![]() As Gatekeepers, we've completed the anchoring and Locking-In of the Plasma Passageway. (HUGE Happy Dance Celebration!) This plasma passageway is initiated in each's evolution as the higher realms are activated by each from within. At first, during lucid dreamy sleep states or fluid waking ones (as each is technically the same, yet one is while walking around in this physical form and the other is experienced in the closed-eyed state while experiencing bi-locating/other timelines by way of TRAVELING through Photonic Light. The more one is able to maintain and expanded state, the more fluid and visceral the physical experience becomes (for awhile). The amount of photonic light one is able to integrate (Light of each's Soul/Galactic/Higher Self aspects merge into one physical form), the more "not real" the physical becomes. How real the physical is, will be determined by the phase each one is currently in. For awhile, it's confusing, because the old is no longer true and what is "true" changes with each new awareness and access through higher light intelligence (from within). This is where many will get caught up in the "battle of truths" until they "learn" (Remember) that truth is not what we "thought" it was.... Reality is not either.... ↓↓↓ This is a PROGRESSION from a linear existence to a completely non-linear one. This progression is a whole body-field-being evolution that is beyond human comprehension, for it does not fit into linear constructs of what reality is. Not even close. Our work assists with awakening and re-educating each to understand how all works here. Through unity, we can share this information to assist more for greater ease with the hugest transitional phases, which are the most challenging, as they "go against" everything we once "thought" to be true and real. Photonic Light of our Soul: This gives us the ability to "travel" and experience multiple dimensions and existences simultaneously. Both in this physical and through what we call bi-locating, we can BE in various realities and affect each intentionally through our own full consciousness. We can read light encodements, see holographically, hear/see/feel vibrationally the frequencies transmitted by everything within our current FIELD OF CONSCIOUSNESS and virtual/distant ones too. We can "go into" the Plasma Crystalline Gridwork of our BELOVED Gaia, the Cosmos, Galaxies, Planets, Star Systems and more. WE can SEE into each's SOUL and de-code realities, breaking down the constructs of old realities and re-creating all new realities by activating higher/highest dimensional realities in a multitude of ways. Consciously, intentionally and also spontaneously, we can connect to any dimension, timeline, reality through our own expanded consciousness that we've been granted access to thus far (through purity). Each can only access the "level" of consciousness they've been able to achieve within themselves. Every moment gives us new awareness, abilities and access now. Our Soul functions on a Super Quantum Level, yet our bodies were linear and held constructs of the old unconscious programs and unresolved/uncleared existences held within those programs as well. The human experience designed for specific purposes, as each agreed to, on a SOUL LEVEL, concludes when it's time for each to transition over and come to live/exist beyond the VEILS OF AMNESIA, which are also held within the physical body form and dissolve as we raise/elevate/hold our highest vibration, maintain expansion of consciousness and honor our bodies as they do the immense work of integrating, re-coding, re-tuning and re-calibrating constantly to HOLD THE IMMENSE LIGHT OF ALL OF OUR ASPECTS within our physical body forms here. It's a huge undertaking that has spanned our whole existence here and we activate, move through and complete infinite processes and phases to accomplish this too. For our human, it will be the most challenging everything we've ever "endured" (experienced), as it's a complete re-write of our whole existence, one where we have to bring our bodies with us, into much higher frequency bandwidth existence where density/old programs/unconsciousness cannot come with us (and all that represents it cannot either). Our human (ego) is stubborn, resistant and loves to fight/argue/refuse what it cannot touch, see or understand. The more we fight, the more the physical reality is "used" to break through/down this fight/control/resistance/refusal .... as our human aspect has no clue what our Soul decided and chose for us to come here to experience/be/do. This continues until every bit of fight with ourselves and our perceived physical reality too. Full surrender is to our own highest selves/Universe, so that we can inJOY the most amazing and exquisite realities here. Immense sleep and pulling away, nature, nurture and even alone time is necessary for this. It's a huge process that envelopes our entire existence here. As each transitions over through PHOTON INTEGRATION, realities start to warp, bend, stretch, even breathe, talk, communicate and morph. Our human mind must be stretched beyond its limits, continually, until all of those limits are gone. Photonic Light warps, distorts, amplifies and moves differently than typical anything did. There are no straight lines or boxes here. Everything is vibrational through feeling and sound and seeing with a developing pineal gland that merges with our human eyes, so that all 3 become "one eye" as our Eye of Horus activates for vision to be 360° range through communication and processing a UNIFIED FIELD as a way of existence here. Every transmission, vibration is translated with our Plasma Crystalline Structures where we process an infinite amount of light-encoded-data available in every moment. The PLASMA PASSAGEWAY is a huge one, that began for me in 2010, when after a year of immense "work on myself and trying to figure "me" out", I unknowingly activated my own through spontaneous Kundalini awakening (Spirit/Soul/KA Energy Up the Spine), even though I didn't quite understand it yet. It messed with my head, which is the point. Thought I was losing my ever-loving mind (because I was, my linear one), as my heart opened, all my stuff came bellowing out (Dark Night of the Soul) and I started to awaken from the illusion of the human reality/experience, constantly breaking down, losing my grip and the ability to control anything at all anymore. My heart continuing to open, my LightBody expediting activating in phases, my whole world turned upside down & inside out as a whole new reality started to emerge. As a human, completely veiled, unconscious and asleep, I found myself with two different worlds. One where I was seeking deeply what I didn't know existed, from a space of total disconnect/shut-down and inner misery that was buried/hidden deep beneath the "happy me" who had achieved everything and more. I lived two lives for awhile, waking up "blindly", without any external guidance, so my journey became a "forced inside", because it all became too huge and there was no where else to go anymore. I didn't know I was a Gatekeeper/Gridkeeper and had never heard of "NEW Earth". Researching, exploring my "gifts", studying anything that could awaken within me the POWERFUL FEELINGS that drove me (and made no logical sense), my world had become fluid and bizarre and I "tried" to hold my external reality in place, yet my quest and seeking finally took over (my new obsession that blew my new reality wide open), I was changing, transforming, learning to feel something other than hurt, pain, judgment, control and out of place in a physical world that never fit. I had a PURPOSE and this drove me so strongly that nothing else really mattered anymore. I was opening up, remembering, re-connecting to a Universe that I denounced existed through the years, for as unconscious humans there is often no higher power "out there", until something happens to assist us with RECONNECTING our heart with the heartbeat of Gaia and the entire cosmos again. Multi-Dimensionality opened up and I was traveling in my sleep space, having these real experiences that were invisible to everyone else but me. My waking days were spent dedicated to the etheric realms and exploring through the use of tools (books, oracle cards, pendulums, crystals, courses, videos, meditations, channeling, what I perceived as psychic gifts and teaching others in my community as I learned everything, to "help" them too. I delved into the world of Energy, not realizing my new obsession was awakening my own Soul, recalling all of my fragmented aspects and returning all to love within me, a feeling that previously came with pain, betrayal and hurt, I now had to re-associate what love meant and allow myself to experience the PURITY OF LOVE, without the distortions anymore. I had to come to love, respect, appreciate and care for myself fully again, my body and ALLOW myself to fully experience this new realty/world, by way of establishing trust in my own Universe, through my own inner-connection, to REMEMBER fully and to transcend the entire human experience to step into my own highest purposes and roles here. Once I broke my whole old reality/world down, simplified, spent time in nature, nurturing and re-connected fully from within, I started to experience NEW Earth in my physical (2012), in increments at first, as I was still clearing the old intentionally, devoting all of me to a life in-service and fulfilling my Soul Purposes/Galactic Missions here. It took me a year to get my body's vibration up and keep it there for full unification and physical body ascension to occur. Walking in plasma realities, with an activated Merkaba, where "outside" functioned at a different speed than in "my bubble, walking through portals/vortexes continually and completing my first full embodiment, no longer from this SPACE IN TIME, I started embodying many aspects, one after the other and LIVING IN A WHOLE NEW REALITY, that was magical, pristine, fuzzy and liquid at times, experiencing these amazing and magical things in my waking state, in my everyday world. When I was "finally done" working on me, my cup was full, I was fully connected again from inside and outside could no longer affect my experiences/knowing anymore, it was time to leave the mainland and move to Kauai to support my Crystalline Lightbody that was evolving at an insurmountable rate, to walk fully out of the 3rd/4th Dimension and into the 5th Dimension with the words "You are no longer a seeker and you'll never want for anything ever again. You are now fully in-service..." and as I walked through the airport to board the plane, my whole previous reality dissolved, my Merkaba activated (it had been doing this as it was constructed/built over the year/two, as I consciously "reversed" everything and brought all into full consciousness to clear my "human karma" and anchor myself in the higher realms, unanchoring from the physical plane of existence long enough to physically ascend, with my whole body, to transcend all doubt, fear, survival modes and protection mechanisms that kept me from experiencing the higher dimensional realms in my own physical, by way of all that I was holding onto inside/deep within. Pure freedom, pure love, pure everything... It was time for NEW EARTH to be my new home while I fulfilled service roles, working, teaching, guiding, assisting, sharing and SHOWING how all of this is done and how "real" it really is.... Coming to understand that the entire 4th Dimension was a training ground/proving process of resolving my own separation within, the 5th Dimension was recognizing mentalities and intentionally breaking old programming as it became visible, while working in-service and honoring me too. We can do all of these things simultaneously, without compromising anymore. Anchoring back down onto a NEW EARTH is a bit bizarre within itself. Reality is not as "clear" as it was before, as it's changing in front of your eyes and it takes much acclimating continually to perceive the physical in a whole new way. Walking through this Giant Plasma Corridor/Gateway on a daily basis, distortions became visible louder, faster and stronger than ever before. Particle matter visible with my eyes, materialization/de-materializing, quantum entanglement, quantum existence, matter came to life and how all correlated, worked together cohesively, inner-connected and affecting everything, we become very responsible for our every word, action, transmission and what we allow in our own physical reality world (OUR SPACE), stepping into FULL MASTERY, ALCHEMY and CREATOR/SOURCE ROLES as PURE SOURCE LIGHT walking in a physical form that is ever evolving, changing, adapting and integrating our immensity within it. Our exchanges change to match our new overall vibrational frequencies, as we become the EXAMPLE and the PROOF, as we move out of roles where we "need experiences" to teach us, everything becomes holographic, energetic, encoded light and UNIONS in the physical represent different purposes (clearing karma/soul contracts/supporting our highest everything here), everything is UNITY, PURITY and LOVE and where this is not present, we see "why" and we resolve all, dissolve all, transcend all and constantly anchor/integrate FIRST and allow our physical realities to materialize in accordance with this. Working simultaneously in waking/sleep/all states as our ACCESS to all RETURNS, each of our roles are different, as we all constantly step-up and "do" what is fully aligned, we align our physical realities instantly too. There is zero tolerance for unconsciousness by anyone, as the "cost" is too great for us all. We re-educated and open portals, holding the highest timelines in place, provide opportUNITY for all to in-JOY and experience Heaven on Earth too, while allowing them to go elsewhere to work through their own separation within themselves until they are fully ready too. We came here for much higher/bigger picture purposes .... for all of HUmanity and Galactically too. The human aspect goes unconscious again when faced with those things that represent separation, until they have experienced enough to consciously CHOOSE not to do this ever again. This is a process of continually consciously intentionally resolving/dissolving/breaking all of those programs and "replacing" them with new ones that are aligned with a PURE EXISTENCE AS LOVE again. Each one of us have to be willing to fully commit and achieve this within ourselves to maintain and sustain NEW EARTH in our physical, playing like a child, free, happy in JOY and abundance of what is available for us all. Then it's time to "grow up" and fulfill higher purposes and be the anchor point through non-linear vibrational physical contribution, support, sharing, uniting all through kindness, consideration, respect, integrity, generosity by BEING the one that IS. This completion of this PLASMA PASSAGEWAY is huge for us all, as like the completion of the Rainbow Bridge in December 2015 for Collectives to awaken at record speed, this expedites collective awakenings even more. This increases our ability to TRAVEL, for GALACTIC/COSMIC ACCESS to open up fully on a scale like never before. It also increases the amount of photonic light exponentially, increasing & amplifying any distortions and polarity at a rate that is insurmountable as well. This increases fluidity, lucid dreamy for the newly awakened to "Cross over", back and forth for awhile until the physical body can maintain/sustain on a Mega Quantum Level and the mind can catch up to what is REAL NOW. We have entered a vibration of accelerated everything, where 1000 fold to what was experienced before. This will accelerate karmic clearings for each still existing/playing or participating in/supporting/experiencing KARMIC TIMELINES still. I will be writing a separate piece on how to transition out of entire Karmic Timelines instantly and shifting to a different vibrational timeline easier through becoming consciously aware that a reality represents this. INFINITE EVERYTHING IN ABUNDANCE.... old limits dissolving at record speed as veils within each are "interrupted" by increasing cosmic activity, the visual of one waking up, wiping their eyes, shaking their head to actually see, to refocus their eyes to actually finally SEE, to finally open up enough to FEEL and to KNOW and to hear what didn't make sense before, finally... to "get it" ALL. Reclaiming POWER from within occurs in many ways. Those who have alot of unconscious energy to burn off, will project, fight and scream louder to be heard until all of that energy dissolves and a shift can occur inside for each to realize that POWER IS INSIDE and that each have a CONSCIOUS CHOICE in the EARTH/REALITY they support with their time, energy, focus, attention, money, resources, skills/talents/gifts... basically EVERYTHING one has access to. The re-claiming of POWER from within, does not require a fight within anymore.... as all is very different here. The fight/battle was "against" our higher selves, it was our Ego being hurt by way of perceived deception (which is what the whole 3rd dimension was), living in realities of survival instincts (root chakra/heart closed), with no-deep-inner connection to each other/anything, other than self-serving-fake-plastic-surface ones. Reclaiming and standing in our POWER means saying "NO, not anymore" and choosing what is loving to us all as one, starting with ourselves at first until we are able to radiate/transmit this out to others without our own distortions getting in the way. It means CHOOSING UNITY and LOVE over old unconscious ways. It means treating each other with kindness, consideration, respect and BEING THE ONE who sets the TONE for what is ACCEPTABLE BEHAVIOR NOW and holding this in place until WE BREAK OUR OLD ENERGY PROGRAM fully from deep within ourselves and with our entire bodies, so that UNIFICATION can fully occur, of all of our bodies/aspects ..... HEAVEN IS OPEN for all who are truly ready, yet not an etheric place to die and go to, but an actual physical plane of existence where we all as embodied SOUL and GALACTICS - ARE fully anchored in realities where we unite, come together and BRING THE PURITY, KNOWLEDGE AND LOVE of all of our highest existences into this physical one here. This ACTUAL PHYSICAL DIMENSIONAL PLANE/PLACE is only achievable with your Plasma Crystalline LightBody, so your evolving is not only instrumental, it's necessary, for you to achieve and experience THIS AS YOUR NEW HOME and entirely new reality NOW. THIS IS A WHOLE NEW EXISTENCE, one that requires your total commitment to your inner-deepest-highest you, your body and all that is around you too. It's where you REALIZE that nothing happens until you are ready and willing to DO WHATEVER IT TAKES for NEW EARTH to be your permanent HOME, as you are fully INVESTED and no longer make excuses, try to ignore, argue, fight, resist, avoid the whole reason you are even incarnate in a physical body form here.... INFINITY IS OPEN for each now... CROSSING OVER each threshold is now faster/easier through the intentional integration and anchoring of HIGHEST PHOTONIC LIGHT. This is your Soul/Spirit/Galactic you, activating your COSMIC/UNIVERSAL/EARTHLY body to evolve and return fully to what you forgot when you agreed to enter to live/exist beneath the veils of amnesia too... This fog/amnesia shall now LIFT at an exponential rate that will leave you shaking your head, shock and shake you awake if there is anything of unconscious programming left within your physical body still. This dis-illusioning is necessary now, as the Human Experience/Experiment continually concludes for each still holding the OLD MATRIX inside (it's deeply embedded in your organs, muscles, teeth, bones, skin, flesh, brain... every part of your body). Every LINEAR mindset is THIS.... THIS WIDE-OPEN PLASMA PASSAGEWAY now grants "safe" passage to all ready, as the distortions of the old timelines are just this.... a belief, a mentality, a story and a physical reality that mirrors/reflects back to you what you hold in PROGRAMS inside of you. If you observe your external, just watch it, like a TV show or a play, just SEE .... every moment, every experience, every feeling, every thought and then "apply" a dimensional assignment to each experience, to each person, to each thing... what does that physical matter SPEAK TO YOU .... what dimension/timeline are you physically operating/functioning in... in every given moment and what can you do to SHIFT THE VIBRATION to a higher one yourself? THIS WIDE-OPEN PLASMA PASSAGEWAY increases GALACTIC TRAVEL. This will manifest/materialize/be experienced in a multitude of ways. Get creative with your mind... see what this means for you/us all and then open up fully to even more possibilities that your limited human cannot fully see/comprehend/imagine yet.... Pay attention and stay wide open. ♥ There is obviously SO VERY MUCH MORE and I have more to write still. This was a huge COMPLETION that OPENED UP SO VERY MUCH for us all on this Earth Ship we traveled here to pilot.... A NEW TRAJECTORY has been charted.... DIVINE ALIGNMENT --- Continual re-harmonizing --- Increased Photonic & Cosmic Convergence is how our new realities are. Continually Integrating & Stabilizing these ultra-high frequencies within is KEY for us all. More me-be-we time is necessary as we prepare to UNITE in all new ways in preparation for what now is to come. Honor your process, your body, you ... shed the old, step up and into the "unknown"/new, which is a higher dimensional reality that has already occurred. It materializes as you achieve the overall vibrational frequency to VIBRATE INTO THAT REALITY as it becomes visible all around you.... as you allow, create, access fully in-alignment with your highest everything you. ♥ Love for your expression and acts of love too. ♥ Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼ www.AwakeningToRemembering.com p.s. The physical body has to integrate to return to plasma too. Plasma energy in the body is very different than our old bodies were. De-densifying (deep density cellular work/re-coding) can be (beyond) challenging for our human aspect for awhile, so much body-love-care is necessary for this part. Plasma, there is not one iota of linear anything and there is not a care of anything old, the linear brain goes to mush and production is almost non-existent until each acclimates to functioning through a plasma existence here. This will greatly challenge every bit of your human aspect. You'll have to let go of all that does not support your new existence here. You won't physically be able to do like the old days/ways. Your linear body goes weak while high photonic integration works through your body to recode. Rest in your vortex (bed/sacred space) until this process is complete, for your body to RE-BUILD faster. As you sleep, Stargates will collapse old realities/timelines for you and when you awaken (the next day, three days later or however long it takes), you will be fully energized, refreshed and ready to rock and roll, with new awareness, vitality and inspiration too. DO NOT WAST YOUR ENERGY. Stay focused, produce, come together, create, make a difference in little ways or big ways, doesn't matter how, just that you DO. Your new non-linear body works very different than your old one did. You will "learn" to respect all as ENERGY again, your energy, the energy of others in a whole new way. It's a part of our new/higher dimensional VALUE SYSTEMS that come online for you as you do. ♦ Every time you are passing through this Plasma Corridor, your Plasma Body will activate to integrate more, in order for you to REMAIN on the other side, when you've completed these evolutionary processes your self. You'll never have to go back to the old ever again.... ♥
10/10/2017 04:43:38 pm
je suis tre content, merci beaucoup je vous aimes tous!!
10/10/2017 08:35:26 pm
All I can say is wow!. I now have 6 articles of yours open in my browser!!
10/11/2017 10:31:14 am
I am in the same boat. I read each if these so many ti med and feel li ke I get some thing new each time. Love it!
10/11/2017 01:29:52 am
Thank you. Powerful and very helpful. We are the change we have been waiting for. Time to step for ourselves for sure.
10/12/2017 06:38:37 am
Thank you Lisa! Your writings/experience confirm and bring more clarity and expansion to my own similar/parallel experiences and understandings of my own ascension process and awakening. Much Love and Gratitude to you Star Soul Sister
10/12/2017 12:36:48 pm
So much gratitude & love! Every word of your generous sharing and guidance resonates. Thank you for helping to make our ascension process smoother, and way more fun!
Sandy Bocko
10/15/2017 06:54:54 pm
WOW !!! and YES <3 !!! Thank You Lisa ... 4 putting Words to this Process ... ;)
10/17/2017 03:11:48 am
" love within me, a feeling that previously came with pain, betrayal and hurt"... I'm feeling this now, almost unbearably, and made a journal entry the other day trying to explain how confusing it was for the very things that I love so dearly (mainly my children) also bring just as much pain... It's been very confusing as I feel so disconnected from them at this time.. I'm fighting the "me" that feels like I've somehow "lost" or "failed" them and it's been an extremely painful fight.. No one that I've tried explaining the feeling too seemed "get" it until reading your entry this morning.. The quote i began this comment with had brought me an unimaginable feeling of peace, and I thank you. From my healing, awakening Soul.
Clayton Liddle
9/6/2018 04:33:51 am
The accuracy you are describing in the beginning of your journey is so mindbogglingly similar to my experience. I did not realize the subconscious/conscious inner work i was doing in 2017 was leading me to a complete transformation at the end of April.2018 (on the full moon to be precise). I can only describe that it felt like i had been thrown into another dimension. I am very grateful to have found your post and am looking forward to where my path will take me. Take Care ;)
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July 2021
This entire site is dedicated to the continual activation, elevation and expansion of Highest Consciousness Existence for all of HUmanity.
Everything received and sent out from me/through here is as a GIFT, a vibrational recognition through sacred gratitude, appreciation and non-linear reciprocation and contribution from within. All is to support our NEW EARTH EXISTENCE and anchoring the highest timelines of Heaven on Earth in our physical here. All is focused on "the much bigger picture" and fulfilling all of our highest Soul purposes here. My expression of pure gratitude accompanies all as you receive energetically on every level too! ♥
NEW EARTH replaces Old Earth Everything (for everyone on this planet) ♦ Everything is ENERGY and ENERGY IN FORM
Invest in yourself, each other, your Service as Light, hUmaNITY, Consciousness Expansion and all of our future nows... by contributing to and fully supporting (in every way) that which supports humanity with the immense transition phases with greater ease and through Pure Love.
NEW Earth has a whole new, entirely different value system, all new systems and ways that all must learn/remember and bring forth from deep within.
Energetic Cycles are increasing substantially at an unprecedented rate, accelerating "what comes back around" energetically... from all existences, as all is a cyclical/spiral/reciprocal energy that cycles faster as our beloved planet's vibrational frequency continues to rise to bring/usher all out of the "dark ages" and into "the Light" (Full Consciousness/a Quantum State of Remembrance/Pure Peace, Love, Unity and Sacred Oneness).
In deep sacred appreciation for your presence, dedication and service as Love too. ♥
Keep embracing, shining, building, integrating and sharing your BEAUTIFUL LIGHT as Love! It's BEyond important for all! ♥
Invest in yourself, each other, your Service as Light, hUmaNITY, Consciousness Expansion and all of our future nows... by contributing to and fully supporting (in every way) that which supports humanity with the immense transition phases with greater ease and through Pure Love.
NEW Earth has a whole new, entirely different value system, all new systems and ways that all must learn/remember and bring forth from deep within.
Energetic Cycles are increasing substantially at an unprecedented rate, accelerating "what comes back around" energetically... from all existences, as all is a cyclical/spiral/reciprocal energy that cycles faster as our beloved planet's vibrational frequency continues to rise to bring/usher all out of the "dark ages" and into "the Light" (Full Consciousness/a Quantum State of Remembrance/Pure Peace, Love, Unity and Sacred Oneness).
In deep sacred appreciation for your presence, dedication and service as Love too. ♥
Keep embracing, shining, building, integrating and sharing your BEAUTIFUL LIGHT as Love! It's BEyond important for all! ♥
As a part of Elevating Consciousness, which is a part of shifting all into a much HIGHER DIMENSIONAL VERSION (i.e. NEW EARTH and 5+D OPEN DISCLOSURE), (and the new GDPR Compliance Requirements), we are happily posting how we use your information, even though technically "WE" are a collective energy of LOVE & Unity Consciousness. "I" AM an individual, with a priority to hold (EMBODY) the highest level of LIGHT, which translates through integrity, love, respect, kindness, consideration and through Cosmic Harmonic Alignment, at all times for all of us here and to promote love, peace, unity and a much higher consciousness supportive reality, where the "old" (unconscious) is not a part of our "NEW". "I" am an individual who just happens to "do" a billion things to awaken, support, inspire, contribute and provide reSOURCEs, in order to assist all of HUmanity in living our highest existences (NEW Earth) together through Purity and Love too. For those who may desire to know, we (me and any HUman Souls physically supporting in accomplishing the daily work), personally do not gather/review/use your information for anything, other than replying to you as you have requested, sending newsletters/updates as requested, sending pertinent notifications regarding a product/service/course/item you've registered for/obtained, while providing the option at all times for you to unsubscribe, cancel any current memberships and request to no longer receive specific notifications by providing the information for us to do this. We are providing you with the names of websites/platforms/services we utilize, so that you can review their Privacy Policies with us as account holders, as well as you as visitors or subscribers regarding anything pertaining to our users/visitors, in order for you to review. Always holding the highest integrity in all that we do. We provide this information with love and out of respect to all of us and you.. ♥
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We will update this section again with more information in order to assist you soon.
"WE" totally love, honor, respect and appreciate you and your presence, participation and contributions for all of HUmanity too!!! ♥
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Mastery School Hosting: Thinkific (* Your Registration is your opt-in to sign up automatically for Newsletters from MailChimp)
If we find any others that are relative, we will update those here for you to access too. Click on any applicable service, to locate and review their Privacy Policies and Disclosures. Emails will be sent out accordingly, so all can re-optin in order to consciously choose to continue to receive supporting newsletters, announcements and updates through our email service.
We will update this section again with more information in order to assist you soon.
"WE" totally love, honor, respect and appreciate you and your presence, participation and contributions for all of HUmanity too!!! ♥
Copyright 2009-Current ~ Lisa Transcendence Brown