I have light encoded this writing/recording (as with all that I do), to assist with activating your own Higher Consciousness DNA to awaken further from inside of you. This may put many to sleep, to activate and integrate, to travel, open up energetic portals to remember... as it works on a multi-dimensional level. Honor your body as your bio-electrical LightBody activates, as your energy body ignites to "move" more, to stimulate, clear, cleanse and re-tune for you.... drink plenty of clean water to assist your body with this high vibrational process... (Utilize this as often as you feel, as the more you do, the more you activate. This is a Quantum process, not a linear one). This will further activate your own Ascended NEW Earth vibration/consciousness for anchoring and embodying in your physical body/reality fully. Share this activation/post with others, as the Bridge to NEW Earth and LOVE that you are. ♥
Scroll to the bottom to access and utilize the provided Downloadable DropBox Link. Feel free to share this page with all to assist others desiring to Awaken to Remembering easier too! ♥
Now powerful cosmic rays go straight for systems and overhauls... DNA at the atomic level... these go deeeep into cells, structures.....charges Plasma Crystalline LightBodies, weakens human bodies... sleep, nausea, weakness, lethargy, foods.... deep into the GALACTIC CORE and SOULar DNA to awaken and re-code/re-program by dissolving, dismantling, disintegrating and re-configuring from linear to non-linear (Quantum) geometrics.............. ♦ Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼ Deep gratitude to the unknown artist for depicting in a way to assist more with understanding here. ♥ I see many "questioning" how or when or if they are even experiencing "this"... Physical Body Ascension, Galactic/Higher Self/Pure Source Light Embodiment and a part of this "movement" or huge shift into a much higher dimensional existence.... So I write/share a little here to assist with the "how", which is just a tiny portion of this immense process as all RETURN through Awakening to Remembering.... Ascending with their bodies after their own "Fall from Consciousness" into the Unconscious Realms of Amnesia.... as the veils and foundations of realities vastly dissolve and take all new form. Our human body was carbon-based, just like a diamond in the rough. It was dense and "packed" full of "heavy" programming, deep within each cell of our bodies... and then it was time (vibrationally) to wake up/awaken/start to remember... Yet, because the human body anchored each physically in 3D, D standing for Density and Dimension... our consciousness has to "wake up" first. Technically our consciousness is not asleep. We were, our bodies were... and the waking up process means that the body must awaken, purify, cleanse, clear... every linear, conditioned, fixed, limited, distorted, illusory, unconscious program... which is an immense process of ENDURANCE, while undertaking the hugest task ever; Evolving from unconscious sleeping human to fully awakened Universal/Cosmic Light BEings/Soul/Galactics incarnate in a physical body... to walk a literal Heaven on Earth. This process occurs deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep inside of our bodies, on a cellular, molecular and atomic level. It's our Quantum Energy Body, which humans don't know how to interpret or understand. This means "re-working" how we listen, how we understand, how we perceive everything and re-working how all REALity is.... Our realities are actually Quantum, not physical as our human aspect "thought". Our realities are CREATED by our Quantum State of Consciousness, and each's "human" experience (ego/separation/duality) chosen/designated/programmed in each's DNA upon incarnating/walking into physical form here. Until it's time for one to start waking up from the deep state of amnesia, living deep beneath the veils, each is living out a human experience, which changes the moment that AWAKENING CODE (1111) is activate inside of each's cells, codon's, template....... The next phase is a LONG and intricate PASSAGEWAY of Ascending, by way of Transcending all things ego/separation/unconscious held within. It's an awakening of each's Consciousness, from within the body, which activates the LightBody.... yet at first, this "Light" of each's Soul is small, dormant, asleep.... as the human experience had a human body.... because it played out certain roles necessary to complete a karmic clearing process.... to then move on to many others..... Through each's consciousness expanding, then each can achieve and ascended state. At first by way of consciousness, then physically, which can take years. For me personally, once I started to awaken, I was still completely unaware, didn't have a clue to any of "this" and had to stumble my way back into consciousness, awakening, remembering.... which was beyond intense, which was the journey I chose here. I chose the harsh and rough, because I was soooo deep asleep and embedded in the matrix program. Waking up was the hugest challenge that I had. It took my whole lifetime up until that "point". My human aspect (ego) was so strong, I fought with everything that I had, so everything I had had to go... so I didn't have any more safety mechanisms or excuses... and I'd get on-board finally.... through immense pain, immense everything... Being a walk-in with no other physical incarnations... I had to "do" every extreme in this incarnation. Extreme is awesome when it comes to Quantum Jumping... yet the/our human aspect doesn't do well with things it can't control. Ascension is the opposite of control. It's Unifying with "invisible" aspects, it's having to accept what isn't physically touchable as "real". Each's Light is their Energy Body, the Light of their Soul, that awakens through many ways. Electrical jolts, shocks, traumas and magical experiences alike, all different stimulations for the body to release emotions "tied to" (or attached) to a mentality, belief, thought. First "trapped" ones, "lower vibrational" ones that represent discord, like perceived fears, judgments, blame, shame, guilt, anger, hurt and more.... all a part of an akashic record held in each's cellular imprints and body templates, which houses each's "all existences" vibrationally where all is "housed" or "stored". These cellular imprints represent reality, which is subjective and changes as each awakens to new truths, new awareness, new realizations and understandings that challenge the fabric of reality as it once was. As YOU BEcome Energy, your physical reconfigures/adapts. Your energy body will be your primary body, with your physical body working in unison with this. When you allow your light to deplete, your LightBody will shut down and your human body will be the body you are functioning with. This is why it's so important to re-generate and learn to sustain/maintain/generate your own Light from inside and not "spend/waste" your energy on that which is not creating/supporting NEW EARTH realities for us all. (This will "lend" to your physical abundance). You will re-create everything in accordance with Universal and Cosmic Laws/Rules/Alignment/Codes (whatever word you want to use). PHASE 1: The human experience of separation by way of a deeeeeeep sleep. (3rd Dimension) PHASE 2: Awakening to "something more", yet not quite understanding "all" (Duality phase/4D) PHASE 3: Ascending of/through Consciousness and then Physical Body Ascension (5D-12D) PHASE 4: Multi-Dimensionality and Service through Purity & Unity Consciousness Love (13D+) PHASE 5: Incarnate Star Council Members called into Service (we are now in this phase/2018): Avatars/OverSoul Embodiers of the Diamond Rainbow Body Template and Carrying 2222 Codes I'll announce the next phases accordingly. As each "completes" the initiations, passageways and activates the keycodes in their own DNA for embodiment and fulfilling these higher purposes/roles/missions here. They may change a bit, as I typed this up by observing today. As I see more, then all adapts. :) Tis how we flow here. ♥ At first, your energy body is your subtle body. The one you have to tune all of your attention (conscious awareness) to in order to hear, match up frequencies, vibrational energies and more. The more each does this, the more prevalent the energy body becomes, eventually activating fully to awaken the WHOLE BODY CONSCIOUSNESS that merges with your/each's field (Merkaba then StarGate). This "merging" (integration) is a continual process, as is clearing any old programs that emerge/present. The human is "slow" to process. The more crystalline, the "faster" processing is, yet it takes the whole body to process, as the human body goes offline from the old Matrix and comes online with the Energetic and Crystalline Matrix of NEW Earth, then the Plasma Networking system and more. The more Light held, the more crystals evolve, the "faster" and easier one's LightBody can process Light Encoded data with their whole body, through the Quantum Unified Field of Super Consciousness, all surroundings, inner and outer realities and more. In high anchoring times, the Crystalline LightBody "goes offline" to upgrade and the human body has to sleep/shut down/relax/slow down and disconnect from the external to "process" and integrate Light Data, overloading the human body systems until each can rebuild their new bodies in accordance with much Higher Dimensional Cosmic Frequency Light. Physical Density constantly changing, the structures of our cells, the capabilities of our "bodies", as our DNA/RNA recodes constantly, as our bodies recalibrate constantly to HOLD the immensity of Quantum Cosmic SOULar Galactic Photonic Frequency Light. Stellar StarGate openings and alignments, planetary shifts and Gaia's restructuring coincide with each of our Earthly Soul Bodies as we do simultaneously with them. Our bodies and fields, holding all, every cellular organism of our body must awaken and be completely re-coded, re-patterned and re-worked. At first, our denser bodies anchored us in denser realities, where energetics were not understood. Everything was very "physical". All of this changes to become energetic, with the physical constantly being "density changing and physical form changing" as a result of our Individual Unified Quantum Consciousness. The more light we hold, as LOVE, the less density our bodies hold, so Light can zoom zoom zoom through our bodies and reconnect us on a multi-dimensional level here. Our bodies do the work for us and we gain access to our highest purposes/missions and roles through HOLDING the highest Light Quotient possible at all times. We are constantly integrating, stabilizing and shifting as are "realities".... for these are Super Mega Quantum too. Our access replaces physical experience, as it once was. The physical takes on all new meanings, nothing like dense/unconscious old human ego ones. We have our own language, which is Light... spoken and transmitted through LOVE... through Purity, through our Divine Presence and Essence... It's been challenging for me lately, as I don't speak "human" very well anymore, and I've actually had to utilize someone else that can still "understand and speak human" to help communicate as the bridge between galaxies/cosmos/universes.... I had someone here with me that understands "my/our" language who can still translate that into human.... This is a part of the throat chakra and 2222 Codes that are re-working our language centers. Communicating across "galaxies" to those who are still waking up and function linearly takes alot of energy on our part. It's actually "hard" on our physical bodies, all of the energy it takes to explain what is simple when received through our open and unified hearts. LOVE is our existence, LOVE is our foundation. We don't have realities that are less anymore. We don't have the capacity for "less" and we barely remember ones that are "less", unless the vibration presents for us to see/feel/observe and "deal"/shift/resolve/dissolve appropriately ourselves/together as love. Love is the basis for all that we are and do... there are no other realities that exist. Communicating LOVE to the "not yet" conscious is tricky, because "our realities" don't make logical sense. This is because all must be FELT and the human aspect has shut down, not wanting to feel or feels "too much", not able to maintain balance as their heart opens fully. The fear and judgment of FEELING creates a distortion within itself. Communicating FEELINGS without distortions means complete self-awareness, self-respect, self-care and holding this for each other as well. The beauty is that we don't care if our realities don't make sense or fit into "others" perceptions of what "reality is". Our realities don't play out karmically, the loop cycle of timelines being re-created from unconscious programming that eventually dissolve/collapse (in order to unify on a higher dimensional plane of existence). Ours are CREATED from Zero Point Field... from where the Purity of Love exists within us all. Light is our "doing" energy. It's how we transmit all. It's the FORCE, the POWER that CREATES... and holds all of our NEW EARTH REALITIES in place. Love is our Divine Feminine. Light is our Divine Masculine. Creation is our Divine Child Aspect that's Genius, wise and pure. It takes all 3 (three fold flame) to ignite our SOUL Fire from within. Clearing any human distortions as we do, is a part of this process as well. We've entered a phase (for human bodies), where "eruptions" and "distortions" will become bigger, louder and more visible in every way. The increase in photonic and plasma atmospheres makes all heard/felt/seen, more powerfully and "easily" than before. The physical body/Earthly bodies and Gaia's and our Universe/Cosmos.... we've amped all up huge. This is a great time of "change", as more stand in their power (many will be "fighting it out"), speak out, stand up and take their power back, stepping completely out of old realities/timelines.... The more inner balance, inner peace, inner connection, the less the "extreme" behavior occurs. Focus on inner-balance and stabilizing these cosmic activations/upgrades, as it's easier to maintain your entire reality (all gazillion of them) simultaneously if you do. ♥ I'll be writing more to the Gatekeepers, Gridkeepers, Frequency Holders, Light Keepers, Bridgers, NEW Earth Anchors and Stabilizers as we go. Y/Our Roles become more prevalent as we move into these next phases, so honor your processes, your bodies and you... embracing your WayShower Roles in a multitude of ways as they present. Many shall be called to step-up/forth in varying capacities, to fulfill much higher purposes/roles/missions now. Your human aspect "will not like" these parts, so recognize which aspect you are BEing in every moment here. Embodiers/Avatars/Peaceful Powerful Rainbow Warriors.... Hold your space/place and shine your Light as bright as you can.... be as visible as you can.... affect all as LOVE in every way, every exchange... It's beyond important for us all. (p.s. If you are reading anything I've ever shared, this is you!). ♥ I love you! Keep doing and being magnificent! ♥ Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼ www.AwakeningToRemembering.com Gateways have activated and started to open up.... I'll be writing/sharing (where available) as we flow/go/shift/acclimate/anchor/expand...... The last few days we were moving tons out, before this next phase could begin. Uranus in Taurus, in addition to everything else... a huge "Tides are Turning" as waves and waves and waves of massive, powerful Cosmic Frequencies unleash, unanchor, unravel and all takes "new form" through each's own higher/highest dimensional access/application/implementation in their own realities/lives, from within their own physical bodies.... Stabilization/Balancing from DEEP within is KEY (KEYCODE), so prepare to expand/jump and HOLD NEW EARTH REALITIES with everything you've got too! I love you! ♥ Gatekeepers/Gridkeepers/Bridgers/Stabilizers/Frequency Holders/Anchor Points.... here.... we.... goooooooooo. ♥ WE are just "beginning" to open up (over night and this morning upon waking)... time to get busy/started and for many, go to sleep to wake up/dissolve those veils of amnesia and open up access to what was "closed off" (disconnected by way of each's closed heart/mind).... so each can feel, see, understand and EXPERIENCE all new exquisiteness in every moment here. Honor your body.... nature, nurture, rest... it takes BEYOND all of our ENERGY to accomplish these huge feats.... High charging photons and electromagnetics are how we are starting out thus far, after waves and waves and waves of "lifting" and re-balancing (body-field) energies... opening hearts of beautiful SOULs incarnate here to HOLD LOVE... in order to make a difference and SHIFT EVERYTHING out of the "old" and into the new..... So very much love, appreciation and gratitude for each one of you TOO! ♥ Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼ www.AwakeningToRemembering.com Photos taken during 5/15 gateway prep ♦ ♥ Real-time Quantum Cosmic Multi-Dimensional Energy Updates posted directly to my Facebook pages for those who utilize these for greater understanding and ease. Aloha Love Family, Yesterday, an awesome day to bang out work, actual linear abilities, with Gamma Rays supporting our LightBodies, with Timelines Converging === boom boom boom, which requires instant maneuvering - in step, in flow, shifting, moving, handling, adapting, re-arranging flights, schedules, entire realities/everything instantly, without "thinking", to the "new current reality", re-working everything to fully align "right now" and paying attention to what's still/no-longer vibrationally aligned, after a week long integration and multi-timeline activation where everything goes into flux, shifts/moves/changes to move all into NEW REALITIES... easy if there's no holding on, no trying to fit into old beliefs/mentalities/boxes..... Super productive, utilizing every ounce of energy until the body says "okay I'm done", to integrate the magnitude of these barrages of Light Encodements into our physical 24/7 continually now.... Timelines: All over the place... use your holographic access to SEE all, so you can maneuver simultaneously as all becomes visible, assisting your physical matter reality synchronizing with uninterrupted ease.... As the 3D/4D realities dismantle, dissolve (collapse for human aspects still needing to open their heart fully to shift into a higher vibrational dimension/timeline/reality with their physical body, that held immense separation/density/unconscious programming, this never "looks" like anyone "thinks" or would ever "choose" on a human level, because it's not supposed to. Comfort zones gone, ability to control gone, ability to hold on to unconscious anything.... gone...... Excuses, victim-hood, blaming, judgment, fears, inability to control.... all a part of what has to GO..... Projection are HIGH by the unconscious right now... and escalating as all gets shaken up in physical 3D/4D Realities..... as massive re-configuration/re-calibration/re-everything occurs. Observing the EXTREME DISTORTIONS of the human-ego-unconscious, having no clue they are unconscious, projecting their own distortions out... having no clue they are clearing their own programming, looking at "them out there"... Emotions high for many, deep suppression from years of "control" and "not wanting to see/own up to/feel/deal.... those days/options are GONE..... SHIFTING DIMENSIONS/TIMELINES.... Vibrational realities look nothing like linear ones. Coping mechanisms, attachments to outcomes "lack/need/fixed" realities.... APPLYING EXPANDED CONSCIOUSNESS is necessary for these realities now... Opening your heart MORE, go deeeeeeeeeeep inside to your PUREST PLACE OF KNOWING, where your trust is so strong, where you are able to expand out sooooooooooooo far that the physical no longer has hold..... embracing your highest visions and perspectives and where called from inside... DO what you see, do what your own higher/inner guidance TELLS YOU TO DO, because it's speaking to your own human aspect EGO... your other version of you... the one that seeks the EASY way, instead of doing the inner work, instead of showing up/coming through as your own Highest Aspect/Version/SELF you.... You are going to see lots of peeps "Fighting it out".... which is a part of the Awakening Process for those dissolving their own Matrix Programming.... You are going to see Heightened Emotions, Rampant Fears, Massive Projecting... for all in a 3rd Dimension/4th Dimensional Timeline/Reality... working to clear THEIR OWN STUFF.... if you have an emotional anything, then this is yours too..... if you are involved, attached, affected... this is yours.... tooooooooo. We are in a massive COLLECTIVE AWAKENING, A GRAND AWAKENING ..... that shakes, rattles, shocks.... literally.... this is a very physical experience. Physical Bodies need immense support as they work diligently/hard to wake up too, to become fully conscious too, to leave the 3rd/4th Dimension PHYSICALLY, in order to ASCEND to NEW EARTH and live in all new realities.... the density, the programming, embedded/buried deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep in bones, teeth, muscles, blood, fluids, skin, flesh, heart, brain, organs... every cell of your body.... all has to be reworked, completely CLEANSE and PURIFY, BEYOND anything the human ego can comprehend.... it takes each being ready to ACCEPT and EMBRACE the "weirdness" of MULTI-DIMENSIONAL EXISTENCE... and that none of the OLD RULES apply anymore/here...... Your body won't allow you to CONTROL or IGNORE it anymore.... waking up means YOUR Earthly BODY was deeeeeeeep asleep too..... Listen to it, honor it, as it speaks quietly, softly or loudly to you..... as to what it NEEDS, which is ALL OF YOUR SUPPORT, a ridiculous amount of sleep, nature and nurturing as it does what it's HIGHEST INTELLIGENCE knows... as your LIGHTBODY ACTIVATES and that zapping, shocking, high voltage subtle (then stronger) energy moves through your body to seek out the unconscious dense programs to re-work/re-code/obliterate.... Your LightBody is of the highest intelligence and is rather extreme. It does not work like your old human body did, yet your human body will constantly have to "go offline", shut down, reboot, assimilate these high frequency cosmic energies.... as it regenerates your physical body and you LEARN TO LIVE AS ENERGY..... LEARN TO UTILIZE THIS ENERGY, LEARN TO FUNCTION WITH THIS NEW BODY... as it tells your human aspect what to do. These Cosmic Codes are no joke and the re-do your entire reality.... your physical body... your everything... for you/aligned with these ultra-mega-high-frequency 2222 (and many other codes). These knock you/the/our human on our butts, and take every ounce of energy we have to integrate/re-tune/clear and to elevate our body's consciousness to walk in HEAVEN ON EARTH and Galactic Atmospheres.... Every experience, every moment, every exchange.... SHOWS YOU what dimension you are occupying with your physical body and consciousness too. The physical body basically "contorts", so yes, pain is a part of this process. A lot of it for most all.... multi-dimensionality challenges every aspect of your human as those deep matrix programs break down inside of you, where they were held... deeper than you ever "thought" you were going to have to "go" to reach your WHOLE SOUL, your PURE SOUL, your HIGHEST most Divine Aspects of you... and when you "thought" you'd accomplished all, you'll go deeper even more... trans-versing Cosmic Lineages, all "other dimensions", galaxies.... to activate all of those aspect and clear all of the distortions held in the GRIDWORK of your own body.... for "those realities" are only "real" because you still hold those realities within you somewhere.... The purity of Each is what you will hold. The distortions have to be cleared... of every existence, every aspect, until/as each merges fully WITHIN YOU.... YOUR BODY WILL BLOW UP, shrink, expand, contract, re-wire itself, reconfigure every part of itself.... every organ, gland, system... continually UPGRADED through INTEGRATION of these IMMENSE COSMIC CODES..... Your lymphatic system, nervous system, throat, brain, heart, lungs, organs, skin, spine, eyes, ears.... your human will be shocked at how much your body has to go through to accomplish this massive task... that you agreed to, you signed up for, you CREATED.... you chose... before choosing that body, choosing those physical realities as your PASSAGEWAY back to your own HIGHEST CONSCIOUSNESS EXISTENCE... At first, the higher realms/other dimensions were "weird" and seemed bizarre.... yes as you embrace this "weird and bizarre", you shift into a much higher vibrational dimension/timeline and the old 3D/4D becomes bizarre. The distortions are MIND-BLOWING... to observe unconscious programming play itself out... your choices now infinite as you get to CHOOSE the ACTUAL REALITIES you experience here... you get to tune, shift and release... on a Quantum Level... instantly all that is no longer aligned, all that cannot synchronize easily... you, as your highest aspect of you.... can say no.... not anymore... and go HIGHER and grab a whole new reality, a gazillion of them and ANCHOR THOSE INTO YOUR/THE PHYSICAL HERE.... yet only as you are ready, only as you are present, only as you step up and take command as your highest aspect and no longer shrink down, hide your light, dim your light, go unconscious (close your heart) again..... Your Highest Dimensional Aspects (Realities) don't care if your lower dimensional aspects (Ego) "likes" this or not. YOU have to learn to shift to BEcome your OWN HIGHEST ASPECTS and stay there.... to live from this ABSOLUTE HIGHEST PLACE from inside of you.... in every moment, every exchange.... and observe your lower/unconscious aspects as you clear this from inside of you.... so that your body can vibrate/oscillate at a different frequency to actually PHYSICALLY SHIFT DIMENSIONS FULLY.... otherwise it's a fleeting moment, or just a day a week, because the rest of the time you are in a PASSAGEWAY, an INITIATION PROCESS of seeing what you will choose/believe/allow/be/do.... working out/through all of those programs that you still held inside of you.... and the passageway will be as long or short as you are linear or Quantum...... I love you.... Observe YOURSELF, observe YOUR REALITY, YOUR MINDSETS, YOUR PROJECTIONS, YOUR STORIES, YOUR EXCUSES, YOUR VIBRANCY, WHEN YOU STAND IN YOUR OWN POWER AS LOVE AND WHEN YOU DON'T.... and what is going on INSIDE OF YOU... because that's where you do the shifting... so that the rest can align SIMPLY and EASILY... FOR YOU, in response to you.... as everything is here. ♥ We currently have high frequency winds singing, lifting and tuning our Plasma Crystalline Physical LightBodies and our Realities too.... we have StarGates synchronizing, which is a daily thing, powerfully, with the Grids all charging up for another powerful day of OUR NEW. ♫ We are running a multitude of timelines, very different dimensional realities for everyone... so don't "assume" your reality is the same as everyone else's or theirs is yours.... observe and realize that you are in YOUR TIMELINE... and others are in other parallels or alternate realities... SEE your entire reality multi-dimensionally in order to understand.... There is not one dimension.... or one timeline... there are infinite ones and we PHYSICALLY get to shift/change dimensions/timelines constantly now. ♥ Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼ www.AwakeningToRemembering.com 2222: Cosmic Heart/Mind/Body Templates, Grids, Structures & Systems Overhaul/Implementation, Supreme Intelligence (a much Higher Consciousness HUmanity, Rainbow & Diamond LightBody Template Upgrades, Cosmic Breath of Life, Cosmic Conscious Creation, Complete Re-configurations of our Bodies/Gaia/Atmospheres/Realities..... and so very much more! Welp, So much for starting off "Quiet"... lol
Click on the photo to read this specific newsletter. You can subscribe up in the top left corner if you'd like to receive these directly via email and not miss out on important updates as well. ♥ Hang on to your hats and let completely go, prepare for the unexpected and anchor anchor anchor these massive light codes within you and flow with me through this Energy Update which launches us into our next huge passageway and collective shift into/through Higher Dimensional NEW Earth/Higher Consciousness Existence... BLINDED BY THE LIGHT AND PREPARE TO BE SURPRISED Stop everything. Stop it all. Bring all to a complete halt within you.... breathe, come to peace inside and open up fully to allow.... Pure Presence.... total consciousness within this moment. Right here. Right now. Let everything else fall away. Hold this SPACE... as LOVE.... hold this SPACE as the purest aspect of WHO YOU TRULY ARE... hold this... don't separate off inside... hold this highest vibrational space... in every moment, every exchange, with every breath... hold it... and just BE.... in this SPACE OF NOTHINGNESS.... hold this... radiate and emanate out. Open your heart more, more and more, until you cannot open your heart any wider... allow yourself to BURST with LOVE... let it bellow out, let it touch all others, let it activate them, let it do the work for you.... you just BE THIS... NOW PAY ATTENTION/OBSERVE Just seeeeeeee. No judgment. No need. No involvement... just BE. Feel the vibration of all, as it float around, swirls around you... inside and out. Observe the Energy of all. Observe your vibration, your thoughts, your feelings, your energy... and what happens when the outside reality becomes your focus, instead of the inside/inner reality that dictates/responds/shows you what you used to fear, what you suppressed, what you didn't want to see... all all of those feelings to emerge, cleanse your body, be completely freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. HOLD THIS SPACE, THIS PRESENCE Don't disconnect or separate off... hold it... BE it... allow yourself this GIFT. Elevate and expand your consciousness beyond the physical .... expand expand expand... breathe and expand, out across all dimensions and space-time... floating, free, expansive and pure peace... allow all to fall away, it does not matter here. Allow yourself to REMEMBER... FEEL this fully, completely.... breathe and just BE.... Nothing and everything... all simultaneously. TO MAKE IT THROUGH WHAT'S COMING, FULL PRESENCE & CONSCIOUSNESS IS KEY (KEYCODE) On a human level, this is true. As your highest aspect of you, your Universal You, Your Cosmic You, Your Multi-Dimensional Ascended You... you are always present within the current moment, fully engaged with every ounce of ENERGY AS LOVE... fully INVESTED in highest consciousness realities and anchoring/integrating magnanimous Light Codes into your/the physical, so the rest is easy, BECAUSE you've taken full RESPONSIBILITY for your own Consciousness, your own ACTIONS and how you show up, how you contribute, how you inner-act, how your FULLY CONSCIOUS YOU is always making a difference, no matter what you "do", because every breath is conscious, so you can "do" anything you desire, because every breath IS IN-SERVICE, so you can inJOY the immensity of all, the brilliance, the magnificence, the magic, the amazingness as it unfolds, occurs, materializes, appears... inside of you, therefore all around you... with your every conscious and fully connected breath. (2222) WE ARE STILL IN THE MIDDLE OF A POWERFUL WEEK LONG RE-GRIDDING PROJECT/PROCESS This is huge and important, for all of us, individually and collectively, with our BE-LOVE-d Gaia, Universally and Cosmically too. When I tuned into May's Energies... the response was "BE READY FOR SURPRISES". Be totally open and ready to shift. This has many purposes, mostly because human aspects do not like surprises, because it takes away their CONTROL. When in fact, they never had any. That was an illusion of the ego aspect mind... one that's dissipating, dissolving, collapsing continually, powerfully and "fast". This is because "fast" is a vibration, a SPEED of LIGHT... and "fast" is the perception, because the human aspect lives within the separation/constraints/perceptions of linear time. For us, through presence, we flow as Love, we flow as Light, fully attuned to the current moment and the ENERGIES that present. We speed up, slow down... IN UNISON, on a COSMIC LEVEL, we expand and stay expanded, we don't close our hearts anymore. Our hearts aligned on a Cosmic Level, the physical no longer dictates... WE DO... as Cosmic Souls/Star BEings/Light BEings in a continually upgrading and recoding physical form. Every moment is INTEGRATION for Gatekeepers and Gridkeepers, so that all can constantly maintain alignment easily... on a SOUL and Galactic Level, observing anything of a lower vibration/unconscious program, we "deal" as all presents. We move through realities differently, because all is SIMULTANEOUS, it takes all of our ENERGY, FULL CONSCIOUSNESS, to maintain INFINITE from within us, to maintain all of the realities in unison, as they all present, as they all become available holographically, within us, all around us... visible by way of our fully open pineal gland giving us full vision of all simultaneously as all presents. READING LIGHT ENCODED DATA, TRANSLATING, SHARING, TRANSMITTING, GENERATING, DECODING AND TUNING ALL TO HIGHEST DIMENSIONAL EVERYTHING Takes all of our Energy, focus and there can not be one ounce of EGO involved, otherwise what we see/share is tainted, vibrationally, therefore not PURE and not of our own Highest State of Consciousness, that WE have access to. Existing AS the UNIFIED FIELD of FULL CONSCIOUSNESS is a whole new EXISTENCE and takes every ounce of ENERGY that we HAVE to maintain this highest state all of the time, therefore WE DO NOT GET TO GO BACK AND PLAY in unconscious programs/games. This is a part of the RESPONSIBILITY that we all agreed to as a part of our highest purposes/roles/missions here. It up to each to understand this and step into these roles NOW. NEW EARTH IS YOU... the grids are inside, the codes, the everything... you have to birth yourself/all anew, you have to tune in, you have to care enough, you have to anchor your own highest aspects of yourselves within you to be able to anchor your highest realities here. You BECOME WE, as you HOLD the PURITY OF LOVE from your CORE and as you dedicate yourself to a whole new EXISTENCE, which will take everything you've got and are... Any "less", means YOU are still running old programs within you/your reality, which are Karmic and not fully conscious yet. NEW Earth materializes "out there" as you elevate your consciousness to be able to walk in the waking dream state, as you anchor highest light codes and bring your multi-dimensional dream state forth into your own physical here by clearing out that which is not pure and reflecting back your highest dimensional version of you. A WEEK AGO WE BEGAN ANOTHER MASSIVE RE-GRIDDING PROCESS that works through every aspect of our bodies, our Multi-Dimensional Earth, every reality and re-codes all through inner-weaving and integration of much higher dimensional Light Codes, where our realities must be brought fully into a much higher state of consciousness too. Each day has "targeted" many different things. These Cosmic Rays/Codes "target" huge collective cleansings, hitting the grids of each's physical body, our earth and atmospherically as well. These do everything, so there's no way for me to write all. I will touch on just a few, writing along the way, sharing as we go, still not covering all, just a small part of this DYNAMIC PROCESS we are all in right now. January 1, 2018 began a massive gridding and integration of the 2222 Higher Consciousness HUmanity Codes. Along the way, we've integrated more of these, yet now we are in the next DEEP CLEANSING/INTEGRATION PHASE of this.... A massive Gateway completion on May 1st, unfurling us into all new Gateways & Passageways that we are in the midst of still. This re-gridding sets the stage for the next phases... YOUR EARTHLY, HEAVENLY & GALACTIC BODIES Human aspects are unaware that their physical bodies serve as the Anchor Points for our NEW EARTH GRIDDING SYSTEM, linked to the grids of the Earth/Gaia, Galactic and Heavens too. The EMBODIMENT OF HIGHEST CONSCIOUSNESS means a complete re-working of the physical body, therefore the physical reality... The Systems, the InfraStructure, the Codes, the Programs, the Everything of our Existence have to be FULLY AND CONSTANTLY INTEGRATED WITHIN THE/EACH'S PHYSICAL BODY AND HELD BY EACH. Every Star, Planet, the Heavens and yes, even "Hell"... the programs & codes for each held within the physical body and activated by these Cosmic Frequencies/Rays that are off the charts constantly now. These Cosmic Codes go straight to where each program is HOUSED inside of you. That which is unconscious, of the old mentalities and belief systems, representing SEPARATION and DUALITY is ACTIVATED to purify, cleanse, clear..... as these are the DISTORTIONS that created that unconscious everything "out there". As each EVOLVES AS LIGHT, these are not words we just lightly speak. They are important and have meanings that the unconscious human cannot comprehend. The use of words is flippant and regurgitate, speaking without FEELING THE IMMENSITY of what words actually vibrate at/mean. BEing LOVE is a whole different REALITY, BEing PURE, BEing your highest everything goes beyond your human everything.... It means your ACTIONS and HOW YOU LIVE YOUR LIFE, it means delving sooooooooooooooo deep inside of yourself that nothing is hidden/can hide. It means OWNING EVERYTHING and CHOOSING what is highest aligned and REALIZING that every moment is NEW AWARENESS and that this awareness is your power, this awareness is your knowledge, this awareness is a KEYCODE to shifting the vibration and transforming the ENERGY of your entire life/existence here. BEing Light is an honor, a responsibility and a duty/role we all agreed to "play"/fulfill here. BEing Love is more than words.... it's how you treat yourself, each other and how you show up. It means going the extra mile, stepping into your fears, dissolving the/your old unconscious matrix programs.... YOUR SELF. It means transcending duality, fully from within you, with your every breath... TO LIVE FROM UNITY INSIDE OF YOU and to truly and fully align your entire physical reality with this. ♥ RECAP OF MOST RECENT/CURRENT RE-GRIDDING PROCESS THAT CONTINUES RIGHT NOW Nothing is linear, so don't get fixated on "dates"... you will feel/experience in your own vibrational reality/location, based upon the physical density/amount of Light your body holds, based upon your own consciousness, based upon how physical or energetic your reality is, based upon your own inner-connection/disconnected state, based upon your ability to observe and consciously tune, based upon how much you hold yourself to fulfilling your highest realities as Gatekeepers, Gridkeepers, Anchor Points, Stabilizers and Frequency Holders here. The more you fulfill these highest purposes, the more aware you will be. This is because you will realize the IMPORTANCE OF THE BODY/VESSEL YOU OCCUPY and keeping the vibration of it as high as possible, at all times, so it can do the work it needs to do for you/all of us here. ♥
Personal and Mult-Dimensional Stargate Systems and Grids, constantly charging, constantly recoding, all constantly being reworked. As we complete this phase, all new programs will be activated to play "out there", opening up more portals and passageways for each human aspect to travel through, while anchoring more Unity LOVE Consciousness on our Earth. These Cosmic Codes focus on EVOLVING EACH'S RELATIONSHIPS AND EMOTIONS by awakening all from "lower vibrational" unconscious (Karmic) ones" into much higher Unity Consciousness ones. Constant observation (without judgment) allows each to see when realities are no longer highest aligned/vibrational matches, to work together to bring all into full consciousness or to realize that the reality/relationship is no longer aligned/is not meant to align, which means these "players" are not meant to co-exist within the same physical/virtual reality anymore.... for however long this is... for "time" is not time to us... it's a vibration, so when all is fully aligned, we can come back together again. Sometimes for a brief moment, a few hours, a few days or for longer... Our new realities are very different, as they are us fully INVESTED AS PARTNERS, a Divine Soul Re-Union, an exiting Union of Star BEings, occupying a physical body/form here. There's no attachment, no need, no old unconscious (Karmic) programs playing, as each is fully present, responsible and committed as their own Highest Aspects/Sovereign/Ascended Light BEings here.... coming together to share, create, inspire for all of HUmanity... as a very important part of the Bigger Picture here. ♥ May started off with a BIG BANG, with a powerful cleanse, purification and clearing of the old grids. What comes next will be more aligned realities for all who HOLD THIS as a PRIORITY and maintain full alignment from within. EACH'S PRIORITIES shall become visible, shall be observed/questioned and SHIFT substantially as we all go. Self-Serving priorities become evident, as the Ego is selfish, living in "self-first survival selfish mode". There is a difference in honoring yourself and what you need to integrate/get your vibration up, so that you can fulfill your/all of our highest purposes/realities here. The ego human will separate off and think of themselves first. The higher self aspect/Ascended Aspect will openly and honestly communicate through love, share and support each other, pull their own weight and each makes up the whole. The contributions of each, the support of each, actually caring about each other in a different way (Soul Level), means considering everyone/each other, not just yourself.... as this is SURVIVAL MODE, a level of Awakening and Physical Body Ascension that each must "graduate" in order to truly fulfill highest Soul purposes together as love here. ♥ Here we consider each other, working from the bigger picture for all at all times. We do not lack for anything, BECAUSE we do not live in lack inside anymore. We live from pure gratitude, appreciation and a deep Sacred Respect for all.... We hold the PUREST FORM OF LOVE from within us and this is how we treat ourselves and all. The only difference is we are not trying to SAVE others from waking up... we are not trying to save them from their Karma or from experiencing the thing that will most open their heart to REMEMBER our existence BEFORE WE FELL FROM CONSCIOUSNESS.... Here we unite.... we come together... we don't separate off from ourselves as PURE SOURCE LIGHT. WE recognize when others hearts are closed (which means their heads/ego's are in charge) and we choose what is acceptable, productive, beneficial and supports the bigger picture and we see what is a distraction, refusing, imposing limiting/linear programmed beliefs and we CHOOSE not to surround ourselves with UNCONSCIOUSNESS anymore. Everything can be brought into FULL CONSCIOUSNESS THROUGH LOVE where each is truly and full open to this. Where one is not, this is blatant and loud and we hear energetically, through a Quantum Electromagnetic Energy Field... so we don't need words to tell us what's pure and what is not. We can hear, see, feel this... and this is what tell us everything we need to know, to choose the dimensional timeline we desire to exist in. May's Energies will be as brutal as one is unconscious or as magnificent as one is conscious. This will continue to be more true as we go. Take great care in what you choose/allow. It dictates your entire experience on a Quantum Vibrational Energetic Level here/now. I love you! ♥ Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼ www.AwakeningToRemembering.com Your Highest Realities have already come to be, already are... It's up to YOU to TUNE IN to your entire reality and SEE.... Your Higher Dimensional Realities ARE coming, converging... faster and faster than ever before, stronger and more powerfully than before... The only "hold up"? Your human aspect that functions from a fractaled/separated place/space inside, disconnected from the bigger picture/whole, disconnected from all... and trying to CONTROL the physical, instead of allowing all to come forth/materialize as you, ON A SOUL LEVEL, determined it would... before incarnating into your current physical form. Your human aspect (ego) "thinks" it knows, thinks it understands, thinks it can avoid/not listen to do it your way.... which often equates to suffering, "loss" and realities going sideways/collapsing, because it's not willing to open up to listen, see, honor, do ... what's HIGHEST and FULLY ALIGNED with what's already ENCODED to occur. These Cosmic Gateways, Portals, Codes... all reconfigure your realities to be TUNED COSMICALLY... not "humanly"... not the way you want them to be, because it's easy, comfortable and fits into the old ways that conform to your EGO (fractaled) aspect's way... These recode your ENTIRE REALITY FOR YOU... 24/7 to realign your ENTIRE REALITY to it's highest potential, highest purposes, highest alignment... not caring what your human wants/needs to feel safe and live in survival mode/just get by mode... These require that your heart be WIDE OPEN - ALL OF THE TIME.... and that you BE ONBOARD all of the time too... If you let things go unconscious around you, then your realities are unconscious, which means you are unconscious and you are the one operating/functioning from a place of separation that needs to be brought into a much higher vibration in order to fully align for EASY SYNCHRONIZATION TO OCCUR. As these Stargates Synchronize constantly, powerfully and strongly.... they can be experienced with great ease, peace and infinite magic or be the most chaotic, uncomfortable and physically jarring, shocking, shaking awake to get YOUR ATTENTION... to make you open up, listen, care, see, allow, do... These Cosmic StarGate Alignments don't care what your human likes/wants... they are honoring what your SOUL aspects of you and the REALITIES that align with your highest everything... not your "lowest", unless this is what you keep "trying" to hold onto, recreate, force through your own insistence, resistance and unconscious programming ... from inside of you. YOU have to do the INNER WORK... constantly. No one can do this for you. The human (ego) aspect will try to find every way around this, which is HOW REALITIES COLLAPSE... because they are BUILT on unconscious programming (codes/coordinates).... MASTERING THE PHYSICAL Your human won't understand this, so you will have to expand as far as you can to see/understand. When your/others' realities are "collapsing", they are "trying" to be brought into a much higher state of CONSCIOUSNESS. The easy way is to be fully in-tune, see, honor, allow and embrace and to shift/move WITH THE CONVERGENCE, instead of fighting it and "trying" to hold onto the old unconscious realities still. MASTERING THE PHYSICAL Takes every ounce of Consciousness that you have. It takes ALL of your Energy to align your realities and KEEP THEM ALIGNED - all of the time and to RECOGNIZE when they are not and what your highest roles are, what ALL of the PURPOSES are, HOW all came to be (Vibrationally), what is APPROPRIATE and REQUIRES that your Highest Aspect of YOU be the one OBSERVING and DECIDING how to shift/tune all to the highest vibrational everything and HOLD IT THERE.... YOUR PHYSICAL REALITIES REQUIRE YOUR PARTICIPATION from YOUR highest Space of Consciousness.... they REQUIRE that your ACTIONS be pure, aligned and AS PURE SOURCE LIGHT... that you are in Command, when something cannot align easily on it's own... it's up to YOU, if you desire to have any part in navigating your realities vs. floundering through them, being bounced around or receiving a reality LESS THAN AWESOME, magical and exquisite. That which you allow is what plays out in your own reality/world. Your unconscious choices can compromise all of your conscious ones if you do not fully align all "in time" yourself, because REALITIES NOW HAVE TO FULLY ALIGN, with every component pure.... ONE OUNCE OF LACK/UNCONSCIOUSNESS CREATES A DISRUPTION/DISTORTION in the (Unified) Field, disrupting the CODES that CREATE/align easily. Your "job" is to identify the distortions, identify the unconscious/lack programming and RECODE IT YOURSELF. Right now we are on Day 2 of powerful Stargate Alignments "preparing" to synchronize, plasma flares just starting to release new codes to re-calibrate/recode the DNA of y/our physical body/physical realities, high frequency SOULar Winds and Charging Photons charging the/our Crystalline Grids/Systems.... You will experience every reality based upon which aspect you are being.... Human (Ego) or Higher Self. If you go unconscious, you re-enter a karmic timeline loop cycle until you become conscious and THAT ENERGY IS EITHER GONE OR SHIFTED into a higher vibrational one.... If you are your Highest Aspect Self, your experience will be very different, because it will be ENERGETIC, instead of a physical one.... IF you've KEPT ALL ALIGNED, then there will be no disruptions to distort the flow of your highest realities, because you will be able to MAINTAIN THE VIBRATION to EXPERIENCE YOUR HIGHEST VIBRATIONAL ONES.... Fractaled realities collapse... to merge, converge, unify.... Unity Love Consciousness Realities transmit the codes from within you of your highest vibrational realities for you to EXPERIENCE. Which timeline you are experiencing, which dimension you are in with your body... is all determined by the Level/Space of Consciousness you are OCCUPYING from within your physical form. YOU either shift the vibrational timeline/reality yourself, or you wait until the vibration shifts/changes for your unconscious you/body to experience, in order to wake you up/bring you into a higher state of consciousness.... WHICH EXPERIENCES ARE YOU FULLY ALIGNED TO? This is an EVERY MOMENT experience. You do not get to go unconscious again. If you do, you transmit discordant frequencies and codes out to "trigger" a vibrational response/match to "that". Your human transmits CONFUSING CODES and Frequencies, because it wavers all over the place, because it has fear, unresolved... Your Highest Aspect transmits a PURE FREQUENCY and CODES of inner LOVE, TRUST and inner respect, integrity and more... from your inner connection, which has to be STRONGER than your unsure, lacking, untrusting, disconnected ones... Your Highest Aligned Realities will take ALL of your focus to anchor here. If you lose focus, get distracted... you transmit "I'm not ready yet". If you have "other priorities", you transmit "I'm not ready yet". If you separate off into your ego, you transmit "I REQUIRE AND EXPERIENCE TO WAKE ME BACK UP".... and the stronger your ego, the stronger the experience necessary.... We just did a HUGE COLLECTIVE CLEARING (still in it) of each taking FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR THEMSELVES.... this means that all who are not, are not holding their highest vibrational anything, which calls forth vibrational realities to RESOLVE THIS DISCORD... REMEMBER... we live in QUANTUM VIBRATIONAL REALITIES... NOT LINEAR ONES Everything is vibrational, every reality, every experience, everything... so if you are focused on linear anything, you are the unconscious one. TUNE YOUR ENTIRE CONSCIOUSNESS to the Energy, vibration and FEEL/SEE and function from this place/space inside.... your realities TUNE now.... constantly and Quantum Sacred Geometrics Rule your realities... not boxes and straight lines. I love you. Get ready. May is to be a huge SURPRISE! ♥ Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼ www.AwakeningToRemembering.com I will share more soon and possibly a May Energy Report... yet for now the inspiring photos of our huge gateway completion of the last few months of all of our focused integration and anchoring all of these magnanimous Cosmic Light Codes into the/our physical here. These are just a few photos from waking to sundown. Today we've entered into powerful (moving and shaking), high photon charging grids and StarGate Alignments beginning again too. These are actual photos... no editing, and yet they still cannot capture the actual experience.... ♥ |
July 2021
This entire site is dedicated to the continual activation, elevation and expansion of Highest Consciousness Existence for all of HUmanity.
Everything received and sent out from me/through here is as a GIFT, a vibrational recognition through sacred gratitude, appreciation and non-linear reciprocation and contribution from within. All is to support our NEW EARTH EXISTENCE and anchoring the highest timelines of Heaven on Earth in our physical here. All is focused on "the much bigger picture" and fulfilling all of our highest Soul purposes here. My expression of pure gratitude accompanies all as you receive energetically on every level too! ♥
NEW EARTH replaces Old Earth Everything (for everyone on this planet) ♦ Everything is ENERGY and ENERGY IN FORM
Invest in yourself, each other, your Service as Light, hUmaNITY, Consciousness Expansion and all of our future nows... by contributing to and fully supporting (in every way) that which supports humanity with the immense transition phases with greater ease and through Pure Love.
NEW Earth has a whole new, entirely different value system, all new systems and ways that all must learn/remember and bring forth from deep within.
Energetic Cycles are increasing substantially at an unprecedented rate, accelerating "what comes back around" energetically... from all existences, as all is a cyclical/spiral/reciprocal energy that cycles faster as our beloved planet's vibrational frequency continues to rise to bring/usher all out of the "dark ages" and into "the Light" (Full Consciousness/a Quantum State of Remembrance/Pure Peace, Love, Unity and Sacred Oneness).
In deep sacred appreciation for your presence, dedication and service as Love too. ♥
Keep embracing, shining, building, integrating and sharing your BEAUTIFUL LIGHT as Love! It's BEyond important for all! ♥
Invest in yourself, each other, your Service as Light, hUmaNITY, Consciousness Expansion and all of our future nows... by contributing to and fully supporting (in every way) that which supports humanity with the immense transition phases with greater ease and through Pure Love.
NEW Earth has a whole new, entirely different value system, all new systems and ways that all must learn/remember and bring forth from deep within.
Energetic Cycles are increasing substantially at an unprecedented rate, accelerating "what comes back around" energetically... from all existences, as all is a cyclical/spiral/reciprocal energy that cycles faster as our beloved planet's vibrational frequency continues to rise to bring/usher all out of the "dark ages" and into "the Light" (Full Consciousness/a Quantum State of Remembrance/Pure Peace, Love, Unity and Sacred Oneness).
In deep sacred appreciation for your presence, dedication and service as Love too. ♥
Keep embracing, shining, building, integrating and sharing your BEAUTIFUL LIGHT as Love! It's BEyond important for all! ♥
As a part of Elevating Consciousness, which is a part of shifting all into a much HIGHER DIMENSIONAL VERSION (i.e. NEW EARTH and 5+D OPEN DISCLOSURE), (and the new GDPR Compliance Requirements), we are happily posting how we use your information, even though technically "WE" are a collective energy of LOVE & Unity Consciousness. "I" AM an individual, with a priority to hold (EMBODY) the highest level of LIGHT, which translates through integrity, love, respect, kindness, consideration and through Cosmic Harmonic Alignment, at all times for all of us here and to promote love, peace, unity and a much higher consciousness supportive reality, where the "old" (unconscious) is not a part of our "NEW". "I" am an individual who just happens to "do" a billion things to awaken, support, inspire, contribute and provide reSOURCEs, in order to assist all of HUmanity in living our highest existences (NEW Earth) together through Purity and Love too. For those who may desire to know, we (me and any HUman Souls physically supporting in accomplishing the daily work), personally do not gather/review/use your information for anything, other than replying to you as you have requested, sending newsletters/updates as requested, sending pertinent notifications regarding a product/service/course/item you've registered for/obtained, while providing the option at all times for you to unsubscribe, cancel any current memberships and request to no longer receive specific notifications by providing the information for us to do this. We are providing you with the names of websites/platforms/services we utilize, so that you can review their Privacy Policies with us as account holders, as well as you as visitors or subscribers regarding anything pertaining to our users/visitors, in order for you to review. Always holding the highest integrity in all that we do. We provide this information with love and out of respect to all of us and you.. ♥
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Newsletter Service: Flodesk
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Mastery School Hosting: Thinkific (* Your Registration is your opt-in to sign up automatically for Newsletters from MailChimp)
If we find any others that are relative, we will update those here for you to access too. Click on any applicable service, to locate and review their Privacy Policies and Disclosures. Emails will be sent out accordingly, so all can re-optin in order to consciously choose to continue to receive supporting newsletters, announcements and updates through our email service.
We will update this section again with more information in order to assist you soon.
"WE" totally love, honor, respect and appreciate you and your presence, participation and contributions for all of HUmanity too!!! ♥
Newsletter Service: Flodesk
Soundcloud: Cookies Policy
Mastery School Hosting: Thinkific (* Your Registration is your opt-in to sign up automatically for Newsletters from MailChimp)
If we find any others that are relative, we will update those here for you to access too. Click on any applicable service, to locate and review their Privacy Policies and Disclosures. Emails will be sent out accordingly, so all can re-optin in order to consciously choose to continue to receive supporting newsletters, announcements and updates through our email service.
We will update this section again with more information in order to assist you soon.
"WE" totally love, honor, respect and appreciate you and your presence, participation and contributions for all of HUmanity too!!! ♥
Copyright 2009-Current ~ Lisa Transcendence Brown