until this has been accomplished fully within/by each.... so that UNITY/LOVE/PURITY CONSCIOUSNESS is where EACH FULLY LIVE FROM, on every level, in every way.... which means shifting everything OVER to a whole new reality that looks NOTHING LIKE it did before and doesn't work like "before", because "before" was unconscious and not highest aligned for each and all of HUMANITY here..... our planet, each other....
It changes everything and "removes/shifts" the POWER from the ego to "the SOUL", to the HEART, to LOVE, to UNITY, to SHARING, to deeply truly CARING, to UNITING, to WORKING TOGETHER, to SUPPORTING, to UPLIFTING, to INSPIRING and to CREATING ALL NEW REALITIES that are of the absolute highest vibrational alignment FOR EVERYONE, while no longer catering to anything of the old, of the distorted, of the selfish, of the greedy, of survival/separation/lack that dictated/ruled what each called "reality" before....
FULL CONSCIOUSNESS RETURNS ALL TO LOVE and UNITY, returns/restores all to PEACE, brings all into UNITY THROUGH LOVE, deeps sacred respect and INCLUDES EVERYONE truly ready to BE A PART OF THIS..... it recognizes what is not vibrationally aligned, has the ability to shift this fully, unless there are such deeply rooted/fixed/rigid programs/conditioning still held that "refuses" to be open to listening, learning and shifting into a "whole new reality" instead....
In order to see/understand, we "break things down" to explain, then we put all back together as ONE.... yet in a "different way", as the geometrics for "reality" are not linear, they are Quantum/Energetic, so we have to all shift HOW WE SEE EVERYTHING, otherwise we are "stuck" within ourselves, we are holding on to "old ways" within ourselves, operating from old unconscious beliefs/mentalities that "rule" our inner reality, therefore binding us to an "external reality" that of limits, conditions and constructs that will no longer "hold" or be able to be maintained/sustained, because that was "old earth" and NEW EARTH MUST COME FORTH FOR ALL.... as Earth's Ascension and Planetary RETURN is necessary/required now...
I will share on our Planetary Return to/as a Star Nation more later, as this is beyond vast as well. It's a part of Cosmic Remembrance and what's occurring within/on Gaia/Terra Nova on a DNA/Evolutionary process relative to our placement in "the galaxy"/Galaxies, current "status/location" through the passageway of the PHOTON BELT and how Earth's Liberation out of the "Unconscious Realms" and DEEP STATE of Amnesia correlates as well.
For the sake of this sharing, I'm breaking down a few things and as we continue, I'll share as is appropriate for all/each:
3rd Dimension/Density/Frequency Bandwidth/Consciousness/Experience: Full on collapse, for the sake of shifting/moving/transitioning all to the 4th Dimension, where each's heart starts to open, where each is "pushed inward" to start to make a connection within the physical body and "learn" to live from their hearts, which is a massive passageway of reversing everything KARMIC within itself. Those who chose not to continue on will "exit" this dimension, which is how "human body death" occurs, which is also a part of a much bigger picture, where Soul's don't die, they just "return" to a/the Unified Field of Consciousness as ENERGY, not separate from anything, where Source Consciousness is ONE. It's only the human ego aspect that sees all separately and "thinks" all is separate, thinks there is "suffering", "thinks" there is pain and other stuff as a projection from within the fractaled/fractured self. "Collapse" is of the "constructs" that held the old in place, which is held within each on a cellular level and each's individual field. Technically it's a "movement" from one reality to another that's not understood and is resisted, because it "goes against" everything unconscious, therefore "breaking all down", so that shifting can occur on every level. This is where the ego aspect fights all, holds on so strongly and "tries" to refuse/resist/control, without any awareness that "it doesn't have a choice", because "it's not the one in charge" (anymore).
4th Dimension/Density/Frequency Bandwidth/Consciousness/Experience: This is where an acceleration of "timelines" begins, things "speed up, get faster, become overwhelming and immense emotions, fears, separation and "fight to hold on" exacerbate and where 'inner drama' is externalized as each "fights" to reclaim their power, "struggles" with self-love and all becomes "more confusing" as one starts to FEEL EVERYTHING, yet the "how's and why's" are not yet there, because all is Quantum/non-linear and only visible from various levels of 5D - 12D, depending on where each functions from in their own personal journey... This is where each is "pushed" deep within, where ONE STEPS INTO A KARMIC TIMELINE and has to learn to go deeper inward to find answers, breaks away from "that out there" and all of the "external stimuli" that "used to stimulate", yet no longer does, yet there's no "new earth reality in place yet", so every fear, every ounce of lack, every program surfaces to assist each with "moving" out of "old mindset" realities "over" to a heart-based reality instead. This is a beyond challenging one, because it requires each establish a whole new RELATIONSHIP with their own "higher selves"/soul and "learn" to live from here instead of the "old ways of before". This is where DNA repair begins, where each starts to RETURN TO CONSCIOUSNESS (by whatever path that Soul pre-chose) and where each is "faced" with every CHOICE UNTIL they've chosen their own SOUL over their human ego reality. This is where each reclaims every fractal, transitions out of separation and merges their own higher/future self and their human into ONE, MOVING THEM into the "5th Dimension"..... Each will wish for, hope for and start to "dream" of a new reality, one that is simple and easy, yet the "complicated" realities of the ego constructs still have to be worked through and transitioned by each within. This is where each "enters" into their own Ascension, shifting from "Awakening" (chaos/drama/suffering/survival/dependency/lack) to REMEMBERING realities that only come forth as each goes deeper continually and "brings these forth" to be created/built, forgo entering the "5th Dimension", where all new realities start to become visible, yet obtaining/achieving these is a massive multi-dimensional journey/experience as well.... This is where the sleep state/dream start to flip and merge and where "anchoring" phases begin as each's Merkaba is constructed/starts to come online for physical body ascension to occur (over years/months/weeks) as well....
5th Dimension/Density/Frequency Bandwidth/Consciousness/Experience: First each must HOLD THIS CONSCIOUSNESS long enough for the physical to completely break down/restructure and vibrationally be aligned to support a NEW EARTH EXPERIENCE, which occurs over years. It's not linear, it's vibrational... which means every "decision", every "act" is too..... This is where NEW EARTH becomes each's priority and "building"/creating all new realities begins from ZERO POINT and through Divine Soul Alignment, and where the "growing up process" begins. This is where each realizes that as an ego aspect they knew nothing, had no clue, understood nothing and that "now" everything has to be "relearned" all over again and in order to "do this" with ease and grace, full ego-surrender is necessary and aligning all on a Soul Level takes precedence instead. This is where each moves to a place/state of humility, humbleness and deep sacred respect, yet the next phases will require immense POWER to fully consciously "break down" all that's not highest aligned and a "restructuring" of every reality constantly begins. This is where each RETURNS TO THE INNOCENCE of their own heart/soul and starts to live this fully, realigning all through Universal Love in their own "personal reality", their own "bubble" (universe) and expanding this out to affect/touch/support "others" through their own presence/energy/field, yet the process of "building all new realities" has just begun. This is the "climb" (Stairway to Heaven/Ascent) that leads into vast phases/processes and a whole new "revamping of every reality" on a Soul Level, through each's physical body form and an immense Photonic Light DNA reconfiguration/recalibration process that accelerates constantly for each to become fully Quantum, where each's LightBody "takes over" and the physical everything has to be "redone"/reconfigured to support this..... This is where all are "little children", playing, excited and all becomes magical, rainbows, unicorns again.... yet this is just the beginning as well..... This is where all "learn" to JUST BE, to "transmit Light Consciously" and where "doing" completely changes from "the head" to the "heart" and so where one "functions from" changes, which means creating a new "Zero Point"/anchor point "in/from" the "5th Dimension" instead of 3 or 4.
6th Dimension/Density/Frequency Bandwidth/Consciousness/Experience: It's "time" to "grow up" (as a Soul) and LIVE THIS FULLY and start to align everything on a whole new level. This is where the "service work" from pure LOVE and JOY "takes over" and "it's time" to BE THE EXAMPLE AS LOVE in a whole new way.... This is where 12D becomes visible, yet still is not understood, as "visibility" is from "deep inside" and relative to where each functions from. 6D can see 5D and "below". Can "see" what needs to be done/accomplished as a part of SERVICE to HUMANITY/ALL, yet each dimension now is about "accomplishing" that which we all "agreed" to fulfill on a Soul Level and through every aspect of our lives here. Because there's no "dependency" or "relying" on anyone/thing "outside", this is a complete shifting process as well, where "receiving" is relative to "output" and what each "allows" in their own "field", so each must become "picker", as everything is now ENERGY and DENSITY or Light and how the "physical" comes to be is relative to what each is holding, transmitting, allowing, creating and how each "shows up" and "comes through", so the "parameters" for what is acceptable changes. Compromise (on a Soul Level) is no longer an option, because that was unconscious and each now gets to totally "choose" what reality they are going to LIVE FULLY and each decision/act dictates this..... forgo "growing up" and holding each accountable for their energy, as this is what "dictates" and determines each's experience here........... Realities also move to CONTRIBUTORY, working together, unity, yet because until we each fully return to 12D, there are still vibrational mis-matches and "learning" about ENERGETIC COMPATIBILITY, which is VERY DIFFERENT than all previous realities and how we can co-exist within the "same space" changes quite substantially. One "shift" in consciousness/energy, can "shift" an entire "timeline", which means that total conscious awareness BY EACH IS NECESSARY, otherwise "collapse" is faster/stronger too.... Each becomes RESPONSIBLE FOR HOLDING THE HIGHEST AT ALL TIME, and anything less will collapse, yet because linear "time" is different, "how this works" is different as well................. This is the part the human aspect "avoids", because it means "total responsible for each's own self and each must grow up, take responsibility for their own BEHAVIOR FULLY, from the present moment, letting all previous everything fall away, realizing "the future" is energetic and comes forth relative to what each is LIVING/HOLDING, forgo "Embodiment" and the "beginning" of the "Descent" of all "higher selves" through the body, down the spine, throughout every cell and radiating out through each's FIELD.... naturally, organically... as an energy signature, an essence and a presence.... and where "words" are only for "teaching"/evolving all into a much higher state and communicating that which is not "readable" energetically yet.
I will break 6D-12D down differently "later" and all along the way. I will only "touch" on various parts for the sake of this writing/sharing to support/guide/assist to what is relative to this....
I share "my own personal" experience (extremely simplified), only to "explain", as it's "important" in the "how/why" and "where we are" on a "whole level" and "where we are "going next"....
12D is the COMPLETION OF ALL ASCENSION TIMELINES.... where EVERYTHING ON AN INDIVIDUAL LEVEL IS TRULY DONE for our own Personal Journey, and it’s “time” to unite to accomplish the “much bigger realities for HUMANITY”, through the APPLICATION OF 12 TEMPLATES and Codes, living/working as a COHESIVE UNIT/TEAM and “partnering” up to share/contribute/do our parts/fulfill various humanitarian/service roles, through an ENERGETIC SHARING/SUPPORT/COMBINED RESOURCE system that supports the greater whole/all on EVERY LEVEL, while taking everything into “account” and creating a WHOLE NEW SYSTEM that supports our planet/humanity to thrive, flourish and live in UNITY AS ONE. (I’ll release the 12D Quantum Template Program when it’s finished/ready, as we have to teach/re-educate/guide/assist and continue to Expand/Evolve all through Quantum States of Consciousness, while implementing and constantly evolving the projects too, in order to increase the functionality, stability and succession of all for all too). All of this is only understood as we each DO IT FULLY from within ourselves.... Then we "go beyond 12D" which is "where we are now".
In conjunction with Gaia/Cosmically/Galactically/physically/energetically, the "new" ZERO POINT for Galactic Gaia (Terra Nova) is now 12D. "How" this correlates is different based upon DENSITY and Light ratios (Dimensions), so each's ACTUAL EXPERIENCE will be just as different as well. To simplify, the easiest way for me to explain is that each dimension has a "different zero point" and for each to shift to a whole new/different dimension, each must "anchor" their whole being and consciousness "in that dimension" and "hold all as reality" from this place/space inside and "allow" all to be completely vibrationally re-aligned to "this", and by way of CONSCIOUS PARTICIPATION, aligning all through Full Consciousness/Love fully themselves.... This will INCLUDE EVERY ASPECT of one's entire being/whole life... as all is a part of the GREATER WHOLE and not "separate" as "before" (3D/4D). It's important to note/realize that the physical body/reality will go through IMMENSE CHANGES, immense re-coding, immense re-calibration, immense shifts on every level as everything is COMPLETELY REWRITTEN constantly and at increasing rate of "acceleration" that correlate 'differently' based upon the dimension and oscillatory spin rate/cycles (atomic codes) and what each has been able to "accomplish"/acclimate to/embody/hold fully from within themselves, which means a ridiculous amount of "down time" as the physical LightBody re-works all for each.....
For the sake of "explaining", the "higher" the level of consciousness, the "less" physical all is... "inside", yet "how" the "physical" correlates then changes, as the physical is a vibrational and energetic response, then the higher the "level" of consciousness, the less "effort" it takes to call forth "physical realities" to support each's NEW EARTH REALITIES here.... yet in order for EVERY REALITY to be a RESULT OF FULL CONSCIOUSNESS with great ease, simplicity and EFFORTLESS, then the physical body must undergo immense re-writes continually to constantly shift where each functions from, creating different "zero points" along the way, that have a vaster reach with greater ease.
For the 5D-11D experience, then it's identifying what's "higher and lower" and constantly shifting all to "higher" consciously, which is a part of each's own EVOLUTIONARY PROCESS here.... and "higher/lower" is not a judgment, it's an observation of frequencies/energies for the sake of shifting all to a DIFFERENT STATE OF CONSCIOUSNESS, which is all of our "responsibility" here.
5D-11D is each "returning" and "growing up processes" through every EXPERIENCE.... this whole thing is about each's ACTUAL EXPERIENCE, it's just that where each functions on a "consciousness level" is different, therefore the experiences are as well... These dimensions are CREATING AND BUILDING ALL NEW REALITIES in accordance with the highest levels of consciousness/unity/love, more purity, kindness, generosity, caring, deep sacred respect and love, so that "every reality" IS THIS.... forgo the "return" to 12D REALITIES that each "gets to live fully" as they hold this fully from within themselves.....
12D is the completion of ALL personal ascension timelines for each, where the "climb" "back up" through 5D to 12D was a massive process within itself. The immensity of this whole process is too vast to share here, so I’ll do this in subsequent sharings/exchanges as is appropriate. Every role is full service, yet "how" each presented was different, as each's "reality" shifts from being "physical" to ENERGETIC and the "Level of Consciousness" dictated the physical more and more, each "rung" (D: Dimension/Density) "easier" than the one before.... This is an INNER TO OUTER personal evolution where every aspect of ourselves and entire reality/lives have been completely aligned by each one of us individually from deep within ourselves. It’s “visible” energetically and ways not visible to the human aspect, as the “how” is inconceivable, unless one is directly exposed to/fully experiences this within themselves. This is not an “ego accomplishment” as many will perceive. This is a holy, sacred, pure Divine Union on every level that is SO Pure, that every experience, every reality, every moment is this, a cohesive unified field where everything works/flows/exists as ONE on every level, including the “weather”, the “people” and the purposes we fulfill….. Where all is UNITY, LOVE and so completely highest aligned that every moment supports LIVING HEAVEN FULLY and then “how” we come together to accomplish huge roles/next phases is done through Divine Union and Partnership with each other, where each fulfills their roles fully as PURE LOVE too. It’s beyond BEAUTIFUL, yet it takes us all… living this fully, as our own reality is our creation and we totally/completely understand this, so it means being so completely RESPONSIBLE for every breath, every act, every transmission, every exchange, every everything, that what we RECEIVE/EXPERIENCE is a direct correlation to this. ♥
In order to teach/guide/support/assist, we each "use" our own Personal Journeys/Lives for this. It's how it works. It removes the "ego" from it all, the judgment from all and is how we BECOME WAYSHOWERS as we are all SHOWING HOW THIS IS DONE through our own ACTUAL experiences as we live them fully and open up to share, without the duality of before. We can observe duality/polarity, yet we are not "living it", we are using it to teach/guide/support/assist, so "others" can utilize this in their own journey, so all can be EASIER for all.... consciously "choosing", utilizing and understanding this.... We do not "have" to share every minute detail and aspect of our lives, except as is appropriate and each "dimension" this is different too. When we are moving out of "hiding" within ourselves and learning to openly share, then each moves into "transparency", which is a part of the embodiment process and Cosmic Rays that create a transparency, glow and emit out tones and frequencies that release the old "hiding" and "agendas" that 3D/4D lived from.....
5D-12D is openness, caring, consideration, deep sacred respect and support, sharing, yet the “how” is different with each one, because of the "purpose" of each one is different, so "how" all occurs/is done is relative to the codes/rules of that "dimension/level of consciousness" as well.....
For me personally, the whole linear year of 2019 was dedicated to living/holding/integrating all of the 12D Templates and Codes fully with my own body/field/reality, which meant everything that did not support this "had to go" so that I could "accomplish"/honor what I agreed to fulfill on a Galactic/Cosmic/Soul/Source Code Level here... Because the templates are "that vast" it took a whole year, that once the codes had been released/opened/accessed over the previous linear years and completion phases then my own journey required that I complete this fully within myself, so that I can honor/support/assist/unite/bring forth/continue to guide/assist and come together with others truly anchoring NEW EARTH/HEAVEN ON EARTH/OUR GALACTIC CIVILIZATIONS as actual physical realities/experiences here. The "implementation" of all of this/these takes us all, yet we each must hold this in order to BE/DO this, and it's no longer about any "individual", so we let everything go that does not support, as everything is about the "greater whole/all" as ONE HUMANITY, where we each LIVE THIS FULLY from deep within ourselves and we Unite to COMBINE our amazing realities to create "more" awesome ones for everyone to inJOY, participate in and fulfill their roles from their "highest place" as well....
12D is a Re-Distribution/Re-Allocation Template (on EVERY Level), a deeply Sacred one and it DICTATES everything on our planet in every way now. It is a HUMANITARIAN TEMPLATE where all of humanity is INCLUDED, yet all of HUMANITY has to CHOOSE to participate, choose to fulfill their part too... and for this to "happen", those who "hold this" and "live this fully" will unite to support/guide/assist and LEAD/SHOW THE WAY for "how" everything "is done" on a Quantum/Cosmic Level.... It's the "adult souls" and Galactic Star People/Light Beings... having a "form", yet PLASMA ENERGY changes everything, as do the Diamond/Crystalline Templates and Codes that must be integrated fully for "application" and "incorporation" to occur....
Plasma is a "non-conforming", malleable, form-able and re-shape-able ENERGY, where we as PLASMA LIGHT BEINGS are able to easily reshape, reform, reconfigure and recode entire realities through our own Consciousness.... with little or no effort at all. As the physical body evolves on a DNA/Light Code/Genetic/Atomic Level through all new codes, the "body" doesn't "work" like it did before, because it's not meant to... so it takes immense patience, love, care, respect, kindness and full surrender to honor an immense reconfiguration process that has to occur for everyone's "reality" to be easier, simpler and highest vibrationally aligned here....
12D is effortless.... it's is soooooooooooo vibrationally aligned, fluid and in flow, there are no words to even explain this part. We just have to allow/go through it to experience/understand it and then "try" to put words to all, and in one way, it's not important, as it's OUR ENERGY that matters, so we just "show" through our own......
12D is PURE PRESENCE.... I spent much of the "time" as "just pure presence", observing, honoring, listening, allowing and "doing" that which was the absolute highest aligned, which meant not focusing on everyone else, not "doing" for others, which was the polar opposite of all of these years of 5D to 11D where our service is about what we are creating/building/doing on a Soul Level. A few years ago, when I entered into 12D with my whole body/being/reality, those phases ended and I "moved" into all new roles, that required every ounce of me dedicated to integrating/embodying all of the codes and templates relative to "beyond 12D" and where we "go next" in fulfilling our various roles as Light Beings/Love/Unity/Purity Consciousness here.... I still “did” every day, yet “how” and “how much” had to completely change until the completion of my own processes in conjunction with Gaia/Cosmic Consciousness, so that I could hold this fully with great ease (Embodiment/Entire Reality).
On 12/18 I awoke to "complete" my own personal WHOLE ASCENSION TIMELINE, which included ascension into 5D, descent/descension of all higher selves, integration/embodiment of all aspects/versions and holding this for years.... through Sacred Presence, Existence and various Service Roles here.... everyday I was "reminded" that I was done.... and then re-mapped my own process that I will share later to support/assist those "who care" and to support each embracing "doing" this within themselves too.... This was the completion of my own 10 year awakening cycle, and 7 year personal ascension cycle too. It was "broken down" into various phases/cycles that I've shared the entire time as I "did it" .... which I'll recap and restructure differently at some point to further assist with these next phases that various collectives/individuals move into/through too.......
NOW .... WE as a planet move into "beyond 12D" and what this means is different for each. I only share this here, as it's a part of "how I explain" the rest of it, as all is relative and a part of "the whole thing"....................
We've entered a powerful phase/era where planetary liberation is a necessity for accomplishing/completing what we all came here (as Star-Light Beings) to BE and DO.
I have not yet shared from several linear years back, all of the information on how GAIA (and we each on a physical level) are accelerating TERRA-FORMING AND REVERSE TERRA-FORMING processes, yet it's becoming more important to do so, so I will do this in the upcoming months as my own energy/reality supports this as well..... The last many linear years we've increased the influx of STAR CODES that activate/re-write and completely CHANGE everything for us all. These STAR Codes are a part of all of us and our beloved evolving planet RETURNING to "take our rightful place" in the SOULar System and Galaxies as a Conscious Planet, exiting the Quarantine and Prison Planet "phase" of 3D. The easiest way for me to "explain" is that AS our planet continues to travel "back" through the PHOTON BELT, the evolutionary processes substantially increase/accelerate to EVOLVE each individual and the whole planet "back" through Quantum everything. Quantum Dynamics, Quantum Existence, Quantum Algorithms/Physics, Quantum Evolution and Abilities not accessible "before". Even "how" we "move" THROUGH SPACE and "time" is totally different than "before". We are "jumping" and "traveling" constantly and as our actual physical bodies evolve, we gain the capability to JUMP with our bodies to/from/into entirely "new" realities... completely multi-dimensional ones that are our "actual experiences" where all exists/coexists/functions as ONE.
Therefore multi-dimensionality and Quantum does as well. This changes everything on every level. Our roles are to lead/teach/guide/assist/support in every way that's highest aligned/appropriate on a Soul Level, as the STAR PEOPLE and COUNCILS step to the forefront and "waves" are merged too.
WAVE 1, WAVE 2 AND WAVE 3 all MERGE into ONE WAVE and become “the new” WAVE 1. These will start to unite, find each other, work together to be the BUILDERS/GUIDES AND COUNCIL MEMBERS for the upcoming phases as a Star Planet and Cosmic Family "in form" here.....
A "new" WAVE 2 has been activated with this "new era"/template, which will awaken/emerge through continual waves.... (then these will merge and a new wave/era will begin with 2030, yet I'm not going there yet).....
3D ENTITLEMENT/EXPECTATION, ARROGANCE, BULLYING, Narcissism and distorted/unconscious POWER-Play/Control/Manipulation Programs, Systems and Ways accelerate collapse, dissolution and "stripping away". Greed, self-inflation/deflation, separation from each other and our planet/Star System are all under an entire "redistribution" template now.... This is a redistribution of "how" Power and "all" was utilized before.... and "how much each has" is relative to NEW guidelines that "change" the dynamics of all.... "How this plays out" will not be as any ego aspect "thought" and the whole planet is now under a massive "shifting" of everything "from one vibrational place" to another... as all is vibrational and energetic and relative to COSMIC LAW(S).
The ENTIRE PLANET and all of its "inhabitants" have been being "moved"/transitioned in phases and stages relative to different "levels" of consciousness, awakening processes, ascension processes and evolutionary processes that take place on a Cosmic/Quantum Level (not a linear one). This process now substantially accelerates to "complete"/accomplish the next "phase" of THE ROLE OF OUR PLANET IN THE STAR SYSTEM, which are immense and will continually evolve as Galactic Gaia (Terra Nova) "clears" and "takes care of" all herself..... I will share more as we continue/go, as this is beyond vast within itself and continues to evolve/become visible/available as we all continue our own personal journeys of fulfilling much higher purposes/roles/missions individually and together as LOVE here.
UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS WILL PREVAIL in every situation, yet each will "go through" whatever is necessary to fully accomplish this........... For those LIVING THIS FULLY, then realities that support fully are what comes forth, so that each can fulfill "easier" for all of humanity here. ♥
SHIFT YOUR OWN FOCUS/PRIORITIES/ENERGY: To have the expanded awareness that each density/dimension is playing out "different roles" in planetary ascension/evolution processes that are ALL an important part of the "greater whole". It's important to respect your own journey/process and respect each other's as well. Focus on your roles, your own connection, and hold respect for all. If you are truly fulfilling yours as love, you won't be "worrying about" judging "others" (which is each's own separation within as well and a space of dis-empowerment). Respect, honor, support, uplift, inspire, EMPOWER and create opportunities, options, alternative and respect each's ability to make a conscious choice when they are ready/it's aligned for them. You do "you" and “be there”, show up, support and fulfill your own ROLES AS PURE DIVINE LIGHT when these opportunities present for you. Bringing all together, being LOVE and uniting all, creating/forming new community/unity-based realities…. As it takes us all DOING/LIVING THIS here. This is how you make a difference and enable all others to choose this way too. REMEMBERING is through our deeply connected sacred universal/cosmic/higher heart and requires infinite experiences to accomplish this from deep within. ♥
Everything that happens in your OWN REALITY is YOURS:
Inside, outside… all of it. It’s up to you to LEARN and start to open up to truly understand/comprehend the magnitude of all of this and stop looking to others, blaming others, waiting on others… you are the Wayshower in your reality (not an ego thing), you are the one that CREATES your ENTIRE REALITY that you live in/experience here. You are the ONE that is RESPONSIBLE for every thought, act and belief and what you contribute to, allow, support is completely relative to this. Your energy, your limitations, your conditioning/conditions, your mentalities, your vibration, your density, your linearity, your everything DICTATES EVERYTHING… and the process of going deeper inside, sitting with things and working through them yourself, observing to learn without having judgment/attachment to anything at all, what influences what, what affects what, what you HOLD IN PLACE with your energy/beliefs… this is EXACTLY WHAT WE EACH EXPERIENCE and learn to shift vibrationally/energetically/through Consciousness ourselves…..
The moment we each truly get this, on every level and in every way, is the moment everything changes and each “takes their power back fully” again. Everything in “your bubble/your Merkaba/your Field” is yours… and the frequencies/codes/energy your body is transmitting out is encoded and telling “the field” what to “return to you” as an ACTual EXPERIENCE here. It’s also important to realize it’s not “just the human experience”, it’s ALL EXISTENCES, yet from “Zero Point Creation/Presence”, all is PRESENT/Simultaneous from the “this same space”, so shifting/tuning/reversing/changing is up to you, as it’s within you/your field and you are the ONLY ONE who can. If your ego is in charged and you are functioning from a place of separation/refusal to listen/honor this, then your own higher-self-you/Universe You/Cosmic/Source Self you will ‘take over’ and “do it for you” to shift you out of that place/space, to dissolve your ego so that you can come together/merge/unify inside and every time your heart closes, you go back to sleep again, you forget again, so “something else” will “occur” again to get it open again. The amount of “force” required is relative to how stubborn/strong your ego is. Every ounce of this journey is relative to you/yours and where you FUNCTION FROM FULLY… your Universal heart-mind or your closed heart/head. ♥
ALL of this is for you to MASTER AS LOVE, through Purity and re-learn everything all over again to exist as your Soul fully in order to activate/access/open up/anchor/live your Heaven through you and “onto” the Earthly Plane. It’s the ONLY WAY that NEW EARTH COMES FORTH. You literally birth it through/with your whole body/being and you bring it forth from within. (Universe/Merkaba/StarGate System/Toroid/Tube Torus/Electromagnetic/Morphogenic Field).
5D-12D Replaces 3D: Consciousness is a repeated and continual thing. Not one time, every time. Not once, repeatedly. Not a temporary fix or a 3 day or one week practice then “go back”/revert to “old ways again”. This is a complete overhaul and revamping of each entire life and every aspect of it as HIGHEST ALIGNED. Until every old construct has been deconstructed and reconstructed according to Quantum Logistics/Dynamics and full heart consciousness prevails fully, it’s a process of continually breaking through/down the old until the old has been replaced with “all new”/higher dimensional realms.
The “Reasons” Everything is happening/happens is Completely Quantum/Multi-Dimensional:
Nothing is linear, yet to fully see/understand, then inner connection, inner listening, inner observation and full heart/mind expansion must occur. Vision to “see” from a vast multi-dimensional place/space and OVERSEE/OVERVIEW ALL from a place of MASSIVE EXPANSION is relative to the “access” each has achieved through varying levels of PURITY and DNA/Body evolution too. Our heart consciousness, pineal gland and whole body are involved in the processing of a ridiculous amount of LIGHT (Light intelligence/encodements/knowledge) without any attachment or ego “need”/influence at all. The realization that no matter how much each “thought they knew” that there is always “so much more” and that the human ego aspect is not in charge, that we are always learning/understanding/realizing/seeing more than we could before (and this is how it works, means not getting fixated/fixed to an specific truth/way and realizing that everything is going to completely constantly and quite substantially shift/change (and that it’s supposed to). Learning to maneuver, flow and always be in-tune, always moving/flowing energetically with everything that presents, learning to restructure your entire life to allow for constant/shift/flow and holding/maintaining your own deep connection to listen/honor/shift AS THIS OCCURS is fully Mastery and Divine Alignment within itself. All gets easier as we all do, as our own inner resistance/fight goes then we “fall in-line” with how everything actually works, which is nothing like “before”. We are not here to “fix anything back”. We are here to EMBRACE ALL NEW and to re-create all new realities in full/highest vibrational alignment with “this”.
12D is Pure Presence, Deeply Sacred and Pure, Full Unity/Humanitarian Templates/Codes, Divine Alignment, Divine Flow and Effortless in BEing/Doing/Accomplishing everything we came here to be/do together as a UNIT, in Partnership as LOVE. It’s the Grown Up Souls/the Councils, Guardians and the ability to accomplish anything. It’s each having completed their own Ascension/Descension/Embodiment processes and realignment of their own whole life/energy/field and bringing “this together” to create/hold/accomplish more together, as the Star-Light-Cosmic Family that we are. For those functioning/working from a 5D-11D Templates/Realities, then “how” we fulfill together is based upon energetics/role fulfillment and an energetic equation relative to the “current reality and purposes” we are all here to fulfill. Supportive roles are established to support all in different ways. When/As all start to realize that this can be “easier” together, yet each has to fully fulfill their roles in order to receive, then the energy shifts, as it’s no longer “hand out/what’s in it for me” energy, it’s “how may I serve” (not from over-under/hierarchy, yet instead as a TEAM and Cohesive Unit and moves, lives, breathes as ONE, yet individually as well). This is through CONSCIOUSNESS, with zero lack or need. Everyone contributes (relative to the greater whole) and everyone receives, that which is beneficial/aligned, not as the human “ego” wants….
12D is the entire set of templates for how we all live/coexist/work in unity as Love and receive too. It’s a re-distribution/re-allocation template where we “take” surplus/abundance and we re-distribute it, we share all that supports the greater whole, instead of “one individual” like “before. We actually IMPLEMENT the new systems that have been created/accomplished/work on an individual level within our whole lives, as WE accomplish this within our own realities/lives and we “teach” it to others, open up opportunities for “others” to be a part as well. It’s beyond beautiful, simple and EASY, because everyone is INCLUDED in the whole thing and no one is “left out”, yet it does require each’s HEART BE WIDE OPEN AND READY to be an important PART of something much bigger than themselves…. Where everything comes forth to support, for greater ease and full grace, because we all actually truly from the depths of the CORE OF OUR BEING and on EVERY LEVEL ----- CARE.
This is a whole new CORE VALUE SYSTEM that replaces the old, yet for this to “work” for each, each must shift to this place inside. Until then, each will disclude themselves. No one is “left out” unless this is the only reality they will allow. ♥
We don’t “wait” until the ego aspect is ready, we DO THIS fully ourselves. We open portals, transverse the Multi-Dimensional/Quantum passageways and create/live NEW EARTH REALITIES FULLY until each has “gone through enough” to be ready to come forth/step up/step forth and BE A PART OF OUR NEW EARTH EXPERIENCE too. This is how it works for us all…. Until we’ve had enough, until we “get fed up and completely done”, we are not done, which means we will keep playing out/in/creating/allowing/calling forth the old until we are. The immensity of the experiences that each must have to dissolve the entire old template in their own bodies in order to be ready to shift is beyond human comprehension, because of “how all of this works” on a Soul/Universal/Galactic/Consciousness level. We LIGHT THE WAY, lead the way, share the information/codes/knowledge/how to and we allow all to make consciousness choices when/as they are ready. Meanwhile, those who do “live this way”, are ready, not fighting, not playing out any ego games, are uniting, coming together and building/creating/living the most amazing realities aligned on a SOUL Level (Heaven on Earth) within their own realities, UNTIL each is truly ready to do this from deep within themselves too. Because realities are literally “divided” based upon frequency bandwidths, oscillatory rates/atomic spin rates, vibrational fields, density and levels of consciousness, many dimensions will never inner-act because vibrationally they do not occupy the same vibrational space to vibrate/in out or maintain for very long/extended periods, which is why realities/relationships/things don’t “last as long” now, end faster and “fall apart/dissolve” “faster” or can’t maintain/sustain/last as long as “before”, because of the ENERGETICS and how all has to fully align, be synchronized constantly and brought into higher states of consciousness constantly, and if each is not shifting/awakening/evolving at the “same rate” together, then the reality will dissolve/end, so each can go a “different direction” to play those realities out, due to separation still held within and the path that each must take to fully awaken so that coexistence is possible through a COHESIVE UNIFIED FIELD OF CONSCIOUSNESS where everyone is conscious, working together, supporting each other/themselves and creating/anchoring/accomplishing that which is currently highest aligned with/for all.
5D/6D-12D is Soul Purpose/Service/Higher aligned:
So “purposes” change, realities change and priorities change and how we live completely changes too. These realities look nothing like 3D-4D did…. These are not “defined” by what human realities were. These serve much higher purposes and do not conform to anything like before…. So coming together serves a much higher purpose too. What we “have” does as well and we combine/share instead of separating off into primal instincts and self-preservation/me mode like humans do. We take care of ourselves, we honor our Lightbody/fields above all, we take full responsibility for our ENERGY in every moment and we utilize all differently to support Purpose/Role fulfillment, because we understand the importance of what we agreed to come here to be/do/live and this takes priority for all of us as Pure Love here. We can fulfill roles easier when we re-priorities, cut out BS, distractions and chaotic/disruptive energy that can’t stay focused because of separation within.
We utilize our Quantum Abilities/Consciousness to shift entire realities, rewrite, recode and reconfigure all. Because everything is the “opposite” of 3D, then we dictate realities through our consciousness, which means the physical is a vibrational response to this. Even physical abundance is nothing like human aspects “think”. “Things” are not abundance, yet that’s a part of it “later”, after each comes back to ZERO POINT and goes through their own “personal re-set” where “things” do not matter anymore. What matters is completely different and things support this. What matters is Soul Union, Remembering, Ascended/Higher Consciousness Earth and Unity/Love and “things” are re-distributed as a result of this. From Zero Point, all can be called forth, things and “others” being MATERIALIZED into/through FORM. Because everything is from a deep sense of union, appreciation and a gift, completely respected and understood, then there is no “waste” or “hoarding”, there is sharing, openness, appreciation/gratitude and supporting each other/realities instead of the old ways of destruction/tearing others down, trying to make someone “look bad” (narcissistic) or judging anything outside…..There is zero Entitlement, like human aspects hold, there is humility and humbleness and care/consideration for all… WITHOUT compromise on a Soul Level like “before”. The more unified we are inside, the more in-tune, the more we evolve our own consciousness and “return”, then “things” come back in to support this/all, yet in a very different way than human aspects “think”. None of this will “conform” to the old ways and grasping all isn’t possible until each is fully exposed to the “new” and learns to live this “whole new way” as Unity/Love/Purity/Source Consciousness here/too. “Things” support, therefore when we dedicate ourselves fully and completely “change/shift” how we understand/comprehend/see, then things are no longer and “issue”, which means whatever each “needs” to support higher purposes/role fulfillment will materialize/come forth/come through as each achieves this overall vibration fully and holds this/lives this as reality fully, fulfilling their own supportive roles for all of humanity too. Physical things are vibrational/energetic and just a form…. As each understands how ALL is ENERGETIC, VIBRATIONAL AND QUANTUM, then what each “has” will be understood too. Zero Point of 5th dimension brings all down to “minimal” (for a reason) and then what we have/get is relative to the roles we fulfill here. We never do without, always have enough and any surplus is understood “how” it’s to be utilized to support the greater whole. If our roles require certain things to fulfill, then those things will come forth to support role fulfillment…. If our roles are to live in a tree, then this is what we have. If our roles are to teach/lead entire collectives/humanity “through”, then what we have will support this. If our roles are to use skills, talents and gifts, then this will be supported. If (When) our roles are to unite through Unity/commUNITY, then we have what we need for this. If our roles are to “just be Light” to hug, bring a smile and uplift, then we have the ENERGY and everything we need for this… If our roles are to be the Star Councils here and guide all of humanity in various ways, we will have what supports this. What we have SUPPORTS what we came here to be and do….. And as all start to understand it’s not about “things”, it’s what we do/how we utilize/share/support, then what everyone “has” will completely change….. As a part of the redistribution templates and restoring balance through/to all…. Where there was waste, abuse, selfishness, hoarding and “at the cost of others/our planet”, then this is being “taken care of” naturally/organically and through much higher states of consciousness …. Be patient, step back, observe and realize HOW YOU UTILIZE/SUPPORT/SHOW UP/FULFILL will determine what you “have” in any given moment here. Fulfilling much higher roles/purposes require different things. I had to learn everything all over again, as well as everyone on this planet. It’s how all works here. It’s up to each to “designate” what they “have” or “need” if they truly desire to receive “more” abundantly in order to fulfill much greater/higher roles/purposes/missions here. The more we share, the more we receive. The more we support, the more we are supported. Vibrational match creates vibrational a match. These are cyclical energies… that come back around energetically, with or without form, as they are the same.
Limits are your own. You set these. You hold these. You determine these/all. As you/each’s heart/mind/energy/body completely surrenders every ounce of Ego constructs that held the old 3D in place, each is able to start to open up to realize/see/understand this, the realization that each is their own limit by way of the stories they tell themselves/each other, the conditioning/programming each holds “as real”, then each will start to see that shifting all of this is KEY. As each starts to tell themselves a different story, changes the “program” and chooses differently, they are able to shift all of this themselves. Human aspects LOVE to put this on someone/everyone else, ask someone else “what to do” or “fight” an “imaginary” anything in order to hold onto what appears safe/known, without realizing they are giving their power away as well as waiting/looking for someone else to blame as (in the beginning) it’s “harder” to take full responsibility for our actions/energy/behaviour/self and STOP DOING ALL OF THAT and bring our own reality into full vibrational alignment on a Soul Level, which is one reason why 4D is drama, chaos and little children playing out ego games instead of stepping completely away and saying “no more”.... Which is a part of the process for all of us as well. As long as the human aspect can deflect and try to ignore/pretend, then it “thinks” it’s getting away with something, yet having no realization that they created the whole mess and in order to “uncreate it”, they must truly open up to look at it all and then shift where they function from inside, which will then shift their ACTions and behavior from unconscious/programmed to conscious and intentional and vibrationally aligned, creating a Quantum Shift in “reality”, yet the effects are different, as to humans this is not visible fully yet. Ripple effects, and whole geometrics, puzzle pieces and part of a Quantum Equation are not visible at first. Only once full access has been gained can each truly “see” how all works. And then, the vibration will shift/change and that will change too!
Heart Open ALL OF THE WAY means our mind is open and observing and able to learn/see/shift. Heart closed, mind is closed and ego is back in “control” (separation/duality)… this is not vibrationally aligned with NEW Earth… This is old earth and binds each to those realities until something “occurs” to wake/shake/shatter/jolt/bring each back INTO their heart space fully again. Human density/linearity dictates how long/strong this is and how often/when this has to occur to get each’s heart open again. Observe yourself, keep your heart open all of the way and shift where you function from to your heart instead of your head. In the beginning or in tough times this is challenging/hard, so more presence/awareness/observation (without judgment) is required. Just BE and learn to hold this place/space inside. Go deeper, make that inner connection and hold this above all… allowing all to fully shift for you as you do. You will FEEL IT…. breathe this peace, love and joy through you full and exhale all that’s ready to be released energetically on a cellular level from inside of you. (Then your body will start doing things to recalibrate, purify, cleanse clear, so understanding “clearing density/dropping density” is key as well.
When you are in your ego, you are your “lower self”, your small self (or inflated self) and you will have a “higher self”. When you are your higher self/Soul, you have an ego, you observe it, see it, yet it has no power anymore. If you shift to your ego, you separate off from the greater whole, which calls forth an experience to bring you back into connection/consciousness again. If you can recognize this prior to creating an unconscious reality to have to actually experience, you can shift to a whole new/different timeline and let that fall away. Your ability to do this becomes easier and easier with every experience/observation until you never separate off anymore, you don’t let your heart close anymore and you no longer let your ego have a say so in anything and you can MAINTAIN/SUSTAIN fully as your own higher self/soul. Because all is ENERGETIC AND VIBRATIONAL, you have to be completely present, in-tune and paying attention so that you can tell the difference and make the Conscious Choice to shift/hold yourself to your highest everything constantly and every time now. Maintaining an Ascended State of Consciousness is a quiet, silent and soft presence and has zero ego involved. It’s only when the human ego gets involved that the whole thing gets convoluted and becomes an ego game of judgment/hierarchy, which is a 3rd Dimensional Level of Consciousness again. When you are functioning as your Higher/Highest Self, you need not “tell others”, as it’s apparent, visible through your energy, presence and how you speak, transmit, act and are. Human ego aspects will be unaware of this, because they have not learned how to read energetically or “the field”. Souls read energy, light codes, signature and feel this within themselves. There’s nothing to decipher or decode, if you will, as the energy itself holds all, the rest is just a bonus. ♥
As you do this, your Light/Codes/DNA starts a re-coding process important for clearing out density/programming so that your physical Lightbody can vibrate at that consciousness fully too. This means that your entire reality is going to shift/change, that a whole new foundation will be established as well as a new Zero Point Field/Range. Your ability to HOLD THESE HIGHER/HIGHEST STATES OF CONSCIOUSNESS AS LONG AS YOU CAN, will be relative to also being able to birth/create/build/live your NEW EARTH REALITIES here.
Pre-Ascension there are “highs” and “lows”. The “high” is our ascended state, yet chaotic at first and a bit crazy looking too, as the stability/balance inside is not there, there for the “low” will come to clear out density, so that the “high” can become our natural state, yet it then correlates differently as we are not “high” anymore, we function from a much higher frequency with our whole being and the foundation for our reality is different too.
Heart open = Expanded State
Heart closed = Contracted State
YOUR E-GO disconnects this cohesive, coherent field and drops you back into a 3D experience again….
Our body changes sizes, foods, needs, density and weights (these are not the same thing) as we embody higher states of consciousness and clear density within us…. And how “GRAVITY” presents itself changes too. We float, fly and expand… inside and outside, when we walk and in our dream states too. We actually “pull our bodies through” by holding the higher states, allowing all dense/not highest aligned to clear/dissolve/fall away. We literally “pull our bodies” as we HOLD…. And as we embody, the “pulling stops” and we literally walk in a different dimension, on a different version of Earth where the colors are different, the atmosphere is different, the breathable air is different, sounds and electromagnetics are different, the people are a different version too…. And then “later” we re-integrate, if you will, so that we can walk in any/every dimension, yet the one that sustains us is relative to a geometrically/energetically gridded area that when our bodies “walk into” them, they super charge our Physical LightBody Systems and we are able to maintain a super expanded state easier within ‘THIS FIELD”. These areas are “vortexed”, Light Ships and Re-Generation Pods, supercharging and holding the frequencies of HOME, yet in order to maintain/sustain, all has to contribute to enhancing this energy/field/area. Even the weather/atmosphere’s in these areas is different and correlates to each’s own density as well. We each have the ability to create/build/hold these massive geometric realities in place. I’ll be sharing on the Unified/Holographic Field of Consciousness more later, as we just moved into a whole new phase of this, offering all of much more than was available before. ♥
Your LightBody Supports you and is EVERYTHING:
Which means you supporting, honoring, respecting, understanding and re-prioritizing to accomplish this is key. It will dictate how you support yourself, what you receive, how your whole life goes and ability to call forth/live your most beautiful, magical and amazing “dreams” as actual realities as you fulfill your highest Soul Purposes/Missions/Roles here. ♥
Your whole life will become ENERGY AS YOU DO:
As everything is “just energy”, then everything will become Energy and how all correlates will be relative to this. How you function, what’s important and everything you are/do is too. ♥
Your Ego vs. Your Soul:
It’s not a vs. thing, except in the “beginning” it is. This is not about what your ego wants, as that is separation too. Technically, your Higher Selves/Soul could not care less what your ego aspect wants, as that will be the thing that always “gets in your way” and keeps you separate from the whole. Your Soul LOVES you so completely, yet IT RUNS THE SHOW. It will give you leeway for awhile, because you are gaining human ego realities/experiences necessary for your own awakening/ascension processes here. Yet there will come “that moment” that everything will change and it will take over, giving you the opportUNITY to surrender, listen, open up to learn and “do” that which is highest aligned or it will do this for you, to assist you with transitioning over to NEW EARTH REALITIES, which is why you are actually here. The magnitude is beyond any massive conversations, teachings or limited beliefs…. Which means that our hearts must be wide open to DISSOlVE OUR EGO AND MERGE IT WITHIN US into ONENESS/WHOLENESS so that we are not continuing to play out separation games/duality inside. The journey/experience is SO MUCH EASIER, when we are fully merged/aligned on a Soul Level inside and consciously choosing to listen, honor, be and do that which is highest vibrationally aligned too, no matter what our little human aspect wants.
Pre-Ascension it’s a battle inside and out. Duality and ego vs. soul, good vs. bad/evil, heaven or hell, galactic wars and pure Armageddon inside, yet once we all surrender our ego fully to merge all into one/oneness then this completely changes and our whole life get soooooo much easier too. Then we begin the process of physical body ascension and descending all higher selves, embodiment and DNA Evolution where we no longer will compromise on any level, no longer taint our own DNA and we fully embrace all NEW with the EXCITEMENT AND SPLENDOR that’s available as we do.
Which is a MASSIVE process within itself. Pelvis expansion, belly expansion/contract, brain expansion/contraction, neural pathway reconfiguration, nervous system re-writes/re-calibrations, immune system overhauls, pineal gland opening (vision going), electromagnetic field vision/hearing, heart expansion/flutters/chest blowing wide open, birthing pains/contractions/breathing and breathable air changing as your body becomes self-regulatory/self-sustaining, using foods/things to support it in a massive bio-electrical, bio-chemical, bio-kinetic reconfiguration process where your Photonic Lightbody actually changes your DNA/Genetic make-up, molecular structures and atomic codes to evolve you into something completely different than you were “before”. As this occurs, your whole reality changes too, so it takes an immense amount of dedication, commitment, care, love, patience, presence and support by you to do this with greater ease than the other way (ego resistance/suffering/harsh/rough), which is how we choose to do this until we come into enough consciousness to actually comprehend/understand this ourselves.
Your body is a sacred, holy vessel that holds your entire Soul, OverSoul/Monad and every aspect of who you truly are as pure source consciousness here. Treating it with the utmost respect, love and care, means you won’t be compromising this ever again. Your Crystalline LightBody is purification of all things “compromise” and tainted/distorted/not clean or pure. Your Plasma Lightbody is a new neural networking system that emits plasma energy, exacerbating distortions, releasing DMT and allowing you to literally walk in a Lucid Dream Reality, a Virtual Holographic Physical Reality that’s inner-active and a bit trippy at first. As you/each adjusts to transiting through wormholes, vortexes and passageways, by way of opening portals through each’s universal heart/mind, syncing up body’s bio-rhythms with our beloved Gaia and Universally too, then linearity goes, time goes and what replaces this is the ability to consciously create entire realities in the most exquisite, magical, fun and simple ways!
Your ego/head will bind you to 3D Experiences
Your wide open heart will open up access to 5D Realities/Experiences
Your dedication/commitment and ability to maintain an expanded state all of the time will allow you to fully anchor and live much higher dimensional realities, while fulfilling your higher/highest Soul purposes/Galactic Missions and NEW Earth HUman Roles as Pure Love and Light Beings here. The dimension you occupy/experience is the one that your whole body/being operates at. Shift where you function from and shift the dimensional experience you are having… from present moment. Right here. Right now. It can be that simple, if we allow it to be. Only the human ego complicates it all. That’s separation/the old way. We don’t have to live there/that way anymore.
Human’s love to judge and try to fit “this” into the parameters of what they perceive reality as, when in essence, it can’t be done. They get mad, angry, jealous, project and spew out their own hurt, hate, separation, pain in an attempt to “pull everyone” into their vibration/dimension/reality, as in the old adage “misery loves company”. You can understand this and not feel guilty for living your highest aligned, not worry or concern yourself with limited perceptions/judgements and be the WayShower that you are. You can Light the way, lead the path, open the gateways and leave them open for others/all too…. You are the Living Testament/Proof and you can’t BE this if you keep “going back” and playing in unconscious dimensions/realities/energies again. Yet you will until all of this energy is “gone” and then you’ll choose not to ever again. Tis how we roll here. BE the EXAMPLE for what is possible and HOW this is…. SHOW OTHERS BY LIVING AS LIGHT FULLY and accomplishing that which makes a difference for everyone AS LOVE here. Only your ego will consider less, allow less and play in less. That was old earth realities… which will dwindle, collapse and die away. We came here to transition over to a whole NEW EARTH EXPERIENCE and live our most amazing everything!
The dimension your body/consciousness occupies is the dimension/density you create and actually experience here. ♥
Old relationships serving ego purposes will dismantle, end/dissolve as new ones are birthed, born and built. There is this beautiful bond that we all share as Pure Light BEings here. The depths and levels that we care from is so completely pure, yet there’s no compromise or ego games involved. Our relationships are us as Star Family, us as Light Family and we REMEMBER ALL AS LOVE. How we show up is different, the roles we fulfill/play are different and the family unit is built on a whole new foundation of SHARED RESPONSIBILITY, SHARED ABUNDANCE, SHARED VISION, SHARED ….. There’s complete openness and ease. There’s no struggle, no BS, no anything that creates a disruption within the field. There’s pure harmony, beauty and simplicity, yet in order to co-exist we each have to fully honor ourselves and each other, taking plenty of “time”/space to honor LightBody tuning/recalibration/integration processes and coming together as it’s appropriate to unite realities, combine realities and accomplish realities with great ease.
Old human (ego) realities came together out of lack and need. These are the opposite. These support fully, each fulling much higher purposes/roles and everyone contributes, therefore everyone receives.
No one is incapable or needs anything “special”, the only requirement is total responsibility for each’s own energy, behavior and what they bring to the table/reality is offered as a gift, bonus, benefit to further create/expand on a much greater level than any one individual could do before. 12D we’ve accomplished our entire personal reality, completed all ascension timelines and now we can come together with “completed” realities and combine these through continual synchronization processes, open honest communication (vibrational alignment) and through anchoring more dreams through our own physical bodies/vessels and field. 5D - 11D is experiencing everything “not this”, everything “not highest aligned”, yet from a place of consciousness and fulfilling much higher soul purposes/agreements as we do. We do as Love, we fulfill, yet varying frequency bandwidths operate at different oscillatory spin cycle rates, making it more challenging to co-exist/create/accomplish within the same space. It is doable and can be done if everyone is on-board, truly cares and putting forth the effort/energy/work to do this as a loving Light Family here. One ounce of Ego disrupts the Unified/Cohesive/Quantum Field, then “creating” the need for “stopping” to bring all into highest alignment again. We can evolve all through our own consciousness and live the most amazing realities too, yet it takes everyone and any energetic imbalances have to be balanced out and where there are different levels of consciousness operating within the same vibrational/energetic space, then what it takes from everyone is “more” to counter balance and bring all into highest vibrational alignment/balance constantly/again. If every moment is spent “trying to align”, then there are huge distortions and all your creative energy goes out the window and your realities “suffer” due to this. Acknowledging that things are not able to align, is not a judgment, yet instead a realization so that each/all can decide what is most appropriate and then “do” that. :Relationship Karma” is the “hardest” one to clear. We have “Abundance Karma” that we don’t know is there until we clear it completely, Twin Karma (precedes Divine Soul Unions WITHIN) which evolves us all into “Partners” in every relationship, yet it’s not “romantic” as humans “think”/seek. These are beyond PURE and as “Partners” we come together in balance where we “do our own part”. I do my part, you do your part and the whole reality gets done easily, because nothing falls on “one part”, as a part of a greater whole. It took me until the completion of these 12D Templates to clear Relationship Karma, which when I stepped into that phase 2-3 linear years ago, the words were that this would be the “hardest”, because of what it requires from each one of us to be in these highest aligned realities together separately without separation and as ONE. We know when to pull away, honor ourselves and come together in full balance and Divine Alignment as well.
(Note when I use the word Karma, it’s relative to unconscious programming and all existences/timelines, not a linear one. We have UNITY KARMA that creates/brings forth the most beautiful realities to live/experience, yet because so many identify with this word, I use it as a description only to get a point across. Sometimes we have to use certain words to make a point. Karma is one of those. There are many. I use it in a vibrational sense, rather than a linear one. Human egos get caught up in the words, whereas we use words to teach/shift/assist with mindsets, energy, beliefs).
Forming those sacred bonds, building relationships that are completely PURE, holding up our end, coming through and investing our time, love, energy, things is completely different that anything we lived when we were unconscious, separate, human/ego, asleep, unaware. These are beautiful relationships, where we all truly do completely care, yet we are not sacrificing ourselves, trying to save anyone or take up the “slack” for anyone’s disconnection/lack programming. There’s no pulling/sucking/leaching energy, inner-twined ooey-gooey energy, parasitic/manipulation/narcissism or intrusion/imposing/bullying or higher/lower hierarchy games going on. There’s no taking on responsibility for others energy, behaviors and how one acts. That’s full-on 3D Ego Energy that SCREAMS unconsciousness THROUGH THE FIELD and how we deal with that is through full consciousness too. Instead, we are uniting through beautiful softness, uniting to create, uniting to co-exist, accomplish and LIVE THE MOST PURE realities that can be as effortless as we allow them to be.
Every relationship comes into question, every relationship is to evolve, every relationship is about energetics and vibrational alignment/matches, so when the energy changes, as each embody higher/new aspects, the old realities don’t resonate/are not aligned anymore. It’s important to RESPECT THIS and each other in absolutely every way. It’s how we learn, fine-tune, clear out karmic timelines/realities and the codes we held inside that called that forth to start with. Every relationship with everyone and every “thing” comes under scrutiny when each are expanding, growing, learning and opening their hearts to love and respect themselves completely on every level now. Unconscious realities represented unconscious programs, yet it’s not to judge, it’s to understand, clear/dissolve/resolve and either bring the whole thing into higher alignment, or close it out from your absolute highest place and open up to all new realities much more awesome and aligned than before. This is how all works.
REMEMBERING that we are family, that we are ONE, that we are perfect, special and amazing and beautiful, yet not always vibrationally aligned or energetically compatible is important. REMEMBERING ourselves as PURE LOVE, REMEMBERING ALL AS LOVE, gives us the capability to see this in others too and to love them fully, without needing to be in the same reality, unless it’s highest aligned and “how long” this lasts will be relative to so much more than the human aspect can understand. HOLD HONOR, INTEGRITY AND LOVE from your CORE, hold DEEP SACRED RESPECT for all from the DEPTHS OF WHO YOU ARE, hold PURITY and Kindness, Compassion and Care and REMEMBER that what you are transmitting out is what you are calling forth vibrationally/energetically as your own experience here. ♥
Treat all with the utmost kindness, generosity and respect, which includes you, your physical Lightbody and your own reality and honor/allow all to be aligned naturally, organically, while aligning all that requires your attention, because you called forth something that was not. ♥
Collectively and Planetary-wise, the planet has entered into “Maturation Phases” (which I wrote about years ago and all along the way). This is when it’s “time to grow up” as a Soul. Since our EXPERIENCES TEACH US EVERYTHING WE NEED TO KNOW and how all works, then for those who are choosing “not to” for any reason, then “realities”/experiences will assist with the “growing up” process of taking RESPONSIBILITY ON A SOUL LEVEL. This is very different than human realities were, so the “rules” are very different and “look” nothing like before. If each is still trying to “gauge” reality by the old, they are going to be very confused and playing out loop cycles until each goes deeper inward to “get different answers” and start to apply these to their own lives and how they live here. We are past the “little children” phase, where egos get to continually blame and lay everyone on “someone else” and give their power away, refuse to take responsibility for PRESENT MOMENT ENERGY/ACTS… This isn’t about what was “done before” (this gets worked through/out in 4D), this is about what you are holding/doing/BEing NOW ….. So looking at another “moment” is a distraction, ego game, separation within itself. That’s just “knowledge” and how we all “learn”, what to do/not to do and we utilize this for how we ACT/LIVE in this NOW. All of those systems and structures that were aligned with 3D Consciousness go…. So it’s important for each to re-anchor their consciousness (and body) in 5D, start creating, supporting, fulfilling THESE ROLES, so that when they do, the “affect” each experiences isn’t a big deal. All of the “new systems”, programs and realities are created/built by all of us, implemented by all of us and replace the old ones that everyone got used to, believed and lived by before. So in order to LIVE THESE, WE ACTUALLY HAVE TO LIVE THESE… it is that SIMPLE, if we allow it to be.
Additional Zero Point/Linear Time Convergence Update:
In December we established a new Zero Point/Anchor Point for the entire planet emanating from 12D. Once completed, the “next level” of “past/present/future” all did a “new merging” which was “way cool”. Even though we “live” from full presence/present moment/zero point, through SUPER CONSCIOUSNESS we can “see” linear time as something to “maneuver” vs. being a constraint/limit or even “real”. We observe it, so that we can accomplish certain things, yet that’s about it. With this merging, all pasts, all futures were observable as this now, yet very aware that from this “future” we did this in the “past” and we are here in “this now” LIVING IT…. which is way cool to experience within itself.
Believe it or not, there is sooooooooooooooooooo very much more, yet I will conclude this for now and return to share more as appropriate and relative to various processes and phases important for us all here. I may go back in the next week or two and get the "other book"/writing that I did a few weeks ago and publish that to support those who desire to read/integrate this to support their own TRANSIT phases into all new realities with greater ease, grace, peace, love and joy here. We will just have to see. ♥
REMEMBER: We share LIVING NEW EARTH CODES, COSMIC RECORDS, LIBRARIES AND Quantum Dynamics for "how" as all are truly ready to utilize this for evolving their own reality from deep within...... Everything we share is multi-dimensional/Quantum/non-linear, so it's not relative to a "time", other than this ever emerging/evolving now.... It’s a Recorded Living Library, which means it will always apply on “some level”, which is dependent on where each “currently is”, which changes, shifts and “repeats” along the way. It will always apply, until it doesn't anymore, and each has moved completely through those phases into all new ones within themselves.
CONSCIOUSNESS is alive, breathing, inner-connected, ever changing, constantly communicating, re-configuring and recalculating all.... constantly evolving, expanding and shifting all.... and constantly creating/recreating "all new realities" that obliterate/replace the "old ones" of "before"..... Embrace your LIGHT FULLY and LIVE IT FULLY.... TO BE THE EXAMPLE OF WHAT IS NOT ALREADY POSSIBLE, YET ALREADY EXISTS AND "IS"............. from this 'vibrational now'. (Zero Point from full Presence).
NOW WE GO BEYOND 12D: I'll be sharing more on "beyond 12D" and where we are "going" from here, as is appropriate and my own realities support for me to do this too. The barrage/influx of ⭐ Star Codes ⭐ are brilliant, exciting and shift everything for everyone here. ⭐ Believe it or not, this is just a tiny fraction of all and it took me a whole week to put this together, so I had to “let a lot go” and will share later as all occurs in Divine Aligned Flow. ♫
Additionally, we’ve naturally/organically activated a new Holographic Virtual Reality Version 2.0 (Morphogenic Field) (what it called itself), that is way cool as it’s much more interactive, like walking in a multi-dimensional reality/video game, yet as the one with the controller telling the field what to do, while also being the one in the reality doing the doing, with all occurring simultaneously too. The ability for our morphogenic/holographic/physical reality experience have merged together in a whole new way, so all is “one reality” instead of the holographic one being separate and “distant” like before. Some expansion experiences we are full-on in, yet then when we are up and doing, they’d be more distant and take days/weeks/months/years to materialize into form “here”. With this, the distance/“time lapse” is less. Preceding this in my own reality, the entire solar system appeared right outside my head and then integrated and then all was ONE REALITY, instead of a separate holographic and a separate physical one. “That distance/separation” is gone. The holographic reality can be inner-acted with, which before we could “see” and call all forth, yet what we had to accomplish/do took more energy/effort and this cuts down on the “time-frame”/”gap” considerably, allowing holographic realities to materialize into/through form soooooo much “faster” (Quantum) than ever before.It’s like a “2 way experience” instead of a “one way” experience like before. Stay tuned as it’s getting even more fun and interesting than ever before! Sharing more as we continue to flow, expand, go. This is a part of Plasma Reality Upgrades and 12D Templates/Abilities that are now available for all to raise their own overall vibration through expansion, anchoring new template codes and integrating/implementing all fully too. This is a game changer for all, as it allows us to anchor/activate/live new realities easier/faster (Quantum) than ever before. Remember, you/we are PURE CONSCIOUSNESS and we activate through PURE PRESENCE from deep within and then living this fully, with our every conscious act and breath. This is a part of NEW VISION AND 2020. Injoy your full-on multi-dimensional experience fully and as pure love too. ♥
I love you immensely and send love out to all. ♥ From the deepest place and space of sacred respect, care, kindness, appreciation and consideration,
Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼
For those desire to read, I’m now sharing on a “Personal Note”, a “TINY” SYNOPSIS of my own Personal Experience:
On December 30-31 (2019) when my/Earth’s 12D Template Embodiment Re-Gridding Process was “complete” (after 3 years dedicated to this), I felt my LightBody Cells “having a party” and the words were “cellular celebration” and there was this “new level” of excitement (and body/field functionality finally returned like “ascension” had never occurred). I had my “body” back, which I’ve been working with all year, as the last 10 years of “full on” Embodiment requires everything we have and are and our whole body/field too.
Since December 18th, 2019, every day/night I’ve been “reminded” that with the completion of these 12D Templates with Gaia (after 3 years dedicated to this), I was completely done with all ascension timelines on a personal level and “how” all of this worked, by observing my own whole journey/experience and breaking it down into dimensions/phases/processes and more, so that I can then explain this for others who are also going through this in their own personal reality too. It’s like the whole Ascension/Decension experience “never occurred” and is just now a “blip”. There are days that I “remember” it, so it’s been a bit “strange and cool” having a “whole chunk of my life” completely dissolve and then come back in as a “faded memory”, barely visible and unless I’m to “go there” to explain/support/guide/assist/teach, the whole thing is done/gone and now we move into a whole new phase of Unity/Service, which I’ll share as we go. I’ve completely shifted (we are supposed to), to a whole new place inside of me, and every day am completely different, which is way cool too. It’s like wrapping up my entire previously reality in a “bow” and utilizing it as the GIFT that it was/is and moving completely on into all new realities in accordance with Star Nations/12D Template Implementation and ACTually InJOYing the whole experience on a whole new level of fun, excitement and purity, while uniting, creating and sharing all new ways again. The same thing occurred with my “human experience” when I fully merged my “Universal Self” December 2012, then REMEMBERED ALL AGAIN a couple months later, by-way of re-experiencing the “fall from consciousness”, which was devastating within me, triggering an immense and DEEP physical body/reality separation clearing, making way for then merging my “future self” a couple months later, where EVERYTHING CHANGED and all this “Higher”/Ancient/Quantum KNOWLEDGE came flowing/pouring out of me, to then completing my Merkaba build that had been occurring naturally and organically as I “reversed all” from human to Soul within me and how I showed up in everyday “life”. Upon these “graduation/completion” cycles and processes for Physical Body Ascension to occur, I then naturally went on to begin the “climb” “the Ascension Ladder” of infinite levels of Higher Selves/Consciousness, by opening up access to all the other dimensions on a consciousness level, to fully integrate and embody where we are Quantum Jumping through realities at a ridiculous rate, living these fully and consciously shifting our whole reality to a “higher one” constantly, while anchoring through us and evolving at “record speed”. I had to be “faced” with everything “not highest aligned”, so that I could align it myself. It’s a part of merging polarities, resolving polarity and bringing all into full UNITY within ourselves. By stepping/moving into a 5D reality, both internally and externally, my whole life and every inner-action transitioned to loving, kind, supporting full-service, on every level, within my home, communities, globally… in every way. Every action, every exchange was service, so my whole life had to change to support all of these “new ways”. Being a Gatekeeper/Gridkeeper and Frequency Holder, we gain the ability to accomplish vastly from our deep a Soul Level, consciously honoring Sacred Soul Agreements that become more prevalent with every “new dimension/level of consciousness”, as we understand the importance of this. This meant “how” I fulfilled and “how I lived” all had to constantly shift and change to continue to increasingly support this. Uniting with Soul-Star family on various levels (in the physical/ and virtually), sharing codes and fulfilling various roles, forming/building relationships and those BONDS, while observing/clearing distortions requires everything from us, which is an important part of the NEW EARTH Template building processes as well. As we evolve as Star Family, Soul Family, we literally become a new family here. A deeply sacred, respectful, kind, loving, supportive and beautiful relationship that is unified, not separated/fractured like “before”. There is not one ounce of “lack” involved. It’s PURE love, unity, openness and readiness to create/live/accomplish together and this “new unit” cannot be measured by any human experience, as they just can’t compare, as they do not resemble our earthly perception of how anything works or is here. I had to do this on every level, in my home, every exchange, in local/online communities and globally too. Teaching/guiding/assisting and learning together as we all go. This CAN BE AS BEAUTIFUL (or as dysfunctional) as we allow. We choose pure peace, beauty, kindness, soft, flowing, brilliant ones instead, just because we can and we don’t have to “settle” for anything less when we hold our highest everything on every level, at all times, from deep within and RAYdiate this out to affect/recode naturally within “the Quantum Field” …. All through BEING PURE PRESENCE AND HOLDING THIS FULLY - AS OUR ONLY REALITY here. Since all occurs in intervals and “spans out” across all dimensions that can correlate to linear hours/days/months/years, a “completion” occurs when a specific and overall vibrational/energetic convergence occurs within the NOW EXPERIENCE.
On December 30-31, 2019, the words for “me” were: DREAM YOUR REALITIES THROUGH YOU… and then my WAKE/SLEEP STATE, “whole reality/experience”, went full on “dreamy state”, without the foggy/groggy/any density at all, full on cohesive plasma field and THROUGH OUR CONSCIOUSNESS/EXPERIENCE we were LIVING “the future” realities fully from “this reality/experience” here. And by doing this, we were “pulling those realities” into this one through our excitement, creating, having a blast and coming together to accomplish “the bigger realities” through a “new” shared reality/experience, where each is honoring/fulfilling SOUL AGREEMENTS as LOVE, working together in Divine Partnership, Presence, Joy and Excitement…. Where all is fully balanced, easy and just organically/naturally flows into the next reality and the next one …. Effortlessly… which is the Template of 12D when/as all is fully energetically in balance/aligned/held fully from deep within ourselves. (See the section regarding the Holographic Virtual Reality 2.0/Morphogenic Field, as this was the “first full experience of that”, yet every day has been that since, just in different ways, as we “do” realities. Some driving down the road or out and about connecting with others or at home, creating/BEing…. This is like a “full-on” virtual reality experience that is so like wearing 3D goggles and having the actual experience through holographic imaging… it’s hard to explain, yet way cool, so I’m hoping to create the “visual” through my sharing experience here).
In Previous “Years” on each January 1st, I would wake up and the whole year’s templates/codes would become visible for “what we were to accomplish” over the next year and it would take me days to decode and then write the encodements to share/support all through that year’s Quantum Energy Report. I would always have my personal ones and then collective ones as well and I’d share these for others, depending on the “avenue” and whatever exchanges supported/provided for this. This “year” was completely different. I started writing the January/2020 Energy Report mid-December, yet never put it out. I “thought” I’d wake up on 1/1 and finish it, yet my reality went a whole different direction, so I honored this and through FULL PRESENCE in my own experience observed all and “how all played out”.
On 12/31 a fellow soul-siStar on island called, and while I had set aside the evening and next day to finish writing the 2020 Energy Overview/Report, the energies said differently. In that moment, the answer was “yes, come on over”. While I had all of these “things” that I “needed” to do, her coming over was what was highest aligned. She came over and the experience took on this beautiful energy which carried us through all night and late into the next morning. I was already going on 2-3 solid days of getting tons done with very little sleep, yet fully energized and ready to keep rocking it. She and I went till like 6am, laughed and I gave her one of the rooms to sleep in/crash. We both slept like 3-4 hours and were up and ready to “go again”, fully energized, ready to create/accomplish and LIVE THE NEW REALITIES THROUGH. (Plasma realities allow us to do this).
The night before, she said “Do you want to stop and go write your energy report”? The answer inside was “NO. Don’t Stop Doing this, to “go do that”. Stay in this, live it fully, keep creating, anchoring and bringing this forth, as it’s much more important right now”. So I’m like “nope, this is more important right now”.....
The next morning, we were up and at it again. Sun-charging, discussing and looking at all of the possibilities, ideas and non-linear “hows” and geometric pieces and parts of the Quantum Equation. We did this for 3 days straight, up till 6-7 am, sleeping a couple/few hours, then back at it again. After the 3rd day, it was time to go apart, to do our own separate realities, clear our space, recalibrate separately then come back together again when the energies/our schedules supported this. It was only 2 days, and we did for one night/day and in a few days we will do it again for however many days are vibrationally/energetically aligned for this.
This “point” was to have this entire massive Inner-Active Quantum Field Experience “open completely up” FOR US/BY US and to BE IN THE ACTUAL EXPERIENCE FULLY, which was what “created” all to come forth, cutting down on the “gap” of it taking the whole linear year to build /accomplish/do…. Now we just “hold it” and continue to do our parts, together and separately, and while we do, the entire reality will materialize/come forth.
3 linear “days” fluidly just flowed and merged into one, increasing chunks of linear “time” by 3x as “fast”, so 3 months in linear is ONE MONTH and ONE YEAR is now 3-4 months “time”, if this helps “explain” how linear time is “collapsing/converging/merging” on a Quantum Level (faster rate is human words, yet it’s actually slower, easier and from pure Zero Point Peace and Ease). When we fully live from Zero Point/Present moment, there is no time, so the whole reality is this now… and then “how” linearity plays into this, is very different… which is how it’s been since 2012, yet each phase is different, as our own LightBody-Field in conjunction with Gaia/Universally/Cosmically and WHERE WE ACTUALLY VIBRATIONALLY FUNCTION from determines all.
WE and our whole ENERGETIC HOLOGRAPHIC QUANTUM FIELD went through a “whole reality pole flip” and we watched the whole thing “turn upside down” (this flips human realities upside down into chaos) and then again as we “slid” right into the whole “new” reality, effortlessly, having a blast and excited at all available to support/accomplish together (and with others co-joining to expand fulfillment of much higher purposes/roles fully too).
During the 3 Day Creation/Living the Dream Through” Experience, the words were: THIS IS YOUR NEW NOW.
Cool…. So by both of us doing this, we amplified the Quantum Effect of the Unified Creation Field, we had an absolute blast, it was beautiful, we created higher service realities literally “out of thin air”.... I think we “slept” a whole 8 hours in 3 days, FULLY ENERGIZED and only laying down to shift clear/shift/anchor and “enter” into “the next”. The easiest way I have to “equate it” is that we “did” a 24-hour linear day in a few hours, laid down to clear/anchor/activate the next, got up and did the next “24-hour day” in a few hours then laid down, did the same, then got up a couple hours later to “do the next 24-hour day” and by the end of the day, we’d “done” 3 whole days and still were not tired, so we did it again the next day… “working/creating/flowing” into the next morning till like 7am, laid down a few hours, then up and did it again. We did this for like 2-3 days until the ENERGY of the Whole Thing was complete, then we went our separate ways, then a couple days later, came back together again… and picked all right back up and did this again for 1 day, then went apart and will come back together in a few days… as we are merging realities, while still maintaining our own separately… so there is nothing like “the old”.... Completely “separate” realities, until it serves a purpose for us to merge these fully (if it does), so we can increase Divine Flow and accomplish more together (and with others) than either one of us could do separately before.
So I am sharing with all that this might assist… Did you forget to Dream? DREAM YOUR NEW REALITIES THROUGH YOU AND LIVE THEM FULLY NOW TOO! ♥
When it comes to working together, coexisting together, creating entire realities together, we spend a lot of “time” (ENERGY) getting to know each other, seeing if there is ENERGETIC COMPATIBILITY, where we “can’t”/are not able to come together yet, due to any separation/old mentality/linear constructs/current realities in place and then the next time we feel to come together (can be a week/month/year), we do, we build a relationship, we go apart for a few weeks/month, then when it’s aligned, we come back together… This is creating a foundation and a BUILDING PROCESS through patience, investing in the relationship/reality building process, supporting each other and the entire reality, and since full-vibrational-alignment takes “time”, we also have to see if we have a SHARED VISION, otherwise the reality “won’t work”. Each person in my life, we’ve been doing this over “time”. One has taken 3 years, another almost a year, so it’s not an overnight process and everyone has to truly deeply care, be ready to be in humbled full-service and to truly willing and ready to come together to fulfill higher service roles together, and separately as well. We are building Soul Level Relationships, based upon a foundation of Sacred Trust, Honor, Integrity, Love, Unity, Peace, Contribution, Sharing and mutually beneficial support. We are all “proving ourselves” (that we won’t “go human” (ego) and separate off from the greater whole), that we will show up and come through, that we will always be pure in every way and that we truly do actually care about ourselves, each other and humanity too, otherwise there’s no reality together and unless there’s a purpose/point to an actual exchange, there is no purpose/point, as we don’t “just waste time/energy/hang”. We love our alone time, our solitude, our peace, our ability to create and live beautiful magical realities, so “others” have to bring something to the table that we can’t already do/accomplish ourselves. Other “types of exchanges” are short and brief, and serve a barrage of different purposes, that aren’t important for this sharing here.
Because we do not have that separation, those ego barriers/excuses, and the “I can’t see beyond myself” programs going on, we are able to come together without that conditioning/programming/separation coming into play. We realize how this works, and we both/all have to be wide open and willing to do our part. It’s “that easy” and everyone receives/gets to inJOY the most amazing, beautiful realities as a result while supporting fulfilling much higher purposes/roles through UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS and for HUMANITY and for all of us here.
Pay attention to how complicated you make things, the disruptions you allow, when you are separated/struggling inside, what “stories you are telling”, your mindsets/energy and and shift all to pure peace/harmonization/ease/readiness/openness within yourself. ♥
This entire site is dedicated to the continual activation, elevation and expansion of Highest Consciousness Existence for all of HUmanity.
Everything received and sent out from me/through here is as a GIFT, a vibrational recognition through sacred gratitude, appreciation and non-linear reciprocation and contribution from within. All is to support our NEW EARTH EXISTENCE and anchoring the highest timelines of Heaven on Earth in our physical here. All is focused on "the much bigger picture" and fulfilling all of our highest Soul purposes here. My expression of pure gratitude accompanies all as you receive energetically on every level too! ♥
NEW EARTH replaces Old Earth Everything (for everyone on this planet) ♦ Everything is ENERGY and ENERGY IN FORM
Invest in yourself, each other, your Service as Light, hUmaNITY, Consciousness Expansion and all of our future nows... by contributing to and fully supporting (in every way) that which supports humanity with the immense transition phases with greater ease and through Pure Love.
NEW Earth has a whole new, entirely different value system, all new systems and ways that all must learn/remember and bring forth from deep within.
Energetic Cycles are increasing substantially at an unprecedented rate, accelerating "what comes back around" energetically... from all existences, as all is a cyclical/spiral/reciprocal energy that cycles faster as our beloved planet's vibrational frequency continues to rise to bring/usher all out of the "dark ages" and into "the Light" (Full Consciousness/a Quantum State of Remembrance/Pure Peace, Love, Unity and Sacred Oneness).
In deep sacred appreciation for your presence, dedication and service as Love too. ♥
Keep embracing, shining, building, integrating and sharing your BEAUTIFUL LIGHT as Love! It's BEyond important for all! ♥
Invest in yourself, each other, your Service as Light, hUmaNITY, Consciousness Expansion and all of our future nows... by contributing to and fully supporting (in every way) that which supports humanity with the immense transition phases with greater ease and through Pure Love.
NEW Earth has a whole new, entirely different value system, all new systems and ways that all must learn/remember and bring forth from deep within.
Energetic Cycles are increasing substantially at an unprecedented rate, accelerating "what comes back around" energetically... from all existences, as all is a cyclical/spiral/reciprocal energy that cycles faster as our beloved planet's vibrational frequency continues to rise to bring/usher all out of the "dark ages" and into "the Light" (Full Consciousness/a Quantum State of Remembrance/Pure Peace, Love, Unity and Sacred Oneness).
In deep sacred appreciation for your presence, dedication and service as Love too. ♥
Keep embracing, shining, building, integrating and sharing your BEAUTIFUL LIGHT as Love! It's BEyond important for all! ♥
As a part of Elevating Consciousness, which is a part of shifting all into a much HIGHER DIMENSIONAL VERSION (i.e. NEW EARTH and 5+D OPEN DISCLOSURE), (and the new GDPR Compliance Requirements), we are happily posting how we use your information, even though technically "WE" are a collective energy of LOVE & Unity Consciousness. "I" AM an individual, with a priority to hold (EMBODY) the highest level of LIGHT, which translates through integrity, love, respect, kindness, consideration and through Cosmic Harmonic Alignment, at all times for all of us here and to promote love, peace, unity and a much higher consciousness supportive reality, where the "old" (unconscious) is not a part of our "NEW". "I" am an individual who just happens to "do" a billion things to awaken, support, inspire, contribute and provide reSOURCEs, in order to assist all of HUmanity in living our highest existences (NEW Earth) together through Purity and Love too. For those who may desire to know, we (me and any HUman Souls physically supporting in accomplishing the daily work), personally do not gather/review/use your information for anything, other than replying to you as you have requested, sending newsletters/updates as requested, sending pertinent notifications regarding a product/service/course/item you've registered for/obtained, while providing the option at all times for you to unsubscribe, cancel any current memberships and request to no longer receive specific notifications by providing the information for us to do this. We are providing you with the names of websites/platforms/services we utilize, so that you can review their Privacy Policies with us as account holders, as well as you as visitors or subscribers regarding anything pertaining to our users/visitors, in order for you to review. Always holding the highest integrity in all that we do. We provide this information with love and out of respect to all of us and you.. ♥
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If we find any others that are relative, we will update those here for you to access too. Click on any applicable service, to locate and review their Privacy Policies and Disclosures. Emails will be sent out accordingly, so all can re-optin in order to consciously choose to continue to receive supporting newsletters, announcements and updates through our email service.
We will update this section again with more information in order to assist you soon.
"WE" totally love, honor, respect and appreciate you and your presence, participation and contributions for all of HUmanity too!!! ♥
Newsletter Service: Flodesk
Soundcloud: Cookies Policy
Mastery School Hosting: Thinkific (* Your Registration is your opt-in to sign up automatically for Newsletters from MailChimp)
If we find any others that are relative, we will update those here for you to access too. Click on any applicable service, to locate and review their Privacy Policies and Disclosures. Emails will be sent out accordingly, so all can re-optin in order to consciously choose to continue to receive supporting newsletters, announcements and updates through our email service.
We will update this section again with more information in order to assist you soon.
"WE" totally love, honor, respect and appreciate you and your presence, participation and contributions for all of HUmanity too!!! ♥
Copyright 2009-Current ~ Lisa Transcendence Brown