12:19 AM Sending out radiant beams of light to all ... may your light activations bring you peace within, as anything that is no longer needed in your reality continues to go. All that has kept one separated inside (and therefore "out there") will become visible, so that it can be released as no longer true. This has "been coming forever" for all... embrace it, for resistance shall cause suffering and despair. Recognize it, be honest and true with yourself, if you should experience this. Then observe the next several days (or more), for REMEMBERING will emerge AFTER a huge shift within has been allowed to occur inside. You can actually feel the shift instantly now and then just watch as out there follows. It is very fast, IF you allow. If not, then suffering can be "longer", for time has also shifted. It barely exists, even in linear energies... it is like "boom" done... if you embrace it, burn off the energy (this must occur for a huge shift to occur), it can be as fast as linear hours or minutes now. I watch/observed a huge shift here over the last couple days... boom, boom, boom... it was sooooo cool. But one must truly observe it to even see it. It takes total awareness, presence and allowance. I had an energy come up the other day, so I embraced it and "burned the emotion up" over a 5 hour period, knowing it had to come up & go... did it, observed it and wow... the next 36 hours brought about a HUGE physical reality shift (that fast)... the moment I came into alignment within (like an hour into it), I felt it... complete peace... and I knew "out there" was about to shift. It took about 12 hours for the physical to "adjust out there"... then another 12 hours later I had activated a REMEMBERING INSIDE (others call this download's, for this is what it is when it is "received from outside energetically", yet when it is activated within, it is automatically remembered, for it is held inside, not "out in the energy field anymore"). I REMEMBERED how to CREATE an entire community of sustainable living by bringing multitudes of light beings here together by way of community living, contributions, sharing... seeing it via Sacred Geometry & Light Grids.... all laid out.... it was absolutely beautiful. Now to draw it/write it up to share.... for that takes a bit of translation (along with the other gazillion things I have to write/record & share). I swear I am working on this and setting aside much "time" the next few weeks for all that I intend to share. Have had to allow for moving/transition time and MAGIC in every moment! I am already preparing an implementation here on the island on a minimal scale and will allow those who desire to participate to join in (this requires a truly OPEN HEART, ready to share without limits, as I allow for nothing less in my reality), to allow it to continue to expand out & out & out..... bringing more in ... so we all grow & share together. So, just sharing... I know I have not been around much lately. I am still adjusting to all of the "new" changes here (all magnificent & beyond!!!!). It's hard to believe that I have only been here for 3 weeks. Feels like forever. I have met and connected with the most amazing souls already and it is one huge family .... truly beautiful.... I will be sharing where I can. I have much to "do" here on the island and every day/moment is one of creation. I will do my best to reply to as many messages as I can this next week. I must do paid personal sessions & website work first, along with posting what I can here on my page. For now, I send of radiant beams of love & light to all. SUSPENDED ANIMATION: (These are the words I receive/d)... 12:22am I sit here completely weightless, in a spinning Merkaba Field and receive the words "In a space of no identities". I am shown that all the releasing of all along the way, all of our attachments, all of our beliefs, all of our human "safe", all of our everything is of the "old" way. And in this moment, I sit in a "suspended state". It is so very awesomely odd, for I "see" me floating in a state of suspension, nothing holding me, no cords, no attachments, no identities to anything at all. In THIS MOMENT I am absolutely nothing, which "feels" like complete surrender, complete freedom, complete abyss, yet I also know that what comes next is even more magnificent, phenomenal and beyond, and that is hard to imagine at all. "Here" is a space of nothingness and everything all at one time. I shall update later, for that is all I have... for one of my "abilities" at times, is to be able to write and translate in the moment as I experience it. Here, there is no time, there is absolutely nothing. No thought, no memory, no past, no future, not even this moment seems to exist. Truly beyond words..... (And now I am shown to go.... to float.... as gravity seems to go to zero point inside.) ~ Transcendence Higher Realms Light Energy Translations from Within www.AwakeningToRemembering.com *** Updated with that which I could not "stay" and add at the time: This was a state of utter and complete BEing inside. Not from a place of observing with my mind. My entire BEING floated in a suspended state, zero gravity, zero anything. All dissolved and when I laid down to close my eyes to go "see", this is what I received, observed and saw: First, about an hour prior to this, my body temp on the inside started to drop. The outside temp remained "normal", it seemed. My "suit" held a different temp for awhile, and continues to do so today. Inside I was freezing and I saw my temp go to "zero" too. This took lots of blankets and all night to balance out, with an entirely "new" experience today. Today I went outside. I could tell it was "cold out there", yet inside I was warm & my physical was cold. I was not cold. I was balanced. This has been occurring much lately, yet I did not know what it was. My body is regulating from the inside out, to no matter what temp I am in. It is "as if" out there no longer dictates my temperature. Will update this as I observe and receive more along the way. Eyes were "glitching" after, as if the "matrix" had glitches in it. I could see "blips" of it "going"... as if I was in the movie the Matrix and I was kinda sorta in a space like that green hallway where all was just energy and one could "see" beyond the physical reality "here". When I closed my eyes, all went dark. I "knew" there were stars out there, yet could not "see" them. It was as if I was in a sphere, a cylinder, and overhead was a "Dome of Darkness" that was not really dark. It was like being in an observatory and looking up & out from within. I weighed nothing inside. I was floating in suspended animation. I saw my Merkaba all around me, huge, primarily gold... no longer spinning left to right & right to left, as in the "old" triangles that spun to create this, yet "now" an entire huge "globe" of gold light that I was encased in, and the reason for "zero gravity" was my Merkaba had completed to be also over my head & under my feet.... I was "encased" in this huge gold Merkaba spinning & elevating me to not touch anything in any direction anymore. Later I laid down, as I usually do when I connect, hands one on top of the other, placed over my "thymus" region (for this is how I lay when I connect in). I observed myself connected and laying in an Egyptian Tomb-like Sarcophagus, which I have seen before when I do LightBody Energy Sessions on others, yet not usually on myself. Now, I am shown that this experience was the magnetic poles within me going to "zero point", that which many/all/some (don't know who yet), shall experience with the "pole shift" that is human calendar this December (I awoke in June being shown I had gone through a pole shift "overnight"). Yet those of us who embrace this and hold/embody this within, do not "wait" as others do. We activate within when WE are ready. All have this ability, yet one must choose and release all that is "human" that stands in the way. All shall integrate within, to bring one to EMBODY this here. I do not (yet) seek to go anywhere, for we need not do so any longer. ALL is available "here" from within. There are other things recently activated within me, that occurred previously, the night before. One, a portal within me burst open from the inside out, flowing with the most magnificent crystal clear blue waters of Lemurian/Atlantean Energy being activated within me. I start to remember the language I spoke with the Dolphins, yet I was also a Mermaid... so will have to see where this goes from here. LOVE the new portal access, along with this most magnificent state, that while, all are connected, is totally separate too. I did not understand the "vision/experience" I observed and a connection with a siStar of Light gave me the "missing" piece to come to understand this. When I went to look it up, all made sense and activated further! LOVE it! Hello loves! Been offline for majority of a week and shall return tomorrow after some rest. I have so so missed posting, sharing and connecting with you all! I have no idea what has been going on "out there".... The energy shifts have definitely been miraculous & interesting! I spent a day today in "human", which never happens to me... apparently this move to Kauai and "cleaning house" was literal, as I said good riddens to all of old "me". It was so very interesting yesterday to shred 20 years of writings, that I truly poured my heart and soul into, and regarded as "the book I'd one day write". Yet as I read briefly glanced at a few pages, there was no feeling of attachment at all. I was surprised at how much I "knew" then, yet was not conscious & had no idea. It was interesting to see how much I sought "out there" to try to fill wholes/voids within. While very enlightening, it was as if I were sitting and watching someone else on a filmstrip writing all of that... as if it were not my existence here... I observed it for the "play" that it was.... and a completion/ending to that entire chapter (realm) closing... Today, human emotions surfaced... first "something" building in my chest, but no release.... then "boom" here it came. Anger! I have been seeing this coming over the last many months, with my continued growing intolerance to those who lack respect for this journey (and all things, in general). Now, it is not my business, until they come to me and repeatedly ask for assistance, which requires that I stop doing my own inner/connection work or assisting others to dedicate "time" to them, that they do not appreciate or place value on enough to use the tools provided, because it is not the answer/convenience they seek. This, I allowed, yet that too ends. When I am done, I am done.... There were a few people probably not very comfortable with my "honesty" today. This journey is sacred and all that it holds. I have been getting more "irritated" with those around me who have "everything" in the physical, yet nothing is ever enough. There are still many who see "their soul/higher self" evolving as an inconvenience, unless it benefits them "in that moment". And where inner work is "too much work/time" and a "quick fix" is all they ever seek. I exist in a space where all is sacred, appreciated and an absolute blessing. Now the emotion must always be observed inward. My irritation was that I was allowing those to continue in my reality, instead of cutting them loose, instead of saying "no, this is no longer acceptable". By me allowing this, it meant that I was not valuing this journey as well, by allowing another in my energy field who did not do so. So, for me to allow anyone to exist in my reality that holds anything less, is no longer acceptable to me. I had continued to allow this from a "lingering" few and old cords, yet today I cut those cords and shall continue to do so until I leave. Nuff is enuff! I have SO come to appreciate those who do take this journey seriously, who do invest the time doing their inner work and who do value it above their human physical world. I do soooo honor you in return. You have been an amazing blessing and I am so very honored to continue this journey with each one of you! Now, knowing that I was just purging an old frequency, so that I too can shift up & further into the new, I welcome every opportunity to do so. I only share this for those who are also going through surfaced emotions to purge & release. It is a rarity for me to be "human", yet after was liberating & soooo freeing! We have to honor ourselves in every moment. And saying "no more" is one such of those things that is required along the way. I love you and shall update, share, connect and more starting tomorrow; getting back into the swing again! (around packing & moving in 2 weeks!) Happy Moment sweet loves!!! 12:41 AM These last few days have been "clearing out old identities" that were not visible, were hidden away, many deep core ones that threw many for an energetic/emotional loop. Yet this old (compilations from all existences/times) is necessary for one to move into "birthing the new" and leaving the old programs/paradigm behind. That is "no longer"... never was. The old stories, the old shackles, and more... those keys to portals within have been activated. These portals open to allow access to that which has been forgotten. The next energy shift shall raise all into a higher vibration, allowing for further expansion, more light, more truth to emerge. More love... more bliss. There has been much human suffering to the old this week. This is necessary for release. Embrace the new and nurture you. Sleep, hydration and self-care are priority when this occurs. It shall pass. It already is. It sounds like everyone went to sleep, energetically, for internal healing/wholling to occur. The energy streams are silently supportive and activating more remembering in a shut-down, closed-eyed state. Much love and light sweet family. The other day, "this" came through me while in observing the overall "shift" from human to a walking soul. I was able to remember, reflect and see from a different view while in my "human'ish" reflection of old-energy-leaving day. Thought I'd share, for those who may resonate. In love. REMEMBERING: I worked my entire human life To acquire things and build a home My mind full of expectation For this way, is all I have known I worked so hard to separate And tie my identity around others, memories, and things To accomplish, gain, prove and succeed To gather & gather things that I called "need" Yet, now there is this desire To just be free & to let go But if I do, what will happen to me? For "this" is all that I know The heaviness that I sometimes feel Deep inside my heart Just does not feel like I am me It feels like two "me's" being pulled apart Ahhhhh, NOW I get it As "those" are thoughts and they're not true For that which I know is really me Is in my heart, it's my soul breaking through "That" is freedom and holds my dream Which in reality, IS my truth For my world's been backwards & in reverse I became human and forgot what I knew And now to REMEMBER, I must be present In every moment that there is For in order to remember Present moment is all that exists And when I am present, I am ONE No piece of me tied to anything "out there" For I have reclaimed all of me Becoming a light that I now share For I understand, I chose this journey To acquire all, to then let go And those things have nothing to do with me For the "me" that I had forgotten, I again now know. And this me, is one with all Full of love and peace within Which allows me to be absolutely nothing Yet all that is, as I once was, now again. 10:20 AM - Good morning dear soul family of ever expanding light!
Ahhh, where to start... so very much, and luckily I love to write! (And thank YOU if it resonates for you to read and interact too!) The last day or so (my days are sun up to sun up here), were "surprisingly" interesting. As they always are. The evening before last (a day & 1/2 in human time), energies "dropped" to human'ish... and intentional presence was required to observe, learn & choose a response while seeing what was clearing to leave. It is "rare" for me to experience these things anymore, yet when I do, I know it is "important", in order to "let go" & move out remnant, hidden human/physical world energies. Yesterday took more "work" to stay focused from my inside world within. I realized I cannot function without earplugs, as this keeps me "inside" and for some reason, and the magnification of frequencies assists in my own existence. Kinda of like cutting off my "feeding tube" when I take them out to do sessions & forget to put them back in. For me, this upcoming month & a half, represents letting go of the rest of my human/physical experience here and stepping even further in absolute trust in every moment. Not that I do not do this already, but I have done this with a "simple & quiet" roof over my head, understanding "why" I needed to be in that physical place, both from a human perspective and also energetically, as an amazing opportunity for me to do "my work/my mission/my own expansion" here. Yet, now, I step into the "bigger" unknown, totally just letting go, fitting basic necessities in 1-2 pieces of luggage and honoring the familiar loving words of my own higher (future self) in peaceful and guiding energetic words "Just get there. You are stepping into that which has already been created. All you have to do is arrive, connect, share & trust." Meanwhile my human'ish mind visualizes me getting off the airplane, with luggage and just wandering about, no car, no roof and heavy stuff to lug around until I "figure it all out"... lol...forgo the following... Now, my human'ish me, still looks for simple places to stay (a roof & quiet place to work/BE), communities to connect with, transportation options (having luggage and no car, lol), purchasing a backpack (& more), where to store my laptop that allows me to do "this work" that encompasses writings/sessions/connecting. It is how I write books, do media (awareness) events, connect with you all, maintain the websites that provide an abundance of information and more. My higher (future) self shows me "blips" to lead me down a trail of things to check out, triggering "memories" of what has already been set forth, rather than listening to a human mind trying to prepare from a place of safety (technically fear). I am able to observe which is which and release that which is "untrue" within. Because this is an "opposite reality", the "old way" of doing things don't work. So for me, to venture out into the unknown, without anything "visibly" in place for where I am going, has taken on a whole new meaning of trust & honor from within. Just packing my bags to go house/cat sit has "triggered" energy of how much I must really minimize the little bit that I do "own", and hidden "human fear" of the unknown. Now while in my heart, I soooo very much get it, and I soooo do trust, in every moment... apparently there is the "human aspect" of "safe" (fear), that purges in my sleep/shut-down state. I have awoken to "seeing it", gratitude for it leaving, to shift my physical body to go ahead and let it go and switch frequencies (this keeps us in it or moves us out of it). It is cool how the next month was "laid out" to move me from place to place several times, to continue to minimize "stuff" and in a kind way, assist me in moving over enough "time" that I can do it without suffering, releasing any human discomfort from my mind, as I let go physically too. There is also the aspect of my own LightBody as a portal. Each time I "move" physically (where I sleep/stay), I must then acclimate energetically to be able to write and share with you all here. The "time" that this takes is much less now, just a few hours or a day, rather than what used to take days or weeks. I can see the purposes in all that is occurring now, what I am being "taught" to remember, to both "do" and BE. I use every moment to observe, and there are sometimes that withdrawing to honor that which is received is more important than sharing. For it is through that which I receive that I then come to share with others. Yesterday's energies started out feeling like there was "unsettled" separation present coming forth to purge, then by afternoon, felt "void'ish", while it seemed much collectively was being shifted to allow us all to shift into higher frequencies within. Today, I awoke to "hugely" hearing the crickets outside again in my head, knowing that the energetic connection with Gaia & the Universe had increased a bit. I walked outside and the crickets were sooo loud and I could tell that "that out there" was the same from within. What a beautiful thing to hear & feel inside. Linear "time" barely present, yet huge expansion not really felt. I hear our connection strengthening, and peace AS this energy is beautiful to observe. The "pathways" of the LightBody/Universal mind continue to activate. One can hear the "electricity" zapping & firing off, as the waking brainwave state continues to deepen this last day or so, and continue to do so "now". I have not been tired at all, with the sleep/wake states further merging, becoming more "flipped" & integrated too. Much of the time, when I shut down, I observe the human realities leaving, while in a waking state, what used to be a dream, is now a walking visible state, when one is aware and observing and creating in every moment from within. Today I continue to observe and write as I feel. I know there are a ton of messages, and will attempt to respond around honoring the energy of present moment for how I am shown to be. I take today to just BE, just me and this exquisite cosmos that sings in beautiful harmonic frequencies. I will update here & there and maybe open up to impromptu private sessions over the next few days. We shall see what occurs energetically. For now, have a most exquisite day in love. Whatever you experience, do it from a space of observation, through your heart. When you do this, details do not matter. Things do not matter. Personal does not exist. And peace is all there is. I love you. ETHERIC BLUEPRINT/LIGHT BODY TEMPLATES
DISSOLUTION OF SEPARATION OF IDENTITIES, SELVES & TIME IN ALL There is an etheric blueprint for each one of us, and for Gaia too. These are templates that hold information that continues to be activated within each one of us, as a walking energy form here. The HUMAN template held separation within it. All were separated in identities, selves, time (and more). This has been & continues to be erased/dissolved. The entire human template is being wiped. This appears to be happening faster, yet it is just more "visible" as one integrates light within and vibrates at a higher frequency. In order to integrate LIGHT, where there is dense to be released, one must sleep. The human mind/body cannot "take" all of the light that gets activated in super high energy times. The human mind is like the processor of a computer for this template. It holds the clock & time within in. Until one actively participates in releasing "time" within, one gets shut down for this to occur "for" them. The Soul Self does not have this separation within it. As more integrate to EMBODY AS their own Soul/Light within, the less this will matter. This BEing "moves" and exists in flow with the entire Universe from within. One is awoken when they are meant to wake. One is shut down when it is time to sleep. "Work" is not done with thought. It too is a "received thought" of what to do, and this Being does it, without thought. For all that is "needed" is present in any given moment. The words that are meant to be spoken, come forth. The ability to "do" an action comes forth, even if it didn't exist in one's human brain capacity, one has access to BEYOND that here. Sleep for the Soul/Light Self is a "plug-in, re-charge, re-boot, connection time". There is very little actual sleep, unless one is in "light integration" mode. There is not exhaustion from anything that gets done, so the physical/mental/emotional/soul self all exist in the same space, in flow, as ONE being together. There is no conflict or question. There is very little thought here, unless it is of creation of "new" or to assist another. Those are our only purposes here now. Light is being activate within you. Separation within is made visible to see. If not first of the self, then by what occurs out there to create an emotional response within. One can participate in releasing "time" & separation from their body template. Releasing the need to look at a clock, make appointments (this is why I work primarily in-the-moment with all things and schedule very little now). Sleeping when they "feel" to do so. Not stepping out of present moment to focus on another. No thought or spoken comparisons (age, achievements, accomplishments, amount of time spent doing anything), no speaking or thinking in terms of yesterday, last week, or years. Switch the words from "I have done this for years" to "That was another version of me in a different vibrational frequency". When I look back at a memory, I see the frequency that was present, not how old that human me was or how long I did something. I do not see that I have done "this" for a certain amount of time, yet another has done "this" for a certain amount of time. For that is a human comparison, an aspect of the human self. Memories also go. For these too existed in separation of time. For as one releases the attachment, the story, the identity... then it is no longer needed. Much is being "wiped" from the memory banks, for it only existed for the human experience. When one no longer "needs" that lesson, that experience, it is allowed to "leave" our energy field... which actually is one just vibrating at a different frequency that no longer holds that frequency. NEW Earth, 5th Dimension, is a Realm. A vibration. A space that all occupy that must be first visible from within. Then it comes to be visible out there. For WE all are creating NEW Earth/5th Dimension in every moment that separation within is released and one further EMBODIES love, light and peace within. This is the true embodiment of the higher self, the soul, the body of light (LightBody) and it is occurring "now" for all. How it occurs shall depend on how much one activates the light on their own, by participating, or resists it as an inconvenience to the human aspect of their existence here. This one receives an "adjustment" to assist in one's alignment. These are where human pain and suffering come in. ♥ All energies that I speak of exist with us all. Many have been under the perception that these come to us from "out there". It is the opposite as all previously perceived. The human sees all "out there". Downloads coming from "up there", being activated from "out there". The higher self, up there. And while, from one perspective, this could be viewed as true, this is not my perspective (any more). It has not been for a long time. I write to you all to help you see FROM WITHIN. For the entire World, Universe, Cosmos, Star System that all see, is only a projector view of what exists within you. All energies are activated from within us. The DNA activations, the dormant parts of your mind that were never utilized, all hold the "forgotten" that activates all that you now come to be/feel/see, from within you. Your energy body, fully activated, has a capability beyond human. It exists AS ALL, without separation from anything at all. The journey was to come here to create a human body, a human existence, a human physical reality to experience, to gather material things, people, identities, separate into other times (lifetimes, dimensions, realities), to then come to "awaken" to the "truth" that none of that was ever you. That entire existence is what all must come to let go of, release and transcend. For what we all come to now move into, does not exist in 'human'. It exists in the beyond, that which human cannot believe or see. This is only available through an open heart and mind. And all shall come to realize this, in their own "time" within. When I write of energy activations or streams, every one of these are within you. When you tune to them, you are tuning to frequencies you hold within, yet have forgotten. Memories of the forgotten/other side/invisible, exist within you, deep beneath your human ones. As the human ones are allowed to leave, new memories are allowed to surface. Out there only changes as you do within. You created those people, those experiences, those memories for your own experience here, Both individually and collectively (as that is perceived to be). Yet the "time" is coming where the human reality ends. And a new phase begins. For this, many are being led to leave absolutely everything behind. To let completely go of their entire human existence here. This is necessary, for the human mind hangs on, and it is the human existence that shall end, for many of us. Holding on is creating great discomfort for many. Letting go is necessary, as it is the reason you are here. The story, the play, is being re-written. This is occurring within all. This part of the journey is one that comes from within us all. Out there shall be a transmission. One will tune to it vibrationally. Your pineal gland must be activated with sunshine, expanded and if you have not done so, decalcified. I have been shown that this is how I now hear, smell, see absolutely everything. This is your internal viewer that transmits your reality out there for you to see, again from within. Our human senses diminish and our energetic senses expand. All are evolving as energetic beings. This requires discomfort in the physical, for this energy was not made to fit into these human bodies. We work to integrate them, so that the human body can LIGHT'en and we can walk as energy forms here. Translucency is occurring, now to physically be able to see. For me, this has become quite visible, for now, when I do sessions, most of my clients can see me translucently (as a blue & purple energy). I have started "glowing" to humans that I run into in public that walk up to me to "touch" me to see if I really exist. I am invisible to many who cannot even see me until I "appear". Many are already experiencing this too. There is nothing typical, nothing normal, nothing rational here, according to human. Yet as energy, we get it, if we allow ourselves to believe that which we hear/feel/see inside of us. So, when I write the "energies of home" stream, these are being activated WITHIN YOU. The calm and peace that you feel exists within. You may smell it & see it, yet you are seeing from your new viewer, your new way of smelling, from within, as an energy form. All out there will be a transmission. In order to change/activate/expand that which you desire to transmit, you must go totally within. I can only assist you, by creating awareness that was not previously there. You are the key to your own existence. Always have been. Together we all create a NEW reality. Yet this is not new, only forgotten. We begin to enter the new, where out there becomes visible once again. ♥ I love you. ~ Transcendence Higher Realm Energy Translations from Within www.awakeningtoremembering.com Okay, these last few days, the "theme" has been everyone thinking they are losing it, going bonkers, every emotion surfacing & for no apparent reason. Really super OLD stuff, emotions that don't "match" anything, explosive outbursts, completely off-the-wall responses.... so.... I shall write a bit to see if this helps some. The energy template (of Earth & the human both, as they are one) is being completely wiped, so that NEW can be created. There is no place for low/old/dense in the 5th Dimensional Realm. All that has been held onto goes. Now, the "tricky" part is that entire Timelines (all other times/lifetimes/past/future/alternate realities, you name it, it is in there) are being wiped also. So, the "over-the-top" responses, or deep deep emotions, tears, anger, WILL NOT MAKE SENSE much of the time. If you get stuck in trying to understand it, have any judgment what-so-ever, you will stay stuck in the "spin cycle" or "frequency loop". Now, this can be beneficial, as if there is lots of old energy, this continual loop "burns" off alot of this energy, and for deep deep stuff from other times, this may be necessary. If you can get conscious & present & move to your heart, you can shift it. (I can do a different write-up on this later). Super important is to break the loop. Recognize you are spinning in circles so that you can shift up in frequency. Give yourself validation for whatever you feel, give yourself permission to release/feel that emotion, see where you lack boundaries, etc. Do "Hand-On-Heart", close your eyes and get out of the "ego" head. Don't try to find a cause (who did what event to you), as it won't matter. The ego needs to know, blame, place fault. We are in the times of "who cares", as the purpose is the surfacing emotion and the safe release of it. It is just a frequency. Period. You are here to transcend that frequency, integrate as your higher self, and let it go. When one gets sick of being miserable, when enough is enough, things change. So shift UP in frequency. How? Shift to love and create communication. With your higher self. Talk out loud & hear what you are thinking. Have a conversation. And speak it. For when you do, you can hear if it is true/real or not, or if it is an old acquired/learned belief that never was you to start with. I hope this helps and WE shift together. We ARE the GRID of LIGHT. More now than ever it is time to REMEMBER that none of "that" was you. You ARE absolutely pure love and light. Anything less is not you. It never was. So we have a solar flare that is starting. The teeth/lips vibrations (the metal taste) started a bit ago. The 3rd eye region filling. Time/linear being shifted. Nausea comes & goes as we shift "in & out" of TIME. Linear & non-linear fluctuations can be a bit disconcerting for the "fast" shifts, so just hang on. The more of the OLD way that one tries to hang onto causes for more discomfort physically/emotionally. The "shrilling" starts to "un-anchor" the ability to hang on at all. Tingly fingers, toes... you name it. So, all thoughts of the "old way" are challenged, ripped away. Where does anything still exist "outside" of you. Where do you "think" that THAT OUT THERE ever occurred TO you? Where do you see injustice, lack of anything? Healing is now wholing of the separation that exists within. This one must do from within. Entire body activating starts. Mini eruptions (or major, depending on one's reality) can be noticed & felt in the physical. Chakra points being activated (heart, solar plexus, feets, hands, head) and one can actually feel a heart-beat here. The harder one attempts to hang on, the more resistance to letting go, the more discomfort one shall come to experience. For entire realities now shift to REMOVE that which one held onto as safe. There are no VICTIMS here. There are CREATORS of realities. Look at your world and see where you are being PROMPTED to step into FAITH and TRUST and HONOR of that which exists within you. Look and see where you are challenged with an OLD BELIEF System that no longer works. For you are being presented with CHOICE. One will be to TRY to exist the old way of "hanging on" and one will be to "let go" and fly. Yet to fly, we must either jump and leap or wait until the "footing" is removed for us. Honor and integrity are to self and then radiate out. Lack is an energy of "I can't, I don't have enough". This is of the old physical human mentality. Timelines are being completely wiped and fear, terror and all of the pain, torment of dis-illusionment shall also surface to only observe so that it can leave. Holding on shall cause suffering. Now, I must sign off, as apparently I am about to detox and go into a burn-off in order to transcend to a whole new level of expansion from within too! YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! I am shown this is Sirian/Lyran again.... so I shall see you all in a bit! LINEAR TIME FURTHER MOVES OUT. I love you! Today, for some reason I feel to share about the experiences coming through, for I have found when I do this, it helps another/others. Back in March, many of us expanded and were able to actually "leave here" energetically, with our body in a waking state. Used to be, one would have to experience and NDE (Near death experience) for their Soul/Energy Body to leave and then the physical body would be revived upon the Soul re-entering the physical body vessel. We have evolved here to where this is no longer necessary, and our LightBodies have elevated/integrated enough to where we, as energy form, can come and go "at will" (when the energies & expansion supports this). For me, this experience was BEYOND my comprehension, yet I have come to honor absolutely everything that occurs, so it was easy and was more "normal" than this early existence we have come to experience here. I went back to before the creation of time. Before this was all created, and I was shown how "all of this" was created and came to be. I traveled through "time" as it separated for the human, the separation of selves, identities, everything. It was the absolute most pivotal experience and a "game-changer" to where nothing is ever the same again. I cried for humanity, every time I thought of it, I cried for days... until that energy passed. Then a NEW beginning had emerged from within me. Since then, I have been shown much, received much, seen so very much (I did before, but this is even more expansive). I actually SEE that which I write to all of you. I am shown what is to be. I exist IN the higher realms and to "come down" for me is quite painful and a shock to my own energetic system. I "work" to fulfill a mission here to assisting in NEW EARTH transitions, anchoring the higher realm energies here so that WE all can create change together. Fast forward to now. The Christed Energies stream in with the opening of the Lion's Gateway since the end of July. Last night, again, I "left". Yet this time was when I allowed myself to shut down and "leave". I was flying through the galaxies, star systems, yet today, that is all I can remember. Whatever I saw or experienced, brought back the "same" feeling of non-stop crying for humanity again. It has been going all week, but this is like a culmination of all at one time. Last time, the Awakening To Remembering Book was written from this open stream of energies that came from within me. Much much more came after. What comes next, we shall see. I share with those who also experience this, yet do not share. Some don't for fear of what others will think. Some do not know what it is. It is the beginning of what is to come, as our LightBodies/Crystalline Bodies continue to form from that dormant DNA that is now activated within. It is the other 90+% of the brain that has not been accessible, due to the human mind's existence that was necessary for our human experience here. Many cannot see what is to yet come. There are blips of knowing and wishing. Yet, I see soooo far into a future NOT separated by human time, that is still separated by time here. When I "step down" from this space that I occupy to participate in "human", I am completely thrown off at how far I have to step down into separated time to exist here. I wait for that separation of time to continue to dissipate, for I know that as it does, that which I see comes into existence here for us all as one. I also know that all is about to dramatically again change. How long that takes is up to us to activate it in the physical here from within. I love you and am honored to share my journey with you here. I am posting this here, because it resonates within me. Not only from a knowing, but I also hear all of this and it is what I translate. I can hear the records being "dissolved" (or actually sounds like they are being washed away energetically). I can hear the frequency transmissions from the pyramids and they speak to me. I have been taken "within", from within... so it is for that reason that I share dear sweet Judith's post with you. 6/25/13 post by Judith Kusel on Facebook: The solar flares are now vibrating at the frequency rate which is immense, and it is dislodging the Earth's memory bank and something profound and deep within us.... It is dislodging the memory banks of the cosmic harmonic frequencies - thus SOUND frequencies, which are out of our hearing range..... but this is the sound of the Milky Way Galaxy, the sound frequency it vibrates on.... It is immensely powerful and thus is awakening deep within us, the Ancestral memory banks of the what we are capable of - when we work, live and ARE in tune with the Cosmic Whole.... This is now awakening the pyramid energies and the sound frequencies at which they were supposed to vibrate.... It is higher and more potent than what mankind can measure.... and it will accelerate the raising of consciousness massively. (Judith Kusel) Read Additional Writing by Judith on her Blog Here 11:33 am: Happy moment of love and magnificence sweet beings of light! And the beautiful energies sing sing sing, ever so beautifully, thus far today. While upon awakening, noticing there were some energetic activations that came through in the sleep state, to then stir about to find that the the logical linear energies are also available (this allows for one to ponder over past or future and get stuck in an emotion of thought). Both serve a huge purpose. So today apparently supports those who need to purge all of those old attachments to memories that are ready to go. It also allows for the other end of the spectrum, of complete appreciation for what one has received and holds precious in this very moment. The streams also support the opportunity for one to purge the emotion and shift into a higher frequency by choice, by recognizing, by not judging and by allowing that which they feel inside (which can be overwhelming, whether bliss or lack)... that today's energies have a purpose of moving all into a higher vibrational frequency. All energies are present at one time, right now, which is rather confusing if one tries to understand it in their head instead of their heart. There is much streaming in right now to fill the 3rd eye region and non-linear continues to move in to "sweep" it all away. So let go, be free inside. Allow all to flow out and allow the energies to support you. If you are alone, it is a beautiful time to go within and feel, or better yet, go out in nature and allow it to assist you to feel (and/or) heal. If you are celebrating life with others, then do that with as much zest as you can radiate! No matter where you are or what your experience, allow for an outward flow ... and stay in a place of gratitude for what you have, in this very moment, with the stillness of breathe, life and love within. These energies allow for the heart to expand, the entire being to further expand. Use that to assist you and expand expand expand. I love you. ♥ About 2pm: Okay, so light codes delivering MORE info to share... yet the bread crumbs having me searching for how to translate it. It's all on anchors, cords, gravitational shifts. I am being shown us ascending, and then an astronaut wayyyyy up there.... the lightbody in place of the astronaut, while moving dimensionally..... can we say.... hmmmmm.... going within to see what comes .... this is sooooo much fun! Sometimes it is a bit of work to write what I see. It may be coming in bits and pieces, while I break out the colored markers & posterboard again to draw out gravity/physics/quantum jumping stuff.... lol.... Love you all! 3-11 pm: Postings every hours of ups & downs, compressions, activations, expansions. Very active day! About midnight: Cosmic energies streaming super strong for last several hours. Peaked like an hour or so ago, still very very present... lower densities shall purge in these frequencies. Low density emotions may be pushed up, you will see "events" occur, physical body adjustments to this are "rough", as the energy body attempts to fill with light, be further activated to accommodate the "cosmic rays" streaming now. Those who are used to the higher frequencies, shall welcome this (although I got a quick adjustment burn-off myself!).... you see what you see. Look all around you at your outward reality. Pay attention within. Very important. All is one. I love you! Open up to receive & nurture yourself!!!! Hydrate, saltz bath, sleep.... and all that you see & feel. Happy moment most awesome and exquisite beings of brilliant LIGHT! How are all receiving the incoming high vibrational frequencies? All shall be "affected" according to that which is within. YOU (We) are all evolving further, re-evolving BACK into that which has been forgotten. Depending on which end of the totem pole you are on, is to how it will appear to you. You will either see loss & perceived suffering or you will see beauty, elation and bliss beyond that which the human mind can see. These streams STILL are activating physically, as the entire energetic body just got plugged up to a HUGE battery charger and is being "jolted" in every moment to activate one further. (I do visuals, so you can see what I see). Absolutely everyone, everything is getting activated in a "slammed" way. This includes animals, Gaia. If it exists, it receives. This means that ALL things shall activate further to the higher frequencies and that ALL things DENSE cannot go. This is emotions, physical ailments, material things, thoughts... all things that keep one separated within shall again be expedited to fall away. Dense physical bodies will continue to "fail", as those who's "time" vibrationally it is to ascend. All things of one's physical human "past" shall surface for release. This includes old ailments, trying to leave (again). Where there is much suppressed denseness, this will present as extremely painful and overwhelming. This is the human mind's perspective that there is "again" something wrong. When in this "reverse" world, everything is again becoming "right", whole, and more light. Where the human sees loss and in these energies, much "loss" shall continue to occur. Yet one that has worked from within to bring in more light, re-integrate AS energy, honor their own entire being is SEEING things as "new". The physical world is old... the REMEMBERED is perceived as new. Yet it is not new, it has always been there, hidden, under etheric lock and key. With every shift UP, you continue to step into what you perceive as new. As "time" is removed for you, you shall continue to see. For all times exist as one, as here there too, is no separation. Your past, your future... they only exist by way of separation within your own mind. Your "access" if you will, will expand as you do, vibrationally. Human clocks and schedules will continue to "fail" to "work" with this "new" way of being. The energetic being does not need sleep, does not exist in human time. It sees all things energy, through it's energetic eyes. Things appear brighter, more vibrant... as you can actually see the LIFE radiating in everything that emits life force energy too! You can also "see" those things dense that drain your energy, so you work to remove those things from your existence, as you now exercise "choice" in your own energetic evolvement. Now, use your new eyes to see all around you. Things have appeared to have changed. They have not, for you have only shifted into a higher frequency that allows you to see beyond what your human thinking mind could not previously see. Once you have purged the denseness, your spirit shall soar and become increasingly excited to exist in these frequencies. Yet there is so much more, beyond the veils that you put in place before you came here to separate within. For with every increase in frequency, you further activate, unlock and re-integrate. For every time you embrace this, you expedite your own remembering. And for those who do not, their realities shall get adjusted "for" them. As this too was their choice prior to "coming here". Know that all that you see is your own projection. Things are exactly as you chose them to be. Looking through your own energetic eyes will allow you to utilize the transpiring of every moment to further integrate, elevate and shift. For as you do, all things you see shall shift too. I love you. Imagine if you will for a moment, that you awoke one day to no memories. That all as you once knew it was gone. What would you do? Would you chase the old or create the new? REMEMBERING is just that, yet it is over "time" as you perceive it to be. The higher the vibrational frequency, the more one remembers. Yet these are not new memories. The are the memories of your own soul that have been buried deep within the locked spaces of your dormant DNA. As you activate further, in your heart, cellular structure and your Universal Mind, that which has been forgotten surfaces for you to find. In every moment in the physical, that you release things of your human past, the memories of your consciousness as an energetic being shall surface for you to see. Now, as this occurs, things shall become blurry, fuzzy and sleep will act as a "reset or re-boot" button. The more you integrate and merge as energy, the less "present" the physical memories are. The logical mind seeks to hold onto these, as they represent a physical created identity. One can only "see" as far as their vibrational frequency allows. For the higher the frequency of all of your bodies (physical, mental, emotional & spirit/soul) the more expansive the view becomes. Create another visual for a moment. Imagine in your mind that you are a hot air balloon (or an angel) attempting to fly high up in the clouds. Now see the thick ropes attached, holding you down and tied to the earth (i.e. the physical). Now imagine for every cord that you cut (i.e. memories/attachments), you float higher, higher and free. With each cord you cut, you continue to rise. Look out over the Earth below you and through the entire Universe. This is the VIEW that we now see with every MEMORY of REMEMBERING that we BIRTH. You are no longer limited and are able to be FREE. The only limitation is that which you THINK yourself to be. |
Support Change and help me keep sharing to assist all in unity and bringing forth the "new" (Remembered) here. With the utmost appreciation and love. Mahalo. ♥
Thank you to Marinette Lepine with TransLight for sharing and translating in French! Wow, so very honored! Thank YOU!
Read here WAYSHOWER, AUTHOR, PHYSICAL ASCENSION & LIGHT EMBODIMENT GUIDE, CRYSTAL(LINE) GRIDKEEPER & GATEKEEPER, LIGHT ENERGY TRANSLATOR, COSMIC PORTAL, & MORE!Transcendence is my first"Remembered" name, Ithara is my Galactic identification and Lisa is my human name. Archives
January 2016
Lisa Transcendence Brown (Ithara) ☼
Ascended Master WayShower, Author, NEW Earth Existence Sharings, Transformational Speaker, Light Embodiment & Empowerment Physical Ascension Guide (all from within) www.AwakeningToRemembering.com Updates via the Public Page: https://www.facebook.com/LisaTranscendenceBrown Purchase Books: https://www.awakeningtoremembering.com/books.html |
Invest in yourself, each other, your Service as Light, hUmaNITY, Consciousness Expansion and all of our future nows... by contributing to and fully supporting (in every way) that which supports humanity with the immense transition phases with greater ease and through Pure Love.
NEW Earth has a whole new, entirely different value system, all new systems and ways that all must learn/remember and bring forth from deep within.
Energetic Cycles are increasing substantially at an unprecedented rate, accelerating "what comes back around" energetically... from all existences, as all is a cyclical/spiral/reciprocal energy that cycles faster as our beloved planet's vibrational frequency continues to rise to bring/usher all out of the "dark ages" and into "the Light" (Full Consciousness/a Quantum State of Remembrance/Pure Peace, Love, Unity and Sacred Oneness).
In deep sacred appreciation for your presence, dedication and service as Love too. ♥
Keep embracing, shining, building, integrating and sharing your BEAUTIFUL LIGHT as Love! It's BEyond important for all! ♥
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