Andara Crystalline Sacred Geometry 10 inch Grid Set (Item #GRID10-3-19) - U.S. SHIPPING ONLY
These powerful and special andara crystalline grids are created to accelerate your own Crystalline Grid processes. Both with your DNA and all areas that you physically work with too. These andaras can be re-arranged in various mini-sets and mini-grids, to create different activations, depending on the vibrational purpose you are working with. They can also be utilized with all forms of ENERGY WORK in as many ways as you can get creative and explore! For personal use, group use and events... a huge "hit" to excite all in attendance! Talk about activating everyone and everything! These will do it! ♥ Play, create, activate! ♦
Andaras are in the 25-30 gram range each, totaling approximately 500 grams (range). There are 19 in this particular set, to provide a range of tonal activations.
Sacred Geometry Pattern: Flower of Life Merkaba
(10 inch Laser cut CLEARPlexiglas)
Additional helpful information:
Feel free to check out pages dedicated to Andara Descriptions, Andarian Communications, Andara Activation Photo Galleries and more on this website, if you'd like to read and print off any information that will assist you with activating and working with these magnificent and magical babies/Light BEings, like so many of us do, every day. ♥
Everything you "pay" on this site, is a contribution to support NEW Earth Projects, Programs and those that work in full-service for HUmanity to reach, support, teach, share and activate more to Awakening to Remembering fully again too. You are receiving an activation gift, a reSOURCE, to assist you in raising your vibration (elevating & expanding your consciousness), foropening up and shifting easier too. ♥
Shipments are sent out once a week via USPS. (If International Shipping is offered, please allow an additional 2-3 weeks, once the first shipping week has passed).
All Andaras are LeMUrian/Star Light Activated and shipped from Kauai with LOVE! ♥
Photo size is not indicative of Andara size. Photos are up close to show details, activations, cut and clarity. Andaras are listed by weight/grams. approximate measurements available for viewing upon request or where already pictured. Colors and characteristics change depending on the frequency, activation, position and monatomic configurations at the time the photo was taken for listing. These change each time one views them, for this is part of the the awesomeness that they bring forth here for interacting with us here! Prices vary due to availability/rarity, as each is one-of-a kind unique!