3pc (132g) SACRED ABUNDANCE Root Core Trinity Set: Emerald Ray, Ruby Red Ray & Golden Race DNA Crystalline LightBody DNA Activation Set (Item #0702-2) U.S. & Canada Shipping Only
This Sacred Trinity Set is a Union of specific tonal cord/vibrational/energetic DNA activations of reconnecting through Sacred Heart Purity to bring forth alchemical abilities laying latent.
Awakening through reconnecting with our BE-LOVEd Gaia, Galactic Egyptian lineages, as well as Cosmic Ray Frequencies (Mars/Atlantean) and primal root race lineages too, reconnecting through Divinity and our Divine Golden Race DNA, these support/assist with your intentional, organic opening up to clearing any and all distortions, limits and programs still held on a cellular level deep within.
Pure Heart Consciousness is an OUTWARD FLOW, through your Remembrance, Excitement, Sacred Connection, Sacred Virility and a marrying of various aspects through our own inner-Union brings more inner peace, more joy, more FEELINGS OF ABUNDANCE, through practicing and living Generosity, Ease and Kindness in your every day/every moment exchanges and LIFE!
FEEL ABUNDANCE to magnetize.... rather than "think" or "try".... Abundance is a beautiful, soft, powerful and precious ENERGY we possess, hold and live through openness, sharing, appreciation, gratitude, generosity, sharing, upliftment, excitement and various higher consciousness states that override old lack programming (separation) of before. FEEL the ACTIVATIONS as you connect with these and if you feel called, bring them to work/play/activate with you and accelerate Quantum Style even more!
EXPERIENCE more peace, more love, more beauty, more presence and more kindness/joy....
Specific Tones included with this 3-Piece Power Set:
- Divine Emerald Ray (Abundant Heart of Gaia): This one activated our abundant heart through reconnecting with our beLOVEd Gaia's consciousness again, while transforming any old programs of greed/envy into love, sharing and abundance through inner purification and deeply connected care.
- Clear Golden Ray of Light: Clarity and Golden Race DNA, infused gold/black works with purity and power in a very different way. Cleansing, purifying and empowering from deep within, Divine Abundance, Sacred Connection and REMEMBERING the INFINITE ABUNDANCE that YOU ARE is pivotal for anchoring higher dimensional realities and calling them forth here!
- Divine Ruby Red Ray works with Root Race/Root Chakra/Root Energy rebalancing and purification processes necessary to transcend those limiting primal programs and distortions held deep within.
Every time you open your heart to connect deeper, you activate your own LightBody DNA to awaken more, to reconnect you more, to remember more through Divine Presence, Beauty and Love. We have specifically created these very special andara Plasma Crystalline LightBody DNA Activation Grids/Sets to support and assist you with accelerating this in the most beautiful, soft, kind, loving, exciting and inJOYable ways. We hope these speak to your heart-Soul as much as they do to us. Every piece specifically matched to work together to activate more of your own Light and all that they connect with too. Utilize these in a multitude of ways, get creative and bask in the Sacredness of Pure Light. Sleep with them, place them in your sacred space, on your altar, on your physical LightBody, or start your own room/home grid to continue to grow and add to as you go. These are perfect for every experience, whether you personally, shared/utilized as an activation for a small/entire group or to LIGHT UP your office/space/center and excite all who come into contact with them too! (These can travel and be used for powerful energy session as well). ♥
Approximate measurements: 2" x 1 1/2"-1 3/8" x 1"-1 1/4" each
Embracing our higher selves fully for integration and embodiment here, these activate tonal chords and hues to assist with purification of these energetic blood-lines and support further developing knowledge/abilities/gifts related to crystalline/star lineages for utilizing as a part of your own service-as-Light roles here. ♥ Perfect for energy work, working with crystalline grids, groups, altars, sleeping with, playing with in nature and individual activations too. ♥ The more you work with them, the more they will activate/support you! ♥
Lisa personally creates, brings forth the information, partners each piece and and works with every unique set, while excitingly prepares all with love to come to BE with/assist/activate/work/play with you!
Check out our recent Crystalline Gridkeepers "Inspiration through Creativity" Project (crystals, grids, andaras & more!) with videos/sharing to inspire and assist!
You can also view pages dedicated to Lisa's Andara/Andarian Information Page, Andarian Communications, Andara Activation Photo Galleries and more on this website, if you'd like to read and print off any information that will assist you with activating and working with these magnificent and magical babies/Light BEings, like so many of us do, every day. ♥
Everything you "pay" on this site, is a contribution (and energetic exchange) which supports all NEW Earth Projects, Programs and those that work in full-service for HUmanity to reach, support, teach, share and activate more to Awakening to Remembering fully again too. You are receiving an activation gift, a reSOURCE, (LOVE IN FORM) to assist you in opening up and shifting easier too. Re-associating how you see things is important, to understand how important it is to support us in continuing to provide more. We love and appreciate you huge! Keep shining and sharing your light and remembering how important you are to our Collective Awakening and anchoring more light on this planet too! ♥
Shipments are sent out once a week via USPS.
All Andaras are LeMUrian/Star Light Activated and shipped from Kauai with LOVE! ♥
Photo size is not indicative of Andara size. Photos are up close to show details, activations, cut and clarity. Andaras are listed by weight/grams. approximate measurements available for viewing upon request or where already pictured. Colors and characteristics change depending on the frequency, activation, position and your energy, sunshine and how much you play, sleep and work with them. The more you take your consciousness into them, take photos and open up to see more, the more you see! Prices vary due to availability/rarity and is one-of-a kind unique!