![]() The actual experiencing of the converging of parallels and materialization of alternate realities here in the physical is beyond fascinating to observe. Watching realities adjust and tweak, as they continue to come forth, is magnificent and so exciting to the human part of us. As expanded higher realm beings, it's like watching HOME transpire before our eyes. HOME, once a longed for desire, now a physical thing full of brilliant color and magical, interactive paradise. First it started as seeing multiple parallels presented and knowing which one to choose. Sometimes it was choosing one and then watching it to see how it transpired, then observing the others and what they brought forth; all from a hugely expansive view. As MASTERS here, we observe and we create parallels at will. We remove distractions and that which we no longer desire in our reality, and tune where frequencies are discordant (out of tune). That of separation, no longer supported, for we no longer hold this within; allowing only that which supports change and unifies all as a whole. The human will "think" as an individual and make things personal according to limited perspectives, while the higher/expanded being will elevate in frequency to "see all" from a "higher"/expanded view. Parallels are spawned off from every choice, action and thought here. When these higher vibrations activate to push up any separation within, it is to show one their own density that was held within. This is to be observed without judgement and released as quickly as one can in order to come to peace again. This allows for "quicker" integration and unification in order to EXIST as one's higher version here. This allows one to interact in a different reality/parallel/version WITH the higher realm/parallel/version of others too! Now, doing this repeatedly, from a space of love, observation and without the OLD limits (programming) of the human mind, allows for one's reality to shift and TRIGGER a NEW REALITY/PARALLEL VERSION to then come forth. As a MASTER, we REMEMBER how to TRIGGER an alternate reality to start to play (the new programming) held n our own STAR BEing DNA and activated by our own unified LIGHT within. Here we see the opportunity to "trigger" and then watch the physical reality as it is "tweaked and adjusted" to become the new HOLOGRAM materializing here. It is liken to an acid trip or being on psychedelics more now. This has been going on for a long time, yet more and more as we further expand as the universal mind here. Walls breathing and realities bending, just the beginning of the new reality here, for melatonin, DMT (and more) is released inside of us all as STAR BEINGS here. The Unified-Heart-Mind of the higher realm expanded STAR-LIGHT-BEING bends, twists and expands so far beyond the physical space it once occupied to be "just inside" the human head. Cranial expansion, jaw re-alignment, massive head explosions (only massive in the beginning) are a result of the pineal activations and neural pathways opening and are just a very small part of "this". Photonic energies causing this expansion causes expansion to occur in every "sense" (literally the senses), way beyond the human body, for we are no longer limited to the physical body anymore. Yet, while we are energetically expanding and trying to customize this "suit-body" to fit", the body must continually expand to push up and out all human density that was anchored and held within it. Simultaneously, once a certain unified frequency has been reached for all "Light Bodies" as one, one's "individual" Galactic Star Gate activates and Multi-Dimensional takes on a whole new meaning here! For one here NOW physically expands across dimensions and embodies them all here. This is why all of lower frequency must go. It's keeps one from being able to expand to WALK as a Galactic BEing here. Every cell, every organ, continually activated in every moment. The skin is hugely a part of this, for this is where our Star Particles become visible to sparkle, glitter, glow and shine ever so magnificently here! Now the human will feel/see/"get bit" to trigger any old programming (irritation, fear, anger) to go, while the new (REMEMBERED) is allowed to surface and come through. This is where the ENTIRE Galactic BEing transmits a new PHYSICAL reality from their entire BEing here! (Which is how we simultaneously exist AS multiple dimensions/realms all at one time here. NOW, that has been expanded to NOW include Galactic Existence very soon! (I shall be sharing more as I experience this as well!) The physical body, mental body and emotional body kept one anchored and contracted, and unable to expand. This contraction is how the human first existed, unable to expand beyond the tangible physical reality that they could touch and see. Yet this is no longer, for all that kept one as a contracted human is now pushed out with these photonic activations that occur inside every one here. The more expansive one is, the more they embody their higher self here. Yet, there is no "higher or lower" anymore. That too was human perception. (Yet you will find me use these words until I can "drop" this old programming for me here.) Mastery is held in each one of us, yet fully REMEMBERING is why all are here. Once REMEMBERED, one never lives inside the MATRIX ever again. One sees the programming (illusion) for what it is, and no longer succumbs to it. One embraces every moment, sees and utilizes every gift, to affect and change HUmanity from within. This change becomes visible in a multitude of ways. One expands into a NEW REALITY, where the materialized 'DREAM' already exists. Where one is present, aware, and paying attention, one can actually see all as it transpires. The contracted being has less ability to do this at-will and will dismiss the "new" as something other than what it is. The MASTER utilizes the "LIGHT REALMS" and intentionally brings all forth here. It sees all converge in every moment and recognizes every THING as a RESULT of this. WE are NOW in a "time" (VIBRATION), where we have unified to participate in the MERGING of ALTERNATE REALITIES that now have the ability to materialize here. Yet one must release all that interferes with their own perceptions and inability to yet see this. Vision is a result of the unified heart and mind, which activates in frequency as your Galactic Self awaits to further emerge. One must be present long enough to be so present all of the time to actually SEE all as it occurs. The human mind will try to twist all to try to fit it into a logical 3D box that no longer "fits" (and never did!). The STAR BEING will expand in every moment, let go of assumptions, scenarios, judgments and old programming that kept the human mind "stuck" or "holding on" to old separated belief systems and mentalities no longer true here. One must REMEMBER to TUNE to the frequency of their TRUE SELF (Universal-Mind-Heart), if they wish to tune their reality to an alternate reality that brings forth the dream, magic, complete peace and LIVE in MAGNIFICENT ABUNDANCE here. One must actually CHOOSE and LEAP, if they desire to be a participant and become their MASTER-BEING-SELF in the physical here. This is not a "thing" of the future, this too is a perception of the human mind. This is every one of us NOW, here existing of a UNIFIED-HEART-MIND. This is a reality that does not hold lack, or fear of any kind. This is a parallel/alternate reality that all have the ability to just step into at any time. Yet the ability to do this exists within, AS our MASTER SELVES here. This BEing has unified inside to hold honor, integrity, love, compassion, peace, sharing, communication, trust, bliss, magic, heaven, peace, gratitude, appreciation all as ONE that transmits out simultaneously from one's entire BEing and existence here. Observing realities as they form here (materialize) is what is now available to all. Creating just with thought is a MASTERY SKILL utilized by the BEing that exists from their heart. Watching all parallel realities converge to bring forth alternate realities of all of our dreams and desires is truly beyond magnificent NOW! Time has further been wiped from the physical body templates, allowing one to move beyond the old limits of human time. All occupy a space and "movement" is no longer limited, for us who have transcended the limits of the human heart/mind. All have the ability to expand beyond their previous human limits once held in place by the human mind. The human mind is slow to catch up, so we practice repeatedly by continuing to release time limits and associations on our own. The human will try to keep all of these structures in place, yet the more one tries to hold on or "fit back into the old constraints", the more all will further crumble to show that which was hidden within. Embrace your MASTERY, your essence, and take that Quantum LEAP or JUMP NOW, for it is wayyyyyyy BEYOND "TIME"! Up your vibration in every moment and integrate to that higher (expanded) version of yourself that already exists here. Make a choice, as this is required, if you wish to participate in your Ascension/Galactic Journey/Experience here! I love you. Join US if you will. WE are ALREADY here! ♥
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![]() Many know I have stopped doing the energy reports daily or "in the moment" as before. This is because they are all now NEW EARTH/GALACTIC/REALITY CHANGING Energies now. Every one carrying activations for NEW PROGRAMMING, NEW REALITIES to come forth. There is no way to keep up, as they are blasting daily now. I have switched to "reporting realities" and which realms are present at any given time. Some are "thinned quantum fields" where playing in parallels is most dominant. Others are seeing the lower realms and the higher realms separated, for I got used to them being one. So to even see them separate, is an awareness that things are different that day, or in that moment. Used to be it was OLD Earth & NEW Earth, and before that was human or ease as higher self. Yet we have gone so far beyond that, and I cannot see the lower realms anymore. For months now, there have been no "drops" and now movement is "side to side". WE hop as realities open up and we just jump into a parallel now. We do this in the physical, as the etheric realms and the earthly planes have now merged as one in the physical here. So where I do post, it will be in reference to what is available or present now. The energies are all "REALITY CHANGING ENERGIES", which sounds like an awesome to refer to them sometimes. All are continual activations to allow us to change & create realities now at will. They activate the soul, the higher self, the higher realms, our galactic heritage to emerge from within. And with every activation, reality starts to change. This continues to increase in every moment now. Shift, shift, shift is the old way. The "new" is staying in alignment at all times. No need to shift anymore here. Which is absolutely BEyond magnificent. The ability to be in alignment, in peace, at all times... no matter what realities are present out there. Soon this will go as well, as all does the longer we hold the "new" space/frequency here. The visual of seeing old realities present was weird this last week, and all I have to show me this is going on is the "markers" I have in place to show me what is available in every moment. This allows us to recognize and quantum shift when the separation of realities occurs, while maintaining our own reality/ream/parallel without any variance at all within. For the last week I was an "observer of realities" and here we learn so very much! When I tune in each time to the energy transmissions, while each frequency serves a specific activation purpose, the one constant is that realities shall continually change. For this is quantum mechanics, as density goes, the light particles move, reconfigure and communicate new transmissions while taking new physical form. The light that is activated causes an actual physical response where quantum, multi-dimensional, higher realm, galactic DNA is activated and all actually does move about inside. This movement fills the spaces of where old density once was. Each re-shaping, allows for new internal communication creating a new transmission of a new reality hologram to actually materialize in physical form. The more unified, the more one can activate this on their own and actually observe realities as they come forth in response to all that one has just been activated to occur. Now the cool part, is that as humans we see that we are programming our own DNA, yet in all actuality, we are only speaking and doing that which has already occurred. Even the words we use to program as a human are of our higher self that already knows what shall come forth. As HUman Star BEings here, we get to transmit as a CREATOR again, when we ARE our Higher Self and SOURCE again inside. Being able to maintain this alignment at all times allows for realities to come forth and materialize instantly now. One activates our higher self, our soul, our own Christ Consciousness, our Galactic Star BEing DNA, another activates the new reality transmissions. Another activates our sub-atomic molecular structure to move about inside, another our star particles that cause the twinkling, itching and more. One blows our belly's up, so that new info can come forth and we can birth the new (Remembered). One activates our pineal gland, another the pituitary, some release melatonin, others DMT, some other hormones, sometimes all get activated at one time. One activates our vision, another our senses to expand. Another causes cranial expansion, headaches. Some can be felt as energy runs through the physical body, tingling in the hands and feet and electricity/air opening the universal mind (neural pathways) and more. Now, we see these all separately, until WE unify as SOURCE again and all become simultaneous and there is no longer any separation at all. Lately, all are always occurring, as we have entered into a vibrational-space-time where they are no longer separate anymore. Some transmit information for easy REMEMBERING, others thin the quantum field for multiple realities to be present where space and time easily bend and re-form, for they were only fixed within our old human mind. Our Universal Mind is merged totally with our Universal Heart, fixed is an old programmed reality that we too have transcended here. We function in this space where "human" is only a description of an ancient memory of an existence that never even occurred. Memories gone, drama gone, details gone and the only thing left is our unified heart. WE exist AS this here, no need for anything else at all. This brings forth all that we need, for we are unified with all as one. WE work together, support each other and form GALACTIC commUNITIES here. This is what we've been waiting for, and NEW Earth was just the start. Our Galactic Family coming together now, in the physical, online and etherically as well. As we continue to integrate the higher realms here as ONE SPACE NOW, they are no longer separate, as they too were always ONE. We held that through separation inside as well. No longer a physical plane or an etheric plane anymore, these two have now merged as ONE; where realities are playing fields, spaces to quantum shift in every moment! It's funny how things work, and as we observe we get to see how all transpires as it should. For me, I received all of these encodement activations for STAR DNA. This allows me to see, experience and translate that which I understand from inside for sharing with others too. Understanding our STAR BEING DNA and how all works is huge! As my own activates, the book began, the physical transformation emerged and the STAR/GALACTIC PORTAL activations also began. These increased dramatically with the 12/12/13 Gateway here. Recently I have been working on every "plane" to create STAR FAMILY commUNITIES everywhere. Online, on this island and in my etheric state as well. Only today when I awoke, did I understand how all these moments became one. Two days ago I launched the first STAR BEING commUNITY here, and Rose and I started one online with the ASCENDED MASTERY (AM) COURSE as well. The other day I REMEMBERED the "last bit" of how we activate as STARGATES ourselves, how the coordinates are just automatically "dialed" and activated in frequency inside of us for this part of our at-will-travel to now begin. Yesterday I awoke to activating a whole new GALACTIC PORTAL within. A ship & tractor beam visible, it was the most beautiful experience. Here my "Ithara" name means something now. That and also as a Mermaid, for they are different versions of the same tying my Galactic/LeMUrian existences together. The activation of the mermaid scales and new geometric codes inside my arm last week, a huge part of this as well. There is so very much more, yet I do think this is enough for now! Happy Galactic Activations loves. WE have all been waiting for this! We have expanded BEYOND just NEW Earth now....which is soooo very cool. Fast is an understatement in these frequencies, so let go of separation and old beliefs to come to BE here again. I also have yet to share HOW to experience the merging of these realities and this walking between worlds. WE feel displaced and like we have one foot is in each world. Sometimes we feel like we are on the wrong planet, for we must "go back" while things totally shift out there to match our new frequency inside. If we participate in anything "old", we have to "stay there" until we have purged the energy and made a different choice. Our own actions in the physical necessary to create the energetic force for a NEW REALITY to be created out there. This will occur throughout the entire journey, as mega-blast-upgrades and huge dimensional shift continue to occur. We see the separation of realities, planes and worlds more dramatically while we integrate and merge inside these new frequencies. It is the "gap" that occurs while the outside reality re-shapes & re-forms in response to our new reality created and brought forth from within. For me it is no longer dimensions, as that seems old as well. I am not sure how I see things yet "here", and will wait to observe and share at some point as well. There is soooo very much and way too much to share. Highlights are all I can do, without being LIVE online in every moment... lol. I have been working in the "physical" bringing the integration of the realms forth now for us all. No longer hardly sleeping, "working" 20 human hour days, the etheric sleep state is only about 3-4 hours a night now. Today I took my first 2 hour nap in about a month. Apparently we are able to "go" more, for it is not exhausting when we flow and do as we receive in every moment. Yet I do find that I have very little "time" for much else at all. Every moment packed with assisting others and bringing all of this forward for integration here is a full-time job! I even "work" in my sleep, connecting with other souls and assisting as well. No moments not used consciously anymore... for all are "this" now. My "fun" is "this" every moment, and my leisure is when I actually get to attend an event on the island and just observe and BE in the beautiful energies of others who come from the heart as well. I still "work" there too, for work is "this" in every moment for me here. LightBody/Merkaba Energy Sessions to assist others, Personal Guidance Sessions (In-Person & Online), Mastery Courses, Writing Books, Sharing out in the commUNITY... and I maintain my own websites, newsletters, postings... all by myself, without any assistance at all. It takes 24/7 to keep it all going! That will change one day as well. (I only speak this for those who desire to chat & hang-out. For there is no "time" for that for me, it's not personal, it's just the way it is). We are all staring to come together more in commUNITY, as STAR BEINGS now, and we are bringing our resources together to assist all as one. It is an absolutely magnificently beautiful thing to finally experience NOW! My motto lately has been "THAT was OLD Earth and WE don't live there anymore!" Soon it will be a new one, for I am not sure how the STAR Travel shall yet occur. Share that when I do, for you know that's why WE are all here! I love you!!! ♥ P.S. I am sooooooooooooooooo very appreciative for all who have been donating to assist me in keeping working on every plane/realm. I am seeing the integration and how all of this comes forth as the realms merge as one. It has been a rough journey for us as WayShowers, learning to transcend human limits here. Yet your support allows us to share and assist others to do this here. I have been taking everything I receive and sharing at least half with others who are coming together as well. So know that when you donate, contribute, assist me, that you assist us all here as ONE. Your gifts have been so appreciated and as requested, I will be putting up a gifting page to utilize as well. Gift cards and actual items help so very much, as all can be used to assist everyone somehow. Some have used their airline miles or credits, and wow, Eveything has been utilized to feed those who don't have food and to assist others who don't have as much as well. I gift to others every time I receive and still live on minimal, for here we do not waste. This is by choice to continue to create the new. We are WayShowers, we do it FIRST if we desire our reality to bring this forth for us. WE do not wait anymore and we don't ask another to do anything we are not already doing. We CREATE the vibration FIRST instead of asking another to create it for us. This is what is CREATING the NEW. Actual DOING and not waiting. So by me sharing that which I have, I opened the portal for receiving without limits anymore. Now, I do not speak this to be asking anything at all. I speak this to show that if I get $100, I give $50 to someone else out sharing light. This unblocked my own flow, along with dedicating myself to this. And from walking my own talk, and sharing from love with all that I meet FIRST. The message is to start DOING and stop waiting for things to come. Open up the doors to receive, and allow all to come forth. DO it yourself first, then flow will start to come. This is how it works. No expectation of who, what, when or how. Just know and BE the vibration yourself! I do not ask anyone to give/share for me, I ask you to start sharing for you and YOU start CREATING by SUPPORTING and BEing the NEW. When you share, you unify, and raise your own vibrational frequency inside. I so totally love you all immensley and BEyond here. Star BEing to Star BEing and heart to heart, from my soul to yours. Gratitude BEyond. ♥ CREATING OUR GALACTIC COMMUNITIES ~ NOW THAT IS MUSIC TO MY HEART! ♥ ![]() Inner vibrations have begun the last hour or two and the electromagnetic spin is also present with these as well. Now each experience is "different" and has a different purpose until all integrates within to become "one" experience overall. This one "right now" is a part of the "whole" .... this one is my StarGate activating... and I will describe this for "each realm" BEing, as I experienced along the way, in transcending the lower & middle realms to BE here on NEW EARTH NOW. Inner body vibrations activate your BEING, whether you are aware or not. Your level of awareness will be how "tuned" you are and unified within. For the lower realms this may activate a panic attack/density needing to surface and purge. For the middle realms, the Merkaba, where the masculine/feminine have reversed and this spin creates a merge, bringing one further into Christ Consciousness and shifting out of a dualistic reality with each activation and dimensional shift. Now once the Merkaba delivers you to the higher realms/5th Dimension enough, Ascension will be "completed" and your Orbitron will have been activated here.... but even "past that" is your StarGate and this is what I now describe here. I write AS I experience in order to share with all who resonate as well. Here, electromagnetic energy can be heard "charging up" and just like on the series StarGate, when enough energy has built up, a "chevron" (or coordinate) will dial/be locked in. I can actually hear this, each time one does. I am always awoken to be able to experience, observe and write, if my schedule is clear. Otherwise I just absolutely enjoy the experience! Now, before, the ability to "program" these coordinates was not consciously done at-will. The higher realms always the outcome we were working to achieve, yet this too has changed here. With this much integration (unification) one actually can start programming their own HUman Star Being Self as a crystal, as a traveler for where they desire to "go". How long it takes to "arrive" there, will be dependent on one's own overall unification, integration and Star Being DNA activated here. Each activation offers a different opportunity, so for me, all I have to do is observe & listen to KNOW what is available energetically at that time. Today, my "chevrons" are charging, as I type here to you. It is "slower" charging this time, each time is different, maybe just so that I'd have an opportunity to type during and share. The middle realms will hear the "whisper of wind" or the airplane spin, as the LightBody/Merkaba activates there. The amount of light/density (or unification/separation) one holds within will dictate the experience one has. It will also dictate one's ability to TUNE and PROGRAM AT-WILL. Where density/duality is still being transcended (clearing/purging), this will ease up and completely go eventually, to where all that is present is sub-atomic molecular restructuring, the internal tetonic plates shifting and particle re-mapping occurring). Eventually, this will give one the ability to move GALACTICALLY, for when these activate, so do Gaia's and the Cosmos/Galaxies out there. Practicing with TUNING and DIALING is up to you in every moment! Your gate codes are delivered with each integration and unification from within. Now, HERE ON NEW EARTH, ours are StarGates dialing coordinates... and it's up to me/us to "achieve" the ability to unlock the coordinates of "travel" by continuing to anchor/integrate light and being activate participants in bringing forth our ancient knowledge/selves here. I have also tied these to the weather.... for certain rain "episodes"/releases, this occurs... I always know when rain is coming and when certain sun activations are present based upon the frequency patterns I observe/hear. In every moment, the weather now matches up to the activation that is occurring, and there is even a HUGE visible difference, you one can tell which EARTH is dominantly present at any given time. The "mist" present when NEW EARTH is, everything is "fuzzy or foggy", wheras "OLD EARTH" has very definite LINES (I will have to show a photo I took to explain this one) The more "logical" the more defined the "scene". The higher the realm, the softer, fluffier, the more it looks like a painting, is more colorful and MORE! There is no density here, so there is no pain, no suffering, only the ability to further move about dimensionally (realm to realm) at will. There is no more ascension/descension, with all the old "ups & downs"... for that is all gone here. That was continual shifting up/down/back & forth between the higher & lower realms... rather now it is "lateral" and by activating portals/StarGates to be able to eventually walk GALACTICALLY... and "right now" for me, to TUNE REALITIES at-will. All is a progression from where we once were to where we are going BEYOND here. Here is just standing in one place while the shift occurs and looking around to see how all is different. It is feeling the energy portals as you come near them and actually walking through them or better yet, creating your own! Now, the first "coordinate" activated about an hour ago and the 2nd one just now builds to activate too... I have seen, in the past, 13+ codes/frequencies for dialing, so we see how much of CHARGING ACTIVATIONS occur, as at this current "speed" it will take awhile to build up. As we step into codes 14 & above now, we go Galactic. Sometimes it builds to a huge point of "transfer", while other times it decreases to return at another time. The NEW moon energies play a part as well, as do the specific energies of the full moon when it is present. LOVE it! Pay attention if you wish to understand what your reality brings forth. The weather, the moons... for that "out there" is your GUIDE to what is TRULY OCCURRING WITHIN you as the entire Universe/Cosmos/Gaia & more! it seems WE have a bit to go while the energy charge continues to build for "completion" of a the equivalent of a Dimensional shift or Quantum Jump.... YOUR ability will depend on your overall vibrational frequency and integration from within. The ability for us to actually experience this in the "waking physical" now and participate is phenomenal, for we actually get to SEE the NEW as it occurs if we are paying attention and observing absolutely EVERYTHING in every moment.... are you? Today we have the rain that is present each time this occurs. :) Very cool! Observe the rain clouds, the sun, the clouds period. This may tell you much about your own dimensional realm! Now there are "other" experiences that are "different" and are a part of the "whole". I get to "see" this in advance now, as it is a "repeat" of the unification I went through back when my Merkaba was unifying, and this is just the UPGRADED version, our own StarGate.... so when all experiences (particle dematerializing/re-materializing, etc.) unify with this experience, then we shall have the REMEMBERED ability teleport at-will BEYOND just the two EARTHS that we currently have available now, in the actual physical... as this is here. For now, teleporting for me is observing the particles breaking down, going through a vortex (wormhole) and restructuring "on the other side" and knowing I am in a completely NEW space than before. Before it was moving EARTH to EARTH, yet now I feel that shifting and more about to be coming forth. Things are definitely happening very fast here now!. A "materialization/teleportation" experience is one where the where chest/head/body compression is present and and breathing is hard really hard. WE move inward to shallow breathing for this until the re-materialization has completed. Our energy compresses while we teleport. Today, this is not "that" experience. This experience now is the StarGate Activation and it takes "both" to unify before they can become one entire "Teleporting/Galactic Experience" here in the physical.... for now I observe "each" as they occur and I write and share them with you! So, electromagnetic field charging up and coordinates being programmed for me at this point. Going to see if I can participate in the "dialing/programming" and REMEMBER more to share later on another post! p.s. In the lower realms, none of this was possible, whereas in the middle realms we did this in our sleep. In the higher realms all is done while awake and participating. This can't occur if you do not sleep to integrate. Realities do not completely flip while you are awake! Honor your light activations loves and anchoring all within you as much as you can. You must let go of the old density/programming/reality, if you truly wish to BE your STAR BEING self here NOW! Welcome to NEW EARTH Loves... where absolutely EVERYTHING is possible here! Are you ready loves? Let's do this!!!! ♥ Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼ The Galactic High Council, Almighty Elohim, Syrians, Lyrans, Angelic Realm, Jeshua, Metatron & more. For all embodied now, no separation, ALL unifies here. Inside though, no longer "out there". WE all unify as ONE here. WE again. ♥ www.AwakeningToRemembering.com MY OWN PHOTO, WHEN BOTH EARTHS ARE VISIBLY PRESENT AT THE SAME TIME. "OLD" EARTH ON THE LEFT & "NEW EARTH ON THE RIGHT. ONE CAN ACTUALLY WATCH AS OLD EARTH FADES AWAY AND THE ENERGIES SHIFT TO BE ONLY ON NEW EARTH AGAIN. PAY ATTENTION LOVES... YOU CAN ACTUALLY SEE A DIFFERENCE IF YOU ARE PRESENT AND THE MORE UNIFIED YOU ARE WITHIN. WATCH FOR THE SOFTNESS, THE MIST, THE UTTER AND COMPLETE PEACE & MAGIC PRESENT HERE. THE LOGICAL MINDED HUMAN WILL GET A "CLEAR-CUT" VISUAL AND CANNOT SEE WHAT WE SEE. THE HIGHER REALM BEING ACTUALLY MATERIALIZES SIMULTANEOUSLY AS ALL DOES HERE. ♥
![]() I cannot speak of another's journey, I can only speak of (and share) mine. I have found there are "themes" of how things occur, so I share those as well, for sharing assists others on their own journey in light. As WayShowers, we share for the collective who shall also be experiencing in their perception of human time. And for this writing, I do use human time only as a reference point, for those who care. WE do not. Now, when I came to Transcend Ascension and embody the entire process within, I was "shocked" at how simple it all seemed and honestly, seemingly uneventful as well. You would "think" that when you Ascend, that there is some huge something to indicate this. Yet that is a human perception, for in alignment with how the soul works, all things are very subtle here. Transcending Ascension was the epitamy of this. Subtle, oddly different and silent. Very silent and exquisitely serene, peaceful and blissful to experiences within, while observing all as it is currently presented "out there". Now I did write on FB and my blog as I experienced and observed much of this, for it occurred over "time" beginning with the 12/12 Gateway Opening Portal Day, where I was shown to get up, spend the day in silence, let go off all cares and go to connect, sit and write on the beach. I could go further back throughout the whole year, to include other silently pivotal integration experiences as well, yet for this, I will start with 12/12, being the most prominent here. ![]() Short version, was that I activated the portal of ancient memories and began their integration as they came forth from inside of me. I share a photo of this portal that I actually captured in a photo, not putting 2+2 together until much later here. I had no idea that as the ancient portal opened, the old human ascension portal minimized to a mini-portal that we hold in our hands and then just integrate within our entire being and embody as well. As a human, I was just sitting on the beach, REMEMBERING in the sun and connected in silence, honor and complete peace. This integration process would take less than 2 weeks, for on 12/20 I awoke to silence in my head, no frequencies and the words "you have ascended", yet I could not believe it, for my physical reality still looked like "OLD Earth" to me. For the next 3 days I went through a "wipe", a silence and an unprecedented connection with Gaia, hearing her speak, being called by the elementals, the trees, the animals, and honoring these callings when they spoke. I was experiencing a MERGE WITH GAIA, and all things, during this time. On 12/21 I awoke to the words "just wait, just wait, it is huge".... On 12/23, I awoke to the words "you have ascended, you are done". No if, ands or buts... just total clarity within, yet confusion to my human me, for everything STILL looked the same externally. I showered and went about sitting in silence and observation for how "odd" all seemed to feel and sound inside. Nothing. There was nothing. I was was just "here" in suspended animation again. On 12/24 I did another "mini-closure" by speaking to all in my reality that mattered to me. I also had spent the last couple weeks in appreciation and reflection (a review) of the entire last year of my overall ascension process of what I had "accomplished" within and in-service, and even posted it to share with others as well. I "knew" something was going on, yet all things are so very subtle here. WE see the "entire picture" when in observation and AFTER while looking "down" from the higher realms at the entire process overall. We see the connectivity of all things spanned out and converging into one moment to complete the "whole". On 12/25 I awoke again in complete silence, yet hearing the entire universe actually speak. The energy was silent, serene, playful, exciting and magical indeed. Feeling a new ONENESS with Kauai, Gaia (Mother Earth), the Elemental Kingdom and more. This day pivotal, for I formed a new connection and MERGED with Gaia as ONE. Yet this too, I did not understand until over-viewing "later" as well. That night, I had the opportunity to attend a gathering and it was my first experience in a group where all were present as their 5th Dimensional aspect, in one room... where the NEW EARTH mist was present everywhere and all existed totally AS open hearts, in love, and it was magnificent and beautiful beyond. WE spoke the words of NEW EARTH and others responded with excitement as well. My understanding "then" was "WE are ON NEW EARTH". No doubt, no questioning, this was IT. WE took photos and shared to show others "WE ARE HERE", sharing and bringing others forth in this understanding they already held deep inside as well. I also heard "you are an ascended master", yet my human me could not accept this. I refused to speak the words, yet found myself continuing to hear this, while over the upcoming days, coming to embody this frequency and KNOW this again. To claim it now is okay, yet this took a bit of getting used to. I had to get past my human perception of "ego" about this. There came a point recently that "not to speak this" felt odd, as I had come to BE this again. Embracing this was part of the process of acceptance as well. Embodying it was instant, as I came to REMEMBER myself AS a MASTER from within. On January 4th, we attended another gathering, magical and with a huge group of beings here all as 5th dimensional aspects again. I met some amazing souls, and was enveloped in the most magnificent song as all sang and swayed, eyes closed and open hearts. That tune alone, all of those voices, in unison, in love... wow is an understatement. Shortly after the shifts between earths have been obvious and noticing this takes presence and awareness in every moment. I also experienced observing my particles "breaking down" and reorganizing before going through a vortex (other's would call this a black hole). I heard "you are not in the same place you were before. Pay attention and notice the differences here". This would continue to occur, frequently, and I shared many of these online for others to become aware as this occurred as well. Soon I would be switching earths while sitting in a coffee shop with a multitude of others having no idea of anything at all going on. On 1/11 it was my day of birth here, and I was blessed with an entire day of portal activations here on the island. 111 being an activation number, my name Transcendence and "birth day" meaning NEW is about to be birthed, I KNEW amazing was coming, yet still no idea of what. I embrace every opportunity to activate portals, and this day was beyond spectacular! Crystals, Caves, Gaia (part of the Kalalau Trail and the Crystalline Na Pali Coast.. wow is again an understatement!) ~ See photos here. I was shown to look for the odd things that were out of place, to know which earth I was on. I started doing this at all times, and what I found was also subtle and profound. As a human I would have discounted such things, yet "here" I so totally understood. It was this ability to believe anything that allowed me to experience so much. The differences since have been both paramount and insignificant, all at the same time, for this is how it works here. As with every gateway, portal & dimensional realm opening, there is a "space" of integration that occurs as we anchoring of these light frequencies here. As we do this, we EMBODY all things, which allows for all to actually come to physically materialize here. For materialization if our human perception of what is just us arriving in frequency where "that" has always existed or been. The only barrier is our human perception, broken by the quantum ability of transcendence of the "separation of time" in the human mind. The spiral "up" is ever expanding "out" to actually walk AS these dimensions, all just simply now held within. Here they are but a semblance of an old separation that no longer exists anymore; instead now just a space tucked inside and merged into ONENESS within. Unification. I was not prepared for what would occur next. The human expectation would "think" magic and bliss. Yet, as with all previous realms transcended, there is a purification process where the old mindset must also be allowed to fall away. For me, every remnant of lack left had to surface, and with a vengeance it did. The difference here, was I understood it, so I "suffered" through it with total awareness and refusal to believe it at all. No matter what presented, it was an untruth and I held fast to that which I truly knew inside. I was taken as near as possible to a "breaking point", while knowing exactly this was what it was. I was taken to the moment, where one could break or transcend. Knowing this was a part of the old matrix, I knew better, with nothing in place in the physical to show me any differently. I could not ask for help, I had to tough it out and allow the old matrix version to play out until I'd had enough. In a split moment, when it was it's strongest, I knew it was about to completely dissipate and leave. And it did, and all shifted, immediately and I transcended those long days of anything old human that was left. Gone, done... to never return again. (This was the entire first half of January, just a month ago, yet seeming years since passed. wow....) Frankly, excuse the language, but I took the entire human existence by it's balls and said "I have had enough of this"... and I refused to allow it anymore. I found new strength within and from within me NEW EARTH was birthed. After that things started moving, like a whirl-wind things did speed up. All expedited and magnificence came forth and I was back "home" on my NEW EARTH. ![]() On 2/9 I awoke to the words "you are on OLD EARTH again"... and the energies were yucky and I said "nope, I can intentionally SHIFT this". So I did. It took me one hour to move those energies out and shift back into NEW EARTH frequencies within. The cool thing was to observe "out there" matching the frequency change just as quickly. This is what we call "tuning" when we do it intentionally and at will. I walked into town and I felt the "split" of the energies present. It felt that I could go either way, dependent on how conscious or unconscious I was. It felt that with any moment I could move from Earth to Earth... At 12:33 I heard to go take a photo and share on a FB post. This was the photo and the words I received later was this was a visible split of the two worlds. Over the next few days I would notice the same thing, and just observing I took photos, slept to integrate, flowing with the weather and all that presented. ![]() Since then, I have been easily walking between worlds. The difference was KNOWING that "OLD EARTH" was gone. It would peek it's head out every so often "out there", yet inside no falter, as I now held this frequency within. On 2/1 there was a "collision of realities" and a telepathic visit by a BEing saying "WE are coming". "Out there" realities were all over the place, while I just stayed in peace and observed. Silence is where we REMEMBER. This photo was on 2/12, and I asked the universe to clear the weather and bring forth a few hours of sun for me. I awoke, it was not raining, but there was no sunshine "yet". I decided there would be, so I dressed and went out the door. I started shifting dimensionally, intentionally and speaking that which I wished to come forth. The sun peeked out and accompanied me on my walk into town, growing brighter with every step. When I arrived on the beach, the worlds were "split" and I could exist in either one, depending on where I stepped. I played with the frequencies of each, to see what difference there was. I sat in the middle of both, OLD EARTH to the left and NEW EARTH to the right, depicted by the photos that I took. This but one of many shared then. I spent a couple of hours in silence, connection and honoring the space that I now occupied here. When I was done, I stood up and the clouds began to move in. I asked for no rain until I arrived home, for I still had at least an hour walk. The moment I walked through the door, the rain came down, and continued for another day. 2/13 I was shown to go inward, go to silence and remove myself from all. I could feel physical imbalance and my internal doing a weird shift as well. I posted that I was going offline and nestled inside my room. The storms came and lasted for days, and I heard "OLD EARTH is going" and to just sleep. So I did, for 4-5 days. Long sleeps allow for entire realities to clear and new ones to totally emerge. I know this, from actual experiences, so I welcome and honor this "sacredly". It rained and stormed and I listened to the photonic activations, observing old unknown realities going, allowing new ones to emerge. The most intense pineal gland activations have occurred this last month. This brings forth our ability to actually have a tangible experience based upon what we already know and hold in our heart and embody within. This transmits our new hologram based upon that which we hold within. It is no longer a place to just "see", it is now a REALITY that we tangibly exist in HERE NOW. On 2/17 I awoke to stay awake for 2 solid days. On 2/18, the "Amighty Elohim" came forth, and I have not "channeled" a frequency "outside of me" for a very long time. I obliged this "important message" and I watched the visuals (much grander) as I typed the words that I shared with you all. Within one hour of human time I had embodied this frequency within as well. Integration here is very fast now when we honor "this" journey first. The physical body's transformation is exquisite and quite phenomenal to observe. While I still see a human form sometimes, to actually observe the sub-atomic molecular restructuring and nano-bodies working while light particles activate is beyond human words. To be able to re-program at will and just communicate in this way.... is so far beyond human.... for we are no longer human here. WE are evolving HUman Star BEings... and our evolution is apparently yet just another part of what I am to experience and share. Oh, and the ancient memories flooding forth since 12/12 have been beyond my human comprehension and still come forth in bits and pieces here and there. Eventually they will make up a "whole something" to share as well. That will be another post on Quantum Physics, Quantum Mechanics, Nano=Bodies, Anti-Matter, Atoms, Sub-Atomic Molecular Re-Structuring, and so very much more that I totally see and understand, yet do not have the entire remembering or words. I have been "going non-stop" for over a month of what the human perceives as 18-22 hour days. Because my entire existence is "only this", every moment is nothing but "this". So whether I am sleeping or awake, they are the same... activation, anchoring, integration and clearing anything human, yet this too is almost non-existent, as is sleep on most days here. Sleep is a re-boot, fast clearing or connection state now. Connections with each others increases in the shut-down state as well. A week ago, I knew something was up when I had to switch phones and old photos transferred from "long ago" that I had "forgotten". In deleting them, photos of an old relationship and of my old human life and all my material things that I loved. For an instant, I reviewed how much I had "lost" and a tear seeped from my eye. The release of another remnant, for those who know me, know, that I have no memories here. This told me something huge was about to come forth. Utilizing my delete button ... in a moment, again it was all gone, for that was of a reality inside the matrix that dissolved a long time ago. ![]() Yesterday, I again spoke that I wished for the rain to clear so I could walk to town for food, nature, connection and more. Again, this occurred and I was able to take hundreds of magnificent photos and even a video of the energies materializing here for us all. The entire "out there" filled with crystalline NEW EARTH mist... totally exquisite and the feeling is that "the old is gone". I observed mixed realities "out there" and was surprised to even see Old Earth present at all. Yet it felt like it was going, going.... and yes.... now... apparently it is gone. Today I awoke with the words "The gateway is closed" and you are fully on NEW EARTH NOW. I was shown to pull together this compilation of my experiences, photos and to share with you all. Every moment a magnificent surprise, where we bring forth ancient memories and share with all. While the wonder of the NEW transpires, and yes loves.... magic does exist here. And the feeling it is just the beginning is paramount here as well. Now, I thought I was finished writing, yet found myself drawn to stop and go outside to walk and connect from within. As I walked, more came forth, apparently writing the previous allowed for the activation of the "next phase". As I walked, I activated a whole new frequency within. Another portal opened and my name "Transcendence" came forth. Not as a word, but a vibrational frequency, emanating out from within. It enveloped me and I became this frequency and the words "Today I AM Transcendence ~ Embodied ~ No longer just a name." I was totally aware that I had just "achieved" Transcendence and now embody this here as well. I found it so ironic that I was walking, in silence, with all of this going on yet all around me totally oblivious to anything at all. The streets were less filled, the market bare, the cars on the street 1/10th of what is normally there. The coffee shop that's normally packed, was quieter and it felt like I was the only one there. The irony is that I am the same physical form to my human eyes that I was the day before. I live meagerly, sleep on a mattress on a floor, live out of 2 suitcases, walk to get everywhere and have much less in the physical than anyone around me and, yet peace within is beyond human comprehension, and knowing even more profound. Here, I have "transcended" and I was reminded of the words from December "just wait, just wait, it is huge"; no pivotal external anything occurring, and in this moment, I knew THIS is what was meant. In this moment, I possess absolutely everything and the ability to create anything from this point on. And all I desire is UNITY and for humanity to emerge in love, light, peace and unity here. All I desire is for all separation still remaining out there to fall away and to exist as I KNOW is possible NOW. For all human lack to cease, for all to come to exist outside the matrix and to unify as one again. I wish to awake tomorrow in a world where all are awake and exist completely AS love. Out there unfolds AFTER WE make the shift and hold it while the "new" is formed. This is not about out there changing and coming to exist where we are. This is about us shifting, integrating and existing in a higher vibration where all already is. For me, I AM. ♥ This existence is a subtle and silent one at times, with magic, laughter and bliss in others. The variety of wonder ever present and the only constant is our inner expansion. To stretch our minds in every moment, to believe that which is not supported by anything out there. To completely reverse our reality; to spend every moment in-service, and to appreciate and share absolutely everything we have access to. This reality ever changing and shifting, for WE create here just by REMEMBERING again. The "future" no longer the future... just a memory to pull forth NOW here. ♥ Aloha Nui Loa ♥ Today I AM Transcendence... tomorrow is again unknown. ☼ Update: While walking and integrating further into the higher realms, I was writing the words that came through, in order to also share. Several very specific phrases kept repeating. One was "Today I AM Transcendence, Embodied, no longer just a name." Over and over again, almost so that I could not forget again. :) Another was "Rites of Passage", and showing that the entire process (forever), and also the last two months were in fact this. My "Rites of Passage" for Transcendence. Then "after" this passage "finished", I kept receiving the words "Breaking the Barriers". I know what I see. I will just leave all with the words for now. ♥
The following I wrote to also share with you. While in silent observation and REMEMBERING: TODAY I AM TRANSCENDENCE, EMBODIED. NO LONGER JUST A NAME All that you come to embody, will bey by way of a portal, activated by way of feeling the expansion of this frequency from within. Until then, all things are but a perception, an attempt to understand that which must be REMEMBERED by achieving this frequency and integrating it to envelope you to expand out from within. For me, it has been this way for every frequency activation of portals to realms like magic, the angelic realm, alchemy, paradise, ancient memories, galactic energies and more. This too was true for Transcendence, a name REMEMBERED years ago, yet until now, never fully or even remotely understood. We do not truly understand until we EMBODY, for understanding comes by way of achieving this through integration of light from within. The memory is present in the frequency as it radiates out from within us and expands to envelope every fiber of our BEing here NOW. Today I awoke to share writings and once shared the words "Rite of Passage" came forth. My schedule cleared, I felt to withdraw and stay within; silent observance and sacred connection the only thing here. To others, nothing special, yet inside the merging of all times, all selves, all moments and humble commanding presence of this space. To another, it may just be another day. To me, a most profound inner experience and so subtle, silence is required to experience and REMEMBER this. A multitude of feelings, yet no expression, those too just integrate to experience all at once. Externally, nothing visibly changing, yet internally nothing will ever be the same. Out there will come forth in response to this new vibrational space that I now occupy unified. Beyond this, there are no words to describe this. This can only be experienced through feeling and expanding from within. For now, I just hold this vibration, for even writing is a distraction. Time, moments, thoughts ... all gone. Nothing and everything simultaneously exist here now. ♥ ![]() 1:39 P.M. Okay loves... the frequencies have activated to compress the human body and prepare all for a huge dimensional shift (like fitting/traveling through a wormhole). Super high frequencies bring "bendable" forth. Head will trigger and body will feel like it is being squeezed, breathing gets harder and goes inside, hearing goes inside, temperature shifts come with these, movements in the body, spine, smells...you name it... the old human body could not walk between the realms at will. Crystalline DNA is activated and after you will wake up or come out on a different earth, in a different realm or parallel... something WILL be different, if you allow yourself to see. ![]() 4:07 P.M. Okay loves.... head work, 3rd eye building, particles activating under the skin (pricklies) as YOU as a HUMAN STAR BEING are further activated!!! These are the ones that will cause you to sparkle and glow. Until then they activate any density to come up to be released and go.... Solar flarish energies, dissolving old human memories and thoughts occurs with these. Heartbeat in the head means connection time (sleep or meditate) as solar wind frequencies activate to raise your vibrational frequency while releasing Melatonin (sleep) & DMT (walking dream)... pineal gland activates (electricity/zoom zoom) in the head as your new vision is further activated and the entire body tingles too! There is more... update where I can. WE have more dimensional shifting occurring again. Wheeeeee! ![]() 10:51 P.M. Okay loves.... head work, 3rd eye building, particles activating under the skin (pricklies) as YOU as a HUMAN STAR BEING are further activated!!! These are the ones that will cause you to sparkle and glow. Until then they activate any density to come up to be released and go.... Solar flarish energies, dissolving old human memories and thoughts occurs with these. Heartbeat in the head means connection time (sleep or meditate) as solar wind frequencies activate to raise your vibrational frequency while releasing Melatonin (sleep) & DMT (walking dream)... pineal gland activates (electricity/zoom zoom) in the head as your new vision is further activated and the entire body tingles too! There is more... update where I can. WE have more dimensional shifting occurring again. Wheeeeee! ![]() 11:22 P.M. In my sessions recently, there have been some common themes popping up, which means that many are going through the same thing. One has been that many are "trying" to do their spiritual journey "the right way", according to something they perceived as "how this is done". There is no "how" to do this. There is inner guidance from your higher self, which is no longer "higher", yet it is you, in your heart, present, conscious and honoring your own truth, without judgement and AS the love that you are. We do not suppress, we do not hide, we do not compromise anymore. We do not apologize when we are conscious. We do not worry about another's journey. We do not ask permission to be happy. We give ourselves permission to sleep, rest and BE however we FEEL to BE. We sit in silent observation and come to exist from this space at all times. We need not speak to defend, for truth is of the heart. WE no longer have fear, conform, or hold the structures of the old way inside of us anymore. WE are so expansive that we radiate OUT peace, love, integrity, truth, compassion, appreciation and ALL things are sacred here. We no longer separate or compete. We unify, inside, in every moment, in every way. And as we do, all unifies out there too. WE created our reality, or experience, our journey. We now totally CREATE the NEW, just by BE'ing again and REMEMBERING ... never to forget again. As the structures fall inside, they shall also fall out there. WE cause it all, by not believing anymore. Come together loves. We are no longer doing anything by our selves anymore. Share everything in love. ![]() 333 Pages packed full of everything we could fit into the pages to assist one on their own journey of learning to navigate and shift UP to expand into the higher realms, bring all inside to embody and tune in frequency to BE your 5th Dimensional version again. Online PDF, Kindle, and Print versions first, then others to follow very soon as well! If you are on the island, pick up a copy at several local places, which will be posted on this site as well; or hit me up to book your personalized session/retreat and get a copy over or lunch or before your LightBody Energy Session! Launch date set for 2/1 now! Pre-launch will be announced if available sooner. ♥ Visit: Books Page ![]() 12:19 AM Sending out radiant beams of light to all ... may your light activations bring you peace within, as anything that is no longer needed in your reality continues to go. All that has kept one separated inside (and therefore "out there") will become visible, so that it can be released as no longer true. This has "been coming forever" for all... embrace it, for resistance shall cause suffering and despair. Recognize it, be honest and true with yourself, if you should experience this. Then observe the next several days (or more), for REMEMBERING will emerge AFTER a huge shift within has been allowed to occur inside. You can actually feel the shift instantly now and then just watch as out there follows. It is very fast, IF you allow. If not, then suffering can be "longer", for time has also shifted. It barely exists, even in linear energies... it is like "boom" done... if you embrace it, burn off the energy (this must occur for a huge shift to occur), it can be as fast as linear hours or minutes now. I watch/observed a huge shift here over the last couple days... boom, boom, boom... it was sooooo cool. But one must truly observe it to even see it. It takes total awareness, presence and allowance. I had an energy come up the other day, so I embraced it and "burned the emotion up" over a 5 hour period, knowing it had to come up & go... did it, observed it and wow... the next 36 hours brought about a HUGE physical reality shift (that fast)... the moment I came into alignment within (like an hour into it), I felt it... complete peace... and I knew "out there" was about to shift. It took about 12 hours for the physical to "adjust out there"... then another 12 hours later I had activated a REMEMBERING INSIDE (others call this download's, for this is what it is when it is "received from outside energetically", yet when it is activated within, it is automatically remembered, for it is held inside, not "out in the energy field anymore"). I REMEMBERED how to CREATE an entire community of sustainable living by bringing multitudes of light beings here together by way of community living, contributions, sharing... seeing it via Sacred Geometry & Light Grids.... all laid out.... it was absolutely beautiful. Now to draw it/write it up to share.... for that takes a bit of translation (along with the other gazillion things I have to write/record & share). I swear I am working on this and setting aside much "time" the next few weeks for all that I intend to share. Have had to allow for moving/transition time and MAGIC in every moment! I am already preparing an implementation here on the island on a minimal scale and will allow those who desire to participate to join in (this requires a truly OPEN HEART, ready to share without limits, as I allow for nothing less in my reality), to allow it to continue to expand out & out & out..... bringing more in ... so we all grow & share together. So, just sharing... I know I have not been around much lately. I am still adjusting to all of the "new" changes here (all magnificent & beyond!!!!). It's hard to believe that I have only been here for 3 weeks. Feels like forever. I have met and connected with the most amazing souls already and it is one huge family .... truly beautiful.... I will be sharing where I can. I have much to "do" here on the island and every day/moment is one of creation. I will do my best to reply to as many messages as I can this next week. I must do paid personal sessions & website work first, along with posting what I can here on my page. For now, I send of radiant beams of love & light to all. ![]() There is a song for every realm/energy stream that activates... earlier was "Do you believe in magic" (tells me the magical energies are present and these are so much fun to play in, especially out and about with meeting strangers or manifesting)... now is "Don't you remember? We built this city.. we built this city on rock & roll (now I was shown the other day... the "rock" was a triangle, then the "roll" was a circle... put an inverted triangle in there and you have a MERKABA!)... the remembering song plays when the streams start with the fine crystals that "build" for us to see, activate our Merkaba and bring more remembering forth! LOVE it!! p.s. The "zoom zoom" air starts in the head, for those who are activating the dormant brain... the brain wave state will start to lower, the longer the high frequency streams activate. This will be noticed by a "heart beat" in the head. This means beautiful connecting time... close the eyes and drift away to see what you can see! I am wide awake (by product of light!), so I am off to do a bit of work and return shortly. Gotta get the video course info up for those waiting for it. I shall share the 3-day event as soon as I get it posted! I love you! p.s. All will have their own songs... I have had Jiminy Cricket singing "When you wish upon a star", Aladdin's "A Whole New World", Celine Dion's "Power of Love", "You are my sunshine" was my "first" many years ago... lol.. when I was activating light and needed a "lift" to start each day. Way too many to list, but you get the "jist". ♫ ![]() PARALLEL REALITIES, VERSIONS, ASPECTS AND THE HOLOGRAM: NO LONGER FIXED I am having a bit of a hard time writing most days now, for there just are not enough words in the human vocabulary to encompass the vastness of what is transpiring over the last week or two. Each day, something new. Each moment shifting and no longer the same as the moment before. People & experiences have become "versions", for we now interact with a version of "that". One just a different aspect of the other. Realities, no longer fixed, are almost "switchable", like the changing of a television channel. Just focus, shift the transmission and the view-able reality also changes. The Hologram, no longer "fixed" or veiled, too is thin enough to "go BEyond" now. Earths have separated off into versions and seeing that one's Merkaba "carries" them from Earth to Earth, from space to space, for even Galactic barriers are now lifted, with the entire Universe being an open playing field. Earths, now visible ships, to Teleport to and from. One reality has holographic animals being moved onto an earth ship, while another allows for moving between Earthly existences at will. Entire versions of old realities completely being "wiped" out, dissolved as if every trace of existence just dissipates and vanishes; while a new version is created to just shift and move to, again at will. All just by remembering that one can. Yet, the ability to do so, exists outside the limits held inside the human mind. The parallel realities sitting side by side, watching them just fade in and out, as if just thinking them, makes them so. Desire a different one? Just allow it to dissolve and just "shift" into another one that sits to the right. The past and the future, no longer existent, replaced with parallels to move between with as must expansion as one's mind will allow. Going beyond the old human mind to one that is universal... This is a space that must be ALLOWED to come to BE, by embracing light and the release of the belief that anything must be any certain way at all. This is a space that exists so far BEyond Human. This is a space one REMEMBERS from within. This is a space that one already occupies and comes to vibrate in once again. This is a space that exists inside of all. Remembering this allows one to again exist AS this space again. There is so so much more. Yet for "now", this seems to be enough. ~ Transcendence Today, I am a seer and a shifter and am having a blast! For this too seems to change, dependent on the moment now. ![]() I awoke to seeing from within an "slowly" activating Merkaba field, which is quite the amazing experience within itself. There are no words, yet I found myself trying to write, to make sense of it, to share. It is like all this "info" floating all around me... I can see it... I get it... but then I have to pull it all together to write in descriptive words that create a visual, a picture, so that one can connect from the heart space... which exists so far beyond the human thinking mind. (I will fix this later, as I write as I sit in an activated Merkaba bubble where all time, space, weightlessness has gone and I do not worry about the proper-ness of the words I try to write and share). Now, time starts to come to a halt again, for "in the field", the separation of time & space, do not exist. All continues to "move out there", while no time exists "in here". It is a huge huge huge energetic "bubble" of "nothingness" that is BEyond exquisite. Each experience is different, dependent on how fast it activates (sometimes it builds over "time"). The "points" of the field dissipates as the spin increases to all being non-existent and just this huge energetic bubble is all that is present here. The slower the spin, the more active I can be, moving my body, working and doing other things. While still yet, for the frequency I have activated within me, when it "peaks" out and feels fully activated, absolutely everything goes.... my inner magnetic poles no longer separated?, now become a field, like the sun, radiating out from within. There is this view of a "magnetic field" from the inside looking out. One can see the light frequencies transmitting out and "things" being pulled "to it". (View a huge bubble, like 30-40 feet all around and standing in the middle of somewhere.) Even now, as I type, all "out there" is silent and still. All that exists is inside this huge energetic bubble. Out there still "moves" as if I don't even exist. So very cool. I will type the words I have right now and had upon awaking "in this" then. I write to visually describe "my view" from inside. I will update later as more comes to me. Your Merkaba activates each time you lay (or sit) in connection to/with/as source. It is the transmission of light from within, which continues to expand as all is released/let go. Denseness being released allows for more light to be present and this light "binds together" to create a spin. The dense is a disruption in this unified spin. Your Merkaba is your bubble. Everything you hold on to, or keep, impacts your bubble's speed. The Light'er you are, the faster it spins. This is created from the inside out. Your thoughts must be from the inside to radiate out. For each time you step outside your bubble to "think" of that out there, you create a disconnect from inside your own bubble. Your Merkaba is your vibrational vehicle that allows you "physical" access fully to the 5th Dimensional Realm (and higher). It is where the 5th Dimensional Realm is activated from within you and radiates out so far that as you "step" you step AS/IN the 5th Dimensional Realm in your physical. As more activate their bubbles, the joining of these bubbles actually "creates" your 5th Dimensional Realm to come to exist in the physical, for these do not reach far and wide by the eyes of the human mind... they reach far and wide vibrationally, which connects all. When all Merkaba's are activated simultaneously, your 5th Dimensional Reality, as you perceive it, shall vibrationally materialize to form. You do not "go anywhere", for your Merkaba creates as you go. All materializes out there as a result of your own LIGHT BUBBLE spin. This is your vehicle to move freely realm to realm. With each activation of Light, your ability to move will further expand. The only "thing" standing in you way of free flowing movement is your need to hold separation within you, your need to think any certain way and your belief that things "are" any way at all. For in an activated bubble, no thoughts, no beliefs, no attachments, no identities, no anything exists. The longer you can hold a space of "nothingness" inside, the more activated your Merkaba/Energy Field shall become. You shall feel the vibrations all over, inside of you. You can hear them, in frequency, inside your head. The visual is a "space shuttle" ready for lift-off. When the Merkaba is activating, one feels like they are about to "take off" in flight. This will continue to build, over your "separation of time" as you build your light quotient within. As the spin increases, so shall the magnitude of the vibrations, the intensity of the frequencies you hear... and then vibrates and spins so fast that all slows down to a complete halt. This would be the equivalent of you floating in space, without the "suit". Yet your "suit" is your human body. This is why your breathing gets shallow, for the "air" is non-existent here, yet you can breathe. You breathe from the inside out, instead of from the "old human way" of from the outside in. You have been being adapted "over time" to this. When the Merkaba is fully activated, you "float" in a suspended animation state.... visualize your astronauts in space... it is the same. You can imagine it in a closed-eyed state, yet you now experience it in a waking state, when your brain-wave state lowers to "stop". When your magnetic poles inside "merge".... no longer separated inside. Gravity is at zero point inside. Time comes to a halt and absolutely nothing exists here. The longer you hold this within you, the more you shall come to "move about" in/as your fully activated bubble.... This will take you some time to integrate to. So honor each experience as it comes and allow yourself to BE "IN" it, of it, as it. And as I type, all comes to a halt. My ears have closed off energetically and sound out there does not exist. Time slows to a halt and weightlessness now returns. I am shown to move my hands away from the computer. So I shall return later, if "time" permits. Somehow I am to do a media/awareness event later. This shall be an experience! I love you. ![]() Hello loves! Been offline for majority of a week and shall return tomorrow after some rest. I have so so missed posting, sharing and connecting with you all! I have no idea what has been going on "out there".... The energy shifts have definitely been miraculous & interesting! I spent a day today in "human", which never happens to me... apparently this move to Kauai and "cleaning house" was literal, as I said good riddens to all of old "me". It was so very interesting yesterday to shred 20 years of writings, that I truly poured my heart and soul into, and regarded as "the book I'd one day write". Yet as I read briefly glanced at a few pages, there was no feeling of attachment at all. I was surprised at how much I "knew" then, yet was not conscious & had no idea. It was interesting to see how much I sought "out there" to try to fill wholes/voids within. While very enlightening, it was as if I were sitting and watching someone else on a filmstrip writing all of that... as if it were not my existence here... I observed it for the "play" that it was.... and a completion/ending to that entire chapter (realm) closing... Today, human emotions surfaced... first "something" building in my chest, but no release.... then "boom" here it came. Anger! I have been seeing this coming over the last many months, with my continued growing intolerance to those who lack respect for this journey (and all things, in general). Now, it is not my business, until they come to me and repeatedly ask for assistance, which requires that I stop doing my own inner/connection work or assisting others to dedicate "time" to them, that they do not appreciate or place value on enough to use the tools provided, because it is not the answer/convenience they seek. This, I allowed, yet that too ends. When I am done, I am done.... There were a few people probably not very comfortable with my "honesty" today. This journey is sacred and all that it holds. I have been getting more "irritated" with those around me who have "everything" in the physical, yet nothing is ever enough. There are still many who see "their soul/higher self" evolving as an inconvenience, unless it benefits them "in that moment". And where inner work is "too much work/time" and a "quick fix" is all they ever seek. I exist in a space where all is sacred, appreciated and an absolute blessing. Now the emotion must always be observed inward. My irritation was that I was allowing those to continue in my reality, instead of cutting them loose, instead of saying "no, this is no longer acceptable". By me allowing this, it meant that I was not valuing this journey as well, by allowing another in my energy field who did not do so. So, for me to allow anyone to exist in my reality that holds anything less, is no longer acceptable to me. I had continued to allow this from a "lingering" few and old cords, yet today I cut those cords and shall continue to do so until I leave. Nuff is enuff! I have SO come to appreciate those who do take this journey seriously, who do invest the time doing their inner work and who do value it above their human physical world. I do soooo honor you in return. You have been an amazing blessing and I am so very honored to continue this journey with each one of you! Now, knowing that I was just purging an old frequency, so that I too can shift up & further into the new, I welcome every opportunity to do so. I only share this for those who are also going through surfaced emotions to purge & release. It is a rarity for me to be "human", yet after was liberating & soooo freeing! We have to honor ourselves in every moment. And saying "no more" is one such of those things that is required along the way. I love you and shall update, share, connect and more starting tomorrow; getting back into the swing again! (around packing & moving in 2 weeks!) Happy Moment sweet loves!!! ![]() Began at 8:33 AM EST The Universal Merkaba is activated. One can feel, hear & see this as it activates, from within. I do not know how long it will last. I have been observing this for awhile, as all must come together to be simultaneously, for one to "know" this. The body "shaking" from the inside out, feeling like it is about to "take off" or launch. All of the sounds that were separate frequencies, all merge to become one sound, that when tuned into, one can hear the spin, and one feels & it sounds like they are in a "flying saucer". The "crickets" no longer separate, the Energetic Light Grid of Communication, no longer separate, the higher realm streams, no longer separate, the lower (gamma) brainwave states, no longer separate, yet all a "part" this "creation" that we now exist in and expand out to be so huge an energy. It has been going now for an hour, in linear time, yet time does not exist here. I awoke to me "teaching" thousands again and the words I was speaking were "all must LIGHTen up". Each time this has occurred previously, tons came forth in the waking state to new realizations of remembering in their waking state too. It sounds like being in a "tunnel" of spinning lights (a capsule is the word I am given). All "tingles", vibrates.... I am shown how since my first activation to feeling this, over a year ago, and every activation since then, that all came to "work together" now to create this. How every attachment I released, allowed me to further activate and spin. And how, this shall only continue to increase, as more focus their intention on allowing this to occur, from within. Enjoy activation loves, as we vibrate higher into the "new". ~ Transcendence Higher Realms Light Energy Translations from Within Follow original post thread, comments & updates: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10201684207084853&set=a.1336255844362.49457.1170074116&&theater¬if_t=like **** UPDATED 9/18 & 9/22/13: Since my awareness of this, my own activation to these higher frequencies from within, further activating my own Universal Merkaba, I am updating to share "more" of that which I now see. I hope this helps. I can look "back" over much time "years" and see each moment where this activated within me, yet I did not know what "it" was. Each activation was something different, bases upon the frequencies I was activating within. For with each release of the old inside (especially huge ones), we activate further inside. One's LightBody/Merkaba, "builds" in frequency each "time". Each event/episode/activation seems separate, for a "time span" is indicative of how much separation we hold within us. Now with each activation, we vibrate higher, we further unify inside. This unification removes a bit more "separation" of our inner selves, therefore removing the "distance of time" that we hold within. The higher we vibrate, the less we exist bound by time. The human travels through the separation of time. The Light Being travels through vibrational frequency. All is a polar opposite in those realities, yet even that merges and disintegrates within too. First, it's just vibrations felt inside, then it is the loss of "time", loss of physical denseness/weight, etc. As these things UNIFY within, so do these things. The vibrations become "spins", the old frequencies one used to hear becomes all Universal Sounds (stars, solar flares, crickets, gamma rays & more). Then when one's UNIVERSAL MERKABA activates, all sounds merge into one, all experiences merge (timelessness, weightlessness & more). For me, I keep receiving the words "Grand Merkaba", yet have never heard these together before. Last week, I experienced the "next" unification of my own Merkaba, while out & walking around "doing" public things. Now, when my Merkaba activates, I can hear it build over "time". It takes many hours, kind of like a "notification" to "get ready". The spin is slow and I can actually listen to it build/increase/speed up. I hear & feel like I am about ready to "lift off". It becomes so energetically powerful (and loud), that it dominates all. This last week, I came to a space where all time stood still, all weightlessness went, all thoughts, memories, everything "gone" and I was in a walking/open-eyed/participating state. I even typed "that" up to share, while in the middle of it. My Merkaba activates daily now, sometimes several times a day. Each experience building as my own unified frequency increases. Some periods last for majority of the day, others just an hour or so. I see that this shall also integrate as I do, to be "all the time" as time is all one. I am awoken each day to hearing/feeling this and "new" spaces of occupying here. I can "see" that which is to come, which I will share soon, as this will assist all too. For what started a separate "episodes" of vibrations or memory loss or time disappearing, are ALL PART OF A WHOLE experience that shall occur for all. One can participate by allowing, tuning IN to it, going WITHIN and releasing all that surfaces to go. This includes everyone & everything (I will also explain this later, for it is not the "purpose" that we believe at the "time"). There will be "portals" opening up out there for all to "walk through". These activate as one holds the frequencies to do so. First we do it in our "sleep state", yet eventually we do this in a waking state. Yet, if one has not activated within, this shall not be visible or accessible. This is where the inner work is necessary. And I am shown that this is why the LightBody Energy will be so important. For this gives one instant access to this, and where I shall physically be located, holds active portals for one to actually pass through, in the physical here. Eventually, we WILL all BE a portal. Yet until this time, we utilize that which we have access to here. Brainwave state: The overall frequencies of all on "Earth" have been dropped in brainwave state. When you hear/feel the heartbeat in your head/body, this is time to connect in. First in a closed-eyed state. The gamma brainwave state that is activated "over time", comes to BE in a waking open-eyed state. It gives one the ability to function "this way" in their "New/Remembered" reality. This too is only accessible vibrationally. All of these things are this way. The ENERGETIC COMMUNICATION LIGHT GRID is more actively "heard" during these times, yet is always present if one chooses to shut down & connect. This is just you, as an energy form, connecting to all as energy, communicating AS we all are, together, utilizing your own energy field to do so. Now, I have individual posts for all of these things, for they occurred separately, over time, as I too experienced them. Yet, in a fully activated Merkaba, all of these posts are one. Every post I have ever written on the LightBody, every post on energetic communication, every post on the affects of the energy streams & the physical body, every post is a part of the whole. And every post is on my websites, for I have been writing and sharing for years. If you feel it, hear it, see it, know it, it is a part of "this". The "next" of which is to come, shall also be a part of "this". I received the words "last year", :you are not of this time, you are from the future". Then I was shown the old TV Series "Quantum Leap" (along with a few other things). I awoke yesterday to seeing us all already fully in the 5th Dimension and how the only way we are not, is if we forget that we are. The veils that are in place still for many, do not allow them to yet see this, yet this is one's own doing prior to even coming here. Each has the ability to lift their own veils by doing the inner work. Part of my "MANY functions here" is to bring through this REMEMBERING to share and assist others who make their journey their priority and to expose those not yet aware to that which they have yet to REMEMBER here (writing/videos/tools/connecting, etc.), and also DO/TEACH the LightBody Energy to assist one in the overall vibrational frequency "jump" instantly to shift them higher dimensionally. This is not "for me". This is for us all. Access to the portals are within you. THEN they appear out there, when it is "time". For time is a human creation. The Light Being exists in vibration. And "here", there is no separation or limits of time. All exists in one "space" and as we come to exist in this same space, we exist as all. Embrace, Activate, Integrate and Expand BEYOND that which you have yet to comprehend. I love you. 10:20 AM - Good morning dear soul family of ever expanding light!
Ahhh, where to start... so very much, and luckily I love to write! (And thank YOU if it resonates for you to read and interact too!) The last day or so (my days are sun up to sun up here), were "surprisingly" interesting. As they always are. The evening before last (a day & 1/2 in human time), energies "dropped" to human'ish... and intentional presence was required to observe, learn & choose a response while seeing what was clearing to leave. It is "rare" for me to experience these things anymore, yet when I do, I know it is "important", in order to "let go" & move out remnant, hidden human/physical world energies. Yesterday took more "work" to stay focused from my inside world within. I realized I cannot function without earplugs, as this keeps me "inside" and for some reason, and the magnification of frequencies assists in my own existence. Kinda of like cutting off my "feeding tube" when I take them out to do sessions & forget to put them back in. For me, this upcoming month & a half, represents letting go of the rest of my human/physical experience here and stepping even further in absolute trust in every moment. Not that I do not do this already, but I have done this with a "simple & quiet" roof over my head, understanding "why" I needed to be in that physical place, both from a human perspective and also energetically, as an amazing opportunity for me to do "my work/my mission/my own expansion" here. Yet, now, I step into the "bigger" unknown, totally just letting go, fitting basic necessities in 1-2 pieces of luggage and honoring the familiar loving words of my own higher (future self) in peaceful and guiding energetic words "Just get there. You are stepping into that which has already been created. All you have to do is arrive, connect, share & trust." Meanwhile my human'ish mind visualizes me getting off the airplane, with luggage and just wandering about, no car, no roof and heavy stuff to lug around until I "figure it all out"... lol...forgo the following... Now, my human'ish me, still looks for simple places to stay (a roof & quiet place to work/BE), communities to connect with, transportation options (having luggage and no car, lol), purchasing a backpack (& more), where to store my laptop that allows me to do "this work" that encompasses writings/sessions/connecting. It is how I write books, do media (awareness) events, connect with you all, maintain the websites that provide an abundance of information and more. My higher (future) self shows me "blips" to lead me down a trail of things to check out, triggering "memories" of what has already been set forth, rather than listening to a human mind trying to prepare from a place of safety (technically fear). I am able to observe which is which and release that which is "untrue" within. Because this is an "opposite reality", the "old way" of doing things don't work. So for me, to venture out into the unknown, without anything "visibly" in place for where I am going, has taken on a whole new meaning of trust & honor from within. Just packing my bags to go house/cat sit has "triggered" energy of how much I must really minimize the little bit that I do "own", and hidden "human fear" of the unknown. Now while in my heart, I soooo very much get it, and I soooo do trust, in every moment... apparently there is the "human aspect" of "safe" (fear), that purges in my sleep/shut-down state. I have awoken to "seeing it", gratitude for it leaving, to shift my physical body to go ahead and let it go and switch frequencies (this keeps us in it or moves us out of it). It is cool how the next month was "laid out" to move me from place to place several times, to continue to minimize "stuff" and in a kind way, assist me in moving over enough "time" that I can do it without suffering, releasing any human discomfort from my mind, as I let go physically too. There is also the aspect of my own LightBody as a portal. Each time I "move" physically (where I sleep/stay), I must then acclimate energetically to be able to write and share with you all here. The "time" that this takes is much less now, just a few hours or a day, rather than what used to take days or weeks. I can see the purposes in all that is occurring now, what I am being "taught" to remember, to both "do" and BE. I use every moment to observe, and there are sometimes that withdrawing to honor that which is received is more important than sharing. For it is through that which I receive that I then come to share with others. Yesterday's energies started out feeling like there was "unsettled" separation present coming forth to purge, then by afternoon, felt "void'ish", while it seemed much collectively was being shifted to allow us all to shift into higher frequencies within. Today, I awoke to "hugely" hearing the crickets outside again in my head, knowing that the energetic connection with Gaia & the Universe had increased a bit. I walked outside and the crickets were sooo loud and I could tell that "that out there" was the same from within. What a beautiful thing to hear & feel inside. Linear "time" barely present, yet huge expansion not really felt. I hear our connection strengthening, and peace AS this energy is beautiful to observe. The "pathways" of the LightBody/Universal mind continue to activate. One can hear the "electricity" zapping & firing off, as the waking brainwave state continues to deepen this last day or so, and continue to do so "now". I have not been tired at all, with the sleep/wake states further merging, becoming more "flipped" & integrated too. Much of the time, when I shut down, I observe the human realities leaving, while in a waking state, what used to be a dream, is now a walking visible state, when one is aware and observing and creating in every moment from within. Today I continue to observe and write as I feel. I know there are a ton of messages, and will attempt to respond around honoring the energy of present moment for how I am shown to be. I take today to just BE, just me and this exquisite cosmos that sings in beautiful harmonic frequencies. I will update here & there and maybe open up to impromptu private sessions over the next few days. We shall see what occurs energetically. For now, have a most exquisite day in love. Whatever you experience, do it from a space of observation, through your heart. When you do this, details do not matter. Things do not matter. Personal does not exist. And peace is all there is. I love you. ![]() Okay loves. I am getting a lot of questions on the "split" of the dimensional realms, and though I write on this often, yes there are things that I have not shared, as all comes through in pieces sometimes still. We never have the "entire" picture. We see from the "view" (realm) that we have achieved from within. There are times, when the energies are high, that I can see from the view of the Universe, other times from the clouds (Angelic Realm). I went through a period of seeing the realms "split" and then like as fast as I could comprehend that, I shifted to a higher realm and received "new" information (Rememberings). First, absolutely everything we have access to, exists WITHIN US. When I "speak" from the higher realms, I see from there, I exist there and that comes from within me. I do not get it (any longer) from "up there". Have not for awhile. This too, is yet a vibrational frequency we achieve within us. It is what we have forgotten, that was locked deep within. Now, while many of us speak of separation between realms, this is true, yet it is not. The only reason it appears they separate, is because we have achieved a frequency within us that gives us a "higher view". When we "see", we see from the higher realms. Each realm is visible as separate realms. When the energies are "lower", we do not have this expanded view. We do not see from these realms during those times. We do still see from a higher realm, just not as high as we are used to. (or that is my own experience). While many see these realms in chaos, in separation, in the physical, yes, this does occur. Yet from the higher realms, this does not exist. It is no longer present in the reality we see from. We see it for what it is. Each shall experience the realm that they currently exist in vibrationally. If one holds denseness within, then that denseness shall be experienced. Where one does not, it shall not. For many of us, the 3rd Dimensional realm is already gone. We still interact with those in the 4th Dimensional realm, for we are here to assist those who have awakened and are seeking to transcend those limits into the 5th Dimensional Realm. Even for me, the 5th Dimensional realm is but a "pit stop". Yet it must BE first, before we can shift fully into the higher dimensional realms. WE can see "down" to the other realms, yet we do not exist there. Will 3rd Dimensional Realm eventually just "fall away". Very possible. I see so many "scenarios", I am not ready to go in any specific direction with that yet. I wait or clarity of my own visions before I share. This is the responsible thing for me to do. Currently I see that those who exist in the 3rd Dimensional Realm will not be able to see us in the 5th Dimensional Realm, yet we can see it. 4th Dimensional Realm can still see both. The realms did not change. We just got access to move into the higher realms. The LightBody continues to "Lighten" so that walking from realm to realm (and more) actually becomes a "norm". (More on this later, as there is SO MUCH here!) There are many of us that have been "playing" in the higher realms for awhile. How that opens up, shall depend on how long one allows their human mind to continue to separate time within them. For as that goes, access to more is activated within. I do not see in time. I see in frequency. And I can achieve any frequency I believe in and choose to go within to unlock with my own active participation and release of human mind limits. "Out there" is absolutely created by us, from within us. So, if it can be seen, it does exist within you. Transcending that should be each's focus, rather than looking at "that out there" waiting for something to change. Yet that too is some's journey and all happens exactly as it should, when it is time. There shall be many "new" awakeners coming through. And those who "do what we do" shall assist in the way that they are here to do so. All shall be drawn in frequency to that which resonates and those souls will find those who are meant to assist them. We wait for them to make a choice, as this is an imperative part of ascension. One must choose their soul self over their physical world self. Until they do, there is a "lesson" that has yet to be learned. ALL came here to create a physical world, physical reality, acquire physical stuff, tie identities to absolutely everything outside of them, to turn around to have to let go of every identity to & belief of "that out there". It is the human experience that all agreed too & chose prior to coming here. It is the act alone of loss that creates the desire for something different. Many of us here work to create awareness, so that less have to suffer. Yet, choice is always up to the human self not to let go of pride, fear, lack. We have learned to honor that. We do not fight to save another, as we understand that is not our role here. Our role is to wait until one is ready and makes the choice. Then we can assist with tools to point them within, to transcend previous limits and to come to a place of utter & complete peace, love & honor within. Many of us work to assist the masses, and stop to help the individual soul that has truly made a choice to do the inner work. There shall be many "hurrying" in panic. WE must stand in light, teach and share. Where we are called to do otherwise, we honor that too. For WE must continue to integrate to higher frequencies also. This shall continue to be the priority for all here if we are to do what we came here to do. I love you and I hope this helps. Playtime is over. Yet it always has been. It is just more visible now. P.S. The time for "suffering" for those who have access to the higher realms is no longer. Access for how to transcend that has been activated within. This too exists in frequency, so if you are one who chose to suffer to "get here", focus every moment on your inner work, as lack too goes. That was also a frequency we all held within. All have it and all shall release it when it is their "time". I love you. ~ Transcendence Higher Realms Energy Translations from Within www.AwakeningToRemembering.com www.TranscendingConsciousness.com/courses.html ![]() All energies that I speak of exist with us all. Many have been under the perception that these come to us from "out there". It is the opposite as all previously perceived. The human sees all "out there". Downloads coming from "up there", being activated from "out there". The higher self, up there. And while, from one perspective, this could be viewed as true, this is not my perspective (any more). It has not been for a long time. I write to you all to help you see FROM WITHIN. For the entire World, Universe, Cosmos, Star System that all see, is only a projector view of what exists within you. All energies are activated from within us. The DNA activations, the dormant parts of your mind that were never utilized, all hold the "forgotten" that activates all that you now come to be/feel/see, from within you. Your energy body, fully activated, has a capability beyond human. It exists AS ALL, without separation from anything at all. The journey was to come here to create a human body, a human existence, a human physical reality to experience, to gather material things, people, identities, separate into other times (lifetimes, dimensions, realities), to then come to "awaken" to the "truth" that none of that was ever you. That entire existence is what all must come to let go of, release and transcend. For what we all come to now move into, does not exist in 'human'. It exists in the beyond, that which human cannot believe or see. This is only available through an open heart and mind. And all shall come to realize this, in their own "time" within. When I write of energy activations or streams, every one of these are within you. When you tune to them, you are tuning to frequencies you hold within, yet have forgotten. Memories of the forgotten/other side/invisible, exist within you, deep beneath your human ones. As the human ones are allowed to leave, new memories are allowed to surface. Out there only changes as you do within. You created those people, those experiences, those memories for your own experience here, Both individually and collectively (as that is perceived to be). Yet the "time" is coming where the human reality ends. And a new phase begins. For this, many are being led to leave absolutely everything behind. To let completely go of their entire human existence here. This is necessary, for the human mind hangs on, and it is the human existence that shall end, for many of us. Holding on is creating great discomfort for many. Letting go is necessary, as it is the reason you are here. The story, the play, is being re-written. This is occurring within all. This part of the journey is one that comes from within us all. Out there shall be a transmission. One will tune to it vibrationally. Your pineal gland must be activated with sunshine, expanded and if you have not done so, decalcified. I have been shown that this is how I now hear, smell, see absolutely everything. This is your internal viewer that transmits your reality out there for you to see, again from within. Our human senses diminish and our energetic senses expand. All are evolving as energetic beings. This requires discomfort in the physical, for this energy was not made to fit into these human bodies. We work to integrate them, so that the human body can LIGHT'en and we can walk as energy forms here. Translucency is occurring, now to physically be able to see. For me, this has become quite visible, for now, when I do sessions, most of my clients can see me translucently (as a blue & purple energy). I have started "glowing" to humans that I run into in public that walk up to me to "touch" me to see if I really exist. I am invisible to many who cannot even see me until I "appear". Many are already experiencing this too. There is nothing typical, nothing normal, nothing rational here, according to human. Yet as energy, we get it, if we allow ourselves to believe that which we hear/feel/see inside of us. So, when I write the "energies of home" stream, these are being activated WITHIN YOU. The calm and peace that you feel exists within. You may smell it & see it, yet you are seeing from your new viewer, your new way of smelling, from within, as an energy form. All out there will be a transmission. In order to change/activate/expand that which you desire to transmit, you must go totally within. I can only assist you, by creating awareness that was not previously there. You are the key to your own existence. Always have been. Together we all create a NEW reality. Yet this is not new, only forgotten. We begin to enter the new, where out there becomes visible once again. ♥ I love you. ~ Transcendence Higher Realm Energy Translations from Within www.awakeningtoremembering.com ![]() In my "sleep" state I was shown the "ripping away" of human identities that many still hold onto. The "need" for things to still be a certain way, the old way of thinking things through first, needing tangible in exchange, needing to validate, and basically, "thinking" anything exists "out there". Portals (or realms) are opened up for a brief time to shown one that "that" truly does exist. Then they are closed again. Why? Because all that stands in the way of "that" is YOU. Your human you that thought a different way has to then be "dismantled" into not believing the human way anymore. One will continue to go in & out of that frequency until all low-frequencies have been transcended (purged or cleared in human terms). HIGHER REALM ENERGY TRANSMISSION/TRANSLATION: You ARE being moved into HIGHER REALMS. You cannot exist in these realms and be of the old human way. The old human way is to put everything else first, in the physical. The higher realms work in reverse/opposite to the human reality/experience that all came there to create, learn from & then let go of. There is no "lack" here. There is no bargaining. There is no "I am limited" anymore. Those were the old human ways. And you are not here to be that human anymore. You are here to be a walking soul and continue to re-evolve BACK into an energy form that is whole, there in your visible physical reality. You cannot be whole (ONE) with ALL-THAT-IS, AS "All-That-Is, and still be separated within. Separation within you shall be presented in your visible reality OUT there for you to see. THEY don't do anything to you. THEY ARE, you as a physical manifestation for a tangible something that you asked to be shown to see about yourself from inside. Your human MIND cannot comprehend the entire complexity of the PLAY that you created here. Your human mind separates all things. It separates TIME, PLACES, PEOPLE, THINGS in order to see them. IF you DO NOT DESIRE something, then you must not allow it INTO your reality. If you desire to transcend your previous human limits, you must make your soul/your lightbody/your journey, YOUR priority. ONLY THEN will out there fall into place FOR you. For you still see those things as separate too. Out there occurs AS you. It IS you. You shall be faced to choose realms. 5th Dimension is a REALM. It is floating above the human space that you used to exist in. It is your HEAVEN on EARTH there. For "this time" you are in, Separation is now occurring between the realms. If you choose the "old" human way, then you shall exist in a REALM that still offers discomfort and "adjustments" to show you that this is not your reality any longer. If you CHOOSE the higher REALMS, then your reality of magic, awesome, bliss, amazing (THIS IS JUST YOUR REMEMBERING of that which you have forgotten)shall continue to be opened within you. For these REALMS do not exist "up there". They exist inside of you and await your continued "conscious" choice to make it your priority to HONOR, in every moment. For this is how you achieve the frequency that allows you to integrate that AS you to exist in at "all times" and all spaces. Your integration is up to you, there as a BEING of light. You already "chose this", before ever even incarnating there in the human form. You now choose, as you perceive it to be, how uncomfortable or blissful an experience you have as you re-evolve back as ENERGY. If you choose human, you shall endure the "human work/suffering world reality". If you choose ENERGY, HONOR, INTEGRITY and your SOUL/LIGHTBODY as your own priority, then your visible physical reality (as you see it), shall honor you with the same, in return. For they ARE the same. Separation again is only in your human mind. How you experience is choice. THAT you are to experience this, is a given, for you are incarnated so you did choose this. Your REALM is up to you. You will find many "leaving you" if you choose human. For those who leave to exist in the higher realms have come to understand that compromise is no longer an option. They have been shown to make a choice. They have come to honor their internal reality FIRST. This is not selfish. It is required, from a place of love, in order to move into the next "phase", if you will, of your ascension, as you see it there. For those too are human words describing your re-evolution in remembering that which you have forgotten yourself to be. ONE ENERGY. These realms that open to you ARE HOME. For HOME exists within you, AS you and transmits "out there" for you to now hear/feel/touch/see, BE. ~ Transcendence Higher Realm Energy Translations from Within www.AwakeningToRemembering.com ![]() Out and about and how exquisite the energies are today, from within. Every moment offers for brilliance when in observation of all that comes forth to see. I float today, from space to space, place to place, interacting while invisible to all around me. The angelic realm opened up as I "entered" the outer world today. As I drove, I was viewing from the clouds, while before I was observing how to exist in multiple "times", how to move to a space vibrationally that support that which we have achieved within. I sit in a coffee shop, beginning the next book, writing to share with you here, seeing my new space in Kauai, wherever that is to be. For you see, once you achieve the vibration WITHIN you, then all that transpires does so FOR you, in response TO you. WE are Energetic BEings, existing in a physical form. Embrace and go forth to bring TO you that will support you now in however you desire to BE! I love you. <3 ~ Transcendence O:) Existing IN the Higher Realms today & sharing all that I SEE! www.AwakeningToRemembering.com ![]() ALL who have been doing "this" work, who have cleared from the inside out, who have devoted themselves entirely to "this" now answer a "call", if you will, to go DEEP within. Entire constructs are being dissolved, wiped, dismantled and completely erased. NEW is now being "created" for all, from inside of you. This period you have come into, is a period that you, with your galactic sisters and brothers, actually participate in NOW CREATING, by re-mapping, and re-programming the NEW. It IS your ENERGETIC SIGNATURE that you have again become that shall connect together, as the grid, to completely start to re-build AGAIN. For that which you now pull THROUGH you, shall transmit from within you. This web of connection is being created in every moment that you do. Others shall come to participate in their own "time", yet for you, NOW, this IS your time. This is "part" of what you came here for. THIS is what you have waited for and worked for. And yet, it is only the beginning. For as time continues to collapse, all shall come to "be" in the same space and time vibrationally. For now, YOU, bring that forth for all. When it is "done" you will know. How you shall do this, you will know. It will be different for each. WHERE you connect to all, from inside you, is where you shall go. For you have come to see, that you need not "go" anywhere. You are already "here". All you need to do is open a portal within you and exist in this space to receive that which you need to receive. For your NEW is now being laid out, from inside of you ALL, as ONE, as WE. Your own light signature has been activated, your own Energy Body (LightBody/Merkaba) now merges to activate the entire energy grid there. The Merkaba of Gaia activates and connects in order to further open cosmic & galactic portals from within. Your "Ascension" has begun and shall continue to occur. It shall activate further with each as they come to be in this same space & time as one. With the highest love there is, ~Transcendence <3 The Galactic High Council www.awakeningtoremembering.com ![]() I do not usually talk about "me", but this seems "important" in our "NEW" RE-EVOLUTION "here" to share. I only do a timeline on this so that one can "see" how fast things appear to be occurring now, as "time" collapses "here". When your priority is your vibrational frequency, silence and your own connection, you can create the ability for "change" by unlocking higher frequencies from within. Most have no idea from how far I truly see and what "I" do in every moment to assist all others. I have tuned & turned my entire being into a cosmic portal that I receive and transmit from. I transmit the energies as they come through me. I hear entire solar systems, galactic & cosmic energies from within me as they occur. I relinquished everything in the physical to be able to do this "here". Now it is time for ALL of us who have made this a priority to go further inward, further to receive that which WE have waited for, knowing that realities for all are about to change dramatically beyond anything others can even comprehend "here". All have choice. Honoring this entire journey first has always been mine. I honor all others who choose this too. With the utmost respect, appreciation and love.... I only speak of the most recent moments that stand out when I type this. There are so many, as they occur in every moment now. And I ask for them, encourage them & seek them with great appreciation beyond all else. In June, I went "beneath" the Sphinx, yet it was dark and I could not see. I was tuned to the frequencies of the pyramids from inside me. Since then, it has been an amazing & brilliant catapult in every moment. Actually, this entire "year" has been. Yet I have known this in advance "each time" and have honored it completely. On 7/1, I got that I was to go "silent", cancel all, stop speaking, do nothing but absorb the energies, until shown otherwise. So I did/have. I was shown to do this the entire month of July & possibly part/all of August, so we shall see). I also keep being give a "date" in early September and it "feels" that is the time I am to be moving elsewhere, but again, we shall see. In flow, shifting & changing in every moment. 7/4 & 7/5, I went through major "work" on my head (this is an all-time occurrence for me), lips, teeth, throat chakra and solar plexus area. Light being activated from inside all over the entire body, which has been increasingly occurring lately to almost a daily thing (sometimes several times a day too). I awoke to the words "you are becoming invisible". When I went to the store during this period of days (not sure which one), I seriously thought I was glowing and expected everyone to "freak out", but nope. Not yet at least! 7/6, I awoke with tons streaming in to translate. I had previously attempted to do video/sound, without "me" in it (the point is the frequency transmission & NOT to see me). After hours of "trying to get it to work", I heard "just record audio". I had not done this before, while all just "fell into place", as apparently that was what I was to do! Before I knew it, I had transcribed several messages and recorded them and had them uploaded to my website! Now, I actually "see" all of that which I translate and transcribe. I "go" to that space. I am "not here" when I do this, which is much of my day. I "stay" in the outer realms at all times. It is from here that I work. I know no other way. I have been shown that until otherwise shown, to stay here, anchor in light/energies/frequencies. I even didn't go to Hawaii because I got shown, don't move. Okay then, for now, I am still here. lol 7/7: Sirius appeared in my "sleep state". Yet not as a dream, as me being there. This was my first interaction with anything Sirius, as before it was just a word I heard and "knew" would come forth one day. Magnificent BLUE sky beach, but not a typical beach. There were these "things" that walking all around, not from here. Some, way off in the distance, looked like those "tall things" that walked really slow in the Star Wars movies. I cannot remember the rest of the "beings", although it was so very comfortable and known from within. I remember not wanting to "leave" that moment, as I was enjoying remembering and being there. 7/8: I awoke to seeing "old" issues to clear, so I spent about 4 hours observing, cutting cords, anchors & releasing in my mind energy. Then, instantly, went into the physical violent purge & Burn-Off part after. During the purge and "losing consciousness" I was scribbling on paper the words that came through, which I usually never bother to do. "Sirian Detox" and then Lyran? was a tiny bit too, but not sure and not dominant, just wrote it down. Entire thing lasted about 2 hours and awoke soaked and ready to move forward with new! I have learned that awesome expansion follows, so I honor and appreciate every one of these! 7/9PM Apparently translated massive energy streams for 24 hours straight! 7/10AM: VERY Eventful day, so breaking the day down for timeline: 3AM'ish: I was awoken "just to see" the violent purgings going on collectively of deep rooted fears, anger & more. I was able to observe how "extreme" it was, yet was not a participant. 6-8AM'ish: (Sleep state): I was "come and gotten" and "taken" to Angel School for additional "testing" to see if I "passed". This was a "first" for me, as I have never been drawn to "angels" in either human or spiritual moments. These are very real interactions, that are remembered and not "dreams". I have always called these experiences, as they are as real as any "wake" state interaction, and while no actual word are spoken, all are understood. These occur as we continue to "flip" realities and merge to where they are all one. (Sleep and wake state being the same). 9AM'ish: I awoke to the most peace ever and to my off-world/higher realms messages coming from inside my entire being. My solar plexus, heart, throat, head. THEY were no longer "out there". I was able to write the message down to share. (See below) EVENING: I was shown that I had opened a portal and "stepped into" the angelic realm. Now, this is NOT anything I had ever identified with of my own, so THIS WAS NEWS TO ME! I have been shown that this too is a space that we access. Whether this be all or some, I have no idea yet, as I am still new to this realm. Yet what I can see from here is amazing. WE sit above the clouds and look down at earth. We speak in unison and WE exist in the higher realms. It is a very cool space to be!
7/10: I awoke to energies being activated in my entire body and hearing the words "You are becoming more invisible". This is not unusual to me, so I said "thank you" and got up and went on my way. Yet, feeling like much is so going on "inside" that we all yet to see. I see the "invisible" thing daily now, and how all do not realize that this is occurring to them, for they cannot see. I write much on this, but know many think I am just off in la-la land or something. Yet I understand it, and again, wait for everyone else to "catch up" in frequency. The physical is soooo slow to the human mind. 7/11: TRANSLUCENCY: I did private sessions all day & night via Skype. Back to back and I was whooped, but I allow for whatever needs to transpire to do so. The last session, LightBody Energy was called for. I have done this several times with amazing results each time. So, here we went again. The energies streaming were "very high" the entire time. But what occurred "after" was totally unexpected. All of a sudden, my neck started glowing from inside. Radiating out from my throat chakra, my entire neck turned into this amazing blue light. It was as if I was in a "blackroom" as then my hands turned iridescent purple/violet and started "disappearing" too! My face also took on some of the blue & purple and I looked like I was about to start shapeshifting/disappearing again (this has happened in in-person LightBody energy sessions many times before. Starting in early/mid 2012, in human time. The other person actually start taking photos via Skype and part of it is visible! The "shock" will show up in some photos, as it was an "experience" to actually see it for myself! There was a point where the sides/back of my neck turned dark and started to disappear. I turned "translucent", which I understand shall occur for many. I write much on how we are becoming invisible, yet many cannot see. This was the first time it had been caught on camera/film. (P.S. I do not feel it is yet "time" to share these photos. I shall do so when shown by the energies to do so.) 7/12PM: I underwent new pathways being activated in my head area again. This is where one can hear the energy shooting around inside the entire head. I awoke feeling "different" and sounds being heard differently again. There were more frequencies, sounds and how I heard was different too. SMELLS: Ever since I started this "silence", my other sense have also expanded. I realize that for "months", I have been smelling portals opening when the energy streams come through, yet I was unaware of what "that" was. Only through continued observation and awareness do we "see" things as they truly are. Home energies smell fresh, clean, cool and light. Solar flares smell like something burning. What's next? We shall see!
HEARING: Now comes from inside of me. I can hear externally, but actually wear earplugs now, because the clarity of what I hear is better from inside. I can hear oceans from somewhere else, birds, neighbors apartments, traffic from miles away from inside my entire body. In my feet, solar plexus, hands. This comes and goes, so am sure this is still tuning in my own frequencies. ENERGETIC COMMUNICATION/TELEPATHY: I have experienced times where I can hear everything another thinks or focuses on, even when they cannot. This too comes and goes, yet am sure is just being tuned too. I have stopped using the phone and just "send messages" telepathically to people to get in touch. Within a matter of moments, my phone is ringing, I am receiving an email, text or message from them. WORDS: Words lower one's frequency when "this space" is present. So unless they are necessary, then they are not! Electronics do this too, yet mine are "tuning" to me & the frequencies, so that has been "cool" to observe. My phone has been off for almost 2 weeks and I have not even noticed (yes, the phone bill is going next month!). I also shut the computer off and it goes away now when I sleep or nap or in deep connection mode. VISIBILITY: For the last several weeks/months, when I go out, all the "people" are "missing", yet I am shown that they are there, but they cannot see me & I cannot see them. I am shown this will continue as we "move" into the "new" higher realms and remember more from within. On the days that the energy is "dense", then there are "all the people" present to see. On the days the energy is "high" and from "home" there are less people to see. This also occurs when one co-mingles densities. So if I am in the company of another with a dense reality, I get to experience the other's same dense reality and mine too. Which is why it is soooo very important to CHOOSE higher realities/associations in every moment! So it "appears" as the energies elevate in streams, once they become "higher realm energies all the time", that the "dense" realities shall no longer be visible. Time-frame? Doesn't exist. My individual reality can go as fast as I choose now. I was shown that recently. This will now be up to each in how they participate and go inward to shift their own reality. The energies come to support this and "wipe" all other "times" so that this can occur for all when they too are ready. Remember, what you see "out there" now is what TOTALLY exists and transmits from within. HOW WE function here changes too. When one integrates so fully, they can occupy many spaces at one time with great ease. One (day) in higher realm energies amounts to weeks of scattered dense energy in the lower realms. We can get much done here, and it is how I have functioned for the last several years, in human time. So, I shall be spending the next few weeks in silence, until I am shown otherwise. For those who work with me to help me reach others, thank you. From my soul to yours. For we help each other in every person we reach and touch. WE all raise in vibrational frequency when we put ourselves aside and work to reach more. For each we touch that raises, raises us too. Collectively vibrationally. For those who offer financial exchange for receiving freely, this is so greatly appreciated, as we do exist and help others on this. There is no way to explain what all "we" see. Complete trust and honor of that at this point, and connecting with others in alignment should be what all that matters. Inner connections are at the highest point now. For me, the bliss has been beyond bliss... there are no words. So for those who are struggling or wonder what it is all for. There is absolutely nothing else more important. Keep expanding your consciousness and learning energetically. For the "dark" or low vibrations do purge and what is available in the beyond, here in the physical, goes beyond all logical comprehension, yet it is real. It is more real than anything in the old physical reality. That, was not real. This is! And to be able to CREATE the NEW real from a state of REMEMBERING is well, BEYOND. I love you. ~~~Transcendence ![]() There is a space, if you will, after one becomes aware of illusions and holographic views, Where one expands to come to see that there is a beyond that allows one to further choose. For there are unlimited realities where one can exist to be, Yet first one must unlock them, one by one, to then expand to exist in them simultaneously. Most have yet to realize that you have already evolved as energy Your human mind still needs to see a manifestation of a physical reality Your human self was the one that needed to come to exist in a physical plane, Yet the more you realize, that this is no longer the case, The sooner you can come to move and shift as energy once again. Your physical world out there is but a manifestation of your human mind And once you come to comprehend this, you will again exist beyond space and time. Yet you are already lighter, no longer existing in a fixed reality Only in your human mind are you bound by limits of a physical that you still need to see . Many have no idea that they do not exist in that "old" physical place For the human seeing mind is the last to catch up to see beyond time and space. Your human mind had the need to evolve - Yet you already exist as energy. Now, your inner to outer viewer is no longer a viewer from just inside your mind Yet from your entire existence as an energetic being of vibrational sound and light This new space for you at first, will seem like great power for you to achieve While this is true and a necessary space, it is but a part of what you can yet see. For eventually, your human self shall move beyond your individual needs And you will come to use this space, to come together as one to be free Your forgotten and invisible world is no longer just a dream Once you allow your mind to let go of your physical reality you too shall be able to see As you move beyond your separated individual human view You will use this space together to create the world as you see as NEW As you come to join together, you unlock the etheric crystal key For once you have dissolved as one, you shall exist in a whole new reality. For as you evolve from your physical world to one where you now exist as energy Your entire being shifts inside, to exist as ONE with us as WE So embrace within dear ones, as it begins For your NEW World comes and your old one ends! WE are the Galactic High Council, and it is with LOVE that WE NOW speak. ![]() Many are aware of all that is shifting and changing out there, yet the human mind cannot see. As as you shift inward, your outward will subtly change as you start to truly see. As you evolve energetically, you are not only shifting into a higher frequency or a higher dimensional reality. You are shifting entirely into a new realm that you see visibly in your outward physical reality. It is hard to explain, so that you can actually see. For there are no human words to satisfy the human mind need. So we ask you to envision, close your eyes and open your mind. See as WE speak here, feel the sound of the words in your heart & in your mind. For visible is inside you and outward transpires according to there now. It always did, yet you did not hold a vibration to allow you to see as you now see. Everything is perception and your perception is your own reality. There never has been another time, another world, another you. There has only been one, hidden in plain sight view. For you were the one that masked your world, with experiences you needed to see. For all out there has always existed, within you, vibrationally. So now, as you release separation, within you far and wide. What you see out there is your view of what exists in the hidden from inside. For your viewer is no longer your physical eyes, but through your heart connected to the cosmic universe, soul and mind. For now you see energetically, a projection from within, and activated by that which was veiled like a treasure for you to find. Imagine the entire reality out there being transmitted from deep within. No longer just from inside the head, but your entire being now instead. For when you come to realize that "there" is only a response. You will shift your view inward and create that which you desire to watch. The trees more colorful, the sky more clearly viewed, the sounds you hear feed you, for you are them and they are you. For your reality to be seamless, without fear and full of trust, you must release all that was never you, and step in faith, this is a must. You are now your creator of out there from deep inside your soul. For that out there is perfection & bliss, when inside you again becomes whole. You shall come to understand that what you see is truly yours. Your reality is now accessed through the inner portals that used to be blocked by walls & doors. Open up a space inside and allow yourself to fly. For you are but an energy, and you now walk energetically above the sky. The old shall be come invisible and the new shall now be seen. For this is not new, just forgotten, which first becomes visible in the in-between. Yet soon, dear ones, even that shall merge as the old physical falls away. For you now walk in light, as light, and this alone creates your new way. Out there shall continue to change as you do, to transform your reality. You can speed it up, if you will, when you make your entire frequency your priority. Your human words cannot show you, but your heart can help you see. That out there is your own frequency, transmitted vibrationally. If you wish to transcend that which you perceive to be, then go inside and release all that desires to be free. Those who still hold separation, shall see barriers and distrust. This is part of their journey now, and release they will, when they feel they must. You can let this go, and step beyond those old fixed walls. You can choose to be free, when you see nothing but love and all else falls. This has never been hidden, it's just that your human self could not yet see. Your human self will see this as magical and new, while your higher self has always known it to be. Your human you had to re-integrate to again become as one inside. As this was first necessary, for your outside to change for you to see. You do walk in a new world, as you perceive it to be. But not out there, yet from inside, you now project your new reality. For this manifests in your physical, every moment that you expand. For you now have access to see and exist in your own new visible forgotten land. You shall become WE to be able to expand in this new reality. WE reality now becomes visible, as you are no longer separate inside, which blocks your ability to see. With love, WE welcome you home. Transcendence - Translating the Energies as WE ![]() There is a "space", if you will, where the energies are high, the veils & air are thin and one has vibrationally activated the LightBody (Crystalline Body, Multi-Dimensional self, etc.) to feel and see into the beyond. These are all but terms that you use there to understand. We refer to this as "the other side", "the invisible" or "the forgotten", yet it exists only in a frequency that you have yet to be able to fully access, or in the physical, achieve. You are being integrated, or merged, into these higher frequencies at the "rate" that you can comprehend. For you, as an energetic being already exist here, yet your human self must increase vibrationally for you to to be able to merge dimensionally. Your physical shall feel more in these densities of the dimensional merges of these higher frequencies. Bugs, rodents, reptiles, spiders & more are used to desensitize your human fears of this. Each time you dream or encounter a "thing" that makes you jump or scream, you further release the energy of fear to that which you see. This is a necessary part of your human process in "shifting up" as you see it, vibrationally. You are not going anywhere, you are not moving to a new place. You are not leaving where you are physically, you are re-evolving as an energetic space. In this space you are everywhere, all at once and in all times. Here you shall see everything, yet in pieces according to the limits of your own human mind. In these times of high frequencies, you can see and feel that which you could not previously see. These visions, or experiences, appear new to you, yet they are memories of that which you have forgotten yourself to be. You will feel tingly at first, then something crawling on you. You may discount the experience or even question your own sanity. Yet inside, you know it to be real, yet not according to your human reality. This is necessary and shall increasingly occur, as when you are to "walk into the new" (the invisible or forgotten), you shall already be there before you know it, as it happens subtly. Translation note: The one who writes this, called Transcendence, is shown these things to be able to translate what she sees. She has reached a vibrational frequency that allows her these experiences, then given the words in order to share and teach. We needed someone who didn't filter or compromise with human needs. For this she speaks as we speak, for she exists in these vibrations that allows her to speak as WE. All shall come to a place of no separation within and as they do, they too shall also see. It is in this space that WE exist and shall also speak to you directly. WE are the Galactic High Council and it is with love that we now speak. ![]() Strongly streaming energies continue to be received by all! How they shall be received now, shall be based upon your own individual energetic, physical, thought & emotional needs. For shifting is what all are doing, both individually and collectively. There is no "one size fits all" here anymore. There actually never was. Yet, collectively a "majority" existed in the same space, yet now, those spaces too have so expanded where existence is beautiful & unique based upon the expansion of one's self as an energy. These energies bring through rememberings. The human sees these things as "new", yet they have always felt them inside. The energetic being understands that they are not new, rather they are now visible in the vibrational frequency that one now resides. What one shall see, hear, feel shall be based now upon where they exist in "time" vibrationally. For when I walk, when you walk, when all walk out into this world you call a reality... what you see, what I see, what others see, shall be based upon one's internal frequency of visibility. For now, your "new" energy eyes, ears and lighter body shall allow you too see in frequency. Your world, my world, their world are all available for all to see. For you see, energetic loves, all realities now exist simultaneously. In these energies, here now, you shall see what you believe in, I shall see what I believe in, and they shall see what they believe in reality. For you see, all shall see reality energetically. Your emotions have been transmuted from the human self to ones of brilliance that you now receive vibrationally through senses from within & inspired by sound, visual & touch. Your energetic reality allows you to bend that which was fixed before. And the more you embrace the invisible the more you will be able to shift, bend, see and eventually move through, energetically. For the separation of time and space have always only been in your mind. As your mind & your physical body both become lighter and expandable, they shall also continue to become bendable and invisible. For you exist as an energetic being, not limited by the separation of space or time. In your human "past there", you have not yet had the ability to touch, hear & see the invisible. Yet you shall, for you see, as that has always been "present", you just did not hold the vibration within to be able to bend & expand as energy. So embrace these energies and your own, as one such energy. For you see, dear loves, they are for you. They bring you that which you have forgotten to be. <3 |
Support Change and help me keep sharing to assist all in unity and bringing forth the "new" (Remembered) here. With the utmost appreciation and love. Mahalo. ♥
Thank you to Marinette Lepine with TransLight for sharing and translating in French! Wow, so very honored! Thank YOU!
Read here WAYSHOWER, AUTHOR, PHYSICAL ASCENSION & LIGHT EMBODIMENT GUIDE, CRYSTAL(LINE) GRIDKEEPER & GATEKEEPER, LIGHT ENERGY TRANSLATOR, COSMIC PORTAL, & MORE!Transcendence is my first"Remembered" name, Ithara is my Galactic identification and Lisa is my human name. Archives
January 2016
Lisa Transcendence Brown (Ithara) ☼
Ascended Master WayShower, Author, NEW Earth Existence Sharings, Transformational Speaker, Light Embodiment & Empowerment Physical Ascension Guide (all from within) www.AwakeningToRemembering.com Updates via the Public Page: https://www.facebook.com/LisaTranscendenceBrown Purchase Books: https://www.awakeningtoremembering.com/books.html |
Invest in yourself, each other, your Service as Light, hUmaNITY, Consciousness Expansion and all of our future nows... by contributing to and fully supporting (in every way) that which supports humanity with the immense transition phases with greater ease and through Pure Love.
NEW Earth has a whole new, entirely different value system, all new systems and ways that all must learn/remember and bring forth from deep within.
Energetic Cycles are increasing substantially at an unprecedented rate, accelerating "what comes back around" energetically... from all existences, as all is a cyclical/spiral/reciprocal energy that cycles faster as our beloved planet's vibrational frequency continues to rise to bring/usher all out of the "dark ages" and into "the Light" (Full Consciousness/a Quantum State of Remembrance/Pure Peace, Love, Unity and Sacred Oneness).
In deep sacred appreciation for your presence, dedication and service as Love too. ♥
Keep embracing, shining, building, integrating and sharing your BEAUTIFUL LIGHT as Love! It's BEyond important for all! ♥
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