We've had SOURCE LIGHT open up and a wide array of Light Packets delivered over night and continuing still. This is not blasting us huge (yet), while strong enough to open up portals to go into these light packets to receive information through the streams of light coming through from within. Some access these through meditation/sacred connection, by connecting to the field of higher consciousness, while others just go inward to see/experience.... As all hold more light the more "inner" it becomes. Eventually there is nothing outside other than your own unified field of super consciousness. These frequencies clear our field of consciousness and everything of a lower frequency bandwidth that we've entertained, held, allowed, yet cleared.. For me, as I lay/sleep, I just observe my field being cleared. The more unconsciousness we allow, the more we have to clear. This is the 2nd clearing in 8 days where I've had to pull away to allow my field to clear. New Moons bring much. They bring forth NEW Beginnings, NEW realizations, NEW inspiration, NEW understandings and Solar Flares during/after take us deeper within. We go through template wiping/upgrades, so it's important to clear everything out/resolve all for this to occur. We are going through Quantum Timeline StarGate Jumps daily now, which means that everyday we downshift into an old reality to see what's not in-alignment/needs to be tuned to a higher state of consciousness "right then". There no more putting things of "for another day". As soon as all aligns, boom... we shift and a whole new reality starts to play. Awesome realities are always JUST WAITING FOR YOU, yet if you are not conscious and need to be woken up, something will occur to do this for you, to assist you in waking up. The human aspect is unconscious, yet one can maintain their higher self aspect and observe their human one. This vantage point, this awareness, gives on the ability to shift from one dimension to another, one timeline to another. Yet you must be present and observing the energy/vibration of all things simultaneously. You must make decisions/choose, you must stand in your power again. This is a part of your own MASTERY as an Ascended Light BEing. This is a natural gift that all are not only capable of, but already hold. Presence, intention and expanded consciousness ... these are how you access these within yourself ... Holding the vibration of Higher Light Consciousness is how you embody your other aspects here. Standing in sacred honor, integrity, respect, consideration as love and emitting powerful light from within is part of your own RETURN to Higher Consciousness/NEW Earth Existence here. Everyone is here to REMEMBER FULLY and to INJOY the beautiful magnificence of unlimited abundant NEW Earth. You must find this space deep inside of you and bring it forth. This is a process that occurs over the separation of time according to your own dedication, commitment and choices that you make in every moment now. Evolving as a NEW Earth Light BEing won't look anything like you thought. It will be more awesome, more amazing, more brilliant than the human mind can comprehend. As you do the "work", other dimensions become visible in your physical one. Soon you are walking in multiple dimensions... which is confusing at first. Not knowing what is real sometimes as old realities go and "new" ones come forth to merge in the same physical space.... Having one foot in each dimension will challenge you until the anchoring phase has completed. As your consciousness expanded, your awareness does too. Therefor so does your responsibility for being in-service to/for HUmanity and assisting others in "coming through". The difference is we don't take others on as our responsibility. We gift responsibility back to them. We see their beauty, their purity, their Divinity.... and we mirror this back to them. Some are not yet open, therefore they cannot yet see. Their mirror projects a reality that is distorted still. Sometimes, we cannot yet assist with the distortions, for the heart is too walled/closed and we have to step back to allow for a separated physical journey to occur. Our souls are always connected, one, yet human'ness is too strong. Part of Mastery is clearing contracts for certain experiences here, re-writing them, marking them paid in full and more. Recently I was shown that I could clear my contract to assist and gift it back to that person's higher self and turn total responsibility back to them. This person's higher self showed me that I was to open all up to choice. The choice they made determined whether I was to continue with our current contract in this vibration. Things need not linger on anymore when we accept that each will experience exactly what is necessary to open their heart-soul-mind to consciousness again. I was shown the alternative realities that would occur if one chose to continue fighting becoming consciousness and had to get okay with it all. My job was to be open & honest and open up the opportUNITY and honor as embodied higher self. It is also to honor me, what I put my energy, and unconsciousness is not an option anymore. Each shall experience what each chooses/needs to experience.... all will be brought into consciousness again. Some easy, beautiful, supported and guided, others abruptly, harshly and strong. The determining factors are how shut down one's heart is, how walled up, how protected, how closed off..... This is a journey of love, unity, trust, honor, peace, beauty and unlimited happiness as all REMEMBER fully again. Struggle goes as resistance goes.... Everything can be easy again. The physical body will have to clear all distorted illusory programs of separation held within. These are deeply embedded within each one of us. The more asleep we went, the more our physical bodies held. The evolution from unconscious Old Earth to fully conscious NEW Earth is an intricate process. The unification of all of our bodies (mental, physical, emotional and spirit/soul/energy) back into one unified body of light, the activation of our higher light aspects for the embodiment process, the transformation from carbon-based to Crystalline... a huge process that occurs in every moment of each day for each of us. The difference is how in-tune we are, how tuned in, how present, how aware, how serious we are, how important this is to us.... The physical body awakens as Light Energy of one's spirit/soul awakens too. Tingling, numbness, movement occurs as deep hidden emotions and beliefs are un-anchored ... an unconscious being will try to suppress, avoid, escape, hide..... We've passed the "times" (frequencies) for this to be an option anymore. Everyone has to awaken now.... There are many types of awakenings that occur. Some experience many of these, not just one. The words are what were separated... It's all the same thing, just different variations to describe the type of experience one chose/chooses here: Spirit/Spiritual, Kundalini, Higher Self, Abrupt, Spontaneous, Harsh, Instant, Gradual, Descending, Crash Landing... there are many more.... Masculine energy awakens differently than feminine energy does. Feminine energy feels presence and wakes up. Masculine energy is more stubborn/resistant/strong, therefore it often requires having things "removed" (human's word is loss), to get their attention. When it's time to awaken fully, physical realities will start to re-align. The human aspect does not like change, so it tries to hang on. This is how many get "drug through" the awakening process.... Opening the heart and mind to consciousness means that all re-aligns in response. It means that things are easier and here to assist us, support us.... WE are the ones that determine how we do this journey..... One cannot "fool" their Universe/Higher Self.... for they are their Universe/Higher Selves... Their Universe/Higher Self already knows "before", for realities have already occurred. Thoughts and actions show our higher-self-universe our intentions, our desires, our dedication and where we respect our own journey and where we do not. Our realities are a response to what we hold, do and our consciousness or unconsciousness. Every moment to support us as to how we are choosing to experience this vast experience here. As Galactic Ancient Elders, WE are the Guardians of NEW Earth. We are here as Guides to assist with all awakening and ready to embrace, commit and take their journey serious. NEW Earth Grid Keepers have much different realities than the Old Earth ones. There's no saving anyone, trying to change anyone, trying to convince anymore.... We live on NEW Earth already and await all to arrive, when it is their time, how they choose to, when they choose to. Everything is perfectly in-alignment at all times here. We just move through timelines and vibrations according to what presents. It's a very different existence and suffering, fear, separation and lack... these do not exist here. I love you guys.... embrace your HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS EXISTENCE in every moment and allow your physical reality to align. Get your sleep! It's important and get busy when you do have energy. You are here to share you and make a difference. Every moment you ARE in-service. The difference is "what are you in-service to?"..... Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼ Galactic Ancient Elder and Guardian of NEW Earth, Light Embodiment Guide, Author and Transformational Speaker, "Teacher" to the human world, Guide to the Awakening Soul ∞ www.AwakeningToRemembering.com
Thank-you so much. The information you share has helped me greatly through the past several weeks. I resonate fully with everything you have written and especially with your videos. Such a comfort every time I read/watch a post. Thank-you. You are so dear to me already!
4/16/2016 08:35:50 pm
Mahalo again Lisa, for continually sharing, which helps us feel connected as we all are moving into the higher frequencies !
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July 2021
This entire site is dedicated to the continual activation, elevation and expansion of Highest Consciousness Existence for all of HUmanity.
Everything received and sent out from me/through here is as a GIFT, a vibrational recognition through sacred gratitude, appreciation and non-linear reciprocation and contribution from within. All is to support our NEW EARTH EXISTENCE and anchoring the highest timelines of Heaven on Earth in our physical here. All is focused on "the much bigger picture" and fulfilling all of our highest Soul purposes here. My expression of pure gratitude accompanies all as you receive energetically on every level too! ♥
NEW EARTH replaces Old Earth Everything (for everyone on this planet) ♦ Everything is ENERGY and ENERGY IN FORM
Invest in yourself, each other, your Service as Light, hUmaNITY, Consciousness Expansion and all of our future nows... by contributing to and fully supporting (in every way) that which supports humanity with the immense transition phases with greater ease and through Pure Love.
NEW Earth has a whole new, entirely different value system, all new systems and ways that all must learn/remember and bring forth from deep within.
Energetic Cycles are increasing substantially at an unprecedented rate, accelerating "what comes back around" energetically... from all existences, as all is a cyclical/spiral/reciprocal energy that cycles faster as our beloved planet's vibrational frequency continues to rise to bring/usher all out of the "dark ages" and into "the Light" (Full Consciousness/a Quantum State of Remembrance/Pure Peace, Love, Unity and Sacred Oneness).
In deep sacred appreciation for your presence, dedication and service as Love too. ♥
Keep embracing, shining, building, integrating and sharing your BEAUTIFUL LIGHT as Love! It's BEyond important for all! ♥
Invest in yourself, each other, your Service as Light, hUmaNITY, Consciousness Expansion and all of our future nows... by contributing to and fully supporting (in every way) that which supports humanity with the immense transition phases with greater ease and through Pure Love.
NEW Earth has a whole new, entirely different value system, all new systems and ways that all must learn/remember and bring forth from deep within.
Energetic Cycles are increasing substantially at an unprecedented rate, accelerating "what comes back around" energetically... from all existences, as all is a cyclical/spiral/reciprocal energy that cycles faster as our beloved planet's vibrational frequency continues to rise to bring/usher all out of the "dark ages" and into "the Light" (Full Consciousness/a Quantum State of Remembrance/Pure Peace, Love, Unity and Sacred Oneness).
In deep sacred appreciation for your presence, dedication and service as Love too. ♥
Keep embracing, shining, building, integrating and sharing your BEAUTIFUL LIGHT as Love! It's BEyond important for all! ♥
As a part of Elevating Consciousness, which is a part of shifting all into a much HIGHER DIMENSIONAL VERSION (i.e. NEW EARTH and 5+D OPEN DISCLOSURE), (and the new GDPR Compliance Requirements), we are happily posting how we use your information, even though technically "WE" are a collective energy of LOVE & Unity Consciousness. "I" AM an individual, with a priority to hold (EMBODY) the highest level of LIGHT, which translates through integrity, love, respect, kindness, consideration and through Cosmic Harmonic Alignment, at all times for all of us here and to promote love, peace, unity and a much higher consciousness supportive reality, where the "old" (unconscious) is not a part of our "NEW". "I" am an individual who just happens to "do" a billion things to awaken, support, inspire, contribute and provide reSOURCEs, in order to assist all of HUmanity in living our highest existences (NEW Earth) together through Purity and Love too. For those who may desire to know, we (me and any HUman Souls physically supporting in accomplishing the daily work), personally do not gather/review/use your information for anything, other than replying to you as you have requested, sending newsletters/updates as requested, sending pertinent notifications regarding a product/service/course/item you've registered for/obtained, while providing the option at all times for you to unsubscribe, cancel any current memberships and request to no longer receive specific notifications by providing the information for us to do this. We are providing you with the names of websites/platforms/services we utilize, so that you can review their Privacy Policies with us as account holders, as well as you as visitors or subscribers regarding anything pertaining to our users/visitors, in order for you to review. Always holding the highest integrity in all that we do. We provide this information with love and out of respect to all of us and you.. ♥
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Newsletter Service: Flodesk
Soundcloud: Cookies Policy
Mastery School Hosting: Thinkific (* Your Registration is your opt-in to sign up automatically for Newsletters from MailChimp)
If we find any others that are relative, we will update those here for you to access too. Click on any applicable service, to locate and review their Privacy Policies and Disclosures. Emails will be sent out accordingly, so all can re-optin in order to consciously choose to continue to receive supporting newsletters, announcements and updates through our email service.
We will update this section again with more information in order to assist you soon.
"WE" totally love, honor, respect and appreciate you and your presence, participation and contributions for all of HUmanity too!!! ♥
Newsletter Service: Flodesk
Soundcloud: Cookies Policy
Mastery School Hosting: Thinkific (* Your Registration is your opt-in to sign up automatically for Newsletters from MailChimp)
If we find any others that are relative, we will update those here for you to access too. Click on any applicable service, to locate and review their Privacy Policies and Disclosures. Emails will be sent out accordingly, so all can re-optin in order to consciously choose to continue to receive supporting newsletters, announcements and updates through our email service.
We will update this section again with more information in order to assist you soon.
"WE" totally love, honor, respect and appreciate you and your presence, participation and contributions for all of HUmanity too!!! ♥
Copyright 2009-Current ~ Lisa Transcendence Brown