Depending on the physical dimension one occupies, the "truth" will be different here. I will break this down in sections to simplify an intricate process that takes more than just one writing to explain the "whole picture", that is not visible to those who have not transitioned to live beyond the Veils of Amnesia yet. We all "thought" we were fully conscious along the way. As we go, we find how "not even close" we were and that there's always more to REALize, REMEMBER and Understand. Full access is restored to each of us as we fully PURIFY our entire existence and fully align all on a SOUL Level and keep all aligned. Purity of our hearts, minds, intentions, actions and our whole body is necessary. These continually increasing of Quantum Acceleration Phases of all's Higher Consciousness (Living) DNA Awakening, Cleansing & Purification Processes for OverSoul Embodiment, require this even more. ↓↓↓ The body was asleep, unconscious and held deep unconscious programming within. Through the activation of one's LightBody, dormant DNA awakens in the body to completely re-code and re-configure according to all NEW Sequences and Codes. This DNA re-writing is a whole body template process, where each's separation (Ego) was held. Every micro-organism cell of the body has now been activated to WAKE UP and release this immense programming that CREATED THE ENTIRE HUMAN EXPERIENCE/EXPERIMENT that all Soul's chose to experience and then transcend fully from within.
This TRANSCENDENCE is through Physical Body Ascension, which can only occur through full EGO Dissolution/Death. This process is the most challenging one will endure, because of how strong the Ego (Separation from Self AS Pure Source Light) and how deeply embedded in the physical human body all was/is. This Ego Death is not just of the human existence, it's a culmination of every existence rolled into this one here. The emotional and physical "Purging" (Cleansing) process (we drop the purging word after the intensity has subsided), works through every cell, organ, body part to "locate" separation and depending on how strong it is, dissolve/destroy/dismantle/break it down, so that the physical body can re-build itself through "new codes" that have to embed into the body/cellular structure, so that the body can be brought online with the Plasma Crystalline Gridwork of NEW Earth. These constant influxes of PHOTONIC LIGHT, which present in different oscillating frequencies constantly, work through the physical body to "locate" everything that is discordant/out of tune (in order to re-tune), everything that is of the ego/separation/duality, everything LINEAR and fixed, everything that represents an Unconscious Program and REWRITES IT with a whole new program aligned on a SOUL Level. PHOTONIC LIGHT activates each's Dormant DNA, which holds HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS in a multitude of ways. Christed Light, Pure Source Light, God Consciousness, Gaia Consciousness, Galactic Consciousness (Every Higher Self Aspect), is activated to COME ALIVE from WITHIN the BODY, yet it's the human perception that this is "coming from outside" or "higher", because of the vibration of the physical body and "WHERE" One's Own Full Consciousness appears to reside. It will be "Higher" when the human aspect has been deep asleep and starts feeling the weirdness in the body as it starts to wake up. Numbness, tingling, gravity shifts, light-headedness, vision, hearing, weakness, heat/cold temp changes/extremes, physical pain, emotional pain... all a part of EGO DEATH and raising the physical bodies' vibration high enough for it to physically ascend. It will be "Higher" where the human aspect needs to dissolve/release/detach completely from the HOLD that the PHYSICAL REALITY has/had. All of the attachments, identities, beliefs... the IMPORTANCE and what was important must dramatically change. Each's EGO does not want this. It will go to being a Victim of Ascension or Fighting "something" to maintain control, a human belief that it can control anything at all. This Ego Death goes DEEPER than any human aspect can understand. Desperation to "not experience" or "hold on" can create the EXPERIENCE of "breaking", which the EGO avoids at all cost, not understanding that that "breaking point" is necessary for the cells of the body to release the linear constructs called "THE MATRIX" that anchors and binds them in the UNCONSCIOUS REALMS OF AMNESIA. This MATRIX PROGRAM is where each tries to adhere and comply with a PROGRAMS and SYSTEMS that keep all in a slumber/asleep, that come from a place of fear and keep all submissive and conforming through "mis-placed" trust in something OUTSIDE of SELF. These programs keep one struggling to achieve, struggling to make it, struggling to uphold a BELIEF that runs on separation, duality and fear. It does not support UNITY, LOVE AND ABUNDANT LIVES... it depletes and can never be "won", because the VALUES these SYSTEMS and PROGRAMS are built upon are not Fully Conscious. Physical Body Ascension is the elevation of the physical body to such a high frequency that it can exist in multiple dimensions to HOLD IMMENSE LIGHT and BEGIN the process of OverSoul Embodiment (Avatar Consciousness), which is the FULL EMBODIMENT of all Higher Self Aspects, the Entire Universe(s), Galaxies, Cosmic Everything, within the physical body form. It is JUST THE BEGINNING of arriving on 5th Dimensional NEW Earth that starts a whole new process of INFINITE PROCESSES AND PHASES of Anchoring Highest Dimensional Everything onto our Physical Earth. It's where each becomes Sovereign and RETURNS to Mastery, moves into HIGHER MIND CONSCIOUSNESS, which is a game-changer for all. The physical body goes through a Rigorous Process of constantly acclimating to much higher frequencies daily, as one's LightBody activates the other phases of the LightBody too. Crystalline, Plasma, Etheric...these are progressional as well. Each's DNA constantly re-coding and re-calibrating, nothing is attributed to "outside" anymore. We can see how all affects, yet it's up to each one of us to re-prioritize our own lives so that this can be a much easier process for us all. The "Arrival" and "The Event" are experienced by each as they ACHIEVE THE VIBRATION in order to accomplish this. Our NEW EARTH REALITIES must be built by each one of us. We put in the blood, sweat and tears. We dedicate ourselves to HIGHEST CONSCIOUSNESS EXISTENCE for all of HUmanity. We invest all that we are and have in a whole new life/existence for all. Each one of us have to come to this place, if we truly WANT THE EXPERIENCE OF NEW EARTH as our REALity. Human Ego Aspects will not do this until the old collapses, dissolves or they are "forced". Now, none of this is occurring by anyone/anything else. Everything is occurring because the vibration of our Earth is accelerating, as the Cosmos merges in our atmosphere, creating the "NEW Weather" (Multi-Dimensional Atmospheres are very different than our old human ones were). The physical matter that vibrated at the molecular rate of those unconscious dimensions changes (often dramatically) too. The DNA of all MATTER is being awoken to "MOVE" and RESTRUCTURE now. DNA is awakening, becoming Living DNA. Physical Matter DNA is awakening too, as technically they are the same. The human mind cannot comprehend this, so it will attribute what is happening to an old unconscious, fear-based belief. Fear is preferable by many who do not want to admit that what they believed is not true/real/pure. Fear keeps humans holding on, stagnant and complaint. Often, it isn't until those realities are THREATENED or UPSET before the human aspect is willing to take a stand and say no, and even more than that, PULL OUT OF SUPPORTING THOSE SYSTEMS/REALITIES that represent Safe, which is just a perception too. A Dimension is a Level of Consciousness. First access then achieving through actual experience here. The Earth reached the 5th Dimension in 2012 and has been continually expanding into much higher levels of Consciousness since. Each's physical body vibrates at the frequency of THE DIMENSION that matches the whole body's consciousness. The 3rd and 4th Dimension's physical matter represented the Level of Consciousness each held. Simultaneously now, Consciousness is being RAISED FOR ALL out of those Unconscious Realms of Amnesia, which requires a ridiculous amount of rest/sleep (not on a human schedule though) and the release of all unconscious programming (Ego/Separation), which presents as numbness or no-feeling and emotional/mental/physical PAIN... yes pain. Pain is the release of SEPARATION, so that the body can be free and vibrate at a Lighter/Higher Density for a Multi-Dimensional Experience here. Each phase of the LightBody is experienced differently, dependent on what each's current role/purpose is. The physical body is constantly EVOLVING at a rapid rate that challenges every human belief, because nothing is as once believed/thought. This is so much bigger than those limited perceptions. There is no sickness in the 5th Dimension (and way above/beyond). Human ego aspects living in fear work to "treat", protect and insure themselves "against" what they believe is "sick", when in fact it's everything but. The physical body cannot function, when it's been deprived of LIGHT. This Light is each's SOUL and it feeds the human body LIFE. It is precious breath, it is sunshine and nature and natural things that support. It is happiness, love and kindness, generosity, respect and integrity to EACH OTHER AND SELF AND GAIA through a DEEP SACRED LEVEL OF CONNECTION that returns as each PULLS OUT OF THE PROGRAMS/MATRIX/SYSTEMS and allows their body/field to cleanse, purify, raise it's vibration and as each makes this a priority in their own lives. Humans work to have SECURITY, not realizing AS EACH/ALL open up to take care of the Earth and share reSOURCES, support each other, care about each other, come together through UNITY and LOVE that there is plenty for everyone. Human aspects live in distortions that are only visible when something OCCURS to make these distortions so loud/visible that they cannot hide/ignore/refuse to acknowledge and DO something aligned on a SOUL level, instead of the habit, fear-based, self-preservation ego ones. Our Earth is MULTI-DIMENSIONAL and so is each living on it. Every moment each is experiencing infinite dimensions, yet the ability to realize, comprehend, understand and MASTER/MANEUVER this with ease requires full consciousness and shifting vibrationally fully from within. Partial anything cannot accomplish this. YOUR BODY WAS ASLEEP in the 3rd/4th Dimensional Realms. It housed/stored everything suppressed from the human experience, which is just a SMALL PART OF each's LIFE here. NEW Earth is birthed through the DEATH of each's ego, a process not easily fully understood until each has gone through it. The human aspect will hold out until it hits rock bottom or is desperate, because anything less is an "out" to do something else, other than full opening of the heart/mind/body to surrender the ego to higher self existence/guidance/intelligence, for each's SOUL to integrate fully within the body. Physical death is the occurrence of many things. The ego never fully dissolved, so the body could not sustain life by way of integrating the FULL LIGHT OF ONE'S SOUL CONSCIOUSNESS within the physical body form, which was a choice of that SOUL before ever incarnating/walking/arriving in an earthly physical body here. It is the completion of a life cycle, where that SOUL has completed it's tasks and through the "exit" wakes all others in it's life up, through the release of separation each. Death is not what human's "think" it is. Near Death Experiences are to WAKE EACH HUMAN ASPECT UP, which serves many purposes. StarSeeds do not want to be on this earth, yet an NDE will make each choose, even beg to be here, which anchors the Soul into the body and allows for INTEGRATION TO BEGIN on a while new level. It gives many the ability to EXPAND INTO/THROUGH THEIR OWN CONSCIOUSNESS to see/experience/connect in order to start their "Spirit(ual) Awakening" process of seeking/searching to understand more. Once in the 5th Dimension, the word Spiritual is dropped. Each IS Spirit and this is not a "practice" or "concept" anymore. There is a level of Purity that is achieved from within, which IGNITES all new levels of purity, where the entire body template goes through continual "wipes" until the PURITY PHASE is achieved and each lives from this space inside. No more compromising to play in human separation games. Full integrity and honor (on a Soul Level, which resembles nothing of the human kind). Humans hold integrity to a SYSTEM and separated/ego beliefs. WE hold integrity as LOVE and UNITY, which does not conform to any human-ego-created system created by "man". Why all is occurring is a COLLECTIVE PURGE OF EGO/SEPARATION CONSCIOUSNESS to bring more PHYSICALLY into higher dimensional existence (Multi-dimensionality), where all care about each other, work together, support each other and take full responsibility for everything they are/do. It is each fully Sovereign and standing in their own POWER as love, which means LEAVING THE ENTIRE MATRIX FULLY, because you cannot support separation and live in the 5th Dimension or gain entry to NEW Earth. All of this was housed in your body. As your body awakens through Higher Consciousness/Multi-Dimensional DNA, all "lower vibrations" of Unconscious (Ego) Separation is "sought out" within your cells. Your whole body must awaken to bring you through to the "other side". This is not a small feat, it's every existence clearing your body now... Observe your own mentalities and when your ego tries to "escape" an experience, goes into "desperation" (ego game to try to avoid an experience of waking up/opening the heart fully/feeling/dealing), or becomes a "victim" to ascension or tries to apply and old belief to a physical condition/experience. Look for NEW ALTERNATIVE things that open your heart and mind, support your body NATURALLY and assist your body with the DNA REPAIRS (healing is the human word of clearing victim mentalities too). YOUR AWAKENING DNA is intelligent-nano-light-particles that move communicate through intricate BIO-ELECTRICAL neural impulses re-wiring your whole body to function differently now. The old "fixes" will not work. Your NEW LIGHTBODY (YES EVERYONE) needs pure and clean until it can restore itself to optimal "health" and you have enough Light to function on without depleting by way of linear/living from your head/pushing your body to do when it's trying to tell you what it needs, yet your human will not listen or honor this. Your Activated LightBody activates your Crystalline DNA. (Massive itchies/outbreaks, vision changes and temp changes increase, as well as more sleep/rest as the spine can't be as straightened (LightBody phase the spine is straight and can produce immense "work" through Light). Plasma phase is all about the spine, as well as deep into the bones, teeth, skull and more. High photonic light open your neural pathways, activate your Pineal Gland for holographic access and ancient memory centers to be opened as well. Higher Consciousness Knowledge will flood forth for you to organize and share. Your Plasma body clears your Galactic Karma and Akashic Records that were held within your body's DNA too. Your LightBody clears your human Karma. Your Crystalline LightBody brings you online with through your own Christed Consciousness to link up to a whole new Gridding System (rebuilt through your muscles and whole body too). All of your organs re-work to clear separation/unconscious programs and re-configure how the body works. None of this will conform to "human" treatments, as Ascension is not to be "treated", it's to be supported through alternative methods that FEED LIGHT. Your DNA will "mutate" (use this word to get the point across to the human ego that needs the strength of the word to comprehend). Your Genetics completely change. Everything does. Your Body will evolve constantly to achieve higher dimensional capabilities not possible before. This is just a very small part of what is occurring for all on our Multi-Dimensional Earth right now. In order to gain full access to NEW Earth Existence, a new level of commitment, dedication and openness is required. Old Earth will completely die away. Each must choose a NEW Earth Existence and focus on supporting NEW EARTH in order to now sustain. If this sounds "intense", good, it's suppose to. The alternative is more intense. As more humans move further into ego-death and mind-blowing realizations that shake their realities at their CORE, that "Force" them to make a choice, to dissolve the ego or keep repeating the cycles of suffering, this will increasingly continue to be true even more. For those who have emerged in the 5th Dimension, by way of accessing first through the dream state to open your mind to the possibilities and activate that deep yearning for "more", by applying new practices to your lives and in many cases, totally abandoning all that represented your unconscious life to "faster" get to new earth, by embracing your own higher-light-intelligence/knowledge/knowing and applying yourself to creating, anchoring and experiencing more NEW EARTH NOW, this is your contribution to HUmanity, which shall increase as you step forth/step up to contribute, support, inspire, awaken and BE THE EXAMPLE (WayShower) and stop worrying what "others" are doing, transcend ALL JUDGMENT that you held about what REALITY is/was. As each fully embraces the UNKNOWN/NEW, as each honors their BODY that works hard to anchor highest dimensional light encodements in every bit of flesh, bones, body parts, HOLDS HIGHEST INTEGRITY to a much higher dimensional existence/experience for us all, you will start to notice, see, experience NEW EARTH in your own lives in absolutely every way. One in the 5th Dimension, PHYSICALLY, then every other dimension opens up for experiencing here. NEW Earth is not something that just appears to you one day. Well it kinda does, through new awareness that it's always been available, yet you/each did not hold the vibration to access/live here before. FULLY open your heart, open your eyes, open your mind to FEEL, CONNECT, SEE.... and even moreso, ACCEPT that your life is not going to go/be as you "thought" it was, that it's going to be soooooo much more magical, amazing and brilliant than you could have ever perceived. I love you. Honor your LightBodies. You have to learn how they function and how you are to support them now, for them to carry you through and in order to just basic things, it's a challenge at first. As you integrate light, the outside world will change, get easier, as you take your own POWER BACK and BEcome your Divinity, your Purest You, as you BEcome FULL CONSCIOUSNESS with a physical body form that has to constantly adapt to "new" too. Living DNA Acceleration has Commenced. ♥ Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼ p.s. As you get your physical body's vibration up, your Consciousness will "fix", repair, "heal" (tune) your physical body FOR you. From another perspective, as you expand your consciousness, your body's DNA recodes your body to function optimally ONCE THE RE-TUNING/RE-CALIBRATION/INTEGRATION PROCESS IS COMPLETE. ♥ Your NEW DNA is intelligent and knows exactly what to do. ♥ Your "job" is to honor, trust, listen, support, assist as LOVE. ♥. p.p.s. All emotional and physical pain will go when separation has been cleared from the body. ♥ Your NEW LightBody is breaking down your own ego constructs and rebuilding all new Quantum ones that are not linear.
2/10/2018 11:57:06 am
A big YES.....I love how all is coming together/opening/experiencing/sharing/assisting/oneness/ love/light
Zoria Martin
2/10/2018 11:28:51 pm
am so very appreciative of your verbalizing what am experiencing in so many ways at this time.. divinely timed .. thank you for sharing this.. this has been helpful to give way to swimming thru the waves of all these different levels of so many changes happening at once. bless you
2/10/2018 12:19:48 pm
Hi Lisa- Thank you thank you! This is Incredibly helpful. As we progress, is it just the "norm" because our bodies and consciousness awaken to experience the following sensations: waves of buzzy -burny prickly sensations ie: I will experience an intense relatively quick burst of buzzy-burny, often times, I am realizing, it follows a meridian line, an organ, a whole chakra, etc then there is less intense but pretty consistent prickly feeling in that same area that can last for days. It feels like anxiety/angsty but I realizing it is not. It is oftened accompanied with blah mood, restless fatique, loss of appetite which all ebbs and flows/in and out, until things seem to recalibrate to a new set point. This can take hours, days or weeks or even longer. Is this what a crystalline/photonic/higher frequency physical body just feels like and how it operates to constantly cleanse/purify/adjust/recalibrate to new and/or higher frequencies. Also, I often feel what I call Fuzzy-buzzy sensations shifting/ebbing/flowing throughout my body. You mentioned as one progresses ultimately no more physical and emotional pain occurs however is there constantly different "energetic"sensations that will be felt all the time as we advance in our Light Bodies and raise our frequencies?? As in,that's just the "new norm" electrical sensations of some kind constantly ebbing and flowing?? Eventually the labelling/judging of good and bad, etc melt into "this is how it just is now" ? with appreciation, Tammy
2/10/2018 01:34:47 pm
Thoughtfully written and inspiring/understood. Validation is such a gift, thank you. The more I read, the more confident I felt. 💖💖💖
Els Mientjes
2/11/2018 03:13:04 am
Thank you Lisa ❤️🌈❤️🌈❤️🌈
2/12/2018 02:25:34 pm
Thank you so much for your detailed description. I'm finding this so confusing almost like I'm totally out of control of what will happen next. It's also difficult to be experiencing this alone, i.e everyone around me like my sweet husband thinks I'm going crazy but realizes that I'm on a different path and a tries to support me. I'm hoping to connect to my tribe soon. Much love and light. 😇
Hazel Jackson
2/16/2018 05:29:58 am
Hi I feel exactly the same, I even feel like no-one really knows me as, apart from maybe one other person who is on a similar path I have no-one to bounce ideas off and no one to discuss these exciting times with. We are not alone, we just think we are.
leanita sowell nedostup
2/13/2018 08:02:06 am
I don't know what to do about my legs swelling from my thighs down to ankles and feet, it's itchy and painful and it is also somewhat fearful, I lay down and release all that is ego....wherever I have eased god the good out, I am now bathing in organic apple cider vinegar, hair and all over body, just pour it mixed with water from my head down...drinking lemon with maple syrup and red raspberry tea with organic honey...I am very sleepy now and will lay down; I have also changed to listen to 432 hz rain, ocean, deep ocean sounds, and a couple of days it gave me the deepest sleep I have had in years, legs went down, but right back swollen (I weigh 8 lbs. more from this swelling); but during that sleep when I awoke even thru the heaviness, I could feel all the mucus toxic feeling thruout my lymph glands.....I can just bearly care for myself, sit in sunlihght when it's out, we have had a lot of rain, and I have heard a lot of radiation and chemtrail effects above and seems life threatening to me but I know no doctor's have the answer as I have undergone massive body changes since 2007 but nothing like this. do you have an answer suggestion for me?
2/13/2018 10:24:35 am
I too am experiencing body swelling, it happens to my whole body area, not my limbs. It is so excessive that four days ago I could fit in my jeans, now I can't even pull them up. I am guided to know that its my emotional body that I'm clearing. I am sensitive to all cruelty and can cry for hours over cruelty to animals, it needs to be stabilised and I need to trust that these animals are lifted our spiritually long before their death. Plrase don't be scared, call on Archangel Michael. His help had soothed me many times and takes away my fear. Prayer and seeking beauty, gazing at flowers, animals and mountains brings back my joy. The knowledge that you are and wayshower and have been called to assist is there to boost you. Remember, your higher self is in control and you truly are strong and able to get through this. Love and hugs.
2/14/2018 07:43:20 pm
Know this:
2/14/2018 06:55:45 pm
2/14/2018 07:16:08 pm
Hi. You give helpful advice to the people. Nice job., go on with that. There are so many questions on all this. They must know how to learn/receive reliable knowledge from Atma.💚
Jeanne Sophis
2/15/2018 03:30:36 pm
Dear Lisa, Love and gratitude for all you do. Your work has changed my life and will continue to do so.
2/15/2018 06:15:30 pm
Thank you for sharing and showing the way for us all Lisa🌷
2/16/2018 02:01:23 am
Love love love to you Lisa and all here : :
2/19/2018 08:00:46 pm
Mahalo Lisa !
Peter Ärlig
3/2/2018 07:03:16 am
Thank you Lisa!
4/17/2018 10:27:23 am
Amazingly written. kudos
9/13/2018 09:54:17 am
Thank you.
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July 2021
This entire site is dedicated to the continual activation, elevation and expansion of Highest Consciousness Existence for all of HUmanity.
Everything received and sent out from me/through here is as a GIFT, a vibrational recognition through sacred gratitude, appreciation and non-linear reciprocation and contribution from within. All is to support our NEW EARTH EXISTENCE and anchoring the highest timelines of Heaven on Earth in our physical here. All is focused on "the much bigger picture" and fulfilling all of our highest Soul purposes here. My expression of pure gratitude accompanies all as you receive energetically on every level too! ♥
NEW EARTH replaces Old Earth Everything (for everyone on this planet) ♦ Everything is ENERGY and ENERGY IN FORM
Invest in yourself, each other, your Service as Light, hUmaNITY, Consciousness Expansion and all of our future nows... by contributing to and fully supporting (in every way) that which supports humanity with the immense transition phases with greater ease and through Pure Love.
NEW Earth has a whole new, entirely different value system, all new systems and ways that all must learn/remember and bring forth from deep within.
Energetic Cycles are increasing substantially at an unprecedented rate, accelerating "what comes back around" energetically... from all existences, as all is a cyclical/spiral/reciprocal energy that cycles faster as our beloved planet's vibrational frequency continues to rise to bring/usher all out of the "dark ages" and into "the Light" (Full Consciousness/a Quantum State of Remembrance/Pure Peace, Love, Unity and Sacred Oneness).
In deep sacred appreciation for your presence, dedication and service as Love too. ♥
Keep embracing, shining, building, integrating and sharing your BEAUTIFUL LIGHT as Love! It's BEyond important for all! ♥
Invest in yourself, each other, your Service as Light, hUmaNITY, Consciousness Expansion and all of our future nows... by contributing to and fully supporting (in every way) that which supports humanity with the immense transition phases with greater ease and through Pure Love.
NEW Earth has a whole new, entirely different value system, all new systems and ways that all must learn/remember and bring forth from deep within.
Energetic Cycles are increasing substantially at an unprecedented rate, accelerating "what comes back around" energetically... from all existences, as all is a cyclical/spiral/reciprocal energy that cycles faster as our beloved planet's vibrational frequency continues to rise to bring/usher all out of the "dark ages" and into "the Light" (Full Consciousness/a Quantum State of Remembrance/Pure Peace, Love, Unity and Sacred Oneness).
In deep sacred appreciation for your presence, dedication and service as Love too. ♥
Keep embracing, shining, building, integrating and sharing your BEAUTIFUL LIGHT as Love! It's BEyond important for all! ♥
As a part of Elevating Consciousness, which is a part of shifting all into a much HIGHER DIMENSIONAL VERSION (i.e. NEW EARTH and 5+D OPEN DISCLOSURE), (and the new GDPR Compliance Requirements), we are happily posting how we use your information, even though technically "WE" are a collective energy of LOVE & Unity Consciousness. "I" AM an individual, with a priority to hold (EMBODY) the highest level of LIGHT, which translates through integrity, love, respect, kindness, consideration and through Cosmic Harmonic Alignment, at all times for all of us here and to promote love, peace, unity and a much higher consciousness supportive reality, where the "old" (unconscious) is not a part of our "NEW". "I" am an individual who just happens to "do" a billion things to awaken, support, inspire, contribute and provide reSOURCEs, in order to assist all of HUmanity in living our highest existences (NEW Earth) together through Purity and Love too. For those who may desire to know, we (me and any HUman Souls physically supporting in accomplishing the daily work), personally do not gather/review/use your information for anything, other than replying to you as you have requested, sending newsletters/updates as requested, sending pertinent notifications regarding a product/service/course/item you've registered for/obtained, while providing the option at all times for you to unsubscribe, cancel any current memberships and request to no longer receive specific notifications by providing the information for us to do this. We are providing you with the names of websites/platforms/services we utilize, so that you can review their Privacy Policies with us as account holders, as well as you as visitors or subscribers regarding anything pertaining to our users/visitors, in order for you to review. Always holding the highest integrity in all that we do. We provide this information with love and out of respect to all of us and you.. ♥
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We will update this section again with more information in order to assist you soon.
"WE" totally love, honor, respect and appreciate you and your presence, participation and contributions for all of HUmanity too!!! ♥
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If we find any others that are relative, we will update those here for you to access too. Click on any applicable service, to locate and review their Privacy Policies and Disclosures. Emails will be sent out accordingly, so all can re-optin in order to consciously choose to continue to receive supporting newsletters, announcements and updates through our email service.
We will update this section again with more information in order to assist you soon.
"WE" totally love, honor, respect and appreciate you and your presence, participation and contributions for all of HUmanity too!!! ♥
Copyright 2009-Current ~ Lisa Transcendence Brown