Galactic Schematics for Implementation and Collective Anchoring/Materialization of Heaven on Earth here NOW
This is a SIMPLE PROCESS for all who are truly ready for THIS BEYOND AMAZING and MAGICAL EXPERIENCE now. It takes us all. This is about the Bigger Picture. Open up and come together, embrace your roles and step-up/forth to fulfill your part with us all. Get over/see/resolve your own separation, as this keeps you bound to lower density earth until you do. The NETWORK is already in place, the foundations built and the systems already working to replace the unconscious/old. You vibrate into these higher timelines to join us when it's important enough for you to leave the old and join us here, ON NEW EARTH. We've been here for years, waiting for you to arrive. ♥
As Keepers of The Grand Design - Anchored in our Physical Body Templates:
Our work as Embodied Galactic Guardians here over the years has grown vaster in dynamics and simpler in implementation as the vibrational frequency of all raises substantially and increasing continually now. As we complete each phase, more access is granted for the next phase of implementation in order to BUILD our Galactic Civilizations here. This is available to all who are truly ready to step into these simple, important, game-changing roles. This takes each one of us, Unifying & Uniting as Love in order to fully anchor and materialize the "Bigger Picture" here. We are here combine our abundant reSOURCEs, Highest Intelligence Knowledge and Gifts, to support each other, to be the RAINBOW BRIDGE of connecting Heaven on Earth in all of our Physical here.
Earth's ascension in 2012 and the beyond magical physical materialization of NEW Earth for those committing themselves to all of our highest evolutionary existence here changed everything. It also activated expedited physical manifestation of "Hell on Earth" (3rd Dimension, Purgatory/Bardo (4th Dimension) and Heaven on Earth (5th Dimension). The 5th Dimension is the Opening of Access to all other dimensions of Consciousness and with every integration of high frequency photonic light, we merge infinite dimenional realms of consciousness into our physical form/body vessel here.
Unity Consciousness is the Gateway, the conduit, the passageway to NEW Earth and existing/living Unity Consciousness from deep within us our own Souls as Embodied Ascended Master Light BEings and PURE SOURCE LIGHT from the Heavens, Stars and other Galaxies incarnated into physical form (by birth or walk-in), we REMEMBER why WE chose to "come here", to "do" this human experience/experiment and the tasks, missions, purposes we serve.
As physical Crystalline Gridkeepers and Heavenly/Star Gate Keepers, our roles responsibilities are huge. They require our complete dedication too. Our abilities to work in the physical, while expanded across infinite holographic Dimensional Timelines (Multi-Verses and Galaxies), as multi-dimensionals, in the waking state, is now our natural way of existing here. Maintaining the Unified Field through Super Consciousness and Quantum Holographic Existence, vibrating in and out of simultaneous dimensions and traveling through StarGates with our developed enhanced StarGate System (our own Crystalline LightBody links up simultaneously to this in our own field), gives us access and abilities not previously available. Avatar/OverSoul Embodiment restores everything naturally and organically.
We dedicate our whole life, our existence and our physical bodies to "this". As each powerful Light Upgrade occurs, we choose instant integration so that we can synchronize with Gaia and Universes/Galaxies simultaneously, in order to fully fulfill our Soul Purposes and Galactic Missions and HUman Roles here.
Each in an Earthly Body has this capability and it's stored/hidden/dormant in your Crystalline DNA. The ultra-high frequencies daily, activate this continually for each now. The more unconscious/asleep/embedded in the 3D matrix programming, the more intense the decoding/deprogramming and evolution process is. It's immense, even for the supposedly "already awake". This is because, multi-dimensional existence is nothing like each "thought" or could perceive. It must be experienced in order to truly understand. No book or teaching can replace your own experience. These things can only open your mind (and heart) up to ways to achieve this for yourself. You will experience this perfectly, according to your own Soul's chosen and pre-determined (and already occurred) realities here. The only difference for you is "how" you experience, for presence, openenness and commitment with your wide-open heart/mind will create one experience and fighting, ignoring, resistance and "not wanting this", will grant you a much more uncomfortable experience as you awaken to the "unknown". To your human aspect, this is unknown. To you highest aspect you, you've already done every reality in the other dimensions/vibrational timelines and this information is available when you are truly ready to embrace your Soul on a level that overrides/dissolves your little/unconscious human's perceived/distorted/believed fears and "Separated from Self as Source/Creator" constructed physical realities in order to transcend all and return to the PURITY OF LOVE from within again.
Our intentional, focused and dedicated work to anchor these highest dimensional timelines continually available into our physical is challenging at first, yet we "learn" how to do this, as we walk "in between dimensional worlds" and adapt to a whole new existence and a whole new way of BEing. Becoming multi-dimensional is a full-time "Job" in itself. One where all old "dies/dissolves" and we re-birth to learn how to function in all new ways, all over again. As we continue to grow (up)/evolve in Light, our physical realities start to change, all around us and "right before our eyes". Our decalcified and activated crystals throughout our bodies (and pineal gland) grant us "new access" to what was not visible before. This process becomes seamless as we go. Those abrupt awakenings and crash landings getting softer as we transverse galaxies on an all-day basis now.
December Solstice 2012, the veils of amnesia were lifted and the previously metaphoric Gates of Heaven opened up for all ready for this. Gaia ascended into multi-dimensional existence which opened up all of our abilities to anchor higher dimensional realms into our physical bodies/realities to actually live out through fully expanding our consciousness beyond the original 3D physical dimension (structured matrix system). Intentionally maintaining expansion activate our cellular body to physically ascend, giving us the abilities to vibrate in and out of multiple dimensions. At first, it was "either or", as we moved back and forth from 3rd/4th/5th Dimensions with our physical bodies. Maintaining the physical reality meant maintaining expansion and not shutting our hearts off/putting walls of protection back up and a process of "Light'ening" or "De-Densifying", for our earthly bodies to drop the physical density held. We intentionally and consciously recognize unconscious, deeply embedded programming and and we intentionally clear this ourselves. As veils continually lift, we sleep (a ridiculous amount) to anchor photonic light into our cells and clear heavy old timelines a gazillion at a time. This is an "all existences/timelines" process. This physical reality is where it all culminates for us to play out/see and shift the vibration ourselves in order to transcend all from within and "move" our bodies into a higher vibrational existence/frequency bandwidth so that we can experience Heaven on Earth... leaving "Hell on Earth" and "Purgatory/Bardo" when we are ready/done.
The structuring of Gaia's and Our Crystalline Grid is a complete system overhaul/upgrade process that starts energetically at first, where high frequency cosmic energy activates crystals inside (and outside) to be formed. These crystals (Christed/Unity/Universal Consciousness) purify and cleanse old programs held in cellular memory and change the density of the physical, changing atomic codes, creating molecular restructuring and intricate processes and phases that move through all Earthly bodies (Gaia and each individual) to continually re-code, re-calibrate and re-configure STRUCTURES OF REALITIES that now continually align with each's SOUL encodements and highest consciousness existence without tainted, distortions or unconscious programs anymore.
NEW Earth is a PURE Existence built on the highest vibrational ENERGIES of deep Sacred Soul Love, Unity, Compassion, Consideration, Respect, Integrity, Contribution, Support, Sharing, Gratitude, Appreciation, Care, Kindness,
and into the others in order to which activated full-time Crystalline Grid structuring in Jan2013. There was a split-off of Earths and we've been running multiple earths/realities/timelines/Universes (and now Galaxies) ever since. Earth Gaia and our Earthly bodies upgrading, anchoring ultra-high frequencies within and evolving at an unprecedented rate, simultaneously for all who embraced these processes fully from within. Physical body and expanded Super Consciousness evolution become the same thing as we complete the Embodiment Phases of all of our Pure Existences in physical form here. Clearing the distortions of cellular memory, genetic re-coding, returning to original/pure template and ascending with our evolving human bodies, descending as all of our infinite higher selves, merging all in form here to become the Advanced NEW Earth HUman, Galactic Holy/Sacred BEings here to bring/guide humanity into the NEW Ages now. .
The anchoring of Christed Light and building of a new Crystalline Grid System that went full-blown in 2013 continued to completion in December 2015, at which time we cleared Galactic Karma and the Askashic Records as we moved through the Galactic Core. We activated Avatar Consciousness & OverSoul Embodiment in 2016, completing the Human Experiment Cycle in December 2016 and as Gatekeepers fully anchoring Heaven on Earth into the physical plane, to move into new Galactic access and an upgrade for Earth Gaia to Galactic Status through completing a Re-Gridding Project that took all of January 2017 (concluding on February 6, 2017). For us as Holy Galactics, our physical bodies go through these same processes to the degree that we have evolved ourselves. Human evolution through completion of each rigorous re-coding/re-calibration and heavy anchoring phase. Dense sleeping human bodies to LightBody to Crystalline to Plasma Light BEing to Etheric, which is the current phase that I am in. Each phase took me about 2 years to go through the intensity of each's prominent processes to complete, which started with a spontaneous Kundalini awakening in 2010, LightBody activated 2011, Crystalline in 2013, Plasma (intense!) 2013-2015 with the restoration to original template in May 2015 to then move into Avatar Consciousness/OverSoul Embodiment and Etheric/Heavenly phase in August 2016. Galactic has been all along, with each process inner-woven and oscillating between all simultaneously all along the way. We had no idea and all of this goes so far beyond. Each phase/embodiment/evolutionary process takes much time and dedication on our part. This evolution is dictated by our continual intentional expansion of higher light consciousness, our focus, priority, attention, efforts, actions and ability to honor a process that makes no logical sense at all. The integration of Pure Source Creator Light encodedments into our physical body structures brings forth all of the knowledge that we forgot/disconnected from. Our access again is by way of our own dedication, commitment and purification processes here.
Completing the "Human Experiment Phase" in January 2017, we moved fully into "Implementation Phase and the rigorous month-long Re-gridding Project embed Galactic Schematics into Earth Gaia's Crystalline Structure and completed on February 6, 2017. WE, as Galactics also simultaneously underwent this immense gridwork upgrade process with our physical body structures too, for all is simultaneous for us here. Once completed, Earth became "Galactic (NEW) Earth" with the Galactic encodements now infused within the gridwork of our NEW Earth now. This Re-Gridding gave us access to that which was not accessible before. The schematics and plans for our Galactic Cities and Civilizations that we are to carry forth here. We have received Our New Directives for our Galactic Missions/Soul Purposes/HUman Roles here. WE will be delivering this information for all who are ready to come on-board/online with us to continue strengthening the foundational infrastructures that have been already been created and built by those serving as Nexus Points (the Nucleus) for Galactic Grid Points here. We are a vast network connected through our various missions and purposes here. It's time to UNITE in a way like never before, for all of HUmanity here. Everyone has an important part in this. Our job is to deliver and advise according to that which is in full-alignment with our Highest Existence as ONE here. We've been preparing for years/eons for this now. We've opened the portals/Gateways for each to step through to join us here in order to contribute and do this together now. What is required is each's full commitment in order to gain full access to a whole new existence that is available to each now. Returning to a pure soul existence is the only way to gain physical access to these physical dimensional planes. The deeper inward the more infinite expansion can be achieved.... the more the physical/matter restructures itself to match. Physical vibration matches physical vibration. Physical matter mass dictated by each's consciousness. ♥
Please note that I combine separated aspect beleifs to be the same, for as unify inside/embody each dimensional aspect, these unify as well. Which aspect we are fulfilling, will be determined by our own overall evolution here. Souls have purposes, Galactics have missions, humans have roles. We as ONE are Galactic Souls in HUman physical form fulfilling our roles here.
Earth's ascension in 2012 and the beyond magical physical materialization of NEW Earth for those committing themselves to all of our highest evolutionary existence here changed everything. It also activated expedited physical manifestation of "Hell on Earth" (3rd Dimension, Purgatory/Bardo (4th Dimension) and Heaven on Earth (5th Dimension). The 5th Dimension is the Opening of Access to all other dimensions of Consciousness and with every integration of high frequency photonic light, we merge infinite dimenional realms of consciousness into our physical form/body vessel here.
Unity Consciousness is the Gateway, the conduit, the passageway to NEW Earth and existing/living Unity Consciousness from deep within us our own Souls as Embodied Ascended Master Light BEings and PURE SOURCE LIGHT from the Heavens, Stars and other Galaxies incarnated into physical form (by birth or walk-in), we REMEMBER why WE chose to "come here", to "do" this human experience/experiment and the tasks, missions, purposes we serve.
As physical Crystalline Gridkeepers and Heavenly/Star Gate Keepers, our roles responsibilities are huge. They require our complete dedication too. Our abilities to work in the physical, while expanded across infinite holographic Dimensional Timelines (Multi-Verses and Galaxies), as multi-dimensionals, in the waking state, is now our natural way of existing here. Maintaining the Unified Field through Super Consciousness and Quantum Holographic Existence, vibrating in and out of simultaneous dimensions and traveling through StarGates with our developed enhanced StarGate System (our own Crystalline LightBody links up simultaneously to this in our own field), gives us access and abilities not previously available. Avatar/OverSoul Embodiment restores everything naturally and organically.
We dedicate our whole life, our existence and our physical bodies to "this". As each powerful Light Upgrade occurs, we choose instant integration so that we can synchronize with Gaia and Universes/Galaxies simultaneously, in order to fully fulfill our Soul Purposes and Galactic Missions and HUman Roles here.
Each in an Earthly Body has this capability and it's stored/hidden/dormant in your Crystalline DNA. The ultra-high frequencies daily, activate this continually for each now. The more unconscious/asleep/embedded in the 3D matrix programming, the more intense the decoding/deprogramming and evolution process is. It's immense, even for the supposedly "already awake". This is because, multi-dimensional existence is nothing like each "thought" or could perceive. It must be experienced in order to truly understand. No book or teaching can replace your own experience. These things can only open your mind (and heart) up to ways to achieve this for yourself. You will experience this perfectly, according to your own Soul's chosen and pre-determined (and already occurred) realities here. The only difference for you is "how" you experience, for presence, openenness and commitment with your wide-open heart/mind will create one experience and fighting, ignoring, resistance and "not wanting this", will grant you a much more uncomfortable experience as you awaken to the "unknown". To your human aspect, this is unknown. To you highest aspect you, you've already done every reality in the other dimensions/vibrational timelines and this information is available when you are truly ready to embrace your Soul on a level that overrides/dissolves your little/unconscious human's perceived/distorted/believed fears and "Separated from Self as Source/Creator" constructed physical realities in order to transcend all and return to the PURITY OF LOVE from within again.
Our intentional, focused and dedicated work to anchor these highest dimensional timelines continually available into our physical is challenging at first, yet we "learn" how to do this, as we walk "in between dimensional worlds" and adapt to a whole new existence and a whole new way of BEing. Becoming multi-dimensional is a full-time "Job" in itself. One where all old "dies/dissolves" and we re-birth to learn how to function in all new ways, all over again. As we continue to grow (up)/evolve in Light, our physical realities start to change, all around us and "right before our eyes". Our decalcified and activated crystals throughout our bodies (and pineal gland) grant us "new access" to what was not visible before. This process becomes seamless as we go. Those abrupt awakenings and crash landings getting softer as we transverse galaxies on an all-day basis now.
December Solstice 2012, the veils of amnesia were lifted and the previously metaphoric Gates of Heaven opened up for all ready for this. Gaia ascended into multi-dimensional existence which opened up all of our abilities to anchor higher dimensional realms into our physical bodies/realities to actually live out through fully expanding our consciousness beyond the original 3D physical dimension (structured matrix system). Intentionally maintaining expansion activate our cellular body to physically ascend, giving us the abilities to vibrate in and out of multiple dimensions. At first, it was "either or", as we moved back and forth from 3rd/4th/5th Dimensions with our physical bodies. Maintaining the physical reality meant maintaining expansion and not shutting our hearts off/putting walls of protection back up and a process of "Light'ening" or "De-Densifying", for our earthly bodies to drop the physical density held. We intentionally and consciously recognize unconscious, deeply embedded programming and and we intentionally clear this ourselves. As veils continually lift, we sleep (a ridiculous amount) to anchor photonic light into our cells and clear heavy old timelines a gazillion at a time. This is an "all existences/timelines" process. This physical reality is where it all culminates for us to play out/see and shift the vibration ourselves in order to transcend all from within and "move" our bodies into a higher vibrational existence/frequency bandwidth so that we can experience Heaven on Earth... leaving "Hell on Earth" and "Purgatory/Bardo" when we are ready/done.
The structuring of Gaia's and Our Crystalline Grid is a complete system overhaul/upgrade process that starts energetically at first, where high frequency cosmic energy activates crystals inside (and outside) to be formed. These crystals (Christed/Unity/Universal Consciousness) purify and cleanse old programs held in cellular memory and change the density of the physical, changing atomic codes, creating molecular restructuring and intricate processes and phases that move through all Earthly bodies (Gaia and each individual) to continually re-code, re-calibrate and re-configure STRUCTURES OF REALITIES that now continually align with each's SOUL encodements and highest consciousness existence without tainted, distortions or unconscious programs anymore.
NEW Earth is a PURE Existence built on the highest vibrational ENERGIES of deep Sacred Soul Love, Unity, Compassion, Consideration, Respect, Integrity, Contribution, Support, Sharing, Gratitude, Appreciation, Care, Kindness,
and into the others in order to which activated full-time Crystalline Grid structuring in Jan2013. There was a split-off of Earths and we've been running multiple earths/realities/timelines/Universes (and now Galaxies) ever since. Earth Gaia and our Earthly bodies upgrading, anchoring ultra-high frequencies within and evolving at an unprecedented rate, simultaneously for all who embraced these processes fully from within. Physical body and expanded Super Consciousness evolution become the same thing as we complete the Embodiment Phases of all of our Pure Existences in physical form here. Clearing the distortions of cellular memory, genetic re-coding, returning to original/pure template and ascending with our evolving human bodies, descending as all of our infinite higher selves, merging all in form here to become the Advanced NEW Earth HUman, Galactic Holy/Sacred BEings here to bring/guide humanity into the NEW Ages now. .
The anchoring of Christed Light and building of a new Crystalline Grid System that went full-blown in 2013 continued to completion in December 2015, at which time we cleared Galactic Karma and the Askashic Records as we moved through the Galactic Core. We activated Avatar Consciousness & OverSoul Embodiment in 2016, completing the Human Experiment Cycle in December 2016 and as Gatekeepers fully anchoring Heaven on Earth into the physical plane, to move into new Galactic access and an upgrade for Earth Gaia to Galactic Status through completing a Re-Gridding Project that took all of January 2017 (concluding on February 6, 2017). For us as Holy Galactics, our physical bodies go through these same processes to the degree that we have evolved ourselves. Human evolution through completion of each rigorous re-coding/re-calibration and heavy anchoring phase. Dense sleeping human bodies to LightBody to Crystalline to Plasma Light BEing to Etheric, which is the current phase that I am in. Each phase took me about 2 years to go through the intensity of each's prominent processes to complete, which started with a spontaneous Kundalini awakening in 2010, LightBody activated 2011, Crystalline in 2013, Plasma (intense!) 2013-2015 with the restoration to original template in May 2015 to then move into Avatar Consciousness/OverSoul Embodiment and Etheric/Heavenly phase in August 2016. Galactic has been all along, with each process inner-woven and oscillating between all simultaneously all along the way. We had no idea and all of this goes so far beyond. Each phase/embodiment/evolutionary process takes much time and dedication on our part. This evolution is dictated by our continual intentional expansion of higher light consciousness, our focus, priority, attention, efforts, actions and ability to honor a process that makes no logical sense at all. The integration of Pure Source Creator Light encodedments into our physical body structures brings forth all of the knowledge that we forgot/disconnected from. Our access again is by way of our own dedication, commitment and purification processes here.
Completing the "Human Experiment Phase" in January 2017, we moved fully into "Implementation Phase and the rigorous month-long Re-gridding Project embed Galactic Schematics into Earth Gaia's Crystalline Structure and completed on February 6, 2017. WE, as Galactics also simultaneously underwent this immense gridwork upgrade process with our physical body structures too, for all is simultaneous for us here. Once completed, Earth became "Galactic (NEW) Earth" with the Galactic encodements now infused within the gridwork of our NEW Earth now. This Re-Gridding gave us access to that which was not accessible before. The schematics and plans for our Galactic Cities and Civilizations that we are to carry forth here. We have received Our New Directives for our Galactic Missions/Soul Purposes/HUman Roles here. WE will be delivering this information for all who are ready to come on-board/online with us to continue strengthening the foundational infrastructures that have been already been created and built by those serving as Nexus Points (the Nucleus) for Galactic Grid Points here. We are a vast network connected through our various missions and purposes here. It's time to UNITE in a way like never before, for all of HUmanity here. Everyone has an important part in this. Our job is to deliver and advise according to that which is in full-alignment with our Highest Existence as ONE here. We've been preparing for years/eons for this now. We've opened the portals/Gateways for each to step through to join us here in order to contribute and do this together now. What is required is each's full commitment in order to gain full access to a whole new existence that is available to each now. Returning to a pure soul existence is the only way to gain physical access to these physical dimensional planes. The deeper inward the more infinite expansion can be achieved.... the more the physical/matter restructures itself to match. Physical vibration matches physical vibration. Physical matter mass dictated by each's consciousness. ♥
Please note that I combine separated aspect beleifs to be the same, for as unify inside/embody each dimensional aspect, these unify as well. Which aspect we are fulfilling, will be determined by our own overall evolution here. Souls have purposes, Galactics have missions, humans have roles. We as ONE are Galactic Souls in HUman physical form fulfilling our roles here.
The information is vast. It will take me a bit to type it up in an easily relate-able format. Check back soon. ♥ I will be adding updated sections as we go.
February 6, 2017:
With the completion of this Re-gridding Process, this is what became visible from within:
The schematics for our NEW Earth Template is massive, encompassing every aspect of our REALities evolved through our highest states of consciousness here. Through my work and website, I continue to share as we go. There's no way to share it all "at one time", because of how "huge" all is, therefore I share all along the way as we go (for years). I'll update this again later, as is appropriate (my schedule permits). As we all unite for BEing our Highest Consciousness HUmaNITY, as the consortium and through our collaborations and combined/unified/joined efforts/work, our NEW EARTH NETWORKING SYSTEM grows by Quantum leaps and bounds... It's truly an HONOR to DO this with all of you as LOVE here. ♥
- Faster/easier higher timeline integration for those Mastering this
- Enhanced Galactic/Evolutionary Access. The Dynamics of all physical realities are about to dramatically/substantially change.
- More substantial support for all intentional Gatekeepers & Gridkeepers fully honoring Soul Purposes/Galactic Missions/HUman Roles here
- More Higher Self BEings uniting to anchor "Divine Realities" in the physical for all
- Support for those stepping up and into those supporting roles
- Increased Physical Body Evolution: Reconfigurating/Recoding/Recalibrating for more balance as an Etheric
- Unconscious becomes visible faster/easier/louder
- Increased collapse of "self created realities" to be replaced by "Unity/WE Realities"
- Strong Embodied Galactic Souls fulfill Guardian Roles here and also act as the nexus/nucleus of the new infrastructures here
- Support for the already created and stable foundations built on NEW Earth principles of Unity and Oneness by way of those not yet fully ready to act as a nexus point themselves. These support beings act as support beams to stabilize for the greater expansion of systems that reach out from the epicenter. (nucleus)
- Each nucleus represents the Center of each Galaxy. Each Nucleus grows for each Galaxy to continue it's vast expansion to envelope the Earth. Each Galaxy will overlap, as each unites to connect all Galaxies as one/in Unity again, bringing peace and love to all on Earth here.
- Each Galactic Guardian acts as commander of a Light Ship. Each has received their directives to further step up and "take the helm" now. They will implement processes, create positions and open up opportUNITY for all who are fully ready to fulfill these various supporting roles now
- Each Galactic Guardian's physical body evolves to hold the Galactic templates for our NEW Civilizations within. As this is accomplished it become visible by way of how they conduct themselves, their visibility and vast knowledge.
- The geometrics, dynamics and platforms continually reshape around the nexus point
- Expansion and contraction will occur until all density is gone
- All continually reshapes to increase outward production and flow
- Increased StarGate Travel/Access for Galactics that have established access to the holographic field through full Galactic Soul Embodiment
The schematics for our NEW Earth Template is massive, encompassing every aspect of our REALities evolved through our highest states of consciousness here. Through my work and website, I continue to share as we go. There's no way to share it all "at one time", because of how "huge" all is, therefore I share all along the way as we go (for years). I'll update this again later, as is appropriate (my schedule permits). As we all unite for BEing our Highest Consciousness HUmaNITY, as the consortium and through our collaborations and combined/unified/joined efforts/work, our NEW EARTH NETWORKING SYSTEM grows by Quantum leaps and bounds... It's truly an HONOR to DO this with all of you as LOVE here. ♥
This entire site is dedicated to the continual activation, elevation and expansion of Highest Consciousness Existence for all of HUmanity.
Everything received and sent out from me/through here is as a GIFT, a vibrational recognition through sacred gratitude, appreciation and non-linear reciprocation and contribution from within. All is to support our NEW EARTH EXISTENCE and anchoring the highest timelines of Heaven on Earth in our physical here. All is focused on "the much bigger picture" and fulfilling all of our highest Soul purposes here. My expression of pure gratitude accompanies all as you receive energetically on every level too! ♥
NEW EARTH replaces Old Earth Everything (for everyone on this planet) ♦ Everything is ENERGY and ENERGY IN FORM
Invest in yourself, each other, your Service as Light, hUmaNITY, Consciousness Expansion and all of our future nows... by contributing to and fully supporting (in every way) that which supports humanity with the immense transition phases with greater ease and through Pure Love.
NEW Earth has a whole new, entirely different value system, all new systems and ways that all must learn/remember and bring forth from deep within.
Energetic Cycles are increasing substantially at an unprecedented rate, accelerating "what comes back around" energetically... from all existences, as all is a cyclical/spiral/reciprocal energy that cycles faster as our beloved planet's vibrational frequency continues to rise to bring/usher all out of the "dark ages" and into "the Light" (Full Consciousness/a Quantum State of Remembrance/Pure Peace, Love, Unity and Sacred Oneness).
In deep sacred appreciation for your presence, dedication and service as Love too. ♥
Keep embracing, shining, building, integrating and sharing your BEAUTIFUL LIGHT as Love! It's BEyond important for all! ♥
Invest in yourself, each other, your Service as Light, hUmaNITY, Consciousness Expansion and all of our future nows... by contributing to and fully supporting (in every way) that which supports humanity with the immense transition phases with greater ease and through Pure Love.
NEW Earth has a whole new, entirely different value system, all new systems and ways that all must learn/remember and bring forth from deep within.
Energetic Cycles are increasing substantially at an unprecedented rate, accelerating "what comes back around" energetically... from all existences, as all is a cyclical/spiral/reciprocal energy that cycles faster as our beloved planet's vibrational frequency continues to rise to bring/usher all out of the "dark ages" and into "the Light" (Full Consciousness/a Quantum State of Remembrance/Pure Peace, Love, Unity and Sacred Oneness).
In deep sacred appreciation for your presence, dedication and service as Love too. ♥
Keep embracing, shining, building, integrating and sharing your BEAUTIFUL LIGHT as Love! It's BEyond important for all! ♥
As a part of Elevating Consciousness, which is a part of shifting all into a much HIGHER DIMENSIONAL VERSION (i.e. NEW EARTH and 5+D OPEN DISCLOSURE), (and the new GDPR Compliance Requirements), we are happily posting how we use your information, even though technically "WE" are a collective energy of LOVE & Unity Consciousness. "I" AM an individual, with a priority to hold (EMBODY) the highest level of LIGHT, which translates through integrity, love, respect, kindness, consideration and through Cosmic Harmonic Alignment, at all times for all of us here and to promote love, peace, unity and a much higher consciousness supportive reality, where the "old" (unconscious) is not a part of our "NEW". "I" am an individual who just happens to "do" a billion things to awaken, support, inspire, contribute and provide reSOURCEs, in order to assist all of HUmanity in living our highest existences (NEW Earth) together through Purity and Love too. For those who may desire to know, we (me and any HUman Souls physically supporting in accomplishing the daily work), personally do not gather/review/use your information for anything, other than replying to you as you have requested, sending newsletters/updates as requested, sending pertinent notifications regarding a product/service/course/item you've registered for/obtained, while providing the option at all times for you to unsubscribe, cancel any current memberships and request to no longer receive specific notifications by providing the information for us to do this. We are providing you with the names of websites/platforms/services we utilize, so that you can review their Privacy Policies with us as account holders, as well as you as visitors or subscribers regarding anything pertaining to our users/visitors, in order for you to review. Always holding the highest integrity in all that we do. We provide this information with love and out of respect to all of us and you.. ♥
Website Hosting: Weebly
Newsletter Service: Flodesk
Soundcloud: Cookies Policy
Mastery School Hosting: Thinkific (* Your Registration is your opt-in to sign up automatically for Newsletters from MailChimp)
If we find any others that are relative, we will update those here for you to access too. Click on any applicable service, to locate and review their Privacy Policies and Disclosures. Emails will be sent out accordingly, so all can re-optin in order to consciously choose to continue to receive supporting newsletters, announcements and updates through our email service.
We will update this section again with more information in order to assist you soon.
"WE" totally love, honor, respect and appreciate you and your presence, participation and contributions for all of HUmanity too!!! ♥
Newsletter Service: Flodesk
Soundcloud: Cookies Policy
Mastery School Hosting: Thinkific (* Your Registration is your opt-in to sign up automatically for Newsletters from MailChimp)
If we find any others that are relative, we will update those here for you to access too. Click on any applicable service, to locate and review their Privacy Policies and Disclosures. Emails will be sent out accordingly, so all can re-optin in order to consciously choose to continue to receive supporting newsletters, announcements and updates through our email service.
We will update this section again with more information in order to assist you soon.
"WE" totally love, honor, respect and appreciate you and your presence, participation and contributions for all of HUmanity too!!! ♥
Copyright 2009-Current ~ Lisa Transcendence Brown