![]() Hiya sweet soul/star family of LIGHT! I have been in such a massive "receiving" mode of information these last many days, that I have had to withdraw even more to write it all down, then work to "stretch/expand" my human mind beyond that which I previously comprehended, to be able to come to share it with others in a human language "format" that can be understood. I translate that which I understand within. Lately, this encompasses so many vast "areas", It is like a huge jigsaw puzzle of LIGHT! Quantum Physics, Human Anatomy, Astronomy and how all works together in our own LightBody & Energetic Evolution here, in Creating NEW and how all are related as one. I see it all as one, so separating it out is the hardest part. I can see the visual of all creation, the energy in light, so while I work to continue to integrate massive information in frequency on my end, I shall pop in & write where I can with updates to share. Other than the pre-paid private sessions I have scheduled already, I am not doing any more sessions, unless I wake up that day and see that I can. I will announce those online, and keep working in creation mode in the background and around any sessions that emerge. I am closing registration to this weekend's workshop today, so that I can devote time to this, extremely limiting the October workshop here in NC, as this is my last U.S. mainland one for 2013, while also teaching another in LightBody Energy Work before I go. With the move to Kauai coming and all that I also have to do here in the physical to leave here for good, this is going to be a time of "maneuvering" for me. I move in flow with the Universe. I do not do anything "physically" fast, yet I accomplish more in a day than most! The slower we go, the more gets done in flow, as all is done in present moment as it comes through. This means that all gets done, exactly as it should! There is no "burning of energy" and tiring out in this flow. That is because when the human mind drives, one must drop to a lower frequency, and this is exhausting. When the heart/soul/higher self drives, all flows in frequency as energy AS all-that-is. There is no conflict, no disruption, no tiring at all. Every moment is magical here! I am committed for the next two weeks, which leaves me two weeks to finalize, finish packing & have all done by end of September. I board a plane with my suitcases, crystals & laptop and get on a plane for "home" (Kauai) on October 16th! I am saying "no" to a lot of people during this time who are "rushing" to fit a last minute session in, asking for "last minute help" (I do alot of in-person LightBody Energy Sessions). Other than extremely limited private sessions, I am now only working with those in who have stepped up to help create, provide opportunity/introductions/connections or donate (this includes pre-paid sessions) for me to have the $ to move and get settled somewhere SIMPLE in Kauai. Once I arrive in Kauai, this will include anyone who comes forth to also create the NEW together. As WE COMMUNITY grows, this shall be expanded to both in-person & online communities for all who share in the vision of contributing come together to create the "NEW". I will be updating on this soon, as the website must now again be expanded to accommodate this too! A new FB Community will also be added to allow for ALL who wish to contribute & co-create together AS ONE, from their hearts freely and in LIGHT, will be able to do so. When I leave, I leave this entire physical dimensional realm behind. MY new, is a soul/star connection with all resonate in Light frequency, who hold the same desire, and energy from within, to come to create this light vision too. I transmit radiant beams of love light out to all (especially if you took the time to read my long personal update!) I shall return to post in a bit. Have a magnificent day in peace and love. Honored for every connection in light! I love you!
NEW: "IN-THE-MOMENT" SESSIONS VIA SKYPE VIDEO ONLINE Okay, sweet loves, I have started doing "IN-THE-MOMENT" Online Skype Sessions for a SUPER "Reduced" rate in order to help more in this time we are in "now". I have set it up on my website and will post on my Facebook page when/what days I am available for an impromptu session to assist you with anything you feel that I can share in providing information or guidance on your journey here. I do some Light Energy clearing during these sessions, provide you with answers to any questions that I have accessed the answer to, from within me. If you resonate in frequency with my energy, then you will feel whether this shall assist you in some way. I did this because I am finding that more & more are getting overwhelmed and just need to understand how to "move through" something with greater ease, gain different perspectives from the soul/higher realms. I have been doing this with others, just not opening it to all. Now, I shall open it to all. I do still take time for rest & connection time on my end, so this will be limited to the days when the energies allow me to do this for you. So, this starts Monday, as I am booked through this weekend. I work via Skype, only speak English and may be in my pajamas, but that is part of being "in-the-moment"! How it works: I post that I am online for sessions (these are 1 to 3 hour sessions, depending on how much you wish to "receive".) You respond TO MY POST and I acknowledge that you have reserved "that time" for you. You make payment, then we sign on Skype and off we go! If we have multiple requests, then we shall do as many as we can, in the order that they are paid/confirmed. DO NOT PAY UNTIL WE HAVE CONFIRMED THE SESSION BETWEEN US ONLINE. I am also going to be offering group for this too, just have not set that up, but that comes very soon! Stay "tuned"! So, here's to connecting more more more as a soul family of LOVE & LIGHT! I love you! ~ Transcendence Higher Realm Energy Translations from Within www.AwakeningToRemembering.com/sessions.html ![]() Good morning most brilliant and amazing beams of expanding light!!!! I return online today after 10 straight days of no contact by computer or phone, something that I have never done before. A writer, sharer, light bringer, my moments have always been to cater to everyone else ... yet this "away" time was very necessary, in more ways than I can share here in this post. So, I have an inbox overflowing & waiting for replies, private session requests to get scheduled, events/workshops & new communication opportunities to share, along with a "disappeared" Facebook Timeline that apparently occurred sometime last week while I was away. For those who wrote, I am deeply touched to be "missed", for we do much here that most do not understand or see. I shall resume posting energy updates and writings, but mostly on my other PAGE: Awakening To Remembering - Transcendence. All of the writings that had not been transferred to my website "got gone" too, so I shall be "changing" how I share/write a bit for this reason. It is quite funny though, as a couple days after I received & recorded the "Erase & Replace" Frequency Activation on MP3, my timeline got "Erased"! SOOOO LOL. Out with the OLD and on with the MAGIC AND MAGNIFICENCE that we have come to know "here". Up WE go!!! So, I wish each of you a most brilliant day of love and deep connections within. I wish you expansion and joy beyond that which you have known thus far. And I shall return to write and share throughout the day. As there is much much much to do! I look forward to hearing from you all while we do! We have an energetically busy day already as we welcome in the Lion's Gate energies of 8/8 this week! Are you all ready to expand expand expand? ![]() Being offline for long periods, I have missed much. I shall be translating energies & delivering messages on my wall a large portion of each day now, as long as the energies support this. I do not routinely reply to messages during this time, unless something comes through to share. I shall be replying to days worth of posts and messages as all allows. Private sessions, both in-person & online, shall be responded to first, as I still have to maintain a space to park my physical body while we exist "this way" in a dense physical reality. Thank you to all who so honorably donate (by way of funds, services or your own time) to assist in reaching others globally. Abundance, in every way, comes by that which we give. WE have learned to give with every fiber of our being, and that brings true unlimited abundance from within. Wall posts get responded to first, before private in-box. Those repeatedly in my inbox seeking personal assistance will be asked to book a private session, or consider the online video course, as I work to assist many at one time, which is why we post on my wall here. All learn as all share. I also prioritize my own time to allow for all that I do to help others here and nurture my own increasing vibrational frequency so that I can!!! (p.s. tons of projects in the works, to be able to offer even more! So stay tuned!) I do not chat, hang or socialize, as this is all there is for me. As mass awakenings continue to occur, those of us who do this as a way of being, we are much much busier too. "Me time" is spent honoring my own nurturing & vibrational frequency from within. I only align with those who wish to help others. WE do this as a community. There is no "I or me" in WE. Those who wish to participate, do so on their own, for there is no need to ask of something that truly exists within. I love you and shall be responding to wall posts & translating that which comes through as much as I can today. Be kind to yourself and observe in every moment. That which continues to become visible to see shall continually surprise all! ![]() For those who have asked and for those who may benefit, I post free stuff on each of my sites, along with the private session information, books & media events, workshops, video courses. You name it. It's probably there! Years of journals as I transcended through the frequencies and chaos of my own mind are on the Transcending Consciousness Website. Feel free to go back as far as you dare! :) One may also book private sessions via this website. www.transcendingconsciousness.com Awakening to Remembering is the one that will catapult one's REMEMBERING, answer those questions that you cannot find anywhere else and explain the upside down, inside out world of the illogical soul. This one will cross all previous boundaries of the logical mind and explain that which makes no sense. We go beyond the veils and journey into the land of the forgotten here. This site houses Energy Translations & writings, Recorded MP3's, Awakening to Remembering Book ordering information, YouTube/Media Video access, Workshops and more. www.awakeningtoremembering.com LightBody Integration (Crystalline Body/Energetic Body, Merkaba, Multi-Dimensional Body, Soul Body, etc.). Most have not been yet ready for this. For those who are, we have done some workshops and will be doing more in the upcoming months, as we travel to bring this to different areas. This brings through cosmic & galactic energies, uses Sacred Geometry and immediately raises one's vibrational frequency, causing one to integrate all bodies of consciousness, soul expansion is present (floating), higher dimensional access portals are activated, etheric crystals activated, energetic blocks removed, Dormant DNA Strand activations... you name it, it gets done. This one requires actual consciousness work along with it, as one cannot just receive the energy and walk away. This is offered in conjunction with the other workshops offered, as well as a private session wherever we are local at that time. www.lightbodyintegration.com Online Video Course: Walk With Me: A Journey Within 60 How-To Videos, teaching you about energy, consciousness, awakening & more. If you have questions, this course is for you! Go at your own pace. Currently $333, but will be offering different specials from time to time. If you respond to this message, you can receive unlimited access in exchange for a Light Energy Donation of $133. Just complete the MANUAL Registration form and using code: GOINGWITHIN133 and making your donation of $133 at the same time. Registration information will be emailed to the address submitted on the manual registration. www.transcendingconsciousness.com/courses.html Enjoy a multitude of FREE resources in each site. See something that will assist another? Feel free to post it anywhere appropriate (and allowed), with the link back to the original page/source. If you would like to bring a workshop to your area, complete the hosting form to bring more to yourself and others near you! It is a very "flowy" process, so complete the form and let's "allow" it to happen! (We work these out based upon accommodations and other things provided in exchange. The goal is for it to be available to as many as we can possibly reach! I am happy to work different locations for as long as necessary or desired. We have different locations (U.S. & other countries) being added based upon geographic location for the upcoming months. If you wish to be worked into the travel plans, let us know and we will come to you! http://www.awakeningtoremembering.com/events-workshops--retreats.html "WE" Community: A place where we all work together to reach others, share information and create awareness through love and strictly from the heart. Want to help others? Then join us and I throw in something to assist you too! http://www.awakeningtoremembering.com/we-community.html Upcoming: We have many interactive events being added, along with additional resources for all. Check back often and to keep up when new things (and live broadcasts) are being offered! More soon, as all shall transpire by the moment! I love you! ♥ |
Support Change and help me keep sharing to assist all in unity and bringing forth the "new" (Remembered) here. With the utmost appreciation and love. Mahalo. ♥
Thank you to Marinette Lepine with TransLight for sharing and translating in French! Wow, so very honored! Thank YOU!
Read here WAYSHOWER, AUTHOR, PHYSICAL ASCENSION & LIGHT EMBODIMENT GUIDE, CRYSTAL(LINE) GRIDKEEPER & GATEKEEPER, LIGHT ENERGY TRANSLATOR, COSMIC PORTAL, & MORE!Transcendence is my first"Remembered" name, Ithara is my Galactic identification and Lisa is my human name. Archives
January 2016
Lisa Transcendence Brown (Ithara) ☼
Ascended Master WayShower, Author, NEW Earth Existence Sharings, Transformational Speaker, Light Embodiment & Empowerment Physical Ascension Guide (all from within) www.AwakeningToRemembering.com Updates via the Public Page: https://www.facebook.com/LisaTranscendenceBrown Purchase Books: https://www.awakeningtoremembering.com/books.html |
Invest in yourself, each other, your Service as Light, hUmaNITY, Consciousness Expansion and all of our future nows... by contributing to and fully supporting (in every way) that which supports humanity with the immense transition phases with greater ease and through Pure Love.
NEW Earth has a whole new, entirely different value system, all new systems and ways that all must learn/remember and bring forth from deep within.
Energetic Cycles are increasing substantially at an unprecedented rate, accelerating "what comes back around" energetically... from all existences, as all is a cyclical/spiral/reciprocal energy that cycles faster as our beloved planet's vibrational frequency continues to rise to bring/usher all out of the "dark ages" and into "the Light" (Full Consciousness/a Quantum State of Remembrance/Pure Peace, Love, Unity and Sacred Oneness).
In deep sacred appreciation for your presence, dedication and service as Love too. ♥
Keep embracing, shining, building, integrating and sharing your BEAUTIFUL LIGHT as Love! It's BEyond important for all! ♥
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"WE" totally love, honor, respect and appreciate you and your presence, participation and contributions for all of HUmanity too!!! ♥