5pc (174g) Crown Jewel Divine Light Rays Crystalline LightBody DNA Activation Set (Item #12-8-7) U.S. & Canada Shipping Only
These specific tones & hues work with inner/cellular/field purification and bringing all into highest Divine Vibrational Alignment from within. Transformational energies are powerful as we embrace distortions and dissolve them/allow them to fall away OR transform them into something even more POWERFUL that supports and activates our "new". I've been working with these four specifically myself, as they have called me deeply to unify even more, on such a beautiful and magnificent level of consciousness, expansion and balance through pure Love. I was inspired to re-create similar sets for those desiring to do the same and work deeply with these during these pivotal, profound and important energetic shift too. ♥
Opalescent Divine SOUL Fire (Source Ray): Pure heart-love activation and expansion can be felt every time you gaze/connect/work with this one. So pure and the fire within…. This whole journey/process is about heart expansion/opening on every level. This one will ALWAYS assist with the beauty and Divine Presence of this. (Christed/Soular/Purity/Angelic/Celestial/Source Consciousness/Kundalini Energy, this activates soooo very much!) ♥
Divine Ruby Red Ray (Cosmic Root Race(s) Purification for Union): Works with "primal energies" to transform through purity "drive and determination" that activates materialization in the physical through purity and love.
Cobalt Blue-Ray (Lyran Lineages/Light Language: Works with your own Lyran and various Star Lineage energies to open up the bridge between higher mind consciousness and heart consciousness through your own Light Language (words of Love) shared from your own pure heart.
Divine Emerald Ray (Abundant Heart of Gaia): This one activated our abundant heart through reconnecting with our beLOVEd Gaia's consciousness again, while transforming any old programs of greed/envy into love, sharing and abundance through inner purification and deeply connected care.
Divine SOULar(is) Ray (Christed Creation/Divine Will): Activating the Power of our Divine Will (working with our Solar Plexus Energy Vortex/Great Central Sun), the golden yellow works through Christed Light (Purity) to awaken abundance through connection and how we show up to create, uplift, inspire and share our individual gifts and abilities to touch the hearts of all. ♥
These primal tones work with SOULar and Cosmic tones through Light and various attributes activating these Divine Rays. When we work with these as a group, they intensify/accelerate as is appropriate for each, while working with them individually as called, with accelerate that "one part", then cycle through the rest as we do the same. A magical set that works as deep as we are ready for, these activate beauty, inspiration, joy and playfulness, while also working with balancing through purity the deeper we each go. ♥ This set works with variations of Divine Alchemy through purification/union within. ♥
Approximate measurements: 1 3/4" x 1 1/4" x1" each
Embracing our higher selves fully for integration and embodiment here, these activate tonal chords and hues to assist with purification of these energetic blood-lines and support further developing knowledge/abilities/gifts related to crystalline/star lineages for utilizing as a part of your own service-as-Light roles here. ♥ Perfect for energy work, working with crystalline grids, groups, altars, sleeping with, playing with in nature and individual activations too. ♥ The more you work with them, the more they will activate/support you! ♥
Lisa works with every set and lovingly prepares all with love to come to BE with/assist/activate/work/play with you!
Check out our recent Crystalline Gridkeepers "Inspiration through Creativity" Project (crystals, grids, andaras & more!) with videos/sharing to inspire and assist!
You can also view pages dedicated to Lisa's Andara/Andarian Information Page, Andarian Communications, Andara Activation Photo Galleries and more on this website, if you'd like to read and print off any information that will assist you with activating and working with these magnificent and magical babies/Light BEings, like so many of us do, every day. ♥
Everything you "pay" on this site, is a contribution (and energetic exchange) which supports all NEW Earth Projects, Programs and those that work in full-service for HUmanity to reach, support, teach, share and activate more to Awakening to Remembering fully again too. You are receiving an activation gift, a reSOURCE, (LOVE IN FORM) to assist you in opening up and shifting easier too. Re-associating how you see things is important, to understand how important it is to support us in continuing to provide more. We love and appreciate you huge! Keep shining and sharing your light and remembering how important you are to our Collective Awakening and anchoring more light on this planet too! ♥
Shipments are sent out once a week via USPS.
All Andaras are LeMUrian/Star Light Activated and shipped from Kauai with LOVE! ♥
Photo size is not indicative of Andara size. Photos are up close to show details, activations, cut and clarity. Andaras are listed by weight/grams. approximate measurements available for viewing upon request or where already pictured. Colors and characteristics change depending on the frequency, activation, position and your energy, sunshine and how much you play, sleep and work with them. The more you take your consciousness into them, take photos and open up to see more, the more you see! Prices vary due to availability/rarity and is one-of-a kind unique!