This is what I awoke to... A visual to share of an overall view of this journey... by way of letting go of fear to fly high and be free....
"The Hot Air Balloon Ride to Freedom Inside" At first there is fear, oh no, I can't fly I need my feet on the ground to hang on, ohhh I'll try I step into the basket, so full of fear Look up at the balloon and ask "What happens if I let go of here? It shakes a bit and starts to rise Fear fills my stomach, tears fill my eyes Up up up we now go I don't feel so well, I'm losing control Nothing to hang on to, nothing to hold Closing the eyes tight, It'll be okay, I am told Oooooh, my tummy, my entire BEing feels sick Like I'm about to lose it, help me, quick My mind tells me to be in overwhelming fear My heart beating fast, words of panic and escape is all I hear Get me a bucket, so I can toss all inside My entire inner world, about to violently collide Oh, wow, thanks... now I feel fine The fears unbelievable, and they weren't even mine They were that of learned beliefs or energy of another time I'm unable to focus, my head like a cloud Yet new clarity and peace now present, Oops, did I say that out loud? The view is tremendous and now there's no fear Breathtaking realizations come forth, just by observing from here This feeling consumes me, and the desire to fly Higher and higher into the sky I want to now see what I could not see before Wow, the details, do not matter anymore Nothing does, in the presence of bliss How could I have feared the exquisiteness of this? Ohhhhh, I believed, something that was not true That kept me from remembering what I already knew Now looking down there, from this view from above I have nothing but appreciation and expanding love For I now see, that which I could not previously see Perspectives upon perspectives, a whole new reality For here, in my heart, and BEing, I am truly free No desire to return to the ways of the old No longer to attach or things to keep hold I can just let go, in every moment there is And know that up here, is where I now I live In the higher vibrations, where dreams do come true For the dream was inside, and I had forgotten I knew That all was within me, the love and the fear And now I have choice, to release and be here This new view allows me to see from above And choose only light, peace within and blissful love Here I can share with others with ease For here has always been, the only block was inside me My own resistance kept me stuck down there Now I let go and fly everywhere No more restraints, for now I can see That what I receive is what inside I believe And I believe that which I feel inside my soul No longer separate, yet again now whole For all is inside of me and creates that out there So I choose love and this new view and to fly everywhere Only when I hang on am I bound to resist And in being free, hanging on cannot exist For I must choose to step in every moment in trust My tangible is my heart and listen to that I must For my heart is my map, and my soul is my guide In tune in every moment, flow with all is my new stride Ahhhh this feeling, I remember this And this IS my proof, that THIS does exists If I need to recall this anytime, I close my eyes, tune to my heart and breathe from deep inside I quiet my mind and open my heart up to receive For my thoughts from my future self is what I believe Ones of inspiration that expand from within A heart so full, where to begin? Open up and just let it all flow For as I do, higher and higher we all go. A realm of love and light that waits For me to remember to walk through the gates For the doors are now open, they always were I had just forgotten, yet no longer For this inside of me, allows me to BE That which I desire, creating my own reality With all, as one, for I am them and they are me No longer separate, again now WE. Fly loves... it is time! ♥ ~ Transcendence Higher Realms Light Energy Translations from Within September 24th
Live Online Event Expert Panel Guests: Deborah May, Annie Rohrbach, Lisa Transcendence Brown This Month's Topic: Simplifying Your Life Inside & Out Hosted by the awesome and amazing, Julie Seibert! She does a monthly panel of experts, a different topic each time. The audience gets to watch, listen, and ask questions to make it interactive and more informative for all! I will be one of the expert panel guests in September. Here is the September event, for those who are interested. One person gets free access to my online video course (the last one, ALL got it!). The event link is available via the media page of my website. Share with anyone you feel may be interested! Event Link: Note: December 3rd will be Magenta Pixie and myself. Topic & Details forthcoming! These energies carry new programming today. A complete wiping of the template, if you will. One can participate intentionally by creating ceremony or a mantra to assist or use. Activation Transcript: I am a clean slate. I release all stories, thoughts, attachments and perceptions of who I have been, am at this moment, or was to be as a future me. I clear all previous programming and open up to receive that which now activates within me. I completely release and empty out all that no longer serves. I open my self to that which my human mind can yet comprehend. I intentionally choose to become a clean slate, activating my new template within. I allow for a complete re-write of my previous systems, and for total expansion AS "all-that-is", to know exist within me once again. I humbly honor the opportunity to further merge with my Higher Self, Gaia, All Cosmos, Galaxies, Stars, Universes, Planets, and ALL BEings as ONE,to embody within me again, to become that which I have forgotten to be. I continue to erase, and intentionally replace, that which allows me to become one inside as WE. I no longer see separation inside or out there. I only see unity where all BEings share. I remove all remaining barriers, locks and veils within, I rewrite my own template to create NEW once again To exit in all space and time now in my mind As this complete reintegration leaves all separation behind All moments are of UNITY and all BEings as ONE And that with this sacred passage, it has already begun For it has always been available inside I now choose transparency, where nothing can hide. This space is of the highest honor and integrity there is So I NOW activate it, when I speak "AND SO IT IS". WE are The Galactic High Council And it is with LOVE that WE NOW speak. When you let go of the need to be human, then you allow yourself to expand For it is your need to be human, that keeps you separated from your forgotten land. For separation exists within you and limits you to a human view By keeping you focused on an exterior that is instead existent inside of you. For you are no longer human, as your entire being now transcends All things you "think" are physical are but projection from within. Human is the part of you that was dense and of the old As you allow your mind to expand, the higher realms shall continue to unfold Your human eyes were blind and could not truly see Let go of the stories that were not you, and embrace what you have forgotten to be. Your energetic eyes shall show you what was hidden beneath your veils And locked deep inside your mind, your heart and human cells As your physical being evolves to release the separation that was dense Your energetic knowing will now understand that which never did made sense For this is not new, just forgotten And again shall come to be seen, As every moment in a higher vibration Bring one further into the other realms they could not previously see. ~Transcendence The Galactic High Council Complete ReConstruction of the External NOW Viewable Externally from WITHIN: The Inside Deconstructs so that the Outside can change too. As the inside BECOMES the outside. The Land of the Forgotten "View". Are you all observing all that is shifting from within and all around you? Much is so subtle, that if you are not paying attention to every moment, you shall have to "wait" until an entire "picture" is displayed to see! Entire constructs are now visibly being dismantled "out there", so that more can see "collectively" what has always been transmitted from within. As more "adjust" to their new "viewers", this can be quite an unbalanced feeling, yet that too shall be integrated for further expansion and greater ease as one continues to expand out vibrationally from within. The human starts with a viewer of "that out there", to shift to a bit of an understanding that "that out there is not real" in their "head", to shift to actually "see" through a viewer that gives them the "reality of the illusion", to shift to "wow, all that was created from within me", to shift to "wow, I get to actually re-create my entire reality from within"..... to shift to "you are not going to believe what is NEXT!". For in expansion, all is available and possible from within. For even this is a limited human view ... The "views" are limitless, vast and continue to expand. Old human realities continue to fall away as the denser realms continue to dissipate and dissolve, as you see it. Yet these realities never existed out there. They have always been a transmission of all of the realities one held within them. And as all of those "long lost realities" that one could not see continue to emerge and leave, the view gets even more confusing when one actually gets to view some of it as it goes. The collective views purge, so that the exterior, that the human mind needs, continues to re-shape out there. None of this is new, it is part of the forgotten you. The "past" is erased from within, if you will, while the "future" is no longer the future anymore, as all "other timelines/dimensions/times" continue to cease to exist. For they do not cease, your separation from them ceases within, AS you further re-evolve back into ENERGY form in every way. You cannot fully see yet, as the human mind is slow and has to "catch up" with the actual view, according to that which one can "handle" within. For some, this appears to expedite, yet it has always been present. One just did not hold the vibrational frequency within to fully see. This continues and the more it is embraced, the "easier" it shall be perceived to be by the human experiencing a complete deconstruction of the old and creation of the new. Yet neither are either, yet another perception of the ever expanding view. <3 ~ Transcendence <3 Galactic High Council There is a space, if you will, after one becomes aware of illusions and holographic views, Where one expands to come to see that there is a beyond that allows one to further choose. For there are unlimited realities where one can exist to be, Yet first one must unlock them, one by one, to then expand to exist in them simultaneously. Most have yet to realize that you have already evolved as energy Your human mind still needs to see a manifestation of a physical reality Your human self was the one that needed to come to exist in a physical plane, Yet the more you realize, that this is no longer the case, The sooner you can come to move and shift as energy once again. Your physical world out there is but a manifestation of your human mind And once you come to comprehend this, you will again exist beyond space and time. Yet you are already lighter, no longer existing in a fixed reality Only in your human mind are you bound by limits of a physical that you still need to see . Many have no idea that they do not exist in that "old" physical place For the human seeing mind is the last to catch up to see beyond time and space. Your human mind had the need to evolve - Yet you already exist as energy. Now, your inner to outer viewer is no longer a viewer from just inside your mind Yet from your entire existence as an energetic being of vibrational sound and light This new space for you at first, will seem like great power for you to achieve While this is true and a necessary space, it is but a part of what you can yet see. For eventually, your human self shall move beyond your individual needs And you will come to use this space, to come together as one to be free Your forgotten and invisible world is no longer just a dream Once you allow your mind to let go of your physical reality you too shall be able to see As you move beyond your separated individual human view You will use this space together to create the world as you see as NEW As you come to join together, you unlock the etheric crystal key For once you have dissolved as one, you shall exist in a whole new reality. For as you evolve from your physical world to one where you now exist as energy Your entire being shifts inside, to exist as ONE with us as WE So embrace within dear ones, as it begins For your NEW World comes and your old one ends! WE are the Galactic High Council, and it is with LOVE that WE NOW speak. Many are "stuck", if you will, in the frequency of the "Reality of the Illusion". For you see, none can truly be stuck, it is just your human perspective of the amount of humans, times the amount of human "time", there that you see. The reality of the illusion, is yet but another frequency. It serves a very important purpose in purging a collective consciousness of oppression, unfairness, imposed limits, and perceived pain and suffering on a mass level. It also purges those souls of that frequency within them of a collective duality. Many of you have come to see beyond this space of separation. You, in many ways, already understand, that which one can see "out there" still exists within. Wait patiently, and with love, as they too shall come to see; For every frequency, or space of consciousness transcended, allows one to expand into the beyond to further see. There shall be a mass increase of more, who shall open their hearts to further see and be free. It is an illusion, yet one that you created in frequency to transcend from within. WE ask that if you feel stuck in the collective consciousness of perceived mass suffering and the illusion, that you do this clearing as often as possible to assist you in moving past that space or frequency within. Clearing: I understand this is a mass consciousness collective of separation that exists within; I wish to integrate higher frequencies that allow me to see the beyond that which I cannot yet see; I am utterly grateful for my choice to participate in this collective purge; I know the physical shall evolve as within continues to further merge; I ask to release these collective beliefs of dense energies within my soul energy and visible inside my mind; For in my heart, I hold no separation and ask that collective healing within me be allowed to further begin. WE are the Galactic High Council and it is with love that WE speak to you now.
Translated by Lisa Transcendence Brown There is a "space", if you will, where the energies are high, the veils & air are thin and one has vibrationally activated the LightBody (Crystalline Body, Multi-Dimensional self, etc.) to feel and see into the beyond. These are all but terms that you use there to understand. We refer to this as "the other side", "the invisible" or "the forgotten", yet it exists only in a frequency that you have yet to be able to fully access, or in the physical, achieve. You are being integrated, or merged, into these higher frequencies at the "rate" that you can comprehend. For you, as an energetic being already exist here, yet your human self must increase vibrationally for you to to be able to merge dimensionally. Your physical shall feel more in these densities of the dimensional merges of these higher frequencies. Bugs, rodents, reptiles, spiders & more are used to desensitize your human fears of this. Each time you dream or encounter a "thing" that makes you jump or scream, you further release the energy of fear to that which you see. This is a necessary part of your human process in "shifting up" as you see it, vibrationally. You are not going anywhere, you are not moving to a new place. You are not leaving where you are physically, you are re-evolving as an energetic space. In this space you are everywhere, all at once and in all times. Here you shall see everything, yet in pieces according to the limits of your own human mind. In these times of high frequencies, you can see and feel that which you could not previously see. These visions, or experiences, appear new to you, yet they are memories of that which you have forgotten yourself to be. You will feel tingly at first, then something crawling on you. You may discount the experience or even question your own sanity. Yet inside, you know it to be real, yet not according to your human reality. This is necessary and shall increasingly occur, as when you are to "walk into the new" (the invisible or forgotten), you shall already be there before you know it, as it happens subtly. Translation note: The one who writes this, called Transcendence, is shown these things to be able to translate what she sees. She has reached a vibrational frequency that allows her these experiences, then given the words in order to share and teach. We needed someone who didn't filter or compromise with human needs. For this she speaks as we speak, for she exists in these vibrations that allows her to speak as WE. All shall come to a place of no separation within and as they do, they too shall also see. It is in this space that WE exist and shall also speak to you directly. WE are the Galactic High Council and it is with love that we now speak. All Exist in their own "space" and "time" as an individual transmitter in a collective reality. Your physical shall exist in the vibrational frequency that you transmit from within. Your sky will be transmitted from within you. Your surroundings shall be a manifestation of your within. Your entire existence is no longer one that was created for you, yet now, it is created from within, BY you. Yet, where you still exist in a human mind, using human eyes to see, you will see your human reality. Where you exist vibrationally, as an energy being, your energetic reality that you choose to create, shall be made visible for you to see. For multiple realities shall become present for you to choose from. The more you allow yourself to exist here, the more you shall see a "new" REMEMBERED reality. For your ability to see does not exist in that out there. It exists in a space you access from within. It exists in these higher vibrations, that bring you closer to that which you have forgotten. This you veiled and therefore have been physically unable to see. Your energy eyes shall show you what has been invisible. For that has always been here, waiting for you to access the space and vibrational frequency that allows you to see. WE are the Galactic High Council, and it is with LOVE that we NOW speak. Yep, we went sideways... it would not be me, if I didn't! I tried to explain the Energy Translations while wandering off into Ascension, Dimensions, Vibrational Frequencies & New Earth!!!!! So, if you have 40 minutes and can't sleep, come listen & watch. We shall being actually answering questions on the show tonight LIVE! Join us! I love you. <3
The purpose of this book is to reach as many as possible to assist in awakening, remembering, activating, and ascension. This book is channeled in a frequency that will activate one from within. It is to be absorbed, and one will have to read it several times to even remember the words. It carries a frequency that may put you to sleep in order to absorb it fully. It may take several readings to complete this very simple, yet speaks directly to your soul, book. We hope to share this book with all who wish to understand more and participate in their own awakening, ascension and remembering journey of consciousness. We are allowed only 5 free download days every 3 months, so we will space them out in order to assist more. It is not priced for profit, being kept as inexpensive as possible for this reason. If you have a group, organization or just wish to give the perfect gift to yourself or another, I actually purchase and ship at my cost in bulk. Details are on the following page. Book info, testimonials, purchase/download links and more: For those who have asked and for those who may benefit, I post free stuff on each of my sites, along with the private session information, books & media events, workshops, video courses. You name it. It's probably there! Years of journals as I transcended through the frequencies and chaos of my own mind are on the Transcending Consciousness Website. Feel free to go back as far as you dare! :) One may also book private sessions via this website. Awakening to Remembering is the one that will catapult one's REMEMBERING, answer those questions that you cannot find anywhere else and explain the upside down, inside out world of the illogical soul. This one will cross all previous boundaries of the logical mind and explain that which makes no sense. We go beyond the veils and journey into the land of the forgotten here. This site houses Energy Translations & writings, Recorded MP3's, Awakening to Remembering Book ordering information, YouTube/Media Video access, Workshops and more. LightBody Integration (Crystalline Body/Energetic Body, Merkaba, Multi-Dimensional Body, Soul Body, etc.). Most have not been yet ready for this. For those who are, we have done some workshops and will be doing more in the upcoming months, as we travel to bring this to different areas. This brings through cosmic & galactic energies, uses Sacred Geometry and immediately raises one's vibrational frequency, causing one to integrate all bodies of consciousness, soul expansion is present (floating), higher dimensional access portals are activated, etheric crystals activated, energetic blocks removed, Dormant DNA Strand activations... you name it, it gets done. This one requires actual consciousness work along with it, as one cannot just receive the energy and walk away. This is offered in conjunction with the other workshops offered, as well as a private session wherever we are local at that time. Online Video Course: Walk With Me: A Journey Within 60 How-To Videos, teaching you about energy, consciousness, awakening & more. If you have questions, this course is for you! Go at your own pace. Currently $333, but will be offering different specials from time to time. If you respond to this message, you can receive unlimited access in exchange for a Light Energy Donation of $133. Just complete the MANUAL Registration form and using code: GOINGWITHIN133 and making your donation of $133 at the same time. Registration information will be emailed to the address submitted on the manual registration. Enjoy a multitude of FREE resources in each site. See something that will assist another? Feel free to post it anywhere appropriate (and allowed), with the link back to the original page/source. If you would like to bring a workshop to your area, complete the hosting form to bring more to yourself and others near you! It is a very "flowy" process, so complete the form and let's "allow" it to happen! (We work these out based upon accommodations and other things provided in exchange. The goal is for it to be available to as many as we can possibly reach! I am happy to work different locations for as long as necessary or desired. We have different locations (U.S. & other countries) being added based upon geographic location for the upcoming months. If you wish to be worked into the travel plans, let us know and we will come to you! "WE" Community: A place where we all work together to reach others, share information and create awareness through love and strictly from the heart. Want to help others? Then join us and I throw in something to assist you too! Upcoming: We have many interactive events being added, along with additional resources for all. Check back often and to keep up when new things (and live broadcasts) are being offered! More soon, as all shall transpire by the moment! I love you! ♥ Walk With ME: A Journey Within Consciousness, Awakening & the Ascending Soul Exercises & How to's! Online Video Course ~ Go at your own pace! Only $333 for Access to 60 "Go at your own pace" Videos with Exercises If you have questions, this is the course for YOU! Information on how to navigate with the fore-knowledge and tools to create ease, release resistance and recognize so that you can CHOOSE how you experience; Learn to CREATE your own reality and step into your own SOUL (spirit, higher self); Tools to use in your own process to allow for greater understanding, vibrational detection, explanations; Detect resistance so that you can switch to a place of ease and flow with the Universe. This course is meant to be "absorbed" & go at your own pace! Explanations, Exercises, How To's & Tools to tailor to your own journey! Beneficial to all working to master one's own energy This course is COMPLETELY GUIDED and from a Soul's Perspective So walk with me... As one. From my soul to yours, I am honored to share this journey together. For Weekly Course Topic Breakdown, visit the website: Testimonials: (adding more soon as they continue to come in!) Thank you!!! |
Support Change and help me keep sharing to assist all in unity and bringing forth the "new" (Remembered) here. With the utmost appreciation and love. Mahalo. ♥
Thank you to Marinette Lepine with TransLight for sharing and translating in French! Wow, so very honored! Thank YOU!
Read here WAYSHOWER, AUTHOR, PHYSICAL ASCENSION & LIGHT EMBODIMENT GUIDE, CRYSTAL(LINE) GRIDKEEPER & GATEKEEPER, LIGHT ENERGY TRANSLATOR, COSMIC PORTAL, & MORE!Transcendence is my first"Remembered" name, Ithara is my Galactic identification and Lisa is my human name. Archives
January 2016
Lisa Transcendence Brown (Ithara) ☼
Ascended Master WayShower, Author, NEW Earth Existence Sharings, Transformational Speaker, Light Embodiment & Empowerment Physical Ascension Guide (all from within) Updates via the Public Page: Purchase Books: |
Invest in yourself, each other, your Service as Light, hUmaNITY, Consciousness Expansion and all of our future nows... by contributing to and fully supporting (in every way) that which supports humanity with the immense transition phases with greater ease and through Pure Love.
NEW Earth has a whole new, entirely different value system, all new systems and ways that all must learn/remember and bring forth from deep within.
Energetic Cycles are increasing substantially at an unprecedented rate, accelerating "what comes back around" energetically... from all existences, as all is a cyclical/spiral/reciprocal energy that cycles faster as our beloved planet's vibrational frequency continues to rise to bring/usher all out of the "dark ages" and into "the Light" (Full Consciousness/a Quantum State of Remembrance/Pure Peace, Love, Unity and Sacred Oneness).
In deep sacred appreciation for your presence, dedication and service as Love too. ♥
Keep embracing, shining, building, integrating and sharing your BEAUTIFUL LIGHT as Love! It's BEyond important for all! ♥
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"WE" totally love, honor, respect and appreciate you and your presence, participation and contributions for all of HUmanity too!!! ♥