When we start expanding, we experience a Euphoric High and we float inside... This is Ascension for the Human. The EXPANSIVE HIGH is LIGHT. It is also the Descent of the higher self being birthed from within.
For the AWAKENING CELESTIAL STAR BEING, we LOVE to float, BE in the ethers, the other dimensions and we don't like the human physical reality world.... We want to stay high ALL OF THE TIME.... and many of us chose drugs/alcohol/sex as a part of our own expansion journey here... not understanding "how" this works.... For the strong-willed human, strong masculine energy, the survivor.... we don't "give up our control". Yet we LOVE THE FEELING OF EUPHORIA.... and we will do anything to achieve and maintain that state, and these gave us that ability for awhile. WE "thought" we were escaping, when in fact we were connecting to our natural state. We were also bringing down the walls of resistance, fight and protection, that we held in place, as safety mechanisms and survival mode.... It was also a way of escaping & dealing with what was too overwhelming at the time. We didn't understand.... For the STAR BEING, the sleeping "Light Worker", we didn't understand at the time... that we had these magnificent gifts, abilities and purposes, all we could see was "what was wrong with us or how we weren't/didn't have enough"... We also flipped it and tried to save everyone else or put others first and found that didn't work either.... For WE were just trying to "save" ourself... As Light BEings, WE CARE and when we care "too much", we want everyone to be happy, experience the magnificence of their own perfection and beauty, the PURITY that we see... Yet we can't see that about ourselves at the time... There are many things that assist us with our EXPANSION OF LIGHT.... (give us that high).... anything that opens our heart and brings us that CONNECTION AGAIN to our true self that we can't otherwise feel without it.... the Beach/Lakes, Nature, the mountains, Creativity, simplicity, groups of others with open heart, food, animals, music, laughter, fun, crystals/andaras, sometimes just a cup of tea/coffee in silence watching the sunrise/sunset.... anything that makes us happy. Yet many do not understand they are seeking a FEELING, A CONNECTION and a STATE OF BEING.... that is achievable naturally, without these things.... yet for many of us, we did "need these things" at that time, for our journey.... and we cannot beat ourselves up for doing what helped us open our heart, relaxed our mind, allowed our stuff to come up and our Light to Expand from inside, to begin the next phase our own AWAKENING TO OUR HIGHER SELF ASPECTS FROM WITHIN..... Sometimes the walls are too strong, too impenetrable and our mind is so strong, the distortions are so loud, that we disconnect totally from our self AS SOURCE. We give our power away to something else, for it's easier than feeling uncomfortable and painful feelings that were dormant and hidden deep inside. The PURITY OF LOVE allows us to understand what is truly going on, so that we can consciously release the discordant energy that creates the feelings of discomfort, rather than believing the unworthiness, guilt, blame, shame judgmental stories we tell ourselves .... THE ADDICTION IS TO THE LIGHT, OUR LIGHT.... and we don't understand this at the time. The relaxed euphoric state of "No thought happy, giggly. peace".... Through the activation of our Light, WE do have to float, for awhile, to release the limiting mentalities, the cords/attachments and to hold the frequency of our higher aspects light. This can be one long phase, or on & off over the separation of time. Yet there is a time we all have to COME DOWN... This too happens in increments over time. Or it can be a crash landing, depending on the journey we chose. WE EXPAND, WE LAND.... This is how we Quantum Jump and anchor all in the physical here. Each landing, for awhile, can be abrupt. It takes our awareness each time to do this easier. WE MASTER THE LANDINGS after awhile. Anchoring the other dimensions in this physical one, is beyond challenging, nothing like we "thought" and we REAL-EYES that we are not going anywhere, we are in a different physical dimension and different timelines, continually. We MASTER THE PHYSICAL and integrate all into one. WE WALK in multiple dimensions, simultaneously, and we move between them all constantly/simultaneously, without completely losing our mind (yet we do, which is the cool part, except when we are going through it). Our existence is a purification process, a REMEMBERING ourselves AS DIVINE LOVE AGAIN.... No more separation, no more struggle inside, no more inner fight. No more sabotage, punishing, feeling bad, being sorry or judging ourselves. We also do not define ourselves by our experiences, what we did... we realize how important everything was for us at the time and we take it and use it to help others see too, release themselves too, love themselves too AND CONNECT WITH THEMSELVES AS PURE SOURCE LIGHT INSIDE to feel the euphoria of BEING A HIGHER SELF as a natural state of being again. WE HAVE TO ALLOW OURSELVES to do the things naturally that bring those peaceful, magical, blissful feelings back and let go of the stories and need to feel and live in LACK. There are SO many opportUNITIES in our everyday experiences where we can achieve the HIGH THROUGH THE EMBODIMENT OF LIGHT. Opening & sharing our heart, reaching others through consciousness, contributing and making a difference, inspiring.... These are us being ANGELS and STAR-LIGHT-BEINGS here. Every time we anchor the higher realms "down" into this physical plane here, we realize we are still in a physical reality world. Mastering the physical and our everyday experiences, require total presence, connecting to the ENERGY OF ALL THINGS and BEING TOTALLY RESPONSIBLE for what's going on inside of us, the frequencies we transmit out and that which we allow to exist in our own immediate physical realty and field of consciousness. We have to resolve everything from within us, we have to choose what we do want, we have to ask our Universe to bring forth a higher dimensional realities to experience and we have to take it, when it comes around, instead of choosing the "safe way", that which what we perceive as "easier", instead of dissolving the fear/discomfort energy inside that keeps us from actually experiencing the magical, blissful, euphoric physical realities here. As MULTI-DIMENSIONAL BEINGS, we will constantly move between expansion and contraction, limits/no limits, perceived obstacles and challenges, which are necessary for our expansion here. WE can maintain consciousness and still feel human when we are in these contracted energies. The difference is we are not human, we are hybrids and our human aspect is just tiny aspect of who we are.... When we are fully conscious... WE can maintain that space of PURE DIVINE ESSENCE LOVE, that space AS LIGHT and KNOW that the EUPHORIA will return as we transcend that limited aspect of our humanness.... We don't have to "go back" unless we listen to our human/head, then we do, because our heart has closed and there was more human energy hidden deep within. We don't technically "go back"... we realize there was more energy & we choose to work through it consciously instead of trying to run from ourselves, which just creates a different path/timeline to experience for awhile... WE are not to close our heart down anymore. Wide open is how we do this journey here. When WE close down, we go human, we go small and we disconnect from our Light.... Expansion occurs when the heart, mind, energy are all wide open.... and we can maintain that expanded state naturally.... We have to love our self and the journey we chose... and embrace each moment right now. ♥ You are here to BE the difference and to experience the most magnificent physical realities now. The old timelines collapse & dissolve as you release them and allow them to go. You either keep re-creating them or move on..... Resistance and condemnation create suffering inside which manifests as our physical reality timeline world. There is always an alternate physical reality that exists when we intentionally shift our vibration to gratitude, appreciation and utilizing everything to be in-service here. Here we own everything. It's part of taking our power back and being free again. We also let go of the prison of human judgment. There is no judgment in love. Embracing You & Your Journey is EMPOWERING. With the utmost love and respect, Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼ (with contribution by Lee Bonde) Ancient Elder & Guardian of NEW Earth, Author, Coach, Guide
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Your desire for deeper connections will continue, for the old surface and shallow ones will no longer do. Your desire for true happiness, based on purity, love, inspiration, respect.... these will drive you... from within you.... As you delved deeper into your own BEING, you feel more, know more, realize more and hold more light than ever before. Your own integrity is important, your own sharing is too. Your way is perfect just for you, your chosen journey, fulfillment of your purposes and missions... these inspire and connect you with all others doing this too. ♥ The OLD Earth was separated and focused on that which did not matter, not truly.... and now you realize that you were sleeping too. You are not always sure what's next, yet it does not matter, for you are committed and following your own truth, speaking your own truth and showing others what true beauty, magnificence and NEW EARTH REALITY IS.... Abundance starts inside of you and this grows too. Your connection with all things as ONE AGAIN..... this never goes.... FOR YOU'VE REMEMBERED.... You honor your own energy, focus on your own light, spend your days in-service by touching others through sharing your DIVINE ESSENCE and PURITY LOVE..... POWER COMES FROM WITHIN YOU... you no longer give this away. Love emits from you, you no longer seek it "out there". Truth is in your heart, not in what another says or does. LIFE is conscious breath...... in every moment..... Your exchanges are a reflection of what you transmit and allow. You honor the release of all that no longer resonates and aligns with your own inner reality world. Bliss is a state of the higher realms. Magic is too... and you've realized you only experience these if you hold them inside of you. Abundance turns into physical world things, because you finally understand what abundance is.... you also understand HOW TO UTILIZE PHYSICAL REALITY ABUNDANCE..... to make a difference...... What INSPIRES you is very different now, as this comes from deep within your soul. You fill your reality with INSPIRATION, so that you can continually raise your own vibration and continue to contribute more. Bringing beauty to others, touching their Essence is so completely inspiring.... You now are able to INJOY YOUR OWN LIFE truly, fully and purely, because you've re-connected to all of your aspects and you EMBODY EACH of them in your SACRED CHAMBER you call a physical body here. You no longer separate off, you no longer compromise, you realize that each shall experience their own reality perfectly for them. You focus on you so that you can BE IN SERVICE as you breathe... The rest is how you fulfill purposes and missions and is fully supported... because you are fully conscious AS SOURCE again. This is a challenging journey that will "test" you to your core... It will cause you to shed everything you thought you once were. It will trigger everything hidden and it will push you to BE MORE... because you didn't come here to be small..... That was YOUR Old Earth version.... and it is goes AS you let it go and embrace your NEW EARTH VERSION in every moment now.... Let go of those old judgments that held you back, those old perceptions and open your heart fully again. FEEL your Divinity within your own breath, FEEL your beauty, your brilliance, your magnificence..... FEEL.... FULLY.... AGAIN. ♥ I love you from beyond this physical space here.... as Light Family, WE ARE NEW EARTH in the physical now. ♥ Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼ Ancient Elder & Guardian of NEW Earth, Teacher/Coach/Guide, Author & Transformational Speaker AS Love and Pure Divine Essence Powerful Light ♦ www.AwakeningToRemembering.com NEW Earth Beings.... you are building yourself and your physical reality a-new... every moment you shall see an old perception that limited you, an old belief distorted by old perceptions no longer true, every facet of your old life shall die and be re-born too. Your new life shall be PURE, shall be free of all limitations and lack, free of old judgments and that which held you back. This occurs because you went inside, you did the work, you transcended separation from within and YOU EMERGED full of love, full of life again. This time is of UNITY, of peace, bliss and love... This time you do not hold unworthiness, skewed perceptions, selfishness, competition and the "need" for anything at all. This time, you are WHOLE, completely, as a WALKING SOUL. You've merged your multi-dimensional aspects into this physical one. Your physical reality reflects PURE DIVINE ESSENCE POWERFUL LOVE, AS SOURCE.... You are inspired, fulfilled, full of inspiration and love, you share freely to inspire, uplift and transform all back into LIGHT. You shine brightly, as do those you connect with. For hearts are open, connected, smiling and totally abundant. Gratitude, appreciation, contribution and support... making a difference for all as one, this is from your CORE. Tears of connection can emerge at anytime, because you FEEL your connection as all. The exterior reality BEYOND EXQUISITE, vibrant, colorful, interactive, singing beauty and touching every aspect of your soul. You REMEMBER how to play as a child, how to communicate openly again, how to respect all, love all... for you hold these things within. Every cell of your body is pure, divine and transmitting this DIVINITY to EXIST IN.... The Old Earth is gone... because you cleansed it from within your being and you allowed it to go.... you said "no, not in my reality world anymore" to the old programs that used to control your mind.... from within you and "out there".... Your chosen path was challenging, because it was meant to be. You came here to transcend everything.... EVERYTHING.... and MASTER realities as POWERFUL PURE LOVE again.... You came here to REMEMBER and not to forget again... Never to fall beneath the veils of unconsciousness.... Your physical realities constantly aligning now, in response to that which you believe, hold and do. That which you ARE IN LIGHT, your realities now fully support you for your service as a Galactic Light BEing holding physical form... Every one of you step into ANEW in every moment... new opportUNITY, new realities, as fast as you can embrace and anchor them in. As fast as you are ready to pull the trigger on the new, release the old unconscious and fully embrace "the unknown". To the human aspect, this is unknown. To you as a Light BEing, this is home. ♥ Open your heart, open your mind, relax your energy and embrace. Completely let go of the old (mindsets).... Inspired love, Paradise, bliss, magic, abundance... these all await you as you do. NEW Earth is your creation, you birth it, nurture it, "grow it" and materialize it from inside of you... YOUR ESSENCE.... you breathe life into it and it breathes life through you. ♥ Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼ Ancient Elder & Guardian of NEW Earth, Author, Teacher/Coach/Guide, Transformational Speaker, Energy & Love ♥ www.AwakeningToRemembering.com When you WALK in a lucid dream, you walk in a reality where the dream is always present and magic always occurs. You expect the unexpected and you relish at surprises by your Universe. Manifestation is INSTANT, according to your vibration and the PURE LIGHT that you hold. Abundance is inside of you and outside reflects this back. Everything is magnificent, even when challenges present. You understand these as old programs and something to expand beyond, not get stuck in and keep playing in the loop of old stories that do not serve a visible purpose here. You choose your reality and you play in it. You realize that every nano-second you are transmitting, so you are very conscious of what this is. You say no to the things that are not in-alignment with your truth. You hold this space of Divine Sacred Love that can bring tears of gratitude and connectedness in any moment... for the feelings of the higher realms, these never leave you ever again.... Your relationships are different than they were before. They are love, respect, consideration, support, contribution and desire to fulfill purposeful dreams here. You let go in every moment, for there's no reason to hang on... You REMEMBER FULLY from within you, for the love is pure, the intention is pure and the actions are pure too.... You are open, fully, in every moment, for anything of a higher vibration to come through and materialize in your reality for you. You recognize everything vibrationally.... You are beyond powerful again, for your heart is pure and you do not compromise for anything anymore... you don't have to.... that was old programs that you held before.... You embrace challenge, for you see it for what it is... a way for you to "grow", expand, understand.... and TRANSCEND previous limits held within... You open your mind fully, to entertain the craziest things, for the higher realms will test your sanity, all along the way, for they do not conform to the realities of the limited human mind..... You speak truthfully, every time, and you open communication up. You don't shut down like you would have as a human, for you realize this is your "block".... You do not focus on physical world things, you let these materialize as a response. You focus on your high vibration, your beliefs, what you are doing with your energy and you are "spending" it with sacred respect wisely, so the physical is always abundant in response.... You only invest your energy in NEW EARTH REALITIES NOW..... Magic, instant, bliss, peace, happy, desire, inspiration, sacred, respect, integrity, love, purity, intention, expansion, dreams.... This is how we exist.... and full consciousness of what is not this, and we choose... what we will allow and participate in.... and what we will not..... Physical realities are a transmission that materialize for us. We realize what is going on with us, and we deal with ourselves.... WE open up to more love, more awesomeness, more magic and we hold our own realities firmly in place.... by saying no to those things that are not in alignment anymore and maintaining the space of what supports our new higher consciousness existence here.... For you are the UNIVERSE, so you are always "causing" your reality to occur, triggering timelines, creating from within you and anchoring in your physical that which you hold..... Cause and effect is different here.... we transmit and receive... yet we don't dictate how or when.... we just allow as we step into the higher vibration, by WALKING IT..... Realities meet in the middle, they converge in a space.... We hold the higher consciousness vibration and the physical materializes... and we watch it, realize it and appreciate it with great gratitude and respect. Here we do not waste anything.... We inJOY every particle moment..... Stand firmly in your NEW CONSCIOUSNESS LOVES.... allow your realities to form.... Everything waits for you to open up & remember fully..... as a DIVINE MASTER LIGHT BEING.... walking in a physical reality here..... I love you! Have the most magnificent and magical day as LOVE again! ♥ Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼ Ancient Elder and Guardian of NEW Earth, Author, Teacher/Coach/Guide, Transformational Speaker and LOVE www.AwakeningToRemembering.com Artist currently unknown. If anyone knows the artist of this magnificent piece, please post here so that I can properly credit. With love.... There is so much transpiring for everyone right now.... So many different dimensions, timelines and realities. For many, just awakening to the confusion, the injustices, the duality and the realization that their world is not as they desire, and that they desire so very much more... the confusion is "how to get out of" the current reality and "into that which inspires and fulfills".... For others, Crystalline LightBody activations and the anchoring of the higher dimensions in their physical one. This space is bizarre, challenging and one doesn't want to be here, do this, yet they know they must, they chose it and while not injoying it, know it's important... the journey into the depths of their soul, to emerge AS their higher self aspects and on NEW Earth.... For the WayShowers & Forerunners working consciously simultaneously in every dimension... Existence on/as NEW Earth NOW.... Completing OLD Earth Phase of our own Ascension Journey, to further move into the Teacher/Re-Educator/Guardian roles (for WE have been doing this for years), yet now emerge with full recognition, appreciation, an support.... All has changed and WE are now FREE to live out our own dreams and desires, and to be in-Service however we choose, not focused on getting everyone to wake up.... That all changed last September with Collective Awakening and the Gridwork of Old Earth completely collapsed in December 2015 when Earth Gaia completed her Crystalline LightBody Structure, the NEW Earth Gridkeepers and anchor points reached "enough Light" to HOLD THE NEW EARTH GRIDWORK in place.... So now all individually, on a collective level, each do their own programmed reality perfectly for them, in whatever timeline they choose... without the ability to affect our Ascension process and continuation of FORMING OUR GALACTIC CITIES and Civilizations now.... The "struggles" of the Embodied Forerunners/WayShowers end, for the dedication and hard work has been done.... now each can re-focus their attention on MULTI-DIMENSIONAL NEW EARTH EXISTENCE with all those truly ready, continually intentionally embracing stepping-up and choosing this.... For years, WE worked to speak, teach, share to awaken... yet the more human one is, the less they want to see or hear, the more they call forth human experiences to SHOW THEM how all of this is... Collectively now, this is what is occurring, proof...... That which is necessary to awaken all to higher consciousness existence now.... Each Guardian of NEW Earth is free from the hard work to try to get everyone to listen and choose.... WE don't have to do this anymore... Terra Nova/Earth Gaia has got this covered... Highest regard as love, Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼ Ancient Elder & Guardian of NEW Earth, Author, Teacher, Coach, Guide, Transformational Speaker www.AwakeningToRemembering.com In moments of desperation, you will see this more... As the human ego (separation) is triggered, so does a multitude of things in order to see, observe, clear, transcend from within. With this will come a gambit of energies.... the stronger the ego, the more "tactics" emerge. The human aspect (programs) will work subtly, sometimes passively, until that no longer works. Then it will shift to a new "tactic"... as we all clear the long ancient lines of Atlantean and Reptilian lineages (within us), our external reality will show us where this still exists within. If we participate, it does. If we see it and respond from a higher state of consciousness, it is no longer our mirror reflecting back to us what used to be.... All along the way, for many human years, we all have to "deal" with this in our own reality as it presents. We call these user energies, manipulation energies, leeches, vampires, narcissists and more. When in all reality these are just energy.... and they represent that which is not the purity of inner power/honor/strength and Divine Essence Love. Now, each one of us will call this to us from time to time, for it's a part of all of our chosen journeys here. We will all participate until we are DONE, until we get it, until we understand, until we love ourselves, stand in our power and no longer succumb to those energies anymore..... It's funny, because this is just our Little Human trying to survive, get by..... When we can see this, we no longer allow it and we can see it in all others doing this too..... Many right now are clearing these frequencies within their own selves.... for safety mechanisms, protection and manipulation are a part of the programs we have to identify within ourselves.... Our physical body holds a gridwork of old conscious programs. WE have to realize when our heart closes, when our body tightens down and goes into safety/protection mode.... We have to stop and open right up... We have to stop playing the games... WE have to stop allowing and we have to let all who desire to continue this to go their own way...... Manipulation comes in many forms.... it's weak victims or power driven control.... Each's result is control/manipulation, whether one is conscious of this emitting or not..... Much of the time it is unintentional, for survival mode will cause many to do what they would not otherwise normally do.... Manipulation does not make us "bad", it keeps one in a place of fear, control and using each other for an individual purpose. The most beautiful souls still hold manipulation energies when everything else is pulled out from under them, or they "think" this.... Everything is JUST ENERGY.... we give all power by what we do and allow, by what we transmit out, by what we participate in.... Many will try to get you to participate in these realities... if you do, then there is something you still need/lack within. If you recognize the energy, you'll see the fear and loss of control instead and realize the person(s) you are dealing with are existing in separation and functioning from a state unconsciousness. This is nothing for you to fear. It's an opportUNITY for you to SEE and DO something different from a space of an open heart, open mind and total inner power, wisdom and of a higher consciousness state.... Each will be continually challenged, this is necessary for all of our expansion here. Your opinions & judgement are human. Your observation and intentional existence is what makes the difference here. As all evolve in Light, tactics become visible in a whole new way. We use tactics to get attention... for the unconscious human often only responds to these. We do not step out of love, yet we hold our ground firmly here. The old programs do not work here.... And as Higher Self Light BEings, we are stronger and more powerful than any human aspect is. As we all evolve in Light, the "percentage" of how human we are diminishes too. We move between aspects simultaneously, many present all at one time... Yet the human aspect mis-construes/mis-perceives, as it can only see the aspects it is tuned into, according to their own program here. They cannot see distortions until after, neither can we sometimes... We've been clearing HUGE collective manipulation, control, safety/survival/control mechanism energies forever and this gets stronger as more collapses of the old gridwork within each ... This will continue to intensify for the unconscious, which is why it's so important for all to focus, pay attention and stand in their own inner power as love again..... ♥ Get ready loves..... the old collapses continually here.... Keep embracing YOUR HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS ASPECTS and REALITIES..... keep your NEW EARTH FOUNDATION strong.... not from a place of resistance, fight or struggle, but from a space of PURE DIVINE ESSENCE POWERFUL LOVE. ♥ Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼ Ancient Elder & Guardian of NEW Earth, Author, Teacher/Coach/Guide, Transformational Speaker, Light BEing www.AwakeningToRemembering.com Every time you/we ascend to a higher vibrational frequency, we have to acclimate, observe and see..... Sometimes this is done in silent observation of the ENERGY of all things, sometimes it is done "during" an exchange or experience.... The EMBODIMENT OF HIGHER LIGHT CONSCIOUSNESS means that our realities are continually changing AND we are in flow with this.... It means that the new knowledge and wisdom we now understand makes a difference in how we function. It means that we observe from a multitude of dimensions, by stepping completely out of it, in total discernment and we leave the duality behind. We just see... EVERYTHING.... WE do not form opinions of what we see as good or bad, right or wrong... we process the information of what we see in ratios, equations, cause and effect. We see the energy transmitted, where it goes, how it affects. We see the energy coming out of others/things and the vibration of it. This is how we understand. We process this information, instantly, for knowledge is within the energy present and there are no questions here. Intention is visible through Electromagnetic Unified Field of Consciousness that we exist in. WE hear/see/feel/understand fear, judgement, lack... We understand what is ENCODED WITHIN THE SOUND OF WORDS... the words don't matter here.... Words transmit other's beliefs, yet when one is unconscious, they are not aware of the truth that transmits from within the LIGHT SOUND of the word.... Here we hear the tone, the sound, the vibration.... This transmits many truths... for there is never just one..... These frequencies trigger distortions to surface... for this IS part of the point. Our job is to see our own distortions and where we are asleep/unconscious, we will point the finger at something outside. Here we utilize the outside to show us what we need to see. From this space is where we make our choices and decisions. Much of the time we can just shift to a higher state of consciousness and tell our Universe to work it out.... and it will. Here we are okay with how things work out, for we KNOW they are always in alignment with what we need to/are meant to experience next..... As all come to exist further in the higher frequency bandwidth dimensional realms, it's no longer about what another is doing, it's more about what they are not. Human aspects focus on what one does. We don't care what others do, unless they are in our field of consciousness/physical reality affecting us in some way... for what they do creates their own reality world... and we totally honor this. We decide what we will allow, tolerate and what we will not... Here is a constant opening up and stepping up... Here when one is not ready to do this, we recognize this... WE open the door of opportUNITY, we speak if it is appropriate and we keep going.... The human aspect will have dualistic realities.... Here we do not have this... There's no battle, trying to convince or antagonism. There is only sharing the knowledge that we have come to possess and there is honor, love, respect and integrity from within us.... Here there is patience, a love for silence and alone time, which is quite the opposite of the days when we felt fear, uncomfortable or lonely when we were alone. One is a totally connected state and the other lacks that connection WITH/AS SOURCE again.... "In The Beginning" we had to "learn" to pull away and create this sacred connection space so that we could connect ourselves. Once we make that connection, we crave it, for it feeds our every cell. For the human, this is called meditation, a time dedicated to connect. This is very important for everyone to experience, continually, and to never dis-connect again. Here we do not need to meditate anymore, for we do not disconnect inside. We "learned" how to maintain that connection AT ALL TIMES.... in exchanges, in the waking world.... WE REMEMBERED not to go back to sleep and disconnect anymore..... Silence is a profound space where many of our answers come forth. The rest is done through actual interaction, and it's here we learn/REMEMBER the art of Mastery from within ourselves. Silence is within us and we can be present with an entire group, hold a conversation and not lose this aspect of our MASTER SELF. Processing time will depend on one's own overall Unification and Embodiment of multiple dimensional aspects of their own selves.... inside the physical body..... for we do not separate off anymore... Each blast of Light will have to integrate WITHIN THE PHYSICAL BODY STRUCTURE... and this is "fastest" with plenty of sleep. This is why so many are sleeping, for you emerge in the higher realms "faster" as you do... This is a long and intricate process that requires all be conscious, present and intentionally "doing the work". There are no quick fixes or easy "hand it to me on a platter" ways.... That comes later and all along the way..... The gifts that we await, present themselves continually, yet they are not as we perceived these to be.... These will be opportUNITY, ideas and inspirational thoughts, new knowledge/wisdom and it's up to each one to figure out how to utilize these AS MASTERS to activate and call forth all that they truly desire to experience here. One's gifts are to be shared, knowledge is to be shared and each will be shown what it is they "they have to do" to call forth those magnificent realities.... This is where DIVINE MASCULINE ENERGY COMES IN. Divine Feminine is the one that is overflowing love and the BE-er.... there's absolutely nothing to "do" from this space.... everything is pristine, perfect, blissful, magical and already done.... Yet each must maintain a balance of DIVINE FEMININE and DIVINE MASCULINE to birth their own NEW EARTH REALITIES to experience here. The Divine Masculine is the POWER, the driving force/fire that "gets it done".... All from this sacred space of love, honor and respect. There is no waiting for another to do anything for us, there is no dependency or lack. WE birth ourselves, we are REBORN, and NEW Earth arrives in response to us.... What we are DOING, intentionally and how we get out there to make a difference. Everyone has to continually step up, let the old lack ways go, embrace the unknown and stand in honor, love and faith. Everyone has COMMIT, truly from within..... and do whatever it takes to bring the higher realms and anchor them here on PHYSICAL EARTH. Everyone has to overcome their own separation from within. Everyone has to transcend their own limits, duality and dis-illusioned distorted mentalities..... Everyone must fully wake up/awaken to higher consciousness light and hold this at all times again...... Earth has completed a huge cycle in December 2015, where the old gridwork fully collapsed and the NEW Earth Gridwork fully connected up, her Crystalline LightBody finally held the Light Quotient necessary to sustain.... Now everyone on Earth is "working" to achieve these frequencies within them, as the vibration of all outside is higher than ever before. We came through the Galactic Core and we are now "on the other side" where the entire Galactic & Planetary Universe are accessible to us to constantly transmit higher frequencies that we didn't have access to before. Now WE have the support that we all asked for all along..... It's not going to slow down, it's going to intensify and each will be continually brought into higher frequencies than they were before. All still held within the physical body of old programs/lower frequencies will continually be triggered for a release, while everything in the physical reality will also continually re-align. NOW, everything that is not of higher consciousness must be seen by all and dealt with from a space of expanded consciousness and PURE LOVE knowledge/wisdom or that reality will collapse/crumble when it no longer serves the next phase of one's journey..... Relationships, jobs/money, physical world things, the physical body... These get one's attention... This is the point. What these things mean and serve, must also be higher consciousness light. ♥ Physical realities no longer fixed, these change according to the fast shifting frequencies now. Each must achieve and maintain balance and alignment within themselves, without relying on anything outside anymore..... External things are tools of navigation and mastery.... ♥ With the utmost respect, honor and purity of love.... Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼ Ancient Elder and Guardian of NEW Earth, Teacher/Coach/Guide ♦ www.AwakeningToRemembering.com Photo of Hanalei Bay, Kauai ♥ This journey constantly takes us all down paths that twist, turn and spiral around.... We are on an ever-winding path deep within our own soul.... The journey into the depths of our soul is a unique one, a trying one, an amazing and surprising one..... We are constantly seeing "new" awareness, with new eyes.... through our heart..... Wisdom comes through feeling, experiencing, observing, understanding and releasing the mindsets of limits once held. Ancient wisdom is a culmination of all of our existences merged with our aspects in this now. For awhile, we "tap into this", yet true knowledge is understanding through the heart. This understanding radiates out from our BEING and we share this knowledge with all who are ready to hear it, utilize it and appreciate it.... As humans, we spent our human years gathering experiences in order to understand. We release the distorted beliefs and mentalities and we keep the wisdom to turn around and share. As we expand into our other dimensional aspects as Angels, Christed Beings, Gods, Galactics, LeMUrians, Atlanteans and more, we hold the expanded state and we merge our human knowledge with our Higher Quantum Self INSIDE..... Deep inside there is so very much love, so very much beauty, so very much exquisiteness... Yet it's up to each one of us to go deep inside to find it and bring it out.... It's up to each one of us to open up fully, share our hearts, share our wisdom, share our beauty.... for we touch others through sharing our WHOLE DIVINE ESSENCE. When you touch another's soul, they open up, whether visible to you or not. Sometimes their human aspect is stronger, yet they will feel you and it will permeate how it is meant to. The human aspect has to be exposed to it, process it.. and hearing is sometimes delayed. The walls around the heart, the protection mechanisms held in place... these come down as they realize, feel, get it.... Our job is not to force anyone, to try to make them understand. Our job is to open portals and allow one to CHOOSE to walk through.... Be the example, be the SHOWER OF THE WAY.... Provide the "proof" that the human needs by doing it... and letting them see... that there is nothing to fear, quite the opposite... The only way back to love is through dissipating the hesitation and fear. Your example is by way of BEING fully EMBODIED, all aspects of love from within. All aspects of wisdom... this is what gives you your own POWER again. You stand in your honor by feeling the sacredness of all, you stand in your integrity by not compromising you anymore, you stand as your higher selves when you don't go small and back into the old mindsets anymore...... Your SHOWING is by BEING (Embodiment).... by SHARING... by LEADING.... yet your leading is not of a hierarchy, but a family that has come together again. You support to be supported. You contribute to receive. You open up to open others up. You expose every aspect of you.... You hide nothing, you covet nothing, you judge nothing and you do not care what others say that do. When you stand AS A LIGHT, this is your POWER, your STRENGTH... and love radiates out with each beam/breath.... As a Christed BEing, you hold the NEW Earth Crystalline Gridwork in place. Light is how you function, it is how you speak and communicate again. Sounds carry love, wisdom, caring, respect, integrity and truth.... they speak to the soul of all that you touch.... Just by you being you. ♥ Share your light, step up and support... BE the WAYSHOWER that you are. Hold the light, let others see your beauty, your love... This is your Divinity visible again. ♥ Immense gratitude for all that do..... Aloha Nui Loa ♥ Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼ Ancient Elder and Guardian of NEW Earth, Teacher/Coach/Guide www.AwakeningToRemembering.com As you start to utilize EVERYTHING to enhance your journey, to activate you to more love, more magic, more awesomeness...your reality starts to change. You no longer look at things as a hindrance or problem, you see all for the purpose it serves.... When you actually choose to look at things from multiple perspectives, then your ability to SEE returns. It's no longer dualistic, there is no good/bad, right/wrong... everything is important.... The difference is you REALIZE that you NOW have a choice. You truly start to see the POWER that you hold. You understand that everything really IS UP TO YOU..... This is when you start to STAND IN YOUR POWER as a Divine BEing of Light again. You choose what you will allow and what you will not. You transform all into light and you release all that is not. You SEE THE ENERGY of all from within. Everything either inspires or it depletes..... Abundance comes from within you, for all around you is abundant again. A penny, a piece of fruit, a flower, a sound.... beauty is abundant and this activates a FEELING that allows you to embrace YOUR ABUNDANT YOU again. You no longer take things for granted, you no longer waste... You no longer feel the lack that you did when you were not awake.... Consciousness returns you to full abundance again. Your NEW Earth You is fully abundant in absolutely everything..... The only time you are not, is when you forget (go back to sleep, fall unconscious, enter back into the veils of amnesia) again. You are the one who holds ALL as SOURCE ENERGY and as a MASTER LIGHT BEING again.... Embracing your Awakening & Ascension Journey is how you return to abundance, magic and brilliance again. NEW Earth is Birthed from within you.... as you evolve back into light. Love, pure divine essence love, oozes through your cells.... It fills your body up and your heart bursts open wide.... This is the FEELING you must hold to return to higher realm existence.... As an alchemist, you take love, gratitude, appreciation, honor, integrity, caring and you combine these with inspiration, beauty and desire, along with initiative and you implement them in the physical. You bring forth all of those amazing ideas and YOU anchor them in, you get them into play..... You open up fully and allow yourself to RECEIVE again. You focus on what you need inside and you let the rest go. You release the need to know first and you relinquish control to your higher self/universe and you TRUST FULLY..... because you always put your vibration first, you honor your LightBody and your heart.... You allow your Universe to provide IN RESPONSE TO WHAT YOU ARE DOING VIBRATIONALLY...... Sometimes you are sleeping to integrate & upgrade, sometimes you take time off to go to the beach, out in nature, for a walk amongst the birds and trees... Sometimes you are full-blown working to guide/assist others.... You do whatever the moment presents... for IN-SERVICE is a way of BEING and it requires you to open up fully and to share again..... You are here to share yourself, your love, your light and your abundance too. Abundance is not just for you.... it's for everyone and as you open up to share, support and be generous again, YOU open the portals to PROSPERITY again..... Everything is the opposite here.... If you desire MORE, you must share more.... so much, that you can never lack again. Lack is an energy of holding back... Here we open up fully... absolutely everything.... we release the limits ourselves. Embrace and Embody loves! Everything waits for you! I love you! ♥ Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼ www.AwakeningToRemembering.com In order to receive you must open up fully and release the separation that you held within In order to receive you must gift yourself openly, from your heart, with your soul, for all others, as one again In order to receive you must step into higher light consciousness. You must recognize your own limits and where you held back In order to receive you must see where you do not share, see where you hold back, where you are not open to love and sharing yourself as love again In order to receive, your heart, mind and energy must all be open. In order to receive you must be transmitting light and allowing all to come to you... how and when it is meant to... based upon your own vibration.... In order to receive, you must open your heart... In order to receive you must get out of your head... In order to receive you must "give" first.... Everything is a response to what you hold.... do.... are.... Abundance is a feeling and a way of being, existing again... It's your DIVINE BIRTHRIGHT, yet not from a place of expecting, needing or entitlement.... It's from that place of allowing and knowing that you hold deep inside. This is where you must live.... abundance is where you reside. To transcend the old, you must see it as it is. You must recognize your own unconsciousness, the programs and all that represents this in your physical reality world. When you identify and understand THE ENERGY of what is going on, THEN you have the ability to MASTER from a place of power and inner strength that does not cater to the old illusory programs anymore. These higher frequencies activate and deliver all you desire and deserve.... BECAUSE you've opened up, shared and committed yourself to BEING LIGHT again. EVERY MOMENT that you are totally open, you are in RECEIVING MODE. Only when you go small, put walls back up, shut down, stop sharing do you limit yourself again. I love you. Get ready. Portals are closing out the old (we can close these ourselves) and Portals of Magnificence await to come through as soon as you allow! ♥ Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼ Ancient Elder & Guardian of NEW Earth, Teacher/Coach/Guide www.AwakeningToRemembering.com Unconscious or Conscious... Human Self or Master Self... Merging AS Your Higher Selves Again5/4/2016 You can embrace beauty, magnificence, openness, opportUNITY and love or you can hold on to fear, struggle, fight or passive resistance/protection mode.... You can exist in PEACE and hold the higher vibrations intentionally or live in chaos from inside You can open up to share or try to shut down, keep "it" for yourself, try to hide.... You can be generous or hold back You can Step UP or Step Off You can BE LOVE or you can try to pretend You can SEE the beauty in all and utilize this or waste You can expand your awareness or contract down and try to go back to sleep You can experience TRUE UNLIMITED ABUNDANCE in every moment or you can live in lack You can try to save or let/guide/assist others in standing in their own power again You can hold integrity and honor and show others how this is done or you can stand in judgment and compromise yourself You can open up to hear/listen/feel/see or try to do it as your disconnected little human that thinks it's alone and limited still You can choose to awaken, choose to expand your consciousness, ask to REMEMBER and stand in your MASTERY or you can "wait" until all collapses to bring an experience to TEACH you what you were not willing to open up to/listen to/see before You can pay attention to your own vibrations and what you are transmitting out or you can wait for your UNIVERSE to show you what was hidden deep inside... You can start to contribute, support, share your gifts and make a difference or you can wait until you don't have another choice... this alone will make you "beg" for the opportUNITY... "just one more chance UNIVERSE.... please get me through this, please help me out".... You can DO higher consciousness in every moment, yet your heart, mind and energy have to totally be open... you have to be present, aware and realize when your heart has closed and your mind has taken back over the show.... You can do with intention or wait until everything is stripped away.... Either way, you will wake up, you will come to live from your heart, you will come to expand your mind, you will come to BE In-Service, you will come to thrive, you will come to live your dreams, you will experience the most amazing journey that you could not even imagine before, yet your little human aspect must "die", it must be loved, it must be nurtured and understood why it does what it does.... It's job is to stay asleep... You have to DESIRE TO AWAKEN to REMEMBER fully, more than you go to "human" as your comfortable place to get by.... You have to CHOOSE in every moment, you have to "prove yourself" to you... You have to travel through the depths of your SOUL and the CORE of your being must emerge fully and your physical body must wake up too. You must integrate light into your entire body and infuse your reality with it too. You must identify your own programs and decide to re-program them yourself.... Every bit of this is you... every experience a response... every thing you are.... transmits your physical reality that you experience here.... AS a MASTER LIGHT BEING you change your vibration/transmission, you dictate by what you do and what you DO NOT DO..... by what you hold, embrace and understand.... by what you put your energy, faith, trust into..... YOU FEED realities with your energy, your actions, your thoughts.... Unconscious lives in struggle Conscious exists AS Love ♥ Unity/Christed/Crystalline Consciousness is your heart, mind, body, energy all working in UNISON, in balance, in harmony again.... It you in command AS a Master again..... It's you standing fully as all of your aspects merged in the physical space of your body and expanded across all dimensions/space in time again..... Your old reality will go... you don't need it anymore... Your limited aspects will cease to exist as you release the separation you held within and your body releases the density and programs held within your cellular memory..... Your whole body will start to evolve as you hold Light again.... You did not come here to be a limited human... you are RETURNING to an existence forgotten and emerging in the physical dimensions that were not visible to you before.... Because you did not hold the vibration as an unconscious human.... Now you ENTER the dimensional realities where you become the ADVANCED NEW HUMAN with "super powers" and abilities again returned.... These gifts are natural to you though... they come from inside of you and they "grow"/expand as you do..... You are here to make a difference... and you can't do that if you hide, hold back, think only of yourself.... For many they never loved themselves, truly... with the PURITY of the higher realms. All must reverse the old ways of worrying about the outside world, cut out the external influences and focus on their selves, get out in nature, sleep to integrate light, build their own power again, from the inside out..... AS each does, the outside reality starts to change. The other dimensions become physically visible, after they become visible through dreams and lucid dreamy moments.... Seeing the other dimensions will challenge your sanity, make you think there is something wrong with your eyes, you may/may not hear voices "out there" or inside.... or it may just be your voice... as your higher self comes through... Each will hear frequencies and tones, this is you hearing vibrationally what you can not see/understand yet. These are the sounds of your higher guidance, the entire cosmos/Universe(s) again.... Your angels, your guides, your galactic team.... eventually these are no longer "out there" or "up there", as they come from inside your body as you EMBODY LIGHT AGAIN..... Human thoughts are replaced with frequencies, tones and sounds... The more conscious and expanded, the more you will hear these instead of human words.... Human words only necessary when you cannot hear/don't listen to this..... Listen to these, ask for a "translator" program to come forth... you decipher them yourself.... Embrace your light, embrace the unknown, embrace that which you know inside, open up to your own higher guidance so that you can merge/embody all that you TRULY ARE AGAIN..... ♥ I love you for all that you are and shall do from this moment right here. Aloha Nui Loa ♥ Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼ Ancient Elder and Guardian of NEW Earth, Light Embodiment Teacher/Coach/Guide, Author, Transformational Speaker, Love ♥ www.AwakeningToRememebering.com Excerpt from upcoming book: Multi-Dimensional Consciousness & Quantum Existence: Ancient Knowledge Shared Your openness dictates the experience you have here. Your ability to recognize the vibration of things, the flow or disruption, the purpose, the patterns, the themes... Your embodiment of your Higher Consciousness (Higher Self) Aspects, from inside your body, in present moment.... Your Ability to stand in your own inner power and stop yourself from allowing the old programs to continue.... Your ability to see your own distortions, where you contributed to something no longer productive, yet also to see where you "needed" that experience to show you... so that you could understand... Your ability to SEE, honestly, truthfully and YOUR ability to always come from the INTEGRITY OF PURE HEART and MIND.... Your contributions, your generosity, your supporting and creating the NEW... starting with the small things and working your way up.... Your ability to speak as light and love to the heart and soul of another.... Your ability to connect... Your intentional actions and focused energy... Your thoughts and unconscious mentalities and beliefs that you did not realize/know were there.... Your ability to hold that higher consciousness state at all times again here. You will use your experiences to see your unconscious habits, actions, choices, patterns and themes. You will use these to see purposes and see how ENERGY works again. You will start to feel EVERYTHING, and in the beginning, this is uncomfortable (extremely much of the time)... yet the more you deal/manage/MASTER all from inside, the easier all gets.... UNTIL IT'S ALL JUST ENERGY AGAIN.... The "problem" is that others cannot always see.... Your "job" as a Higher Self is to step into your role as a Guide and assist them, if they are open and ready.... and if not, plant the seed and walk away... This is HOW YOU OPEN PORTALS for others so that they can walk through, when they are ready.... You let them choose and experience their own realities... perfectly for them.... We each have paths, we each have choices, we each "need" certain experiences to "teach us" (show/prove) what we were not ready to see before. Once we "get it", we no longer "need" that to continue to occur. We make a different choice next time, BEFORE we have to "endure" the experience of "that" again...... Each time, your heart will open and you will let go of all that has occurred up until that moment, realizating that "that" was an old timeline, an old reality... yet sometimes you must "speak" of that in order to assist another in "seeing" when the present moment requires this... Otherwise you let it go... it does not matter anymore and you are the one carrying it forth into your current reality, creating it again, therefore projecting it into your "future moments" to occur again..... Every reality is a vibration.... and a response or materialization of vibrations.... that each of us hold within and project/transmit out... These vibrations create physical realities to occur... physical realities form energetically "in the ethers" and "arrive" to take physical matter form..... When you EXIST AS HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS ENERGY, you are intentionally transmitting that which you do desire to experience here. You are aware of what you are allowing, what you are creating, and CAUSING to occur in your own physical reality world... This is because you are intentionally transmitting the vibration AS A MASTER LIGHT BEING in the physical here. There are always a multitude of realities that you cannot see, realize or understand... yet YOU KNOW that if you focus on your own overall vibration and clear anything unconscious from within you AND in your physical reality, that everything will SHIFT to a HIGHER PLANE OF EXISTENCE and more awesomeness will materialize to support you, assist you.... BECAUSE these are a response to what you are DOING with your own energy intentionally.... YOU KNOW that your contributions, your inspiring, your standing in your POWER as PURE LOVE opens the portals to all to arrive here and it UNIFIES ALL BACK INTO LIGHT AGAIN..... YOU KNOW that you are not limited and that everything has already occurred, in a higher vibrational reality, and that all you have to DO is honor, contribute, support and keep focused on holding light, shining light, BEING LIGHT.... and that everything you "put out" into the world is CREATING a magnificently beautiful abundant magical existence for all to experience here again... You KNOW.... because you REMEMBER... and you've transcended the lack of love, the lack of power, the lack of all by transcending the fear and limiting beliefs that used to hold you back from being BRILLIANT and the GIFT that you are.... AND YOU SHARE.... Here, we do not "just share", we are GENEROUS with our sharing, support, love and support.... Here we do not "ration" our love, hold back our light or let anyone enter-fear.... If we do, we realize it... and we stop it.... for it was OUR UNCONSCIOUS PROGRAM running.... and WE have the power to change the program, the hologram, the physical reality in every moment here.... Here.... EVERY NANO SECOND is a new timeline... and we can slide, move, hop from one to another.... BECAUSE WE ARE PRESENT and in COMMAND through our higher heart-mind-energy and we don't go back to sleep/unconscious here.... Every moment is new awareness, new opportUNITY, new choices, new actions... and they will contradict that which was true the moment before.... BECAUSE HERE.... THE VIBRATIONS CHANGE... IN EVERY MOMENT NOW..... I love you immensely and from so far beyond this physical place/space here.... We are family... here to make a difference.... every one of us.... are important... and EVERYTHING we DO is too. Keep seeing, releasing/clearing, activating, anchoring and holding light! ♦ Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼ Ancient Elder & Guardian of NEW Earth, Light Embodiment Teacher/Coach/Guide, Author, Transformational Speaker, Love ♥ www.AwakeningToRemembering.com Exquisite Photo Art by Cal Howard. ♥ |
July 2021
This entire site is dedicated to the continual activation, elevation and expansion of Highest Consciousness Existence for all of HUmanity.
Everything received and sent out from me/through here is as a GIFT, a vibrational recognition through sacred gratitude, appreciation and non-linear reciprocation and contribution from within. All is to support our NEW EARTH EXISTENCE and anchoring the highest timelines of Heaven on Earth in our physical here. All is focused on "the much bigger picture" and fulfilling all of our highest Soul purposes here. My expression of pure gratitude accompanies all as you receive energetically on every level too! ♥
NEW EARTH replaces Old Earth Everything (for everyone on this planet) ♦ Everything is ENERGY and ENERGY IN FORM
Invest in yourself, each other, your Service as Light, hUmaNITY, Consciousness Expansion and all of our future nows... by contributing to and fully supporting (in every way) that which supports humanity with the immense transition phases with greater ease and through Pure Love.
NEW Earth has a whole new, entirely different value system, all new systems and ways that all must learn/remember and bring forth from deep within.
Energetic Cycles are increasing substantially at an unprecedented rate, accelerating "what comes back around" energetically... from all existences, as all is a cyclical/spiral/reciprocal energy that cycles faster as our beloved planet's vibrational frequency continues to rise to bring/usher all out of the "dark ages" and into "the Light" (Full Consciousness/a Quantum State of Remembrance/Pure Peace, Love, Unity and Sacred Oneness).
In deep sacred appreciation for your presence, dedication and service as Love too. ♥
Keep embracing, shining, building, integrating and sharing your BEAUTIFUL LIGHT as Love! It's BEyond important for all! ♥
Invest in yourself, each other, your Service as Light, hUmaNITY, Consciousness Expansion and all of our future nows... by contributing to and fully supporting (in every way) that which supports humanity with the immense transition phases with greater ease and through Pure Love.
NEW Earth has a whole new, entirely different value system, all new systems and ways that all must learn/remember and bring forth from deep within.
Energetic Cycles are increasing substantially at an unprecedented rate, accelerating "what comes back around" energetically... from all existences, as all is a cyclical/spiral/reciprocal energy that cycles faster as our beloved planet's vibrational frequency continues to rise to bring/usher all out of the "dark ages" and into "the Light" (Full Consciousness/a Quantum State of Remembrance/Pure Peace, Love, Unity and Sacred Oneness).
In deep sacred appreciation for your presence, dedication and service as Love too. ♥
Keep embracing, shining, building, integrating and sharing your BEAUTIFUL LIGHT as Love! It's BEyond important for all! ♥
As a part of Elevating Consciousness, which is a part of shifting all into a much HIGHER DIMENSIONAL VERSION (i.e. NEW EARTH and 5+D OPEN DISCLOSURE), (and the new GDPR Compliance Requirements), we are happily posting how we use your information, even though technically "WE" are a collective energy of LOVE & Unity Consciousness. "I" AM an individual, with a priority to hold (EMBODY) the highest level of LIGHT, which translates through integrity, love, respect, kindness, consideration and through Cosmic Harmonic Alignment, at all times for all of us here and to promote love, peace, unity and a much higher consciousness supportive reality, where the "old" (unconscious) is not a part of our "NEW". "I" am an individual who just happens to "do" a billion things to awaken, support, inspire, contribute and provide reSOURCEs, in order to assist all of HUmanity in living our highest existences (NEW Earth) together through Purity and Love too. For those who may desire to know, we (me and any HUman Souls physically supporting in accomplishing the daily work), personally do not gather/review/use your information for anything, other than replying to you as you have requested, sending newsletters/updates as requested, sending pertinent notifications regarding a product/service/course/item you've registered for/obtained, while providing the option at all times for you to unsubscribe, cancel any current memberships and request to no longer receive specific notifications by providing the information for us to do this. We are providing you with the names of websites/platforms/services we utilize, so that you can review their Privacy Policies with us as account holders, as well as you as visitors or subscribers regarding anything pertaining to our users/visitors, in order for you to review. Always holding the highest integrity in all that we do. We provide this information with love and out of respect to all of us and you.. ♥
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If we find any others that are relative, we will update those here for you to access too. Click on any applicable service, to locate and review their Privacy Policies and Disclosures. Emails will be sent out accordingly, so all can re-optin in order to consciously choose to continue to receive supporting newsletters, announcements and updates through our email service.
We will update this section again with more information in order to assist you soon.
"WE" totally love, honor, respect and appreciate you and your presence, participation and contributions for all of HUmanity too!!! ♥
Newsletter Service: Flodesk
Soundcloud: Cookies Policy
Mastery School Hosting: Thinkific (* Your Registration is your opt-in to sign up automatically for Newsletters from MailChimp)
If we find any others that are relative, we will update those here for you to access too. Click on any applicable service, to locate and review their Privacy Policies and Disclosures. Emails will be sent out accordingly, so all can re-optin in order to consciously choose to continue to receive supporting newsletters, announcements and updates through our email service.
We will update this section again with more information in order to assist you soon.
"WE" totally love, honor, respect and appreciate you and your presence, participation and contributions for all of HUmanity too!!! ♥
Copyright 2009-Current ~ Lisa Transcendence Brown