You will find that thinking is much work. You will become exhausted beyond that which you comprehend. You fight sleeping, as this is your logical mind seeing it as “interfering” with your daily activities, things you need to accomplish, obligations of the physical world. What you fail to understand yet, is that this reality is not logical. Therefore the more you try to exist in the reality of your logic, the more you will shut down. You are being “moved” to a world where all is possible, where you once existed as unlimited and had access to absolutely everything within. You will perceive your “time” as being lost, when in fact you are gaining yourself again. Excerpt from: “Awakening to Remembering: A Journey of Consciousness” by Lisa Transcendence Brown
Do you “do” that because you think that you must? Or do you “do” that because you are inspired from inside? Inspiration does not have energetic cords attached. When you are inspired, all comes from within your BEing-ness and flows out. When it is done for a human reason, there are “emotions” attached to the doing. These are usually expectation or a need of some kind. Inspiration has no attachment. It has an energetic flow OUT from the heart and just floats to touch all that it can touch in light and love. Where one does out of obligation, the energy feels like it is BEing “pulled” from within you. This is depleting. This is a “giving away” of your own energy and we do not compromise our energy anymore. We also are enabling the other person by re-enforcing their own lack. We come to realize we are not helping the other and in turn the same goes for us. This is OUR own discordant energy to be tuned; our lack feeding theirs. Every different perspective gives us a whole new choice. Now, where there has been obligation, we break this frequency loop by either do it without the attachment of emotion and “be done”, so that “next time” we can make a conscious choice, or we step into the fear that exists beneath the doing and we negate the “need” for another experience to shift this inside and “out there”. Excerpt from: “Navigating Dimensions: Awakening & Ascension Guide Book” by Lisa Transcendence Brown You will find that there is plenty of energy for that which supports those things of the heart. Creativity will always be a part of this. If the “logical” thing is to support you in your journey, then you will be allowed to bring it into your moments of “work” (i.e. reading, studying, learning or participating in something that moves you forward towards your purpose). Figure out what creates desire within you. Do not focus on the bigger picture yet, as you are not given that until you are ready and have shown that you have gained the strength within to accomplish this. This is done by little tests along the way to build your soul’s character there. It is also done to show you that fear of that which you desire is fruitless and a figment of your logical mind. You have not learned trust with your lower self yet. This you will do through repeated experiences until you have come to access the ability to KNOW that all things are possible within. Excerpt from: “Awakening to Remembering: A Journey of Consciousness” by Lisa Transcendence Brown The human will hear or feel truth, yet it will make every excuse not to listen to that. It will argue and defend, while there is only one truth and this exists within. When your Higher Self tries to assist you with guidance by giving you a feeling or answer you do not like, the human you will rationalize and “yes but” is a human response. This is like slapping the Universe back and saying “I hear you but I refuse to honor your assistance in trying to give me the answer that will make thing easier for me”. The universe hears this loud and clear and getting slapped back is sooooooo not fun at all. So listen to your words and pay attention when you hear the word “but”. This will be a tell-tell and this will tell you much. Listen to your inner voice (heart), as this is your Higher Self. It is trying to assist you and always does with love. Until you don’t listen repeatedly, then the love comes strapped to a Mack truck. Excerpt from: “Navigating Dimensions: Awakening & Ascension Guide Book” by Lisa Transcendence Brown If you truly wish to understand how to BECOME a CREATOR from inside, learn energy. You are energy, as are all things. So in essence, you are learning about yourself by exposing yourself to something “out there” that will take your logical mind BEyond that which makes sense. It is a magnificent way to get you to understand flow, the connectedness of all things energetically and sharing love to assist others at the same time. Sitting and studying energy from a book will not give you the same experience. For at some point, one must get on in there, connect in the physical and learn to FEEL energy from inside. The logical minded human cannot understand energy, for it does not make logical sense. The heart must open for this and human separation must start to fall away. One who lives in a completely logical world is shut off, walled up and in protection mode. They just do not realize it yet. For logic alone is a protection mechanism of the human mind. It keeps us from connecting through our hearts. Consciousness is the energy of thought BEing switched from the frequency of unintentional to intentional. The constant practice of this assists us in evolving AS conscious energetic BEings again. Excerpt from: “Navigating Dimensions: Awakening & Ascension Guide Book” by Lisa Transcendence Brown Everything that is challenging is to show us either what still exists inside as a belief or where we have come to see it as no longer a part of our fixed reality so that it can finally go and we can exist in a space where that no longer exists. At first, a challenge presents because we believe it, are limited and feel bound by it. Once we truly challenge IT, we come to see the energy of why it even exists to begin with. Each time a challenge is presented, if we embrace it, challenge the belief and release it as “no longer true” in our now “flexible reality”, the “shorter the amount of time” it hangs around (exists inside). The more we observe this, the “faster” we see it “each time”, the quicker it is allowed to go. Eventually it comes back around and we see it “in advance”. We say “I no longer believe that; that is no longer a part of my reality inside” and we allow it to “float on by”. Each time “this scenario” occurs, when we choose consciously, we shift up vibrationally and out of the old lower dimensional frequency. Eventually, WE come to exist in a frequency where that no longer exists at all and we do not even see it or encounter it anymore. It is not because THAT no longer exists, for it still does in a lower dimensional realm, yet WE have shifted in frequency to exist in a dimensional realm where that no longer exists. So, it does and doesn’t exist. Both are true. The realm you exist in determines the reality and experience that you transmit and receive. It is up to each to face each “challenge”, each time we feel or notice resistance inside. This is a key to choosing to shift OUT of that frequency, so that we no longer have to “try” to do this anymore. It just happens, for shifting at will is what we now do. Excerpt from: “Navigating Dimensions: Awakening & Ascension Guide Book” by Lisa Transcendence Brown Your human mind is your own creation. This is the one that processes thought with judgment. It will also be the hardest thing you will have to overcome. You have come to live by those things existent within your mind. It is only upon the release of all thought that you will be able to hear & feel the truth of your own energetic body. This will be done when the mind is silent and thoughts become ones that are received, rather than ones of a learned or carried over belief system. When you exist AS your true self you will flow with all of creation from within. Excerpt from: “Awakening to Remembering: A Journey of Consciousness” by Lisa Transcendence Brown In watching the chaos transpire all around, there is one underlying theme; that chaos is self-created in the mind. When we choose to go against what we "feel" in our hearts, when we choose to give way to the "thoughts or belief systems" learned or acquired, we betray ourselves and what we "know" deep within our soul. As humans, we then look at everyone else as the ones who have betrayed us, when in fact the betrayal lies within. This is why we have such trust issues, as we place trust in another when in fact trust is to honoring our own divine essence, our own heart and humanity within. We don't need another to betray us, we manage that all on our own. And from this stems the inability to trust anything at all until we learn to honor our higher heart and all as one again. Now, not listening will bring forth another energy to have to deal with later (usually anger). To avoid the frequency loop that this creates, we can choose to listen and honor at all times. In order to do this, one must be present, conscious and choose from the higher heart until all existing loops have been diminished energetically. Excerpt from: “Navigating Dimensions: Awakening & Ascension Guide Book” by Lisa Transcendence Brown You will find that as soon as you start ALLOWING yourself to let go, that the “magnitude” of the emotional release that you feared will get less and less in “volume” each time. Your allowing it, takes away the strength, so that you are able to release with greater ease. Soon you will find that you are releasing so fast, that there is nothing left physically to experience. You will bring up the emotion, recognize it, ask for it to be released and “poof” it is gone. For that was all you needed. Eventually there is no emotional charge to “that” anymore. You just watch it float on by, until it completely disappears completely from your reality. While in all truth, you shifted to a whole new dimensional realm. It IS SO very cool indeed! Excerpt from: “Navigating Dimensions: Awakening & Ascension Guide Book” by Lisa Transcendence Brown BELIEVING AND ACHIEVING “THAT”: Here one believes, in some way, in the intangible, yet there is still enough of the human self present to “interfere”, by continuing to still “need” tangible proof. One is “shown”, through periodic higher realm openings, something “awesome and BEyond belief” to trigger a desires within. This also works to s-t-r-e-t-c-h the human mind in order to comprehend an extraordinary world that they have forgotten existed. It is this “new” belief and inspired desire for “that” intangible thing, which allows that to start to materialize in the physical. Yet it does not technically materialize, we “leave” the old frequency and come to exist in the frequency where materialization of that already exists. We must embrace the desire to achieve or obtain “that” which is not yet tangible here in the physical. It is this determination and inner drive that shifts one out of the old human physical world and into the world of “believing” in the BEyond (forgotten) again. Excerpt from: “Navigating Dimensions: Awakening & Ascension Guide Book” by Lisa Transcendence Brown The barriers to traveling through space and time exist in your human mind, accompanied by your dormant DNA, behind the locked pathways of your Universal Mind. The key is your own vibrational frequency and how unblocked and free you’re your heart is. Light activations are occurring in every moment to awaken you. Your own human need for “additional” human experiences will suppress this. AS your Higher Self you will embrace the change that makes no logical sense and honor that which feels right inside. Your hologram is programmed to “play” that which is encoded in your DNA. As your DNA activates, the hologram (or the play) will change. The view you have will be dependent on the “altitude” achieved inside to allow you an expanded view. It is simple, the higher you vibrate, the faster the spin, the faster the spin, the more you expand. The more you expand, the higher you go, the more expanded the view. Where you “start” for this, is by way of constantly stretching & expanding your reality BEYOND that which you can see as a limited human mind and continue to do everything to activate and raise your own vibrational frequency yourself. Excerpt from: “Navigating Dimensions: Awakening & Ascension Guide Book” by Lisa Transcendence Brown The world as you perceive it is opposite of all that you have come to know. The logical world is in direction opposition to that of the soul. The mind thinks and the soul feels. One takes the scenic route and the other takes the direct route. One loves, one fears. One dissolves separation and the other exists in it. If you ever wish to know the truth, see what is opposite of your conflicting thought. Excerpt from: “Awakening to Remembering: A Journey of Consciousness” by Lisa Transcendence Brown NEW Earth, the 5th Dimension, is a Realm existent in frequency. These frequencies activated in your new DNA allow you to come to exist here again. It is a space that all occupy which first must be visible from within. Then it comes to be visible “out there”. You are creating NEW Earth/5th Dimension in every moment that separation within is released and you EMBODY love, light and peace inside of you. This is the true embodiment of your Higher Self, your Soul, the body of light (LightBody) and it is occurring "now" for all. How it occurs shall depend on how much you activate light on your own. All can participate by embracing and bringing in more light. Those who resist it by seeing all as an inconvenience to the human aspect of their existence will receives an "adjustment" to assist in one's alignment again from within. These are where human pain and suffering come in. Excerpt from: “Navigating Dimensions: Awakening & Ascension Guide Book” by Lisa Transcendence Brown One can participate in releasing "time" & separation from their body template by releasing the need to look at a clock, make appointments or speak in the separation of time by way of comparison or holding onto a memory that is trying to go. If you cannot REMEMBER it, it is not meant to be. Holding on keeps you in a physical reality that is trying to leave. Humans will use time comparisons without any awareness at all. If you listen, you can hear these too. Removing these from your own energetic field can assist you in “speeding up” the release of time within you. Some common examples are: Stepping out of present moment to focus on another moment that does not exist; spoken comparisons involving age, achievements, accomplishments, amount of time spent doing anything, speaking or thinking in terms of yesterday, last week, or years. Switch the words from "I have done this for years" to "That was another version of me in a different vibrational frequency". Human compares time, whereas the soul could not care less, for it does not exist here. Excerpt from: “Navigating Dimensions: Awakening & Ascension Guide Book” by Lisa Transcendence Brown There is an Etheric blueprint for each one of us, and for Gaia too. These are templates that hold information that continues to be activated within each one of us, as a walking energy form here. The entire human template is BEing wiped. This appears to be happening faster, yet it is just more "visible" as one integrates light within and vibrates at a higher frequency. In order to integrate LIGHT, where there is dense to be released, one must sleep. The human mind/body cannot "take" all of the light that gets activated in super high energy times. The Soul Self does not have this separation within it. As more integrate to EMBODY AS their own Soul/Light within, the less this will matter. This BEing "moves" and exists in flow with the entire Universe from within. One is awoken when they are meant to wake. One is shut down when it is time to sleep. "Work" is not done with thought. It too is a "received thought" of what to do, and this BEing does it, without thought. For all that is "needed" is present in any given moment. The words that are meant to be spoken come forth. The ability to "do" an action comes forth, even if it didn't exist in one's human brain capacity, one has access to BEYOND that here. Excerpt from: “Navigating Dimensions: Awakening & Ascension Guide Book” by Lisa Transcendence Brown You exist as one consciousness already. As a human form, you take on duality by way of your logical & thinking mind. This logic separates your consciousness and as you work to transcend the limits of your own human mind, you “work” to find your way “home”. Home is within you and is a state of being that you once knew. How soon you remember will be determined by your ability to embrace, allow, release and stretch your own limits according to thought. You are not “going anywhere”. You are already here. Excerpt from: “Awakening to Remembering: A Journey of Consciousness” by Lisa Transcendence Brown When one becomes intolerant, they are about to the point of BEing done. This is an important space as well, for intolerance means you are shifting out of that frequency within. It also means that are shifting out of the limiting human space that you used to exist in. You are expanding into another dimension! The key is to be conscious, figure out if you are intolerant because you are unconscious and focused on the other BEing the “problem”, or if this is something you have cleared recently within and that “that out there” is an irritation because you no longer accept that in your reality any more. Which it is, will determine whether you are moving out of it or if you are stuck in it. One will have an inner focus and the other will have an outer focus. This will tell you much. Excerpt from: “Navigating Dimensions: Awakening & Ascension Guide Book” by Lisa Transcendence Brown A soul’s journey is one of duality in order to transcend all that presents by way of perception of separateness. So when the journey is spoken of, it represents what the soul has chosen to come here and experience as a separate entity. The LightBody is a body of consciousness that allows for the soul to transcend the limits of the physical and connect on a level of oneness that it once knew as a part of the whole. The journey is one of remembering, reawakening and ascension. You think that the journey starts when one becomes conscious, when instead it started with the first breath upon entry into the physical world. All that transpired after was part of your process for creating your experiences there. It is through transcending consciousness that one can achieve those things beyond the logical and exist in the reality of one’s soul. Excerpt from: “Awakening to Remembering: A Journey of Consciousness” by Lisa Transcendence Brown Every day, it is imperative to get somewhere where at least the crown and 3rd eye are exposed (whole body is better) to direct sunlight. Even when there is not sun, you can do this, yet the actual sun allows for one to expand more “in-the-moment”. For you ARE the sun! Sit or lay facing the sun with your eyes closed at first. Breathe it in to your entire BEing, through your 3rd eye, slow, long belly-expanding breaths and on the exhale, slowly release to tune your body & your breath together at the same time. If, on the exhale, you feel to emit a "tone" in your breath (I call this “toning"), you can actually tune, in frequency, as you release your breath in a slow natural tone. The slower & longer the in/out breath, the more you are able to tune within. Fifteen minutes is enough to activate, yet the longer you do this, the more you will notice the affects and cellular changes within. You will feel tingling and expansion throughout. Feel yourself connected to all there is, feeling love and peace filling you and radiating out to all as you breathe. Excerpt from: “Navigating Dimensions: Awakening & Ascension Guide Book” by Lisa Transcendence Brown For many of us, the mission-driven human used to hold the energy of not enough, lack and struggle, in order to do what was in our hearts. Yet AS the higher realms inside again, struggle no longer exists. That was a human belief. For many, we started out struggling to be in-service, yet lacking the tools or resources to do so. Every struggle taught us that we could be in-service, regardless of what we physically had. We got creative, we found ways to reach others with little or nothing at most times. We did without much of the time, compared to that which others perceive as basic necessities. Yet there was a mission, a desire so strong, that nothing would stand in our way. And little by little we prevailed in getting by, while we sought to assist all of mankind along the way. The more we assisted others, the more others assisted us. We found that more came forth, with the same desire to reach others too. This inspired us to continue, our inner determination inspired every time one opened our heart. Yet it also took the integration of our own masculine energy balance, to bring forth the stubbornness and determination to “do” our mission regardless of others’ lack of support, others lack of appreciation, lack of honor and much of the time, payment for much of what we did. WE had to not care if we had help, for it was that inner drive that got us to do absolutely anything to reach and assist. It is that energy that brought us back to the higher realms where unification and support now exist. Excerpt from: “Navigating Dimensions: Awakening & Ascension Guide Book” by Lisa Transcendence Brown The higher heart does not compromise, for it is conscious and acting from choice in every moment. Here, one is creating with every thought, for thought of the Higher Self BEing comes through the heart. Others are sent to us, answering a call, to show us where we will compromise inside. Our “job”, if you will, is to see it and shift out of this space from within. If another comes to you and asks you to do something you are not comfortable with, your first “clue” is the discomfort that you feel. And it is up to you not to compromise and to honor that which your Higher Self is showing you by way of “giving you a feeling” inside. FEAR of another’s reaction stops one from honoring their heart. Excerpt from: “Navigating Dimensions: Awakening & Ascension Guide Book” by Lisa Transcendence Brown Your physical eyes will show you what exists within you. Your energetic eyes will show you what is truly real. For many, they choose to believe that which their physical eyes show them. For these, all realities outside must first fall away. For those who choose to open their hearts and minds and embrace that which their own soul shows them, then loss of the physical is no longer an issue. Releasing denseness is then a choice of the energetic soul. Excerpt from: “Awakening to Remembering: A Journey of Consciousness” by Lisa Transcendence Brown In the beginning (the lower realms), we had no “healthy boundaries”, for this was not of the human way. As we come to embody our higher selves, we come to REMEMBER how to create boundaries for ourselves. This is a very necessary part of the process, for it teaches us to stand in our own strength, where we did not before. It also teaches us, if we are present, about the energy of honorable exchange. Boundaries are walls, they are limits and they keep us separated inside. But before we can come to a place where they are no longer necessary, we must learn to utilize them to create a sacred space that WE honor for ourselves. We must learn the energy of give and take, push & pull, too much and not enough. Yet this too is never about another, for they only honor a contract to show us where we lack or have walls. Once we see what they came to show us, their “role” (or contract) changes. We can choose to keep them in our reality in another capacity or release them all-together. Excerpt from: “Navigating Dimensions: Awakening & Ascension Guide Book” by Lisa Transcendence Brown UNIFYING SEPARATED BELIEF SYSTEMS As the human separated, so did that which it believed. As humans separated into Soul groups, so did the belief systems of the collectives as well. Many BEings moved from belief systems to belief systems, to completely throw out all belief systems, for nothing ever fit. Many “tried on” many religions, to come to do the same. Many tried to believe, to find that it suppressed them even more. Because of the billions of Souls on this earth, the belief systems “out there” are as separated as the ones inside. This created variety and the most diversity, for it was your choice for your experience here. Ascension is the complete obliteration of all belief systems within. Dismantling, dissolving, destruction… doesn’t matter. They all apply. One ascends as they become light. A light BEing, ascended master, angel, SOURCE, the CREATOR, a God-Realized Sovereign BEing again. Excerpt from: “Navigating Dimensions: Awakening & Ascension Guide Book” by Lisa Transcendence Brown This human thinks it is losing out, missing out, has to have that, do that, be that or that something has been missed out on or lost. It works to keep things the same, and when something changes to remove a distraction (thing or identity), it views “that” as a loss. That person, situation or material thing you had your identity wrapped around to feel safe, secure and “as something”, had nothing to do with you. That car, that job, that title, not you. That relationship, not you. That house, not you. They were what you defined yourself by, created an identity around, and they will continue to be removed as long as they stand in the way of your own humanity and unification inside. You do not “lose that”. It is removed by your Higher Self (YOU) because it was blocking your view. Your view of who you truly are inside and who you never were. All things are removed to shift you to a space inside. It also causes energy wrapped around “that” to have to come up and purge. Excerpt from: “Navigating Dimensions: Awakening & Ascension Guide Book” by Lisa Transcendence Brown |
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March 2017
This entire site is dedicated to the continual activation, elevation and expansion of Highest Consciousness Existence for all of HUmanity.
Everything received and sent out from me/through here is as a GIFT, a vibrational recognition through sacred gratitude, appreciation and non-linear reciprocation and contribution from within. All is to support our NEW EARTH EXISTENCE and anchoring the highest timelines of Heaven on Earth in our physical here. All is focused on "the much bigger picture" and fulfilling all of our highest Soul purposes here. My expression of pure gratitude accompanies all as you receive energetically on every level too! ♥
NEW EARTH replaces Old Earth Everything (for everyone on this planet) ♦ Everything is ENERGY and ENERGY IN FORM
Invest in yourself, each other, your Service as Light, hUmaNITY, Consciousness Expansion and all of our future nows... by contributing to and fully supporting (in every way) that which supports humanity with the immense transition phases with greater ease and through Pure Love.
NEW Earth has a whole new, entirely different value system, all new systems and ways that all must learn/remember and bring forth from deep within.
Energetic Cycles are increasing substantially at an unprecedented rate, accelerating "what comes back around" energetically... from all existences, as all is a cyclical/spiral/reciprocal energy that cycles faster as our beloved planet's vibrational frequency continues to rise to bring/usher all out of the "dark ages" and into "the Light" (Full Consciousness/a Quantum State of Remembrance/Pure Peace, Love, Unity and Sacred Oneness).
In deep sacred appreciation for your presence, dedication and service as Love too. ♥
Keep embracing, shining, building, integrating and sharing your BEAUTIFUL LIGHT as Love! It's BEyond important for all! ♥
Invest in yourself, each other, your Service as Light, hUmaNITY, Consciousness Expansion and all of our future nows... by contributing to and fully supporting (in every way) that which supports humanity with the immense transition phases with greater ease and through Pure Love.
NEW Earth has a whole new, entirely different value system, all new systems and ways that all must learn/remember and bring forth from deep within.
Energetic Cycles are increasing substantially at an unprecedented rate, accelerating "what comes back around" energetically... from all existences, as all is a cyclical/spiral/reciprocal energy that cycles faster as our beloved planet's vibrational frequency continues to rise to bring/usher all out of the "dark ages" and into "the Light" (Full Consciousness/a Quantum State of Remembrance/Pure Peace, Love, Unity and Sacred Oneness).
In deep sacred appreciation for your presence, dedication and service as Love too. ♥
Keep embracing, shining, building, integrating and sharing your BEAUTIFUL LIGHT as Love! It's BEyond important for all! ♥
As a part of Elevating Consciousness, which is a part of shifting all into a much HIGHER DIMENSIONAL VERSION (i.e. NEW EARTH and 5+D OPEN DISCLOSURE), (and the new GDPR Compliance Requirements), we are happily posting how we use your information, even though technically "WE" are a collective energy of LOVE & Unity Consciousness. "I" AM an individual, with a priority to hold (EMBODY) the highest level of LIGHT, which translates through integrity, love, respect, kindness, consideration and through Cosmic Harmonic Alignment, at all times for all of us here and to promote love, peace, unity and a much higher consciousness supportive reality, where the "old" (unconscious) is not a part of our "NEW". "I" am an individual who just happens to "do" a billion things to awaken, support, inspire, contribute and provide reSOURCEs, in order to assist all of HUmanity in living our highest existences (NEW Earth) together through Purity and Love too. For those who may desire to know, we (me and any HUman Souls physically supporting in accomplishing the daily work), personally do not gather/review/use your information for anything, other than replying to you as you have requested, sending newsletters/updates as requested, sending pertinent notifications regarding a product/service/course/item you've registered for/obtained, while providing the option at all times for you to unsubscribe, cancel any current memberships and request to no longer receive specific notifications by providing the information for us to do this. We are providing you with the names of websites/platforms/services we utilize, so that you can review their Privacy Policies with us as account holders, as well as you as visitors or subscribers regarding anything pertaining to our users/visitors, in order for you to review. Always holding the highest integrity in all that we do. We provide this information with love and out of respect to all of us and you.. ♥
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If we find any others that are relative, we will update those here for you to access too. Click on any applicable service, to locate and review their Privacy Policies and Disclosures. Emails will be sent out accordingly, so all can re-optin in order to consciously choose to continue to receive supporting newsletters, announcements and updates through our email service.
We will update this section again with more information in order to assist you soon.
"WE" totally love, honor, respect and appreciate you and your presence, participation and contributions for all of HUmanity too!!! ♥
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Mastery School Hosting: Thinkific (* Your Registration is your opt-in to sign up automatically for Newsletters from MailChimp)
If we find any others that are relative, we will update those here for you to access too. Click on any applicable service, to locate and review their Privacy Policies and Disclosures. Emails will be sent out accordingly, so all can re-optin in order to consciously choose to continue to receive supporting newsletters, announcements and updates through our email service.
We will update this section again with more information in order to assist you soon.
"WE" totally love, honor, respect and appreciate you and your presence, participation and contributions for all of HUmanity too!!! ♥
Copyright 2009-Current ~ Lisa Transcendence Brown