460g Turquoise Aqua LeMUrian Diamond Light Code Activator - U.S. Shipping Only
As fluid as the aquatic realms, Pure Heart Consciousness activates Higher Mind Consciousness Wisdom.... soft Divine Feminine/Masculine Balance: Activates the throat and the high heart. Allows one to speak from the Purity of their own Heart/Soul. Connects to the Ocean Mother allowing one to flow with the rhythms of life. Helps with manifestation through sacred sound activation of one's expanded and exceptional (natural) abilities. Guides to activate inner language of light to be spoken/transmitted in "your own Divine way". Connects to LeMUrian and Sirian Higher Consciousness, further awakening the energy of these aspects within you. Additionally, activates a much deeper connection with our Star Family, Whales, Dolphins, Mermaids/Mer-People and more! ♥ Soft, subtle, powerful.... all.
Approximate measurements: 3" x 4" x 2 1/2"
I have finally come to a place to start releasing some of my own personal larger collection pieces that I've worked with for over a year (two/three/four). Crystal/Crystalline Gridding our spaces/homes/businesses/centers are a huge part of our vibrational realities here. I started with just a few crystals in the beginning, when "My Universe" guided me to start gridding my bedroom, bed, then whole apartment, then home and land. I didn't realize (in the beginning) that I was creating a massive CRYSTAL GRID and actually gridding the entire area to HOLD A POWERFULLY HIGH VIBRATION, which stabilizes the FIELD and connects us all up in the most beautiful, magical and pristine ways. Now, my whole home is massively gridded, which makes all of the difference in our multi-dimensional world. SO easy to maintain, to continually activate our much higher dimensional Light Codes in an abundance of ways. So now, I select special pieces and make them available to others desiring and ready to do this too. Because these can hold their own vibration (they don't "need" cleansing as they ARE the cleansers), you "let them do the work" for you. This replaces the old days of "room/house clearing". We clean/clear the energy and then let crystals and andaras do this naturally. The more of a variety you "grow" in your space, the more inspiring, exciting, peaceful and magical and the more CREATIVE you'll be too. These will assist/support/activate EVERYONE who resides/occupies/visits. Place these in areas for others to also connect. It's a beautiful way to activate your own Plasma Crystalline LightBody in all new ways. Excellent for homes, businesses, centers and community events. The more creative you get, the more they will assist. This one is ready for it's "new home" and to work with everyone ready to work with it. Just suncharge, hold it, wash it with organic soap, put it in the rain, take it to the beach (if it's not too large)... the possibilities are as infinite as you are! If it feels appropriate, put it directly in your bed and sleep with it. The more you work with it, the more it will work with you in return.
p.s. Because these raise the vibration of all, "healing" is a "side affect", as is clearing old programs that are ready to go. DNA repair occurs when your body/fields raise vibrationally enough for your LightBody to recode, recalibrate, repair....
These are my personal collection prepared to now come to work/assist you and all in your area. Gatekeepers/Gridkeepers and Light Frequency Holders... these are received with Light Codes activated for you to merge your Consciousness/Energy with to strengthen/power our NEW Earth Grids even more!
Altar/Temple Pieces make a perfect Centerpiece for any room, business, center or commUNITY event or home. Atlantis/LeMUria/Galactic/StarSeed/Egyptian/Celestial/Angelic (and so much more) activations are "off the charts" as each fully TUNES IN with their own Energy/Consciousness. Some will hear, see or "feel" their Light Encoded DNA activate much higher states of consciousness as they/you do. ♥
All work on a Multi-Dimensional Quantum Consciousness Level, instead of a linear one. You/others may not always "see" how Light Codes work... your connecting with a piece means it's ready to work with you and that you are ready to allow for this to occur on an Energetic Level... often "over time", as this is vibrational and works on a cellular level and the softness of Love. ♥
View pages dedicated to Andara Descriptions, Andarian Communications, Andara Activation Photo Galleries and more on this website, if you'd like to read and print off any information that will assist you with activating and working with these magnificent and magical babies/Light BEings, like so many of us do, every day. ♥
Everything you "pay" on this site, is a contribution (and energetic exchange) which supports all NEW Earth Projects, Programs and those that work in full-service for HUmanity to reach, support, teach, share and activate more to Awakening to Remembering fully again too. You are receiving an activation gift, a reSOURCE, (LOVE IN FORM) to assist you in opening up and shifting easier too. Re-associating how you see things is important, to understand how important it is to support us in continuing to provide more. We love and appreciate you huge! Keep shining and sharing your light and remembering how important you are to our Collective Awakening and anchoring more light on this planet too! ♥
Shipments are sent out once a week via USPS.
All Andaras are LeMUrian/Star Light Activated and shipped from Kauai with LOVE! ♥
Photo size is not indicative of Andara size. Photos are up close to show details, activations, cut and clarity. Andaras are listed by weight/grams. approximate measurements available for viewing upon request or where already pictured. Colors and characteristics change depending on the frequency, activation, position and monatomic configurations at the time the photo was taken for listing. These change each time one views them, for this is part of the the awesomeness that they bring forth here for interacting with us here! Prices vary due to availability/rarity, as each is one-of-a kind unique!