TwINfinity Course + Divine Ruby Red Ray & Opalescent Soul Fire Set (94g) *U.S. Shipping Only
I have worked with each one of these sets to activate the light codes to assist you with the very important process of evolving both through your individual and collective "Twin Experience" here. The Divine Ruby Red Ray works with your root chakra and the purification process necessary to transcend those limiting programs held deep within. The Opalescent Soul Fire does many things as well. Igniting your fire through a purification process to bring higher mind consciousness online easier, awakening your SOUL on a deeper level, inspiring, uplifting and delivering SOULar codes straight to your heart and cells. Clearing distortions of all of your existences is a necessary part of this process for us all. As you do the inner work, these assist with balance between your root programming and heart/mind/Soul. The KEY (Code) to our highest dimension relationships is LOVE, PURITY, BALANCE and SOVEREIGNTY, where we all unite as we achieve the vibrational frequency for our Divine Relationships to occur/materialize/arrive. By combining these andaras with the coursework, you will accelerate your own journey/processes yourself! ♥
This set will specifically work with activating your Plasma Crystalline LightBody too. Each set is partnered together to work specifically with you.♥
These MAGNIFICENT AND MAGICAL SETS that will work with you/your open heart through tuning your vibration constantly as you work with it. ♥
TWINIFINTY COURSE VALUE $688: *********** COURSE ACCESS AND REGISTRATION CODES/Links/Access Instructions WILL BE EMAILED or SENT with your package within one week. You will complete registration with the Mastery School and "free" discount code in order to get started with your course/program/Light Activation(s) too. ♥
Approximate measurements: 1 1/2" each.
Please note that we are not taking any special order requests at this time. We make these available as our in-service work schedules permit.
Check out the pagesdedicated to Andara Descriptions, Andarian Communications, Andara Activation Photo Galleries and more on this website, if you'd like to read and print off any information that will assist you with activating and working with these magnificent and magical babies/Light BEings, like so many of us do, every day. ♥
Everything you pay/contribute via this site, is as LOVE, with the realization that all supports many NEW Earth Projects, Programs and Services we continually and constantly provide. Your contribution also supports all of us physically working in dedicated full-service for HUmanity (2222 Higher Consciousness HUmanity) too.
Shipments are sent out once a week via USPS. Please allow 2-3 weeks additional for international and 4-5 days additionally for U.S.
All of these Andaras are LeMUrian/Star Light Activated and shipped from Kauai with LOVE! ♥
Photo size is not indicative of Andara size. Photos are up close to show details, activations, cut and clarity. Andaras are listed by weight/grams. approximate measurements available for viewing upon request or where already pictured. Colors and characteristics change depending on the frequency, activation, position and monatomic configurations at the time the photo was taken for listing. These change each time one views them, for this is part of the the awesomeness that they bring forth here for interacting with us here! Prices vary due to availability/rarity, as each is one-of-a kind unique!