Apparently, today loves, realities are "bendable", and are expandable as your mind is. So stretchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh your mind to go as far and wide as you can see. For if your mind is not bendable, then neither is your reality. You shall have access to more here, so take that, close your eyes (or open them, depending on which vibration you exist in) to see beyond that which you normally can see. Open your hearts to feel and release any limits in place by your need for a human experience here. Allow your heart to expand so far out and wide that you become one with all that there is to be. Listen beyond that which you can usually hear. For there is much there, in the space that exists when your heart is clear. Connect with a sound deep inside and carry that to your mind, for you shall hear that which was veiled, for it is in the silence that you shall find. Open your heart, open your mind and open up to receive. For that which has been forgotten, shall come forth in a space where you exist as energy.
Strongly streaming energies continue to be received by all! How they shall be received now, shall be based upon your own individual energetic, physical, thought & emotional needs. For shifting is what all are doing, both individually and collectively. There is no "one size fits all" here anymore. There actually never was. Yet, collectively a "majority" existed in the same space, yet now, those spaces too have so expanded where existence is beautiful & unique based upon the expansion of one's self as an energy. These energies bring through rememberings. The human sees these things as "new", yet they have always felt them inside. The energetic being understands that they are not new, rather they are now visible in the vibrational frequency that one now resides. What one shall see, hear, feel shall be based now upon where they exist in "time" vibrationally. For when I walk, when you walk, when all walk out into this world you call a reality... what you see, what I see, what others see, shall be based upon one's internal frequency of visibility. For now, your "new" energy eyes, ears and lighter body shall allow you too see in frequency. Your world, my world, their world are all available for all to see. For you see, energetic loves, all realities now exist simultaneously. In these energies, here now, you shall see what you believe in, I shall see what I believe in, and they shall see what they believe in reality. For you see, all shall see reality energetically. Your emotions have been transmuted from the human self to ones of brilliance that you now receive vibrationally through senses from within & inspired by sound, visual & touch. Your energetic reality allows you to bend that which was fixed before. And the more you embrace the invisible the more you will be able to shift, bend, see and eventually move through, energetically. For the separation of time and space have always only been in your mind. As your mind & your physical body both become lighter and expandable, they shall also continue to become bendable and invisible. For you exist as an energetic being, not limited by the separation of space or time. In your human "past there", you have not yet had the ability to touch, hear & see the invisible. Yet you shall, for you see, as that has always been "present", you just did not hold the vibration within to be able to bend & expand as energy. So embrace these energies and your own, as one such energy. For you see, dear loves, they are for you. They bring you that which you have forgotten to be. <3 Happy Moment, most blissful and radiant beams of light! STREAMING GALACTIC ENERGIES! Diamond Rays, Platinum Rays, Crystal Rays (more)... all in one huge compressed stream, coming in at such a high rate... zillions of teeny tiny particles to fill all here and assist in further re-evolution! These streams have been steady for about a day & 1/2 in "time" here. All dense matter shall have a harder time with these energies. EVERYTHING in your physical body/reality/BEing is being affected by this. Outward realities also continue to shift. Subtly for some and major for others. It will all depend on what exists within. This is an amazing "time" for all! Realities continue to shift as the dense physical continues to fall away. Many are experiencing heavy periods of body aches/upgrades, disorientation & sleep. This is so very important to honor on this entire journey. Nature, nurture, rest rest rest and hydrate. Eating habits shift. To the LightBody/Crystalline Body, Light Beings, these energies bring such exquisite peace, food, nutrients, knowledge, further expansion (and more) for the energy bodies. Drink and breathe them into your entire essence. Allow for them to flow through you, raising & tuning your own energy body to further expand with greater ease. After a super busy week and a BEYOND magnificent gathering/class yesterday in sharing energy, love & awareness & expansion, I too need to nurture today. I shall utilize these energies to stream messages to you all while I exist in a space of quiet and peace. I shall be responding by email to the private session requests that came in the last several days to fit all in based on time zones and distance/in-person availability. Back to posting more shortly, as much streams through to translate & share. For those here, I am honored for every exchange in love. I may not get to reply to every post, but I do try to see them throughout the day, in-between appts/sessions and assistance to all. I love you and may EVERY MOMENT be blessed so brilliantly in love, peace & bliss from within. Happy MOMENT most awesome amazing brilliant and radiant souls of light!!!! Such exquisite streams of energies just pouring in today. These are such serene energies of connections from within. These allow you to go within your heart and with a quiet mind connect to all of your desires, with freedom from anchored thought to flow with the streams to connect on a higher level. These allow you to "skip" your mind around and tap into what has not been present these last couple of weeks. They allow going beyond this physical stuff, if you so desire. So much information streaming in, but you must tune in to connect and hear/feel/see it. These, my friends, shall take you on a magic carpet ride within! And we all know what happens when you go within? You change EVERYTHING out there! So, use these energies to assist you. Whereas yesterday, being in the mind for many was a frightful thing. Today you shall be supported in your dreams. Yet, remember, you still must take action in the other moments, because what would creation be if you didn't get to participate? Tune YOUR frequencies to these streams! Enjoy peace, serenity and the connections that are present. I love you. <3 (11am EST) 1pm: There are some compression energies coming through. These "push" on the heart. Each's experience shall be their own. The heart opening and the release of the energy is the purpose. We may have a contract & expand (and do it again and again) day coming. Still lots coming through. All is for the purpose of moving one/all into higher vibrational frequencies. If you find yourself in a place of discomfort, see what is being presented for acknowledgement & release from within. I do not "see" alot of "mind battle/logic" here. More the energy push to cause things to come up & out. Actually, the mind is able to be "sedate" during this, while the opening is being created. I love you. Honor your heart and breathe.... Happy moment most awesome and exquisite beings of brilliant LIGHT! How are all receiving the incoming high vibrational frequencies? All shall be "affected" according to that which is within. YOU (We) are all evolving further, re-evolving BACK into that which has been forgotten. Depending on which end of the totem pole you are on, is to how it will appear to you. You will either see loss & perceived suffering or you will see beauty, elation and bliss beyond that which the human mind can see. These streams STILL are activating physically, as the entire energetic body just got plugged up to a HUGE battery charger and is being "jolted" in every moment to activate one further. (I do visuals, so you can see what I see). Absolutely everyone, everything is getting activated in a "slammed" way. This includes animals, Gaia. If it exists, it receives. This means that ALL things shall activate further to the higher frequencies and that ALL things DENSE cannot go. This is emotions, physical ailments, material things, thoughts... all things that keep one separated within shall again be expedited to fall away. Dense physical bodies will continue to "fail", as those who's "time" vibrationally it is to ascend. All things of one's physical human "past" shall surface for release. This includes old ailments, trying to leave (again). Where there is much suppressed denseness, this will present as extremely painful and overwhelming. This is the human mind's perspective that there is "again" something wrong. When in this "reverse" world, everything is again becoming "right", whole, and more light. Where the human sees loss and in these energies, much "loss" shall continue to occur. Yet one that has worked from within to bring in more light, re-integrate AS energy, honor their own entire being is SEEING things as "new". The physical world is old... the REMEMBERED is perceived as new. Yet it is not new, it has always been there, hidden, under etheric lock and key. With every shift UP, you continue to step into what you perceive as new. As "time" is removed for you, you shall continue to see. For all times exist as one, as here there too, is no separation. Your past, your future... they only exist by way of separation within your own mind. Your "access" if you will, will expand as you do, vibrationally. Human clocks and schedules will continue to "fail" to "work" with this "new" way of being. The energetic being does not need sleep, does not exist in human time. It sees all things energy, through it's energetic eyes. Things appear brighter, more vibrant... as you can actually see the LIFE radiating in everything that emits life force energy too! You can also "see" those things dense that drain your energy, so you work to remove those things from your existence, as you now exercise "choice" in your own energetic evolvement. Now, use your new eyes to see all around you. Things have appeared to have changed. They have not, for you have only shifted into a higher frequency that allows you to see beyond what your human thinking mind could not previously see. Once you have purged the denseness, your spirit shall soar and become increasingly excited to exist in these frequencies. Yet there is so much more, beyond the veils that you put in place before you came here to separate within. For with every increase in frequency, you further activate, unlock and re-integrate. For every time you embrace this, you expedite your own remembering. And for those who do not, their realities shall get adjusted "for" them. As this too was their choice prior to "coming here". Know that all that you see is your own projection. Things are exactly as you chose them to be. Looking through your own energetic eyes will allow you to utilize the transpiring of every moment to further integrate, elevate and shift. For as you do, all things you see shall shift too. I love you. Happy moment most awesome amazing exquisite beings of love!!!! The cosmic energies are streaming today! They are exquisite and beautiful thus far! To awaken to hearing these, brings the words of "home" in. These are the energies of "home". Delivering to all, higher frequencies to assist and further expand. Through the night, the collective thoughts were one's of others questioning themselves, their realities, wondering if they were bonkers, which means that more shall start to question all. There will be much confusion, as veils continue to fall away. Yet these veils are not "out there". As with all, they are deep inside. So, occupy your own mind, and tune to the frequency of your heart. Expand beyond that which is not logical, to see that which truly exists. Seeing is not with your physical eyes. For these limit you to your own human view. Seeing is through your open heart. So close your eyes if you wish to see, and open up your entire BEing to that which exists beyond. For that which has been forgotten, shall be shown in the invisible and found through a trail of bread crumbs that leave your old world far behind. Utilize choice in your moments loves. Choose to release. Choose to let go. For the only thing keeping you anchored there are the beliefs you have stored within. If you wish to ascend, you must transcend. I love you. <3 Happy moments most awesome and amazing and exquisite beings of love!!!! Well, today's energy report is going to be a weeeeee bit different. That's because I don't quite have an explanation yet of what has been experienced. Yet, I do share here, so that others can use that to learn and assist them on their own journey. So here goes... Yesterday, I awoke to "new info" and went on a search online to "find" what it was I was "seeing" .... I started out with the words coming through when I awoke "gamma rays" and "delta". So I got online, "stumbled" on a Greek alphabet with both "gamma & delta" in it. The delta state I was relating to the brainwaves state that the energies were bringing through. It was interesting that the "symbol" for Delta was a pyramid..... but gamma got stuck in my head. I giggled at the remembrance of the Incredible Hulk and went on with the day. :) Last night I got all up in holodecks & transporting.... this morning I awoke, went back into that "in-between state" and wow.... I felt like I was being lasered with a million volts of electricity. I could hear it pulsing through my head, and this I have come to "interact with" on multiple occasions. With each huge burst, my physical body was receiving, yet I was experiencing a multitude of "visions" and experiences (they are to "real" to be visions in this state.) I actually "spoke" in my mind to cause the bursts to return and bring more in.... THAT was amazing... to "cause" them to increase and continue! With each burst, new remembrances & showings came through. The most pivotal was "the other side" being "activated" to be visible "here" in the physical. I could reach my hand into things that others could not visibly see, and "bring back" for them to see. I could watch the wind move, in a place there was no wind & see a leaf float by (in a room with other people present) and grab the leaf and "pull it through" for others to see it was "real". This occurred repeatedly with natural things, such as water. Others could not see the waterfall or pond, yet I could scoop up a handful of water & bring it through. It was then visible to the others who were present. Then a HUGE burst came through (and my entire physical body was then literally being blasted), yellow fireworks went off for a long time and a continual stream from a view from "above", different countries & landscapes rotated & faded in & out.... And somewhere before all of this started, was someone from my past telling me I needed to get rid of all of my spiritual books and handed me one specifically to see on "Egypt"..... I awoke to better vision in my physical eyes, and when I put my glasses on, I could not see (it became blurry). Not quite perfect vision without them, so they are all the way to the end of my nose, so that I can work. lol :) My physical body is still vibrating from the bursts of energies that came through.... but subsiding. Now, wayyyy back when, I would have been "frightened" by the jolts of energies and woken up to "stop" them from being received. The point is, that I understood it in a state of not being "awake" and without my logical mind kicking in, allowed myself to participate. That is the most important part. I share for those who might experience these energies. That you can choose to participate, observe and learn in this in-between state, if you allow your mind to stay "in that space"..... (I have been doing this for some time with the active participation, as that too takes practice.) When I close my eyes, it is as light as it is with my eyes open and the sun shining outside. There is no longer a different in the two states. This occurs as one brings in more light, increases their vibrational frequency and allows all physical realities and attachments to the "old ways" to fall away. There is so much here, that this post cannot cover it... but.... trust in that which you feel and honor that which makes no sense that you see.... for your remembering exists in those things that you too have veiled with logic. As all that is separated continues to whole and merge, as all that is beyond logic is entertained and as your physical body is nurtured to allow to maintain the higher vibrations..... you too shall continue to integrate to higher frequencies and BECOME light, again..... as you once were.... as we all are. <3 I love you.... <3 These energies will "push" up and out anything that wishes to be seen. If this should occur with you, know it is the purpose and not a "fault". Know that your soul is wishing to emerge further, and something is "in the way". Know that if you allow it to go, then love, healing and kindness shall fill that space. Confusion, lack, loss are all part of this process. Nothing in the physical makes sense. This is for a purpose. For the answers do not exist within the human mind, yet in the heart of all that is. Be kind to yourself in every moment. That which is not you is wishing to leave. You will emerge brighter than ever before. The discomfort can be experienced with the ease of the heart or the pain of the mind. Every moment is choice. Stay conscious, stay aware, breathe and get present. You are raising in vibration and the old is falling away. ♥ Cosmic Energies bring Light Codes for further Activation & Upgrades to one's Crystalline body/structure. These are absorbed & integrated, which serve multiple purposes, depending on one's vibrational frequency. Streaming Energies & Light Codes ACTIVATE ANYTHING & EVERYTHING within. If that is fear (anger, betrayal, blame, shame, guilt, judgment, etc.), then fear will surface in the DIMENSION/VIBRATIONAL FREQUENCY that you are overall existent in. If that is LOVE (light, peace, trust, faith, kindness, bliss, etc.), than that too shall activate. ALL are being FURTHER activated INTO the love, pure essence and Divine Light Being that they are. The higher the frequency, the "faster" this will appear to occur. Lower dimensions take longer to "see". So for one, it will appear to occur "immediately", whereas for another "days later". ALL exist in the same MOMENT in TIME, yet are separated by Vibrational Frequency/Dimensionally. Separation is one of the human thinking mind and indicative of separation within. Now, where one has fear & love, they will be "jostled" all around in-between and back & forth. This is the roller coaster for some & the wave for another. Consciousness, awareness and choice here are key. Solar Flares speed up & exacerbate this process. It is the "purpose", rather than the issue. The "times" we are in have "sped up this process". This is why many feel like they are losing control and can't hang on. That is the purpose. ALL are being "moved" into higher frequencies, how one endures/experiences, is totally individual, based upon resistance/allowing. The human rational mind resists. The open & Universal Heart allows. The more resistance, the more discomfort or perceived pain/suffering. The more one let's go, stops fighting and allows the Universe to drive (or whatever you associate with), the more flow there is. The human mind will wish to control this. One can create flow, by learning to let go. Light Codes fill up in the pineal gland to disburse in "sleep" or relaxed mind state, where logic can't interfere. New REMEMBERINGS will come through. Again, "speed" is determined by frequency. One may have a 3rd eye headache/pressue for a month, a week, or a day. The higher one's frequency, the shorter the headache/pressure appears to be. Lower dimensions, this is a migraine/headache, higher dimensions this is heavy pressure between the brow area over the eyes. When the eyes close and the mind is silent, these shall be released. They will present in a waking state as epiphanies, synchronicities, visual "blips", deja vu', images, thoughts of "oh I should do that!", and much much more. "Sleep" state will be seen as dreams/experiences/interactions. Wake & Sleep states are merging & "flipping". One wakes up in "Light" and starts walking in (and out) of a Lucid Dream. One works or goes to school in their sleep. The wake state is one of release to all that keeps them attached to a person, place, event, thing. Cut, cut, cut those cords... let it go. This is mega important and all attempt to hold on will create for EXTREME discomfort and loss, depending on one's frequency. One can have, while not holding on. There is a difference. An all that is utilized to assist humanity, help another, support your soul journey into expansion, SHALL BE SUPPORTED! There is a moment where all things physical must be released. Over time, this occurs in many many occurrences. This brings much separation alone. As many fight to hold on & ground, while others choose to fly and let go. REMEMBERING: One shall remember according to the memories stored in their cellular structure. Where there is old, past stuff, then this must be healed/released and the etheric CORD attaching the THOUGHT to that cut/released. All attempts to hold on to the past and material/physical world will be a BLOCK! Your physical is completely restructuring. NOTHING here will make sense. All is "leaving" that is dense, by way of release. Things must get imbalanced in order to purge and balance out. Old & chronic stuff will emerge until this has been allowed to completely release. Air, realignment and noises... alllll part of the process. You will feel like you are giving birth many times. You are. To the NEW. Energy attempts to integrate, activate and expand. Your head, lower chakra area & spine will undergo MUCH that makes no sense. You are expanding and your physical body denseness will indicate how uncomfortable this shall be. You can choose to assist by way of bringing in more light. (Light foods, sunshine, clean water, natural products, movement, etc.) Any suppression will cause all to return with a vengeance another day. Your REMEMBERING is being activated in every moment. You can participate if you are present, paying attention to signs, honoring yourself & love. The more you understand energy, the more this will make sense. As you are becoming a Crystalline/Light/Energetic Being. All not in alignment with that will fall away. You are becoming Crystalline and yes, dear loves, it is time to FLY! |
Support Change and help me keep sharing to assist all in unity and bringing forth the "new" (Remembered) here. With the utmost appreciation and love. Mahalo. ♥
Thank you to Marinette Lepine with TransLight for sharing and translating in French! Wow, so very honored! Thank YOU!
Read here WAYSHOWER, AUTHOR, PHYSICAL ASCENSION & LIGHT EMBODIMENT GUIDE, CRYSTAL(LINE) GRIDKEEPER & GATEKEEPER, LIGHT ENERGY TRANSLATOR, COSMIC PORTAL, & MORE!Transcendence is my first"Remembered" name, Ithara is my Galactic identification and Lisa is my human name. Archives
January 2016
Lisa Transcendence Brown (Ithara) ☼
Ascended Master WayShower, Author, NEW Earth Existence Sharings, Transformational Speaker, Light Embodiment & Empowerment Physical Ascension Guide (all from within) Updates via the Public Page: Purchase Books: |
Invest in yourself, each other, your Service as Light, hUmaNITY, Consciousness Expansion and all of our future nows... by contributing to and fully supporting (in every way) that which supports humanity with the immense transition phases with greater ease and through Pure Love.
NEW Earth has a whole new, entirely different value system, all new systems and ways that all must learn/remember and bring forth from deep within.
Energetic Cycles are increasing substantially at an unprecedented rate, accelerating "what comes back around" energetically... from all existences, as all is a cyclical/spiral/reciprocal energy that cycles faster as our beloved planet's vibrational frequency continues to rise to bring/usher all out of the "dark ages" and into "the Light" (Full Consciousness/a Quantum State of Remembrance/Pure Peace, Love, Unity and Sacred Oneness).
In deep sacred appreciation for your presence, dedication and service as Love too. ♥
Keep embracing, shining, building, integrating and sharing your BEAUTIFUL LIGHT as Love! It's BEyond important for all! ♥
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