Higher realms are opening loves (from within you). The portals are opening to higher realm communication, access, & creation from within. For those who have activated this, tune-in. For those who are not sure if they have, or don't know how, you don't have to. All you have to do is believe and then pay attention to absolutely every subtle thing around you, inside of you, every thought. The pineal gland is being SUPER ACTIVATED for further expansion right now. This gives actual VISION of the 5th Dimensional Realm (and others) from within. Seeing further becomes present. The head is hugely affected by this. (I also heard the magical realms opening a bit, so that should be present too!). Now, those who interact with us here on this page, resonate with the FREQUENCIES of that which I transmit, which means you resonate at these frequencies too. This makes us a part of the same SOUL FAMILY/GROUP, and means when the realms open for me, they open for you too. Others are drawn to another who resonates at their frequency, and the "times" that the portals open for them may be different. This is why you can feel/hear/see at the same "times" as I do. As we all move into the higher realms together, soul groups/families further merge to all resonate IN the same frequencies, for time does not exist in these higher realms. So, tune-in, absorb, activate from within. I am off to receive the "new" information that started streaming on my new workshops, books & that to share with you! Back in a bit. I love you!!!!!! p.s. MAJOR head tingling going on while our vision is further activated from within. We see in frequency, so all of the releasing that one has done recently will now allow them to see that which could not be seen before. It may or may not be huge, and out there is only a transmission of that which exists with you!
In my "sleep" state I was shown the "ripping away" of human identities that many still hold onto. The "need" for things to still be a certain way, the old way of thinking things through first, needing tangible in exchange, needing to validate, and basically, "thinking" anything exists "out there". Portals (or realms) are opened up for a brief time to shown one that "that" truly does exist. Then they are closed again. Why? Because all that stands in the way of "that" is YOU. Your human you that thought a different way has to then be "dismantled" into not believing the human way anymore. One will continue to go in & out of that frequency until all low-frequencies have been transcended (purged or cleared in human terms). HIGHER REALM ENERGY TRANSMISSION/TRANSLATION: You ARE being moved into HIGHER REALMS. You cannot exist in these realms and be of the old human way. The old human way is to put everything else first, in the physical. The higher realms work in reverse/opposite to the human reality/experience that all came there to create, learn from & then let go of. There is no "lack" here. There is no bargaining. There is no "I am limited" anymore. Those were the old human ways. And you are not here to be that human anymore. You are here to be a walking soul and continue to re-evolve BACK into an energy form that is whole, there in your visible physical reality. You cannot be whole (ONE) with ALL-THAT-IS, AS "All-That-Is, and still be separated within. Separation within you shall be presented in your visible reality OUT there for you to see. THEY don't do anything to you. THEY ARE, you as a physical manifestation for a tangible something that you asked to be shown to see about yourself from inside. Your human MIND cannot comprehend the entire complexity of the PLAY that you created here. Your human mind separates all things. It separates TIME, PLACES, PEOPLE, THINGS in order to see them. IF you DO NOT DESIRE something, then you must not allow it INTO your reality. If you desire to transcend your previous human limits, you must make your soul/your lightbody/your journey, YOUR priority. ONLY THEN will out there fall into place FOR you. For you still see those things as separate too. Out there occurs AS you. It IS you. You shall be faced to choose realms. 5th Dimension is a REALM. It is floating above the human space that you used to exist in. It is your HEAVEN on EARTH there. For "this time" you are in, Separation is now occurring between the realms. If you choose the "old" human way, then you shall exist in a REALM that still offers discomfort and "adjustments" to show you that this is not your reality any longer. If you CHOOSE the higher REALMS, then your reality of magic, awesome, bliss, amazing (THIS IS JUST YOUR REMEMBERING of that which you have forgotten)shall continue to be opened within you. For these REALMS do not exist "up there". They exist inside of you and await your continued "conscious" choice to make it your priority to HONOR, in every moment. For this is how you achieve the frequency that allows you to integrate that AS you to exist in at "all times" and all spaces. Your integration is up to you, there as a BEING of light. You already "chose this", before ever even incarnating there in the human form. You now choose, as you perceive it to be, how uncomfortable or blissful an experience you have as you re-evolve back as ENERGY. If you choose human, you shall endure the "human work/suffering world reality". If you choose ENERGY, HONOR, INTEGRITY and your SOUL/LIGHTBODY as your own priority, then your visible physical reality (as you see it), shall honor you with the same, in return. For they ARE the same. Separation again is only in your human mind. How you experience is choice. THAT you are to experience this, is a given, for you are incarnated so you did choose this. Your REALM is up to you. You will find many "leaving you" if you choose human. For those who leave to exist in the higher realms have come to understand that compromise is no longer an option. They have been shown to make a choice. They have come to honor their internal reality FIRST. This is not selfish. It is required, from a place of love, in order to move into the next "phase", if you will, of your ascension, as you see it there. For those too are human words describing your re-evolution in remembering that which you have forgotten yourself to be. ONE ENERGY. These realms that open to you ARE HOME. For HOME exists within you, AS you and transmits "out there" for you to now hear/feel/touch/see, BE. ~ Transcendence Higher Realm Energy Translations from Within www.AwakeningToRemembering.com I must speak first, before posting this translation, as I do not usually post of "things to come". Yet, I have learned to trust and honor all that I receive to share. This specific message was a bit different for me, as it was the first time I had received to translate for the Lyran Energies of the High Council (LHC). The Lyrans, I have become aware of just the last many months as part of the Council. I ask that you honor what resonates with you inside and as always, follow your heart. Never be swayed by anything you read. Trust that which activates something within you as a knowing through love and light. I am always honored to share and connect with all. This translation began from me asking questions about what I was hearing in frequency. There was a "new" band that I had not heard before. When I started to ask questions, I received answers. This was the first time I had had "two-way communication", which I was told would continue to expand now. I shall attempt to recall the entire "conversation" for posting/sharing. I may update this if more comes through remembering. Before I went to bed, I had asked to be shown certain things that I desired answers to. One was if I was to keep translating streaming energies as they occurred online, as it takes up all of my time. I was not sure it was necessary, as very few seem to respond that they read them, yet I have been shown that they are followed all over the world... still, I asked. The answer came in the transmission. I also asked about remaining "here" physically/geographically and when to go. This too was part of my answer. One response was that I was to post now, for all who follow the real-time energy updates, when the "communication energy streams/bands" are active. For not all can yet hear or identify them, yet they can tune to them just the same. Apparently this is important for all of us all right now, so I shall share the "conversation/translation" below. Much of this is very new to me. These are not my words. I had no comprehension of "this" prior to receiving. Lyran Energies of the High Council (Received 8/11/13 10:33 am) Me (Transcendence) and the LHC Me: What is this new energy stream that I hear/see. (All prior streams seemed to be vertical, while these were horizontal in flow). LHC: You are being connected for "The Rising". I was then shown how it was streaming to connect each of us. Imagine visually a stream of light flowing through all of our heads. There was also a band up high that carries info via light. I was shown our antennae's internally, which we have always seen externally. It's kind of like the higher our antennae's, the higher streams we can hear. Yet with all being internal, that is not quite accurate. For the higher we vibrate, the higher the streams we have access to. Just trying to give a visual. Whatever works for you! LHC: Tune TO the frequencies from within. (Visual interpretation through metaphor.) It's like writing a note and putting it in a bottle and then sending it off to be received by another. Imagine a message to be "sent" across the new streaming bands that now connect us all. LHC: You, Transcendence, are to translate when these streams become active. There are many who cannot yet hear, and while they are connected, intention is necessary to strengthen this connection. In the upcoming days, you are all to do this daily. Strengthen the grid of light with intention to connect. Use your imagination and see this band streaming through you to connect with all others. Direct intention (visualize) allows you to connect together. Your awareness gives you this capability. You have forgotten how to communicate as energy. Therefore you must utilize this time to remember. Program your "self" to do this in your sleep and waking state. One can only connect to this in Light Frequency. (I was shown Yellow/Gold/White energy). This is up to what you choose to connect with. The following was also received to translate and share: LHC: Before, you needed to be in a specific physical place, yet it will no longer matter where you are physically located. This is why so many are being "prepared" to move. Before, you anchored light for where you were and you created a "space" in the physical necessary to do this. But, now you will go where the vibration supports you. Now that you have anchored these energies within you, they are within you, no matter where you exist. You are being prepared. Do not go back to an "old" vibration (place/space in time), unless you need to whole/heal. Safe is not necessary, as that was the old human way. Move forward into the "new" if you wish for the "new" to come to you. You must continue to move up in frequency and the old, safe way is down, as it is from a place of fear and you no longer exist here. In the past, many of you would receive transmissions, yet now, for many, this communication has been opened via a portal within you to allow for two-way communication. This too exists in frequency, and as more come to unlock this within, they too shall have the same access. ~Transcendence Higher Realm Energy Translations Part 2 of this Transmission, along with Activation: http://www.awakeningtoremembering.com/1/post/2013/08/light-communication-activation-lyran-energies-of-the-galactic-high-council.html ♥ 2nd Part of Communication received 8/11/13 (a.m.): Lyran Energy of the Galactic High Council Through Lisa "Transcendence" Brown LHC: Higher Realm Frequency Bands exist within you as the sounds you hear in your head or ears. There are certain times right now that they are more "open", if you will. They have always been present, yet you now are able to achieve the frequency in order to hear. Close your eyes and imagine opening a portal within you. Your heart, solar plexus or pineal gland are all places you can "go" to do this. Tune TO the frequency of LIGHT. You can tune, just by thinking, seeing, speaking this in a deep state from within. See the Light Frequency streams that connect you with all-that-is, with all others, also connected to the light grid. These bands/streams/frequencies, if you will, allow for multi-way communication now, whereas in the "past", you transmitted out OR received, now you can transmit and receive at the same time. YOU limited this, yet this is no longer. That too was dualistic, to see either/or. Yet now, this too merges within. You will have to "work" with this new communication, to continue to expand it beyond that which you currently perceive. Your antennae, if you will, go inward, not outward, and reach as far as your mind can comprehend. These bands that you have been hearing is the "new" (forgotten) communication being built between all of you there, The Grid of Light, as you perceive it, together, as one, with all-that-is. You are needed to intentionally connect to these streams. At that point I asked: "What do I do"? LHC: "You trust, be patient and wait. Honor all that you hear, see, feel in frequency. You translate. This is very important for those who cannot yet "hear". So then I asked: What do WE do? LHC: "You are being prepared for "The Rising". We need you to strengthen your communication in frequency. What you perceive as telepathy, is just you connecting & communicating as energy, as energetic beings. (Then they showed me us, as big crystals.) Those who cannot yet hear, are given rays of light to use to connect to (Sun Rays, Stars, etc.). If one does not know of this yet, just ask to receive this. Until you activate this, do not worry, just connect to the light that you can see, either inside of you or externally. For they are the same, the only difference is how you see. Tune to the frequency of nature, the ocean, of dolphins. You go wherever is sacred for you, outside or in. All hold a vibration that allow you to connect within. In or out doesn't matter. Again, they are the same. ENERGETIC LIGHT COMMUNICATION ACTIVATION: I activate within me an upgrade in communication. I hold within me the power to activate all within me in frequency. I tune to the frequency of Higher Communication. I tune, I activate, I hold this frequency within me. I see in Light Communication I speak in Light Communication I receive in Light Communication I transmit in Light Communication They are not separate within me. They are one and the same. I activate Energetic Communication within me, as me & me as it. One. I am an Energy Form This is my natural way & form of communication I am only re-activating that which I have forgotten to be I activate my entire BEing as LIGHT ENERGY I activate the Light Codes within me to upgrade my energetic communication. Only when I "forget" shall I again separate from the ability to connect and communicate as Energy. I connect with the Energy of the Earth, the Stars, The Trees, The Seas and all Universes & Galaxies from inside of me. I tune TO the frequency that activates the Light within me. I tune TO the frequency that activates my ability to communicate as Energy. I tune TO that which allows me to BE, hear, feel, see AS ENERGY. ♥ Part 1 of this transmission here: http://www.awakeningtoremembering.com/1/post/2013/08/you-are-being-connected-for-the-rising.html I will be recording this for an MP3 Frequency Activation & will post that here and on the MP3 page too. Today, for some reason I feel to share about the experiences coming through, for I have found when I do this, it helps another/others. Back in March, many of us expanded and were able to actually "leave here" energetically, with our body in a waking state. Used to be, one would have to experience and NDE (Near death experience) for their Soul/Energy Body to leave and then the physical body would be revived upon the Soul re-entering the physical body vessel. We have evolved here to where this is no longer necessary, and our LightBodies have elevated/integrated enough to where we, as energy form, can come and go "at will" (when the energies & expansion supports this). For me, this experience was BEYOND my comprehension, yet I have come to honor absolutely everything that occurs, so it was easy and was more "normal" than this early existence we have come to experience here. I went back to before the creation of time. Before this was all created, and I was shown how "all of this" was created and came to be. I traveled through "time" as it separated for the human, the separation of selves, identities, everything. It was the absolute most pivotal experience and a "game-changer" to where nothing is ever the same again. I cried for humanity, every time I thought of it, I cried for days... until that energy passed. Then a NEW beginning had emerged from within me. Since then, I have been shown much, received much, seen so very much (I did before, but this is even more expansive). I actually SEE that which I write to all of you. I am shown what is to be. I exist IN the higher realms and to "come down" for me is quite painful and a shock to my own energetic system. I "work" to fulfill a mission here to assisting in NEW EARTH transitions, anchoring the higher realm energies here so that WE all can create change together. Fast forward to now. The Christed Energies stream in with the opening of the Lion's Gateway since the end of July. Last night, again, I "left". Yet this time was when I allowed myself to shut down and "leave". I was flying through the galaxies, star systems, yet today, that is all I can remember. Whatever I saw or experienced, brought back the "same" feeling of non-stop crying for humanity again. It has been going all week, but this is like a culmination of all at one time. Last time, the Awakening To Remembering Book was written from this open stream of energies that came from within me. Much much more came after. What comes next, we shall see. I share with those who also experience this, yet do not share. Some don't for fear of what others will think. Some do not know what it is. It is the beginning of what is to come, as our LightBodies/Crystalline Bodies continue to form from that dormant DNA that is now activated within. It is the other 90+% of the brain that has not been accessible, due to the human mind's existence that was necessary for our human experience here. Many cannot see what is to yet come. There are blips of knowing and wishing. Yet, I see soooo far into a future NOT separated by human time, that is still separated by time here. When I "step down" from this space that I occupy to participate in "human", I am completely thrown off at how far I have to step down into separated time to exist here. I wait for that separation of time to continue to dissipate, for I know that as it does, that which I see comes into existence here for us all as one. I also know that all is about to dramatically again change. How long that takes is up to us to activate it in the physical here from within. I love you and am honored to share my journey with you here. Close your eyes if you wish to see... Open your heart if you wish to know... As realities continue to flip & merge, that which is not yet visible in physical manifestation can be seen in the states of "in-between". These states can be achieved with a quiet mind and open heart when one is ready to receive. Go into a receptive state and close your eyes. Allow yourself to drift off into the land of the forgotten. Allow yourself to see that which is not yet "possible" according to your human thinking mind. For to see that which is not yet visible, you must bypass all that stands in your way of a "clear view". For that which you have forgotten has always been present. Yet your mind would not allow you to yet see. These energies bring nothing new to you. They bring that which you had previously veiled from you. They bring access, by way of portals within. Yet it is up to you to choose to unlock them. This is not done by focusing on anything "out there". It is visible out there once you have activated it and held the frequency from within. Your human existence in your mind is what stands in your own way. Your own belief systems are your own blocks. Your human emotions of lack keep you believing in a physical world that continues to dissolve in order to cease to any longer exist. Your human reality can fade, if you allow it to do so. For you cannot create a NEW one and remain in the old one too. You, ARE the key. You exist vibrationally. You are simply, pure light energy. Yet until you make this your own priority, you shall not be able to see. For choice is required in this journey. Choice is achieved by honoring your soul you, your SPIRTual you, your Higher Self You. When you decide to make a choice, then you shall come to see too. Then your ENERGETIC YOU shall be the purpose of everything that you do. And as this occurs, your entire reality shall then change too. Now, open up to it "long enough", trust it long enough, honor it long enough and you shall "achieve" that frequency within. Every moment brings you closer to this, vibrationally. For it is this continued honoring, trusting, allowing and choosing... it is this REMEMBERING that shall become visible in your physical reality AS you continue to hold these vibrations within. All that you seek, exists in these higher vibrational realms. You already exist here. You just have to allow yourself to REMEMBER. You do this by letting go of all that you never were... The more you "whole" inside, the less separation exists within you. The less separation within, the more you remember and get to see. For this journey is one of ONENESS within. It is "here" that you become ONE with ALL-THAT-IS. It is "here" that you have forgotten, yet shall continue to REMEMBER to see. 11:30 am Good morning most brilliant beams of LOVE and Radiant LIGHT! Have you been enjoying all of the energy streams throughout the night and continuing thus far today? (opposite "time" frame for those overseas!) Subtle full body activations along with meditative & sedative energies too! Higher Realm Energies singing beautiful and creating ease for those who are used to existing "here". The physical world human has more of an issue in these, as their realities continue to attempt to merge to emerge. Sleeping and disorientation is a huge part of this as Light Code Integration occurs in sleep states. Until one achieves this in a waking state, then the in-between state offers access that one has yet to be able to see in their waking state. Realities continue to "flip" in order to eventually merge as one. I have been listening to the exquisite streams, ever so steadily, feeding us much that we need to accelerate further into the higher vibrational realms. For me, I am truly pleased to see them return, as a few days without them causes "reality" to go haywire. Once you get used to living and functioning in these, anything less is really hard to adapt "back to". Stepping into lower dimensional realms to exist in a space where things are not your reality takes a bit of navigating, more conscious effort, yet the experience teaches us how to "move" between realities, something that will become more beneficial as we enter into the higher realm energies with our LIGHT BODIES. In these energies, there is no effort at all. So, we continue "work" to anchor them here. To raise the light quotient of all that we touch. To reach as many as we can in raising vibrational frequencies and to continue to be LIGHT wherever our physical bodies "rest" or exist. We come upon the Lion's Gate on August 8th, which is yet another Gateway Opening, allowing for new portals within to be accessed from within. It is KEY to allow yourself as much time working from within as you can. For once you unlock those portals, they continue to manifest in your outward realities to become visible to then see. It does take awhile, so trust and patience and not allowing ourselves to "forget" in the interim is imperative. Do not lose stride, or fall back into "old" thoughts. See them if they surface and recognize them for what they are. A CREATION. For every thought is. It is a creation of something. Either your human mind (fear or safe will be built in here) or your Higher Self Mind (fluid, inspired, unlimited & creative). Allow yourself to get lost in dreams, desires and Creation of the NEW here in the physical. Creation of community, coming together, of what all shall BE together as ONE. Allow for all separation to fall away within, and it too shall fall away "out there". For if you truly desire to BE in a space where only LOVE exists, then that must be created first from within. Then it shall manifest in all that you do, see and come to BE. All realities shall merge, but before they can, all "old ways" of perceptions must be allowed to fall away. For you cannot fly and hold on at the same time. So let go of all that you "used to be" in the physical. That is not who you are. You are an amazing, brilliant, exquisite and truly unlimited energy that exists in spaces you have yet to see. If you wish to access them, if you wish to REMEMBER, then go inside and release all that keeps you separated from within. In addition to that which I see and share with all, I felt to additionally share others who I resonate with in frequency with the work that they do here to assist all others. Because there are so many explanations, and all are "correct", we just use our own language that we "speak", it may help to have a wide perspective, with multiple explanations in order to expand one's understanding of what is occurring NOW and with the Opening 13th Stargate Activation. Remember, access is from within. Yet there is enough here, no matter what your current belief system is. Hopefully, it is the one you have come to re-create from within. One of Unity, no longer any separation at all. I shall add more as I find those that resonate within. Enjoy and with love.
On 7/24, I "received" that I was a Galactic Emissary and that which I am to do to assist with the energies opening of the Portal/Gateway that is now starting to occur. Today, 7/25, I went looking for info on the Lion's Gate, to find this on both. There is a "schedule", if you will, of the energies coming through for this time, along with some simple explanations that may help many. Enjoy! StarChildGlobal Post on New Earth Energies July/August 2013 QUESTIONS:
I get a lot of questions from other on "what do I do"? or "What does this mean for me?" ANSWER: This is a very individual process where one goes within to now exist. This requires much inner work, and tools assist in understanding this "easier/quicker", yet all must do it themselves. In "this time", the most you can do is honor you from a place of connectedness with all-that-is. Your entire vessel, all bodies, shall go through much, and attention to that is priority. Focused intention on creating NEW for all, from within. Learn to master your own energy to BECOME the CREATOR that you are. From there you then assist all. Let go of all that keeps you separate as WE inside. Anything that surfaces to release is in your way, so let it go, wipe the "past" and all other times clean. "Erase & Replace". Clean Slate. Only you can do this. These energies coming through will be there for you when you are ready. It is up to you to focus on your own vibrational frequency and making it your utmost priority in order to bring you INTO that which you wish to receive and beyond that which you remember to be. Make your own ENERGY your priority if you desire to exist in the NEW. It is waiting FOR you. Those of us who have been called to "step up" in higher dimensional roles of anchoring, gatekeeping, assisting HUmanity, do so from a call received from within. We have been "doing" this forever and this is part of our purpose here. It allows others to be able to move into the 5th Dimension and beyond. So, from that aspect, nothing (and no individual) is more important than our "mission", if you will. Those who wish to assist and support are greatly welcomed, as we do this solely from our hearts, and usually have existed on "nothing" in order to do so. This too shall change as WE all step further into being CREATORS of the NEW. All have opportunity to shift. One does this by choice. For those of you who have been working to do so, keep doing the inner work, while stepping into your roles of assisting from within. Those who are "asleep" or unconscious, shall remain in the lower dimensions without any idea that anything has occurred. If/When it is their time, then how that occurs, shall be made available, if at all. Many are shifting up, naturally, as they become "softer" and their hearts open more. They may not have any idea at all of what is occurring, yet when it is their time, they shall do the same. Keep being a light and creating awareness, while respecting everyone's reality as they need it to be. All are here to experience this as they chose for them. There shall be masses further awakening and there is much "work" for all of us to do! So focus on your vibrational frequency, as when you do, you help ALL other too! IT IS TIME. It has been NOW all along. Honored to share with you all. ALL who have been doing "this" work, who have cleared from the inside out, who have devoted themselves entirely to "this" now answer a "call", if you will, to go DEEP within. Entire constructs are being dissolved, wiped, dismantled and completely erased. NEW is now being "created" for all, from inside of you. This period you have come into, is a period that you, with your galactic sisters and brothers, actually participate in NOW CREATING, by re-mapping, and re-programming the NEW. It IS your ENERGETIC SIGNATURE that you have again become that shall connect together, as the grid, to completely start to re-build AGAIN. For that which you now pull THROUGH you, shall transmit from within you. This web of connection is being created in every moment that you do. Others shall come to participate in their own "time", yet for you, NOW, this IS your time. This is "part" of what you came here for. THIS is what you have waited for and worked for. And yet, it is only the beginning. For as time continues to collapse, all shall come to "be" in the same space and time vibrationally. For now, YOU, bring that forth for all. When it is "done" you will know. How you shall do this, you will know. It will be different for each. WHERE you connect to all, from inside you, is where you shall go. For you have come to see, that you need not "go" anywhere. You are already "here". All you need to do is open a portal within you and exist in this space to receive that which you need to receive. For your NEW is now being laid out, from inside of you ALL, as ONE, as WE. Your own light signature has been activated, your own Energy Body (LightBody/Merkaba) now merges to activate the entire energy grid there. The Merkaba of Gaia activates and connects in order to further open cosmic & galactic portals from within. Your "Ascension" has begun and shall continue to occur. It shall activate further with each as they come to be in this same space & time as one. With the highest love there is, ~Transcendence <3 The Galactic High Council www.awakeningtoremembering.com Happy moment of love dear evolving energetic beings of light! Energies stream to feed you access and information to be disbursed from within you when you are ready. Depended on one's own frequency, how & when this occurs will vary. The more in-tune you are inside, the "sooner" you may "see" this remembered information. So honor yourself by allowing yourself the time to "BE" with anything that you see. These energies bring through "unseparation". For the human self, this will cause anything separated to surface for release. This is so that one can "whole" again inside to that which they have forgotten to be. For the energetic being, they bring access to "locked portals" within you. These portals are opening up further for one to further see. I have an entire writing to post, but I have an appt to attend. So I shall return periodically and post any energy stream updates that I observe here. I love you. |
Support Change and help me keep sharing to assist all in unity and bringing forth the "new" (Remembered) here. With the utmost appreciation and love. Mahalo. ♥
Thank you to Marinette Lepine with TransLight for sharing and translating in French! Wow, so very honored! Thank YOU!
Read here WAYSHOWER, AUTHOR, PHYSICAL ASCENSION & LIGHT EMBODIMENT GUIDE, CRYSTAL(LINE) GRIDKEEPER & GATEKEEPER, LIGHT ENERGY TRANSLATOR, COSMIC PORTAL, & MORE!Transcendence is my first"Remembered" name, Ithara is my Galactic identification and Lisa is my human name. Archives
January 2016
Lisa Transcendence Brown (Ithara) ☼
Ascended Master WayShower, Author, NEW Earth Existence Sharings, Transformational Speaker, Light Embodiment & Empowerment Physical Ascension Guide (all from within) www.AwakeningToRemembering.com Updates via the Public Page: https://www.facebook.com/LisaTranscendenceBrown Purchase Books: https://www.awakeningtoremembering.com/books.html |
Invest in yourself, each other, your Service as Light, hUmaNITY, Consciousness Expansion and all of our future nows... by contributing to and fully supporting (in every way) that which supports humanity with the immense transition phases with greater ease and through Pure Love.
NEW Earth has a whole new, entirely different value system, all new systems and ways that all must learn/remember and bring forth from deep within.
Energetic Cycles are increasing substantially at an unprecedented rate, accelerating "what comes back around" energetically... from all existences, as all is a cyclical/spiral/reciprocal energy that cycles faster as our beloved planet's vibrational frequency continues to rise to bring/usher all out of the "dark ages" and into "the Light" (Full Consciousness/a Quantum State of Remembrance/Pure Peace, Love, Unity and Sacred Oneness).
In deep sacred appreciation for your presence, dedication and service as Love too. ♥
Keep embracing, shining, building, integrating and sharing your BEAUTIFUL LIGHT as Love! It's BEyond important for all! ♥
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If we find any others that are relative, we will update those here for you to access too. Click on any applicable service, to locate and review their Privacy Policies and Disclosures. Emails will be sent out accordingly, so all can re-optin in order to consciously choose to continue to receive supporting newsletters, announcements and updates through our email service.
We will update this section again with more information in order to assist you soon.
"WE" totally love, honor, respect and appreciate you and your presence, participation and contributions for all of HUmanity too!!! ♥