Light brings through constant new awareness now... and obliterates, dismantles and dissolves old unconscious realities quickly and instantly now.... many things doing a 180, flipping upside down and untwisting the twisted distortions of the old distorted human realities..... Consciousness is you standing as love, standing in your power again. It's you at your purest form... seeing your own distortions and dealing with them. We all have to do this... in every nano second now. Realities built on distortions or held together by distortions of unconsciousness must be reshaped through intentional consciousness or they will collapse and dissolve.... they will still reshape, just in a different way.... Nothing is as any of us "thought" that it was.... Prepared to be "surprised" by all that you see ... look inward to see why you would have created that experience to see/understand more about yourself, your unconscious patterns and themes... We all have to do this continually and expand beyond the false/illusory limits that we held up until the moment before consciousness came through.... All of this light is CONTINUAL NEW HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS... In the old days (lower vibrations) there were more gaps and "spaces of time" to choose.... NOW, everything is instant.... MANIFESTATION of (y)our own vibrations becoming visible instantly.... all that we do/do not desire... both present in every moment... Consciousness means making decisions, being responsible, doing what it takes according to your own higher consciousness now. When you open your heart, you see differently... you intentionally act differently, you allow/stop allowing depending on what is conscious and what is not. You can work with unconsciousness to transform it yourself or let it evolve on it's own..... Which aspect of you is most dominant, will dictate the experience that you have here.... These are not realities of blame, shame, pointing the finger or guilt. These are realities of "I have the power to choose" and doing what it takes to bring the higher consciousness realities through. We leave/left the lower vibrations behind... We just see all as it is and deal with it.... We stand as love, which does not succumb to lack, cater to it or feed it anymore.... This does not benefit any one of us.... We are each always now challenged to move into a higher consciousness reality by identifying unconscious programs within our own realties and stopping/transforming them ourselves. Where we are all doing this together, we can do this as a unit, team or group. Each can assist each other where all are open, ready and JUMPING with these Quantum Realities that do not leave room for the delay of "thinking about it until it works the old way" for the old way does not work/fly in these higher vibrations here. Your love and power must be stronger than your fear or lack. Your inner wisdom and higher guidance must be louder and more present than your be-little-ing human voice of unconsciousness is. Your action will take you down a path for an experience you "need" to show you something you did not want to see/do before, while simultaneously opening up opportUNITIES all along the way for you to see and become a CONSCIOUS CREATOR of your own realities here. There is not moment that you are not in command. The difference which "you" is dominant and dictating/transmitting your physical reality experience for you in every moment now.... AS a Higher Consciousness Self you are doing intentionally, with the realization that every thought, every belief, every mentality, every action.... this is what is materializing your physical reality world here.... You are always observing and seeing, you are always meeting the challenges, you are always sleeping to integrate & clear old timelines out, you are always aligning realities.... and letting go/releasing all that is no longer in alignment..... Yet in-alignment and out-of-alignment is not a judgement of good/bad/right/wrong... It is a realization that you have expanded into a different vibration that you were just the moment before. It's the awareness that you are taking a new path, one that you've been waiting for. It is the understanding that your physical realities are constantly re-working themselves FOR you..... for everyone.... It is seeing that physical matter is taking new form simultaneously in response to your own "new" higher consciousness that you did not have access to before. It is many things... none that are dualistic... for you see polarity, purposes and beauty in the brilliance and magnificence of it all. As a Light BEing... you observe physical matter re-arranging itself continually to take new form... in response to your own vibrational transmissions and intentional consciousness that you hold (embody) in every moment now.... Realities are constantly being re-arranged now... this is how physical matter works. Breaking down the old and replacing it with that of NEW Earth..... moving in and out of vibrations, shifting, changing in every moment.... That which holds higher consciousness long enough can materialize and take physical form. Enough of this forms a foundation.... for more to materialize and "grow". These are the foundations of your new galactic and ancient civilizations here. They emerge from within you and materialize around you..... You vibrate into and out of realities in every moment. Your light or density dictates the ones you have access to. ♥ Observe collapses and see them as being transformed into Higher Light Consciousness... See what was unconscious about them and see all as a gift of new awareness and that as you embrace the exquisiteness and purity within you, everything realigns again instantly now..... Physical matter takes form according to each's consciousness. Unconsciousness creates one reality, consciousness creates another. When these are inter/inner-twined within your own physical reality world, you must weed through all and reweave all again through consciousness light. Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼ Ancient Elder & Guardian of NEW Earth, Teacher/Coach/Guide, Author, Transformational Speaker on the Embodiment of Light
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Aloha Beautiful Light Family! Okay, there's lots going on.... Yesterday we had a huge balancing out of magnetics within the physical body, which tends to cause the body to feel heavy/weighted (gravity polarization), the lymphatic system can go haywire, feeling drained and energized all at the same time, as can everything else for "functioning" when we are upgrading to WALK in more higher dimensional realm frequency bandwidths here. The magnitude of this process is beyond huge. It encompasses absolutely everything with each of our realities, physical, mental, emotional and what physical realities play out, how we exist, our relationships, tangible abundance and every reality that occurs. We've been speaking of years of "this time" that we are in, many working diligently to hold light, release old programs and become multi-dimensional beings intentionally and consciously, by REMEMBERING fully.... This is an entire evolution back into a whole new Galactic Species here. The recent collapse of the magnetosphere, just a small symbol of what is to come, yet this is greatly misunderstood, unless one can see from all expanded dimensions on how this process actually works. This is an organic natural evolving, according to HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS LIGHT.... everything of lower consciousness (asleep) will dissolve, collapse, be obliterated or transformed... BACK INTO TO LIGHT.... The energetic merging of the sun, moons and Earth Gaia into one a few months ago, means that we now all of these star/planetary energies here. Emanating out from the earth and in the atmosphere, the Ascension of Gaia into Terra Nova NEW Earth and all inhabitants last September, means that all will raise to the higher frequency bandwidths at an expedited rate now. That was just Phase 1 of the Mass Collective Grand Awakening process, in addition to each Foreunner/WayShower completing their phases (waves) as and NEW Earth Gatekeepers/Gridkeepers here. December 2015 Phase 2. March 2016 Phase 3, June 2016 Phase 4 and so on... with every moment in-between building to the next phase of completion. Yes, this does affect everything here on NEW Earth. Yes, if you are reading this, you are on NEW Earth. The beginning of each of us for realizing this is to look around, see the difference, more color, vibrancy and a Light'r existence... and if you find yourself in the crux of intense upgrades, "loss" or dramatic realities... this is a part of the process as well. Physical matter density, emotional/mental separation everything has to purify, cleanse, detox, release so that all can be transformed into light. Physical matter continually reshaping and reforming according to density & light... every blast of light, every activation of love, every cosmic wave of magical peace awesomeness is upgrading your physical body from carbon-based to Crystalline LightBody form. Everything in your physical reality is doing this too. The density and separation must go. It cannot exist in these higher frequency bandwidths... for this is not just the 5th Dimension, it is all of them... 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th and so on..... you continue to evolve from the 5th Dimension ... back into a Light BEing holding physical matter form. Yes, everything that represented the old, the unconscious will eventually be gone. In it's place a magnificent, magical and brilliant reality that your human mind cannot yet perceive. You do see it though, in your sleep dreams, day/waking dreams, blips of holographic imprints that come through to assist you with opening your mind that yes... .this is real.... There will continue to be more collapse, for this is what "imminent collapse" means. Particle realignment occurring in every nano-second.... only a Light BEing can see this... the human aspect can try to grasp the concept... WE live it... it's our NEW way of existence... As each sleeps, they wake up/awaken further, as each walks in nature, they connect again, as each releases old program emotions that were suppressed within cellular memory of every particle of the physical body... new awareness, new realizations, new understanding of how all of this works comes forth/emerges/occurs. The heart and mind must be fully open and unification from within must also occur. Will you see more chaos, more confusion, more devastation, more bizarreness?. Yes you will... IF you are watching (and allowing) the continually collapsing lower realms.... Where you turn your focus to BEing the new, supporting the new, contributing to the new and committing yourself and all that you are to the new.... then you will "leave" those old realities behind. As you do, you move into a higher frequency bandwidth vibrationally and those realities will cease to exist at all. You will not have the capability to go back, you are not meant to, none of us were. There are alternate realities and different dimensional versions here and you can experience them magnificently, brilliantly and amazingly NOW. This is not "one day".... all prophecies continue to expedite to play out. The difference is most don't realize that the outside hologram is a big screen physical version of the holographic imprints one has access to from inside and holds within their own physical body & energy field. The ability to embody and move from dimension to dimension is a process of evolving physically back into the light. Most also don't realize that their every action, decisions, choices make a difference in every moment now. Dimensions separate then converge... They separate so everything in it can collapse and be transformed. When this process of light infusion has completed, everything re-converges back into the same physical space, at a higher vibrational frequency bandwidth than before. The unknowingly unconscious sleeping human cannot walk in multiple dimensions physically, yet the evolved physical Crystalline Star-Light BEing can walk in all dimensions simultaneously and choose the one they desire to experience and occupy at any given time here. The amount of photonic Quantum Light held determines how many dimensions one has access to.... By maintaining expanded consciousness, one can reshape realities at will. This is because we can see them through our "new" Holographic Living ... choose what we do/do not desire and then just wait for vibrations to shift (or shift them our self), so that the physical reality can re-align in response to the intentional transmissions through purity and total consciousness...... We've just completed a huge phase and now move into the next one. This is a never-ending, continual spiraling process of always moving into the higher realms of consciousness and physical reality re-alignment. This is the total transformation and evolution of HUmankind now.... you are living it.... whether you are intentionally conscious of it or not. I love you..... get ready... HUGE is an understatement ... We all signed on for this Galactic Task..... And each has huge roles in this part. Everyone responsible for contributing and awakening to why they are even on this Earth now.... ♥ Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼ Ancient Elder & Guardian of NEW Earth, Light Embodiment Guide, Author, Transformational Speaker, Teacher/Coach, Guide ♦ p.s. We currently have solar flares, gamma lasers and crystalline frequencies all at the same time. High frequency solar winds present as well. Star particle activations (itchies) and more. We are getting busy with the Light Activations... here we goooooooooo! ♥ ENCORE REPLAY WEEKEND JUST FOR YOU! All of these Transformational Talks and Interviews...
This is a very special encore weekend of replays FREE just for you. A multitude of ancient wisdom teachings and sharings, part of our gifts, wisdom and ancient knowledge we share with you. Here's what's available this weekend! Season 9 of Beyond The Ordinary is concluding very soon. Registration may be required, but it's free and you can listen to continually activate all that you desire to! Thank YOU, John Burgos, for all that you bring forth and do. Truly and honor, as we all are the gridwork of NEW Earth, each pivotal gridpoints that anchor and hold the purity of Divine Essence Powerful Light here. ♥ We've been running Pure Source through our Crystalline LightBody Structures for hours and it continues to increase now. Our crystals are operating at optimal capacity, with light and information zooming faster than the mind can comprehend. To tune into all of this light and utilize the experience to see all holographically is KEY. I've been able to consciously travel through the Crystalline LightBody Structure (again), yet this time see how our Pineal Gland evolves. It starts out as a gland, we decalcify it over years of evolution here, activate the crystal inside. The pinecone is the layers (of the onion that many refer to, peeling back the layers), revealing the Eye of Horus, which gives us 360 degree range. Hidden deep in the center is a PURE DIAMOND, beyond multifaceted, the center of our ability to see (and experience) multi-dimensionally/multi-galaxy all from one physical space here. The heart must fully be open at all times and never shut down/wall up/close off again. This is imperative for FULL BODY FUNCTIONING and walking in multiple dimensions simultaneously. The challenge is MASTERING all of these in your physical reality, in ALL moments that converge as one and never separate off again. I can see this, because I am looking at my own... and last night I asked to what point do we physically evolve. Sometimes we wonder how far we can take these physical bodies, with all that's going on. Last night was huge in upgrades... To awaken with more knowledge of how all works. Akashic Records, Living Holographically, Solidifying Holograms Intentionally. The Liquid Crystalline Light courses through our veins. Our bones filled with crystals, shake, at a high productivity rate. Our "new" bodies infused with higher consciousness intelligence upgrades continually to function at optimum capacity. It does not look like what we thought it would. It's being expanded and contorted to house a new existence. It re-vamps itself continually, based upon algorithms, equations and coded sequences within the Galactic Schematics and Enhanced Advanced Templates that constantly overlay for merging energetic consciousness with our structure here. These Diamond Light Code Frequencies, Rainbow Frequencies, RAY Frequencies (Golden, Silver, Platinum, Ruby, Emerald, Sapphire) and more, activate every particle and aspect of you in a multitude of ways. Flames, Crystals, Essences and unlimited intelligence far beyond your old dimensional limited human one. We alternate between activation of various aspects until a "whole" process has completed for a merging inside to occur. It is through WHOLE Aspects merged as ONE that we function optimally from. Embodiment is a full-time and continually evolving process and "job". The pineal gland, heart and entire physical body work together as an intelligent and live conscious being. Your intentional super consciousness gives you access to all as it occurs simultaneously here. Pineal gland, crystalline structure, liquid and electromagnetic plasma energy light.... You become a crystal recorder that plays holograms, transmits, receives and processes instantly, a Keeper of Records and Knowledge of all existences.... a walking breathing intelligent organism with "powers" (gifts/abilities) that were dormant when you were a sleeping human. All awakens and continually evolves as you do. Your physical body constantly re-configuring itself to function optimally as your new systems continually come back online. There are days that it is physically challenging to function until these upgrades anchor and set in. Each must REMEMBER, this is why you are here and all is supported when you honor your own process fully from within. The external reality has already occurred in a higher vibrational frequency reality. When your number one objective, focus, commitment is to your own overall vibrational frequency and unification process, things become much easier. Your physical reality reshapes and reforms FOR you in response. You need not always know what/when/how. All you need is to know.... The rest occurs organic, naturally and magically. Your entire existence does change. It completely transforms through light. Observing your own Crystalline LightBody Upgrades as they occur, will give you access to knowledge that you already hold inside. Presence through the activations is KEY. You are RE-TUNING and UP-Tuning (Tuning UP) continually now. The power of these upgrades shall continue to increase substantially. How you do the journey, how you experience it, is totally up to you, what you commit to, what you do..... Every moment is a response.... Your expanded consciousness (or unaware unconsciousness) dictates the experience you have in every nano-second here. ♥ Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼ Ancient Elder and Guardian of NEW Earth, Light Embodiment and Crystalline LightBody Evolution Teacher/Coach/Guide, Author, Transformational Speaker all as Higher Consciousness Love & Wisdom Light Open your heart and look deep within your soul See the beauty, the purity, the love... Feel the essence that was hidden for so long Breathe the life of conscious breath through your every cell Close your eyes and just BE in the energy Hear the sounds of the entire Universe and life about Feel the love, the peace, the magic as you REMEMBER again Hold the Light of Source fully from within Expand your energy out Allow it just to flow Allow it to emanate out To touch all as one again Open your heart more Feel your whole chest wall swell Breathe this divine essence love through your every cell Allow cellular cleansing that occur with soft and subtle silent tears Release any old programming that was hidden deep within Fill every particle of you with Sacred Divine Light That diminished when you fell asleep and to exist beneath the veils As you open your heart and mind And allow your light energy to flow from the inside out The amnesia that once kept you asleep diminishes As gravity goes you ascend back into the higher realms Your whole reality will completely change As beauty, vibrance and magic fill your NEW Earth World Always hidden in plain site It was never gone Just invisible vibrationally in a dimension you could not yet see Yet as you allow for separation consciousness to fall away Your vision of all dimensions is restored Through unification and Embodiment of your aspects For the vibration of their energy merges with yours here This merging changes your DNA and genetic coding Your body starts to reconfigure and transform Photonic light obliterates your old existence To be replaced by a Waking Lucid Dream These lucid dreams once only accessible before in your sleep Start arriving in your waking state Magically to show you how your higher consciousness existence is Each activation will challenge your mind to stretch For to our human aspects this is bizarre Yet the more you experience this in your waking state The more you AWAKEN TO WHO YOU TRULY ARE You forgot the magic as you slumbered In a body that was asleep As your soul went dormant You had no idea that "human" was an illusion keeping you asleep That there were a multitude of unlimited dimensions Full of abundance, bliss, magic and magnificence you could not see Just waiting for you, floating around in your energy field And every time your heart opened You activated the codes, geometric equations and sequences Everytime you maintained consciousness You anchored these in Every time you stood as a Higher Self Aspect You were Embodying Your Self AS A MASTER AGAIN Again, because you are already a MASTER LIGHT BEING That went to sleep as you fell Now that you are rising in vibrations You are transforming physically back into Light again Density releases every time you let go Of that which you held onto before Every time you focus on the light You activate your new realities to arrive (materialize) for you here Your projection, your transmission, your focus from your heart Christed Consciousness means your mind has synchronized And your heart and mind work as one In tandem with your physical body consciousness You no longer separate off You no longer allow unconsciousness To exist within you or your immediate physical reality world For what you allow Affects your own field of consciousness And (cap)abilities to stay awake What you cater to, put your energy into, feed, support, invest in This becomes your physical reality world You can vibrate completely out of the old dimensions If you truly desire You are the one that must commit And transform all into Light So close your eyes and connect See what you could not see before See what you didn't want to know or hear And then open fully up Know that all is already in alignment and ready to come forth As you open up to be receptive And listen for your truth As you FEEL your truth Through the pristine purity of your heart That inner knowing is your guide Your Higher Self You emerging deep from within your Core Open your heart and mind to the beauty So that your eyes can finally see What was invisible before Becomes visible as you become fully conscious again. I love you. ♥ Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼ Ancient Elder and Guardian of NEW Earth, Light Embodiment Guide We've had SOURCE LIGHT open up and a wide array of Light Packets delivered over night and continuing still. This is not blasting us huge (yet), while strong enough to open up portals to go into these light packets to receive information through the streams of light coming through from within. Some access these through meditation/sacred connection, by connecting to the field of higher consciousness, while others just go inward to see/experience.... As all hold more light the more "inner" it becomes. Eventually there is nothing outside other than your own unified field of super consciousness. These frequencies clear our field of consciousness and everything of a lower frequency bandwidth that we've entertained, held, allowed, yet cleared.. For me, as I lay/sleep, I just observe my field being cleared. The more unconsciousness we allow, the more we have to clear. This is the 2nd clearing in 8 days where I've had to pull away to allow my field to clear. New Moons bring much. They bring forth NEW Beginnings, NEW realizations, NEW inspiration, NEW understandings and Solar Flares during/after take us deeper within. We go through template wiping/upgrades, so it's important to clear everything out/resolve all for this to occur. We are going through Quantum Timeline StarGate Jumps daily now, which means that everyday we downshift into an old reality to see what's not in-alignment/needs to be tuned to a higher state of consciousness "right then". There no more putting things of "for another day". As soon as all aligns, boom... we shift and a whole new reality starts to play. Awesome realities are always JUST WAITING FOR YOU, yet if you are not conscious and need to be woken up, something will occur to do this for you, to assist you in waking up. The human aspect is unconscious, yet one can maintain their higher self aspect and observe their human one. This vantage point, this awareness, gives on the ability to shift from one dimension to another, one timeline to another. Yet you must be present and observing the energy/vibration of all things simultaneously. You must make decisions/choose, you must stand in your power again. This is a part of your own MASTERY as an Ascended Light BEing. This is a natural gift that all are not only capable of, but already hold. Presence, intention and expanded consciousness ... these are how you access these within yourself ... Holding the vibration of Higher Light Consciousness is how you embody your other aspects here. Standing in sacred honor, integrity, respect, consideration as love and emitting powerful light from within is part of your own RETURN to Higher Consciousness/NEW Earth Existence here. Everyone is here to REMEMBER FULLY and to INJOY the beautiful magnificence of unlimited abundant NEW Earth. You must find this space deep inside of you and bring it forth. This is a process that occurs over the separation of time according to your own dedication, commitment and choices that you make in every moment now. Evolving as a NEW Earth Light BEing won't look anything like you thought. It will be more awesome, more amazing, more brilliant than the human mind can comprehend. As you do the "work", other dimensions become visible in your physical one. Soon you are walking in multiple dimensions... which is confusing at first. Not knowing what is real sometimes as old realities go and "new" ones come forth to merge in the same physical space.... Having one foot in each dimension will challenge you until the anchoring phase has completed. As your consciousness expanded, your awareness does too. Therefor so does your responsibility for being in-service to/for HUmanity and assisting others in "coming through". The difference is we don't take others on as our responsibility. We gift responsibility back to them. We see their beauty, their purity, their Divinity.... and we mirror this back to them. Some are not yet open, therefore they cannot yet see. Their mirror projects a reality that is distorted still. Sometimes, we cannot yet assist with the distortions, for the heart is too walled/closed and we have to step back to allow for a separated physical journey to occur. Our souls are always connected, one, yet human'ness is too strong. Part of Mastery is clearing contracts for certain experiences here, re-writing them, marking them paid in full and more. Recently I was shown that I could clear my contract to assist and gift it back to that person's higher self and turn total responsibility back to them. This person's higher self showed me that I was to open all up to choice. The choice they made determined whether I was to continue with our current contract in this vibration. Things need not linger on anymore when we accept that each will experience exactly what is necessary to open their heart-soul-mind to consciousness again. I was shown the alternative realities that would occur if one chose to continue fighting becoming consciousness and had to get okay with it all. My job was to be open & honest and open up the opportUNITY and honor as embodied higher self. It is also to honor me, what I put my energy, and unconsciousness is not an option anymore. Each shall experience what each chooses/needs to experience.... all will be brought into consciousness again. Some easy, beautiful, supported and guided, others abruptly, harshly and strong. The determining factors are how shut down one's heart is, how walled up, how protected, how closed off..... This is a journey of love, unity, trust, honor, peace, beauty and unlimited happiness as all REMEMBER fully again. Struggle goes as resistance goes.... Everything can be easy again. The physical body will have to clear all distorted illusory programs of separation held within. These are deeply embedded within each one of us. The more asleep we went, the more our physical bodies held. The evolution from unconscious Old Earth to fully conscious NEW Earth is an intricate process. The unification of all of our bodies (mental, physical, emotional and spirit/soul/energy) back into one unified body of light, the activation of our higher light aspects for the embodiment process, the transformation from carbon-based to Crystalline... a huge process that occurs in every moment of each day for each of us. The difference is how in-tune we are, how tuned in, how present, how aware, how serious we are, how important this is to us.... The physical body awakens as Light Energy of one's spirit/soul awakens too. Tingling, numbness, movement occurs as deep hidden emotions and beliefs are un-anchored ... an unconscious being will try to suppress, avoid, escape, hide..... We've passed the "times" (frequencies) for this to be an option anymore. Everyone has to awaken now.... There are many types of awakenings that occur. Some experience many of these, not just one. The words are what were separated... It's all the same thing, just different variations to describe the type of experience one chose/chooses here: Spirit/Spiritual, Kundalini, Higher Self, Abrupt, Spontaneous, Harsh, Instant, Gradual, Descending, Crash Landing... there are many more.... Masculine energy awakens differently than feminine energy does. Feminine energy feels presence and wakes up. Masculine energy is more stubborn/resistant/strong, therefore it often requires having things "removed" (human's word is loss), to get their attention. When it's time to awaken fully, physical realities will start to re-align. The human aspect does not like change, so it tries to hang on. This is how many get "drug through" the awakening process.... Opening the heart and mind to consciousness means that all re-aligns in response. It means that things are easier and here to assist us, support us.... WE are the ones that determine how we do this journey..... One cannot "fool" their Universe/Higher Self.... for they are their Universe/Higher Selves... Their Universe/Higher Self already knows "before", for realities have already occurred. Thoughts and actions show our higher-self-universe our intentions, our desires, our dedication and where we respect our own journey and where we do not. Our realities are a response to what we hold, do and our consciousness or unconsciousness. Every moment to support us as to how we are choosing to experience this vast experience here. As Galactic Ancient Elders, WE are the Guardians of NEW Earth. We are here as Guides to assist with all awakening and ready to embrace, commit and take their journey serious. NEW Earth Grid Keepers have much different realities than the Old Earth ones. There's no saving anyone, trying to change anyone, trying to convince anymore.... We live on NEW Earth already and await all to arrive, when it is their time, how they choose to, when they choose to. Everything is perfectly in-alignment at all times here. We just move through timelines and vibrations according to what presents. It's a very different existence and suffering, fear, separation and lack... these do not exist here. I love you guys.... embrace your HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS EXISTENCE in every moment and allow your physical reality to align. Get your sleep! It's important and get busy when you do have energy. You are here to share you and make a difference. Every moment you ARE in-service. The difference is "what are you in-service to?"..... Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼ Galactic Ancient Elder and Guardian of NEW Earth, Light Embodiment Guide, Author and Transformational Speaker, "Teacher" to the human world, Guide to the Awakening Soul ∞ Sex is a huge part of the awakening process. Understanding how all works is important. Distortions, opening the heart, the purpose in stimulating these centers and how nothing is as the human perceives. We will be talking about this, twin flames/Divine Soul Union Partnerships and doing activations for higher consciousness relationships too. Every particle of the body is stimulated to wake up so that distortions can clear cellular memory and purity can return within. Co-mingling DNA creates additional distortions to have to clear. InJoying sex is a part of coming to love yourself fully again, then letting go of the "need" for sex, for the relationship will evolve organically to be a connection so much deeper than anything physical can create. The connection of two energy fields that emanate from the Divine Heart, the unification of these fields, the amplification of inner desire has nothing to do with human lack/need. The driving force in higher consciousness relationships is much deeper and intimate stimulation is through energy, feelings, shared sacred touch and the unification of the soul. This is what many seek, the profound holy grail, yet the ability to achieve this within one's self first must occur, so that anything that evolves externally does so from purity and sanctity of Divine Essence Love. Sex is a way to open the heart/mind/body and stimulate those distortions, freedom and feelings of connectedness that one seeks. Sex is a conduit and very important part of the process for awhile. Sex evolves, as does everything, as consciousness evolves too. The purity of merging fields of higher consciousness is much deeper and profound than human sexual desires, yet to open up fully, one must learn to love themselves fully, and this means clearing out any distortions around sex. Understanding HOW sex is a part of the process, takes the focus off of sex and the need for it to fill a human lack/feeling/need and makes it a very important part of the process to opening one up to FEEL FULLY AGAIN. Most do not understand that when they seek a sexual exchange that they are seeking a FEELING .... The feeling of merging fields of higher consciousness can stimulate the same feeling, yet it is much more powerful than anything the human need can create. The power of merging fields is beyond anything the mind can comprehend. Twin Souls and Divine (Re)Union Partnerships are more than what human mindsets can grasp. Where there is any lack, then the human will seek these, instead of allowing them to occur naturally and organically, honoring the union when it is meant to occur. Twins are here to assist each other with higher consciousness together in order to fulfill purposes and roles. These are not to fill holes or voids within each other. These are to come together through purity of the heart and to work together from higher consciousness too. The energy of a twin soul can emerge within any physical body structure, and it can come through many along the way. It can trigger anything unresolved within the partner, obsessions, lack of love, physical/emotional unhealed inner pain. It can ignite the ETERNAL FLAME OF FIRE that begins the journey of awakening that one is not aware of yet. This can occur over an entire lifetime here, to ignite occasionally all along the way to bring one further into consciousness again. Many do not understand that twins are here to open their heart, yet do not have to be present for cellular cleansing to continue to occur. The "next time" one needs to be activated, they will "appear" in physical form, to activate the next phase of one's awakening, and if staying would "interfere" in the "faster" process of that soul emerging from within, they will go again.... to RETURN when purity within the self has been achieved.... Twin Souls and Divine Essence Partners have purposes together that transcend the mentalities of the limited human fixed perceptions mind........ The last few years those who are meant to come together with their Divine Twin Soul Partners activated again and we move further into that now..... Divine Twin Soul Partnerships do not fulfill each other, they merge to enhance and amplify what has already been achieved within. They UNITE as two whole LIGHT beings here to anchor, hold and share more light. The LOVE of twins is not limited and cares nothing of physical form. It does not see human imperfections... it sees the perfection of all. It loves without lack or need.... It is pure and increases with each merging of fields. We have transcended the old limited partnerships. WE move further into HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS PURITY RELATIONSHIPS where souls reunite as Divine Pure Love again. ♥ Keep expanding loves, keep opening your heart, keep cleansing cellular memory and embracing the magnificence that you are. Stay open and honor you/your process as divinity again. Re-connect from inside and notice your own distortions that you need to release/clear. I love you! ♥ Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼ p.s. I have upcoming events where we will be focusing on this together, yet for those desiring to activate further now, here's the MP3 in the store. We will send out notifications to all as we get events posted. ♥ The further all move into these higher consciousness vibrations, the more all will have to learn (REMEMBER) how to function as a higher-self Light BEing. Every exchange will present an opportUNITY to DO from higher Light Consciousness.... Embodiment is each LIVING and Existing AS ALL of their higher consciousness aspects, in the physical one. As another aspect activates, the other aspects must purify and cleanse the old unconscious vibrations and distortions physically held within. Those old mentalities of the individual self, those old perceptions of reality, those old choices that only used to be about you, or another... Here you must always do what is of higher consciousness in every exchange, in every moment..... This is a challenge, when you are used to being a limited human. This will push every button you've got, trigger every unresolved emotion inside that is not pure divine love. Each exchange will move you further into NEW Earth Fully Conscious Existence, where you are equal with all, where all is a part of you, where you are a guide at times, where you are no longer dominant human. Here, you have no attachments, no cords.... here you always see from multiple dimensions, multiple realities, multiple timelines and you make your choices and create your action from the consciousness/unconsciousness energy present right then. Here you always are of light and human is visible the moment it presents. Here you intentionally "deal" with human'ness as the unconsciousness that it is. Sometimes you open up to be more love, sometimes you set requirements for others to be in your world (yes, we have to do this as higher self aspects, and allow others to choose for themselves), sometimes you "get bigger" energetically, while radiating out love, sometimes you maintain silence and just BE, sometimes you offer guidance as a higher self, sometimes you do not do anything at all... you just observe and allow realities to play out..... Your desire to participate in unconsciousness will grow stronger. Your desire for conscious exchanges will dominate, for unconsciousness no longer fulfills you.... As humans we "filled" space with things that didn't matter, things that "took up precious time", with distractions, with physical world matter.... Here, the physical matter in our reality is very important. It holds a consciousnesses too. The more you BECOME ENERGY AGAIN, the more you will feel physical matter around you, the more you will feel the density/heaviness/lightness within your gravitational field. Energy of others & things can be seen/heard/felt.... As you clear what is within your physical body (cellular memory, distortions and imprints) you become more in-tune energetically and less affected physically inside and more aware energetically of what is within your unified field of consciousness (and as your consciousness expands wayyyyyy out, then super consciousness). You are aware of the energy present in another and you start choosing what to do with this. Each time is different. Identifying the vibration, the frequency, the energy of all things in your field of super consciousness is part of becoming Source/The Universe again and you as the Higher Self Master that fell unconscious and forgot who you truly are.... As you activate these frequencies within you and hold them throughout your interactions and days... as you unify all of your aspects to exist simultaneously within your body, your entire existence will change. Everything becomes energy, some in form, some not.... You start to respect your field of consciousness and what you will allow in it (or not). As you return AS A MASTER LIGHT BEING, your relationships completely transform/change/evolve too. You no longer live in lack mentality in any way.... for you do not feed the energy of the old as a MASTER LIGHT BEING.... You will start to find that your whole world/reality revolves around ENERGY .... what is going on inside of you, what is going on in your physical reality out there, what your physical Crystalline LightBody is doing as it upgrades... and what is important to you subtly dramatically changes too..... Relationships must be pure and you must FEEL the connection inside of you... otherwise you feel the separation and the distance.... sometimes you can do something about this, sometimes you cannot. The consciousness of the other determines the exchange and your own consciousness and MASTERY does too. Are you able to be fully open, radiate out and stand in your power/command, honor the other and yourself simultaneously, without compromising anything ever again? Embodiment means that you can... that you can fully exist as POWERFUL DIVINE ESSENCE LOVE AND LIGHT again. Holding all of these POWERS inside of you is you REMEMBERING yourself fully as a MASTER again. These are your memories of what you forgot, yet not just in your head or something you tap into from time to time. These fill your every cell, fiber of your being and HOW YOU EXIST and FUNCTION in every moment.... Standing in multiple dimensions, anchoring multiple aspects and realities will be very confusing along the way. Much of the time you won't know what is real or what is a dream. As you hold more light, physical reality matter changes... things become more fluid, bending, stretching, soft.... the rigidity of your mind relaxes and your heart opens fully up... your hold on the old realities goes and you relax into the higher consciousness vibrations that allow you to experience the magnificence that you forgot..... You came here from full consciousness, without any separation or veils... with each new awareness, each expanded perspective, each "new" revelation and realization within yourself.... YOU ARE REMEMBERING what you forgot when you chose to come experience separation/duality/unconsciousness and "fell" beneath the veils of consciousness and "forgot"...... Now you are REMEMBERING and it's not what you could "think". As a human aspect, you are surprised with each expansion and what you could not realize/see before..... Where you are still human and have old programs to clear/release/purify/reprogram/transcend and unify back within, you will contract out of those other dimensions of consciousness and back into "the old unconscious one", yet more conscious this time, with new awareness (knowledge), so that you can TUNE the frequencies of your own reality yourself..... The physical matter that took shape of an old consciousness will start to shift and change.... As you do this, the physical matter in form in your physical reality will be a representation of the LIGHT THAT YOU HOLD, the beauty, the love, the magnificence and ALL THINGS MAGICAL and awesome will be ABUNDANT again. Abundance is all around you.... it's in everything you do... it's in all that you are... it's in the breath that you breathe, it's in the exchanges that you have, the profound sacred connections that you experience when your heart/mind/energy/body are open and transmitting LOVE out and you are fully OPEN TO RECEIVE the abundance of magnificence in return..... Subtle presence, profound connections.... these are powerful when experienced from WITHIN THE MOMENT and from deep within your soul. Tears of connection come as you REMEMBER and connect up as the UNIFIED FIELD OF SUPER CONSCIOUSNESS again.... Moving from one dimension to another means that physical matter is constantly changing and taking new form in every moment. YOU dictate the form it takes and presents in your own physical reality world. AS YOU STAND AS SOURCE AGAIN and as your MASTER SELF... everything WILL CHANGE... it's supposed to.... Your heart is opening at an exponential rate now, the frequencies of love are activating inside of you and anything less can no longer "survive". A physical release can be felt, a physical "pain" can be felt, an emotional discomfort can be felt when an old program presents..... Everything was held inside of you and floats around inside your energy field. You are moving old density/separation out and embodying higher light consciousness with every conscious breath..... Deeply embedded within you are the SECRETS of all. As Ancients, Elders, Galactics, Shamans, LeMUrians, Atlanteans, Elementals, Star Beings, Angelics, HUman Crystal Skulls (and more)... You are the SEERS, the Sages, the Visionaries, the Oracles, the Creators, the Artists, the Scribes.... You are the Energy Workers from alternate dimensions (other times).... You are the Keepers of the Light Codes, the Keepers of Light, you are the ONES that are here to bring HUmanity (and more) through.... Yet, you bring others through by BEing the Portal and Holder of Light, you do this by SHARING and opening up fully and transcending the old limiting beliefs you once held deep inside. You go inward to bring forth that which was hidden deep deep deep within. That beauty, that magnificence, that knowledge/wisdom, that light, that PURITY and LOVE that kept you from REMEMBERING as an UNCONSCIOUS human. You are here to BE the Advanced NEW Earth HUman and to SHOW others how to do this too. You are here to BE the DIFFERENCE and to re-connect with all others here to do this too. You are here to open those portals, hold those doors/gates open and to keep going into alternate realities/galaxies/universes from inside of you. Your DNA/RNA/Genetics will upgrade organically and naturally for you. Your human aspect cannot comprehend the intricacies and depths of how all of this works simultaneously and how you are physically EVOLVING back into what your CONSCIOUSNESS is. Your body is upgrading with each embodiment of light. Your DNA activating new strands, new encodments, new realities in every moment that you hold consciousness within your physical form. Every moment you are FULLY CONSCIOUS you are evolving back into what you forgot. Every nano-second all is continually upgrading, re-configuring and physical matter is changing mass and form. Your presence is how you see and experience this fully again. Your connected with all from inside of you... this is how you become your HIGHER SELF MASTER BEING again. Living from your inner core of your entire being.... In every moment you are a gazillion aspects all in one space. The difference is your awareness, your observation, your understanding, your own sacred connection and mastery... your REMEMBERING and being fully present in order to maneuver between them all at one time in one space again. Navigating these higher frequency bandwidths requires all of you now. You move through realities from within, you merge aspects inside of you and realities completely transform into a higher density that is lighter, more colorful, vibrant, alive, interactive and magical again. You are RETURNING to your true and pure existences in every moment now. Old Earth was your chosen experience as an unconscious human.... these realities go as you emerge as a NEW EARTH HUman here.... You birth this from inside of you. Your physical body will continually expand and contract in light. Light will weave through your physical structure, activating crystals, star particles and new realities outside. Physical realities are a transmission that you get to experience now. As you return to higher light consciousness they become more exquisite by the moment.... Yes, you do walk in HEAVEN ON EARTH here. It is birthed from inside of you as you EMBODY who you truly are again. ♥ Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼ ... already built and working cohesively, in brilliant abundance, magnificent union as love, peaceful compassion, kindness and far beyond your imagination can dream. Your arrival is through your vibration and the light that you hold. Your embodiment allows you this experience in your physical. Your access to the other dimensions is first through etheric means, yet as your physical body lightens, de-densifies, unifies back to higher consciousness existence, you physically vibrate into these realities. The "hard part" is your awareness and what you DO in every moment. The challenge is for you to maintain full consciousness and not go unconscious again. The task is for you to hold light... PURE DIVINE ESSENCE AND POWERFUL LIGHT within your physical body structure and to release all of the old unconscious imprints held within your cellular memory. Your "job" is to be aware of yourself and your ability to MASTER ALL THINGS ENERGY AGAIN. Not one bit of this is about anyone else... yet it is... for that which you allow is your mirror, your reflection and shows you what you hold within. That which causes you to waiver in your own inner faith and trust AS THE UNIVERSE... is your own lack of inner connectedness with yourself as SOURCE again. Your external reality is as exquisite as you hold.... your solidified hologram your projection of your own vibrational frequencies transmitted out from your own physical structure.... every exchange, every experience, every word.... YOUR OWN PROGRAM.... Anything you desire will arrive as you open up fully, as you embrace fully and you stand fully in your power again. As you EMIT PURITY then the frequencies of purity are returned. As you ARE LIGHT, then all things are returned as light. As you become the gift, then all things become gifts too. As you share, others share with you. As you support, support comes wherever in your universe it is meant to. There are linear realities and non-linear realities. Linear requires that one thing yields something equal in return. Non linear transmits continually, in every direction, across all dimensions/timelines which opens portals for all to come forth from any direction at any time... That which is received is in correlation to the amount of light held and transmitted out. Limits are released, for limits are our own. When we no longer see or believe limits, they no longer exist... for these were a figment of the human's imagination...a condition(ing)... Those dreams of realities that you desire to experience, these are birthed from within you. Your desire, your feeding energy into them, your nurturing, your shaping/forming them and your invested energy..... this is what allows you to experience all that you truly desire again. In order to live in peace, love and unity, you must hold this within. In order to experience magic, sharing, honor, integrity, respect and abundance, you must open up and hold this throughout your entire being and stop allowing anything that does not choose the option of operating at these frequencies too. You dictate your reality.... every bit of this is you.... The beauty is that as you emerge as love again, as you purity and transcend all of the lack and separation, the external reality re-aligns, becomes more vibrant, colorful and beyond brilliant to experience again. Higher consciousness realities materialize in physical form as you ARE HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS AGAIN.... You are RETURNING to an existence forgotten.... you REMEMBER your way back...through your open heart, through sleeping/pulling away, through dedicating yourself to being in-service... through the amount of Pure Divine Essence LOVE that you hold... and through the balancing of your own Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine... you birth your Divine Birthright to return for you again. These higher light frequencies assist you with your RETURN. Your physical body going through a huge transformation and upgrade process, needs your love, care and attention. Your presence is required in every moment. Your awareness of what YOU ARE feeling and doing with your energy.... this is KEY in the dimensional reality you physically occupy in every moment now. You are vibrating in and out of realities in every nano-second. Your own expansion of consciousness is one of your most important gifts. This gift/ability allows you to dial StarGate Codes and various frequencies to change the dimension... IN EVERY MOMENT.... You are already a MASTER..... you embody these aspects as you hold light, as you no longer compromise, as you no longer shrink down/contract back into a limited human.... PRACTICE in every moment. REMIND yourself continually. Study the holographic programs, physical reality exchanges.... see timelines and what your choices/decisions (or non-decisions) and actions are vibrationally creating in your own physical reality world. Suffering was an old program. You do not have to experience this anymore. The deeper you go into your own core being, the deeper into your heart, brain, bones, teeth, muscles, organs, glands, systems this goes... Separation is the energy. Density is that which your body holds. Light weaves through your whole body and ignites a fire within your soul. As you awaken inside, your physical body does too. Everything comes alive and online within the UNIFIED FIELD of Super Consciousness so that you can experience Heaven and Earth in the same physical space now. Those galactic cities you see in your dreams or remember deep within your soul. They appear vibrationally as you make them your priority and dedicate your existence to bringing them forth in your own physical reality world. As each does this, their energy signatures activate and connect each back up again. We find each other through these signatures. You must intentionally continually tune your frequencies to the highest state of consciousness at all times. You are the walking transmitter of your NEW Earth and the galactic civilizations that already exist in another vibration/dimension/timeine.... Remember your Mastery, Purity and Power!♥ Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼ Ancient Elder, Keeper of Light/Widsom and Guardian of NEW Earth |
July 2021
This entire site is dedicated to the continual activation, elevation and expansion of Highest Consciousness Existence for all of HUmanity.
Everything received and sent out from me/through here is as a GIFT, a vibrational recognition through sacred gratitude, appreciation and non-linear reciprocation and contribution from within. All is to support our NEW EARTH EXISTENCE and anchoring the highest timelines of Heaven on Earth in our physical here. All is focused on "the much bigger picture" and fulfilling all of our highest Soul purposes here. My expression of pure gratitude accompanies all as you receive energetically on every level too! ♥
NEW EARTH replaces Old Earth Everything (for everyone on this planet) ♦ Everything is ENERGY and ENERGY IN FORM
Invest in yourself, each other, your Service as Light, hUmaNITY, Consciousness Expansion and all of our future nows... by contributing to and fully supporting (in every way) that which supports humanity with the immense transition phases with greater ease and through Pure Love.
NEW Earth has a whole new, entirely different value system, all new systems and ways that all must learn/remember and bring forth from deep within.
Energetic Cycles are increasing substantially at an unprecedented rate, accelerating "what comes back around" energetically... from all existences, as all is a cyclical/spiral/reciprocal energy that cycles faster as our beloved planet's vibrational frequency continues to rise to bring/usher all out of the "dark ages" and into "the Light" (Full Consciousness/a Quantum State of Remembrance/Pure Peace, Love, Unity and Sacred Oneness).
In deep sacred appreciation for your presence, dedication and service as Love too. ♥
Keep embracing, shining, building, integrating and sharing your BEAUTIFUL LIGHT as Love! It's BEyond important for all! ♥
Invest in yourself, each other, your Service as Light, hUmaNITY, Consciousness Expansion and all of our future nows... by contributing to and fully supporting (in every way) that which supports humanity with the immense transition phases with greater ease and through Pure Love.
NEW Earth has a whole new, entirely different value system, all new systems and ways that all must learn/remember and bring forth from deep within.
Energetic Cycles are increasing substantially at an unprecedented rate, accelerating "what comes back around" energetically... from all existences, as all is a cyclical/spiral/reciprocal energy that cycles faster as our beloved planet's vibrational frequency continues to rise to bring/usher all out of the "dark ages" and into "the Light" (Full Consciousness/a Quantum State of Remembrance/Pure Peace, Love, Unity and Sacred Oneness).
In deep sacred appreciation for your presence, dedication and service as Love too. ♥
Keep embracing, shining, building, integrating and sharing your BEAUTIFUL LIGHT as Love! It's BEyond important for all! ♥
As a part of Elevating Consciousness, which is a part of shifting all into a much HIGHER DIMENSIONAL VERSION (i.e. NEW EARTH and 5+D OPEN DISCLOSURE), (and the new GDPR Compliance Requirements), we are happily posting how we use your information, even though technically "WE" are a collective energy of LOVE & Unity Consciousness. "I" AM an individual, with a priority to hold (EMBODY) the highest level of LIGHT, which translates through integrity, love, respect, kindness, consideration and through Cosmic Harmonic Alignment, at all times for all of us here and to promote love, peace, unity and a much higher consciousness supportive reality, where the "old" (unconscious) is not a part of our "NEW". "I" am an individual who just happens to "do" a billion things to awaken, support, inspire, contribute and provide reSOURCEs, in order to assist all of HUmanity in living our highest existences (NEW Earth) together through Purity and Love too. For those who may desire to know, we (me and any HUman Souls physically supporting in accomplishing the daily work), personally do not gather/review/use your information for anything, other than replying to you as you have requested, sending newsletters/updates as requested, sending pertinent notifications regarding a product/service/course/item you've registered for/obtained, while providing the option at all times for you to unsubscribe, cancel any current memberships and request to no longer receive specific notifications by providing the information for us to do this. We are providing you with the names of websites/platforms/services we utilize, so that you can review their Privacy Policies with us as account holders, as well as you as visitors or subscribers regarding anything pertaining to our users/visitors, in order for you to review. Always holding the highest integrity in all that we do. We provide this information with love and out of respect to all of us and you.. ♥
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Newsletter Service: Flodesk
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Mastery School Hosting: Thinkific (* Your Registration is your opt-in to sign up automatically for Newsletters from MailChimp)
If we find any others that are relative, we will update those here for you to access too. Click on any applicable service, to locate and review their Privacy Policies and Disclosures. Emails will be sent out accordingly, so all can re-optin in order to consciously choose to continue to receive supporting newsletters, announcements and updates through our email service.
We will update this section again with more information in order to assist you soon.
"WE" totally love, honor, respect and appreciate you and your presence, participation and contributions for all of HUmanity too!!! ♥
Newsletter Service: Flodesk
Soundcloud: Cookies Policy
Mastery School Hosting: Thinkific (* Your Registration is your opt-in to sign up automatically for Newsletters from MailChimp)
If we find any others that are relative, we will update those here for you to access too. Click on any applicable service, to locate and review their Privacy Policies and Disclosures. Emails will be sent out accordingly, so all can re-optin in order to consciously choose to continue to receive supporting newsletters, announcements and updates through our email service.
We will update this section again with more information in order to assist you soon.
"WE" totally love, honor, respect and appreciate you and your presence, participation and contributions for all of HUmanity too!!! ♥
Copyright 2009-Current ~ Lisa Transcendence Brown