3pc (326g) 4-Piece Crystalline NEW Earth LightBody DNA Activation Set (#1002-4) - U.S. Shipping Only
This heart grid and higher mind consciousness grid set works with many energies important for anchoring, creating and materializing NEW EARTH into/through our physical here.
- Opalescent Divine Soul Fire: Ignites Soul fire, passion and deep sacred love from within. Merging through Soul Union activates our Lightbody to bring us online with NEW Earth from deep within. Purity/Purification on every level, this one assists with REMEMBERING and pure Divine Essence Love.
- NEW Earth Creation/Soular Sacral Golden Honey Orange: We each have a NEW Earth Energy Center where we re-birth ourselves and all of our NEW Earth Realities through. Combining the Light of RA/Soularis and Divine Mother Energies, this works with Creation in a way that's pure, heart connected and fun!
- Divine Lilac Heart: A Soft, Angelic/Celestial and Pure Heart frequency activator, this one inspires beauty and Remembrance through Simplicity and connection too.
- Divine Intelligence (Diamond Light Blue Ice): Activates Higher Mind Consciousness through heart-connection and purity too. The Power of Knowledge is deep within us all, in our Source Codes/Higher Consciousness DNA and a part of our service to HUmanity here. ♥
Embracing our higher selves fully for integration and embodiment here, these activate tonal chords and hues to assist with purification of these energetic blood-lines and support further developing knowledge/abilities/gifts related to crystalline/star lineages for utilizing as a part of your own service-as-Light roles here. ♥ Perfect for energy work, working with crystalline grids, groups, altars, sleeping with, playing with in nature and individual activations too. ♥ The more you work with them, the more they will activate/support you! ♥
Approximate measurements: 2 1/2" X 1 1/2-2" x 1"
Lisa works with every set and lovingly prepares all with love to come to BE with/assist/activate/work/play with you!
Check out our recent Crystalline Gridkeepers "Inspiration through Creativity" Project (crystals, grids, andaras & more!) with videos/sharing to inspire and assist!
You can also view pages dedicated to Lisa's Andara/Andarian Information Page, Andarian Communications, Andara Activation Photo Galleries and more on this website, if you'd like to read and print off any information that will assist you with activating and working with these magnificent and magical babies/Light BEings, like so many of us do, every day. ♥
Everything you "pay" on this site, is a contribution (and energetic exchange) which supports all NEW Earth Projects, Programs and those that work in full-service for HUmanity to reach, support, teach, share and activate more to Awakening to Remembering fully again too. You are receiving an activation gift, a reSOURCE, (LOVE IN FORM) to assist you in opening up and shifting easier too. Re-associating how you see things is important, to understand how important it is to support us in continuing to provide more. We love and appreciate you huge! Keep shining and sharing your light and remembering how important you are to our Collective Awakening and anchoring more light on this planet too! ♥
Shipments are sent out once a week via USPS.
All Andaras are LeMUrian/Star Light Activated and shipped from Kauai with LOVE! ♥
Photo size is not indicative of Andara size. Photos are up close to show details, activations, cut and clarity. Andaras are listed by weight/grams. approximate measurements available for viewing upon request or where already pictured. Colors and characteristics change depending on the frequency, activation, position and your energy, sunshine and how much you play, sleep and work with them. The more you take your consciousness into them, take photos and open up to see more, the more you see! Prices vary due to availability/rarity and is one-of-a kind unique!