Create, create create... inspire inspire inspire, play play play, explore and inJOY the beauty of each exchange, the opportUNITY to share light, to be light .... to shift anything ready and open to shifting, observing the energies present just to "see".... what our roles are and how each moment is meant to play out..... FREE FREE FREE.... the more we LIVE THIS MAGICAL DREAM.... (Way back when)... When I first started walking in the magic of our waking dream, AFTER intense clearing, shifting and opening up fully to ALLOW and actually EXPERIENCE ... it was surreal, peaceful and just pure magic (inside and out).... such a gift, such JOY, such magnificence.... and the pure BEAUTY, the innocence, the fun..... of simplicity..... there really were no words to explain or describe... it just has to be EXPERIENCED.... walking in the waking state in a dream world that we forgot/didn't realize existed, because we were all deep asleep.... ↓↓↓ Ascension Gateway: Your Stairway to NEW EARTH Heaven ON Earth (from within) As you ascend (return/remember), you literally disconnect from the old and "walk" into much higher dimensional realities, as you hold your own Ascended State here. It's a "stepping" process of elevating your own Consciousness through your own LightBody to SEE from beyond the physical and reconnect to the purity and love that YOU ARE and all that you "forgot" when you "fell"/incarnated into physical form/reality to awaken through/to the illusions of what is "not" (anymore).... to go through Physical Body Ascension (beyond challenging for awhile as we dissolve/resolve our own ego constructs/programs inside and return to a Soul Existence, to then "begin" experiencing and creating/building our own NEW Earth Realities for a full-on Multi-dimensional "real" experience here. This is the shedding of all of those attachments/cords that you held onto and the beginning of your photonic Lightbody processes/phases for clearing physical density, both within your body and external reality, through your own higher states of consciousness and aligning/building/embodying infinite aspects of yourself on every level here. As each's LightBody integrates Photonic Light and realities become Universal - Cosmic - Photonic - Plasma - Crystalline - Liquid - Divine Flow... the sleeping to wake up, the clearing out/breaking down all of that heavy duty linear programming that each one of us held that was "in the way" of our Quantum NEW Earth Multi-Dimensional Experiences and Existence here.... the more the "old" moved out..... only to re-appear, every-time we enter a massive re-alignment/re-calibration/re-structuring phase.... This process of HOLDING YOUR HIGHEST EVERYTHING, so that your physical can "complete the restructuring process" too.... it confuses many at first, not realizing how "initiation processes" work (words to describe only). These are "passageways" that are important, so that each can "choose" (human words "free-will"), which reality they most desire..... a FREE, magnificent, magical and pure existence (NEW EARTH) or a repeat of the old, due to some kind of lack of inner connection, lack of trust, lack of commitment, lack of believing in the "invisible" (invisible only because one can't yet fully see and is learning to trust)..... This immense and powerful process of RETURNING TO FULL CONSCIOUSNESS, of breaking down/out of/through those "tough" ones, re-creating your whole life "from scratch" (Zero Point Reset), of literally birthing, creating and building your whole life/reality aligned with our own SOULS, which end up being a magnificent and magical DREAM REALITY that we get the honor of Living here.... The GIFTS that come forth as we step up and into fulfilling our highest purposes/roles here..... The amazingness available to each, as all surrender the "need" for everything to still be "the old way"..... by embracing the "perceived" unknown, by embracing the BEAUTY that we all are, by grabbing reality by the balls and going for it (Quantum Style).... just get up and do it.. make it happen.... SHOW UP and COME THROUGH... stop making excuses (which is what your ego aspect loves to do, to remain in a dis-empowered state of "not enough" and "it's others" game.....). This journey is one of constantly CHOOSING and putting yourself "out there" (stop hiding/pretending/regurgitating without full comprehension), stepping out of your own comfort zones and BE THE DIFFERENCE, BE THE CHANGE, BE THE POWER as LOVE... shine your Light so friggin bright that everyone and everything can HEAR/SEE/FEEL/UNDERSTAND too...... that' all of this is "theirs" to come to BE and DO too..... Everything, OUR Creation, what we allow, what we contribute, what we transmit out, what we hold, what we keep re-creating, what we believe, what we perceive and ALL A VIBRATIONAL RESPONSE (realities are "returned" to us vibrationally, based upon what we "send out", as our realities are completely Quantum and non-linear here)...... The ego aspect doesn't take care in anything it does, doesn't see beyond itself, doesn't look at the MUCH BIGGER PICTURE of what is being affected, doesn't consider all, doesn't open up to listen/hear/see/understand.... because it lives in a linear reality, boxes and cords of attachments to beliefs, mentalities and all kinds of things that are obsolete in our NEW REALITIES here.... Every moment CAN BE MAGICAL, if we are truly present and OWNING OUR OWN SHIT.... owning our own reality, owing our stuff... owning it all, bring everything into HARMONY/HARMONIC ALIGNMENT (our new 12D Template) ourselves... and recognizing what is unable to tune/align, due to density still "in the way"..... We can shift this, dissolve this, restructure this or move it completely out, whatever is highest aligned/most appropriate IN THE MOMENT..... QUANTUM is "right now". Instant.... not "later" or "one day" (when I get around to it, when it's comfortable or a priority "then"). It's THIS NOW RIGHT HERE, this vibration right here, this energy right here, this program right here, this belief/mentality right here, this behavior, this openness (or closed off) HEART/MIND/BODY/EVERYTHING... right here. This resistance, this ignorance, this pretending or real everything... right now/present/right here. And ALL IS VISIBLE on an energetic level.... regardless of what is being said/heard/seen/perceived...... What's up for Linear 2019? EVERYTHING! Everything you Create/Hold/Allow/Participate In/Support.... (Conscious and Unconscious) - Rolling over from December to January: I have tons to write and share, as my schedule allows/is appropriate.... which I will do, if and when I find the chronological record I kept of the entire Gatekeeper/Gateway 11•11•11 (2018) - 1•11 (2019). (I moved it when I moved my work space recently and so if/when I find it, I'll see). For now, I will recap a very "tiny bit" of immense information/codes and new template settings.... to actually share it all would be tons of books and courses and take a good year to cover, so all will be disseminated as I share along the way.... Just a very small part of this "new" 12D Divine Template is:
I'll write/share as I we go. It's way to "big" for me to do right now.... NEW DIVINE PARTNERSHIPS (yet not like most "think"), NEW HARMONICS available for each to harmonize easier (consciously), NEW Unity Parameters, New Distribution/Allocation Parameters/Algorithms, NEW PHOTONIC DNA/TEMPLATE CODES ACCELERATING everything, NEW opportunities/rewards for those "putting forth the effort/work" as LIGHT and working/existing/living from PURE/FULL UNITY inside..... NEW gifts for all sharing, NEW RE-STRUCTURING PROCESSES for all realities (powerful Geometrics with all new Equations).... NEW for all who are OWNING IT ALL...and stop playing in/out the old realities (separation/judgment/blame/division/lack/little picture)..... NEW for all stepping up and fulfilling their own much higher purposes/roles here.... AS YOU TRULY START TO SEE BEYOND YOURSELF/YOUR OWN REALITY and start to actually care, actually be kind, actually make a difference with your actions/presence... with everyone you meet/connect with/pass by.... (no you can't ignore "it doesn't exist" in your own reality anymore).... yet your REALITY is not what you "thought" it was.... or what your head said/what others said/told you... it's DEEP INSIDE YOU, in all of those dimensions .... your inner-matrix played out "out there". An Old Earth Matrix or a Crystalline/Christed/Source Code ONE...... ♦ Many are going to be "shocked"/surprised/mind-blown, as inner-veils dissolving processes increase, as a Galactic/Cosmic/Solar Portal opened up on 1/6 announcing that we have activated "Pulsar Technologies", entering Pulsar Activity.... and observing/listening... these went full blown on 1/8 and have continued to increase daily, which is powerful and off-the charts, in the most magnificent ways! These are massive POWER-UPS for our various states of LightBodies here.... Oh yeah, we've also transitioned from "cellular bodies" to full blown "gridwork" for each's bodies now.... so the "impact" of each's PHOTONIC DNA EVOLUTION JUST WENT FULL ON FOR WHOLE BODY upgrades continually now.... This is a game changer too.... as each's LightBody "takes over" (Soul/Photonic/Crystalline/Plasma/Cosmic) processes now dictate each's physical reality more than ever before. "Learning" to maneuver, function and Master all in all new ways... this is an immense process within itself.... over many "linear years"... as PHOTONIC LIGHTBODY DNA breaks down differently than the human aspect understands.... weakness, radiation, muscles, bones, working through the whole body "cavity" and changing DENSITY constantly.... Heavy/Light becomes a 24/7 photonic experience.... anchoring heavy photonic light means foggy/groggy/lay down/weak.... Each's body's grids going "offline" and "online", back and forth, on/off, on/off, on/off.... crystals shutting down, density getting heavy as RESPONSIBILITY SHIFTS for all................ brain, spine not working (going Quantum), spine MORE erect (more inner power/linear capabilities), heart being blasted wide open and anything "not in harmony" pouring out.... so each's heart can stay WIDE OPEN and never shut down/go into protection/hiding mode anymore..... so that all can learn to TRULY CARE on a deeper SOUL LEVEL here..... Every part(icle) of each's body.... being REWORKED through PHOTONIC LIGHT moving through it, opening up neural pathways, re-configuring the bio-electrical, sub-neural networking systems in each's body, so that Light (Intelligence) can COMMUNICATE (talk) and activate 'NEW' EARTH PROGRAMS and where all was held in each's "dormant" DNA.... just waiting to awaken the physical body vessel and bring it into full consciousness here.... clearing/dropping/breaking down the linear (ego) density held... from all existences.... to bring each's BODY fully online with NEW EARTH/MULTI-DIMENSIONAL QUANTUM EXISTENCES.... The body/LightBody is always on, 24/7, working through each's body/systems/organs/glands and restructuring all new 'NEW CODES'.... an immense re-birthing cycle that increases and accelerates continually, as the "old dies", the new emerges/is birthed/moves in to "take it's place"............... There is so much more that we "did"/accomplished/brought through/activated/opened up/integrated/disbursed.... that I've not included here, because of the amount of Light Encoded "words" it takes to explain................. For now, receive the Light Encodements with "these words"/the ENERGY of this whole article. IN-JOY the MAGICAL REALITIES you have CREATED/are continually CREATING as your own NEW EARTH TEMPLATE (your realities), the FOUNDATION for your NEW.... (LOVE, UNITY, PURITY, SOURCE CONSCIOUSNESS), your own Divine Template that reflects YOU... Keep playing in the magic of your own CREATIONS, the simplicity and the vibrational return for your own contributions/energy/support/reciprocation/kindness/consideration and LOVE that you share openly in every way, with every one/thing you connect with ... all day/every moment/every day too! It's inspiring, heart expanding, beautiful.... our DIVINELY ALIGNED REALITIES... all flowing in PURE HARMONY with us..... Keep shining your Light, honoring YOU/your own journey, recognizing your own programs, judgments, limits, excuses, linearity and any attachment/expectation you have still.... of anything "outside of you" to "do" for you.... as that's the OPPOSITE of our NEW EARTH REALITIES here. ♥ Open up to accept the gifts, opportunities and that which supports/assists you with moving out of your old (transitioning) to your new easier too. If you are still in your head, you are shutting the doors/portals, not in gratitude/appreciation, not connected and feeling from deep inside, not listening/observing/getting it .... which is your own experience, yours to CHOOSE TO SHIFT and open your heart soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo wide, that your head is not longer your "issue"/no longer getting in your way... it's up to you/your Universal/Higher Self SOUL you to be PRESENT, so that you can see/understand and CHOOSE.... Old Linear Realities or NEW Quantum Realities..... Quantum is every direction, vibrational, not fixed and always moving, shifting, changing.... in every nano-second.... a living breathing reality that you breathe into existence from within you here.... ♥ a Full-on inner-active experience! (with all kinds of magic, glitter and sparkly fairy-star-crystal "dust" mixed/sprinkled everywhere!). Crystalline/Cosmic DNA Harmonics: Tune-IN and Tune-Out The more mixed, distorted, clear, discombobulated or pure the signal..... is what "matters" in creating/calling forth realities vibrationally here.... The actual "vibration" of the thought, word, action... not what each "thinks", but where one "thinks/sees/functions" from.... This is different than your old ways. What you tune your consciousness/field/body/energy to.... matters. It dictates the reality you experience here. What you allow in your space/bubble/field/energy.... all up to you. What you tune your energy to. What you contribute your energy/things to. What you support/allow.... keep going.... creates your reality that you actually experience here. LEARNING TO TUNE is a Lightbody Consciousness thing... Tune your Consciousness......... are you able to do this every moment/nano-second here? Tune tune tune... we are constantly re-tuning..... pull away, take care of you. Get up, get busy, transmit/share/reach/touch/shine light..... affect. Learn to MANAGE YOUR LIGHT, build your own light, nurture, elevate, expand, ignite and share your LIGHT...... LEARN how to create, affect, tune and shift all...... fully................................... all from deep within and through your entire presence/body/essence/energy/field.................... (Disharmony/Distortions will get louder and be more in your face until you can SEE them/hear them and understand/bring all into Unity inside of yourself and dissolve the/your old programs through Sacred Connection Love within yourself). When you are fully UNIFIED inside, you are the Unified Field of Quantum Consciousness.... when you are linear/not fully present/conscious/aware/in-tune, scattered, chaotic, in drama, fear, blame, playing out narcissistic-ego games... you are transmitting out chaotic distortions that "return" a reality to you..... FULL PRESENCE, calm, silent, peace..... Responsibility for your ENERGY.... every word you speak, type, don't speak (thoughts), every emotion, every act.... everything you "send out" into the "ethers", a vibration (or bazillion vibrations) "telling" "speaking" "saying" through ENCODED INTELLIGENCE what to RETURN to you................ Are you able to be SO IN TUNE that you can hear/see/feel/know/understand/read the encodments in your own ENTIRE TRANSMISSION in every nano-second? This is how we live/exist here. We are..... and nothing "goes out" that we don't desire to experience..... a vibrational return through PURITY, sends out Pure Signals, clean ones, all LOVE, all KINDNESS, all Consideration, all RESPONSIBILITY, all GRATITUDE, all Appreciation, all RECIPROCATION, noooooooooooooooooooooooo JUDGMENT, Pure Joy, Pure Observation, Pure Innocence and Brilliance, PURE CONNECTION and we are always OPEN to RECEIVING.... WE DON'T SHUT DOORS/PORTALS, unless they carry the vibrational energy of continued unconscious energy/acts, lack of consideration, entitlement/attachment, expectation or dis-respect.... because if we keep allowing this... it becomes/reflects this as our own reality... and each do have a CHOICE to not accept less than PURE LOVE for us all as reality anymore. The ego aspect loves to pretend it's not capable, can't, isn't... because in order to break through/out of those old programs, they've got to go through the discomfort we all went through too.... the discomfort is the fear/doubt/heavy duty energy we held.... yet when/as each move into much higher states of consciousness to come together, to be open to "see", each starts to understand ..... IT'S ALL ENERGY. Which means... "it's all ours". ♥ I love you. Keep playing and creating and exploring and uniting and inJOYing the magic you hold inside too! It's there... you gotta go deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep inside to "find it" (REMEMBER) AND BRING IT FORTH so that you ENTIRE REALITY is MAGIC TOO! ♥ Grab it baby! Go for it. Jump! Quantum Style! Let's DO this... EVERYTHING in your reality is yours to see, shift, tune and understand and CREATE.... from your wide open heart/minds space, instead of the limited/fixed/linear one of your human mind/head..... open up all the way! Wide open! ♥ p.s. As are with us all, my roles have shifted quite a bit too. My sharings will shift, my work is shifting, my life is shifting, my purposes are shifting, how I support/contribute is shifting/has already shifted, as we all step into much higher roles and purposes, as well as more magic, amazingness, brilliance, joy, creation, fun and cohesiveness, unity, love, generating/transmitting/receiving through SIMPLICITY and PURE HARMONY here! I am off the charts, super excited and already inJOYing the immensity of inspired creating (and sharing as appropriate), all of these PURE new realities already available and continually coming forth now! These new frequency bandwidths/energies are just soooooo pure and beautiful.... ♫ Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼ p.s. I'll share more on the Pulsar Technology/Activations increasing since January 6-8th as well. This will take me a bit, as it affects on every level.... and is relative to each, cellular body, crystalline, plasma, photonic evolution, as well as how all is "affected" with these "new", much higher bursts blasting through and out of all.... ☼
1/13/2019 02:57:01 pm
Thank you. I always feel like if i dont innerstand things im going to miss the boat, but latleynim noticing that im right in line with others so im okay. I will havento read again and again to retain what you wrote💚🥰💚
1/14/2019 03:05:20 am
Dear Lisa, Thank you for the transmission. WHen i Started Reading i got so hot, my Body felt like burning at the Ende i felt immensley tired. As always i feel so touched by your words. Thank you again for your Service.🙏🏻
1/14/2019 11:57:48 am
I AM ACTIVATED BABY !!! Let's do THISSS !!!! Much love to you Lisa 💜
Els Mientjes
1/14/2019 12:09:43 pm
It is one big party of resonating and it feels as if my life becomes the "fairytale" I allways was longing for.🦄🎊🎉🎁 Thank you Lisa 🙏🏾 So much love ❤️
1/14/2019 02:11:21 pm
Thank you Lisa!!!!!!!!💖💖💖
1/14/2019 03:03:04 pm
When I opened the newsletter report and saw the very first picture I really did not need to read as this open inner universe open Activation occurred a day prior linking openly up fully for my first time felt awkward soft dense tentacle like sacred full body heart to heart energetic grid connections where off the charts so sacred in purity and love and when I read on Creation became full on activated to create a frequency emission activation for this linear 2018 I loved be you and all the sparkly magic light codes you manifest and emanate out
1/14/2019 03:14:07 pm
Correction as my iPhone corrects improperly changes words I m being more precise here in my truth of communication
1/15/2019 01:47:10 am
Thank you dear Lisa, you are appreciated and loved! I may not be `complete` yet and living the divine love as you do, but i am on my way and from where i am i feel already the love.
1/15/2019 11:41:26 am
Thank you 💖💖💖
1/16/2019 09:53:32 pm
Sooooo much newest info just what I wanted !
1/17/2019 10:57:47 pm
Hi again Lisa, i can not help it but write again..i can not get enough of reading/ listening/absorbing your words..i am breaking out of this illusionary prison consciously, can not wait to escape it completely and never go back there, i want and am doing everything possible to accelerate the process (i am obsessed with it, i sleep when i need it, then i get up and keep on breaking the matrix, observing what rises emotionally, let it come out and then leave my body for ever.. i am also obsessed right now with getting Andaras as if my life depends on it...and you are soooo right Lisa - i have no job, my income source collapsed 2012 and kept on collapsing, but i do not care - the universe takes care of me and my girl, it always does)..
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July 2021
This entire site is dedicated to the continual activation, elevation and expansion of Highest Consciousness Existence for all of HUmanity.
Everything received and sent out from me/through here is as a GIFT, a vibrational recognition through sacred gratitude, appreciation and non-linear reciprocation and contribution from within. All is to support our NEW EARTH EXISTENCE and anchoring the highest timelines of Heaven on Earth in our physical here. All is focused on "the much bigger picture" and fulfilling all of our highest Soul purposes here. My expression of pure gratitude accompanies all as you receive energetically on every level too! ♥
NEW EARTH replaces Old Earth Everything (for everyone on this planet) ♦ Everything is ENERGY and ENERGY IN FORM
Invest in yourself, each other, your Service as Light, hUmaNITY, Consciousness Expansion and all of our future nows... by contributing to and fully supporting (in every way) that which supports humanity with the immense transition phases with greater ease and through Pure Love.
NEW Earth has a whole new, entirely different value system, all new systems and ways that all must learn/remember and bring forth from deep within.
Energetic Cycles are increasing substantially at an unprecedented rate, accelerating "what comes back around" energetically... from all existences, as all is a cyclical/spiral/reciprocal energy that cycles faster as our beloved planet's vibrational frequency continues to rise to bring/usher all out of the "dark ages" and into "the Light" (Full Consciousness/a Quantum State of Remembrance/Pure Peace, Love, Unity and Sacred Oneness).
In deep sacred appreciation for your presence, dedication and service as Love too. ♥
Keep embracing, shining, building, integrating and sharing your BEAUTIFUL LIGHT as Love! It's BEyond important for all! ♥
Invest in yourself, each other, your Service as Light, hUmaNITY, Consciousness Expansion and all of our future nows... by contributing to and fully supporting (in every way) that which supports humanity with the immense transition phases with greater ease and through Pure Love.
NEW Earth has a whole new, entirely different value system, all new systems and ways that all must learn/remember and bring forth from deep within.
Energetic Cycles are increasing substantially at an unprecedented rate, accelerating "what comes back around" energetically... from all existences, as all is a cyclical/spiral/reciprocal energy that cycles faster as our beloved planet's vibrational frequency continues to rise to bring/usher all out of the "dark ages" and into "the Light" (Full Consciousness/a Quantum State of Remembrance/Pure Peace, Love, Unity and Sacred Oneness).
In deep sacred appreciation for your presence, dedication and service as Love too. ♥
Keep embracing, shining, building, integrating and sharing your BEAUTIFUL LIGHT as Love! It's BEyond important for all! ♥
As a part of Elevating Consciousness, which is a part of shifting all into a much HIGHER DIMENSIONAL VERSION (i.e. NEW EARTH and 5+D OPEN DISCLOSURE), (and the new GDPR Compliance Requirements), we are happily posting how we use your information, even though technically "WE" are a collective energy of LOVE & Unity Consciousness. "I" AM an individual, with a priority to hold (EMBODY) the highest level of LIGHT, which translates through integrity, love, respect, kindness, consideration and through Cosmic Harmonic Alignment, at all times for all of us here and to promote love, peace, unity and a much higher consciousness supportive reality, where the "old" (unconscious) is not a part of our "NEW". "I" am an individual who just happens to "do" a billion things to awaken, support, inspire, contribute and provide reSOURCEs, in order to assist all of HUmanity in living our highest existences (NEW Earth) together through Purity and Love too. For those who may desire to know, we (me and any HUman Souls physically supporting in accomplishing the daily work), personally do not gather/review/use your information for anything, other than replying to you as you have requested, sending newsletters/updates as requested, sending pertinent notifications regarding a product/service/course/item you've registered for/obtained, while providing the option at all times for you to unsubscribe, cancel any current memberships and request to no longer receive specific notifications by providing the information for us to do this. We are providing you with the names of websites/platforms/services we utilize, so that you can review their Privacy Policies with us as account holders, as well as you as visitors or subscribers regarding anything pertaining to our users/visitors, in order for you to review. Always holding the highest integrity in all that we do. We provide this information with love and out of respect to all of us and you.. ♥
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We will update this section again with more information in order to assist you soon.
"WE" totally love, honor, respect and appreciate you and your presence, participation and contributions for all of HUmanity too!!! ♥
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We will update this section again with more information in order to assist you soon.
"WE" totally love, honor, respect and appreciate you and your presence, participation and contributions for all of HUmanity too!!! ♥
Copyright 2009-Current ~ Lisa Transcendence Brown