Wide open and off the charts... Gateways open wider and more... Ultra-high photonic charging frequency winds super-charging/activating more Crystalline/Christed Consciousness DNA. Gamma in the mix to over-stimulate (there are many purposes for this that are necessary to "push" and clear). Cosmic HEART Rays blasting away and activating in every way. Your body Acceleration has begun again... observe yourself, your reality, your body and honor what is appropriate for you. Let go of the old beliefs and open up to NEW "reasons" instead (alternate realities) for what/why/how all is occurring and see the PURPOSES instead. ↓↓↓ These weave and wave and relax, while gamma does the opposite.... Charging your Star-Light Particles and Waves to open your own heart more, raise the overall vibrational frequency more and more and more. ♫
These are each's veils lifting, these are each's suppression emerging, these are dismantling the old codes to replace them with new ones. Those codes, like a computer are the codes for your program that plays out in your own physical reality world. NEW Codes mean all new programs "loading" into your physical body template, so that you can transmit a whole new reality that REPLACES THE OLD. Your body and consciousness ANCHOR YOU in whatever dimensions/realities you hold. If you hold your highest, most expanded one, then this anchors your consciousness in the reality you do desire. If you anchor your consciousness in a "lower vibrational one" then that is the one that plays out until all of that energy is gone, so that your heart can open more, for your body to unanchor from that physical dimension and re-anchor in a higher one. Your cells vibrate at a rate that dictate, your body is made up of cells. Your LightBody is ENERGY moving inside of your physical body and when this energy slows down or speeds up, then your physical body vibrates differently. The more plasma, the more crystalline your body is, the more you DIRECT ENERGY yourself. The more you FOCUS YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS, the more you can "pull" those alternate realities into this physical here. The more energy you PUT INTO that, the more you CREATE it to be. If unconsciousness is where you focus (duality) then this is what your ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD pulls to you.... these are called "EXPERIENCES"... When your 24/7 is transmitting LOVE, transmitting LIGHT and transmitting your own HIGHEST CONSCIOUSNESS across all "dimensions & times", then your ENERGY IS FOCUSED on what you are intentionally CREATING, what you are putting out into the world to PULL TO YOU the experiences that are magical, amazing and supportive... the MATCH to the VIBRATIONAL knowing and beliefs of your highest realities... WHAT is your ENERGY PULLING TO YOU? What are you transmitting with your WHOLE BODY to experience on a daily basis here? Where do you focus your energy when you wake up, throughout your day and what's the vibration that you function from in every moment here? These "off the charts" frequencies are an opportUNITY for each to awaken more, an opportUNITY to raise your own vibration and integrate THE LIGHT CODES that shift your whole body to a much higher dimensional experience than before..... Integration is KEY (KEYCODE). Full integration of the IMMENSITY of these Geometrics and Genetic changing codes, DNA changing codes, Light Enhancing Codes, new mathematical equations that change how you experience your physical here (Quantum Mechanics applied to your LIFE). Your whole body has to re-work the current coding to basically "throw out" those that no longer support/apply and replace them with "new ones", the ones that fully align on a COSMIC LEVEL with your new reality, which changes in every nano-second now. Your 'NEW REALITIES' are new programs, that are loaded into your template as you allow. Your body is your STARGATE for multi-dimensional travel/existence NOW. Your body DOES on a cellular level what it's capable of, what you allow it to do and what it NEEDS TO AWAKEN FULLY to the highest consciousness multi-dimensional existence/experience here. Your body is in constant "release" mode with these accelerations and it takes all of our energy at times to just BE and allow our bodies to do what they need to do to reverse, repair, regenerate, re-calibrate, re-code and re-everything.... Just because you cannot see it or touch it, doesn't mean it's not always happening... because it is. Your access to see and understand is through your own full consciousness and re-connection from within. Your body must achieve certain things for all to be easier. It needs your support and for you to listen and honor it. Your Quantum abilities return as you expand your own Consciousness and live as full Consciousness again. This is a very natural and organic process, one that occurs FOR YOU as you embrace, observe and CHOOSE what's now fully aligned with this now. It's going to change constantly, as this is how VIBRATIONAL REALITIES ARE. Nothing is affixed. Everything is CONNECTED in a whole new way. REALITIES built/constructed/shaped/formed and functioning from NEW EARTH ENERGIES are STABLE, because the FOUNDATION IS PURITY-LOVE-CONSCIOUSNESS and there are no distortions to dissolve/collapse. You are also "dealing" with UNCONSCIOUS PROGRAMS appropriately as they occur, instead of letting them continue to play out. These are called "timelines", a word we use to describe vibrational realities, because we can SEE across "space and time". A "timeline" dissolves or collapses, when the vibration changes. Full Consciousness can shift vibrations intentionally and activate/create/affect a whole new timeline or collapse it because it's not meant to align. Full Consciousness can activate a whole new timeline, align timelines, shift timelines, merge timelines, unify timelines... as a natural ability RETURNED through the PUREST HEART, MIND AND BODY.... in every moment, without any effort at all. Then the every moments actions activate, accomplish and anchor those highest realities into the physical for an actual and "real" EXPERIENCE..... This is just one small part of our MULTI-DIMENSIONAL EXISTENCE... the vastness is infinite, because our Full Consciousness is... I love you. Open up fully. Honor your process, your body and you. Focus your energy and choose which dimension, timeline, reality YOU are ready to EXPERIENCE.... ones with your old conditions and limits or ones that are FREE, HAPPY and FILLED with the most brilliant, purest LOVE, JOY and HARMONY.... because this is where you "live" inside. ♥ Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼ www.AwakeningToRemembering.com
Peter Ärlig
3/13/2018 12:51:53 pm
Thanks :)
3/13/2018 07:07:03 pm
thank you dearest Lisa. You are such a blessing xxx
Thank you Lisa, I was in sleeping mode, big time again, especially for these 2 days I couldn't focus on anything. It all make sense. Old emotions & how they used me, etc., all comes back in my mind, to be cleared. Not easy, but, no other way to live right now. Thank you for the video, too !!
Sue Kotadia
3/18/2018 05:25:43 am
Many thanks again for all you do for us xxxxx
Antoinette Atanasoff
3/19/2018 08:44:29 am
What a beautiful explanation of what is transpiring. I am a senior and have had periodic blood pressure spikes very high (normally) I am low normal. Been feeling more tired and difficult to breathe at times.....medically nothing can be found to cause these things....I accept it is the energies that are causing changes physically. But it is disconcerting, a bit scary, but I trust in a Loving God and go on as best I can. Trying to ease my concerns and hope for some stability soon. Blessing to you Lisa.
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July 2021
This entire site is dedicated to the continual activation, elevation and expansion of Highest Consciousness Existence for all of HUmanity.
Everything received and sent out from me/through here is as a GIFT, a vibrational recognition through sacred gratitude, appreciation and non-linear reciprocation and contribution from within. All is to support our NEW EARTH EXISTENCE and anchoring the highest timelines of Heaven on Earth in our physical here. All is focused on "the much bigger picture" and fulfilling all of our highest Soul purposes here. My expression of pure gratitude accompanies all as you receive energetically on every level too! ♥
NEW EARTH replaces Old Earth Everything (for everyone on this planet) ♦ Everything is ENERGY and ENERGY IN FORM
Invest in yourself, each other, your Service as Light, hUmaNITY, Consciousness Expansion and all of our future nows... by contributing to and fully supporting (in every way) that which supports humanity with the immense transition phases with greater ease and through Pure Love.
NEW Earth has a whole new, entirely different value system, all new systems and ways that all must learn/remember and bring forth from deep within.
Energetic Cycles are increasing substantially at an unprecedented rate, accelerating "what comes back around" energetically... from all existences, as all is a cyclical/spiral/reciprocal energy that cycles faster as our beloved planet's vibrational frequency continues to rise to bring/usher all out of the "dark ages" and into "the Light" (Full Consciousness/a Quantum State of Remembrance/Pure Peace, Love, Unity and Sacred Oneness).
In deep sacred appreciation for your presence, dedication and service as Love too. ♥
Keep embracing, shining, building, integrating and sharing your BEAUTIFUL LIGHT as Love! It's BEyond important for all! ♥
Invest in yourself, each other, your Service as Light, hUmaNITY, Consciousness Expansion and all of our future nows... by contributing to and fully supporting (in every way) that which supports humanity with the immense transition phases with greater ease and through Pure Love.
NEW Earth has a whole new, entirely different value system, all new systems and ways that all must learn/remember and bring forth from deep within.
Energetic Cycles are increasing substantially at an unprecedented rate, accelerating "what comes back around" energetically... from all existences, as all is a cyclical/spiral/reciprocal energy that cycles faster as our beloved planet's vibrational frequency continues to rise to bring/usher all out of the "dark ages" and into "the Light" (Full Consciousness/a Quantum State of Remembrance/Pure Peace, Love, Unity and Sacred Oneness).
In deep sacred appreciation for your presence, dedication and service as Love too. ♥
Keep embracing, shining, building, integrating and sharing your BEAUTIFUL LIGHT as Love! It's BEyond important for all! ♥
As a part of Elevating Consciousness, which is a part of shifting all into a much HIGHER DIMENSIONAL VERSION (i.e. NEW EARTH and 5+D OPEN DISCLOSURE), (and the new GDPR Compliance Requirements), we are happily posting how we use your information, even though technically "WE" are a collective energy of LOVE & Unity Consciousness. "I" AM an individual, with a priority to hold (EMBODY) the highest level of LIGHT, which translates through integrity, love, respect, kindness, consideration and through Cosmic Harmonic Alignment, at all times for all of us here and to promote love, peace, unity and a much higher consciousness supportive reality, where the "old" (unconscious) is not a part of our "NEW". "I" am an individual who just happens to "do" a billion things to awaken, support, inspire, contribute and provide reSOURCEs, in order to assist all of HUmanity in living our highest existences (NEW Earth) together through Purity and Love too. For those who may desire to know, we (me and any HUman Souls physically supporting in accomplishing the daily work), personally do not gather/review/use your information for anything, other than replying to you as you have requested, sending newsletters/updates as requested, sending pertinent notifications regarding a product/service/course/item you've registered for/obtained, while providing the option at all times for you to unsubscribe, cancel any current memberships and request to no longer receive specific notifications by providing the information for us to do this. We are providing you with the names of websites/platforms/services we utilize, so that you can review their Privacy Policies with us as account holders, as well as you as visitors or subscribers regarding anything pertaining to our users/visitors, in order for you to review. Always holding the highest integrity in all that we do. We provide this information with love and out of respect to all of us and you.. ♥
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If we find any others that are relative, we will update those here for you to access too. Click on any applicable service, to locate and review their Privacy Policies and Disclosures. Emails will be sent out accordingly, so all can re-optin in order to consciously choose to continue to receive supporting newsletters, announcements and updates through our email service.
We will update this section again with more information in order to assist you soon.
"WE" totally love, honor, respect and appreciate you and your presence, participation and contributions for all of HUmanity too!!! ♥
Newsletter Service: Flodesk
Soundcloud: Cookies Policy
Mastery School Hosting: Thinkific (* Your Registration is your opt-in to sign up automatically for Newsletters from MailChimp)
If we find any others that are relative, we will update those here for you to access too. Click on any applicable service, to locate and review their Privacy Policies and Disclosures. Emails will be sent out accordingly, so all can re-optin in order to consciously choose to continue to receive supporting newsletters, announcements and updates through our email service.
We will update this section again with more information in order to assist you soon.
"WE" totally love, honor, respect and appreciate you and your presence, participation and contributions for all of HUmanity too!!! ♥
Copyright 2009-Current ~ Lisa Transcendence Brown